an urban infrastructure for a more dynamic city
krista, christian and michael meet the Chinese super block, and throw a spine at it...
the super block
dimensions and time area: block 1 230,000 sq m block 2 150,000 sq m
block comparison
potentials-is the super block delerious city(superblock?) of the captive globe
NETWORKS site connectivity
network-high speed rail 120 min from hongiao
perception versus reality , 60 mins to hongqiao
existing site road access how to bring internal access to the superblock
existing conditions how to tie site together?
existing conditions how to tie site together?
existing r+d internalized, empty green zone/guarded campus
intersections moments of exchange
NETWORK infrastructure spine
what is site network infrastructural backbone, flexible growth
what is network? infrastructure a generic framework to allow dynamic possibilities
spine feed off intersections
community clusters
voids/interchanges access, public space
spine continuity
connection to infrastructure
spine width
10m to accomodate pedestrians, cyclists and mopeds
FABRIC generic, dynamic, fine grain, in between, can't we have it all?
whar is spine?
what is result?
collective urban for, hybridizing the informal/unplanned citywith rigourous development
internalized street with major access points, implications of side permeability
integration 1 spine + r&D
integration 2
spine + R&D+flexible pancake
Injected Program
The colored regions are the interjection of substructures into pre-existing infrastructure. This allows for a level of intimacy which allows for longterm as well as shorterm programs.
Hybrid Commercial quasi-permanent tent structure
accessible roof
open courtyard new retail
urban village function mixed retail with flexible hybrid spaces building footprint 7500 sq. meters characteristics - open courtyard and quasi-permanent tents allow for tempora ry commercial activities - new accessible roof provides open space for cultural or commercial activity
keep towers visually and physically connected to street front
connective ‘pancake’ layer structure
Articulate inbetween spaces to accomodate necessary interaction with adjacent context
Extrusion of articulated footprint to necessary height
with extruded volumes
Pancake boundries extruded
Tower cores establish areas of subtraction
‘pancake’ building which accomidates additional program, connects adjacent buildings, and adds shading to open spaces
keep towers visually and physically connected to street front
Articulate inbetween spaces to accomodate necessary interaction with adjacent context
Extrusion of articulated footprint to necessary height
with extruded volumes
connective ‘pancake’ layer structure
Pancake boundries extruded
Tower cores establish areas of subtraction
‘pancake’ building which accomidates additional program, connects adjacent buildings, and adds shading to open spaces
integration 3
glue, void spaces
system components review
implementation phasing