NUTRITION IS THE KEY Training and nutrition
Sport And Fitness.
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NUTRITION IS THE KEY Training and nutrition play an equal role in the quest for physical fitness and development.
JUGGERNAUT An explosive pre-workout supplement.
TYROSINE Increase mental alertness and combat fatigue
Training injuries can really throw a wrench into anyone’s fitness program.
Coming Soon.
Whether your goal is to gain muscle, lose fat, or both, it’s likely your primary obstacle is a plan of action. Kind of like the difference between having someone’s street address and knowing how to get there. Infinite Mag is here to help. Before you sit down to plan out an eating strategy take our carbohydrate test. Then help yourself to this issue’s articles on cheat meals, top athlete proteins, and balancing essential fats.
LEE PRIEST IFBB professional bodybuilder
NUTRITION IS THE KEY Training and nutrition
Sport And Fitness.
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SiaMack Alavi
Jill Goubeaud
Andres Lopez
Lee Priest Paul Rogers, Laura Mak Joseph Palumbo
PER BERNAL_MD Jim Schreiber Chad Mugan, Tony Droz, Paul Rogers
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Infinite Labs LLC
A Superior Weight Loss Supplement. Attacking the Core Issues in Weight Loss! PROVEN EFFECTIVENESS - Leads to rapid weight loss in a healthy and safe way.* - Improves your mood and helps tone muscle while burning fat * The PHENYL CORE™ formula was developed with a single purpose; to allow for rapid weight loss in a safe way. The supplement contains a proprietary combination of the top proven ingredients available in the market today; Hordenine for fat oxidation, Konjac Root for appetite control, and Cissus Quadrangularis to reduce dietary fat absorption and create a feeling of satiety. PHENYL CORE™ also contains Rhodiola Rosea a supplement known to improve athletic endurance. The product also contains mood satisfiers known as P.E.A.s. PHENYL CORE™ is unique in that it addresses the physical and the mental aspects affecting those who are involved in the difficult transformation process of weight loss.**
The material in this magazine is for information and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide legal or medical advice. The use of the substances described herein may have adverse legal and medical consequences and INFINITE MAG does not condone or promote their use. The authors, editors, staff, and distributors of INFINITE MAG assume no liability for the use or misuse of any information presented herein and caution readers to consult with the appropriate authorities for advice.
Welcome to the First edition of Infinite magazine. The goal at Infinite magazine is to provide our readers with clear unbiased information to help them obtain and retain a healthier lifestyle. We give you the straight facts on the latest and most effective training, supplementation and lifestyle trends!
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**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration, **These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 2009 infinite Labs. All rights Reserved
Nutrition is the
k ey
By Joe Palumbo
There are many people out there training for health reasons or the ultimate physique, consistently working out and burning calories, who see only a limited amount of improvement. Why is this? Not following through with the proper nutrition is the biggest mistake they make. No matter what the goal — strength, stamina, endurance, toning or losing weight — training and nutrition play an equal role in the quest for physical fitness and development.
and cells, and thus it is advisable not to deplete such resources by necessitating their use in energy production. Simply put, if you’re not eating enough carbohydrates your body will start to break down precious muscle tissue for glucose. Carbohydrates come in two forms: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates contain naturally occurring sugars, such as those found in fruit (fructose) and table sugar (sucrose). They are rapidly converted into glucose and enter the bloodstream very soon after consumption (energy drinks). Complex carbohydrates are present in most grain products, vegetable and potatoes and are digested at a much slower rate. Contrary to popular opinion, carbohydrates in general are not normally a problem. It’s the quality and quantity of carbohydrates that should be taken into account. Generally speaking, there is no exact number of carbs a person should consume. There are too many vari- ables. For instance, in my training regimen I consume 40 to 50 grams of carbs at each meal and that’s during the “on” season when I strive for a lean muscle look. During my “off” season, this number can be much higher, because I am training for power and size. This would be insufficient for athletes training for stamina and endurance, such as long distance runners who need to load up on carbs before an event. The best advice I can give you is to listen to your body and test yourself to see what works for you. One rule I recommend for most people is to limit your carbohydrate intake to the daytime or when you are most active.
