Newsletter - Summer 2008

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HjhiV^cVWaZ CZlh 7g^Z[h Get the scoop on fast-paced developments in organic and sustainable farming in Georgia. See page 8.

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September 14, 1-4pm, Clayton View the vines, taste the wines at Persimmon Creek in this self-guided tour. See page 9.

CZl :bZg\^c\ ;VgbZg CZildg` id WZ 9ZkZadeZY Announcement of a new initiative in partnership with the USDA’s Risk . Management Agency See page 11.

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;ddY Egd_ZXih By Suzanne Welander ;ddY Egd_ZXih


Photo By Richard Burkhart, Savannah Daily News

A comprehensive collection of articles, web links, and resources to help farmers and educators is now available. See page 3.

6 IVaZ d[ Ild 8^i^Zh VcY Ild 8dbbjc^in ow do we feed the hungry? Give a fish, or teach how to fish? Traditional images associated with charity work can label participants as victims in need of a rescuer, unconsciously perpetuating and reinforcing dependence. It’s time to retire the stereotype of the knight in shining armor that by its very definition requires a victim. Enter the new model of community development work: community food projects.

To call this approach “new� is a misnomer. The USDA’s funding of community food projects started in 1996 through the CSREES (Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service), with the goal of fighting food insecurity while promoting the self-sufficiency of low-income communities. Nationwide, $36 million was invested between 1996 and 2007—18 percent of the projects proposed during that time. In Georgia, two significant community food projects have received cost-matching funds from the CSREES between 2003 to 2006: The Federation of Southern Cooperatives received $175,000 in 2003 to expand and strengthen cooperatives throughout four states in the Southeast; in 2004, the Rolling Hills Resource, Conservation, and Development Council received $105,000 to develop end-markets for small-scale farmers in west-central Georgia. Community food projects are now finding resonance with the budding urban agriculture movement within Georgia’s cities. Revolutionized by an asset-based approach that empowers citizens as full participants, these projects don’t promise food security alone; they also cultivate the economic security that addresses the root causes of hunger, which is only the presenting symptom. As anyone who’s ever planted an impossibly small seed in the soil can attest, growing plants is all about hope and imagination. It’s there at ground level that two new community projects are planting the seeds of hope intended to

Daron “Farmer D� Joffe gets in the dirt after groundbreaking at Trustees Garden in Savannah.

involve and transform their communities– communities united by good, pure food.

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Standing in a San Francisco prison yard, the warden confronted Daron “Farmer D� Joffe with a choice. Stay, and take the last chance at transforming the floundering prison farm, or leave and let the orchid program take over? Farmer D took the challenge and stayed. “For me, that’s the moment where I first got committed,� explains Farmer D. As a recently deployed exchange student with SLUG (San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners), he spent over a year establishing the prison farming program before returning to the East in 1999. “I was intrigued and inspired by the SLUG model,� says Farmer D. “I wanted to understand how a social justice-driven farming nonprofit worked, so that it could be replicated.� Back in Georgia, it wasn’t until participating in a charrette (a collaborative session commonly used by urban planners) to design usage Cont’d on page 6

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Georgia Organics Board of Directors Barbara Petit, President Daron Joffe, Vice President Leeann Culbreath, Secretary Alex Rilko, Treasurer George Boyhan Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez Jennifer DuBose Marco Fonseca Will Harris Gina Hopkins Jay Lazega Rashid Nuri Daniel Parson Mary Reilly Mike Smith Charlotte Swancy Edward Taylor Michael Tuohy


Karen S. Adler

Mentoring Program Coordinator 404.633.4534

Necessity is the mother of invention. Photo By Anthony-Masterson

0 / "OX s !TLANTA '! 678.702.0400

Recently, demand for local food has been driven by innate concerns over health, family farms, and the environment. But the dialogue has taken on a new sense of urgency with rising fuel and food costs. Sustainable food is not just about saving the earth or the family farm, now it’s also about saving money. Farmers everywhere are looking for solutions that will save gas and cash spent on expensive fertilization, pest control inputs, and distribution. This sets off new and dynamic conversations about organic methods of production and local distribution as practical, cost-effective solutions to feed our people. Food deserts, poverty, and health concerns are also breeding a new crop of growers sprouting up in unsuspecting places. Along with rural farms and farmers, there are now farmscapers, guerrilla gardeners, and everyday citizens growing real food in towns and cities around the world. In fact, urban farms now feed more than 700 million city dwellers worldwide.

Erin Croom

s )N #ARACAS 6ENEZUELA A GOVERNMENT SPONSORED PROJECT HAS CREATED MICROGARDENS one square meter each, in the city’s barrios, many just a few steps from family kitchens. Venezuela’s goal is to have 100,000 microgardens in the country’s urban areas. s #UBA PRODUCES HALF OF THE VEGETABLES ITS RESIDENTS CONSUME AND IS A MODEL FOR SUSTAINABLE agriculture. s )N 6ANCOUVER AN ASTOUNDING PERCENT OF ITS CITIZENS PRODUCE SOME OF THEIR OWN FOOD s 0ORTLAND /REGON RECENTLY INVENTORIED THEIR PUBLIC LANDS AND IDENTIlED POTENTIAL sites that could be used for community gardens and small- to large-scale agriculture production.

Farm to School Coordinator

Stephanie Hass

Administrative Coordinator

Chaz Holt

Emory Farmer Liaison 770.608.4093

Jennifer Owens

Philanthropy Coordinator

Lynn Pugh

Curriculum Coordinator

Alice Rolls

Executive Director

During World War II, the U.S. government encouraged citizens to plant gardens in an effort to support the war effort and address food shortages. Twenty million Americans answered the call by planting gardens in backyards, urban lots, and rooftops. These small plots, known as victory gardens, accounted for nine million tons of produce, an amount equal to all commercial production at the time.

!T 'EORGIA /RGANICS WE LIKE TO DESCRIBE OUR MISSION AS SHIFTING AGRICULTURE FROM A COMMODITY CENTRIC SYSTEM TO A COMMUNITY BASED MODEL /UR LEAD STORY IN THIS ISSUE provides a snapshot of how communities are rallying around food in innovative ways. These efforts are not just altruistic but address real social, environmental, and economic justice issues. Perhaps, now more than ever, it’s time to reclaim and redefine the victory garden as an ongoing and necessary invention.

