Qualit y Sessions: Several local surfers took advantage of some quality waves Monday morning as a result of heightened offshore activity. See page 22 for more pictures. Photo by Nick Denny Count y Will Discuss Spor ts Complex See Page 4 • File Photo Tough Calls Ahead On OC Fireworks? See Page 6 • Photo by Chris Par ypa Will Pop-Up Rally Return Next Week? See Page 14 • Photo by Jim Halvorsen Serving Greater Delmarva Since 1984 www.mdcoastdispatch.com P r i c e l e s s S e p t e mb e r 1 6 , 2 0 2 2

Page 2 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch SERVING DELMARVA FOR 60 YEARS

September 16, 2022 Page 3The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch Sunday-ThursdayHOURS9am-9pmFriday-Saturday9am-10pmBREAKFASTMonday-Thursday9-11amFriday-Sunday9am-Noon 37314 LIGHTHOUSE ROAD | RT. 54, SELBYVILLE, DE • 302-988-5000/302-993-6959 HAPPY HOUR MON.-FRI.: DRINK SPECIALS NOON-5 P.M. NEW HAPPY HOUR FOOD MENU 2-5 P.M. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT RICK & REGINA FRIDAY 9/16 • 6 P.M. JOE SMOOTH WEDNESDAY 9/21 • 5 P.M. DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS CHECK OUR FACEBOOK PAGE EVERY DAY! NEW NFL SPECIALS! AN OCEAN CITY TRADITION SINCE 1976! 116th St. & Coastal Hwy., Ocean City, Md. 21842 • 410-723-2120 www.originalgreeneturtle.com instagram: theoriginalgreeneturtle facebook.com/theoriginalgreeneturtle OPENFOOTBALLON70+TVS!EVERYDAYAT11A.M.!LIVE MUSIC SAT. 11 P.M. WITH “NO BRAKES” WEEKBIKET’SNOWHERE EAT A DOG, SAVE A DOG! For every gourmet hot dog purchased during NFL games $1 will be donated to Worcester County Humane Society BeBop is an adult male pit bull terrier. BeBop is a sweet cuddlebug with lots of energy. He is pretty strong and he loves to play ... To apply for BeBop areBecomeworcestercountyhumanesociety.orgvisitorcall410-213-0146!amemberoftheWorcesterCountyHumaneSociety,whereyounotonlyhelpingcountlessanimalsinneedwithyourdonation,butyoualsobecomeamemberofourfamily!Getupdatesonupcomingevents,receiveournewsletter,andjoinusatourAnnualMembershipmeetinginMay!Whatareyouwaitingfor?Jointoday!

BERLIN – The Worcester County Commissioners are expected to consider a contract extension related to the purchase of land for a sports complex next week.On Tuesday, the commissioners are expected to discuss extending the contract related to the purchase of 95 acres next to Stephen Decatur High School for a sports complex. The proposed settlement date as of right now is the end of September. Much works remains to be done before proceeding, according to officials.“The commissioners still need to identify a source of funding,” Chief Administrative Officer Weston Young said. “They’ll need to extend the contract at the meeting on the 20th or else it will expire.”
“The Phase 2 study will include an update to the market and economic analysis released in November 2019, a site evaluation of the current site location under consideration, and a cost estimate of construction,” the MSA website reads. “The TOC will fully fund the cost of the
In the months since, county officials had an environmental site assessment completed. While it revealed no major issues with the property, the commissioners voted in August to spent $28,000 to have a consultant evaluate Route 50 access options for the site. There’s also been a change in plans as far as funding for the project. Though commissioners initially planned to buy the land with bond funds, the bond resolution eventually voted on didn’t include the word acquisition. At that point, staff confirmed that the commissioners would have to identify a different way to fund the $7.1 million purchase.Further complicating the issue is the
Mitrecic said he didn’t know when the study would be complete.
Page 4 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
In April, the commissioners voted 4-3 to pursue the purchase of a 95-acre site owned by the Harrison family to develop a sports complex. A settlement date of Sept. 29 was set for the $7.1 million sale.

study of Mitrecic$49,400.”saidthe study was expected to provide officials with the estimated cost of a facility as well as the ideal components of such a facility. He added that the MSA, as a result of bill passed during the last legislative session, also had funding to potentially support the project.
“The wheels of government sometimes grind very slowly,” he said.
“The People For Fiscal Responsibility, a ballot issue committee, was formed to bring the Worcester County Sports Complex issue to the voters of our county,” he said. “From the outset, we have maintained that we are not opposed to a sports complex, but we are opposed to the use of public funds to build and operate it. From its inception, we have seen flaws in the way this project unfolded and was approved by a slim majority of our county commissioners. We are trying to shed light on the myriad of issues associated with this Gisrielproject.”pointsto the varying costs tied to the“Weproject.attempted to have a dollar figure put on the ballot question to give voters who might be unfamiliar with the project some idea of the cost but to no avail,” he said. “The condensed statement on the ballot question is to read ‘The purpose of this question is to determine whether the County Commissioners may finance a portion of the costs of designing and constructing a Worcester County Sports Complex by issuing a bond.’ Why were we denied this reasonable request?”
Young, who noted the county talked about building a soccer complex as far back as the 1990s and allocated funds to study a sports complex in fiscal year 2017, said the referendum question was doing as intended — giving voters a chance to weigh in on the use of bond funding.“Theballot question, drafted in consultation with state election officials, is a concise and fair summary of the sevenpage bond bill,” he said.
Despite the array of moving parts, Commission President Joe Mitrecic, who supports the sport complex, said this week the primary reason the county was considering a contract extension related to the Maryland Stadium Authority (MSA). The MSA, at the request of the Town of Ocean City (TOC), is managing a Phase 2 feasibility study for a proposed new indoor fieldhouse and outdoor field complex in Ocean City.
He said the project was moving forward.“This spring we got accused of pushing it forward with no information,” he said. “Now we’re trying to do our due diligence and everybody’s asking why it’s taking so Mitreciclong.”saidon Tuesday the commissioners would be asked to vote on a contract extension, the length of which he said would be recommended by the county attorney.“It’saprocess,” he said. “We want to make sure we’re getting it right the first time.”Some community members, however, continue to question the county’s actions. Vince Gisriel, chairman of the community group that organized the petition for the referendum, recently wrote again to officials to express his concerns.
County To Discuss Proposed Sports Complex Contract Extension
“HB897 allows MSA to borrow up to $200 million for minor league stadiums and other sports entertainment facilities in Maryland and creates a $10 million fund to promote major sports events in Maryland,” the MSA website reads.
fact that a successful petition drive has made the issue of whether bond funding should be used for a sports complex a referendum question in this fall’s election.
September 16, 2022 Page 5The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

height of the pandemic and concerns about large crowds the event would draw in a small area. In 2021, the Fourth of July fireworks shows downtown and at Northside Park were set to return, but as the vendor’s crew was off-loading the pyrotechnics from a box truck on the beach at Dorchester Street, one of the explosives detonated, causing a chain reaction that set off other fireworks at the scene. The planned shows downtown and at Northside Park were canceled for safety.The
Page 6 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
essentially keep the existing RFP as is, however, with certain alterations proposed to offset increased challenges within the industry. What town officials have learned through discussions with fireworks vendors is Ocean City presents unique challenges for producing holiday shows.Onthe one hand, the downtown shows produced from the beach often create weather and wind challenges. The uptown shows at Northside Park involve shooting the pyrotechnics from the end of a narrow 900-foot pier that juts out into the bay. With the labor issues reported
Resort officials are now considering changes in the town’s request for proposal (RFP) for the fireworks shows on the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve.
town contracted this year with a new vendor to produce simultaneous fireworks shows downtown and at Northside
OCEAN CITY – With no fireworks shows on the Fourth of July this past summer for the third year in a row, resort officials this week grappled with changing the criteria for producing the displays. This summer, the Fourth of July fireworks shows were moved within days of the holiday to July 5 because the contracted vendor had labor issues in producing the two shows from the beach downtown and uptown at Northside Park. In 2020, the annual Fourth of July fireworks shows were canceled during the
‘Learning Curve’ Realized With OC Fireworks Displays
SEE PAGE 73 Wed-Fri 3pm to close Sat & Sun 12pm to close 11amThurs-Suntoclose

During Tuesday’s work session, Tourism and Business Development Director Tom Perlozzo and Special Events Director Frank Miller presented the proposed fireworks vendor RFP to the Mayor and Council. The recommendation was to
Park on the Fourth of July, but the vendor reported in June the shows could not be produced as planned because of a labor shortage in the industry. Instead, the town’s fireworks shows were condensed and moved to July 5.
September 16, 2022 Page 7The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch Paid for by Brian H. Clark Take a moment to thank a Police Officer for their service. SAFE STREETS + SAFE BOARDWALK = TOP FAMILY RESORT. OBEY OPEN CONTAINER LAWS CHOOSE YOUR RIDE. STRICT DUI ENFORCEMENT IS WAITING FOR YOU ... DRIVE SOBER. CALL A CAB.

McGean delved into several aspects of a proposed salary increase for the town’s elected officials, including a comparison of similarly-sized jurisdictions around the state. McGean’s research determined to town’s elected officials’ salaries were considerably lower than officials in other jurisdictions. Of course, Ocean City is somewhat unique in that its annual average population is comparatively low compared to other municipalities and jurisdictions around the state, but the town swells to the second largest municipality in Maryland during the peak summer season and much of the shoulderAfterseasons.careful research, McGean presented his findings to the Mayor and Council during Tuesday’s work session. The recommendation includes increasing the mayor’s salary from the current $30,000 to $50,000. Under the recommendations, a councilmember’s salary would increase from the current $10,000 to $20,000, while the council president’s salary would increase from the current $11,000 to $23,000.
Again, when considered in terms of population in comparison to similarly sized jurisdictions, the proposed pay increases for the Mayor and Council would still fall at or near other municipalities.

Late last year, it was brought up that the salaries of the town’s elected officials should be increased, or the pay hike should at least be explored. Currently, Ocean City councilmembers earned $10,000 per year, while the mayor’s position earns $30,000. The salaries were last increased in 1989.
Page 8 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
To that end, then-City Manager Doug Miller began research into a proposed salary increase for the town’s elected officials. Since then, Miller has been replaced by City Manager Terry McGean, who picked up the research in order to make recommendations on a proposed salary hike for the Mayor and Council.
While on the surface, the proposed increases would exceed 100% in some cases, McGean explained a variety of factors for the recommendations. For example, if the consumer price index (CPI) since the last Mayor and Council pay raise in 1989 was considered, the recommended mayor’s salary would be over $71,000, while councilmembers would earn over $23,000 and the council president would earn over $26,000, all of which are considerably lower than what was recommended.
Ocean City Voters To Make Call On Officials’ Salaries


OCEAN CITY – It remains to be seen if the resort’s Mayor and Council will get their first pay raise in over three decades, but if it happens, it will be because the town’s voters support the hike.

Photo by Sarah Zaia
Photo by Sarah Zaia
September 16, 2022 Page 9The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch American & Regional Dining With A Global Influence 60TH STREET IN THE BAY 410-524-5500fagers.com

Photo by Sarah Zaia

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Meehan said he has learned anecdotally that many of the Boardwalk and downtown accommodations were already filling up in advance of the three-day festival later this month. He said many of those concertgoers will be able to walk back and forth between the venues and not have to rely on mass transit. Many others will rely on rideshare platforms such as Uber, and others will ride bikes to the various concerts.“Itsounds like all of the Boardwalk hotels are full,” he said. “We’re going to have a tremendous number of people walking around downtown in and around this event. People know what the expectations are. We’ll do the best we
Oceans Calling Traffic Discussed
of. We’re making all of the arrangements.”Transit Manager Rob Shearman agreed the town would be putting out every bus and every driver it had available during the three-day weekend concert series and hoped it would be enough to handle the exiting crowds.
“We can’t have every bus available heading to 146th Street,” he said. “We’re going to deploy for the most buses in the high demand areas. Some will probably do a flip at the convention center and some will do a flip at 94th Street. We’ll keep the buses heading downtown to keep people moving.”Mayor Rick Meehan said the town’s transit system would simply have to do the best it can during the three-day event, which he compared to a major sporting event with tens of thousands of people exiting around the same time.“We just need to tell people relying on our transit system to expect delays,” he said. “This is a major event and people realize that. It’s like leaving a Ravens game. We’re going to do everything we can.”
During Tuesday’s Transportation Committee meeting, members debated if the town’s municipal transit system would be able to meet the demand during the three-day event. It’s no secret the Town of Ocean City, like most jurisdictions, has struggled with staffing issues for many of its departments including transportation all summer and, as a result has seen fewer deployments although ridership has been fairly consistent. Operations Manager George Peake said during Tuesday’s meeting every available driver and bus would be deployed during the three-day Oceans Calling music festival, particularly at closing time. Peake said the town advertises expected wait times, but that will be challenging during the festival. He also said service will be provided to the Park-and-Ride facility in West Ocean City to bring in and drop off concertgoers.“We’re going to be putting more out there on the road than we’re actually publishing,” he said. “The Parkand-Ride service will be taken care
The event is expected to draw 40,000 people to the resort over the weekend, which will likely create some logistical challenges for the town’s transportation system, especially when the concerts for the major acts conclude each night. The conventional thinking is fans will trickle into the threestage venues throughout each day, but the larger events in prime time will draw the biggest crowds and create exit challenges for concertgoers and the town attempting to accommodate them.Ithas already been decided the Boardwalk trams will not run during the Oceans Calling weekend because of the congestion issues they can cause on a Boardwalk that will likely be flooded with the show’s fans following the concerts. Last week, the Mayor and Council voted to allow bicycles on the Boardwalk during the course of the event, although it was decided most would likely have to walk their bikes until they got through the congested areas.
OCEAN CITY – With the highlyanticipated Oceans Calling three-day music festival later this month rapidly approaching, resort officials this week worked on the plan for public transportation alternatives when the throngs of people leave the venues eachThenight.inaugural
“We’re going to be running as much as we can staff,” he said. “There is no number of buses that will probably be enough when those big concerts let out.”Shearman said the municipal bus supervisors and dispatchers would likely have to be creative in the deployment of the available transit system resources. That could require quicker turnaround times to get buses back into the downtown area.
Oceans Calling threeday music festival featuring several nationally known and popular acts is set for September 30-October 2 in and around the Inlet and the fishing pier. The concerts will go on each day and all day, culminating with the major acts, including Dave Matthews, the Lumineers, Alanis Morrisette and OAR, for example, each night.
Page 10 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
It’scan.”not unusual for the town to ramp up its mass transit resources for major events, but the Oceans Calling festival promises to create unique challenges. City Manager Terry McGean likened the Oceans Calling closing time to a typical Fourth of July fireworks show ending rather than the popular OC Air Show.“It’s not like the air show, which is much more spread out,” he said. “You can see it from miles around. This is a more concentrated site. It’s going to be more like the Fourth of July when the fireworks are over.”

September 16, 2022 Page 11The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch KITCHEN OPEN UNTIL 1 A.M. NIGHTLY (28th Street Only) 28TH STREET • 410-289-2020 ~ 127TH STREET • 443-664-7482HAPPYWWW.PITANDPUB.COMHOUREVERYDAY3-6 P.M. OPEN DAILY 11 A.M. DINE ON OUR NEW ROOFTOP DECK!PIT-N-PUBWELCOMEBIKERS 25763 Rumbley Rd, Westover, MD 21871 (410) 651-1110 Open: Wed. & Thurs. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri.-Sun. 11 a.m.-Til’ Closed Mon. & Tues. RAVENS VS DOLPHINS SUNDAY 1 P.M. TAKE A RIDE DOWN TO RUMBLEY & CHECK OUT OUR NEWEST WATERFRONT LOCATION! GoosePit-N-PubCreek 28thPit-N-PubStreet

tion of property and two counts of reckless endangerment. Following a threeday jury trial in Worcester County Circuit Court this week, a trial presided over by Worcester County Circuit Court Judge Beau Oglesby, the jury returned guilty verdicts on all counts after deliberating for about an Worcesterhour.County Fire Marshal Matt Owens thanked the tireless efforts of internal and allied investigators that spent hundreds of hours bringing the case to trial including the Fire Marshal’s Office, the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, the Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office K-9 division, the Ocean City Police Department Forensic Investigation Unit and the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office, which all played a significant role in the successful adjudication in the case against Cropper. A presentence investigation and psychological evaluation of Cropper was ordered before sentencing.

Jury Convicts Local Man Of Arson In Last Year’s Harbor Fire
Shortly after the fire, the Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office concluded the cause was arson and an investigation was initiated. Last November, a warrant was issued for John Edward Cropper, 57, of West Ocean City, who was identified as the suspect and is wellknown by many locals in the area for purposely setting fires over the last several
In January 2011, Cropper was sentenced to 10 years with all but 18 months suspended for attempting to set fire to a brick office building at the old Cropper Concrete plant on 1st Street.
Cropper is well known to long-time residents of the resort area for his notorious arson spree in November and December of 1986 that included six major blazes, causing millions of dollars in damage and keeping an entire town on edge for several Cropperweeks.wascharged with arson for
setting six fires in 1986 including the Ocean Village apartments on 78th Street on Nov. 5, 1986; a home at 77th Street on Nov. 7; a home at 73rd Street on Nov. 11; and a residence on 74th Street on Nov. 12. After setting four fires in seven days, Cropper’s spree inexplicably stopped for a month, leading investigators to believe it was over, but Cropper was at it again with a fire at the Four Winds apartments on Dec. 12, 1986 followed by another fire at a residence on 71st Street on Dec. 26.Cropper, a 1983 graduate of Stephen Decatur, had been a fire cadet in high school and was a probationary member of the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company for about a year when the arson spree began. Cropper was arrested in April 1987 after detectives had compiled enough evidence to charge him for at least six of the blazes in the resort during the time frame. In October 2007, Cropper pleaded guilty but not criminally responsible to setting five fires in Ocean City.The plea was accepted based on a diagnosis by a state forensic psychiatrist that Cropper suffered from pyromania, a disorder characterized by an intense fascination with setting fires. Cropper was sent to the Clifton Perkins State Psychiatric Hospital in Jessup where he was supposed to remain indefinitely until such time as he was cured of the disorder and doctors were of the opinion he would no longer be a threat to himself or others.
Around 1:50 a.m. on June 22, 2021, the fire was reported on Harbor Road in West Ocean City adjacent to the commercial harbor. Fire companies from around the area responded to fight the blaze, which destroyed a home and a boathouse and damaged three other
OCEAN CITY – A Worcester County Circuit Court jury wasted little time deliberating on Wednesday, returning guilty verdicts on all charges against a notorious resort area arsonist in last summer’s West Ocean City blaze.
homes. Two firefighters were injured while battling the blaze.
Adecades.Worcester County grand jury indicted Cropper on two counts of first-degree arson, one count of second-degree arson, three counts of malicious destruc-
Page 12 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Woody Bunting said there’d

… I believe there should be language in here to tighten it up, to say it needs to be owner occupied. I think we missed that. The discussion all along was owner oc-

cupied. That means if I am owning the property I need to be there when it’s beingEngelhartrented.” said his intent with the ordinance – one he thought was shared by the majority of the council – was to draft an ordinance to prevent real estate companies from buying blocks of residences in town and putting in short-term rentals.“The idea of the permanent residence restriction in the R-1 and the R-2 was that we protect those neighborhoods where we don’t have your house, your neighbor’s house and the third house … bought up by a real estate investment company just to have short-term rentals. The way to ensure that was to have the 180-day restriction with the state … the other idea was there are a lot of people, a lot of them older people, who spend time in Florida … in order to make it possible for them to keep their home in Berlin – which they want to do – they want to be able to rent it on a short-term rental or someone who never leaves the town the ability to rent a bedroom or two in their home… that was to my recollection the way the discussions went and the vote.”During Monday night’s meeting, Kristin and Devon Potler said they lived in the Baltimore area but owned a home on Old Ocean City Boulevard that they’d upgraded after it sat vacant for years.“We sunk well over $200,000 in this
“In the entire time we were discussing this ordinance, the words that were being thrown around were ‘owner occupied.’ That came up constantly and that was the desire of the council. That’s what we wanted. The way this ordinance reads is in R-1 and R-2 it has to be your perma nent residence,” Knerr said. “… to me the intent was the owner had to be present in the property when there was a tenant. Otherwise, you haven’t done anything, and you can rent your place to whoever.
been a lot of discussion about an owneroccupied provision early on in short-term rental talks. In the ordinance subsequent ly approved however, and in the one und er consideration this week, there’s not an owner-occupied provision but rather a permanent residence provision. In the R1 and R-2 districts, homes can be used for short-term rentals as long as they’re the homeowner’s primary residence per stateBuntingrecords.said an owner-occupied prov ision would be more effective.
Berlin Approves Revised Short-Term Rental Ordinance
410-213-CAKE (2253) • www.Thecrabcakes.com OPEN: 11am-8pm Everyday • Closed on Tuesdays Route 611 West OC | Next to Food Lion WELCOME BIKERS! FREE (1) Ear of Local “Thompson Farms Produce” Street Corn made fresh in-house with Purchase of a Crab Cake Sandwich or Platter (1 per coupon per person) Expires 9/25/22 MCD “ An Eastern Shore Tradition” We Do Crab Cakes & Crab Balls For Any Party Needs

Councilwoman Shaneka Nichols, who is an educator, said there were numerous teachers at her school who couldn’t afford to live in Berlin. Instead they drive to work every day 30 minutes or more. She said there was definitely a market for long-term rentals in town.“There are people here that would rent your home tonight,” she said.
September 16, 2022 Page 13The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
They said they hoped to see some leniency or a way for existing short-term rentals to be grandfathered in to ease the financialAnotherimpact.longtime resident, however, said she didn’t buy her home here to have transient neighbors. She said if someone wanted a way to afford a second home in Berlin they could offer it as a regular year-round rental.
“You’re not protecting these districts,” he said. “Right now you’re opening it up to more Duringrentals.”acouncil meeting Sept. 6 on the ordinance’s first reading, Councilman Jay Knerr questioned whether the council’s true intent with the ordinance came through in the finished product.
Knerr said he’d heard that if a home was owned by an LLC, as many shortterm rentals were, it could not be listed with the state as a permanent residence. Potler said in his family’s case, they’d have to dissolve their business.
property, now it’s going to be ripped away from us,” Devon Potler said.


When the council approved the shortterm rental ordinance earlier this year, language permitting short-term rentals in permanent residences in all districts was included. The council only meant to ensure that short-term rentals in the R-1 and R-2 single family home districts were in permanent residences.
BERLIN – Town officials approved a new short-term rental ordinance after an error was identified in the initial version.
Cam Bunting, a local real estate broker, added that the Potlers could rent for other periods as well, such as three months.“Then you’re not a short-term rental,” she said. “That is an option for you.”
To fix the language, the council had to introduce a new version of the short-term rental ordinance. During a public hearing on the latest ordinance Monday, property owners in attendance took the opportunity to again share their opinions regarding short-term rental regulations. While some residents said they wanted to see even stricter regulations, others in attendance said the only way they could afford their second homes in Berlin was to rent them short-term.Resident
The council voted unanimously to approve the updated short-term rental ordinance.
“It’s basically a text amendment,” said Dave Engelhart, the town’s planning director. “A correction to Ordinance 202206 which was put into place by the council in March of 2022.”
While the Berlin Town Council approv ed a short-term rental ordinance this spring, officials approved a new version this week to correct language mistakenly included in the initial version.
OCPD officials said this week the social media intelligence shows the pop-up rally participants have organized events in New Jersey and North Carolina next weekend, but indications are a large number could make Ocean City a stopping point. After a particularly troublesome event four years ago, the Town of Ocean City formed a motor vehicle special event task force to begin exploring ways to curb some of the behavior associated with the event.The task force reconvened last Friday to outline plans for a possible return next weekend. The plans include the implementation of the special event zone beginning next Tuesday, Sept. 20 and running through Sunday, Sept. 25. The special event zone will include lower speed limits, altered traffic patterns at times and a strong police presence including a fully-staffed OCPD and its allied partners including the Maryland State Police, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and other agencies from around the state.
OCEAN CITY – It remains to be seen if the annual September pop-up motorized event materializes next weekend, but resort officials are prepared nonetheless.Forseveral years, a motorized special event formerly known as H2Oi popped up each late September in the resort, often with disturbing results. While the formal H2Oi even has long since moved out of the resort area to Atlantic City and other locations, the annual September pop-up motor vehicle event has continued to be a troublesome weekend in the resort although the annual rally has been tamer in recent years. Last year, arrests, citations issued and tows were down considerably from the prior year, suggesting possibly the annual pop-up rally has begun to run its course in Ocean City.However, despite the considerable drop-off in the lawless behavior associated with the event last year, town officials, the Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) and its allied law enforcement partners are preparing as if the event is returning next week. With the Oceans Calling music festival set for the last weekend in September, the conventional thinking is the pop-up car rally participants will be coming next weekend if at all.