An understanding of what training does to the body is critical. Whether it’s bodybuilding, power-lifting, strength training or over- all physical fitness, muscle tissue is broken down during exercise. To recover and repair and grow the muscles, your body needs essential nutrients. Without them, you will not see results from training. Even worse, poor nutrition can cause injury, illness and catabolic stress, wherein muscles are broken down for energy, essentially rob- bing your body of previous growth accomplishments. By depriving yourself of the essential nutrients that food supplies, you are, with- out a doubt, harming the body you are working so hard to perfect. Just as important as appreciating and avoiding the damage we can do to our bodies is an understanding of how to properly fuel ourselves. Knowing you need nutrients to ensure the benefits of training is the first step. Following a correct diet is the second.
PROTEIN Protein builds, maintains and repairs body tissue. High quality protein comes from animal sources, such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Because of the vital functions of protein, great care should be taken to ensure that sufficient amounts are supplied by the body in either dietary form or by supplementation if neces- sary (see the section on meal replacements). The government RDA (recommended daily allowance) for protein is 50 grams, based on a 2000-calorie daily intake. This should be considered the bare minimum needed for someone who is not physically active. The amount of protein your body needs varies depending on the type of training regimen. Hardcore athletes, bodybuilders or power lift- ers should consume 2 grams of quality protein per pound of body weight. Studies show the recommended protein for endurance athletes, such as distance runners, is 1.2 to 1.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
Dietary fat has long been perceived as the body’s enemy. But the body needs fat to survive and thrive. The main purpose of fats in the body is to serve as a storage system and an energy reserve
Infinite Mag
VITAMINS AND MINERALS Vitamins and minerals are essential to life in general. They are therefore considered nutrients, and are often referred to as micro- nutrients simply because they a r e needed in relatively small amounts compared with the three basic nutrients discussed in this article. Micronutrients do not themselves provide energy. Carbohydrates, fats, and protein do that, but only when there are sufficient micronutrients to release them. People who are active need more micronutrients than sedentary people. Some studies show that athletes taking vitamins and mineral supplements with higher levels than the RDA could indeed perform better and had fewer muscle injuries and a faster recovery time. Be cautious though, some vitamins and mineral if taken in excess can cause a negative reaction. I take a multi-vitamin with minerals and I only recommend the U.S. Government RDA.
In today’s world we are all concerned about physical fitness and being at our best. Knowing all the facts puts you one step ahead of the rest. Please consult your physician before starting any diet or exercise
IMPORTANT TIPS • You must have a sufficient amount of carbohydrates before and after training. For endurance activity use slow burning carbs before and fast burning carbohydrates after. • Consuming a pre-training protein/carbohydrate drink before working out boosts muscle protein synthesis. • Post-training meals or drinks immediately after training (recovery period) produce bigger gains in muscle fiber thickness.
Carbohydrates supply the body with the energy it needs to function. They are the main source of blood glucose, which is the major fuel for all the body’s cells and the only source for the brain and red blood cells. Glucose can be obtained and stored easily in the body, but when your body is depleted of carbohydrates, glucose can be made from protein, since proteins can be converted to carbo- hydrates. Proteins and fat are vital building components for body tissue
supply. During periods of low food consumption, fat reserves can be mobilized and broken down to release energy. If your body fat percentage is low, the body will turn to muscle for energy, as I explained earlier. Fats are also used in the manufacture of hormones that help regulate proper growth and maintenance of tissue in the body. Fats can be classified as either saturated or unsaturated. The consumption of saturated fats carries some health risks, as they have been linked to arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and heart disease. Unsaturated fats can be either polyunsaturated or monounsaturated. Research suggests that the healthiest of the fats in human diet are the monounsaturated fats as found in olive oil and canola oil. Polyunsaturated fats also have health benefits and are found in soybean and sunflower oils and certain fish. Total calories from fat should not constitute more than 20 to 25 percent of the calories you consume daily.
• Space small, frequent meals throughout the day. • Preparing meals in advance or having a meal replacement with you can help you avoid stopping for fast food or simply making a bad nutritional choice.