Relinda Walker

Program Coordinator for South Georgia

Yours in healthy foods and farms,

Alice Rolls

Suzanne Welander

Executive Director

Communications Director

Mary Anne Woodie

Conference Coordinator

Newsletter Editor Suzanne Welander

Graphic Design

Stephen R. Walker

the DIRT

*UNE s 0UBLISHED 1UARTERLY Georgia Organics, Inc. P.O. Box 8924, Atlanta, GA 31106 Volume 12 Issue #2 Copyright Š 2008, Georgia Organics, Inc. All rights reserved


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T WAS WITH REGRETS THAT WE WATCHED *UDITH 7INFREY 'EORGIA /RGANICS membership and administrative coordinator, take her leave in June, headed farmward to work the Glover Family Farm (aka Love Is Love Farm) with her beau and newly appointed farm manager, Joe Reynolds. Change is the only constant—that, and a pipeline full of talented people interested in working for sustainable agriculture in Georgia. Enter Stephanie Hass, the new administrative coordinator. With her BS in Horticulture from UGA and her enthusiasm for the sustainability movement, we’re delighted to have Stephanie on board to maintain the HIGH QUALITY OF SERVICE YOU VE COME TO EXPECT FROM 'EORGIA /RGANICS Take a moment to welcome Stephanie to the team! the DIRT t XXX HFPSHJBPSHBOJDT PSH

Summer 2008

8dbegZ]Zch^kZ Dg\Vc^X ;Vgb^c\ Idda`^i Cdl 6kV^aVWaZ A Computer-Based

Resource for Growers and Educators in Georgia and the Southeast

As the market for organic, local, sustainably grown produce booms in Georgia, producers of all kinds—new, transitioning, and experienced farmers—need accurate, up-to-date training and information on sustainable and organic production and marketing. Created by 'EORGIA /RGANICS TO HELP FARMERS AND EDUCATORS SUCCESSFULLY MEET the challenges and opportunities in Georgia and the Southeast, the Organic Farming Toolkit contains a comprehensive collection of articles, web links, and resources helpful to all farmers and educators working in this arena.

to business planning and marketing. The CD was first distributed at the 2008 'EORGIA /RGANICS !NNUAL Conference in Dalton, and copies have also been provided to cooperative extension agents and other agricultural professionals throughout the state.

The Toolkit IS PRODUCED IN #$ 2/- FORMAT AND DESIGNED TO OPERATE ON COMPUTERS EQUIPPED WITH A #$ DRIVE 'EORGIA /RGANICS project coordinator Karen Adler assembled the resources found on THE #$ WORKING WITH THE WEIGHTY MANUAL THAT 'EORGIA /RGANICS first developed in 2003, Building Capacity in Organic Agriculture, augmented by an exhaustive search to find the most valuable and current materials available today. The search yielded more than eighty articles, manuals, research findings, and how-to papers. These, combined with a host of links to organizations, university websites, books, periodicals, and interactive trainings cover the principles of organic, ecological, and sustainable agriculture, and provide practical production and marketing information.

The Toolkit is available free of charge to current members of Georgia /RGANICS NON MEMBERS CAN GET A COPY OF THE #$ FOR #ONTACT 'EORGIA /RGANICS AT OR INFO GEORGIAORGANICS ORG TO order a copy. Multiple copies are available for organizations, educators, and events that serve Georgia farmers.

These materials are easy to find in the Toolkit, which is organized into eight sections ranging from soil, pest and disease management

Georgia Organics thanks the many agencies, organizations, and educational institutions that produced the outstanding publications and resources that you will find in this compilation. We are grateful to ATTRA (National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service), SAN (Sustainable Agriculture Network), the University of Georgia, North Carolina State University, and numerous others that you will see as you explore and use the toolkit. We extend a special thank you to the Community Outreach and Assistance Partnership Program of the RMA (Risk Management Agency) of the USDA for providing the support and funding for this and other important projects. .

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LANNING IS UNDER WAY FOR THE 'EORGIA /RGANICS TH !NNUAL #ONFERENCE SCHEDULED FOR EARLY 7E RE ACCEPTING PROPOSALS for conference presentations; submit your proposal by September 1, 2008 to Conference Coordinator Mary Anne Woodie at

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ast year, 50,000 copies flew off the shelf into the hands of consumers eager to support their local farmers and complementary businesses. Want your sustainable or organic farm or business listed in the next edition of the Guide? Fill out an application at, or contact Georgia /RGANICS AT LFG GEORGIAORGANICS ORG OR FOR MORE INFO &ARMERS WHO HAVE A CURRENT MEMBERSHIP WITH 'EORGIA /RGANICS RECEIVE A LISTING IN THE 'UIDE FOR FREE NON MEMBER FARM LISTINGS ARE $IFFERENT RATES apply to non-farm businesses; contact us for more info.

Submission for entries to the guide are due by July

14, so don’t delay!

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SELF STARTING MOTIVATED VOLUNTEER IS NEEDED TO COORDINATE 'EORGIA /RGANICS PARTICIPATION AT SELECTED EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE fall. For specified events, responsibilities include communicating with the event organizer, assembling volunteer staffing, coordinating materials needed, and post-event reporting. Estimated average monthly time commitment is five to ten hours. It’s an important position that can help us extend our capacity, while better managing and involving all of the terrific volunteers who are interested in getting involved. If you’re interested in the position, contact us at or call 678.702.0400. Summer 2008



Georgia Organics Program Update & Accomplishments

(January–June 2008)

Grower Education

Urban Agriculture

Curriculum – The second edition of Georgia Organics’ curriculum for organic and sustainable farming will be completed this summer. Southern SARE is generously providing an additional $2,000 in funds to create printed versions of the curriculum.

Faith, Farms, and Foods – Georgia Organics is partnering with St. Philips Cathedral and Georgia Interfaith Power and Light to submit a grant proposal through Heifer International to pilot urban farm and food projects with faith-based organizations located in communities of need.

Farmer Mentoring – Twelve new organic and sustainable farmers entered the 2008 Farmer-to-Farmer Mentoring Program and have been matched with experienced farmers who are sharing their knowledge, skills, and experience. Mentoring pairs have had on-farm consultations and are communicating regularly.

Organic Farming Toolkit – This CD ROM was completed and distributed to 2008 conference attendees, workshop participants, and mentees. See page 3 for details. Farmer Cultivation Network – See announcement on page 11.

Farm to Institution

Emory University’s Sustainable Food Initiative – Georgia Organics’ Farmer Liaison Chaz Holt met with over 200 producers. Destiny Produce was approved as a vendor with Sodexo, opening the door for small producers in the Southeast to distribute their products to Emory’s food service. Coordinated menu and crop planning and planting is underway to link new producers with institutional purchasing for the fall.

Farm to School

See recap of this year’s pilot project below. Georgia Organics received $50,000 in seed funding to launch a second, more comprehensive program year and is seeking another $27,000 to complete year two funding.