Resort Prepared For Pop-Up Rally If Vehicles Come
At the outset of last Friday’s motor vehicle special event task force meeting, Mayor Rick Meehan reflected on
Page 14 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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OC Police Chief: ‘We Never Want To Let Our Guard Down’ PAGE 66

said. “We met with a lot of resistance for our own local courtesy bill and now other jurisdictions around the state are trying to copy what we’ve been able to accomplish. I ask you to consider continuing this strong relationship.”
State Senator Mary Beth Carozza (R-38), who represents Ocean City and Worcester County, agreed.
where the task force began and how far it has“Whencome.you look back, it’s impressive what we’ve accomplished in a few short years,” he said. “All of this came out of what we experienced in 2015 and 2016. It took a couple of years to make some significant progress.”
September 16, 2022 Page 15The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Meehan said the first significant step in the process was getting the special event zone legislation with lower speed limits and enhanced penalties for certain offenses pushed through the General Assembly. The mayor said while Ocean City was on the cutting edge with special event zone legislation, other jurisdictions experiencing similar problems with certain special events are starting to follow suit.
OCPD Chief Ross Buzzuro promised the same level of law enforcement, police presence and intensity as in recent years, including last year when arrests, citations and tows all diminished significantly during the September popup “Weevent.never want to let our guard down,” he said. “I feel like we’ve made tremendous progress. It’s important that we continue to do the same things we have been doing. I want to maintain the same level of police presence and enforcement because we’ve come a long way and continue to accomplish ourWhilegoals.”much of the task force meeting focused on the unsanctioned popup event, the fall Endless Summer Cruisin event was also discussed. The spring and fall Cruisin events often draw the same type of hangers-on and unregistered participants as the other
“Here we are five years later,” she
“We got the special event zone legislation pushed through and then we amended it,” he said. “It took some convincing at first. Now, we’re seeing some other jurisdictions around the state facing the same issues and they are following our lead.”

In addition to biker games, raffles, vendors, motivational speakers and K9 exhibitions, OC AdventureFest will feature the Ocean City Gun Show, presented by Showmasters, Boom Boom Firearms Training, the Mid-Atlantic
And while the trio is no longer involved in those events, Sutherland said it was the connections made at these motorcycle rallies and relationships with the Hogs and Heroes Foundation – a nonprofit community of motorcycle riders that support public safety, U.S. military and Wounded Warriors – that ultimately spurred the creation of OC AdventureFest.“Wehadagreat relationship and [founder] Andy Mutchler came to us and said, ‘We have a great idea about an event,’” he Sutherlandrecalled.saiditwas during this conversation that Mutchler pitched the idea for a festival to be held in the days following Bike Week.
Saturday’s biker games and K-9 exhibition, as well as a memorial service and prayer, will be free and open to the public.But Sutherland noted OC AdventureFest is more than an entertainment opportunity. Organizers will be giving away 20% of proceeds, including a portion of ticket sales, to nonprofits that support military and law enforcement, including Maryland C.O.P.S., U.S. Kennels, Patriot Point, Ocean City Helping Heroes Foundation, and the Hogs and Heroes Foundation.“Thisisabout our charities,” he said, “supporting our law enforcement and military nonprofits while having a good time.”For more information, or to purchase show or concert tickets, visit ocadventurefest.com. Organizers say they hope to make OC AdventureFest a yearly event.
With a strong police and military presence in town for a festival, organizers are hoping to deter some of the activity associated with the unsanctioned popup car rally, which is expected to return the same week.
between.“Itwill be in one, if not two, of their shows next year …,” Sutherland said. “They will be filming during the exhibitions.”Organizers say admission to the outdoor, sports and guns shows will give attendees access to all the events taking place inside the Ocean City convention center, the host for next week’s festival, while tickets can be purchased for any of the three concerts.
“There’s usually only a few of those in the whole country,” Sutherland noted. Organizers report the show will also feature a memorial ride and walk to honor Corporal Glenn Hilliard.
“On Saturday, Hogs and Heroes and Rommel Harley Davidson, our title sponsor, are doing a memorial ride and walk honoring Corporal Hilliard,” Sutherland explained. “The ride leaves from Rommel Harley Davidson and will arrive at the convention center, while a walk to the Boardwalk and back will honor our men in Roundingblue.” out the festival will be a concert series, which will be held at the Performing Arts Center over the course of three Performancesnights. kick off with Lonestar and special guest Dave Bray USA on Sept. 22, followed by Kashmir the Live Led Zeppelin Show with special guest Dave Bray USA on Sept. 23 and Priscilla Block with special guest Lauren Weintraub on Sept. 24.
Page 16 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
OCEAN CITY – Organizers of a new festival say they are hoping to replace the unsanctioned pop-up car rally with a weekend of fun and support for military and law enforcement organizations.Next week, military and law enforcement personnel, residents and visitors are invited to take part in OC AdventureFest, a four-day festival to benefit first responders and service members and theirHeldfamilies.Sept. 22-25, the event will feature an outdoor, sports and gun show, K-9 exhibitions, concerts, a memorial ride, and more.

“Our goal is to get this event up and running,” said co-organizer Cliff Sutherland, “bringing economic impact to Ocean City while providing law enforcement and military with their own week and deterring unsanctioned H20i participants.”OCAdventureFest organizers Rebekah Jones, Mike Alexander and Sutherland are no strangers to producing and executing successful events. In addition to their past involvement with the MountainFest Motorcycle Rally in Morgantown, W. Va., the friends are three of the four founders of OC BikeFest.
Sports & Outdoor Show, and a gun auction, which will be held from noon to 3 p.m., Friday, Sept. 23.
“They are truly amazing musicians and singers,” Sutherland said.
OC AdventureFest To Support Police, Military Nonprofits
“We’re all getting together to make Ocean City the place for military and law enforcement to come while also getting rid of the unsanctioned H2Oi event,” Sutherland said.
In addition, the festival will feature an appearance by the crew of Unleashed: Dogs Without Limits, a television show highlighting hunting dogs, police K-9s, military working dogs and everything in
“We did this [timeframe] once before when Delmarva Power upgraded their transmission line,” Lawrence said. “It just worked out really well.”
The repair that needs to be made is the result of oil leaking from the substation’s transformer through its gauges and into the con trol“Thepanel.substation is the main point of power that serves the town,” Lawrence said.
He added that most refrigerators were capable of keeping food cold six to eight hours even when the power was off as long as their doors weren’t opened too often.

“We’ll be doing multiple things while it’s shut down,” Lawrence said.And while the oil leak hasn’t majorly impacted operations yet, he said the town wanted to ensure it was addressed before it did.
Municipal officials are advising the town’s electric customers that their power will be out Saturday, Sept. 17, from roughly 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. The outage will allow crews to make a necessary repair to Berlin’s substation.“Therepair requires the entire substation be out of service,” said Tim Lawrence, the town’s electric utilityLawrencedirector.has been talking about the need for the substation repair for weeks. When it came time to set the actual date, he said a Sat urday was decided on so that the outage wouldn’t impact the work week or church on Sunday. Because the work is expected to take four to six hours, residents should plan on power being out from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m.
Town officials have been sharing news of the planned repair on social media as well as on the town’s website and on utility bills. A rain date for the work is set for Oct. 8.
He said the repair was expected to be straightforward and that crews would perform routine maintenance to the substation while power was shut down. This will be the first time crews have been able to do that in nearly 10 years.
“We’re aware of it and want to repair it before something does happen,” he said. “To do that you’ve got to de-energize the entire substation.”Thetown has compiled a list of frequently asked questions on its website for customers concerned about the outage.

September 16, 2022 Page 17The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
BERLIN – The town’s electric customers will experience a planned outage Sept. 17.


Berlin PlannedRemindedCitizensOfOutage

Page 18 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

September 16, 2022 Page 19The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Woman Charged With Assault
Assault, DUI Arrest
Around 2:50 a.m. last Thursday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to the area of 1st Street and Baltimore Avenue for a reported theft and assault. Officers met with the complainant, who advised two male suspects, later identified as Gage Heverly, 21, of Altoona, Pa., and Elisha Vann, 24, of Johnstown, Pa., took fence posts from a white fence and tried to fight with them, according to police
Back at 5th Street, two witnesses reportedly told OCPD officers they had observed Rivera-Garcia assault his girlfriend in the red Volkswagen. The witness was able to provide a description of the suspect and the vehicle and reported it headed north on Baltimore Avenue, according to police reports.
Two Arrested For Theft
OCEAN CITY – Two Pennsylvania men were arrested last week after allegedly assaulting a victim and taking his property before ditching it in the downtown area.
OCPD officers arrived and made contact with a male victim, who reported he and his girlfriend, later identified as Kelly Johnson, 35, of Allentown, Pa., had just arrived in Ocean City for a stay when she
Woman Found On Floor

Page 20 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Thereports.complainant pointed to a white fence at a nearby hotel, according to police reports. The clerk at the nearby hotel advised Heverly and Vann had just gone upstairs but that they did not have any fence posts with them. The officer observed Heverly and Vann exiting the hotel lobby and instructed them to sit down.
The complainant reportedly told police he and his friends were playing and pushing each other around when out of nowhere and without provocation Heverly approached and punched him in the face, according to police reports. The victim reported a brief fight ensued and Heverly and Vann grabbed fence posts from the nearby hotel.
Heverly and Vann each told the officer they had been “jumped” by nine foreigners. Vann had a clothes hanger in his shorts, which he told officers he grabbed because the fight was nine versus two, according to police reports. Both Heverly and Vann had various abrasions, according to police reports.
The victim told police his friends pulled him away and the fight dissipated, but he noticed his jacket and bag had been stolen during the fray. The victim reportedly told police he observed Heverly and Vann ditch his property in the area of 2nd Street and Baltimore Avenue and he was able to
Around 5:25 a.m. last Tuesday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers were dispatched to the area of 6th Street for a reported burglary in progress. Ocean City Communications advised a female suspect had entered the residence and was in the kitchen area, according to police reports. The suspect reportedly entered the residence through a rear sliding door. OCPD officers arrived and met with a male occupant of the residence, who advised the female suspect, later identified as Ashley Warren, 20, of Dundalk, Md.,

OCEAN CITY – A Pennsylvania woman was arrested last weekend after allegedly assaulting her boyfriend at a downtown residence.Around 11:07 p.m. last Friday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to a residence on Plover Drive for a reported domestic assault. The complainant advised Ocean City Communications he heard a woman crying in an adjacent unit, according to police reports.
OCEAN CITY – A Dundalk, Md., woman was arrested last week after being found lying on the kitchen floor with no pants on in a downtown residence in which she did not belong.

retrieveOfficersit. located both of the missing fence posts near the hotel. Heverly and Vann were each arrested. Heverly was charged with theft and second-degree assault. Vann was charged with theft.
Officers quickly located the vehicle in the rear parking lot of a hotel on 11th Street. OCPD officers observed a male later identified as Ronald Rivera-Garcia standing next to the vehicle, according to police reports. When asked if he had been drinking, Rivera-Garcia, 33, of Springfield, Va., reportedly responded he had a couple of beers. Rivera-Garcia was requested to submit to a battery of field sobriety tests, which he did not complete to the officers’ satisfaction, and he was arrested on suspicion of driving while impaired.
The victim reportedly had scratches on his chest, neck and face and bruising near his left eye. The victim advised Johnson had head-butted him, according to police reports. OCPD officers interviewed Johnson, who reportedly told them the couple had been arguing and then admitted to assaulting the victim. Johnson reportedly told police she slapped the victim, causing his injuries, according to police reports. Johnson was arrested and charged with second-degree assault. A search of her person revealed nothing of evidentiary value, according to police reports.
assaulted him, according to police reports.
OCEAN CITY – A Virginia man was arrested last week after allegedly assaulting his girlfriend inside a vehicle in the downtownAroundarea.12:35 a.m. last Tuesday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers were dispatched to the area of 5th Street for a reported domestic assault that had occurred. Ocean City Communications advised a red Volkswagen had left the parking lot of a motel on 5th Street and was heading north on Baltimore Avenue.
At 5th Street, OCPD officers reportedly observed a female walking while screaming on the phone. When questioned, the female, who had visible abrasions in the area of her collarbone, denied there had been an altercation and that she only wanted to return to her hotel room, according to police reports. Rivera-Garcia was arrested and charged with second-degree assault and driving while impaired, according to police reports.
Around 5:40 p.m. last Thursday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers were dispatched to a motel at 22nd Street for a reported violation of a protective order. Officers met with a female victim who advised a male she was familiar with came to the hotel in which she was staying and slashed the tires of her bicycle, according to police reports. The victim reportedly told police she had a protective order against
OCPD officers entered the unit and observed Warren lying on the floor covered with a blanket, according to police reports. The officers escorted Warren out of the condo and had her sit on the steps. When asked her name, she was only able to provide her first and middle names, according to police reports.

The victim said despite the protective order, Widener had texted her at least six times and attempted to call her at least three times, according to police reports. Widener was located and arrested for malicious destruction of property, stalking and violating a protective order.
was lying on the kitchen floor with no pants on, according to police reports.
Protective Order Violated

OCEAN CITY – A local man was arrested last week after allegedly slashing his ex-girlfriend’s bicycle tires and violating a protective order.
OCEAN CITY – A Huntingtown, Md., man was arrested last weekend after first allegedly assaulting his girlfriend at a downtown hotel and later screaming expletives at the officers attempting to remove him from the premises.

When asked where she was supposed to be, Warren reportedly told officers she was in the right place and that she had been in her bed. Warren exhibited signs of intoxication, according to police reports. She was arrested at that point and charged with fourth-degree burglary.
OCPD officers interviewed the male occupant of the residence, who advised he had been sleeping when he heard Warren crying in the kitchen. The victim told police he observed the rear sliding door to be open with a pair of jeans lying next to it. The victim told police he observed Warren lying on the kitchen floor with no pants on and covered her with a blanket.
The witness, a hotel employee, told officers he watched the video surveillance and observed Widener slashing the tires of bicycles on a bike rack, according to policeThereports.victim provided police with a protective order against Widener that had been issued in June. The witness told police Widener had driven through the motel parking lot at least three times and looked at her as if he wanted to cause her bodily harm, according to police reports.
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September 16, 2022 Page 21The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Based on the evidence, Piovesan was arrested and charged with second-degree assault at that point. As OCPD officers were escorting Piovesan through the hotel lobby, he began screaming “[expletive deleted] pigs,” and that the officers “smelled like bacon,” and other racially-charged vul-

Officers responded back to the hotel room on the ninth floor, and Piovesan was reportedly irate and yelling. On their second visit, OCPD officers observed abrasions on the female victim. When questioned, Piovesan admitted pushing the victim onto a bed about two hours earlier.
The officers made contact with the male, later identified as Joshua Piovesan, 22, of Huntingtown, Md. Officers met with a female victim, who told them she and Piovesan had been in a verbal argument, but she did not remember if he had pushed her, according to police reports. The victim told police the couple was arguing because he could not locate the keys to his vehicle.Officers searched for Piovesan’s vehicle in the parking lot of a nightclub on 49th Street and located it. The female victim told officers everything was okay, and the alleged assault had been more of a mental assault. Convinced everything was okay, officers cleared the scene with no action taken, according to police reports.
room on the ninth floor and could hear a male’s raised voice coming from the unit, according to police reports.
the suspect, identified as Adam Widener, 39, of Ocean City.
However, before one officer left the scene, he got another call from Ocean City Communications the female victim had called back and wanted Piovesan removed from the room. When questioned, Piovesan admitted pushing the victim onto a bed, according to police reports.
Hotel Assault Arrest
garities, according to police reports. Additional charges of disorderly conduct were tacked on to the initial second-degree assault charge, according to police reports.
Around 3:05 a.m. last Sunday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to a Boardwalk hotel at 16th Street for a reported possible domestic assault. OCPD officers responded to the

Surf’s Up: Local surfers had a memorable few days earlier this week as a result of an offshore storm kicking up nice waves. Pictured are shots from last weekend when a local photographer took his camera for a swim to document the sessions.

Page 22 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Photos by Nick Denny

September 16, 2022 Page 23The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

knupp Family support continues:

Submitted Photos (SomeHand-Pattied1/2-Price-1/2-Pound(SomeHappyUNTILMONDAY:6P.M.HourWingsFlavorsNotAvailable)TUESDAY:UNTIL6P.M.$2Beef,PorkOrChickenTacos$3TecateWEDNESDAY:UNTIL6P.M.BurgersBurgersDoNotApply)(FoodSpecialsWithPurchaseOfBeverage-SomeRestrictionsApply) 8th street & philadelphia ave. 410-289-4891 •picklesoc.com open year-round every day 8th st. liquors open every day HAPPINESS HAPPY HOUR MONDAY-FRIDAY 3-6PM SUNDAY FUNDAY Food & Drink Specials Beats By Styler W/ Late Night Happy Hour Drinks Monday 9:30pm Karaoke w/ Wood $2 Natty Lights $3 Grenades 10pm Tuesday 9:30pm Beats By Wax $4 Seltzers $4 Deep Eddy Shots 10pm Wednesday Weekly Select Craft Beer 6pm Beats By Deogee 9:30pm Thursday 9:30pm Beats By Wax $2.50 Domestics $3 Grenades $4 White Tea Shots 10pm WELCOME BIKERS! Friday 9:30pm Beats By Deogee Saturday 9:30pm The Dunehounds 1 p.m. Whiskey Revival 5:30 p.m. Dust N Bones 10 p.m. Sunday 9:30pm Beats By Deogee Open Wednesday-Sunday • Fenwick Island • U.S.A. • 302-436-230554 Reservations RecommendedHappyHoursDailyThroughout!11:30a.m-5p.m.Drink&FoodSpecials

About a dozen protestors turned out last Friday in Snow Hill in front of the Worcester County Circuit Court in a public show of support for the family of Gavin Knupp, who was killed in a hit-and-run collision two months ago on Grays Corner Road. The concerned citizens held up signs with messages like “9 weeks no arrest,” “Justice For Gavin,” “Do it for Gavin,” “Gavin’s Life Matters” and “Arrest Them All.” At right are some of the individuals with their messages in Snow Hill.

Page 24 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
During the month of August, Poolside Bar and Grill on 4th Street and Baltimore Avenue announced it would donate half of the proceeds from its What A Melon specialty cocktail to the Knupp family. Earlier this month, owners Jax and Kay Hayes presented a $3,000 check to the Knupp family, which plans to use the funds to improve the Ocean Pines skate park. A large benefit is being planned at the skate park on Oct. 22 with the goal to be renaming the park after Gavin Knupp. Pictured, above from left, are Justin Hess, Lauren Bramble, Tiffany and Ray Knupp, Jax and Kay Hayes, Abi Anderson, Hunter McEntaffer and Nate Bowden. Not pictured were Jon Manner, Miranda Hutchings, Frankie Ritsua and Jen Pavinsk.Additionally, the Crab Bag announced this week it would be raising funds for the Knupp family, donating a portions of all specialty Bike Week cocktails.

September 16, 2022 Page 25The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Ocean Police Activity Declined For
OCPD Cpl. Jeff Heiser is pictured on bike patrol with the body-worn camera on his uniform.
OPEN 10AM DAILY • INSIDE & OUTSIDE DINING AVAILABLE For Carry-Out Call 410-213-0448 or Online www.shimpboatoc.com Check Out Our Daily Carry-Out Specials On Facebook • Full Menu Available Route 611 - On The Road To Assateague • 1/2 Mile South Of Rt. 50 • 9724 Stephen Decatur Hwy. • Ocean City, MD 21842 Weekdays 11am-3pm DINE-IN ALL CANYOUEAT $$1.99PERCRAB1.99PERCRABWELCOME BIKERS

When comparing 2020 to 2022, Buzzuro also pointed out suspicious person/activity calls had decreased from
199 to 109, while alcohol violations had decreased from 132 to 65 and domestic disputes had decreased from 158 to 68.
OCEAN CITY – Police statistics for the month of August revealed fewer calls for service and a decrease in city ordinance violations and domestic disputes, among other things.
“I say that not as an excuse, but as an explanation as to us continuing our enforcement efforts,” he said. “We’ll certainly do our very best.”
The police department’s aggressive campaign to launch a body-worn camera program came last year after a series of highly publicized Boardwalk incidents in which the agency’s use of force was called into question. In two cases, attempts to issue citations for vaping on the Boardwalk ended with physical confrontations between OCPD officers and the suspects, and the online circulation of cellphone footage showing snippets of the incidents.
Last year, the Maryland General Assembly passed legislation mandating law enforcements agencies to use bodyworn cameras by 2025. Last July, however, the OCPD announced plans to launch a program by the start of the 2022 summer season.

In an update this week, Buzzuro said the body-worn cameras have proved to be an asset to the department.
“They’ve been working really well,” he said. “The number of interactions that have been captured, we are glad they have been captured. It really tells the tale of what truly occurred and not just a rendition or partial account.”
City Reports
Photo by Campos Media
On Monday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) Chief Ross Buzzuro presented members of the Ocean City Police Commission with his report on police activity for the month of August.
“All in all, within the top 25, most have seen decreases,” he said. “There isn’t really a line item that jumps out at us.”Under August enforcement, custodial arrests decreased 23% from 298 in 2020 to 228 in 2022, while drug citations decreased 42% from 52 to 30 and weapons arrests decreased from 27 to 21.
“Three were firearms, 13 were knives and five were other,” Buzzuro reported.
To that end, the department formed a committee, met with body-worn camera companies, held trial runs and selected the private provider Axon as its vendor. By June, the program was fully operational in the resort.
“In two years, there’s about a 50% decrease,” he said.
“You can see quite a bit of difference from where we were two years ago,” he said.In the top 25 calls for service, Buzzuro noted that city ordinance violations had decreased from 945 in 2020 to 396 in 2022 (27% dip), while disorderly calls had declined from 537 in 2020 to 272 in 2022 (49% decrease).
Buzzuro on Monday also updated the police commission on the department’s
body-worn camera program, which took effect ahead of the summer season. As of June, all OCPD officers have been trained and equipped with body-worn cameras.“Feedback has been tremendously good …,” he said.
Buzzuro said that while the department had fewer officers entering the fall months, his department would continue to be proactive.
He noted that officer calls for service had decreased from 4,289 in 2020 and 3,563 in 2021 to 3,002 (a 16% decline from 2021 and 53% from 2020), while citizen calls for service had decreased from 3,597 in 2020 and 2,638 in 2021 to 2,536 (4% decrease from 2021 and 77% from 2020).
Page 26 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Commission members this week praised the department’s efforts, and Mayor Rick Meehan encouraged OCPD personnel to continue enforcing the town’s“Whenordinances.wegetinto the offseason, I think some people feel that we relax the rules …,” he said. “I think we really need to set a precedent again and make sure they realize … those ordinances are still in effect. The way to do that is citations.”
“It’s a deterrent …,” Meehan said this week. “It diminishes the possibility of some type of altercation.”

Joseph Geiger CMRS, 443-880-6707RSPS

“You couldn’t tell we had an event,” he said. “Our public works crews and other staff do an amazing job. At the end of the day, if something gets missed they’re going to call one of us.”
September 16, 2022 Page 27The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Tyndall, who said We Heart Berlin had been asked to get in touch with town staff regarding the event multiple times, noted public works had handled clean up of the recent Small Town Throwdown.
WANTED! We provide MAX income with minimum risk. Quality Property Management & Accountability. Pre-Qualified tenants. Immediate Occupancy. Year round or Seasonal Contracts. MAKE CAREFREE YOUR FIRST CHOICE! 512 Robin Drive #24 Ocean City, MD 21842 $254,900 This 1 bedroom, 1 bath, west end unit offers plenty of natural light with views of the bay and canal. Don't miss your opportunity to own this updated waterfront condo with deeded boat slip and new electric lift. A community boat ramp completes this package. MLS#MDWO200746 0 Daye Girls Road, Bishopville, MD 21813 $1,100,000 A sizeable and private 19.38 acres in Bishopville with an amazing 375' of waterfront on the scenic St. Martin River. Close to the public boat ramp. Perk MLS#MDWO2009968approved.
held.“We can make it happen,” he said.
The council voted 4-1, with Burrell opposed, to approve the event.
BERLIN – Despite concerns from staff, the Berlin Town Council approved plans for a late September event at Henry Park. The council on Monday approved a request from a local nonprofit to host the second annual Love Day at Henry Park on Sept. 25. Staff expressed concern about the fact that the event had been proposed at the last minute and occurred on the same weekend as the Berlin Fiddlers Convention.“Itwouldbe preferable on a number of levels if we could move this a few weeks to a different date,” said Town Administrator Mary RepresentativesBohlen. of We Heart Berlin, a nonprofit devoted to expanding recreational opportunities in Berlin, approached the council this week seeking approval to host Love Day on Sept. 25. We Heart Berlin’s Mary Hedlesky and Adrian Bowen told the council the group really would need little town support to host the event, which last year included music, basketball and food.“It’s a day for the community to come out,” Bowen said. “The youth, they are the mainBohlenfocus.”told the council town staff was worried the event was set for the final day of the Fiddlers Convention. Both events could need public works and police support, she said. She also pointed out that organizations were supposed to seek approval for events 60 days before they occurred.“It’s less than two weeks and staff is now being asked to make additional accommodations for an event we were told would not be happening this year,” Bohlen said.Bowen said he’d held a basketball tournament at Henry Park Memorial Day weekend and hadn’t needed town services.

Berlin Love Day Date Approved
Councilman Dean Burrell suggested the event be held a different weekend. Mayor Zack Tyndall said Love Day had drawn a huge crowd last year. He said applying for an event 60 days in advance would have given town staff the time to plan for it.
Harry C. Simone, II 410-726-0770REALTOR City, MD

Councilmembers encouraged We Heart Berlin to plan the 2023 Love Day event in advance so it could be included on the town’s annual calendar of events.
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Berlin Police Officer Gary Bratten is pictured in a casual pickup game with Love Day attendees last year. Photo by Charlene Sharpe

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“It’s not an arbitrary number,” he said. “It’s designed so we can get staff in play for an Councilwomanevent.” Shaneka Nichols asked if We Heart Berlin members could handle clean up of the event, as Bowen’s group had when the basketball tournament was

Page 28 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

September 16, 2022 Page 29The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

September Coverage: A lifeguard is pictured on duty in downtown Ocean City

Town Administrator Mary Bohlen confirm ed this week that candidates could withdraw until Sept. 27.
BY CHARLENE SHARPE STAFF WRITER Monday as a catamaran Photo by Chris Parypa
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“I gave it good thought and came to the conclusion that this just isn’t the right time, but I most certainly will be running in 2024,” he Bowen,said. in acknowledging that he would run in two years, makes it clear he intends to challenge incumbent Councilwoman Shaneka Nichols, as the at-large seat will not again be up for election until 2026.