Most people in the weight training field have heard of (NRT) Negative Resistance Training, or as it is commonly called negative reps. NRT works for me and it can work for you too! I Incorporate NRT for pre contest training and I use it on and off during off- season training. Simply put NRT stimulates muscle growth! Anyone can use NRT in their workout. I have found it really motivates my workout, I get an exciting rush to do more sets.
When a partner isn’t available, I recommend using machines. To get NRT results, use two arms or legs in the lift, and lower with only one. You must use extreme caution, as you are using only one limb to bring down the same weight you used two to bring up! Use this method slowly and start out light, until you get the feel of the weight and the correct balance.
Negative resistance training is simply the lowering of weight. Instead of lifting it (positive exercise) you lower it slowly, so that you are resisting it all the way down. So what is so great about this? Well, Basically, YOU CAN LOWER MORE WEIGHT THAN YOU CAN LIFT. You can achieve that athlete’s age- old dream of greater than 100% effort.
Good examples of exercises for when you’re training alone are 1. pull ups and
A unique feature of negative training is that it requires less energy than positive exercise. Studies have shown that the body uses less oxygen consumption during negative workout than positive workout. Here we have the ingredients of a superlative training method: a significant increase in training intensity and a significant decrease in overall body stress. The results are faster progress. Moreover, since negative exercise requires that you lower the weight slowly, resisting all the way, the muscles are stimulated through the whole range of motion. This factor alone may be responsible for considerable progress with those of us who habitually train in a sloppy manner. Now if the whole idea of negative training is to lower more weight than you can lift, how do you raise the weight in the first place? I strongly suggest having a training partner. Benefits include:
2. parallel bar dips where you raise your body weight with your legs. Stand on a box or stepstool under the bar; grasp the bar, lift your feet off the footstool, and lower yourself with your arms. I strongly endorse this method of assisting one set of limbs with another. Another method consists of assisting one limb with the opposite limb so the weight being used is lifted with two arms or legs and lowered with one. Let us take 3. the standing lateral raise, you reach the point of total failure, you then curl the weight to your shoulder level, extend your arms straight out to the sides, and lower the weight in negative fashion.
When you start a negative exercise program, I recommend that you work to a point of failure before you start negative reps. This way you can measure your progress every workout by counting the positive reps. After about 6-8 weeks, progress will slow down to a normal pace. At this point, go back to the basic routine for a few weeks to let your body stabilize with its new strength and weight. Then return to the negative program with this difference: do negatives with all positive reps. This will cause a substantial drop in reps. At this point tell yourself I am not getting weaker, I am just doing the exercise harder. The benefit of this method is a high level of intensity with less energy output. Remember: less energy output equals better recovery ability. I have seen other bodybuilders go even further and cut out the positive workout entirely except every third or fourth work out to measure the progress. This is even harder to do because most of us want to know every workout if we are getting stronger or not. Even the most enthusiastic disciple of negative training will probably do only part of his workout in negative style because of this irresistible curiosity. Personally, I get better results with using both positive and negative training. In my workouts, all negative reps are sustained for a period of five or six seconds measured by counting to myself 1001, 1002, 1003, ect. Reps are continued until the weight is falling faster despite my most determined efforts. As always I recommend fully stretching the muscle and warming up the area you are going to work for that day. Start out slow and increase reps, sets and weight accordingly.
1. Safety reasons. 2. You can always go heavier with a spotter. 3. You get a full, strict range of motion where you work the muscle fully. 4. As your muscles start to get used to the workout you can take it further. 5. Your partner can push down on the weight while you are lowering it; this causes a greater negative force even before you reach the failure point in your positive reps.
BE SAFE Joe Palumbo IFBB Pro Certified Personal Trainer
Infinite Mag
Contact at Joeswat5@aol.com
are based on human, animal and in vitro (outside of the living organism) studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Such studies may be found in databases provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. JUGGERNAUT™ is sugar free, fat free and low- sodium.
