DNA SLIMTM marks a paradigm shift in the arena of weight management where conventional programs worldwide have so far focused on indicators such as BMI, BMR, BCA, and a Waist-to-Hip ratio. DNA SLIMTM goes a step beyond by factoring in the impact of one’s unique DNA in the weight loss process, for prescribing the most effective diet and exercise regime, keeping only you in mind.
In a study done by scientists at Stanford University, the results of which are published in the annals of the American Heart Association’s Joint Conference – 50th Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention and Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism – 2010, March 2-5, 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA it was seen that a simple DNA test could help predict whether someone is more likely to be successful with weight loss when put on a diet tailored to the genetic makeup of the individual . A simple cheek swab at a VLCC center is all you need for VLCC’s team of nutritionists and fitness experts to wo