Atlanta Local Food Initiative (ALFI) – ALFI released its new report, A Plan for Atlanta’s Sustainable Food Future, with endorsements from thirty institutions and organizations. To view the plan, visit

Consumer Outreach & Education

Eat Local Month – Planning is underway for the month-long celebration. Contact Georgia Organics if you’d like your Eat Local event listed on our website. Chicks in the City – Georgia Organics hosted 120 people on its inaugural tour of urban chicken coops, organized in partnership with the Oakhurst Community Gardening Project. Sixty percent of the respondents who filled out an evaluation form indicated that they will be starting their own coop. The event raised $2,000 for Georgia Organics. Thank you to our gracious coop hosts! Earth Day (Month) – Georgia Organics participated in twenty three outreach events in April with the help of our amazing volunteer team, reaching more than 1,200 people. Presentations – Georgia Organics spoke about the importance of including food and agriculture in sustainable, heath, and greening initiatives at numerous conferences and events for groups including: Livable Communities Coalition, Georgia Dietetic Association, Georgia Tech, Park Pride Atlanta, and the Environmental Protection Division.

Farm to School: Project Report Card


uring the 2007-2008 school year, Georgia Organics and the Mendez Foundation teamed up with two schools in the Atlanta area to work on Farm to School pilot projects. The program had third grade students at Cascade and E. Rivers Elementary Schools engaged in cultivating new and existing school gardens, participating in food demos and tasting the fresh produce they had grown, using growing and food lessons within their curriculum, and participating in an exchange program that facilitated communication between the schools. Over thirty of the participating children celebrated the program’s completion on May 8 with a visit to Glover Family Farm (aka Love Is Love Farm) for a full day of activities, including harvesting produce


and hanging out with the chickens. The all-local lunch prepared by Barbara Petit introduced some students to fresh strawberries for the first time! We appreciate all who were involved in the program this year. Third grade teachers Cybil Moore, Stephanie Prevost, and Garland Hart, along with volunteer garden coordinator Stanley Casadonte, were instrumental in their commitment to the project. Sodexo, food service provider for Atlanta Public Schools, participated in discussions and initiated salad bars in both schools. Special thanks to Erin Croom who spearheaded the project as a volunteer for Georgia Organics. Thanks as well to the teachers, administrators, parents, farmers, cooks, gardeners, and of course the kids who made this pilot program a success! the DIRT •

Farmer Joe Reynolds enjoys the company of third grade participants from the Farm to School pilot project – and the all-local lunch served on-farm.

An even more exciting 2008-2009 Farm to School season is in the works. Stay in touch through the Georgia Organics Farm to School enewsletter by sending an email with your name, contact info, and interests to Summer 2008

Website – Georgia Organics’ website logged an average of 500 daily visits and is averaging 5.7 million hits this year, with the Growers’ Exchange and Organic Directory as the most-visited sections.

Annual Conference

Georgia Organics hosted 700+ people at the sold out 2008 conference in Dalton. Plans are underway for the 2009 conference.


2008 Farm Bill –For a summary of the resolution of the key sustainable agriculture initiatives in the 2008 Farm Bill visit: Sustainable Agriculture Summit – Strong representation from Georgia Organics’ staff, board, and members at this June event provided important input on issues relevant to extension, research, and education. See summit recap on page 8. Economic Study – Georgia Organics, Emory University, the Georgia Department of Agriculture, and the University of Georgia are supporting an economic assessment of Georgia’s local food and farms that will be used to explore opportunities for building local food systems, and for developing further research.

Summer 2008

Organizational Development

Personnel – Georgia Organics hired two new staff people this year: Jennifer Owens as Philanthropy Coordinator and Stephanie Hass as Administrative Assistant. The organization also is hosting five interns this summer who are providing needed help on organizational events, the Local Food Guide, and policy research. Board of Directors – Three new board members were elected at the organization’s annual meeting, held at the conference. New board members include: Gina Hopkins, co-owner, Restaurant Eugene (Atlanta); Marco Fonseca, UGA Extension Horticulturist and Master Gardener Coordinator (Griffin); and Rashid Nuri, Truly Living Well Natural Urban Farms (College Park). The board made revisions to the five year strategic plan to strengthen programmatic work that addresses issues of social justice. Fundraising & Finance – Georgia Organics has raised $370,000 toward its $540,000 income goal for 2008 and has $200,000 in outstanding requests. The Georgia Department of Agriculture provided a $20,000 grant for farmer education, the Local Food Guide, and Buy Local initiatives. Earth Share of Georgia made a $7,200 contribution from its first quarter pool of employee giving campaigns. Georgia Organics also launched a membership campaign to have 1,000 members by year end. Current membership stands at just over 700.

the DIRT •


A Tale of Two Cities • Cont’d from page 1 solutions for the historical Trustees Garden site in Savannah that the right combination of factors started to fall into place. “I started to see this [Trustees Garden] project as an educational and social justice project,” says Farmer D. The oldest agricultural experimental garden in America, the 9-acre Trustees Garden was founded by General James Edward Oglethorpe in 1734. Long since abandoned, the garden site became industrial, then dormant as the surrounding neighborhoods languished. Local businessman Charles H. Morris who had recently purchased the property gave the gardening project a green light with the intent to make the site a showcase for sustainability education for children and adults.

members how to grow their own food, and benefits the organic farmers in our area that are trying to make a living growing food by providing a fair market price for what they sell.” The program met the USDA’s CSREES community development objectives too, and they provided an 18-month planning grant of $25,000 (in 2007) for the partners to implement and evaluate the program. Says UM’s Schell, “Will it work, and how will it work? If it goes well, we’ll identify best practices and apply for a project grant from the USDA [CSREES].” In the face of rising food prices, the key goals of the project couldn’t be better timed. When Trustees Garden’s farmers’ market opened on June 4, hundreds of people attended. Four farmers did a brisk business selling their organic produce—items that until now had been out of reach both physically and financially to area residents.