Polling places for this year’s election are Buckingham Presbyterian Church for District 1 and District 2 and the Berlin Po lice Department for District 3 and District 4. Voters unsure of their district should visit the town’s website, berlinmd.gov, or call Bohlen at 410-641-4314.

Page 30 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Candidate Drops Out, Leaving One Contested Race
Bowen, who filed to challenge incumbent Jay Knerr for the at-large seat, told The Dispatch Monday he was pulling out of the race.
BERLIN – Berlin Town Council candidate Adrian Bowen announced this week he has withdrawn from the race.
The town’s 2022 election is set for Tuesday, Oct. 4. In District 1, which has long been represented by Councilman Troy Purnell, Steve Green, editor of The Dispatch, is running unopposed. In District 4, incumbent Councilman Dean Burrell is being challenged by Tony Weeg. The at-large seat is now uncontested with Bowen’s withdrawal from the race.

Knerr, who was elected in 2020 to fill the remainder of the term left vacant when Thom Gulyas moved out of Berlin, said he was looking forward to continuing his role on the council.
“I am very grateful to be representing the citizens of Berlin for the next four years,” he said. “It’s always nice to have competition in an election as it keeps you focused on the town’s best interests. We face a lot of challenges as our town continues to grow but I have no doubt that we will be successful. I look forward to helping the town move forward in a positive direction. I certainly wish Adrian Bowen the best in whatever his future Bohlenholds.”reminds voters that they can vote in-person on Oct. 4 or by absentee ballot. Absentee ballot applications are available on the town’s website but have to be received at town hall by certain dates. If the application is being mailed in, it has to be received at town hall on or before Sept. 27—postmark will not be considered. If the application is being returned in-person, voters can drop it off at town hall until 4 p.m. on Sept. 30.
sailboat heads west through the Inlet
September 16, 2022 Page 31The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

“It’s definitely going to keep his legacy alive and it’s going to give people who couldn’t get degrees the opportunity to do so,” said Berlin Police Chief Arnold Downing, who is serving as the chairman of the Glenn Hilliard Legacy Scholarship Fund Committee.
To make a tax-deductible contribution to the scholarship fund visit CFES.org/donate and select “Glenn Hilliard Legacy Scholarship” in the drop-down menu. The scholarship fund is managed by the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore.
According to the Community Foundation, Hilliard spent 18 years working in local law enforcement. While most recently he worked as a deputy in the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, he also served as an officer in the U.S. Marshal Task Force, the Crisfield Police Department, the Berlin Police Department and as a seasonal officer for the Ocean City Police Department.
Hilliard Scholarship Established
law enforcement, especially those underrepresented in the profession. Additionally, I hope the scholarship will eliminate the financial barriers that can often derail the purest dreams.”
BERLIN – A new scholarship honors the legacy of Corporal Glenn Hilliard, the Wicomico County deputy killed in the line of duty in June.
The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore announced this week the creation of the Glenn Hilliard Legacy Scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a student pursuing a career in law enforcement at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Hilliard’s alma mater.
He added that studying criminal justice at college left individuals interested in law enforcement careers better prepared to begin them. Many agencies also offer recruits with degrees financial incentives.Downing said the scholarship would ensure financial barriers that might have kept individuals from seeking degrees related to law enforcement were eliminated.“Wewant the dreamers to continue dreaming,” he said.

“Having a degree keeps them engaged in the thought process of becoming an officer,” Downing said.
fled to a wooded area nearby and an extensive manhunt by multiple law enforcement agencies ensued, but he eventually surrendered about two hours after the shooting when he exited a tree line near the apartment complex. The weapon was found nearby, according to police reports.
“I hope this scholarship will be a living legacy, one that will allow Glenn’s spirit to touch and enrich the lives of others well beyond our years,” he said. “My wish is that Glenn’s life story will encourage others to pursue a career in
Downing said most people didn’t realize that teenagers interested in pursuing law enforcement careers couldn’t actually do so until they were 21—leaving them a gap of three years after graduation. He’d like to see them pursue a related degree during that time.
According to the Community Foundation, the scholarship in honor of Hilliard was created with a pledge of up to $350,000 from the Humphreys Foundation. The pledge consists of a gift of $10,000 per year for five years, with an additional $1 for every $2 raised in donations, for up to $75,000 per year for fourDowning,years. who served as Hilliard’s mentor during his time with the Berlin Police Department, credited the Humphreys Foundation with coming forward with the idea of a scholarship.
Hilliard, 41, died June 12 while trying to arrest fugitive Austin Davidson, who was wanted on warrants in multiple jurisdictions. Shortly before 8:30 p.m. on the Sunday evening, Hilliard responded to an apartment complex in Pittsville after getting a tip that Davidson was there. During a brief foot pursuit, Davidson reportedly turned and fired a semiautomatic pistol at the deputy. Though fellow law enforcement officers tried to treat Hilliard at the scene, he was transported to TidalHealth Peninsula Regional Hospital were he was pronounced dead.Davidson
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September 16, 2022 Page 33The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

“I have found, along with the students, that once you get out of our comfort zone and push yourself to be of service to others, there is a such a positive feeling that arises, and that makes it contagious,” Bescak said. “Some might argue that it is a selfish feeling to want to feel good for helping your neigh bor. I say, capture that feeling and let it spread like wild fire.”
Students Donate Time For Ramp Build
Pictured with Snow Hill resident Mr. Dale, from left, are SDHS sophomore Sang Wu Han, CCOP member Jenna Bradford, WPS juniors Vanesska Hall and Dylan Simons, CCOP Youth Director Sharon Bradford, WPS juniors Moorea Phillips and Lebby Becker, freshman Caitlin Shimko, juniors Hunter Simons, Natalie Chadwell, Elaina Elrick, Luke Hopkins and Claire Windrow and senior Cooper Ludt. Submitted Photo
WPS teacher Allison Bescak and a group of students –freshman Caitlin Shimko, sophomore Landon Schul, juniors Lebby Becker, Dylan Simons, Hunter Simons, Elaina Elrick, Moorea Phillips, Natalie Chadwell, Claire Windrow, Isabella Huber, Vanesska Hall, Luke Hopkins and senior Cooper Ludt –were joined by members of Small Miracles and the Chesapeake Housing Association.About six years ago, WPS alumni Devin Wallace expressed interest in joining the Appalachia Service Project (ASP). Bescak had already worked with the program for many years, so she gathered a large group of students to travel to the mountains and help build homes to be safer in the rigid atmos-
phere. When COVID hit, they had to come up with a new plan.

Page 34 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

“We realized that it is just as important to serve our own community,” Bescak said. “We partnered with the Community Church of Ocean Pines and their program, Small Miracles, to do similar work for our fellow neighbors.”This past weekend’s project surfaced through Michael Franklin, director of the Chesapeake Housing Mission and former WPS parent, who approached Small Miracles asking if a group of individuals would be willing to help build a ramp for a local veteran.
BERLIN – A group of Worcester Preparatory School (WPS) students, in partnership with the Community Church of Ocean Pines (CCOP) Small Miracles program and Chesapeake Housing Association, spent last Saturday building a ramp for a local veteran in Snow Hill.

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September 16, 2022 Page 35The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

“It would be improper for us to comment on any pending litigation at this time,” she said.
Company Sues Fenwick Over Development Plans
On Sept. 1, Balsamo Real Estate LLC filed a complaint in Delaware Superior Court seeking a writ of mandamus commanding the Town of Fenwick Island to enforce its code and vote upon the company’s development plan for 1007 Coastal Highway.Whilethe company has submitted plans to improve the property for the use of a new restaurant, Joe Balsamo Jr., representing Balsamo Real Estate, said the town has indicated it would not consider the company’s plans until pending legislation that would set new parking ratios
for commercial properties could be voted upon.“The last thing we wanted to do was take the town to court,” he said in an interview this week. “We want to work this out.”As owner of the former Dairy Queen property, Balsamo said the company is looking to add 1,500 square feet to the existing property by constructing a second story. He noted Balsamo Real Estate has two potential tenants that are looking to utilize the space.
“We’re not going to put anything there that’s not going to be a benefit to the community,” he said. “We’re not talking about a 7,000-square-foot restaurant. This is only 2,800 square feet of patron use.”

The complaint, however, asserts the company has followed the correct procedure in submitting a development plan and that the Town of Fenwick Island had violated Chapter 142 of the town code.
“If they pass this ordinance, we’ll have to file a lawsuit because the ordinance is erroneous and it’s not economically feasible,” he said.
But Balsamo noted the company’s plans have yet to be approved by the town, which called Balsamo’s engineer last month to advise it would not consider
“The Town Refusal is part of a subterfuge whereby Fenwick is hoping to hold up the ability of Balsamo to receive approval of the Plan,” the complaint reads.
the company’s application until the town council decided on a pending ordinance amendment regarding commercial parking“Counselratios. for Balsamo contacted Fenwick’s Town Manager …,” a complaint filed in Superior Court this month reads. “At that time, the Town Manager indicated that processing of the Plan was being held up by her since a Town Code provision prohibited Plan consideration due to a pending Town Parking Ordinance which, if approved, would increase the amount of parking required beyond what the Plan proposed.”InJuly,several members of the Fenwick Island business community came before the town council to share their opposition to a proposed ordinance amendment that would establish new, more stringent parking ratios for new or redeveloped commercial properties.
In an interview this week, Balsamo noted the ratios would double the amount of parking required for restaurant use –from one parking space for every 100 square feet of patron area to one parking space for every 50 square feet of patron area.And while he said parking at the property exceeds the current parking ratios, any redevelopment under the proposed parking amendments would require the company to increase the number of required spaces from 28 to 56, or 17 spaces more than the company has provided under its development plan.
FENWICK ISLAND – A real estate company is taking legal action against the Town of Fenwick Island as it seeks to have its development plan for the old Dairy Queen property approved.
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The complaint ultimately asks the court to issue a writ of mandamus “commanding Fenwick to place a vote on the Plan on the next Town Council meeting agenda.”Amotions hearing has been scheduled for Oct. 7. In the meantime, the Fenwick Island Town Council will hold a second public hearing on the proposed parking ratio amendments on Sept. 19.
Schuchman did not respond to interview requests this week, and Mayor Natalie Magdeburger declined to comment on the lawsuit.
In an email sent to Balsamo’s attorney last month, Town Solicitor Luke Mette advised that the town refused to consider the company’s plan, asserting that it would first have to apply for a building permit.“Ms. Schuchman [town manager] has concluded that the procedural path forward for the Town’s consideration of the Proposed Improvements is for Mr. Balsamo to submit a building permit application under Chapter 61 (Building and Utility Construction) of the Town Code,” the email reads. “It is my understanding that no such building permit application has been submitted to the town … In this regard, please note that earlier this year, a building permit application regarding the Property for ‘repair and replace roof’ and ‘interior demolition’ was submitted, and the Town issued a building permit for that work.”The email continues, “Both you and Mr. Wahl [engineer] have stated the Proposed Improvements to the Property should be evaluated as a site plan under Chapter 142 (Subdivision of Land) of the Town Code. However, Chapter 142 is not applicable to the Proposed Improvements, as the Proposed Improvements do not constitute a subdivision or development of land or real estate or rearrangement of lots as that chapter has been construed by the Town.”
September 16, 2022 Page 37The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch The Landings at Bayside Townhomes West Ocean City, MD Scan the QR Code to Join the VIP List! The only new townhomes in an established community just 7 minutes from Assateague Island. Enjoy completed amenities including kayak launch and crabbing pier. STARTING FROM THE MID $400sComingSoon!

“It’s not really a people-mover, it’s an experience,” he said.
not providing any sort of relief in terms of moving people,” he said. “It’s a nice little ride, but that’s all it Commissionis.”
With no further discussion, commission members agreed they had no interest in moving forward with the matter.
Commission Hears Pedicab Requests
members pointed out that they had already seen one pedicab operator offering rides at last month’s White Marlin Open.
“At this point, there’s no business license for it,” he said.
Page 38 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

City Solicitor Heather Stansbury agreed, noting there was nothing in Ocean City’s code to grant a business license to a pedicab company.
“It’s not a contemplated use,” she said. “So either the Mayor and City Council will have to give him a business license after, perhaps, a hearing at a work session, or we’d have to do a code amendment to allow this operation.”
McGean, however, noted that the company did not receive a business per-

“Putting them out on the street when we have 30,000 people downtown and driving Baltimore Avenue, that creates traffic problems,” he said. “I think it’s great if you didn’t have any other modes of transportation, but you have other modes of transportation, and this is just going to jam things
OCEAN CITY – A resort committee took no action this week on two requests to operate pedicabs in Ocean City.
Councilman Lloyd Martin, commission chair, said he liked the idea but questioned the timing, as the Oceans Calling Festival is set to kick off on Sept. 30. He also questioned if pedicabs would add to the congestion the upcoming festival would create downtown.
“We had two requests, one from a more established provider and one from a newer provider, to offer pedicab services, which is a rickshaw bicycle with a two-seat attachment,” City Manager Terry McGean explained. “The more established person I believe wants to operate during Oceans Calling and then for a longer period as well. The other gentleman I believe just wants to operate, period.”McGean said he wanted to gauge the commission’s interest in allowing a pedicab company to operate in town. He said one option would be to franchise one of the“Webusinesses.figured we would start here,” he said. “As far as putting this out on Coastal Highway, I have huge issues with it. As far as putting them on the Boardwalk, it’s a little less of an issue.”
mit to operate.
“You can allow them on the Boardwalk the same time as bicycles, but I’m not sure if that does them much good. Or you can also say they are allowed on any city street – that would excluded Philadelphia Avenue, Coastal Highway, Baltimore Avenue south of 15th Street –where there are bike lanes,” McGean explained. “You end up limiting it to almost nothing.”Council President Matt James, commission member, said he would rather see pedicabs be added to special events and incorporated into the application process. Mayor Rick Meehan, however, said its impact as a transportation service would be minimal.
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On Monday, members of the Ocean City Police Commission were presented with separate requests from two pedicab operators to offer their transportation services in town.
Stansbury noted that the Mayor and Council voted last week to allow bicycles on the Boardwalk throughout the Oceans Calling Festival. She argued, however, that it was too late to incorporate any changes that would allow a pedicab company to operate during the event.“Ifthere’s any desire for it, we can come back to you with recommendations as to how it can be codified …,” she said. “I think it should come as a recommendation from this committee before it is brought to the Mayor and City Council because it would be a code amendment.”McGean said it ultimately came down to the commission’s desire to pursue the matter. Throughout the discussion, commission members said they were concerned about pedicabs taking up travel lanes, utilizing parking spaces and speeding down the Boardwalk.
The Worcester County Arts Council started Paint Berlin, a plein air event held in town, in 2010. Last year however it was expanded to include the entire county as Paint Worcester County. Mullis said this year there were 46 artists who would be setting up easels throughout the area Sept.

Plein Air Painting Sept. 18-23
Mini Golf Relocation Approved
flourish.”Artwork completed during the competition will be reviewed and judged by Barbara Scheihing. A total of $2450 in prize money will be awarded. The public will have a chance to purchase the art completed during Paint Worcester County at a “Wet Paint” sale on Friday, Sept. 23 at the library in Berlin. While the sale takes place from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., the art will remain in the library’s gallery until Dec. 31.Mullis is hopeful the event will inspire interest in art and give local citizens a taste of the plein air style, which give artists a chance to work outdoors in unique settings.“Bymaking people more aware of the beauty of Worcester County, and by weaving art into the social fabric of our community, Paint Worcester County hopes to inspire an interest in plein air painting, its origins, and its history,” Mullis said.During last year’s event, which attracted 35 participants, Easton artist Rhonda Ford won first place for her oil painting titled “Rain, Rain Go Away.” Second place went to Mateus Costa of Pennsylvania for "Lunch at Sterling Tavern", a watercolor, and third prize award was received by Barbara Kern-Bush of Pocomoke for her oil painting, the “Prettiest Bridge.”Formore information on the event, go to worcestercountyartscouncil.org or call 410-641-0809.
OCEAN CITY – Resort officials last week approved a conditional use allowing for the relocation of a downtown miniature golf course one block to the north.
Paint Worcester County, the plein air painting event hosted by the Worcester County Arts Council, runs from Sept. 1823. More than 40 artists will be set up throughout the county painting local scenes.“Paint Worcester County empowers artists to explore and interpret the historic sites, architecture, landscapes, marshes, seaside, and street scenes of the county,” said Anna Mullis, executive director of the Worcester County Arts Council. “It also encourages residents and visitors alike to view our landmarks through the eyes of these artists while they work at their easels in public spaces.”
Parking is always a central concern with any new proposed development project. The town’s code for mini-golf course parking requires one space for each of the 18 holes. However, it was determined the proposed relocation of the golf course afforded the developer 23 parking spaces on site, or a surplus of five, so parking was not an issue for the project.During the commission’s public hearing there were some concerns raised about the impact on the residential areas in the area, but the developer presented a detailed plan to contain the lighting and the noise from background music on the course itself with no anticipated impact on the residential neighborhoods.
BERLIN – Artists will be out and about next week as the “Paint Worcester County” event kicks off.
At the planning commission level, it was determined the new location offered more in terms of setbacks, buffers from the neighboring residential areas and pedestrian safety. There is an existing crosswalk and traffic signal at 19th Street. There was one question on Tuesday about the proposed location of the golf course’s office, check-in and concession facility, which is on the opposite side of the course’s designated parking area. However, it was explained it was aligned that way to take advantage of the existing traffic signal and crosswalk as much of Nick’s Golf business is walk-up clientele from neighboring hotels and motels.
September 16, 2022 Page 39The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
“To18-23.theviewer, this art form can be very exciting because it invites you into the creative process, the sight, the sound, and even the smell of the artist's world,” Mullis said. “We invite visitors of all ages to observe the entire process, from the first brush stroke to the final
The Mayor and Council had before them on Sept. 6 a request for a conditional use that will allow Nick’s Golf minigolf course at 18th Street to move one block north after the facility is getting displaced by the development of an office complex on its original site. The Harrison Group, which owns the property on which Nick’s Jurassic Golf has existed for eight years, is redeveloping the property with a phased office complex, necessitating the move for the mini-golf course.
Golf course owner Nick Geracimos has since purchased a property on the west side of Philadelphia Avenue at 19th Street owned for years by the Phillips family and has plans to move the existing golf course in a new and improved fashion to the block just to the north. However, before the move could go forward, it needed approval for a conditional use request.Lastmonth, the Planning Commission held the requisite public hearing on the conditional use, and after vetting the application voted to forward a favorable recommendation to the full Mayor and Council. The conditional use request for the mini-golf relocation appeared on the
council’s agenda and Tuesday and was passed with little discussion.
“The OCBP USLA team is very supportive of the Ocean Games event, with guards volunteering on their days off. This is a way of showing our appreciation and can help out and let them travel to compete against other lifeguards,” saidSwimDavis.Ocean
Page 40 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
mation, please visit www.oceangamesusa.org.
City is a local nonprofit organization that raises funds for research and awareness of traumatic brain injuries and promotes the positive effects of sports on the brain and body.

Swim Ocean City Event Donates To OCBP Chapter

ported through grants and many local Ocean City businesses. For more infor-

Swim Ocean City President Corey Davis recently presented a $2,250 check to OCBP Chapter of USLA representatives Travis Wagner and Colton Houldsworth. Submitted Photo
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Every July, Swim Ocean City hosts Ocean Games – a competitive open water nine-mile and three-mile swim along the shoreline of Ocean City. The funds raised from this event support local charities and families and Johns Hopkins Brain and Stroke Rehabilitation Program. Since its debut in 2013,
OCEAN CITY – Swim Ocean City founder Corey Davis recently presented a $2,250 check to the Ocean City Beach Patrol (OCBP) chapter of the United States Lifesaving Association (USLA) for its outstanding work during the 2022 Ocean Games in July.

The OCBP Chapter of USLA is a local nonprofit, professional association of beach lifeguards and open water rescuers. USLA works to reduce the incidence of death and injury in the aquatic environment through public education, national lifeguard standards, training programs, promotion of high levels of lifeguard readiness and other means.
the Ocean Games has raised over $140,000. Ocean Games is widely sup-

To that end, Psota came before the council this week to submit his list of appointments to the two boards. The council voted unanimously to confirm all 11 individuals.“Wethank you very much for volunteering,” Council President John Cannon said. “We look forward very much to working with you over the next few years.”
On Tuesday, the Wicomico County Council had before them several nominees to both the police accountability board and the administrative charging committee. Acting County Executive John Psota said his submission of appointments follows requirements set by the Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021.“This law required all counties to create three police oversight boards, each of which serves a different function,” he told the council. “The three police oversight boards consist of a police accountability board, or PAB, an administrative charging committee, or ACC, and a trial board.”
“To ensure each county election district was represented, those applicants, as per their home address, were broken into their respective Wicomico County councilmanic districts,” he explained. “Subsequently, I conducted a review of the applicants and information provided through the screening process.”
Since that time, Psota said, the county has sought applicants for the ninemember police accountability board and five-member administrative charging committee. He said staff received 37 applications and that 33 of the applicants were deemed eligible for a board following an initial screening process.
September 16, 2022 Page 41The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

SALISBURY – Eleven members will take their seats on two new law enforcement review boards following council con firmations this week.
“In April of 2022, the county council created, and the county executive signed into law, the creation of the three police oversight boards,” Psota said. “Collectively, the three boards are referred to as the Law Enforcement Review Board
On the police accountability board, J. Anthony Dickerson, Elizabeth Griffith, Deanna Hall and Sarah McGarity will serve one-year terms, while Gaylon Adkins, Deborah Hammel, David Owens, Habacuc Petion and Ronald Lewis will serve two-year terms. Lewis will serve as chair.On the administrative charging committee, Lewis, Debra McJilton and Mark David Babe Wilson will fill three of the five
ing Committee will decide whether disciplinary action is warranted and offer recommendations for discipline in accordance with a state-mandated matrix. The Trial Board serves law enforcement officers who wish to have a trial on administrative charges brought by the Administrative Charging Committee.”
In 2021, the Maryland General Assembly passed the Police Accountability Act, which establishes requirements for police accountability and discipline. As part of the bill, counties are responsible for establishing boards and committees that receive and review complaints, offers disciplinary measures and more.
“Required by the Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021, the Police Accountability Board will receive citizens’ complaints of alleged police misconduct and forward them to law enforcement for investigation,” a statement from the executive’s office reads. “Once an investigation is complete, the Administrative Charg
Appointed To Wicomico County Police Review Boards
More information, as well as an application, can be found on the county’s website,Applicationswicomicocounty.org.canbecompleted electronically or mailed or personally delivered to the executive’s office in the Government Office Building, 125 N. Division Street, Room 303.

of Wicomico County.”
seats.“The chair of the PAB automatically sits on this [ACC] board as well,” Psota explained.Officials in Wicomico County are still seeking applications from volunteers to serve on the administrative charging committee and trial board.
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September 16, 2022 Page 43The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

The Perdue Henson Junior Achievement Center will also be the first of its kind on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, offering JA capstone programs such as JA BizTown and JA Finance Park. Both will allow students to interact with local businesses to discover how these organizations benefit them as consumers but also show the opportunities that await in their own backyard.“The Perdue Henson Junior Achievement Center will continue JA’s mission of preparing young people for success,” Hayes said. “Because of the partnerships we’ve made with our local business community, regional leaders and more, Mackenzie Scott was able to see through her research what kind of impact this facility will have on our students. We’re so thankful she is able to share our vision!”
Trader was the only broker in the transaction of the 24,000-square-foot building located adjacent to TidalHealth and Core Life. The buyer is exploring major plans for the property, but all information is confidential. Therefore, no further details are availableTrader,currently.whohas made a career of offmarket dealmaking, said, “This deal is just the beginning of many great things to come. Trust me when I say, that over the next few years we are going to see this section of town transform into something special.”Hecontinued, “I would recommend all investors start looking in this direction now. Between the growth of the hospital and the focus on downtown, there is so much upside to be realized here. I would love to say more, but I can’t right now. Just stay tuned!”
Donation Received
Health Care recently received six Community Health Center Quality Recognition (CQHR) badges from Health Resources & Services Administration. The CHQR badges recognize Health Center Program awardees that have made notable quality improvement achievements in the areas of access, quality, health equity, health information technology, and COVID-19 public health emergency response for the most recent UDS reporting period. Pictured, from left, are Chief Operations Officer Joshua Boston, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lee Jennings, Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Coordinator Christie Brittingham, Clinical Data Analyst Manager Melinda Mattox and Chief Executive Officer Brian Holland.
Page 44 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
“We are eternally grateful to Mackenzie Scott for choosing us to be one of the 26 recipients of this extremely gracious gift,” said Jayme Hayes, president of JAES. “This donation will ensure the Perdue Henson Junior Achievement Center becomes a gleaming pillar of education on the shore, giving our students the knowledge and resources to succeed in the globalScotteconomy.”chose Junior Achievement of the
Harrison Senior Living plans to continue celebrating its achievements and, more importantly, providing residents with the very best in healthcare and senior living services.
Submitted Photo
SNOW HILL – Harrison Senior Living, an award-winning provider of healthcare and hospitality services to seniors in Coatesville, Pa., and the Eastern Shore of Delaware and Maryland, is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a series of special events through 2023.
SALISBURY – Junior Achievement of the Eastern Shore (JAES) is the proud recipient of $500,000 of the $38.8 million gift from philanthropist Mackenzie Scott, who donated to 26 JA operations throughout theThecountry.donation received by JAES will goes towards the completion of the Perdue Henson Junior Achievement Center, a 25,000-square-foot facility in the Oak Ridge Commons in Salisbury that will house over 10,000 students a year when it opens in fall 2023.
ICBA certification program assists in developing the necessary credit skills to maintain and manage a commercial credit portfolio. Von Bank has been an integral part of Bank of Ocean City for the past 16 years. Please be sure to visit her for your lending needs.
vironmental protection groups.
The Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) is the nation’s voice for community banks with its mission to create and promote an environment where community banks flourish. They are dedicated exclusively to representing the interests of the community banking industry and its membership through effective advocacy, best-in-class education, and innovative products and services.
Harrison Senior Living team members are encouraged to be active in their respective communities and to give back whenever possible. Team members participate as volunteers or sit on the boards of organizations including area senior centers, chambers of commerce, Rotary Clubs, Boy Scouts of America, the Alzheimer’s Association, state healthcare facilities’ associations and animal, and en-
Established by James and Katherine Harrison in 1972, the company’s first community was located in Southeastern Pennsylvania. In the decades that followed, Harrison Senior Living opened four additional locations in Pennsylvania, Delaware andAllMaryland.Harrison Senior Living communities will be celebrating the company’s golden milestone through a series of events at each location, enabling residents, patients, their families, staff and members of the greater community to reflect on the company’s history and celebrate the company’s future of growth and expansion into new markets and service areas.
Some of the upcoming anniversary events include: Community Day Picnic, Sept. 23, 1-4 p.m. at the Harrison House of Snow Hill; and Open House, Sept. 29, 3-6 p.m. at the John B. Parsons Community.These events will be followed by team member recognition events in October at each location. The event schedule is meticulously designed to include and show appreciation for all of Harrison Senior Living’s“Harrisonstakeholders.Senior Living takes pride in operating all of its communities in a loving, family-like setting, for the benefit of patients, residents, and staff,” said Harrison Saunders, president and CEO, Harrison Senior Living. “Not only is our 50th anniversary a testament to the quality of care we have consistently provided, it is also an opportunity to highlight our commitment to family values in our business for decades to Currentlycome.”under the leadership of the third generation of the Harrison family, Harrison Senior Living has been the recipient of numerous honors and awards.
Scott’s $38.8 million is the largest gift from a single donor in the organization’s 103-year history. Junior Achievement USA will be using its portion of the gift to build network capacity and innovative new learning channels that will benefit all 102 JA operations across the country.
Anniversary Celebration
OCEAN CITY – Reid Tingle, president and CEO of Bank of Ocean City, along with the Board of Directors, is proud to announce that Melissa von Bank, AVP/branch manager of Fenwick Island, Del., has recently earned her Commercial Lending Certification from ICBA.

