Proposal for the refurbishment and conversion of the 276 m long metro station. Our program started with a mountain inspiration, few but bold materials, colors and textures, placing commercial activities on the roof and reconnecting the site with surrounding hot touristic spots and facilities.
mjy cultural center
Location: Lintao, Gansu
Dimensions: 9,400 sqm
Status: Competition
Stereometric and timeless design, contemporary monolithic structures to echo cultural heritage and harsh landscape surroundings.
Location: Songyang, Zhejiang
Dimensions: 34,000 sqm
Status: Concept
Brand new Art Center that aim to serve as a visitable warehouse and extension of the current Art Gallery. A landmark for the area corner monoliths and emphasis for the reconnection with the riverfront and dialogue with existing temple.
sZ opera house MGMT center
Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
Dimensions: 1,000 sqm
Status: Concept
Refurbishment proposal of a mediocre building located in the park near the brand new SZ Opera House under construction by Jean Nouvel. Workspace, commercial and leisure functions combined with an urban park.
baguang hotel
Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
Dimensions: 12,000 sqm
Status: Concept
Brand new hotel in a virgin touristic spot for Shenzhen. Linear building that twists allocating the entrance pointing directly to the sea. The waterfront has a more relaxed facade treatment and the overall building is raised from ground to host a dedicated parking area and service spaces.
Location: Pingyao, Shanxi
Dimensions: 8,400 sqm
Status: Under construction
Playful facades with local inspiration and flexuous elements create different spaces and serve as special features. The interior concept carries inside the building the exterior and landscape features with solid and warm curvy walls that open in strategic areas.
hONGzHUSHAN resort
Location: Emeishan City, Sichuan
Dimensions: 4,300 sqm
Status: Under construction
Resort Hotel consisting of a main building (twenty guestrooms + lobby, restaurant and lounge bar) with inner courtyard garden and four independent guesthouses scattered and blended in the amazing surrounding landscape. Traditional echoes, contemporary feelings and materials.
benhua research center
Location: Foshan, Guangdong
Dimensions: 2,700 sqm
Status: Bui t
Refurbishment (exterior, interior, and landscape), extension and partial conversion of a former Buddhist temple. Few materials, colors and textures, contemporary facades and window ratio openings, simple and easy to maintain landscape and hardscape.
Hongzhou Mansion
Location: Haikou, Hainan
Dimensions: 1,200 sqm
Status: Under construction
A vacation house for the family and a place to boost the client business by hosting meetings and gatherings. Contemporary outlook, bold features and few rough textures merging architecture, interior design elements and landscape treatment.
Location: Honk Kong
Dimensions: 500 sqm
Status: Under construction
Three stories villa with private garden and swimming pool on a corner site in Hong Kong. Traditional layout and art deco echo for the exterior, the house has a strong symmetry and focus on privacy and interior comfort for the family.
Location: Pingyao, Shanxi
Dimensions: 200 sqm
Status: Concept
Geometrical and rigid elevations are in contrast with flexuous glass element where the garden is framed. Few materials with strong natural feeling, inner-ward focus and a usable roof make the little villa comfortable but also stand out
with simplicity.
tianluhu RES. COMPLEX
Location: Pingyao, Shanxi
Dimensions: 120 sqm
Status: Built
Refurbishment of 8 villas, 12 patio villas and 15 three stories high row-villa blocks outside Pingyao Old Town.
xinda station
Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
Dimensions: 15,000 sqm
Status: Competition
Proposal for the refurbishment and conversion of the 276 m long metro station. Our program started with a mountain inspiration, few but bold materials, colors and textures, placing commercial activities on the roof and
reconnecting the site with surrounding hot touristic spots and facilities.
Location: Fuzhou, Fujian
Dimensions: 38,000 sqm
Status: Built
Mix-Development for Vanke combining sunken plaza, “L shape” sunken shopping street, underground sport facilities and at street level an urban park .
sr cultural ex. center
Location: Pingyao, Shanxi
Dimensions: 700 sqm
Status: Built
Architectural refurbishment, interior pro ect and landscape reconfiguration of a showroom and sales center outside Pingyao Old Town. Local culture and architecture theme, ancient Silk Road echoes and vibrant colors and calm environment.
Location: Fuzhou, Fujian
Dimensions: 9,000 sqm
Status: Built
Mix-Development for Vanke combining underground shopping park and sport facilities and management facilities at street level.
Location: Emeishan City, Sichuan
Dimensions: 4,300 sqm
Status: Under construction
Resort Hotel consisting of a main building (20 guestrooms + lobby, restaurant and bar) with inner courtyard garden and 4 independent guesthouses blended in with the amazing surrounding landscape.
Location: Pingyao, Shanxi
Dimensions: 8,400 sqm
Status: Under construction
Playful facades with local inspiration and flexuous elements create different spaces and serve as special features. The interior concept carries inside the building the exterior and landscape features with solid and warm curvy walls that open in strategic areas.