Strong community partners were enlisted. Union Mission (UM), a nonprofit focused Volunteers at Georgia Organics’ raised bed building on ending and preventing homelessness in workshop developed infrastructure for the Church of the Savannah and Chatham County area, the Holy Comforter’s ministry garden. signed on. The proposed project leveraged their community connections and programs, including the Atlanta: Historic West End Starfish Café—a working gourmet kitchen where clients learn In a 2007 study on food access in two neighborhoods, DeKalb culinary technical skills in both a classroom and café setting. County quantified the food desert effect. In the neighborhood Bringing in organic farmers from rural areas surrounding with less money, and consequently with less mobility, fresh Savannah was the final piece to fall into place; they came in fruits and vegetables could be found at only 14 percent of the through the Southeastern African American Farmers Organic neighborhood’s stores that sold food. Network and the Coastal Organic Growers’ caucus. Where you live has a very real impact on your life span Together, the group drafted and quality. In April this a proposal for a project that year, a study in California would fund a minimum found that people living in of fifteen low-income low-income neighborhoods or homeless participants where food sources were in an intensive program predominately fast food designed to improve food and convenience stores had access, nutrition, culinary, obesity and diabetes rates and professional skills—all 40 percent higher than components nesting neighborhoods with better together to address the root access to healthy foods. causes of food insecurity. Participants would receive a A belief that good quality, plot and gardening supplies healthy foods should be at the Trustees Garden site, equally accessible to all citizens and farmers would teach is central to the social justice organic growing. They’d heart of the urban agriculture receive culinary training Judith Winfrey leads a tour of urban organic farms for Fulton County Extension movement. In Atlanta, that from local chefs and learn how Coordinator James Reaves (left), pictured with Rashid Nuri (right) at movement is finding strength to prepare fresh foods while Truly Living Well Natural Urban Farm. with churches and other faithbuilding vocational skills that they could use to land a job. And they’d receive vouchers for based organizations. With their social ministry motivations, these purchasing fresh produce from area farmers at a new farmers’ groups are collaborating in a variety of ways. market at the Trustees Garden location. Supplies for container gardening at home were also included, with home visits and Take Georgia Organics’ Faith and Foods Initiative, for example. This partnership with Heifer International, a instruction, if needed. prospective funder, and St. Philips Cathedral, who is providing Union Mission’s Community Arts and Wellness Educator Teri administrative support, aims to help churches establish ministry Schell acknowledges the synergistic benefits, “It’s a food security gardens on-site. Georgia Organics will bring in farmers to project, really, that teaches low income and homeless community provide technical advice. 6

the DIRT •

Summer 2008

Farmer and former Georgia Organics employee Judith Winfrey explaines: “The Faith and Foods project is really about people creating their own food—not just food to eat, but food to sell so that we’re creating economies.” Each site would have three different gardens: a ministry garden maintained by the congregation with harvests going to food pantry programs; a community garden where people from the congregation and surrounding neighborhood have space; and a for-profit farm operated by the on-site farm manager who receives access to land, and ownership of the farm’s harvest, as payment. The solution opens an in-town farming opportunity for young farmers who can’t afford to purchase land in or around the city. An experienced organic grower would serve as managing farmer, providing technical support and advice to the on-site famers.

In support of this effort, NPU-T is one of over thirty organizations that have endorsed the Atlanta Local Food Initiative’s sustainable food plan for Atlanta. Fruit tree plantings, improved food access, conversion of warehouses to greenhouses, urban farms and edible landscaping alongside the route of the proposed Beltline: the plan outlines eight initiatives for integrating food into the city’s sustainability initiatives.

Kwabena Nkromo’s son Kwesi does his part to move some dirt as the beds take shape in the background at the CVC Urban Farm in Atlanta’s West End.

It’s already happening at CVC Urban Farm in Southwest Atlanta’s historic West End neighborhood. “Do you think I can get twelve rows out of this?” Kwabena Nkromo asks, faced with mediumsized mountains of composted “zoo doo,” top soil, and mulch. Nkromo’s farming mentor is Rashid Nuri of Truly Living Well Natural Urban Farm. Nuri’s business model provided inspiration for CVC Urban Farm: the business plan forecasts a diversified income stream from CSA shares, market sales, and restaurants. The CVC Urban Farm occupies two acres of a parcel of land donated by the Pan African Orthodox Christian Church. Tires, carpeting, concrete, and other debris dissuaded them from digging down; instead, they’re building up. The first bed’s already planted with okra. The asset-based community development model in use here mobilizes the positive attributes of the surrounding community while encouraging community ownership. Nkromo ticks off local assets: “The land, it’s here. The people, they’re here.” Next was the funding. The neighborhood fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta provided an $8,000 community investment grant to Creating Vibrant Communities (CVC), the nonprofit organization working in collaboration with Neighborhood Planning Unit-T (NPU-T) on the project. The site includes demonstration raised beds and designated spaces for vermicomposting, and plans for a farmers’ market. The vision goes beyond feeding the immediate community, though that’s the first priority. Noting that “the irony of underdevelopment is that we have all the land,” Nkromo forecasts that the wider area could serve as the city’s future “food basket,” exporting locally grown, sustainable produce to other parts of the city. As chair of NPU-T, he’s in a unique position to shepherd this change. The organization’s Community Food Project calls for developing a network of farms throughout the greater West End. Ideally, available land will be catalogued and chunks of greenspace protected from competition with developers through the creation of a land trust. The vision, realized, would catapult Atlanta into the same sustainability class with Vancouver and Portland. Summer 2008

Meanwhile, for Nkromo, there’s a sense of urgency. “A lot of people aren’t eating well,” he notes. Farming, and eating well, is a means to a much more meaningful end: to facilitate a community-wide paradigm shift in the consciousness surrounding food security that inspires people to think differently about their housing, their lives, and their communities. Hauling one more wheelbarrow load of zoo doo to the new row, Nkromo adds, “It’s the only silver bullet I know of that solves all the problems. Potent.”

Suzanne Welander is the communications and outreach director for Georgia Organics, and editor of The Dirt. She lives in downtown Atlanta with her canoeist husband Tom, three chickens, two beehives, and one very large fig tree.

Funding Opportunities for Community Food Projects The Community Food Projects Competitive Grants Program, administered through the CSREES unit of the USDA received mandatory funding of $5 million per year in the most recent Farm Bill. Letters of intent are due mid-January with full proposals due in early July (for accepted letters of intent only). More info at Sustainable Community Innovation Grants Program, administered by the Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SARE) and the Southern Rural Development Center. Provides up to $10,000 to fund projects that work to strengthen both agriculture and Southern communities by building explicit linkages between sustainable agriculture and rural community development. Call for proposals posted in August, with due date likely to be October 1. More info at Robert Wood Johnson Foundation offers grants for addressing childhood obesity, helping all children and families eat well—especially those at the highest risk for obesity. Calls for proposals made at various times, with specific purposes. See the current list at

the DIRT •












Sustainable Farmer Chaz Holt Appointed to NRCS Board With the 2008 Farm Bill expanding funds for sustainable agriculture projects through the National Resource Conservation Services (NRCS), the timing couldn’t be better. In June, farmer Chaz Holt of Holt Heritage Farm was appointed to Georgia’s NRCS technical advisory committee. Holt’s experience working with NRCS in Montanan as a conventional, then later an organic farmer will come in handy, as will his work as farmer liaison for Emory University. Explains Holt, “It’s an opportunity to represent the incentives that small-scale sustainable and large diverse producers need to maintain our production.” The state technical committee acts in an advisory capacity, and recommends types of projects for funding statewide.