Certification Earned
Von Bank has completed the hours and credits to provide her the designation of Certified Commercial Loan Officer (CCLO). Loans are the most significant risk in most bank portfolios. The

SALISBURY – Matthew Trader of Rinnier Development Company recently closed on the off-market sale of 101 Washington Street in Salisbury, Md.
Eastern Shore as one of the 26 recipients through thorough research of the organization’s operations and its mission. Last year, JAES reached nearly 12,500 students in seven counties – Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset and Accomack.
Commercial Sale

September 16, 2022 Page 45The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

For the past 15 years we have produced a Kids of Summer photo series, spotlighting kids of all ages, from near and far, enjoying some common summer activities. Whether it’s the pool, beach, bay, miniature golf, arcades or dock fun, it’s enjoyable to see our readers’ submissions each year. If you would like your child(ren) featured, there’s still time. Email us the photo at editor@mdcoastdispatch.com with the child’s name, age and location.
Abby McGuire, 8, in Ocean City

Adam Michael Hall, 16 months, in Chincoteague
Riley Woodfield, 5, in Ocean City

Rocco Rusnak, 1, in Ocean City
Page 46 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Emma McGuire, 5, in Ocean City
Haley Herrity, 2, in Ocean City

Cameron Brittingham, 2, in Willards
(Part 4)
Aubrey Bartnik, 13, Brayden Guinoo, 3, Chase Bartnik, 7, and Beckett Guinoo, 8, in Ocean City

Landon Lopes, 5, in Ocean City

Leighton Staley, 2, in Ocean City

Colin O'Brien, 12, in Ocean City
Bradley Gorsuch, 7, and Clark Riesner, 7, in Ocean City

Grayson Woodfield, 9, in Ocean City

Madison Hoke, 9, on Assateague
Maggie, 6, and Caroline Fuson, 9, in Ocean City
Kylie Jane Mooney, 10, in Ocean City

Beckett Inchausti, 6, in Ocean City

Foster Mills, 1, in Ocean City
Arien Moore, 8, in Ocean City
September 16, 2022 Page 47The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch River Run Berlin, MD (Ocean Pines Area) Scan the QR Code to Join the VIP List! The only gated golf course community with direct bay access and completed amenities, just minutes to Ocean City, MD. New townhome villas, just off Rt 113 & 90. STARTING FROM THE LOW $400sComingSoon!

Ryan Nellans, Jimmy Charles and Larnet St. Amant are pictured at Saturday’s Small Town Throwdown in Berlin.
Jan Quick and Larnet St. Amant staffed the Berlin Chamber of Commerce tent at Small Town Throwdown.

Rick Lumpkin and Diane Ritchie helped out with a fundraiser benefitting The Fallen Outdoors on Sept. 11.
Jeannie Mariner and Cheri Stambaugh pause for a photo at a Sept. 11 fundraiser at Windmill Creek Vineyard and Winery.

Bryan Brushmiller and Adam Moyer paused for a photo at Small Town Throwdown.
Alan and Beverly Coldiron sold cotton candy at Small Town Throwdown in Berlin.

Deputy Jen DeGiovanni and Deputy Joshua O’Ferrall represented the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office at a Sept. 11 fundraiser at Windmill Creek.

Chris Povloski and Linsdey Wohlford sold tickets at a fundraiser to benefit The Fallen Outdoors, a nonprofit that helps veterans.

Eileen Pitcher and Ida Kleinicke are pictured at a fundraiser at Windmill Creek to support veterans.
Shore Blues Band provided entertainment at Windmill Creek Vineyard and Winery during a fundraiser to benefit the veterans organization The Fallen Outdoors.

Featuring Those Helping Causes In The Resort Area People in Society
by Charlene Sharpe
Page 48 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
September 16, 2022 Page 49The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

8 p.m.: Fair Closes
5:30 p.m.: Swine Show
6 p.m.: 4H Cupcake Smackdown
down, culture table, pine needle basket demo, 4-H fashion review, 4-H farm Olympics, fishing tournament, moon bounce, pony rides and Zumba.
SNOW HILL – After months of planning, the annual Worcester County Fair will return Sept. 16-18 at Byrd Park in SnowTheHill.schedule
1-4 p.m.: Children’s Crafts
The ever popular talent show has been moved to Sunday afternoon at 4
8 p.m.: Fair Closes
7 p.m.: Benefit Cake Auction
11 a.m.: Kids Games Start
2 p.m.: Zumba, Playground Pavilion
9 a.m.: Rabbit Show
2 p.m.: Children’s Pie Eating Contest
10 a.m.: Fair Opens
The Briddel Foundation will offer barbecue chicken and fried fish platters, funnel cakes and chicken and waffles. Stop by the 4-H food booth for hot dogs, sodas and nachos.
Noon-5Parents p.m.: Pine Needle Basket
10 a.m.: Dairy Cow Show
5 p.m.: Awards Ceremony
8-10 a.m.: Vendor Check In
11 a.m.: Fair Opens
2:30 p.m.: Dairy Goat Show
Sunday, Sept. 18
11 a.m.: Poultry Show
8 a.m.: Fair Opens
3 p.m.: Children’s Hula Hoop
10:30 a.m.: Church Service
2 p.m.: 4H Demonstration Contest
12:30Demo p.m.: Children’s Watermelon
Worcester County Fair Set For Snow Hill This Weekend
5-7:30 p.m: Band-The Folk Villians
3Contestp.m.:Meat Goat Show
9748 Stephen Decatur Hwy. #112 Ocean City, MD 443-856-4676www.batielaw.com21842Monday-Friday Make sure your estate Powerdocumentsplanningareup-to-date!ofAttorneyAdvanceDirectiveLivingWillWills&TrustsNEWTOTOWN? Call us for a free 30 minute phone consultation.

11:30 a.m.: Tug-of-War-Children vs
3 p.m.: 4H Farm Chore Olympics
3 p.m.: Adult and Youth Talent Show
11 a.m.: Beef Show
2 p.m.: Zumba – Playground Pavilion
Fair Schedule Of Events
4 p.m.: Children’s Sack Race
10Tournamenta.m.-2p.m.: Classic Car and Truck Show
3-8 p.m.: Livestock Check In

4 p.m.: Sheep Show
4:30Dropoutsp.m.: Children’s Bubble Fun
2:30 p.m.: Children’s Egg Toss
This year’s fair offers several new features, including 4-H cupcake smack-
1:30 p.m.: Children’s Pedal Tractors
Saturday, Sept, 17
5:30 p.m.: Fair Closes
Page 50 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Noon-4 p.m.: Culture Table & Pine Needle Basket Demo
1-4 p.m.: Children’s Crafts
4 p.m.: Band, The Folk Villains
1Eatingp.m.: 4H Fashion Show
Fair hours are Friday, Sept. 16, 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday, Sept. 17, 8 a.m.8 p.m.; and Sunday, Sept. 18, 11 a.m.5:30 p.m. The fair offers free admission and free parking. More information can be found at www.worcestercountyfair.com.
p.m. Pre-registration is needed for this event.More than 30 vendors will be featured throughout the fair grounds with items such as books, Avon products, paper lights and other items. New food vendors will be on hand as well.
Friday, Sept. 16
11 a.m.: Children’s Limbo Contest
4-8 p.m.: Band, The Homeskool
1-4 p.m.: Children’s Crafts
has been changed to include some featured bands on Friday and Saturday night as well as Sunday afternoon. The Folk Villains will play on Friday from 5-7:30 p.m. and the Homeskool Dropouts will play on Sept. 17 from 4-8 p.m. The Folk Villains will play again Sunday, Sept. 18 at 4 p.m.
10 a.m.-2 p.m.: FFA Fishing
Atlantic Lakes September 16, 2022 Page 51The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch Move Into Your New Beach Home Before Next appointmentScheduleSummer!yourtoday!ScantheQRcodetolearnmore. Ryanhomes.com/atlantic-lakes-twinsRyanhomes.com/atlantic-lakes From the mid $400s From the upper $300s Just off Rt. 54 FenwickWestin

Submitted Photos
who was a member of the Kiwanis sponsored Key Club at Stephen Decatur High School and served as its treasurer, was a guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City. Denault was one of the club’s scholarship recipients and now attends Northwestern

The Easterseals Walk With Me event was held Saturday in Salisbury to benefit the Easterseals Children’s Therapy Center in Salisbury. Participants, pictured here kicking off the event, walked through the Salisbury Zoo.

Page 52 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
On Sept. 11, Windmill Creek Vineyard and Winery hosted a fundraiser in support of The Fallen Outdoors, a nonprofit that supports veterans. Pictured is Shore Blues Band performing at the event.

family of Berlin is pictured at the start of the Easterseals Walk With Me event held Sept. 10 at the Salisbury Zoo. Conor Pellinger, second from left, was the honorary ambassador for the inaugural event, which raised funds to support people with disabilities on the Lower Eastern Shore.

The Lower Shore Vulnerable Populations Task Force distributed canned goods, dry goods and fresh produce to those in need on Saturday in Berlin. Pictured stacking food to be distributed are Josh Nordstrom, left, and Tony Weeg, right, along with Madeleine and Isabel Weeg.

The local Toys for Tots campaign presented a certificate of appreciation to the Pit and Pub in North Ocean City for outstanding efforts during the 2021 campaign to collect toys for disadvantaged children who otherwise might not have had gifts during the Christmas season. Samantha Elam and Robert Geiger received the award from members of the First State Detachment, Marine Corps League, (left to right) Frank Del Piano, Sharon Ruest, local Toys for Tots coordinator, and her husband,

What was a flat calm, very fishy Labor Day weekend turned into rain, wind and high tides that had both ocean and back bay conditions very tough for fishing last week. The ocean was actually closed for business more than open this past week, and the bay was dirty for the majority of the week too. Things have settled down for now and fishing is slowly getting back to normal after a tough weather week. There definitely wasn’t much going on offshore this week as a tropical system moved by way offshore, but did usher in strong northeast winds for several days. The warm water that the offshore fleet was trolling up marlin and tuna in was broken up and when boats were able to return fishing wasn’t quite as good. There were still some white and blue marlin releases and some tunas caught, but it will take a few days for conditions to get back to where they were. Captain Anthony Matarese Jr. and his crew on the Reel Chaos found some nice fish toward the end of the week with some yellowfin and bigeye tuna (as big as 233 pounds).Theocean was rough enough for the first part of the week that even the oceangoing bottom fishing fleet had five
days off last week. When they were able to return, they did find better sea bass fishing and flounder were snapping just like they had left them. There are plenty of sea bass from three to 10 miles out, but your keeper fish over 13” ratio is going to be much better the deeper you

Captain Kane Bounds of the Fish Bound definitely knows what he’s doing and his crews are reaping the rewards. Captain Kane is fishing deeper water and limiting his anglers out on sea bass and flounder with some sea bass up to 5 pounds and some flounder over 7.

Submitted Photos
September 16, 2022 Page 53The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

with Scott Lenox

Captain Kane Bounds of the Fish Bound has been wrecking the flounder lately with some limits of fish up to 7 pounds.
fishing inshore are catching plenty of fish with the occasional keeper, while boats going the extra distance to 125’ or more are catching mainly keeper sized sea bass. Keeper sized flounder over the 16” minimum size can be found on most structure between one and 20 miles out currently. Some spots will produce better than others, and the keeper ratio is definitely better in deeper water, but you’re sure to find some decent flounder fishing if you know what you’re doing.
The party boat fleet is also having luck with some keeper flounder with some SEE PAGE 54
son, but that goes up to four fish per person from Nov. 1 through Dec. 31 and the size limit stays at 16”. We’ve reached the time of year when tournaments are becoming fewer and farther between and now there is nothing on the calendar until our Inshore Classic Tournament the weekend of October 8-9. Registration will be Friday, Oct. 7 if you want to make plans to join us for an awesome event. More on that in the coming weeks. Until next week, tight lines.
keepers for their anglers with fish up to 5 pounds or so. There are some keeper flounder in Ocean City’s back bays now too, but last week it was hard to find them. I fished the Bahia Marina Flounder Pounder on Sunday with my buddy Bryan Mindte of Sunset Provisions and we only had one bite all day. Thankfully it was a good bite where a 3 pound, 8 ounce flounder ate a live spot on our Live Bait Rig in the East Channel. That fish was good for 2nd place and a little bit of In OC
... Fish
(The writer is the owner of Fish in OC and host of Ocean City’s fishing television show Hooked on OC. He has worked in the fishing industry and been fishing the waters in and around Ocean City for over 25 years.)

Page 54 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
There were some more big bluefish caught at the Route 50 Bridge this week with some of the biggest coming in at over 36”. Anglers using live spot and bunker have caught lots of small “snapper” sized blues in the 15” to 24” range, and larger live baits or Stretch lures have caught some big “choppers” of over 30”. Captain Wayne Blanks of Bayside Guide Service has got the blue fishing down to a science and is catching fish at the Route 50 Bridge just about every trip.

Above top left, Bryan Mindte and I found a 3 pound, 8 ounce flounder in the East Channel good enough for second place in the Bahia Marina Flounder Pounder. Above top center, John Hyams was surprised by this barracuda while trolling the Jackspot. Above top right, Captain Wayne Blanks of Bayside Guide Service found a couple of big bluefish for this duo. Above left, Austin Wagner, Owen West and Abby West caught some triggerfish and flounder up to 23” using the Fish in OC Deadly Double. Above right, Big Bird Cropper and Karl Henrich from Germany had a great day at the Route 50 Bridge with two 32” stripers. Opposite page, top left, everyone had a good time at the Ocean City Fishing Center Spot Tournament as shown by this group shot by Dave Messick. Opposite page, top right, Stacey Schindler caught this big 15.5 pound bluefish on a live spot at the 50 bridge. Opposite page, middle left, Briggs Pudgier wrestled in this nice 43 pound cobia fishing with his friends. Opposite page, bottom left, Captain Brian Porter of the Boss Hogg put this group on four white marlin releases and some mahi. Opposite page, bottom right, Kenny Schoen and Rich Daiker won the Bahia Marina Flounder Pounder with a nice 4 pound, 7 ounce flattie.
cash. 1st place honors were once again won by the flounder fishing duo of Kenny Schoen and Rich Daiker. Kenny found a 4 pound, 7 ounce flounder at the Route 50 Bridge that won bragging rights again and a nice stack of dough.

I’m starting to see more tautog and sheepshead from the north and south jetties as water temperatures continue to cool. Anglers using live sand fleas or crab baits are having decent luck with lots of throwback sized tautog under the 16” minimum size and some sheepshead. Sheepshead do not have a minimum size requirement, but they do have a four fish per person bag limit. Currently the tautog bag limit is two fish per per-
Most of the fish are in the 24” to 30” range with some bigger fish in the mix. The largest bluefish I’ve seen in a while was caught at the Route 50 Bridge last week when Stacey Schindler hooked a jumbo on a live spot. The big blue weighed in at a whopping 15.5 pounds.

September 16, 2022 Page 55The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

guard towers will be removed from the beach until the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend 2023. However, the beach patrol will have mobile surf rescue response personnel available for intervention (although not patrolling on the beach) should the need arise until Columbus Day Monday. These mobile units are First Aid, PPE, and AED equipped with one SRT (rider) acting as the primary rescue swimmer while the other SRT (driver) maintains radio communication and backup during an emergency. Although Ocean City Fire/EMS rescue swimmers are trained and equipped to respond to surf rescues, the beach patrol is the agency that is trained and equipped specifically for this mission. The OCBP will be in response mode like the paramedics or police. Typically, the OCBP responds to “swimmer in distress” calls forwarded by a 911 dispatcher. Having the mobile units on stand-by makes the OCBP one step closer if someone needs assistance.
Teachers are some of our most experienced SRT’s and mostly in supervisory rolls on the beach. However, now that Labor Day has passed, we have lost our educators for weekdays, although many will return to help cover our beaches on weekends. The town has provided a travel stipend to help returning SRT’s with the added cost of returning from distances over 110 miles away. During weekends in the fall, returning Surf Rescue Technicians will cover for a single day off for those SRT’s who work the weekdays and will allow us to increase the total number of stands and decrease the distance between stands just in time for the increase in weekend populations on the beach.
ing levels will be far less than the OCBP’s mid-season deployment, with stands several blocks further apart than during the regular season (16 stands every 1,100 yds vs 91 stands every 193 yds during the summer).
season, keeping beach patrons safe continues to remain the top priority of the Ocean City Beach Patrol. The beach patrol is committed to providing Surf Rescue Technicians (lifeguards) along the entire beach for all visitors and residents so rather than have unguarded areas the number of available lifeguard towers are equally distributed along the beach front.

As this redistribution occurs the location and distance between stands changes (sometimes on a daily basis). To locate the closest stand to your beach you can call OCBP headquarters at 410-289-7556 between 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. or visit our website for daily locations. Due to the increased distance between stands, the standard operating procedure for making rescues and providing coverage during a rescue changes. SRTs will be on duty daily between 10 and 5:30 until Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022. To aid your SRT, the beach patrol suggests taking extra precaution and make sure to walk the distance to swim in front of a lifeguard stand. This walk is worth the lives of you and yourBeginningfamily. on Monday, Sept. 26, all lifeWalk To Closest Stand For Safety

(The writer has been with the beach patrol for 19 years and is currently a sergeant. He is a physical education teacher for the Worcester County Public School system.)

OCEAN CITY – Most locals will agree fall is the best time to be in Ocean City. The beach conditions are awesome, the water is warm, and the crowds are smaller due to school being back in session. Though beach conditions are great, it is one of the most challenging times for the beach patrol to maintain an adequately guarded beach. A large percentage of the lifeguards are back at school or college and most of the senior leadership staff are educators. Scheduling personnel to cover the beach can be exceedingly difficult.
The Ocean City Beach Patrol begins implementation of the fall coverage scheme each year following Labor Day. Fall coverage is a reduction in available staff. During this reduced coverage, staff-

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Lt. Mike Stone is an expert at scheduling and does an amazing job of making sure the maximum number of available guards are deployed daily at strategic locations along all 10 miles of Ocean City beaches until the last day of our season, Sunday, Sept. 25 this year.
During September,
As Ocean City continues to be a favorite weekend getaway well into the fall
Page 56 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

outdoor spaces, and answer questions about the house and its unique features. Those taking the tour will be inspired with unique decorating ideas, color schemes, and different styles of living.
HOME IMPROVEMENT MHIC#76938 Del.#2007215731 443-235-6249 • ARTISTICRENOVATIONS.COM SALES & AUTOSERVICEWAINWRIGHT’S TIRE CENTER INC. Custom LubeComputerWheelsWheelAlignment&OilChangeShocks&Struts Exhaust Systems Air Conditioning & Brake Service Road Service –Truck & Farm 410-641-2000 • 18 Broad St. • Berlin BLINDS/SHADES MVA LICENSED TAX RESOLUTION/CREDIT SERVICES AMA Consulting & Business Svcs, Inc We Solve Your Problems Mae Phillips (434) 382-8920 11806 Sheppards Crossing Road Whaleyville, MD amaconsultingandbusiness@gmail.com21874www.amaconsultingbusiness.com HANDYMAN SERVICES BOB NAILS IT HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS Quality You Can Depend On! OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND 410 430 bobnailsit@gmail.com6817MHIC#142762 MEN’S HAIR SERVICES Walk-Ins Welcome, no appointments needed! Open Tues.-Fri.: 8am-4:30pm Sat.: 8am-1pm 11022 Nicholas Lane, Unit #7 Ocean Pines, 410-973-2430MD WASTE & SEPTIC SERVICE WE RUSH, SO YOU FLUSH!CAN 2kuzwaste@gmail.com | Septic2kuzwasteandsepticservices.com410.957.0379Installation | Service & Pumping | Hydro Jetting Drain Fields & Pump Stations | Porta Potty Rentals Roll-Off Dumpsters | Grease Traps | Drain Field Rejuvenations LANDSCAPING Spring Clean-Ups, Hardscaping, Landscaping & Grading Carmelo A. Freni 33040 Old Ocean City Road Parsonsburg, MD 21849 FreniLandscaping.net Carmelo@FreniLandscaping.net410-629-0708 Visa & M/C Accepted For More Information, Contact Pamela Green PHONE: 410-641-4561 • FAX: 410-641-0966 • EMAIL: CLASSIFIEDS@MDCOASTDISPATCH.COM HERE’S MY CARD
state’s First lady To chair 18th annual Home Tour seven local Residences

Local businesses — architects, builders, home decorators, artists, florists, remodelers, landscapers — have the opportuspotlighted

homes plus three additional online-only homes will be available from Sept. 29 through Oct. 31, 2022 on the tour’s website. The tour includes a variety of homes from oceanfront to bayside to family residences and Volunteercondos.docents staff each home, guide visitors through the rooms and

OCEAN CITY – The Art League of Ocean City announced this month Yumi Hogan, First Lady of Maryland, is the chairperson for the 18th Annual Sand Castle Home Tour, the largest fundraiser of the year for the nonprofit arts organization.“For the last 18 years, the Art League of Ocean City has strived to create communal places for its residents to pursue the arts, and I am honored to serve as the chairperson for this year’s Sand Castle Home Tour,” First Lady Hogan wrote. “The tour is a wonderful opportunity for community members and visitors to tour Ocean City in a very unique way and support the Ocean City Center for the Arts. I want to thank the ten families who volunteered to open their homes in support of an outstanding cause.”
The home tour returns in-person this Sept. 29-30, opening the doors of seven private residences in the Ocean City area. A companion virtual tour of the seven
The tour, now in its 18th year, raised the seed money to construct the Ocean City Center for the Arts on 94th St., and now supports keeping the nonprofit Arts Center free and open for all year round.
nity to show off their talents and showcase their products to the 1,000-plus tour takers.The self-guided in-person tour is held over two days on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 29-30, from 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. so guests can tour at their own pace. The seven in-person homes are located in Ocean City, West Ocean City, Ocean Pines, and Berlin. Combo tickets for both the in-person and virtual tours are $50 per person. Tickets to the virtual-only tour are $35. Both are available at SandCastleHomeTour.com.