SZ bay lab showroom
Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
Dimensions: 350 sqm
Status: Built
Showroom for the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory ncubator. A loop path discovering information and trends of the sector with laboratory and robotic atmosphere and metallic materials palette.
sr cultural ex. center
Location: Pingyao, Shanxi
Dimensions: 700 sqm
Status: Built
Architectural refurbishment, interior pro ect and landscape reconfiguration of a showroom and sales center outside Pingyao Old Town. Local culture and architecture theme, ancient Silk Road echoes and vibrant colors and calm environment.
Hongzhou Mansion
Location: Haikou, Hainan
Dimensions: 1,200 sqm
Status: Under construction
Four stories villa with private garden, swimming pool, tea house and outdoor activities spaces.
A vacation house for the family and a place to boost the client business by hosting meetings and gatherings. Contemporary outlook, bold architectural features and rough textures merging with interior elements and landscape treatment.
Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
Dimensions: 315 sqm
Status: Built
Penthouse interior renovation in a highend neighborhood. Traditional layout with a contemporary touch: neutral dark
tones and focus on textures, especially wood and fabric. Spacious and comfortable interiors which invite relaxation.
benhua research center
Location: Foshan, Guangdong
Dimensions: 2,700 sqm
Status: Built
Refurbishment (exterior, interior, and landscape) extension and partial conversion of a former Buddhist temple.
Few materials, colors and textures, contemporary facades and window ratio openings, simple and easy to maintain landscape and hardscape.
tianluhu VILLAS
Location: Pingyao, Shanxi
Dimensions: 120 sqm
Status: Built
Refurbishment of 8 villas, 12 patio villas and 15 three stories high row-villa blocks outside Pingyao Old city.
Typology: Furniture, idea competition
Dimensions: 1.5x0.75 m
Feasibility: Required, no budget limit
Status: Not shortlisted
The design idea stems from the desire to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the publication of Kopernik’s “De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium” (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres) with a multifaceted and refined furnishing object suitable for various contexts.
"The Copernican theory” is the mathematical description of the motion of celestial bodies that Mikołaj Kopernik (Nicolaus Copernicus) introduced in the first half of the 16th century. The book proposed a heliocentric system, in which “in the middle of everything is the Sun”, and the Earth, like the other planets, was subject to various movements, including the revolution around the Sun and the rotation on its own axis. The ecliptic (eclittica in italian language) is the apparent path that the Sun makes in a year against the background of the celestial sphere. Most planets travel in elliptical orbits around the Sun, and these are located in the same orbital plane as the Earth. In the proposed furniture design the circular shape of an armillary sphere has been chosen in combination with concentric elliptical geometries.
The support surface features alternating sections of Tay wood and Canaletto Walnut. There are 10 rings representing the 8 planets of the Solar System, the Sun itself, and the hypothetical Planet X. In the transverse direction, we find the last ellipse, the focal point of the surface in Sapele Mahogany, which represents the inclined orbit of Pluto. Below the wooden surface is a connecting metal ring to which the "armillary" system with welded plates is bolted. The "armillary" system is then bolted to the base.
San Domino lhs hotel
Typology: Hospitality, idea competition
Location: Tremiti Islands, Italy
Dimensions: 300 sqm
Feasibility: Required, no budget limit
Status: Not shortlisted
The concept seeks to draw inspiration from monastic life, emphasizing intentional and purpose-driven living, fostering a sense of community, and making a positive contribution to society.
San Domino Mind & Soul Retreat aims to be a contemporary lighthouse for sailors while also serving as an inner guiding light for travelers.
With its timeless, understated elegance and connection to nature, a stay is not merely about relaxation. It serves as an opportunity to unwind bodies and muscles while expanding and enriching minds and souls.
The proposal has the potential to become a landmark example of how ultra-luxury hospitality can contribute to local community development while preserving historical architecture and natural environment. The extremely limited room inventory creates an exclusivity that justifies premium pricing and attracts high-value guests who can significantly impact the local economy through their spending patterns and influence.
DUBAI 2100
Typology: Urban, idea competition
Location: Dubai, UAE
Dimensions: 25 sqkm
Feasibility: Not required
Status: Third prize winner
This future projection considers factors like economic development and opportunities through AI technology, Nanotechnology & Space Elevator (even though not placed in Dubai), and climate adaptation measures.
Dubai 370 Pilot Neighborhood.
3 is the number of dimensions, 7 is a metaphor for completion, 0 is a symbol of evolution.
Dubai 370 takes inspiration from numerology and religious heritage, carrying traditions and memories of the past not as a burden but as a tool for the city's ever-evolving existence through replicable clusters.
In 2100 the city becomes a multi-layered ecosystem combining traditional urban functions with advanced climate adaptation and food production systems. A social mix of ultrarich elites, AI-driven professionals, and UBIsupported lower-class residents.
The city would likely be unrecognizable compared to today, with climate-controlled zones, underground complexes, low rise mixeduse small dwellings gathered together, green spaces and alternative farming plot lands here and there, massive public buildings and infrastructure dominating the cityscape.