UGA Completes Organic Class in Tifton In a first for the university, UGA’s Tifton campus taught an organic agriculture course during the May term. Funded by Georgia’s Intellectual Capital Partnership Program (ICAPP), the program fit the ICAPP mission of connecting Georgia’s public universities to Farmer Relinda Walker addresses UGA the state’s business community Tifton’s organic growing class in her melon field. in innovative ways. Fourteen students completed the course, which covered certification, cover cropping, pest management, and the marketing and economics of organic products and systems.

Farm Bill Moves Pigford Claims Forward On June 16, a standing room only audience of African American farmers at Tuskegee University received hopeful news in the Pigford class action suit filed by the Federation of Southern Cooperatives in 1996. The troubled case, now it its eleventh year, seeks to address and remedy discriminatory lending practices used by the USDA in meting out loans and other types of assistance to African American farmers throughout the South between 1981 to 1996. Provisions in the recently passed Farm Bill make it possible for the 63,000 farmers in the late-filing group to qualify for settlement; previously, only 1% of those claims had been allowed, much to the disappointment of the affected farmers, many of whom hadn’t received communication on the original notice to file. The Federation and attorneys representing the case are continuing to pursue class-action status and additional legislation that will facilitate a fair and equitable resolution to the case. In the meantime, farmers involved in the case are counseled to be careful of predatory attorneys. For more information, including whether or not you qualify as a late-filer in the case, contact the Federation’s offices at 404.765.0991.

Certified Seed Processor Opens in Southeast Georgia Where’s the local, certified organic cover crop seed? With the certification of Screven County seed processor P.K. Newton and Sons, producing organic cover crop and feed seed in Georgia just got a whole lot easier. Says organic farmer Relinda Walker, “This makes it possible for me to expand my cover crop business.” Walker’s working with her county agent to explore harvesting options for crops with small seed heads, like crimson clover. “Crops from locally grown seeds are always better in their ability to perform in that climate,” adds Walker, noting that the last crimson clover seed she ordered came from Holland. The local processor also makes it economically feasible to produce smaller batches of seed, and to explore the production of certified organic livestock feeds in Georgia. Farmers interested in exploring feed production can call Relinda Walker at 912.481.2263. The contact at the processor is Allen Newton, 912.857.3422.

New Disease-Resistant Pumpkin Performs for Georgia With its winning field trial results, Orange Bulldog pumpkin seeds hit the ground running for this growing season. Pumpkins grown in Georgia have traditionally been prone to viruses, powdery mildew, and downy mildew. Not this performer that’s suitable both for eating, when smaller, and carving later in the season. With its demonstrated ability to produce greater and more consistent yields than conventional breeds, this new cultivar promises to power organic “pick-your-own” patches with locally grown pumpkins throughout the state. Seeds can be obtained from the Georgia Seed Development Commission at or 706.542.5640.

Fort Valley Hosts Georgia Sustainable Agriculture Summit Response was overwhelming to UGA Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator Julia Gaskin’s call to participate in a summit to explore sustainable agriculture issues in Georgia—so much so that registration was closed after 200 people responded. The June 12 summit, coordinated by UGA and Fort Valley State University, brought together a diverse group of producers, educators, cooperative extension agents, community groups, and public organizations all motivated to weigh in on how to improve support for organic and sustainable production in Georgia. Friends of Hyde Farm Prevail The nearby residents in Cobb County raised money and rallied for years. And in June, the Trust for Public Land finally purchased Hyde Farm, a 95-acre pioneer homestead near the Chattahoochee River. Title will be transferred to the National Park Service and Cobb County who will manage the property jointly with the Trust for Public Land in perpetuity. The outcome frankly flew in the face of the ever-increasing development pressures and land prices. Says nearby resident Hank Klausman, “I am so pleased with the outcome—it restores some faith in what we common folk can do when we get motivated.”

Have news of interest to organic and sustainable farmers in the state? Contact the newsletter editor, Suzanne Welander, at or 678.702.0400. 8

the DIRT •

Summer 2008

Baking Locally

IdbVid! <dVi 8]ZZhZ! VcY 7Vh^a 7gZVY by Laura Martin

JE8DB>C< :K:CIH HH6L< 8dbbjc^in ;ddY HnhiZbh IgV^c^c\ July 21-23, Nashville, TN


ummer produce is not only bursting with flavor, it’s brimming with color as well. This savory bread, made from golden cornmeal, emerald green basil, and the reddest tomatoes you can find makes a perfect accompaniment to a summer salad or, sliced and toasted, an enticing appetizer for a light meal on a hot day. 6 tablespoons butter 4 small green onions, white parts only, chopped 2 tablespoons basil, chopped 1 ½ cups unbleached flour 1 cup stone ground corn meal 3 ½ teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 1 Âź cups organic whole milk 2 large eggs Âź cup crumbled goat cheese (plain or flavored) 2 plum tomatoes, chopped into small chunks 4-6 whole basil leaves

6 LVa` ^c i]Z K^cZnVgY

September 14, 1-4pm, Clayton

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease four small loaf pans with olive oil. Melt butter in a frying pan. Add the chopped green onions and sautÊ until soft. Add the chopped basil and turn off heat. Mix unbleached flour, corn meal, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, mix the eggs, milk, and the butter/onion mixture. Make a well in the dry ingredients and add the milk/egg mixture. Stir until just blended. Do not over mix. Divide half of the batter among the four loaf pans. Spread a tablespoon of chopped tomatoes down the center of the batter in each pan. Sprinkle about 1 tablespoon of goat cheese on top of the tomatoes, and ½ tablespoon of chopped basil leaves on top of the cheese. Top with the remaining batter. Bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the pans and allow to cool on a cooling rack. For a beautiful and elegant appetizer, slice each loaf in ½-inch pieces, place on a cookie sheet and toast in the oven. Serve hot. Laura Martin lives in Atlanta where she enthusiastically bakes, writes, gardens, and quilts. She is currently working with her daughter and daughter-in-law on writing The Green Market Baking Book: 100 Recipes from Chefs and Bakers who use natural sweeteners and seasonal produce.