September 16, 2022 Page 57The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Page 58 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Chris Parypa’s Photo Of The Week: Each week staff photographer Chris Parypa is tasked with submitting a photo from his vast library to be featured in this space. Above is a view captured over Labor Day weekend from the Pier Ferris wheel. To purchase any of Parypa’s photos, click over to www.chrisparypa.com.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): Although you might want to protest what seems to be an unfair situation, it's best to keep your tongue and temper in check for now. The full story hasn't yet come out.
September 16, 2022 Page 59The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch THE DISPATCH Crossword Puzzle ANSWERS ON PAGE 46

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): Some light begins to shine on professional and/or personal situations that have long eluded explanation. Best advice: Don't rush things. All will be made clear in time.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22): Work prospects are back on track. But, watch what you say. A thoughtless comment to the wrong person -- even if it's said in jest -- could delay or even derail your progress.
PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): Give that special someone in your personal life a large, loving dollop of reassurance. That will go a long way toward restoring the well-being of your ailing relationship.
BORN THIS WEEK: You are a delightful paradox. You like things neat and tidy. But, you're also a wonderful host who can throw a really great party.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): The Sea Goat's merrier side dominates this week, and this means that, despite your usual busy schedule, you'll be able to squeeze in parties and all sorts of fabulous, fun times.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): A more positive picture of what lies ahead is beginning to take shape. But there are still too many gaps that need to be filled in before you make definitive plans.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): Continue to hold onto the reins so that you don't charge willy-nilly into a situation that might appear attractive on the surface, but that actually lacks substance.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Be careful not to let your on-the-job zealousness create resentment with coworkers, who might feel you shut them out. Prove them wrong by including them in your project.
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. ANSWERS ON PAGE 82 NO TAX • PACK FOR TRAVEL • FREE COOLER & ICE Oceanside Md./Del. Line, 37805 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, Delaware 19944 Open 10 a.m. Daily • 302-537-5882 • CALL FOR DAILY SPECIALS Sandwiches & Dinners • Seafood & Chicken Sandwiches & Dinners • Seafood & Chicken • Homemade Soups • 1/3-lb. MD Crab Cakes • Steamed Shrimp GUARANTEED “FAT” CRABS PopcornFisher’sHwy.Coastal Del. 54 O.C.146thSt.MD Great Menu, Quality Food • Call Ahead-Ready In Minutes MD CRAB MEAT FRESHSCALLOPSCLAMSOYSTERS VOTEDCRABSSEAFOODCARRYOUT KING CRAB SNOW CRAB SWEETSHRIMPCORN JUMBOS & BIGGER EVERYDAY• ALL CRABS GRADED BY WEIGHT 3CRABSDOZEN$75 SPECIALSLUNCHFROM$7.95 OFCREAMCRABSOUP$26QT. 1/3 LB. MD JUMBO LUMP W/FRIESCRABCAKE&DRINK$19.95 $16.95BALLSCRAB 1 LB. SHRIMPJUMBOGULF$19.95 THE BEST FOR LESS! QUALITY • PRICE • SERVICE FREE SHRIMP/CORN OFFERS PREMIUM SEAFOOD BEST PRICES MED/LG • LARGE • EX-LARGE • JUMBOS *SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY* $39 Dozen Crabs w/1/2lb. Shrimp Subject To Availability* CALL FOR SUPER DAILY SPECIALS & PARTY PLATTERS !!BAHAMASCrabshack RESERVE YOUR CRABS EARLY! CARRY OUT AND SEAFOOD OUTLET FENWICK ISLAND DE. • NORTH OCEAN CITY MD BUSHEL*BESTVALUESATTHEBEACH1/2BUSHELSFROM$99*BESTVOTEDCRABS15YEARS! Happy Hour Sun thru Fri 2-5:30pm Food and Drink Specials 19 Big Screens To Watch All Your Sports Action • Keno EARLY BIRD SPECIAL MENU SUNDAY-FRIDAY 2-5:30PM Dine In, Carry Out & Online Ordering Available Mon-Thurs: 2pm • Fri, Sat & Sun: 11:30am 28th St. Plaza • 410-289-3100 • coinspuboc.com IdentityFriday:Crisis • 8pm Saturday: The Jim Long Party • 3pm Shortcut Sunny • 8pm DirecTV Package Showing All FeaturingGames$10 Pub Burgers & $18 Prime Rib All Day & Night WELCOMEENTERTAINMENTBIKERS! NFL Sunday Football Specials Ravens & Headquarters!EaglesBirdsofaFeatherFlockTogether...

ARIES (March 21 to April 19): This week could offer more opportunities for ambitious Lambs eager to get ahead. But, don't rush into making decisions until you've checked for possible hidden problems.
use your good business sense to make the most of what you're being offered at this time. Things will improve down the line.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): Although it's not quite what you hoped for,

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): You'll find that people are happy to help you deal with some difficult situations. And, of course, knowing you, you'll be happy to return those favors anytime. Won't you?
LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): A colleague might try to goad you into saying or doing the wrong thing. It's best to ignore the troublemaker, even if they rile your royal self. Your supporters stand with you.
Ocean City’s first restaurant can be seen in the background on the left of the photo. Opened by George Conner in 1892 and known as “Conners,” it provided food and drinks to the excursionists who took the railroad to spend an afternoon at the beach. It is likely the people pictured above were part of one of these popular railroad excursions. The descendants of George Conner are still in Ocean City’s hospitality industry today.
To purchase one of Bunk Mann's books, click over to www.vanishingoc.com.
Both the Boardwalk and beach were narrow in this circa 1904 view of S. Division Street. On high tide, waves would come up close to the Boardwalk and the streets — all of which were unpaved in that era.
A towel’s smell after a beach day Keeper seashells

Passionate speakers at a public hearing
An outdoor shower after the beach
vanishing vanishing OCEAN CITY
Photo courtesy Clifford Dypsky
Page 60 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

A permanent Boardwalk was constructed in 1885 and extended for eight blocks along the oceanfront. Styles were more formal in the 1890s and 1900s — men in suits and ties and ladies in long dresses and big hats were normal attire for strolling the early Boardwalk in Ocean City.

The feel of September
Being sore from a workout
A big wedding reception
By Steve Green
Things I Like...
Old Polaroids with writing on the white part
How cool my wife is about football Sundays
The morning talk shows after a Ravens win
Scanning grocery store aisle headlines
Send resume by email to jsalm@jwse.com
•Experience in radio communications or prior dispatch center experience or equivalent training, education and/or experience preferred.
•Must maintain the highest level of confidentiality and have knowledge of the Town’s boundaries, addresses, and business locations.
Starting pay will vary according to experience. Individuals must be flexible, with shifts during the day, evening and midApplicantsnight. must:
$15/Week for Minimum of Five Lines • $2 Thereafter Per Line Display Classified Ads: $20/Week Per Column Inch (Contract Discounts Available) Deadline for Insertions, Cancellations & Payment is 3pm Tuesday Pre-Payment is Required. We Accept Visa & MasterCard CONTACT INFORMATION
Please email your resume to cpa@cgcpa.pro References will be requested.
Chairside DENTAL ASS’T.
Police Communications Officer
Work experience and/or an Associates degree in CAD or closely related field.
ATTN: SPRC Coastal Hwy Island, DE 19944 email: smbts@verizon.net
•Must be able to prioritize and multi-task with attention to detail, especially during extremely demanding situations.

Delmar Police Department
Email: chief@delmarpolice.com
US Mail Address: 102 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Delmar, MD 21875.
•Must be able to successfully complete an entry-level MILES/NCIC logon course certified by CJIS.
Accounting firm seeking front desk receptionist. Fulltime, year-round position. Some Saturdays Feb – April.

three references to: St.
•Have a high school diploma or approved GED.
September 16, 2022 Page 61The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
A beautiful award winning community in Ocean View, DE is seeking a motivated, driven, and goaloriented administrative assistant. Must be organized and possess excellent verbal and written communication skills. Must be computer proficient in MS Office and have the ability to multi – task. Must have excellent customer service skills. Previous experience in working with HOAs a plus, but not required. Full-time, yr round 40hrs/wk.
•Be a U.S. citizen.
Letters of interest and resumes may be submitted via US Mail or email.
•Lobster Shanty, 37310 Lighthouse Rd, Fenwick (Rt. 54) •Nantuckets, 601 Coastal Hwy, Fenwick HELPSERVERSWANTED ALL KITCHENHOSTESSESPOSITIONS APPLY IN PERSON AUTOMOTIVE GREAT-GREAT-GREATTECHNICIANSOPPORTUNTIES!!! Full Service automotive center, now has openings for Technicians Must be dependable. Fast paced, energetic atmosphere with advancement opportunities! Call Matt 302-344-9846 Excellent Pay & Benefits !! Locations in Long Neck, Ocean View & Ocean Pines Please apply in person. Greene Turtle West Rt. 611, West 410-213-1500OC NOW HIRING! •LINE COOKS •FOOD RUNNER •SERVERS •BARTENDER •BARBACK WEST OC’S MOST FUN PLACE TO WORK AND MAKE $$$$ PAYING TOP DOLLAR! THE Monday-FridayNIGHTHOUSEKEEPINGNOWSPINNAKERHIRINGDAYTIMELAUNDRYAPPLYINPERSON1800BaltimoreAvenue10am-3pm

For more information, please visit their website at: www.delmarpolice.com or contact the Delmar Police Department at 410-896-3131.
Phone: 410-641-4563 Fax: 410-641-0966
The Dispatch Classifieds
Apply within 100 Coastal Hwy. Fenwick Center Fenwick Island, 302-841-7662De.
Experience Preferred Ocean View Email Resume: molarbiz@yahoo.com

Play hymns, special music, & accompany the choir.
Please submit a cover letter, full contact info, resume, and Matthews By the Sea UMC
KITCHEN : Cooks, Kitchen Help, Food Runners wanted. Flexible schedule, clean kitchen, new equipment.Weekly pay checks. Friendly work environment. American Legion Post #166. Contact Sam Wiley 443-235-0876
The Delmar Police Department is accepting applications for a full time Police Communications Officer. The application period is open (no closing date).
Delmar Police Department : Contact No.:410-896-3131
CARPENTER: Needed for OC Condo renovations. Call for information. 443-783-1966.
•Pass extensive background check that includes a drug test, criminal history review, check of prior employers, and references among other requirements.
Call Matt thesterlingtavern@gmail.com302-593-4141atoremail

Interested candidates should email resume w/salary requirements to: Susan.Brewer@casinc.bizEOE
Previous accounting experience preferred but not required. We are willing to train the right candidate.
•Must be able to effectively communicate and maintain working relationships with staff and members of the public.
Accounting firm in Ocean City MD seeking full-time. Position will be responsible for maintaining multiple client accounts on a monthly basis.

Now Hiring For: Cooks Host/HostessCooks
Berlin, MD area
ROOM(S) FOR RENT: Seeking Roommate(s). YR or Seasonal. Non smoking, pets welcome. Single Family Home, 94th St. area. Call/text for more info. 410-7265200.(Job inhibits phone calls, text if can’t reach by calls).
HOUSE FOR RENT Year-round 4BR, 3.5BA, Garage, West OC. $2750/Mo. + Electric. No smoking. 2ND410-213-1633FLOORAPT Year-round 1BR, $1000/Mo.West1BA,OC.+Electric.Nosmoking/pets 410-213-1633 “I love getting The Dispatch by email daily” “(or just a little taste of it!)” “I love your emails, keep ‘em coming!” “I wait my whole day for my daily buzz!” “Getting the news so early is the best!” WEST O.C. OFFICE/RETAIL SPACES AVAILABLE: 2 Office/Retail Spaces for Lease. Plenty of Parking. 443-497-4200.
Page 62 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch Got Yard Sale? THE DISPATCH is the best way to get the word out!
Wrap all my wishes Around your little finger With loves spider silk! RENTALSWEEKLYWINTER Utilities Included AVAILABLE410-289-8581NOW OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT: Available Approximatelyimmediately,1300+/-sq ft. $2,200 mo. + util.’s, Please call / johanna@ocrooms.com443-754-5605textoremail The Dispatch Classifieds $15/Week for Minimum of Five Lines • $2 Thereafter Per Line Display Classified Ads: $20/Week Per Column Inch (Contract Discounts Available) Deadline for Insertions, Cancellations & Payment is 3pm Tuesday Pre-Payment is Required. We Accept Visa & MasterCard CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966 Email:Mail:classifieds@mdcoastdispatch.comP.O.Box467,BerlinMD21811 INDIAN RIVER MARINA IS NOW HIRING! •FUEL DOCK •DOCK HANDS •RAMP Apply(SEASONAL•GENERAL•SHIP•MAINTENANCE•NIGHTWATCH•BOATYARDATTENDANTSSTORECLERKCLERICALYEARROUND)Onlineatdelawarestatejobs.com For additional information, please contact the Marina office at 302.227.3071 AA/EOE Currently Hiring Manpower For: Carpenter | Laborer | Painters Stucco & EIFS Mechanics Concrete Work o Experience preferred. o Tools, transportation & valid driver’s license are a plus. o Excellent pay and a competitive benefits package available.Please Apply https://www.allstatesconst.com/delmarva-renovations-careersOnline:OrContactOurOfficeat410-352-9800 Now Hiring INSTALLERS Construction Background A Plus. Some Tools & Valid Driver's License Required .•Competitive Pay •Benefits Package • Performance Bonus Contact Our Office For Interview Find us at Masterjackwindows.com Masterjack Windows,Doors, & Storm Shutters 11935 Hammer Road, Bishopville. Maryland 11815 410-352-5000
Eastern shore resident is seeking a mature, responsible and experienced person to perform various housekeeping duties at a Berlin, MD estate five days weekly. Full time position with benefits and 401K. Reliable transportation necessary.

WINTER RENTAL: 3BR/2BA. 117th St. $1350 per mo. + Utlil.’s (no pets,no smoking) Call 410202-2632.
HOUSEPLANTS: When you're finished shopping the Berlin Farmers Market, check out the assort’dhouseplants & terrariums at the corner of 104 S. Main & Washington St. Sun 9/18, 9AM-1PM.
WHISPERING WOODS COMMUNITY WIDE YARDSALE (WOC, off Rt. 611) : Sat. 9/17, 8am-Noon. Items for the whole family!!
WINTER RENTALS: OC & West OC. $750 per month studio & $1,000 per month 2BR/1 BA. Call 410-430-9797.

YEAR ROUND RENTAL: 1BR Apartment. Berlin, MD. AVAIL. OCT 5TH. W/D, Full kitchen. Unfurnished. $975 per mo. includes $100 of util’s. $975. sec. dep. Good ref.’s a must. Email inquires OCREVENUEMGT@GMAIL.COMto:
Full Time
Call 410-803-4135, fax resume to 410-272-2249 or e-mail:Cleaningtgreaver@bscamerica.com.servicesneednotapply

Are You Getting Your Daily Buzz? Local News Articles Delivered Daily To Your Inbox SignUpToday! SI GN UP AT WW W.MDCOASTDISPATCH.COM AND JOIN THE 15, 000 PLUS W HO RECEI VE THE NEW S BEF ORE IT’S PRINTED WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING … “I really enjoy getting the Daily Buzz articles. They are informative, helpful and well-written. This was a great idea. Thank you.” “Thank you so much for keeping us aware for those of us not in Ocean City.” “I love the daily buzz!”

CHRISTOPHER T. WOODLEY, SaleamountTheofweeks,interlationnewspaperMarylandOrderprovided,26thshowntoCONFIRMED,nallyabove-entitled21842,23,PhiladelphiaMarylandAvenue,dresspropertiesWoodley,saleauthorityTER,the2022,thisNOTICESHOCKLEYWILLIAMS,TRUSTEEESQMOORE,&HARRISON,L.L.P.3509COASTALHIGHWAYOCEANCITY,MARYLAND21842INTHECIRCUITCOURTFORWORCESTERCOUNTYSTATEOFMARYLANDCaseNo.C-23-CV-21-000193VIKRAMDHILLON,etal.Plaintiffsvs.AMARDEEPDHILLONDefendantsNOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN,26thdayofAugust,bytheCircuitCourtforCOUNTYOFWORCES-Maryland,andbythethereof,thatthemadebyChristopherT.Trusteeoftherealhavinganad-of1103PhiladelphiaUnit21,OceanCity,21842,and1103Avenue,UnitOceanCity,Marylandandreportedinthecause,willfi-beRATIFIEDANDunlesscausethecontrarythereofbeonorbeforethedayofSeptember2022;acopyofthisbeinsertedintheCoastDispatch,aofgeneralcircu-publishedinWorces-County,Maryland,onceeachofthreesuccessivebeforethe19thdaySeptember2022.ReportstatestheoftheAssignees'tobe$259,000.00.NameofNewspaper:MarylandCoastDispatchDateofPublicationSEPTEMBER02,2022TRUETESTCOPYSUSANR.BRANIECKIClerkoftheCircuitCourtforWorcesterCounty,Maryland3x09-02,09-09,09-16DEBORAHULLMANN,ESQ.2032NDSTREETPOCOMOKECITY,MD21851 theformsforceableprovidedthatsentedthemailingwithintorbecreditorwrittenpublishedtomailspersonal(2)of(1)ingforetoRegistersentativedersignedpresentagainstAnyRUARY,foreRegistertheirdecedent’s(orjectionAllsentativetactingRegisterestateobtainedFurtherwithwhoofRepresentative2022,21851,POCOMOKE3521GLORIA19358.TURNER,theToNOTICEAPPOINTMENTOFTOCREDITORSNOTICETOUNKNOWNHEIRSESTATENO.19358allpersonsinterestedinestateofVONZELLAV.ESTATENO.NoticeisgiventhatT.MILBOURNE,PAYNEROAD,CITY,MDwasonAUGUST23,appointedPersonaloftheestateVONZELLAV.TURNER,diedonAPRIL01,2022awill.informationcanbebyreviewingthefileintheofficeoftheofWillsorbycon-thepersonalrepre-ortheattorney.personshavinganyob-totheappointmenttotheprobateofthewill)shallfileobjectionswiththeofWillsonorbe-the23RDdayofFEB-2023personhavingaclaimthedecedentmusttheclaimtotheun-personalrepre-orfileitwiththeofWillswithacopytheundersignedonorbe-theearlierofthefollow-dates:Sixmonthsfromthedatethedecedent'sdeath;orTwomonthsaftertherepresentativeorotherwisedeliversthecreditoracopyofthisnoticeorothernotice,notifyingthethattheclaimwillbarredunlessthecredi-presentstheclaimstwomonthsfromtheorotherdeliveryofnotice.Aclaimnotpre-orfiledonorbeforedate,oranyextensionbylaw,isunen-thereafter.ClaimmaybeobtainedfromRegisterofWills.NameofNewspaper:MarylandCoastDispatchDateofPublicationSEPTEMBER02,2022GLORIAT.MILBOURNEPersonalRepresentativesTrueTestCopyTERRIWESTCOTTRegisterofWillsforWorcesterCountyRoom102-CourtHouseOneW.MarketStreet
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
Personal publishedtomailspersonal(2)of(1)ingforetoRegistersentativedersignedpresentagainstAny2023foreRegistertheirdecedent’s(orjectionAllsentativetactingRegisterestateobtainedFurtherwithdiedWARRENthePersonalBERMDSHORECROPPER,givenESTATEELBRIDGEWARRENtheToTHOMASSnowRoomRegisterTERRIRepresentativesTrueTestCopyWESTCOTTofWillsforWorcesterCounty102-CourtHouseOneW.MarketStreetHill,MD21863-10743x09-02,09-09,09-16K.COATES,ESQ.COATES,COATES&COATES,PA6200COASTALHIGHWAY,SUITE300OCEANCITY,MD21842NOTICEOFAPPOINTMENTNOTICETOCREDITORSNOTICETOUNKNOWNHEIRSESTATENO.19371allpersonsinterestedinestateofELBRIDGECROPPER,AKA:W.CROPPER,NO.19371.NoticeisthatKARENRABEAU13040NORTHROAD,OCEANCITY,21842,wasonSEPTEM-06,2022,appointedRepresentativeofestateofELBRIDGECROPPER,whoonAUGUST24,2022awill.informationcanbebyreviewingthefileintheofficeoftheofWillsorbycon-thepersonalrepre-ortheattorney.personshavinganyob-totheappointmenttotheprobateofthewill)shallfileobjectionswiththeofWillsonorbe-the6THdayofMARCH,personhavingaclaimthedecedentmusttheclaimtotheun-personalrepre-orfileitwiththeofWillswithacopytheundersignedonorbe-theearlierofthefollow-dates:Sixmonthsfromthedatethedecedent'sdeath;orTwomonthsaftertherepresentativeorotherwisedeliversthecreditoracopyofthisnoticeorother
September 16, 2022 Page 63The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
estateobtainedFurther24,PLE,KEVONTEthePersonalBERMDCIRCLE,SAMPLE,givenJAQUANtheToWILLIAMPersonalSEPTEMBERPublication09,2022BARRYE.FISHERRepresentativesTrueTestCopyTERRIWESTCOTTRegisterofWillsforWorcesterCountyRoom102-CourtHouseOneW.MarketStreetSnowHill,MD21863-10743x09-09,09-16,09-23C.HUDSONESQ9748STEPHENDECATURHWY.,SUITE111OCEANCITY,MD21842SMALLESTATENOTICEOFAPPOINTMENTNOTICETOCREDITORSNOTICETOUNKNOWNHEIRSESTATENO.19374allpersonsinterestedinestateofKEVONTESAMPLE.NoticeisthatSHAKEISHA101BERWYCKPOCOMOKECITY,21851,wasonSEPTEM-06,2022,appointedRepresentativeofSMALLESTATEof:JAQUANSAM-whodiedonAUGUST2022withoutawill.informationcanbebyreviewingthefileintheofficeoftheThird Insertion Second Insertion Second Insertion First Insertion Third Insertion Third Insertion The Dispatch
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Legal Notices
All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 22ND day of FEBRUARY, 2023
Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 09-02, 09-09, 09-16
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
the estate of DAVID WILEY GREGORY, III, ESTATE NO. 19354. Notice is given that DAVID WILEY GREGORY, JR, 13320 NANTUCKET ROAD, OCEAN CITY, MD 21842, was on AUGUST 22, 2022, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of DAVID WILEY GREGORY, III,, who died on AUGUST 10, 2022 with a will.
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
LEGAL RATES Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. The deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966. CONTACT INFORMATION
Phone: 410-641-4563 410-641-0966
• Fax:
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of DAVIDSEPTEMBERPublication02,2022WILEYGREGORY,
information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
Phone: 410-641-4563 410-641-0966
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
To all persons interested in the estate of NANCY J ADKINS, ESTATE NO. 19382.
(2) Thirty days after the per-
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or

(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 12TH day of MARCH, 2023
All persons having any ob-
PersonalSEPTEMBERPublication16,2022HALOADKINSRepresentativesTrueTestCopyTERRIWESTCOTTRegisterofWillsforWorcesterCountyRoom102-CourtHouseOneW.MarketStreetSnowHill,MD21863-10743x09-16,09-23,09-30 Page 64 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
ToNOTICEAPPOINTMENTOFTOCREDITORSNOTICETOUNKNOWNHEIRSESTATENO.19376allpersonsinterested in the estate of JULIE ANN SCHMIDT, ESTATE NO. 19376. Notice is given that STEVEN SCHMIDT, 19731 BUCKLODGE ROAD, BOYDS, MD 20841, was on SEPTEMBER 08, 2022, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of JULIE ANN SCHMIDT, who died on JANUARY 12, 2021 without a
All persons having any objection to the probate of the will shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within six months after the date of publication of this Notice.All persons having claims against the decedent must serve their claims on the undersigned personal representative or file them with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of FurtherwithoutdiedofRepresentative06,11217,PLACE,VANticeHEE,theToNOTICEPersonalSEPTEMBERPublication16,2022STEVENSCHMIDTRepresentativesTrueTestCopyTERRIWESTCOTTRegisterofWillsforWorcesterCountyRoom102-CourtHouseOneW.MarketStreetSnowHill,MD21863-10743x09-16,09-23,09-30NOTICEOFAPPOINTMENTTOCREDITORSNOTICETOUNKNOWNHEIRSESTATENO.19373allpersonsinterestedinestateofDOUGLASVANESTATENO.19373.No-isgiventhatALLISONHEE,66ROCKWELLBROOKLYN,NYwasonSEPTEMBER2022,appointedPersonaloftheestateDOUGLASVANHEE,whoonAUGUST02,2022awill.informationcanbe
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
The Dispatch Legal Notices
obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
sonal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claims will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within thirty days from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Any claim not served or filed within that time, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter.
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
All persons having any objection to the appointment shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within 30 days after the date of publication of this Notice.
First Insertion First Insertion First Insertion
person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of
All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 6TH day of MARCH,
LEGAL RATES Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. The deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966. CONTACT INFORMATION
• Fax:
Date of
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Notice is given that HAL O ADKINS, 10334 GOLF COURSE ROAD, OCEAN CITY, MD 21842was on SEPTEMBER 12, 2022, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of NANCY J ADKINS,who died on AUGUST 30, 2022 with a
information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
jection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 8th day of MARCH,
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of
While it was ultimately learned the proposed demolition project was not among the list of grant award recipients, Ranck told board members earlier this year the municipality had plans to reapply.Notification regarding the next round of demolition grants is set to be announced in November.
“The state grant is only $7.5 million, and we’re grateful because it leverages a lot of money around the state,” she said in May. “But it is a small pot of money when you are talking about large construction projects.”
While the library has applied for the state’s fiscal year 2024 capital grant program to assist with construction costs, Ranck said officials are moving forward with design as they await award“Weannouncements.didreceiveafew questions back from the Department of Budget Management about the application …,” she told board members this week. “Questions are good because it means they read the grant. But I won’t know anything until the governor releases his budget.”In2020, county officials began moving forward with plans for a new library in Pocomoke after selecting a building scheme for a shared facility on a vacant lot offered by the City of Pocomoke.
New Branch Proposed For Pocomoke
But in October of that year, Ranck announced the library’s decision to forego the construction of a new branch on the downtown parcel after receiving the results of a phase two environmental study, which identified several underground storage tanks on the site.
POCOMOKE – As the library awaits news regarding capital grant funding, board members this week got a first look at some of the proposed design elements for a new Pocomoke branch.
Library Design Work Commences
architect Jeff Schoellkopf on a facility design.“The county commissioners did approve the library’s request to move forward with design,” she said. “So we’ve been working with Jeff Schoellkopf, who did the Berlin branch … They are all pretty Ranckpreliminary.”notedthatshe and Schoellkopf are drafting potential designs for a one-story building that include meeting spaces, study rooms and a treehouse, which would house children’s programming.“Wewerethinking maybe some sort of treehouse that sticks out from the side of the building …,” she said. “It gives the building something special that speaks to the Pocomoke Forest or the history of Pocomoke.”
Despite the setback, Pocomoke’s city manager came before the Worcester County Commissioners last year with a proposal to seek state grant funding for the demolition of the long-vacant armory building on 2nd Street. The goal, he noted, was to build a new Pocomoke library branch in its place.
In the meantime, Ranck said she has decided to apply for a state grant to fund the library’s eventual construction at the proposed armory site.
“We have one square block and we’re making this fit with some parking,” she said. “We’re trying to get everything on one story … All things on one floor makes it a little bit easier to manage.”
September 16, 2022 Page 65The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