Definition: A Juggernaut is a term used to describe a literal or metaphorical force regarded as unstoppable. Infinite Labs had that mentality in mind when they created their new pre- workout formula, JUGGERNAUT™ - an explosive preworkout supplement engineered for any athlete, especially the bodybuilder, striving to build muscle.
Energy drinks may only increase perceived energy levels. Owing to their high sodium and sugar content and other factors consumption of energy drinks may actually lead to a contraction (shrinkage) of muscle cells by causing them to lose water. This directly antagonizes your muscle building efforts in the gym. Let’s face it: if you are not motivated to throw some weight on the bar, you are not going to build muscle. JUGGERNAUT™ is equipped with a revolutionary, one of a kind Glyco- Core Plasma Expander that enhances muscle pumps. This plasma expander prevents dehydration, increases endurance, prevents fatigue and it’s the perfect complement to the Hypertrophis Myovascular Expansion Complex (H.M.E.C). Glyco-Core supplies the highest yielding glycerol load available on the market today. JUGGERNAUT™ is an all-in-one, pre-workout supplement that stimulates muscle fiber growth, which provides you with the drive for explosive power, reduces fatigue and enhances muscle pumps- while providing the user with intense mental focus. The ingredients in JUGGERNAUT™ were chosen by Infinite Labs’ research and development scientists and
JUGGERNAUT™ INGREDIENTS INTENSE NITRIC OXIDE INITIATING COMPLEX™ Blood vessels are like tiny garden hoses lined with muscle cells that are smooth in appearance, When the smooth muscle lining relaxes, blood vessel diameter increases. Known as vasodilatation, this increases blood flow. Nitric Oxide (NO) is a key vasodilator produced in the body from the amino acid arginine. The body’s preferred source of arginine for NO production is citrulline. Arginase is as enzyme that breaks down arginine, thereby limiting the production on NO. Morvaline is a natural inhibitor of arginase. Vitamins B-12 and folic acid are co-factors for enzymes involved in NO production. Guanidinopropionic acid is an insulin- sensitizer used by athletes to promote muscle volumization. It may also regulate appetite. GLYCO- CORE™ Glyco-Core increases the water carrying capacity and volume of plasma, thereby supporting heavier workloads and enhancing vascularity (more prominent veins) and muscularity (more muscle fullness, definition and hardness) As glycerol draws water into the plasma, creatine draws water into the cell to promote volume induced anabolism and, over the long term, muscle hypertrophy. Glycerol (1,2,3-propanetriol) has been used to induce hyperhydration in an attempt to offset the deleterious effects of dehydration during long-term aerobic exercise. When glycerol is consumed orally, it is absorbed rapidly, primarily in the small intestine. It is reported to be distributed evenly among all fluid compartments, and promotes hyperhydration by inducing an osmotic gradient. When glycerol is consumed, the plasma glycerol concentration increases in proportion to the dose ingested, thus, without supplemental glycerol ingestion, there will be a decrease in the osmotic gradient- resulting in a loss of hyperhydration. JUGGERNAUT’s high content of glycerol contributes to its enhanced plasma volume effect and greater muscle pumps. JUGGERNAUT™ also contains chromium, cinnamon, glucose polymers and magnesium which support insulin action for maximum creatine uptake. Acting as a buffer of two-carbon acetyl groups in muscle fibers, carnitine sustains muscle force levels in the face of fatigue. HYPERTROPHIC MYOVASCULAR EXPANSION COMPLEX™ JUGGERNAUT™ is the industry-leading muscular and plasma expansion supplement. These complexes work seamlessly across the muscle cell, with intracellular and vascular spaces providing
entire- muscle support of volume, anabolism and hypertrophy. Several studies found that independent of hormone influence or substrate influence, decreased cell volume (cell shrinking) leads to cellular catabolism or protein breakdown, while increased cell volume (cell swelling) leads to anabolism or protein synthesis. Decreased body water and intra-cellular nutrients can also lead to cell shrinking and as we now know, increased muscle protein breakdown. Basically, cell swelling or shrinking acts as a “second messenger” to tell the cell what to do about protein synthesis. The hormones tell the cell to swell or shrink, and it is the swelling or shrinking- not the hormone’s action- that leads to changes in protein metabolism. Additionaly, a previous research study found that during intense resistance exercise, taking JUGGERNAUT™ pre-exercise enhances cell volume and hydration, which promotes an anabolic state. PROGROW WHEY COMPLEX™ JUGGERNAUT™ provides 3 grams of essential and non- essential amino acids, more than enough to trigger a net muscle protein gain (the essential elements of muscle hypertrophy) following resistance exercise. A clinical study recently published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research reported excellent findings with a pre/post-workout drink for those training to build a bigger, leaner body. The results were similar to a 2006 study that demonstrated when essential amino acids (EAA) were administered to a group of lifters during four weeks of intense weight training, testosterone levels were enhanced in conjunction with reduced muscle breakdown. The group not receiving EAA had a drop in testosterone levels after four weeks, suggesting EAA are effective for attenuating muscle strength loss during initial high volume stress, possibly by reducing muscle damage by maintaining an anabolic environment.