Summer 2008

Southern SAWG hosts its second annual training intensive on community food systems work in partnership with the Food Security Partners of Middle Tennessee. Themes for the 2 ½-day training include organizational development, assessment and evaluation, and policy and partnerships, taught by the best minds in the field. Attendees learn through interactive exercises, dialogue, and instruction, and will leave the class with concrete action plans within each theme. To maximize the impact of the training, registration requires a minimum of two people attend from the same organization. $200 per person registration fee includes meals featuring locally grown food. More info at


Experience each of Persimmon Creek’s wines paired with palate-cleansing tastings at stations located next to the harvest-ready grapes throughout the vineyard. At each station, guests learn about the vines, the winemaking process, and the history of the farmland. Tended by the Hardman family, including their two young sons, the grounds, stories, and wine of Persimmon Creek promise a wonderful fall afternoon in a beautifully scenic part of the state. 0ROCEEDS BENElT 'EORGIA /RGANICS FOR members, $50 non-members. For more info and to register online, visit www.georgiaorganics. org/events or call 678.702.0400.


Ask your garden center about Mr. Natural® & PermaTill® soil products: Mr. Natural CLM Complete Landscape Mix Six ingredients perfectly pre-mixed and specifically designed for growing a wide variety of plants in our Georgia clay soils.

Mr. Natural WSM Woodland Soil Mix Pre-fixed planting soil formulated for plants that grow best in acidic soils, such as rhododendron, azaleas, camelias, gardenias, ferns and most native shade garden plants.

Mr. Natual Hen Manure Compost Contains one of the highest nutrient levels of any commercial domesticated animal manure. It is fully composted...non-burning and absolutely no manure odor.

Mr. Natural Worm Castings Rich soil amendment for plants that prefer acidic soils. Excellent top-dressing for containers, native and shade perennials and houseplants.

PermaTill One Time Permanently restores gaps and pore spaces in compacted soils so that air, water and roots move freely for better drainage, aeration and deeper root systems.

Complete Landscape Mix (CLM) Hen Manure Compost

Woodland Soil Mix (WSM)

Worm Castings


Mr. Natural is a registered trademark of Itsaul Natural. PermaTill is a registered trademark of Stalite PermaTill.

Adams-Briscoe Seed Company “The ABCʼs of Buying Seed” 325 E. Second St. / P.O. Box 19 Jackson, GA. 30233-0019

Since 1946 Adams-Briscoe Seed Company has been serving agriculture and the seed industry with all types of seeds, many of which are difficult to locate elsewhere. We stock all types of seeds for cover crops, forages, erosion control, wildlife enhancement, vegetables, land reclamation and other uses. As a dealer for National Garden Wholesale we also supply a good assortment of organic fertilizers and plant protection products. Please contact us for a seed and product list. You may visit our website at

Phone: (770) 775-7826 FAX:(770) 775-7122 E-Mail : ABSEED@JUNO.COM Jimmy Adams Mail Orders Welcome * Credit Cards Accepted Greg Adams

<Zdg\^V Dg\Vc^Xh ^h 8gZVi^c\ V CZildg`½ id Xjai^kViZ VcY XdccZXi <Zdg\^VÉh hjhiV^cVWaZ ;Vgb^c\ 8dbbjc^in by Karen Adler


n Georgia, as in many other states, when someone is exploring the possibility of starting an organic farming enterprise, or a long-time farmer has a question about sustainable production, they likely won’t know exactly where to turn. Too often, questions go unanswered, and support undelivered.

During this beginning phase of the program, when people become part of the network they will be contacted by the project coordinator to learn more about their needs and goals. Information about training opportunities, events, educational resources, and marketing opportunities will be provided. In the next phase, available services such as mentoring, in-depth workshops, conference scholarships, assistance with marketing connections, and facilitated contact with a larger community of service providers may be offered through the network.

4O ADDRESS THIS SITUATION 'EORGIA /RGANICS IN partnership with the Risk Management Agency (RMA) division of the USDA, is putting together a centralized database network for emerging and existing organic and sustainable growers. We will Creating this network is the first step in developing be gathering relevant information about their a clear and useful picture of the organic, local, operations or planned enterprises, and identifying sustainable food movement in Georgia. We will needed services and support. A Grower use the data we gather to identify the current Education Advisory Team will be gathering this needs and gaps, learn to build communication information. Farmers and prospective farmers Participants at the Spring Valley EcoFarm Field bridges, pool existing resources, and take new who are seeking information on production Day in April, sponsored by Georgia Organics and steps forward in this fast-growing world of local, University of Georgia, with support from the and marketing practices, local and regional the USDA sustainable, organic farming and food systems. Risk Management Agency . food systems development, or other sustainable farming topics can also join the network by submitting their location, To join the network, visit needs, and questions directly into the network’s database. information/survey.php. To learn more or register by phone or email, contact Karen Adler at 404.633.4534 or Development of the Grower Education Advisory Team is in progress. The team is made up of individuals who regularly receive inquiries about organic and sustainable growing, such as extension Karen Adler coordinates Georgia Organics’ Farmer-to-Farmer Mentoring agents, program coordinators from the University of Georgia and Program and Farmer Network project. She served as editor of The Dirt Fort Valley State University, experienced farmers, organic certifying for more than four years, and has produced numerous workshops and educational materials for farmers such as 4HE /RGANIC &ARMING 4OOLKIT a AGENTS AND STAFF FROM 'EORGIA /RGANICS AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Georgia Organics resource directory, and an organic certification manual.

Shop Local! Own Local!

Everyone Can Shop, Anyone Can Join! to learn about co-ops

.PSFMBOE "WF /& "UMBOUB (" Summer 2008



L]Vi :kZgn ;Vaa KZ\ZiVWaZ <VgYZc H]djaY >cXajYZ By Stephanie Van Parys


<Vga^X. Wendy Crager of Crager-Hager Farm

8Vggdih. Carrots like rich, sweet soil. Before sowing the seeds directly in the ground, use a garden fork that has long tines to pierce the earth within the rows to make sure that the ground is broken up for unimpeded taper growth. Daniel Parson of Gaia Gardens in Decatur recommends Yaya (F1) as a short season, sweet carrot that when planted in September may give a decent harvest before the real cold comes. He adds that carrots do well when weeded, and the extra seedlings thinned to create space to allow healthy growth. Nantes was highly recommended by Atlanta gardener Nancy Hamilton as an overwintering carrot that will be ready to pull in the spring. I have grown Babette, Danvers, Royal Chantenay, Jeanette, Red Cord Chantenay, New Kuroda, and Little Finger and liked every one of them.

Photo By Anthony-Masterson

ost gardeners think of gardening as a summer activity – sweating out the hot days, finding ways to beat the drought, hoping the squash bugs don’t find the vines, and reaping the last rewards as weather cools off in the fall. But we live in Georgia, and you should be exploring the great options for growing year-round. I queried a few of our Georgia farmers to ask what vegetables and varieties they recommend planting in the fall.