In this week’s board meeting, she added the library was also working with
On Tuesday, Worcester County Library Director Jennifer Ranck presented the library’s board of directors with an update on plans to construct a new library branch in downtown Pocomoke.
The proposed site was expected to not only house the library, but a senior center as well.
Ranck also told board members the library would also work with WhitingTurner Contracting Company on cost estimating and constructability review.
“The last several years we’ve had great events,” he said. “We’ve had no significant problems with the fall Cruisin event.”With the motorized special event season underway, there is always an in-kind number of participants and spectators gathering in the parking lots of resort businesses closed at night, often with alarming results. As a result, the OCPD two years ago created the Trespass Enforcement Authorization Program, or TEAP, which allows the department and its allied partners to go
“We are staged for towing,” he said. “Last year, tows dropped off about 50% from 2020. I’d like to see it drop off even more.”
motorized special events, but they are generally tamer.
Buzzuro: ‘We Are Cautiously Optimistic’ On Rally
on private property when a business is closed to enforce laws and regulations. Meehan said during the task force meeting last week the program has grown significantly since its inception.“We went from around 170 just a few years ago to over 300 now,” he said. “It’s a very important program. It’s a great partnership with our community.”
“Hopefully, we can bring back folks that decided to stay away on that weekend over the years,” he said. “It truly is a beautiful time of year in Ocean City.”
have a plan in place. We’ve been part of this since this task force began.”
Buzzuro said the OCPD and its partners have everything in place for whatever the expected pop-up rally brings next
“We’re hopeful for a good motor vehicle event season,” she said. “We’re ready to handle whatever comes our way.”Inrecent years in anticipation of the annual September pop-up rally, the town has taken a stance to caution other visitors to stay away. With a decline in the event last year, Meehan said it could be time to welcome those visitors back.
age of 2,300 to 2,400. We have events in Berlin and Snow Hill because we want to keep the cars moving around. We’re trying to put heads in beds earlier in the week.”
In recent years, Cruisin event promoters have been actively involved in the task force and have created different events to keep participants off the streets in the resort including satellite locations, concerts and other attractions. TEAM Productions’ Bob Rothermel, which produces the spring and fall classic car events, said the plan is in place for the fall event in October to continue to do the same things. He said last year was an indication of the success of some of the alternative activities.“Everything went well from our side,” he said. “We have over 2,000 already registered and we will be at our aver-
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Buzzuro cautioned against believing the annual September pop-up car rally was completely in the rear-view mirror.
Of course, Ocean City in the fall is subjected to coastal storms and the associated flooding in the downtown area. Rothermel said last year’s fall event was curtailed somewhat by downtown flooding, but there were contingency plans in place in the event of a repeat. He said just last week there was flooding in the downtown area despite the lack of a storm or major rainfall event.“We noticed the flooding on St. Louis Avenue this morning,” he said. “We’re looking at what we can do if we have flooding problems downtown. We do
“We’re not out of the woods,” he said. “We are cautiously optimistic. I think we’re going to see another year where we see a decline in a lot of these things. All we can promise is to give you anotherBuzzuro110%.”said the enhanced towing ordinance and the number of tow companies on hand for the pop-up rally anticipated next week will be in place.
For his part, Buzzuro said despite some of the uncertainties surrounding the expected pop-up event last week, his department and its allies will be well prepared.“Things are looking favorable,” he said. “Our high-visibility efforts are paying off. Last year, we saw a significant difference. We’re seeing a tremendous drop-off from what we saw in 2019 and 2020. It looks promising.”
“Thereweek.has been a great deal of preparation,” he said. “There are a ton of things done to get where we are. We’re going to have a good number of law enforcement personnel out on the streets. It really comes down to safety. Everyone is welcome, but there is an expectation that everyone follows the rules. We’re optimistic we’re going to have a goodTheoutcome.”trickle-down from the annual motorized special events falls on those who prosecute the countless arrests, citations and other violations. Worcester County State’s Attorney Kris Heiser said during last week’s task force meeting her office is well prepared to address whatever the events bring.
Buzzuro said for his department’s part, the fall Cruisin events create far fewer problems than the unsanctioned pop-up event.
September 16, 2022 Page 67The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Resiliency Study Workshop Date Set For Route 1

Last year, DelDOT applied for, and was awarded, a grant to conduct a resiliency study of Route 1. And while work has already begun, officials are now holding public workshops.
All Locations Open 9 a.m.-11 p.m. Daily www.oldprogolf.com • 410-524-2645 23rd Street ~ Temple Of Dragons 28th Street ~ Medieval Faire 68th Street ~ Dinosaurs & Indoor Under Sea Adventure 136th Street ~ Caribbean Pirates & Indoor Safari Village OC’sOnly27HoleMiniGolfCourse WheelchairAccessible

The statement continues, “This section of SR1 is a primary evacuation route for Bethany Beach, South Bethany, Fenwick Island, and Ocean City, Maryland. This planning study will allow the Delaware Department of Transportation to develop short and long-term solutions to help protect this important roadway for both the economic stability of the state and the safety of the traveling public.”
FENWICK ISLAND – As Fenwick Island awaits the start of a town-wide resiliency study, officials are encouraging residents to participate in upcoming virtual workshops involving a resiliency plan for Route 1.
The goal of the DelDOT study, the agency reports, is to examine the impacts of climate change and sea-level rise on transportation infrastructure and to incorporate resiliency measures in the planning, design, construction and maintenance of “DelDOTprojects.hasbeen and continues to be challenged by the effects of sea-level rise (SLR) and frequently flooded roadways,” a statement reads. “And the SR1 corridor between Dewey Beach and the Maryland state line is particularly vulnerable with effects coming from oceanside as well as bayside.”
The first virtual workshop will be held Sept. 20, with the first session being held from 5-6 p.m. and the second session being held from 6-7 p.m. Both sessions will contain the same content and format.For more information, or to access the meeting link, visit COM,tee(DNREC).Resourcesprojects/Studies/sr1-coastal-corridor/.www.deldot.gov/-Inthemeantime,officialsinFenwickIslandsaythetownisstillwaitingtopro-ceedwithitsownresiliencystudy,whichisbeingfundedthroughagrantprovidedbytheDelawareDepartmentofNaturalandEnvironmentalControlInthisweek’sinfrastructurecommit-meeting,BennnotedtheapprovalprocessbetweenDNRECandAE-thecompanythetownselectedtocompletetheproject,hadbroughttheprojecttoastandstillinrecentmonths.
On Tuesday, Sept. 20, the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) will hold two, one-hour public workshops to present plans for a resiliency study of the Route 1 corridor.
“It will all dovetail with our own resiliency study as well,” he said.
Fenwick Island Councilman Richard Benn, chair of the town’s infrastructure committee, encouraged members this week to tune in to the virtual workshops.

Sept. 17: Mobile Headquarters
Every Tuesday: Tango Practice
Every Thursday: Beach Singles
Inviting new singers, both ladies and gentle men to join the Pines Tones Chorus. 1 p.m. Ocean Pines Community Center, Dave, 610213-7472.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a weekly support and education group promoting weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Meetings are held at the Worcester County Berlin Health Department at 9730 Healthway Drive, Berlin from 3:30-4:30 p.m. every Tuesday. 410289-4725.
Oct. 20: Furnace Town Tour, Lunch
Oct. 22: Chicken, Dumplings
The Wor-Wic Community College Foundation is sponsoring a 5K Run/Walk, along with the 2022 Law Enforcement Team Cup Challenge, at 9 a.m., at the college campus on the corner of Route 50 and Walston Switch Road in Salisbury. Check-in and registration begin at 8 a.m. The entry fee is $25 per person, or $35 per person after Sept. 28. Proceeds will benefit the students of Wor-Wic. For more information or a registration form, visit the college website at www.worwic.edu or call 410-334-2807.
Ocean City AARP Chapter 1917 will meet at 10 a.m. in the Ocean City Senior Center located on 41st Street and Coastal Highway (behind the Dough Roller restaurant). Please arrive early at 9:30 for a social halfhour and refreshments. Our guest speaker will be provided by Tidal Health. New members are welcome. Call Bob McCluskey at 410-250-0980 with questions.
Knights of Columbus hosts with doors open at 5 p.m. and bingo beginning promptly at 6:30 p.m. Held at the Columbus Hall at 9901 Coastal Highway, behind St. Luke's Church. Play every game for just $24. Light refreshments available. Call 410-524-7994 with any questions.
Page 68 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Temple Bat Yam is hosting a community cel ebration to honor the 25th anniversary of its permanent House of Worship from 6-9 p.m. at The BLU Mezzanine overlooking the bay on 24th Street and Coastal Hwy. in Ocean City. The temple invites its members and the surrounding Eastern Shore communities to join the celebration. The event is a fundraiser for the nonprofit temple and will feature heavy hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, plus gifts from the organization’s supporting sponsors including silent and live auctions, a treasure chest of jewelry and a wingspan 50/50 raffle. Tickets are $50 per person. Temple Bat Yam has served the growing Jewish population on the Delmarva Peninsula since 1992. Prior to the construction of its permanent building in 1997 on Old Worcester Hwy. in Berlin, members congregated in various locations in Ocean City for more than five years. This fundraiser will allow needed interior renovations of its sanctuary, the addi-
Every Friday: Bingo
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Berlin is sponsoring a free community shred-it event from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. in the church parking lot. St. Paul’s will offer free tours of the 200year-old church during the event. There is a limit of three boxes per family. No businesses please.
Sept. 24: Indoor Yard Sale
Sept. 22: Fashion Show Luncheon
Sept. 19: General Meeting
Sept. 18: OC Cruzers On Plaza
AYCE breakfast buffet at the Whaleyville United Methodist Church located at 11716 Sheppards Crossing Road in Whaleyville. $8/adult and $4/child. From 7-10 a.m., buffet will include pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrapple, scrambled eggs, chipped beef, hash brown potatoes, toast, fruit and assorted beverages.
The Delmarva Hand Dance Club holds dancing at the Selbyville Elks Lodge 2173 from 5:30-9 p.m. delmarvhanddancing.com.
Sept. 24: Drive-Thru Luncheon
Oct. 8: Baskets, Bags, Bucks Bingo
Oct. 22: Blood Drive Event
Sept. 25: Breakfast Buffet
Worcester County Library will present a special community book discussion, "The Art of Reading Book Club," at 6 p.m. at the Berlin Branch. The discussion will focus on James Reston Jr.'s "A Rift in the Earth: Art, Memory, and the Fight for the Vietnam War Memorial." The program will be facilitated by Poet Laureate Nancy Mitchell and is sponsored through a grant from the Worcester County Arts Council. Books are available at the Belin Branch circulation desk. This November marks the 40th anniversary of the Vietnam War memorial installation. This mem orial was controversial at the time because of the choice of artist and the design, the first of its kind. Today it represents one of the most powerful memorials in our history. To register, Visit worcesterlibrary.org and click on 'Events,' or by calling Adult Program Man ager Elena Coelho at 443-783-6164.
Bikers Without Borders Foundation along with the Blood Bank of Delmarva are hosting a blood drive and hope that you will give the gift of life at the Dagsboro Donation Center, 32442 Royal Blvd., Dagsboro Del. 19939 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Registration requested prior to event 888-825-6638. Food available on site for purchase, vendors and DJ.
Bikers Without Borders Foundation will host Bike Night and Cruise In from 5 to 10 p.m. at Joes’ Bent Spoon Mason Dixon Shopping Center, Selbyville, Del. AYCE Buffet $25. All welcome, designated bike/car parking. 10% of proceeds will be donated back to BWOB to benefit their core 9400.bordersfoundation@gmail.com.charities.Bikerswithout-302-436-
Sept. 24-25: Renaissance Faire
Ocean City AARP Chapter 1917 will meet at 10 a.m. in the Ocean City Senior Center located on 41st Street. Please arrive early at 9:30 for a social half-hour and refreshments. Guest speaker will be from the Sierra Club. New members are welcome. Call Bob McCluskey at 410-250-0980 with questions.
Willards Ladies Auxiliary’s 14th annual event will be held at the Willards Lions Club. Doors open at 4 p.m. and bingo starts at 6 p.m. $25 in advance; $30 at the door. For tickets, call 410-726-1583 or 410-835-2285.
Caleb Road, Berlin, from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. to learn about alpacas and enjoy farm activities for all ages. Activities include farm tour, experience alpacas up close, sort alpaca fleece/fur, see the process from animal to wearable products, shop in the “Breezy Barn” farm store for yarn, clothing and accessories and souvenirs. Hayrides and other activities throughout the afternoon. Call Nancy at 410-251-0931 for more information.
From 10 a.m.-6 p.m., the 2nd Annual Renaissance Faire at Furnace Town Historic Site, 3816 Old Furnace Rd., Snow Hill. Cost is $15/adult, $10/children ages 5-14. www.furnacetown.org.
Calvary United Methodist Church, 8607 Ironshire Station Road, will host Pre-Homecoming Chicken n Dumplings Dinners "to go" sale. Starting 10:30 a.m. until sold out. Platters are $12 and comes with two sides and roll. Sides include macaroni and cheese, greens, potato salad and string beans. Drinks and dessert table items available for sale.
Every Monday: Acapella Chorus
The Delmarva Chorus, a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, is planning an open house/guest night from 6-8 p.m. at the Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway. Does your love of music need a
Wicomico Retired School Personnel Association, formerly Wicomico Retired Educational Personnel, will host a luncheon at the Salisbury Moose Lodge. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. for fellowship with lunch beginning at noon. Guest is a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), which is designed to help abused and neglected children. Call Cheryl Kennedy 410-883- 2292 to make a reservation.
Berlin library branch will host a Ranger-led adventure featuring crafts, puppets, stories, cool props and live animals from Assateague Island National Seashore. A different adventure each week for all ages.
Sept. 19: Chorus Open House
5-6:30 p.m. Atlantic General Hospital, Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Call Rose 443-8808444.
Every Monday: TOPS Meeting
tion of stained glass to the memorial foyer, as well as other much needed refreshening. Temple Bat Yam is a Reform Jewish congre gation committed to the ideals and eternal truths of Judaism. Tickets to the event and more information are available at www.templebatyam-oc. org, by emailing Temple Bat Yam at TempleBatYam97@aol.com, or by calling 410-641-4311.
Sept. 22, 29: Chorus Singers
Elks Lodge 2645, corner of Sinepuxent Avenue and 138th Street in Ocean City. Has bingo all year. Doors open 4:30 p.m. with first game sharply at 6:30 p.m. Kitchen open for light fare. 410-250-2645.
October 22: Furnace Town Halloween
Things To Do
Oct. 1: 5K Run/Walk
All ladies who love to sing are invited to the Delmarva Woman’s Acapella Chorus, Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway, 6-8 p.m. Contact Mary 410-6299383 or Carol 302-242-7062.
The Church of the Holy Spirit will hold from 7 a.m. till noon at Coastal Highway and 100th St. Call the church office at 410-7231973 for more information.
Every Wednesday: Bingo
Sept. 20: Luncheon
Sept: 24: Alpaca Day Celebration
3-6 p.m. Somerset Street Plaza just off the Boardwalk Live music and classic cars. Free.
Argentine Tango practice 7-9:30 p.m. Experienced dancers and anyone interested in watching or learning more are welcome. No partner required. More information at TangobytheBeach.com.
Oct. 12: AARP Meeting
Democratic Women's Club of Worcester County general meeting will be held with cof fee at 9:30 a.m.; meeting, 10 a.m. at the Ocean Pines Community Center, Assateague Room. Speaker is Dr. Adam Hoffman, Professor and Chair of the Political Science Department, Salisbury University.
Join the club, 55 plus, at Harpoon Hanna’s in Fenwick Island, 4-6 p.m. 302-436-9577 or BeachSingles.org.
Sept. 17, 24: Assateague Adventures
Every Tuesday: Dancing
Republican Women of Worcester County invite citizens to visit the mobile headquarters on site at the Worcester County Fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Byrd Park in Snow Hill Information on republican candidates and campaign signs and materials will be available.
Every Tuesday: TOPS Meeting
The Republican Women of Worcester Coun ty announce the 13th Annual Patriot Day Fashion Show Luncheon at The Grand Hotel in Ocean City. The event’s theme is "Honoring Local Women Who Have Served in the Armed Forces.” Fashions will be presented by Bruder Hill of Berlin. All are welc ome. www.gopwomenofworcester.org. Merilee Horvat, 443-614-9386.
Powellville UM Church will host from 10 a.m. until sold out at 35606 Mount Hermon Road, Powellville. Drive thru luncheon features oyster fritter sandwiches, homemade chicken salad, homemade soups including peas and dumplings and vegetable beef. Bake sale items will be available. No pre-orders. Call 410-835-8796 or 443-880-8804 for more details.
From 4-8 p.m., Halloween in the Forest at Furnace Town Historic Site, 3816 Old Furnace Rd., Snow Hill. Spooktacular games, music and trick-or-treating. Cost is $5/person. www.furnacetown.org.
Every Sunday: Berlin Farmers Market
Oct. 8: Temple Celebration
place to go? Come sing A Capella with the group. All ladies are invited to attend and spend an evening singing and meeting new friends. Fun, smiles and laughter are guaranteed. For more information, call Mary at 410-208-4009, www.delmarvachorus.org, or our Facebook page, Delmarva Chorus.
From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., several streets will be closed to allow producers to display their goods. Live music from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Celebrate National Alpaca Days at the Ocean Breeze Alpaca Farm, located at 10304
Nov. 9: AARP Meeting
Sept. 22: Bike Night, Cruise In
Sept. 17: Free Shred-It Event
Oct. 12: Book Discussion
The Ocean City 50-Plus Center is planning a trip to Furnace Town in Snow Hill and lunch at Blacksmith Gastropub. Call 410289-0824 for information.
Jennifer Spicer's third grade class at Ocean City Elementary spent a science lesson engaged in a STEM challenge team building activity. Students, like Ashton Tucker, Isabelle Paulley and Artem Stetsenko, were required to collaborate in small groups while problem solving through their attempts to save Fred the worm.

September 16, 2022 Page 69The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Worcester Preparatory School seniors Parker Tingle and Christopher Todorov have been named 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalists. The two seniors qualified for the accolade by taking the 2021 PSAT. They are among 16,000 students selected as semifinalists, representing less than one percent of all U.S. high school seniors. Pictured, from left, are WPS Director of College Counseling Vickie Garner, Todorov, Tingle and WPS Head of School Dr. John McDonald. Submitted Photos

Students in Kara Wolf's third grade class at Ocean City Elementary used base 10 blocks to compare three-digit numbers during Math. Pictured, from left, are Jaidee Vitjathorn, Liam Savage, Sarah Wall and Kaleigh Wessman.

Friday, Sept. 16:
Sunday, Sept. 18: TBA
Sept. 17: GreatDJ Groove,Train Robbery, Shake The Room Monday, Sept. 19: DJ CharlieRobCee,&The Cool Tones, Tunnel’s End GREENE TURTLE WEST 410-213-1500Rt.611,West O.C. Friday, Sept. 16: Saturday,WACK Sept. 17: DJ BK Best Beats On The Beach DJ Friday,Fager’sROBCEEIsland:Sept.16 & Monday, Sept. 19 DJ Sept.FridayResort:OCYEMIFontainebleu&Saturday,16&17 JACKSaturday,BANNONPier23:Sept.17 JIM LONG BAND Coins &ThursdayFriday,Harborside:DJSaturdaysPub:BILLYTSunday Harborside:W/JEREMYKAROAKESaturdays KEVIN POOLE Pier Friday,23:Sept. 16 KASEY BRIGGS OC SaturSaturday,Eateries:Sept.17DJBKGreeeneTurtleWest:day,Sept.17JOEESHAMOCEateries:Friday,Sept.16SIX WHISKEY REVIVAL Crawl St. Tavern: Friday, Sept. 16 Pickles Pub: Saturday, Sept. 17 BEATS BY WAX PicklesTuesdaysPub:&Thursdays DJ &Fridays,PicklesDEOGEEPub:SundaysWednesdays

Thursday, Sept. 22:
Chris Sacks Duo, Lauren Glick Band Monday, Sept. 19:

The Everafter, One Night Stand
COINS 28th410-289-3100PUBSt.PlazaOnCoastalHwy.
COCONUTS BEACH BAR & CastleOceanfrontGRILLInThe Sand 37th & 38th 410-289-6846St.
Jack Worthington, Full Wednesday,Circle Sept. 21: Ocean Winds, Chris Diller Duo

Friday, Sept. 16:
FAGER’S 60th410-524-5500ISLANDSt.InTheBay
BUXY’S SALTY DOG 28th410-289-0973St.&Coastal Hwy.
Dave Hawkins & Joe Mama, The Dunehounds
Friday, Sept. 16:
GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY Fager’s Island: Friday & Saturday, Sept. 16 & 17
DJ Saturday,RedGreatRobCee,TrainRobbery,DirtRevolution
Saturday, Sept. 17:
CRABCAKE FACTORY 37314302-988-5000BAYSIDELighthouse Rd., Rte. 54 Selbyville, DE
CRAWL STREET TAVERN 443-373-2756WicomicoSt.DowntownO.C.
SCOTT MARSHALL & THE HIGHWAY SOULS Seacrets: Saturday, Friday, Sept. 16

Darin Engh, Lime Green Band
Six Whiskey Revival Saturday, Sept. 17: Road DeviationCase,By Design Thursday, Sept. 22:
Friday, Sept. 16: Identity Saturday,CrisisSept. 17: Jim ShortcutLong,Sunny
DJ Willdabeast

Purple Moose Saloon: Friday & Saturday, Sept. 16 & 17

Sean Loomis Solo, Smooth & Remy Tuesday, Sept. 20:

Sunday, Sept. 18:
Saturday, Sept. 17: TBA
Page 70 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Friday, Sept. 16: Rick & Wednesday,ReginaSept. 21: Joe Smooth
Who’s Where When
When 410-213-1846HARBORSIDESouthHarborRd., West
: Kasey
Fridays: DJ
T OC 443-252-3700EATERIES12849OceanGateway, Rte.

: DJ
T Saturday,
RESORT 10100410-524-3535Coastal Hwy. In The OC Friday & Saturday, Sept. 16 & 17: DJ Yemi OCEAN PINES YACHT CLUB 1410-641-7501Mumford’sLanding Road, OP Friday, Sept. 16: Sons Of FullSaturday,PiratesSept.17:Circle PICKLES 8th410-289-4891PUBSt.&Philadelphia Ave. Fridays: Beats By Deogee Saturday, Sept. 17: The Sundays:DustWhiskeyDunehounds,Revival,NBonesBeatsBy Deogee Mondays: Karaoke with Wood Tuesdays: Beats By Wax Wednesdays: Beats By Deogee Thursdays: Beats By Wax PIER 12817410-289-332323Harbor Rd., West OC Friday, Sept. 16: Kevin Saturday,PooleSept. 17: Jack Bannon PURPLE MOOSE SALOON Between Talbot & Caroline Sts. On The 410-289-6953Boardwalk Friday & Saturday, Sept. 16 & 17: Saturday,Surreal Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday Sept. 17, 18, 20 & 22: DJ Adam Dutch Monday, Sept. 19: DJ Rut Wednesday, Sept. 21: DJ Papi Roisterous 49th410-524-4900SEACRETSSt.&Coastal Hwy. Friday, Sept. 16: DJ Bobby O, ScottDJ Cruz,Marshall & The Highway Souls, Triple Rail Turn, Live Wire (AC/DC) Tribute) Saturday, Sept. 17: DJ Bobby O, FrankieDJ Tuff, Goes To Dollywood, Fish Out Of Water, Crash The Party Sunday, Sept. 18: John McNutt Band Thursday, Sept. 22: Opposite Directions
Who’s Where O.C. Billy Sept. Project, Sunday,JeremySept. Directions, Billy Thursdays:T Billy 50 West OC Sept. 16 Saturday,EshamSept. 17 Thursday,BriggsSept. 22 Karaoke FONTAINEBLEU

NO BRAKES Greene Turtle North: Saturday, Sept. 17 RICK & REGINA Crabcake Factory Bayside: Friday, Sept. 16 September 16, 2022 Page 71The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch IDENTITY CRISIS Coin’s Pub: Friday, Sept. 16 ROAD CASE Crawl St. Tavern: Saturday, Sept. 17 OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS Harborside: Sunday, Sept. 18 Seacrets: Thursday, Sept. 22 THE DUNEHOUNDS Pickles Pub: Saturday, Sept. 17 Coconuts Beach Bar: Thursday, Sept. 22 WACK Greene Turtle West: Friday, Sept. 16 SMOOTH & REMY Coconuts Beach Bar: Monday, Sept. 19 Coconuts Beach Bar: Wednesday, Sept. 21 LIVE WIRE (AC/DC TRIBUTE) Seacrets: Friday, Sept. 16 RED DIRT REVOLUTION Fager’s Island: Friday, Sept. 16
: Joe
17: Side
18: Opposite
Worcester’s McGovern Named To Elite Team
BERLIN – Stephen Decatur’s varsity football team rolled past visiting Indian River, 42-0, in a non-conference game last Friday to improve to 2-0 on the season.Decatur led 15-0 after one quarter and 27-0 at the half on its way to the 420 rout of Indian River. Quarterback Brycen Coleman completed eight passes in 12 attempts for 125 yards and two touchdowns. Coleman also ran eight times for
Submitted Photo
The Worcester Prep boys won their seventh straight Eastern Shore Independent Athletic Conference championship last season and finished the season with an impressive 10-2-1 record. The Worcester boys cruised past Salisbury School, 8-1, in the season opener last week. Meanwhile, the Worcester Prep girls’ varsity soccer team fell to old rival Saints Peter and Paul, 3-2 in its season opener last
BERLIN – Worcester Prep sophomore Ben McGovern last month was named All-Conference Second Team for the MidAtlantic region of the Elite Clubs National Soccer League (ECNL).
Seahawks Roll Past Indian River, Improve To 2-0

Worcester Prep’s Ben McGovern was recently named to the Elite Clubs National Soccer League All-Conference Second Team. Submitted Photo

Join WCRP for a wonderful day of golf. Check-in and lunch begin at 11:30 a.m. A shotgun start will follow at 1 p.m. The cost to participate is $80 per golfer, and all proceeds generated by this event will benefit underprivileged youth who participate in WCRP youth programs, leagues, after school activi-
112 yards and two touchdowns on the ground.Caden Shockley had five carries for 37 yards, while Luke Mergott carried the ball five times for 34 yards and Nathan Tapley ran three times for 35 yards. Davin Chandler caught two passes for 30 yards and a touchdown, while Logan Bradshaw caught a 46-yard touchdown pass. Zahkari Baker also had two catches for 24 yards. Next up for the Seahawks is a tough road game against Bayside North power Kent Island on Friday.
Decatur’s Logan Bradshaw catches a 46-yard-touchdown pass from Brycen Coleman to put Decatur up 27-0 just prior to the half in the Seahawks 42-0 win over Indian River.
– Worcester County Recreation & Parks (WCRP) will host the 10th annual Tee Off for Youth Golf Tournament and Fundraiser on Friday, Sept. 30, at the Ocean City Golf Club.
ties, and summer camps. Over one third of the children participating in WCRP’s programs are considered underprivileged, and tournament proceeds provide scholarships to assure all children can participate in recreation programs year-round.Registera team for this year’s Tee Off for Youth Golf Tournament and Fundraiser. Forms to register your four-man scramble are available on the WCRP website or pick one up in person at the Worcester County Recreation Center. For more information contact Tyler Keiser at 410-632-2144 x2505 or tkeiser@marylandscoast.org.
Photo by J.P. Cathell Photography
Tough Guy Of The Week: This week’s Hammond Family “Tough Guy of the Week” award went to offensive lineman A.J. Trimble, who had a great game in the Seahawks’ 43-13 win over Bennett in the season opener.
10th Tee Off Youth Tourney Announced
McGovern has played for the regional team Maryland United for three years, while also playing for Worcester Prep during the fall season. He travels two hours to practice and games at least three times per week while also maintaining a full academic schedule at Worcester. He plays center attacking midfield at Worcester and is an integral part of the team’s efforts to repeat as conference champions.