Reducing cortisol is an effective way to enhance muscle recovery and growth. This most recent study showed nearly 50 percent reduction post – exercise muscle damage with a 6-gram dose of EAA. BCAA’s are both anabolic and anti-catabolic because of their ability to significantly increase protein synthesis, facilitate the release of hormones as growth hormone (GH), IGF-1 and insulin, and help maintain a favor- able testosterone-to-cortisol ratio. The ingredients found in JUGGERNAUT™ are exclusive to Infinite Labs. Glyco-Core gives JUGGERNAUT™ the highest glycerol load on the market. ProGrow Whey Complex provides 3 grams of protein, whereas many other pre-workout formulas contain no protein. One of the best times to ingest protein is pre-workout. This is thought to be due to the increase in muscle blood flow during exercise. JUGGERNAUT™ contains only 8.5 grams of carbohydrates per serving. In contrast , a leading energy drink contains 28 grams of carbohydrates (26 grams of sugar) and 214 milligrams of sodium per serving. Also, energy drinks like those found at most convenience stores do not contain the ingredient complexes that are exclusive to the JUGGERNAUT™ formula.
and N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
WHAT DOES IT DO? Tyrosine helps stimulate the nervous system to keep it functioning well. It helps synthesize several brain chemicals and neurotransmitters that control pain, helps regulate your appetite and facilitates in stabilizing your body’s reaction to stress factors. It helps regulate your moods and helps stimulate your nervous system to keep it functioning properly. The body literally can not function properly without adequate supply of L-tyrosine.
ROGERS He is one of our Regional Sales Managers and has been involved in the health and fitness industry for 26 years. He starred as Thor on American Gladiators and then played Arnold’s double at Universal Studios Terminator 23D Show. He played Commando in the X-Men Stunt Show and The Incredible Hulk for the marketing campaign for Universals Islands of Adventure. He is a motivational speaker and uses feats of strength to convey powerful visual illustrations of his message. He started competing in strongman competitions in 2008 and won the open middleweight class in Florida and then competed in 2009 and won the Florida Masters. He is a firm believer in the Infinite Labs product line and uses all the products taking a scoop of Carno Cre in the morning and afternoon to help increase muscle endurance and muscle capacity and hardness plus two Phenyl Core each time to help with the breakdown of his fat and to reduce his dietary fat absorption. He uses two scoops of Juggernaut pre workout and for event training to keep his muscles hydrated and to delay the onset of muscle fatigue that allows him to make a greater connection between mind and muscle. Post workout he takes Massport to help restore his energy levels quickly and to help the body absorb protein more efficiently
Contact paul@infinitelabs.com or at 877 485 2271 ext 1004 c. 407.283.2796 Available for speaking engagements and youth events.
Neurotransmitters are central in body functioning mainly because they are the main chemical messengers that transport information from the brain to the rest of your body. Tyrosine plays an important role in the synthesis of three neurotransmitters, namely, dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. The effect of L-tyrosine on these neurotransmitters is the main reason why this non-essential amino acid has health benefits in your body.