G VY^h]Zh . Mary Anne Woodie of Freehome Gardens in Canton likes growing French Breakfast, “because it’s so pretty, and tasty as well.� She is also trying the Easter egg radish this year, which are fun with the different colors. A Japanese cooking class inspired me to grow daikon. What a success! From the time of sowing in late spring, the radishes grew quickly to 10 inches by June. They received the same preparation as carrots, including the garden fork treatment.

in Bremen is very enthusiastic about growing garlic. She recommended staying away from the hardneck varieties especially Rocambole, saying that softneck varieties perform better in the South. Garlic cloves with skins on should be planted blunt side down FROM /CTOBER TO $ECEMBER 4HE PLANTS ONCE sprouted, overwinter and start serious top growth in the spring. The following June, the clove has grown into a bulb and is ready to be dug up. Wendy shared that garlic is ready to harvest when the five inner leaves are still green which indicates that the five leaves are wrapping the cloves inside. At this stage, the bulbs will cure and store well. In our garden, we’ve also grown elephant garlic, which is fantastic!

7ZZih. Direct sow recommended varieties such as Chioggia (candy striped), Bull’s Blood (deep red), or Golden (orange). Greens are just as delicious as the roots.

Dc^dch. Relinda Walker of Walker Farms in

Sylvania grows in the Vidalia region. She sows seeds THICKLY IN 3EPTEMBER CREATING AN ONION BED /NCE the onion seeds have sprouted and have strong growth, she transplants all of the seedlings into a bed that has been prepped with compost, spacing the onion babies 4 ½ inches apart from one another. These onions overwinter and are harvested in the spring. Granex is the usual short-day onion planted in the South. She is experimenting with long-day varieties and has had luck growing red onions as well. Plant more then you think you’ll need because onions can be eaten at any stage from scallion size to full size bulb.

<gZZch. A tapestry of arugula, lettuce, kale, chard, turnips, collards, and bok choy can grace your garden and keep your body full of healthy nutrients all season long. Tender greens such as lettuce and arugula will get zapped by the frosts if not protected; kale, collards, and chard will be your workhorses. Plan to do a second major sowing in the early spring to carry over the harvest until the heat of summer arrives. We sow out greens in blocks 3’ by 4’, clear of weeds, and topped with ½ inch of compost. We sprinkle a mixture of seeds over the area similar to powder sugaring a cake, cover the seeds with a light dusting of soil, and keep the soil moist. In the thick of the winter, when your body needs the warming nature and deep minerals of carrots, burdock, and other rich root vegetables, go out in your garden and pull up some of the following overwintering miracle foods.


Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and peas (English, snow-pod, sweet) are also delicious to include. /NE FALL ) PLANTED A PARTICULAR VARIETY OF PEAS THAT OVERWINTERED AND GAVE me a bountiful harvest very early on in the spring. Sweet rewards!

<ZcZgVa \j^YZa^cZh [dg eaVci^c\ [Vaa kZ\ZiVWaZh/ s They prefer soil rich with compost, well drained, and loose enough for roots to meander at will. s Direct sow or use tranplants from September through THE END OF /CTOBER TO ENSURE THAT VEGETABLES ARE WELL established to endure frosts and overwintering. s Many of the recommended vegetables will overwinter and give the bulk of their harvest in the early spring. Your fall garden awaits you with as many or more varieties than what you are enjoying right now! Stephanie Van Parys lives in Decatur with husband Rob, children Oscar, Eleanor, and Benjamin, their two dogs, and chickens. She gardens anytime she can in their city garden, and shares her knowledge and enthusiasm for organics and gardening in many ways. Stephanie earned her degree in horticulture from UGA, and serves as the executive director for the Oakhurst Community Garden Project in Decatur.


Summer 2008

BZbWZg EgdĂ’aZ

Isabelle Crabtree of Udan Farms Starting with this issue, each quarterly edition of The Dirt will feature a member of Georgia Organics talking about why it’s important to them to be a member. In our first installment, Isabelle Crabtree of Milledgeville weighs in.


eorgia is behind on organic and supporting local food. People need to hear about it, that it is working and that people are looking for organic and local. They need to hear the words. 'EORGIA /RGANICS HAS A LOT OF power and energy and is really fueling the movement. We enjoy being members of 'EORGIA /RGANICS AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO GET INVOLVED IN THE '/ community because it’s nice to meet people who talk farm LANGUAGEˆ'/ IS AN EXCELLENT resource base. The engine is functioning so let’s feed it. We have decided to settle in Georgia – we need to stay where we are and be the change. Isabelle and her husband, Bob Burns, own Udan Farms, a permaculture homestead operating off the grid in Milledgeville.

Georgia Organics has launched a membership campaign with a GOAL OF MEMBERSHIPS THIS YEAR 2ENEW YOUR COMMITMENT today and share Georgia Organics with your friends!

BdgZ I]Vc DcZ LVn id <^kZ There’s more than one way to give to Georgia Organics. In addition to becoming a member, you can: • Put a Little “GOâ€? in Your Organic, Fair-Trade Coffee: CafĂŠ Campesino offers a Georgia Organics’ coffee blend that beneďŹ ts Georgia Organics. Order at w w w. c a f e c a m p e s i n o. c o m , o r c a l l 888.532.4728. • Give at the OfďŹ ce: Employees who work at companies who are members of Earth Share of Georgia can support environmental causes through payroll contributions or direct gifts. Visit • Ta ke “GOâ€? to the Cha pel: Designate Georgia Organics the recipient of fundraising at your charitable wedding. Visit • Leave a Legacy: Join the Heirloom Society and leave a gift to Georgia Organics in your will, securing future generations’ access to healthy food and preserving family farming as a way of life. Contact Jennifer Owens at 678.702.0400.

Receiving The Dirt each quarter in your mailbox is one of the benefits of membership. Renew your membership,

GZXd\c^i^dc d[ BZbWZgh VcY HjeedgiZgh id 8]Vc\Z

or join as a new member at


form on the back cover.

EORGIA /RGANICS IS EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE AN IMPROVEMENT IN THE WAY WE recognize and thank our members. Beginning in spring 2009, a special annual publication will list each and every member for the year, provide special recognition for our community supporters, and include specific INFORMATION ON 'EORGIA /RGANICS PROGRAMS AND ANNUAL ACHIEVEMENTS 4HIS publication will be distributed as an insert in the spring edition of The Dirt. As a result, there will no longer be a list of new and renewing members in every quarterly edition of the newsletter. This change saves paper, allows us to provide more useful content and resources in each edition of The Dirt, and recognizes our members and supporters—the lifeblood of our organization and movement—in a special, more comprehensive manner. Summer 2008

the DIRT t XXX HFPSHJBPSHBOJDT PSH If you prefer paper to bytes, fill out the membership

Member - supported Georgia Organics is a 501(c)(3) organization, and contributions are tax deductible. Your donation helps us integrate healthy, sustainable, and locally grown food into the lives of all Georgians.