Page 72 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
“We could have simultaneous shows on the Fourth of July,” he said. “We do need to reconsider New Year’s Eve. Typically, those companies have fireworks shows on New Year’s Eve. Maybe we could consider a show in conjunction with the mayor’s concert on Dec. 30.”
last year, producing two simultaneous shows at different ends of the town has created challenges for a single vendor who successfully bids for the two Fourth of July shows. Perlozzo said on Tuesday there were different options on the table for the Mayor and Council to consider as they plan for next summer and beyond.
either case, it appears none of the prospective fireworks vendors are keen on launching from the 900-foot pier at Northside Park as they have done in the past, according to Miller, who said altering the existing RFP could lead to two different vendors for the Fourth of July shows.“We have companies we’ve worked with in the past,” he said. “That 900-foot pier is challenging. For the fireworks companies to send two crews for two simultaneous shows is less desirable for them. The RFP would allow for two different companies. There is opportunity there.”
“I know we continue to do the show,” he said. “What we’re hearing is doing that off the pier is not an option. We
Miller said the options were to keep the existing RFP for the holiday shows the same or to consider amending it to reflect the changes in the industry and the challenges Ocean City presents. He said the challenges for large fireworks producers has labeled the town as highly complex and a less desirable venue to produce displays.
Councilman John Gehrig said he supported keeping the existing RFP essentially the same and exploring other alternatives for launch times and dates. However, Gehrig said he could not support having no fireworks on the Fourth of July.“I agree with keeping the RFP the same,” he said. “I also support no fireworks on New Year’s Eve if that has to be the case. I think it’s extremely important to have fireworks on July 4. July 4 is Independence Day, not July 3 or July 5.”
Mayor Rick Meehan said he could support having Fourth of July fireworks displays at different times or even different dates over the holiday.
Other suggestions included smaller downtown fireworks displays on the Fourth of July at different sites, creating a more dramatic impact across a broader area. Another alternative presented including decreasing the size of the Northside Park displays to move them off the pier into a different area of the park.
FROM PAGE 6 September 16, 2022 Page 73The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Meehan said he supported retaining the fundamentals of the existing fireworks vendor RFP. He also said it was time to realize producing the holiday shows was likely going to cost the town more money.
Councilman Lloyd Martin agreed.
“We need to step up our game,” he said. “It’s a big deal. Fireworks on the Fourth of July is a very big deal. If we have to spend more money, we’ll have to do Cityit.”
“I think we have to realize it’s going to cost us more,” he said. “We’re going to have to step up. I think we’re going to accept that it’s going to cost us more, but I also think it’s extremely important.”
Meehan said despite the unfortunate move to July 5 this summer because of contractor labor issues, the displays lived up to “Althoughexpectations.itwas not the Fourth, the fireworks show last year on July 5 was phenomenal,” he said. “It was like one constant finale.”
Perhaps the larger issue is what to do about the New Year’s Eve fireworks display. With the vendors not keen on shooting from the pier, consideration was given to launching the shows from one of the adjacent fields. However, with the reconfiguration of Winterfest of Lights to a walking experience, there are safety issues to consider.
Manager Terry McGean said it appeared the direction from the council was to proceed with the fundamentals of the existing RFP with alternatives included for the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve“We’lldisplays.putout an RFP,” he said. “Bidders can decide to bid the downtown show or Northside Park or both. We can decide about Northside Park. I’ve had internal conversations with shooters, and they’ve said they will never shoot from the Northside Park pier again.”
… Future Fireworks Shows Discussed
“As you know, we’ve had some challenges,” he said. “We do have some options to consider. The recommendation is to keep the same fundamentals. We do have two separate bidders.”
would have to have other options in place.”Perlozzo suggested the Fourth of July shows could remain the same in the RFP, while the New Year’s Eve show could be moved to a different date in conjunction with other town events marking the end of one year and the arrival of a new one. It was also suggested the New Year’s Eve fireworks show could be moved to the downtown area, perhaps at the Inlet lot.

Miller said he and Perlozzo were seeking some direction from the Mayor and Council on how to proceed with the RFP for the potential fireworks vendors. One alternative presented was simply keeping the RFP that same as in years’ past. Another alternative was to stagger the downtown and uptown Fourth of July shows, perhaps having one on the Fourth and another on July 3 or July 5, as was the case this summer, which would allow a single vendor to produce both with the same essential crew without producing two shows simultaneously on the same day.In
“This past July 4 was a learning curve for all of us,” he said. “We know there was a manpower shortage across the industry. The fireworks companies are now choosing where to do shows, and while Ocean City is a great town, we’re not one of the most desirable sites.”
“I agree it does allow people to go from one end of the town to the other,” he said. “I don’t agree with canceling New Year’s Eve. That is a great family event. People come into town for that event and it’s a great promotional tool for us.”
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September 16, 2022 Page 75The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

techs at Atlantic General Hospital who so lovingly cared for him during his last stay, and his “Guardian Angel” Betty who cared for him at home. There are not enough words of thanks to give the team from Coastal Hospice for their guidance to the family caring for him, and compassion during his last week. Lastly, the family wishes to thank Reverend Mark Piedmonte for his visits, prayers and hugs through this difficult time.In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to Worcester County Veterans Memorial of Ocean Pines Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 1576, Ocean Pines, Md. 21811; Coastal Hospice, P.O. Box 1733, Salisbury, Md. 21802; Buckingham Presbyterian Church Deacons Fund, 20 South Main Street, Berlin, Md. 21811.
Obituaries cost $50 to appear in The Dispatch and photos are no extra charge. Direct all inquiries to editor@mdcoastdispatch.com, fax to 410-641-0966 or mail to P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811.
He is survived by his wife Patricia; daughters Deborah Slate, husband Doug of Augusta, N.J., Laurie Strout, husband Brian of Blairstown, N.J., Diane Hallee, husband Chris of East Bridgewater, Mass., Janet Agnew, husband Bill of Fort Mill, S.C. and Patricia Reinknecht, partner Ali of Hamilton, Ohio. He is also survived by his grandchildren, Ryan, wife Morgan, Emily, husband Diego, Caitlin, Kevin, Nicole, fiancé Josh, James, Kara, Meghan, Danielle, Jessica, Emma and Brendan; his great grandchildren, Abigail, Olivia, Benjamin and Nora; and several nieces and nephews. He also leaves behind his faithful pup Sadie Grace.
James R. Reinknecht
He is survived by his wife of 47 years, Carol Parker Rose; son and daughter-in-law Christopher J. Shepherd and Melanie (Keane) Shepherd, of Ocean View, Del.; brother John L. Rose of New Bern, N.C.; brother-in-law and sister-in-law Michael G. and Debbie H. Parker of Berlin; nieces, Dana Rose Zarnich and husband Nick and their sons Nicholas (Jacquelin), Ryan (Kim) and Daryl (Rachel) of Rochester, Pa., Ashley Parker Gibbs and her husband Jeff and daughters Addison and Ava, of Berlin; nephews, John Eury of Concord, N.C., Mickey Eury and wife Rose of New Bern, N.C., Sean Parker and wife Keemia and son Kameron of Olney, Md.; one great-great niece Madison Zarnich; and three great-great nephews, Bentley, Theo and Oscar Zarnich of Pennsylvania; and his cousin Denise Reardon and her husband John, of Cape May Court House, N.J. He is also survived by his dear friend, Carlton Showell of Laurel, Del. He was preceded in death by his parents and seven of his siblings, Furney Rose, Jr., Cecilia Rose Aldridge, Durwood Gray Rose, Darrell V. Rose, Richard Rose, Patrice Rose and Agatha Rose
or the Wilmer Eye Institute at John Hopkins Medicine icine.org/wilmer/charitable-giving/).(www.hopkinsmed-
BERLIN – Hershel Lennon Rose, US Army Retired, age 90, passed away at home on Sept. 8, 2022.
family moved to South Point, with their property being a part of “Genezer” and enjoyed 16 years living on the Sinepuxent Bay. They moved to their new home in Berlin in 2001 and he truly loved all the wonderful neighbors and children of the neighborhood. He was a man of faith and with a steadfast and abiding love for his country. The way he lived his life was defined by being a child during the great depression and his military
He is survived by his loving wife and childhood sweetheart of 64 years, Bette Jane Woodward; two daughters, Natalie Helen McLain and Kimberly Anne Burick; his sister Betty Arstino (John); four grandchildren, Madison Nichole McLain, Wesley Elliott McLain Jr., Nicole Marie Burick and Shannon Ashley Burick; and two great grandchildren, Taylor Jade Burick and Eli Andrew Dillard. In addition to his parents, he was proceeded in death by his brother, Robert “Bobby” Woodward, and his three sisters, Anne Fletcher, Lyndall “Jackie” Jenkins and Mertle Fletcher.
BERLIN – James Lewis Woodward Sr., age 81, passed away Wednesday Sept. 7, 2022 at Atlantic General Hospital in nock,BornBerlin.inRappahan-Va.hewasthesonofthelateCharlesHenryWoodwardandMableNicholson.Jameswasafamilymanwhomadesurehisfamilyalwaysknewthathelovedandcaredforthem.Jamesworkedas
BERLIN – James R. Reinknecht, 77, of Berlin, passed away on Sept. 4, 2022 in Morristown, N.J.

He loved the outdoors, especially hunting, fishing and spending time on his boat. Above all, he adored being with his family and was the proud loving dad of five daughters, grandpa to

A Mass will be held at a later date at Holy Savior Church in Ocean City. Arrangements are under the direction of Newbaker Funeral Home, 200 Route 94, Blairstown, N.J. 07825.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be sent to the Ocean City Reef Foundation (www.ocreefs.org)
James Lewis Woodward Sr.
a wonderful husband, father, uncle, brother and friend. He was so proud of his son, Chris, and loved him with all his heart. He celebrated all the accomplishments of his nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews. In later years, Facetime with the great nieces and nephews always ended with a kiss to the phone screen. He looked forward to his grand-dog Lincoln’s annual Easter stay. He took great pride and enjoyment in having an impeccable yard. He would work outside all day among his flower beds and fruit trees. Mr. Hershel, as he was known to youngsters, was a great favorite of all the neighborhood children. Through the years, a variety of recliners have held him with a child on his lap.
The youngest of four children, he was born in Hoboken, N.J. to Fred and Anna (Stoehrer) Reinknecht on Sept. 10,Jim1944.spent

Hershel Lennon Rose
No formal service has been planned at this time. Letters of condolence can be sent to the family via www.burbagefuneralhome.com. Arrangements are in the care of The Burbage Funeral Home in Berlin.
Page 76 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
family will be forever grateful for the care, kindness and compassion of Dr. Diane Ceruzzi and the entire Atlantic General Hospital Wound Center Team, Dr. Tammy Donaway, Dr. Christopher Galuardi, Dr. Greg Stamnas, Hershel’s Amedisys Team - Leslie (his Sunshine), Emily, Penny, Gary, Erin, Jill and Taylor, the nurses and
He heroically served four tours during the Vietnam War as an Advisor. He served as an Advisor with the Popular Forces, June 1965 to June 1966, in Nghia Hanh and received the Vietnamese Army Medal of Valor for saving the life of a Popular Forces soldier. He next served as an Advisor with the 3rd Platoon of Company B, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division. While on patrol on Nov. 9, 1966 he observed an enemy soldier about to shoot a member of his squad in the back. His quick action saved the life of his fellow soldier, and he was seriously wounded. For this act of heroism, he received the Army Commendation Medal with “V” Device.Histhird tour he lived with and was Advisor to the Mountain Yard people in An Ka. He was wounded during this tour and recovered at Camp Zoma Japan. He returned to An Ka in 1968 before the TET Offensive. His fourth tour he served from July 1968 to July 1969 in An Tuc District, Binh Dinh Province where he received The Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service. He was seriously wounded for the third time in 1970 and medevacked to Womack Army Medical Center. He retired from active duty on Sept. 1, 1971. During his service in the Vietnam War, he was awarded the Gallantry Cross May 21, 1965, The Bronze Star Medal (First Oak Leaf Cluster) May 13, 1966 and The Bronze Star Medal (Second Oak Leaf Cluster) on Feb. 6, 1971. He received two certificates (written in Vietnamese) with accompanying medals.Hershel married Carol Parker on May 29, 1975, and with son Chris, built their first home on Bonita Drive in West Ocean City. He began his employment with the Town of Ocean City as a water department supervisor and he retired after 20 years of service. In 1983 the
and was a proud member of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Local 22 in Washington DC where he met many wonderful people and made lifelong friends during his time at the J.F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
12 grandchildren and great-grandpa to four great grandchildren.
A Celebration of Life Service with Military Honors will be held Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022, at 2 p.m., at Buckingham Presbyterian Church, 20 South Main Street, Berlin, Md. 21811, with Reverend Mark Piedmonte officiating. The family will receive friends and neighbors at the church from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Letters of condolence can be sent to the family via www.burbagefuneralhome.com. Arrangements are in the care of The Burbage Funeral Home.
He was born on Nov. 4, 1931, in New Bern, N.C., the son of the late Furney B. Rose and Nancy Christine (Austin)HershelRose. enlisted in the US Army on May 23, 1950 and did basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. After basic training he was assigned to the 1st Calvary Division (“First Team”) 8th Calvary Regiment E Company. They entered Korea on July 18, 1950 under the flag of the United Nations. He was wounded on June 19, 1951 and was awarded the Purple Heart. After a short stint state-side, he returned to fight once again in the Korean War until the Armistice signed July 27, 1953. He received, among other medals, the Korean Service Medal for participation in all seven campaigns from July 18, 1950 ending with the Third Korean Winter and Korean summer fall, 1953 campaign. After service during the Korean Conflict, he served in numerous postings abroad and state-side.
a stagehand
the majority of his career as the Chief Mechanical Officer for NJ Transit in Newark, N.J. He also worked for numerous other railroad companies including, Bombardier, Allstrom, and Herzog Railroads.Hegrew up in Wood-Ridge, N.J., where he met his high school sweetheart, Patricia. They were married for 57 years. They moved from WoodRidge to Wantage, N.J. where they raised their family.
After retiring from New Jersey Transit, additional career opportunities led them to California, Washington D.C., Florida and Annapolis. They ultimately settled in Berlin while spending their summers on the water in Ocean City.
To know Jim was to love him. Jim had a big and generous heart, an amazing sense of humor, incredible wit, an infectious laugh and was always the life of any party.
Frank was a true family man and devoted to his wife of 68 years. In retirement, he spent many active and won-
Frank was born Nov. 18, 1931 in Frostburg to the late Samuel J. and Mary Ruffo. He was the eldest of three children, a brother, Ronald Ruffo of Crownsville, and a sister, Janet Bittner of Meyersdale, Pa.
On June 26, 1954 Frank married his college sweetheart, Dotty, daughter of the late Patrick and Ruth Shertzer, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Cumberland. The couple was blessed with three loving children, Francis A., Jr. “Tony” (Christine) of Salisbury, Carrie RuffoMiller (Andrew) of Annapolis and Melissa “Missi” Thompson (Robert) of Ocean Pines. He was dearly loved by his 10 awesome grandchildren, Jake, Joe (Liz), and Jenna Ruffo, Mary Kate, Meghan, Kellie and Kevin Miller; Rachel Mason (Dan), Bobby and Nicholas Thompson; as well as his two great-granddaughters,
Bridgette and Caroline.
Dr. Ruffo was appointed Superintendent of Schools for Worcester County on July 1, 1978 and held that position until his retirement in 1990. During his tenure as Superintendent, Worcester County Public Schools were recognized statewide for excellence in education. Frank was presented the Outstanding Educator Award by the Maryland Association of Elementary School Administrators in 1989 and the Frostburg State University Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award in 1986. Prior to his appointment as Worcester’s School Superintendent, Ruffo began a distinguished professional career in Prince George’s and Anne Arundel counties serving as a Teacher, Counselor, Pupil Personnel Worker, Assistant Principal, Principal, Director of Secondary Education and Assistant Superintendent of Schools. Before beginning his career in public education, Frank served in the U.S. Navy from 1953 to 1955 as a Gunnery and Deck Officer aboard the USS Witek, EDD848.
Dr. Ruffo was a member and/or officer of numerous State and local commissions and organizations. He served on the Board of Directors of the Choptank Electric Cooperative, the Ocean Pines Association, the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, and Atlantic General Hospital. He also served on several Worcester County commissions including Economic Development, Mental Health and Addictions, and the Com-
For21801.service information, please see www.burbagefuneralhome.com.
OCEAN CITY – Temple Bat Yam is hosting a community celebration to honor the 25th anniversary of its permanent House of Worship on Oct. 8 from 6-9 p.m. at The BLU Mezzanine in Ocean City.
Yam is a Reform Jewish congregation committed to the ideals and eternal truths of Judaism. Its intent is to maintain the traditions and lessons of the rich Jewish heritage while respecting the realities and integrity of interfaith marriages and interfaith families. Temple Bat Yam is 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Tickets are available at www.templebatyamoc.org, by emailing Temple Bat Yam at TempleBatYam97@aol.com, or by calling 410-641-4311.
mission on Aging. His service at the State level included President of the Public School Superintendents Association, President of Phi Delta Kappa (National Honorary Society for Educators), and life member of the Maryland Congress of Parents and Teachers. He was also a member and past President of the Berlin/Ocean City Optimists, the Knights of Columbus, and the Sinepuxent American Legion Post #166 in Ocean City.
Temple Anniversary Event Planned
ing in 1997 on Old Worcester Highway in Berlin, members congregated in various locations in Ocean City for more than five years. This fundraiser will allow needed interior renovations of its sanctuary, the addition of stained glass to the memorial foyer and refreshening.TempleBat
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the “Dr. Francis A. Ruffo Memorial Scholarship Fund” at CFES.org/donate or mailed to Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, 1324 Belmont Ave. Ste. 401, Salisbury, Md.

derful years with the love of his life in their beloved Venice, Fla. home. He enjoyed golfing, reading, spending time with family and socializing with their tight knit group of friends in Venice.
Dr. Francis A. Ruffo Sr. SARASOTA, Fla. – Dr. Francis A. (Frank) Ruffo Sr., age 90, formerly of Ocean Pines, passed away on Sept. 9, 2022 in Sarasota, Fla.

Dr. Ruffo graduated from La Salle High School in Cumberland in 1949 and Frostburg State Teachers College in 1953. He earned a Master’s Degree in Guidance and Personnel (1958) and a Ph.D. in Administration and Supervision (1974) from the University of Maryland, College Park.
September 16, 2022 Page 77The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
The temple invites its members and the surrounding Eastern Shore communities to join the celebration. The event is a fundraiser for the nonprofit temple and will feature an iconic view of the bay, heavy hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, plus gifts from the organization’s supporting sponsors including silent and live auctions, a treasure chest of jewelry, and a wingspan 50/50 raffle. Tickets are $50 per person.
Temple Bat Yam has served the growing Jewish population on the Delmarva Peninsula since 1992. Prior to the construction of its permanent build-
Ocean City In ‘Precarious Position’ With E-Bikes, Disabilities
Callan said overall, Evergreen recommended pay increases for all full-time and part-time employees, including police and fire command staff. The average pay increase is around 6%, and the average annual amount of increase is nearly $3,900. The recommended new pay table implementation would cost around $116,000, while the 2% increase across the board would cost the town another $534,000, for a total cost of aboutThe$667,000.half-yearcost would be around $334,000. In addition to the consultant’s recommendations, the staff added a handful of other recommendations for
OCEAN CITY – A recommendation to allow those with disabilities to ride electric bikes on the Boardwalk, with certain stipulations, will advance to the Ocean City Police Commission for review following a lengthy discussion this week on accessibility and power-driven mobility devices.Twoyears ago, the Ocean City Mayor and Council voted to prohibit electric bikes, or e-bikes, on the Boardwalk after weeks of debate at the committee level. And since that time, that restriction has remained in place.
After further discussion, McGean suggested the commission consider limiting the use to Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes, which he said can reach maximum speeds of up to 20 mph. He noted that while there was discussion of restricting use to Class 1 e-bikes, he said some with disabilities may need more assistance.“Level one, you still have to pedal it. Level two, you can just glide along,” he explained. “A level three can go 28 mph. You certainly don’t need to allow a level three. My recommendation is that we allow levels one and two if you are disabled.”Ultimately, the commission recom-
It also includes eligibility for a step increase for year-round part-time employees. Anyone who reaches 1,500 hours worked would be eligible for the 2% ongoing increase in pay.”
ployees across the board.
The grand total for the consultant’s recommendations combined with the staff’s other recommendations comes in at around $748,000 annually. The fiscal year 2023 budget included $1 million to cover the cost of the pay study and any recommendations that might come out of it, so even with the across-the-board pay increases for all town staff, the total estimated cost came in under what was budgeted.“Onemore important decision you have to make is applying a midpoint calculation on January 1 using the new pay table,” said Callan. “The recommendation is to apply an additional 2% increase on top of the midpoint calculation to acknowledge record inflation that reached 9% in CallanJuly.”said the recommended pay table adjustments would address a wellknown problem with recruiting and retaining seasonal part-time employees, a problem that has affected just about every department in recent years for a variety of reasons.
“The police aren’t going to be able to determine how fast they are going unless they are using radar,” Mayor Rick
OCEAN CITY –Municipal employees can expect to see a little more in their paychecks after resort officials this week approved an across-the-board pay hike spread over all positions and all grades. Last year, the Ocean City Mayor and Council contracted with consultant Evergreen Solutions to conduct a pay study for town employees amid struggles with recruiting and retaining full- and parttime seasonal employees in all departments.Alltown employees from department heads to rank-and-file seasonal part-time employees are graded in a graduated pay scale based on experience and years of service, for example. The state mandated an increase in the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025 but faced with employee shortages for a variety of reasons including increased competition from neighboring jurisdictions, resort officials last year decided to expedite that minimum wage increase and move it up on the town’s timetable to January 2022. Nonetheless, the town still faced employee shortages in most departments, which necessitated the need for an updated pay study. The town’s last pay study was conducted seven years ago in 2015. On Tuesday, Human Resources Director Katie Callan and Budget Director Jennie Knapp presented the results of the consultant’s study and recommended a pay increase for all town em-
“You come to the police station or City Hall and get a fluorescent tag that goes on your bike,” Council Secretary Tony DeLuca suggested. “You have to have it to ride on the Boardwalk.”
City Manager Terry McGean said the consultant’s recommendations combined with the staff recommendations left no stone unturned in terms of the across-the-board pay hike.
Council Approves Across Board Pay Hikes For Employees
Councilsaid.President Matt James asked if police officers could question a rider’s disability.“What occurs if a police officer sees someone who looks able-bodied riding and says, ‘What disability do you have?’ Why are you riding this bike?’” he said.
ADA vehicles on the beach.
The committee’s recommendation now goes back to the police commission for review and discussion. Commission members can then advance a recommendation to the full Mayor and Council.
McGean told commission members that the town could regulate the use of e-bikes as it pertains to safety. For example, the town could limit the class of e-bike or set speed limits. The bigger issue, officials argued, was the enforcement of those regulations.
mended allowing those with a disability to operate Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes on the Boardwalk during bike hours with some consideration regarding enforceable safety measures.
“The ADA law is not like a building code. It is a civil rights act …,” City Manager Terry McGean said this week. “If there is an appearance you are discriminating against someone because of their disability, that is when we can be liable and found in violation of the act and be Thesued.”topic was first debated on Monday at the town’s police commission meeting. McGean explained the issue was raised while reviewing the use of
“In a much larger discussion, we will be talking about the whole issue of what’s known as Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD) …,” he said. “It’s pretty clear the [National] Park Service, as well as other cities, do consider an e-bike as what’s known as an OPDMD. My concern is right now there is a wholesale prohibition of e-bikes on the Boardwalk, even though we allow otherSimplybicycles.”put,McGean told the commission this week prohibiting e-bikes in an area where regular bikes are allowed to operate could be viewed as discriminatory.“We can regulate them,” he explained. “We can regulate the speed, we can regulate the type of e-bike. But I think the wholesale prohibition of allowing a disabled person to use an e-bike on the Boardwalk while allowing ablebodied people to ride their bicycles on the Boardwalk, I think we are in a precarious position right now.”
Page 78 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
“This will address pay equity and acknowledge difficulty with recruitment and retention of part-time seasonal staff,” she said. “Anyone that worked at least 400 hours between Memorial Day and Labor Day would be eligible for the increase. About 350 employees would be eligible.
part-time seasonal employees who accrue a designated number of hours of service. The total cost of the staff recommendations would be around $81,000 annually, or a half-year cost of $40,500.
McGean explained that the officer would not be allowed to ask those questions.“You can ask, ‘Are you disabled?’ and the person can do one of two things,” he said. “They can say they are disabled and show you a copy of, say, their handicap parking sticker, or they can simply say, ‘I am disabled.’ You cannot argue with that … you have to essentially take them at their word.”
Council President Matt James asked if part-time police and fire staff were included in the study. He said he would like to see a snapshot of the pay grades for part-time police and fire staffers compared to what other jurisdictions are paying.“If they weren’t included in the study, I would like to see, and it could be more informal than this, an idea of what the pay is for part-time police and fire,” he said. “I know our collective bargaining units handle this, but I think the council would like to see where that stands compared to the competition.”
“It’s important to allow access to the handicapped and provide something that’s practical,” Meehan said. “But at the same time, we don’t want somebody that’s going to be unsafe or cause unsafe conditions for other patrons.”
The recommendation was then referred to the Ocean City Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, which picked up the discussion at Wednesday’s scheduled meeting.
After a lengthy discussion, the committee voted to recommend allowing those with disabilities to operate Class 1 e-bikes – adopting a policy similar to those at state and federal parks – on the Boardwalk during bike hours. Members also recommended that a speed limit be set at 10 mph and that riders must obtain a registration tag.
The council voted 6-0 with Councilman Peter Buas absent to approve the consultant’s pay increase recommendations and those added by the staff.
This week, however, the issue of ebikes on the Boardwalk resurfaced at two resort committee meetings after questions about disability rights and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) prompted officials to take a closer look at the town’s prohibition.
“One of the things I wanted to make clear is this applies to everybody including those on the lower end of the pay grade,” he said. “I think we’ve done that with this. I wanted to address the parttime employees because there are a lot of benefits to having people coming back. This is affordable and it’s important to all of us.”
“We reached out to all of the department heads to submit positions for including in the compensation study,” said Callan. “They included positions that have been difficult to fill or had high turnover rates. We didn’t just stick to government. We also included some privateCallansector.”said the pay study included comparisons with the city of Salisbury, the city of Frederick, Wicomico County and Worcester County. It also included from the private sector Salisbury University and Perdue, for example.
“The consultant compared our positions with the peer organizations to review pay schedules and ranges of pay,” she said. “A total of 17 positions were recommended for a grade change, and 64 employees were impacted. It’s spread around many departments.”
“My thought was to start with ‘No Thru Traffic’ signs and see if that will cut down on some of the cut-through traffic,” he said.