HOW DO I USE IT? For strength athletes, 3g of tyrosine taken both before and after exercise can improve both workout intensity and recovery of the CNS. Since tyrosine can increase catecholamine synthesis and caffeine and green tea can increase catecholamine release, these compounds should act synergistically to increase both arousal and performance. N-acetyl- L-Tyrosine acts similarly to tyrosine. The main difference is that acetylation (adding an acetyl group) of the nitrogen terminus (end) of the amino acid makes it more soluble in water. Increased solubility means better dissolution in water and potentially increased digestion and absorption of the amino acid. Ironically, conflicting data exists as it which is more optimally absorbed, tyrosine or the acetylated version; but due to the low cost and great results obtained with tyrosine, most people are opting to supplement with it as opposed to the more expensive N-Acetyl-L-tyrosine.
Infinite Mag
Train Lik e By Laura Mak
a Fitness Pro
Sports specific training is essential in any sport regimen. I have been an athlete all my life but I have had to change my training as I competed in different sports. Although I was competitive in dance, elite level and collegiate gymnastics, and Olympic weightlifting, I am most known for competing as an IFBB Fitness Pro. My body has changed through the years as I have adapted my training and nutrition to meet the needs of my specific sport.
between. The heart rate should remain elevated through out the weight training session. My training is typically a quick and efficient 30-40 minutes long. I have found a short and specialized four or five-day a week weight training program will change the body and increase the stamina. I do four to six exercises per body part, depending on how far out from the contest I am. I do abs every weight training session, but I make sure to include a variety of exercises and vary the repetitions and speed. Most commonly, I do my abs during my “active rest” period. For example, I like to do two exercises then my abs for my active rest before repeating the exercises again. This allows rest time for the muscles I am concentrating on that day, and also enables me to train the abs throughout the session instead of the end of a training period.
Since earning my IFBB Pro Card by winning the 1998 NPC Nationals, I have incorporated the knowledge I have gained from earning my masters degree in exercise science as well as credentials from the NSCA’s Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist program. I have seventeen years of personal training experience in which I worked with a variety of clientele, men, women, athletes, professionals, and seniors. I have been fortunate enough to work with some of the top trainers of the industry. I have taken the best from their programs and blended it with my own training experience to create a winning fitness program that delivers the best results.
Plyometric training is an integral part of a fitness athlete’s training program. This type of exercise should only be executed once or twice a week during a six to eight week period. I do not do any plyometric training the week before the competition. Plyometric exercises are anaerobic, meaning it is performed without oxygen. This type of training should not be incorporated in the first few weeks of training. It is too taxing on a body that is not already conditioned. This type of training consists of a variety of exercises such as jumping, sprinting, leaping and bounding. An athlete may do three to five different plyometric exercises during a session. That is enough to generate results. All of these movements are performed at a high intensity for 30-60 seconds at a time. The recovery period between plyometric exercises should be about one to two minutes depending on the condition of the athlete. This should be enough time to allow the heart rate to return to normal or slightly above.
My favorite part of preparing for a fitness competition is the routine round. This round has always been my strength, but it is only one portion of training a fitness athlete must endure. The other parts include, weight training, plyometric training, cardio programs, and nutrition. Weight training is so important to be sport specific for fitness. This means a fitness athlete should train like a fitness athlete and not a bodybuilder. Her weight training should include more quick movements and with less rest in between. It should consist of several exercises back to back with little or no recovery time
Weight training is so important to be SPORT specific for
The cardio portion of fitness training typically consists of a daily one to two hours of cardio. For the fitness competitor, the more intense the cardio, the better the result. It is imperative to mix up the cardio routines. I have discovered that the treadmill on an incline works great for hips and legs. Running is another excellent form of cardio but for me, it was more difficult on a regular basis since I have foot injuries. If an athlete likes running it should be a consistent part of their cardio one to four times a week.
My favorite pre training drink is the Juggernaut, which gives me strength, power and the endurance to last through one of my intense workouts. I only use this on days when I am weight training, so not on the days that are cardio only. Not only do I have a pre-workout drink, but I also plan to have my post workout meal complete with protein and carbohydrates. Every meal is planned in advanced so after the workout when I am tired I don’t have to decide what to cook or to eat – it was already decided.
