Newsletter - Fall 2008

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The Quarterly Newsletter of Georgia Organics

Growing Healthy Foods, Farms, & Families • Fall 2008 Georgia Organics Membership Campaign

Help us meet our 1,000 member goal for 2008. Read more about an exciting new offer on page 3.

New Organic Farming Curriculum Available

Georgia Organics releases a new and improved edition of the Introduction to Organic Farming Curriculum. Details on page 11.

Woodland Garden Party

Join Chef Ann Quatrano and Georgia’s top chefs for a multi-course farm dinner at Woodland Gardens to benefit Georgia Organics. See page 9 for full event details.

New Local Food Guide

The third edition of the popular Guide is now available! Find out more about the new Guide on page 3, and make plans to attend the release party on September 25. Find out more about the release party on page 9.

Gourmet Mushroom Workshop

Oyster mushroom cultivation joins lessons on growing shiitakes in this popular workshop. See page 9 for details.

In This Issue: Why Organic? Page 1 Cooking Locally Recipe Page 9 Growing Fruits in Georgia Page 12 Member Profile Page 13 Events Calendar Page 15

Why Organic?

The Answer is Simpler than it Seems by Jamie Swedberg


n the last few years, our nation’s relationship with food has become more and more complicated. Ecologically and ethically minded people have put their culinary choices under a microscope. No longer is it sufficient to say that a food item is organically grown; now we also want to know whether it is locally grown, sustainably produced, fairly traded, supportive of small businesspeople, and raised from heirloom stock. We have begun to understand that with every shopping trip, we cast a vote for the sort of world we’d like to live in. At the same time, many consumers seem to have given up completely. Some feel confused and defeated by a constant barrage of oftencontradictory information. Others have thrown up their hands because, for financial or other reasons, it is impossible for them to make the choices that they believe are best for their families. Then, too, there are the farmers themselves. Some small farmers who meet or exceed the standards have opted out of the process.Their customers, they figure, know them well enough to trust their methods. Meanwhile, because of high public demand, the very largest growers have devoted parts of their empires to organic production, all the while cutting corners and lobbying for the standard to be lowered. In the face of these changes, is the organic program first conceived eighteen years ago still relevant? What, exactly, is the value of the USDA Organic standard when one group of people believes it to be insufficient and another finds it hopelessly out of reach? This much is true: The word organic still represents a level of cleanliness, safety, and sustainability that the vast majority of agricultural production in this country does not even aspire to meet. Is organic good

enough? Maybe or maybe not, but most of our food is nowhere near that good as it is. Is it available enough? Maybe or maybe not, but it’s hard to argue that it should not be made more available.

Measurably Better

The United States government first laid out the intent and vision for a nationwide organic standard with the 1990 Organic Foods Production Act. It then took another twelve years for the standards to be finalized and implemented. Before that time, organic food was produced under a patchwork of state and private standards. Marion Nestle, Ph.D., M.P.H., Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University, says the federal standard was a big improvement over the previous chaos. “It sets up a level playing field for what can be certified as organic,” she says. “When consumers buy something Certified Organic, they know exactly what they are getting–or could if they wanted to.” Cont’d on page 4

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