Fenwick Seeks Input On Traffic-Calming Plans
“There should be more than enough to entertain anybody,” said Furnace Town’s Emril Getscher.

Town Renaissance Faire
will begin both days with a small parade and performances by the OC Pipe and Drums. Other entertainment includes the Sweet Maple Singers, a fairy/folk band from Harrisburg, as well as magic by Jack Morrowin and belly dancing performances by Yame of Sharqi Dance. Other performing guests include the Salisbury Fencing Club and Walnut Hill Violin
Benn said he wanted to give the community time to share ideas.
Admission for this year’s event is $15 for adults and $10 for children. Children 4 and under get in for free.
Kyle, however, noted that the commis sion wanted the infrastructure committee’s“Weinput.haven’t set any date,” she said. “We wanted to give your group a chance, to see what you thought.”
Earlier this year, the town began work ing with an engineering circuit rider with the Delaware Center for Transportation to observe traffic conditions along Bunting Avenue, Maryland Avenue and Island Street and produce recommendations that would reduce cut-through traffic and speeding along those roads.
In an update this week, Councilman Richard Benn told members of the Fenwick Island Infrastructure Committee that Public Works Manager Mike Locke would be resubmitting the expenditure request to the town council after learning the cost of the speed bumps was more than originally anticipated. Following the council vote, the temporary speed bumps would be tested along the two side streets.
Benn noted, however, that the biggest discussion topic continued to be Bunting Avenue. One of the suggestions present ed to the infrastructure committee earlier this summer was a plan to convert Bunting into a one-way street, with vehicular traffic on one side and a bike and pedestrian pathway on the other.
Furnace Town To Host Renaissance Faire
The local shire of the Society for Creative Anachronism, the Shire of Spiaggia Levantina, will be setting up an encampment to showcase the talents of its members. The Swords of Chivalry, a group of reenactors portraying the 14th century French, will also be encamped at the event and available to talk about the weaponry of the time. Two Buhurt teams, the Iron Lions out of Virginia, and the South Jersey Barons, will be showing off their live combat skills on Saturday.“They do medieval sword fights,” Getscher
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to requests for more food options, this year’s event will feature three food trucks—Sandy’s Doggone Good Eats, Pete’s PeteZa and Fiona’s Irish Fish & Chips. The Tiki Hut Shaved Ice and The Ugly Pie will be offering dessert options. Turkey legs will be sold by Furnace Town and The Buzz Meadery will have mead on tap.
Committee member Tim Leahy agreed.“We shouldn’t talk about Bunting until we get more input from the community,” he Bennsaid. noted that a suggestion to make Bunting Avenue a one-way street could cause issues for truck drivers and motorists not familiar with the area. In the meantime, he suggested other trafficcalming measures.
According to Claudia Nagle, executive director at Furnace Town, following the success of last year’s event—which attracted more than 4,000 people—organizers were determined to scale this
And late last month, the town council took its first steps to address those concerns by voting to purchase and place temporary speed bumps along Maryland Avenue and Island Street.
year’s festival to match attendees’ enthusiasm. While popular vendors from last year will be returning, a variety of new merchants, selling everything “from crystals to corsets and wands to waistcoats,” will be set up.
BERLIN – Sword fights, stilt walkers and turkey legs are among the countless medieval attractions on tap for next weekend’s Renaissance Faire at FurnaceOnTown.Sept. 24 and 25, Furnace Town Historic Site will host its second annual Renaissance Faire. The two-day event, which runs from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m., will include live music, crafts and games, and food and drink, as well as demonstrations of ancient arts like broom making, spinning and woodworking.

“This year is going to be a lot bigger than last year,” Getscher said.
FENWICK ISLAND – Officials in Fenwick Island say they are considering a symposium to discuss potential trafficcalming measures along Bunting Avenue.

“I’m getting all kinds of mixed signals on that idea,” he told committee members this week. “They are either diametrically opposed or they think it’s the best thing that will ever happen.”
September 16, 2022 Page 79The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
To better gauge public opinion, Benn said there had been some discussion with Fenwick Island Planning Commission Chair Amy Kyle about holding a sym posium.“Amy suggested in conjunction with planning commission to do a symposium on Bunting, to get ideas,” he said. “I think it’s a wonderful idea.”
For more information, go to Furnacetown.org.
“We’re going to get input from the community once we put them in,” he said.
For research purposes, Ocean City’s average population size was assumed at 70,000 and the general fund budget was set at $88 million. McGean said those assumptions were modest, particularly on the population side, because of Ocean City uniqueness as a seasonal resort with a population that often swells to over 200,000 during the season.The research shows salaries, populations and budgets of 23 municipalities from one end of the state to the other. In Salisbury, for example, the population is 30,000 and the mayor’s salary is $25,000. In Annapolis, the population is 38,000 and the mayor’s salary is $98,000. In similarly-sized Frederick, the population is 65,000 and the mayor’s salary is $90,000. McGean said based
“Two things are important,” he said. “We definitely shouldn’t vote on this ourselves. It should be put on the ballot.”
Councilman John Gehrig said he favored the latter.
“Per the town’s code, there are a couple of ways to do this,” he said. “You could do it by ordinance, but it would have to be in place within 60 days of the election and we’re not past that point. The second is to put it before the voters in the form of a ballot question at the election, which would take affect immediately after the election.”
Councilmanimportant.”and former long-time council president Lloyd Martin agreed. Martin said after over three decades, it was time to revisit the pay structure for the town’s elected officials.
Martin said after over three decades, it was time to revisit the pay structure for the town’s elected officials.
McGean explained there were two courses of action for affecting the proposed pay increases, only one of which was really tenable and acceptable. The council could not vote to increase its own salaries and any change would go
Gehrig has said during prior discus-
“One of the things I’ve noticed over the years about the mayor is he is very dedicated and provides a great service to the community,” he said. “The thing is, we’re not talking about Mayor Meehan. We’re talking about potentially future mayors. The voters last decided on an increase in 1989.”
on those assumptions, the recommendation for the Ocean City mayor’s salary could be higher than what he was recommending.McGeanpresented his cursory research earlier this year with similar recommendations. During Tuesday’s recommendation, he provided further evidence of his research with recommendations based on population size, the size of the town’s budget and the CPI adjustments.“We’vetalked about this a number of times,” he said. “I hope this time it becomes a little clearer.”
into effect after the upcoming election in November. One option would be to approve the proposed pay increases by ordinance, or by putting to the voters in the November election through a referendum question on the ballot.
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sion on a proposed salary increase the relatively low salaries for the town’s elected officials potentially shrunk the size of the field of candidates. Gehrig has said not all who desire to serve on the council can afford to do so with the time commitment and the limitations on their private sector lives. He reiterated the point on
“I’ve been up here a long time,” he said. “Being council president is a big responsibility. It’s a job people should want to do, but it’s hard to do it with the time commitment and the long hours for $10,000. I know that the people sitting up here have earned it.”
“I believe Terry has made a good recommendation,” he said. “It’s something that needs to be addressed more often than every 30 years. It’s a lot of responsibility and a lot of work.”
Councilman Mark Paddack agreed the pay is not always commensurate with the hours spent at meetings, subcommittee meetings and other commitments, but being a councilmember is not about the pay.“You throw your hat in the ring and there’s not a lot to show for it,” he said. “I didn’t do it for the money. We all do this because we love our town, and we love this community. I support a referendum to allow the voters decide what their elected officials should be paid. It’s a very subjectivePaddackapproach.”saidtheproposed increase in the mayor’s salary was particularly important because of the hours Mayor Rick Meehan spends advocating on behalf of the town and making trips to Annapolis to testify on various bills germane to the resort and his endless press junkets to promote the town. He pointed out Mayor Rick Meehan does all of those things, but the proposed salary hike is not about the current mayor specifically.
After considerable debate, the council voted 6-0 with Councilman Peter Buas absent to bring McGean’s proposed salary increase structure to the town’s electorate during the November election in the form of a referendum question on the ballot.
Proposal Increases Mayor To $50K, Council To $20K
“NoneTuesday.ofusdothis for the money,” he said. “We live in a small community and typically have a small pool of candidates. The biggest undervalue is the council and certainly the council president. If you keep it low, it does reduce the competition for the council seats. I think the increase is
During this week’s council meeting, it was learned changes within the fireworks industry has resulted in Ocean City being an undesirable contract for companies. The complexities generally fall with the dual shows firing at the same time with specific concerns about the Northside Park staging area.
There is no timetable on completion of the MSA update nor the traffic access study.
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd. Berlin, Md. 21811
consensus seems to be the details will get worked out once the proposals from vendors are reviewed, but Ocean City should never find itself in the position it has been the last three years -- not offering fireworks on Independence Day. There is agreement on that focus.
Art cole@mdcoastdispatch.comDirector
Forever In Memory Of Our Founder, Dick Lohmeyer (May 25, 1927-May 5, 2005)
If this year’s gathering is a non-event, city officials would be wise to consider a new strategy for next year. To do otherwise would be a waste of resources.
Changing Times For OC Fireworks
To prepare as normal with the special event zone and all that comes with it is the only tactic to take at this point, but early indicators – social media observations – are this will be a non-event this year. One post on the H2oi wildwood 2022 group page reads, “H2oi ocmd isn’t ever gonna be the same. Even if all the sideshow kids stop coming the laws they set in place for car modification will never go away. It’s time to move on.” Another post on H2O OCMD 2022 Uncensored reads, “H2O is moving from Ocean City MD to Kitty Hawk NC! Over the past few years H2O is Ocean City MD started to decline drastically from a cool car culture gathering to a clout chasing f-ck boy gathering. The goal is to relaunch H2O as a true car enthusiast gathering again and leave the *&)# boy stuff in Ocean City MD. Kitty Hawk is a great similar location with a nice strip to cruise, plenty of food and hotels, and the beach! A perfect place to start over. Let’s show the locals and police that we CAN gather peacefully, respect the area and not tolerate the kids that ruined the Ocean City Gathering. Book a hotel, come hang out and meet some cool people and cool cars.”
Fireworks on the Fourth of July in Ocean City has evidently become tricky business.Twoyears ago, after the pandemic canceled plans the year before, a vendor accident caused a daylight fireworks show with the uptown display also being canceled for safety. Last year, out of the blue the new vendor told Ocean City the week of the holiday contrary to its contract it would be unable to carry out the dual fireworks displays in Ocean City. Labor shortages were cited, as the 4th of July evidently snuck up on company representatives. The manpower excuse was clearly a tale.
Throughout the discussion this week, the consensus seemed to be fireworks on the 4th of July are a must. This conclusion is obvious but there does appear to be a possibility two fireworks shows on the different ends of the resort on the holiday could be problematic.
How We See It
The Dispatch
The early process for a sports complex did seem rushed with the county entering into a purchase agreement for the 95-acre property on Route 50 before the County Commissioners even held a vote on buying the land. The concept was believed to be the county wanted to lock in a price for the property and worry about the details of the development later. County Commission President Joe Mitrecic said this week, “This spring we got accused of pushing it forward with no information. Now we’re trying to do our due diligence and everybody’s asking why it’s taking so long. It’s a process. We want to make sure we’re getting it right the first time.” Some light was shed on the spring contract signing process by county attorney Roscoe Leslie this week. In his response to Vince Gisriel, the former Ocean City councilman who is chair of the People For Fiscal Responsibility committee, Leslie issued five responses to Gisriel’s questions about the process, including a concern about the property contract timing.
PHONE: 410-641-4561
by Publisher/Editor Steve Green
PAMELA GREEN Bookkeeper/Classifieds classifieds@mdcoastdispatch.comManager
On Friday Mornings
For now, the votes are there to extend the purchase contract between the Worcester County Commissioners and the private property owner for the eventual development of a sports complex. The extension, set for discussion at next week’s meeting in Snow Hill, will allow the county more time to slow its roll on this project and continue to gather needed information, including an updated Maryland Stadium Authority study and the review of Route 50 access points. Most of the key decisions on the sports complex have been 4-3 votes, and the decision to extend the purchase contractor will likely mirror the divide with Commissioners Joe Mitrecic, Bud Church, Diana Purnell and Josh Nordstrom in favor and Commissioners Chip Bertino, Jim Bunting and Ted Elder opposed.
Between The Lines
CHRIS PARYPA Photographer
FAX: instagram.com/thedispatchocmdtwitter.com/thedispatchocmdfacebook.com/thedispatchocmdcoastdispatch.comONLINE410-641-0966WEBSITES:J.STEVENGREENPublisher/Editoreditor@mdcoastdispatch.comNEWSDEPARTMENTSHAWNJ.SOPER
It’s a good call to let the Ocean City voters decide in November whether a proposed pay increase for the Mayor and Council should advance. On the table is increasing the mayor’s salary from $30,000 to $50,000 (67% jump); council members pay to $20,000, from $10,000 (100% increase); and the council president’s salary from $11,000 to $23,000 (109% hike). These recommendations were made after evaluations of other municipalities with like budgets and populations as well as the consumer price index.
Account amanda@mdcoastdispatch.comExecutive
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst seems to be Ocean City’s approach about the uncertainty of a pop-up rally gathering next week. After a ruckus crowd in 2020 for the event, a major change was seen in 2021 with all crime indicators dropping significantly. Compared to previous years, it was quiet, and the hope is the troublesome aspect of the events continues to evaporate to nothing.
Graphic dhooks@mdcoastdispatch.comArtist
Account terri@mdcoastdispatch.comEntertainmentExecutiveEditor
POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to Maryland Coast Dispatch, P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Maryland 21811. Maryland Coast Dispatch offices are located at Route 346 and Graham Avenue, Berlin, Maryland.
Graphic phallam@mdcoastdispatch.comArtist/Webmaster
The Maryland Coast Dispatch (USPS #015125) is an official and legal newspaper for Worcester County. Periodical postage paid at Berlin, Maryland, and additional mailing offices. The Maryland Coast Dispatch, 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin, Md. 21811, is published weekly on Friday mornings, 52 weeks a year. Subscription rates are $260 per year.
Staggering the shows could start a new tradition for Ocean City. If market conditions and vendor availability dictates a change must be made, we think holding one show ahead of the other could turn out to be beneficial for the city.The
The Dispatch, Serving Greater Ocean City Since 1984, Is Published By Maryland Coast Dispatch Inc. Weekly
September 16, 2022 Page 81The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
If it turns out a vendor cannot be found to fire two shows at one time, the city could use two different companies. The Request For Proposal (RFP) will seek one vendor for both displays as well individual companies to shoot each of the fireworks displays. There’s a chance the RFP process could result in a decision to separate the dates of the fireworks
Staff Writer/Copy csharpe@mdcoastdispatch.comEditor
Thoughshows.itgoes against tradition in Ocean City, we think there is some merit to the concept of having the fireworks displays on different days. We think the downtown display on the beach should be held on the actual holiday. The Northside Park fireworks display could be held on a different day than the holiday. July 4 falls on a Tuesday in 2023. Perhaps Ocean City should hold a Northside Park display on the Saturday before the actual holiday or the day before. A display on July 5 should not be considered as it’s a travel day for most.
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811
Staff Writer/Copy bhooper@mdcoastdispatch.comEditor
Managing ssoper@mdcoastdispatch.comEditor
“An agreement granting the Commissioners the option to purchase the property was negotiated and executed before the April 19, 2022 public hearing. To prevent a speculative buyer from taking advantage of a government’s interest in a particular property, it is standard practice for public bodies to enter option agreements before a final decision to close on a property is made. The agreement had no cost and allows for termination for any reason before closing,” Leslie wrote. “Real estate values have been rising recently unpredictably. As a result, the appraised price of the property was higher than project in the CIP (a non-binding planning document).”
On the surface, the increases appear too generous of an adjustment. A deeper dive shows it’s been 30 years since the pay has been adjusted and the role of the officials has certainly evolved over the years with the town’s budget growing as well. The proposal seems too much at one time in my opinion, but there is local precedent for significant adjustments in elected officials pay. In Berlin in 2017, the council agreed after the next election to boost compensation to $15,000 for the mayor (a 200% increase from the former $5,000) and $7,500 for council members (a 275% jump from the former $2,000). Nonetheless, it’s a sound call to let the Ocean City citizens decide the matter.
And you’ll wonder what you will do with all those free nights and weekends, now that you won’t spend them at countless competitions and events?
This crazy, stressful, and exciting life of being a sports parent will eventually finish. The reality of this end of an era will hit hard, and you’ll feel the swell of sadness and maybe a little relief as you think through all the details of what this means for your life. … Whatever the case, life will be so very different for both of you.
No more idling in parking lots, waiting for your kid to come out, or getting up before dawn to take them to earlymorning workouts.
but not the juggling.
Puzzle Answers
ll seems to be going well one month into my older son’s boarding school experience.
Pam and I both remarked this week how odd it was to be home at 7 p.m. together on a Tuesday. It never happened a few years ago. Miss the experiences
no more sports fees, uniforms and costumes to buy, and spending on gas and hotels. No more ticket purchases for every season and fundraising donations–and you can’t imagine the money you will save.
by Steve Green
It all went by so fast, as you supported your kid through all their training and hard work while they grew up doing something they love.
An article on parentingteensandtweens.com caught my attention this week on this topic. Written by Christine Carter, the piece shares some interesting perspectives. I’m not quite as nostalgic about the youth sports days as she is but her points are compelling.

… You’re so grateful for all they experienced, however long their sports career was. You just want your kid to be happy, whatever they choose to do. This is how life goes as a parent: we love what they love. And this is how our kids grow up and learn who they are and discover their strengths and passions.As our kids get older, they start paving their own path they want to follow, and there are many off-ramps to take until they discover the perfect road to travel.And we are still there for it all, still cheering them on along the way.
I think back on those travel soccer days -- mixed in with black belt training -- and do not miss all the running. Every single night there was something to do. Family dinners never occurred because of all the juggling. I do not miss the chaos, although memories came with the experiences.Sometimes I wonder if the youth travel sports route was the way to go at a young age. I am mixed about it. On one hand, lots was learned about teamwork and improvement was seen in the sport. On the flip side, burnout is a real thing, and I think it hit him about the sixth grade once school demands increased.
… You’ll remember the endless rides you gave, and all the carpools too, taking your kid to every practice and meeting and special event and program, until they could finally drive themselves.

Being a parent of a teen athlete requires serious commitment and sacrifice, but you loved every minute of supporting your kid.
St. Pa ul’s Episcopal Chur ch 3 Chur ch St r eet Berlin MD 410~641~4066 JOIN US FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP In Person Services 8:30 a.m. (no music) 10:30 a.m. (with music) With Livestream On Our Facebook Page St. Paul’s Episcopal Church - Berlin, MD www.stpaulsberlin.org 15% OFF Any Case Of Wine Not Valid With Other Offers Or Discounts Exp. 9-30-22 • MCD 10% OFF 750 ml/1.5 L Bottle Of Wine Not Valid With Other Offers Or Discounts Exp. 9-30-22 • MCD Mon.-Thurs., 7 a.m.-9 p.m.; Fri.-Sat., 7 a.m.-10 p.m. & Sun., 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Gas • 410-641-2366CigarettesIce•Main St. & Old O.C. Blvd., Berlin, Md. BEER • WINE • SODA Cheers! $100 OFF Any 3-, 4-, 5-Litre Wine Not Valid With Other Offers Or Discounts Exp. 9-30-22 • MCD Open 7 Days A Week

You won’t have to work all the volunteer jobs, prepare team meals, or show up at all the program’s activities and mandatory meetings too. Your calendar will be empty of all the things sports parents do, and you wonder what you’ll do with all that free time you’ll have now.
Page 82 September 16, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Weird is the only way I can describe life nowadays. I miss Beckett, 14, but it’s different than I thought I would feel. I am not sad. It’s just a massive change. I still walk into his room at least once a day thinking he will be in there talking to friends, playing video games, doing handstands on his bed trying to put his feet on the ceiling and playing drums or the keyboard.
in layers of winter gear or slathering sunblock to withstand the harsh conditions for hours and sometimes days of competitions.Therewillbe

No matter what sport or activity they’ve been involved in or for how long, closing this chapter of their life and turning the pages to see what comes next, is scary and exciting.
It is hard when this parenting season ends.…

… No more long-distance travels, your car packed with overnight bags, coolers of drinks, and tons of snacks.
No more venturing out in the rain, sleet, snow, or the sweltering sun to show up for your kid. No more dressing

It’s okay for you to feel sad, too.
Locally Famous INSIDE SEATING & CARRYOUT OPEN 7 A.M. DAILY Rt. 50-West Ocean City • 410-213-1804 Located Between Comfort Inn Suites & Starbucks Across From Outback Steak House Breakfast Cafe ForYears!42 The

(The writer is the publisher and editor of The Dispatch. He and his wife, Pamela, are proud parents of two boys. This weekly column examines their transition into parenthood and all that goes along with it. E-mail any thoughts to editor@mdcoastdispatch.com.) ofAdventuresFatherhood

As for Pam and me, we are adjusting to our new normal.
The days will be so different, and you both will have some adapting to do.
We are heading to Virginia Beach tonight to watch his school team play a soccer game. It’s a two-and-a-half-hour drive but we are used to it from years of travel soccer tournaments and games outside the area.
… You’ll reflect on your life that was always jam-packed with busy schedules where your kid’s sport took up tons of your time. You will remember feeling exhausted from long days and stressed from fitting in all in and spent from weekends of travel.
I saw a change in his attitude, especially when we forced him to finish a season when he was done halfway through. Many kids Beckett grew up with playing soccer don’t play anymore despite being talented. Surfing and skateboarding are preferred in some cases or just video gaming, working or clubs. The running around probably got them as well.
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