Infinite Mag
Supplement Supplement Facts Fa
Carno Cre™ is a comprehensive beta alanine / creatine supplement designed to maximize power output, fight fatigue, and promote the generation of lean mass. In just 28 days, test subjects using Carno Cre’s CarnoSyn / Creatine blend gained an average of 14.4 times more strength than those using Creatine alone! Serving Size 1 scoop Serving (11.1Size g) 1 scoop (11.1 g) Servings Per Container Servings 30Per Container 30
Amount Per Serving Amount Per %Serving Daily Value
Total Carbohydrate Total Carbohydrate
Carno Cre™
Once you use you will never use creatine alone again! www.InfiniteLabs.com *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine Vitamin HCl) B6 (as pyridoxine HCl)
1<1%** g
10 mg
10 mg 500%**
Magnesium (as Creatine Magnesium MagnaPower® (as Creatine magnesium MagnaPower® magnesium creatine chelate and creatine magnesium chelateoxide) and magnesium oxide) 50 mg
50 mg 13%**
Zinc (as zinc citrate) Zinc (as zinc citrate)
15 mg
15 mg 100%**
Sodium (as sodium Sodium phosphate) (as sodium phosphate)
99 mg
99 mg4%**
Potassium (as potassium Potassium citrate) (as potassium citrate)
500 mg
500 mg 14%**
Magna Cre Mito-Matrix™ Magna Cre Mito-Matrix™ 2,500 mg 2,500 mg † Creatine Magna Power® Creatine magnesium Magna Power® creatine magnesium chelate, Di-Creatine creatine chelate, Malate, Di-Creatin Creatine Citrate, Creatine CreatineMonohydrate, Citrate, Creatine Creatine Monohydrate, Ethyl Ester Creatine Ethyl Ester Endurance Complex™ Endurance Complex™ 3,633 mg 3,633 mg † Beta Alanine (CarnoSyn™) Beta Alanine (2,500 (CarnoSyn™) mg), Taurine, (2,500 Histidine mg), Taurine, HCl, Histidine HCl, L-Norvaline, L-Carnosine, L-Norvaline, Vanadyl L-Carnosine, sulfate Vanadyl sulfate ** Percent Daily Values ** Percent are based Dailyon Values a 2,000 are calorie based on diet. a 2,000 calorie diet. † Daily Value not †established. Daily Value not established.
Other Ingredients:Other MalicIngredients: acid, citric acid, Malic maltodextrin, acid, citric acid, natural maltodextrin, and artificial natural flavors, and a beet color, silica, acesulfame beet color, potassium, silica, acesulfame sucralose potassium, sucralose Creatine MagnaPower Creatine is aMagnaPower registered trademark is a registered of Albion trademark Laboratories, of Albion Inc., Labo and covered by U.S. andPatent covered 6,114,379 by U.S. Patent 6,114,379
SEXY AND FIT The reality is competitive fitness is time consuming, but the rewards are amazing. If you want to be a fitness athlete you have to train like a fitness athlete. In the upcoming issues I will be giving you more specific training tips for the routine rounds, weight training, plyometric training, cardio training and nutrition. Be sure to check online at LauraMak.com for more training routines and articles on weight training specifically for the fitness and figure athlete.
ORDER NOW 1.877.485.2271 OR VISIT www.InfiniteLabs.com
MASSPORT™ is the world’s first post-workout myotrophic stimulus reinforcer with 6 Layers of training stimulus reinforcing and extending action. It amplifies anabolic signaling strength of any workout while expanding & solidifying every conceivable corner of muscle tissue to help you achieve maximum muscle adaptation, mass & strength gains. MASSPORT™ extends and reinforces the stimulus of training, so that every workout yields bigger, stronger muscles, not just some of them. Each ingredient in its Multi-Layered Stimulus Reinforcer Network™ spreads with capillary-like action into every nook and cranny of muscle, including individual muscle fibers and the extracellular and intravascular spaces, causing it to expand, solidify and grow even after workouts which might have otherwise lacked sufficient myotrophic power to produce gains.