Calendar (Continued)

Destiny Produce is a CERTIFIED organic produce distributor located in the State Farmers Market in Atlanta shipping the highest quality organic produce to large and small retailers,co-ops, and buying clubs throughout the Southeast. Destiny Produce also sells supplemental produce to buying clubs/co-ops that distribute CSA/Organic produce boxes to their members. We also offer a direct box program to buying clubs and co-ops, who handle subscription sales - Destiny does the work and delivers the boxes to you! We are looking to buy organic produce from certified organic growers in the Southeast, and we can offer growers widespread distribution and marketing of locally grown organic produce. Please contact Dee Dee Digby at 404.366.7006 or 866.366.7006.

Raising Heritage Turkeys on Pasture

Local, certified organic Abruzzi rye seed from Walker Farms, grown and processed in Screven County, Georgia. Ideal cover crop for fall planting. For more information, contact Relinda at Recarwalk@, or 912.481.2263. The University of Georgia is home to the USDA-funded National Center for Home Food Preservation.Lock in summer’s bounty by canning,freezing, drying, and more; read the center’s recommendations for home food preservation at

Calendar Applications & Analyses of Mycorrhizal Associations

July 7-10, Gainesville, FL The University of Florida teaches this three-day, intensive training course designed for scientists, organic farmers, and others interested in the practical and theoretical aspects of using mycorrhizal fungi to enhance plant growth and nutrient cycling. Practical applications include increasing root mass and bioremediation of contaminated soils. $850. For more info, contact Abid Al Agely at 352.392.1951 or

Southeast Regional Farm to School Conference

July 17, 8:30am-5:30pm, Asheville, NC Network with others in the farm-to-school movement throughout the Southeast while you learn about distribution issues, local food campaigns, school nutritionist perspectives, and how to make the local foods pitch to schools. $50 registration fee includes breakfast and lunch. For more info, contact Libby at 828.236.1282 or Hosted by the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project.

5th Annual Heirloom Tomato Festival

July 20, 10am-5:30pm, Clarkesville Visit Glen-Ella Springs Country Inn and enjoy tomato-centric activities, including an heirloom tomato tasting, produce vendors, live music, and more. More info at, or call the Inn at 706.768.0840.

July 21-22, 9am-4:30pm, Pittsboro, NC This two-day clinic teaches outdoor production of heritage turkeys from brooding through processing and marketing. Nutrition, feeds, diseases, predators, management, and more will be covered; heirloom preservation specialist, farmer Frank Reese, Jr., is the primary instructor. $40 registration includes lunch. More info at, or call 919.513.0954.

SSAWG Community Food Systems Training

July 21-23, Nashville, TN Southern SAWG hosts its second annual training intensive on community food systems work.Themes for the 2.5-day training include organizational development, assessment and evaluation, and policy and partnerships. Attendees will walk away with concrete action plans within each theme. Registration requires a minimum of two people attend from the same organization. $200 per person registration fee includes meals. More info at

30th Southern Conservation Agricultural Systems Conference

July 29-31, 9am-5pm, Tifton Georgia hosts this regional conference this year; consequently, the statewide Conservation Production Systems Training Conference normally scheduled for February is being combined with this event. Producers, extension, and NRCS personnel attend to learn about new and developing precision agriculture technologies. $150. For more info, contact Dr. Gary Hawkins at

Biodiesel Workshops • Dates to be announced

Join Piedmont Biofuels on their tour through Georgia and Alabama! Participants learn about materials that can be made into biofuel, appropriate oil seed crops, methane recovery methods, equipment requirements, and safety.A mini-batch of biofuel is brewed during most workshops. For more info, visit, or call 678.702.0400.

Slow Food Nation

August 29-September 1, San Francisco, CA Slow Food hosts this first nationwide gathering where farmers and food artisans from across the country will present an extraordinary range of foods and preparation techniques. Activities include food, music, workshops, films, and exhibits. More info at

A Walk in the Vineyard

September 14, 1-4pm, Clayton Experience each of Persimmon Creek’s wines paired with palatecleansing tastings at stations located throughout the vineyard.At each station, guests learn about the vines, the winemaking process, and the history of the farmland. Proceeds benefit Georgia Organics. $40 for members, $50 non-members. For info and to register online, visit events or call 678.702.0400.

Choose Johnny’s for all your organic needs. Organic


‘Belstar’ (F1) Broccoli


1-877- Johnnys (564-6697) #53128 Summer 2008

the DIRT •


Is your membership current? Check mailing label for your expiration date & renew today. .ON PROlT /2' 5 3 0/34!'% 0!)$ # 7926 ATLANTA, GA

ED 7dm -.') 6iaVciV! <6 (&&%+ 6YYgZhh HZgk^XZ GZfjZhiZY

0RINTED ON post-consumer recycled paper with soy ink


Support provided through a partnership with the Rick Management Agency (RMA) of the USDA.

Ndjg BZbWZgh]^e @ZZeh jh <gdl^c\ ?d^c <Zdg\^V Dg\Vc^Xh IdYVn# Member(s) Name ___________________________________ How did you hear about Georgia Organics? Company / Farm Name ______________________________ _______________________________________________________ County:____________________________________________ Profession _________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip ______________________________________ Telephone _____________________ Fax ________________ E-mail _____________________________________________

Volunteer with Georgia Organics and make a difference. Check any volunteer opportunities that interest you. ____Events ____Fundraising ____Community Outreach

Payment Options: Check (make payable to Georgia Organics) or Discover, VISA or MasterCard.

New Member _____________ Renewing Member _____________ Credit card payments: Card Type (circle one)

Annual dues: ______Benefactor: ______Sustainer: ______Business: ______Patron:

____Newsletter ____Political Advocacy ____Let me know what GO needs




Name on Credit Card ____________________________________ $1,000 $ 500 $ 250 $ 125

______Farm/Garden $


___# acres under cultivation

______Family: ______Individual: ______Student:

$ $ $

45 35 20

Card #________________________________________________ Signature____________________________ Exp. date____________ Mail your completed form to:

Georgia Organics PO Box 8924 Atlanta, GA 31106

Members receive the Georgia Organics quarterly newsletter, monthly eNewsletter, and discounts on the annual conference, programs and events, advertising, and other services. All dues and donations to Georgia Organics are tax-deductible. Questions? Call 678.702.0400. Summer 08 The mission of Georgia Organics is to integrate healthy, sustainable, and locally grown food into the lives of all Georgians. This institution is an equal opportunity employer.

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