Laura Mak, MS IFBB Fitness Pro
www.LauraMak.com *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
With error returns wisdom and experience. Throughout my 30 years of training I have had my share of injuries. Training injuries can really throw a wrench into anyone’s fitness program. Learn to avoid injuries before they happen and save yourself a lot of pain.
NO PAIN NO GAIN? One of the most important things about training is to recognize the “Good” pain from the “Bad” pain. Pain is the body’s defense mechanism warning you that injury is occurring or has occurred. The pain of lactic acid build-up in the muscle is acceptable as you push reps to the limit however; sharp, searing, hot needle pain is a different story. This means a real injury is occurring, it is imperative that you immediately stop what you are doing. Try to determine the severity of the injury, immediately apply ice cubes directly over the area of pain. This will help to reduce the swelling and inflammation. If the injury prevents you from moving your limbs in any direction, seek medical attention right away.
Joe Palumbo IFBB Pro Certified Personal Trainer Advance Sports Nutrition Specialist (ASNS) Certified Navy Seal fitness Instructor
Contact at Joeswat5@aol.com
The proper method of performing a stretching program is to take your time and allow your muscle to lengthen gradually as you bend and reach, NO BOUNCING OR JERKING. In all stretches you are trying for a maximum effort or bend, endeavor to hold the point of full extension for a full 15 seconds. Warming up and stretching is the most common left out part of a training program and the biggest mistake anyone can make. TECHNIQUE Some of the most common weight training injuries are related to poor exercise technique. It is essential to take particular care in certain exercises. Lets look at a few examples: The squat, always keep your back flat, head up, and lower slowly to the thigh-parallel-tofloor position. Never bounce out of a squat. Deadlifts should also be performed with a flat back, head up. Do not rebound the weight from the floor. When performing bent-over rowing, keep your knees slightly bent, back flat. When you cannot complete a rep using the proper form and technique, STOP…Do not squirm and twist your body. Master the correct techniques for every exercise perform is the most important for avoiding injuries.
FIT PHENYL CORE™ formula was developed with a single purpose; to allow for rapid weight loss in a safe way. The supplement contains a proprietary combination of the top proven ingredients available in the market today; Hordenine for fat oxidation, Konjac Root for appetite control, and Cissus Quadrangularis to reduce dietary fat absorption and create a feeling of satiety.
KEEPING TO THE GROOVE Another way of inviting injury is to neglect the importance of keeping the “groove” and the “rhythm”. As we train, each of us develops a groove and rhythm, in which the weight travels. For instance, take the bench press. The weight is invariably lowered to the nipple area of the chest. Year in, year out, you bench press the same way increasing the weight as you go on. However, one day you get the idea that maybe you should lower the weight to your upper pectoral area, Bad idea! You have done it: a muscle tear! All because you put all the stress from the pectorals major onto the pectorals minor and it just couldn’t cope with that kind of resistance. Always remember ...Changing an angle is fine, However, you must always start out with a lightweight when exercising a new angle of the muscle.
WARM UP This is a step many people skip because they just don’t have the time, Big mistake… huge! Your warm-up is the key to unlocking tight muscles, therefore when skipped it can cause an injury. A warm up is usually a high rep, low intensity, and quick paced exercise to increase blood flow to the muscle. Choose an exercise for the muscle you want to work out start off with a lightweight and do 2 to 3 sets of 20 – 30 repetitions, without any kind of struggle. The idea is to stretch and pump the area with a flow of blood to warm the muscle up.
OVERTRAINING When you over train your muscle, it just becomes weak and smaller! It is the recovery period that makes you stronger. During recovery the body compensates for the stress that has been applied. The result is a higher level of performance. When you begin to see results from your training you may be tempted to take it one step further and double your training however excessive training will not lead to faster gains it will however increase your risk of injury. Listen to your body, remember the good pain from the bad. Watch for disturbances in rhythm and flow of movement, that is a good sign of over training a muscle.
STRETCHING Stretching is different from your warm up, a stretch helps relax and elongate a muscle after warm up and before weight training.
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