Published by the Machinery Dealers National Association
September 2020
The MDNA Board of Directors met for it’s second Zoom Board Meeting during the pandemic , September 11-17, 2020 September 2020 Board of Directors 6-7 Chapter News, 4 MDNA Convention, 8-10 New Members, 13 MDNA Board Report, 12
IN THIS ISSUE Letter from the President
MDNA Constitutional Changes ADLSF Ray Roberts’ Raffle
5 Welcome new Members 6-11 AMEA Designations Update 12 AMEA 7-Hour USPAP Course 13
President - John Greene, CEA First Vice President – Craig L. Ward, CEA
Locator Services Member Bene t
Second Vice President – Ed Krause, AM Treasurer – Dan Wheeler, CEA Immediate Past President – Joe Lundvick, CEA Public Relations Committee Chairman– Tim Cromwell, CEA
Executive Vice President – Mark J. Robinson Accounting Manager – Will Keys Director of Administration – Joyce Fitzgerald AMEA Director of Member Services – Jason Baker
MACHINERY DEALERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 315 S. Patrick Street | Alexandria, Virginia 22314 USA PH 800.872.7807 | 703.836.9300 | FX 703. 836.9303
Ensuring Quality, Promoting Trust.
A Message from MDNA President John Greene, CEA
Where to begin? Well, it has been an interesting and crazy rst year or so as your MDNA President. Normally, I would have stood up at this year’s convention and shared with the attendees the Association’s successes over the last year and my vision for the next year. I think it is appropriate to rst offer my thoughts and prayers for all those that we have lost, over the last year, either to this Covid-19 or other causes. And of course, I do have to talk about the Covid-19 thing. I will leave it to the media to beat to death the facts and ctions of the current situation. I will say that I know we are all effected, in one way or another, and the end of this nightmare is currently anyone’s guess. I have heard from some of you that business is continuing to be strong, and some have indicated that business is weak or falling off. And I have heard from those whose businesses have taken a direct, long- term hit. The bottom line is that the pandemic is real and has caused, in some cases, irreputable harm. As a trade association, we do not have a silver bullet or a magic wand to make everything return to the way it was. But the MDNA has taken steps over the last seven months to provide our membership with as many of the same services as prior to the pandemic. We have brought members together, albeit electronically, for chapter meetings and educational programs such as Lunch-and-Learn Webinars, we have hosted accountants and sales training experts as guest speakers. All these programs were available live and are also stored on the MDNA members-only section of the website for referral as needed. The latter is a great member tool for new employee training. This past year also saw our subsidiary, Locator Services Inc., join with Machine Hub in a successful strategic partnership. Now, allow me to clear the air on something right here: Locator was not sold, nor was it bought. Locator Services Inc. remains a wholly-owned subsidiary of the MDNA. In its partnership with Machine Hub, we have found a very competent partner to take both our listing service and the customer and inventory management product, instruments that MDNA members have relied on for many years, to the next level. Don’t have to take my word for it- I am just one happy user! Call others, and you will hear the proof from all your fellow members who are using these tools. It seems like an eternity ago, but when I recall the highlights of my rst year, I must mention the Weekend With The Pros in Cincinnati, which was sponsored by the Ohio Valley Chapter. This event would not have been successful without the monumental efforts of Paul Rensing of Weld Plus, Ohio Chapter Chairman Chris Simons, and all the chapter members and sponsors. The Association has welcomed twelve new members over this year, and we look forward to getting to know them and working with them. Please take the opportunity to read about them in this edition of the news. And I encourage you to be the member that picks up the phone and introduces yourself; you may just nd it rewarding both personally and professionally. It is unfortunate that circumstance caused the cancelation of our Convention, scheduled to take place in New Orleans, as well as our other large networking event this year, the Chicago Chapter IMTS Networking Dinner. But we are a resilient organization! Having been founded in 1941, we have survived a world war and many other national and world events and disasters. And your Board of Directors and I are committed to seeing the Association through this pandemic. Please stay safe, strong, and positive through this, and we will all be together as soon as safely possible. MDNA NEWS | PAGE 3
Proposed Change to the MDNA Cons tu on The MDNA Board of Directors unanimously passed the following mo on. (Note: Because these ac ons require amendments to the MDNA Cons tu on, these measures are beingpublished below, and ballots will be sent to the en re membership for a vote, no less than 30 days from this publica on) Mo on To change the MDNA Cons tu on by adding the following language to Ar cle VI – Vo ng: “A quorum is determined by the total number of eligible voters in a endance regardless of how or whether they vote on a par cular issue. In all vo ng at the Na onal, Chapter, or Commi ee level, an absten on shall not be counted as either a yes or no vote, nor shall it be counted in the total number of votes cast.” Explana on: The current language in Ar cle VI reads: “On all ma ers requiring a vote, each company shall have only one vote, except as stated in Ar cle III.A.1.a. Where a company has more than one loca on and belongs to more than one Chapter, it, too, shall have only one vote. Where it is not prohibited, a company may appoint a proxy to a end a mee ng and vote in its place.” There is no change to the exis ng language. This amendment is an addi on to clarify the defini on and use of a "Quorum" and an "Absten on" to comply with Roberts Rules of Order. This change makes clear that all in a endance will be used to establish a quorum. However, only the yes or no votes will be counted in determining the outcome of the ma er being voted on. An Absten on will not be counted in the vo ng totals and therefore will not be counted as a "no" vote.
ADLSF Ray Roberts’ Raffle While this year’s drawing looked a little different the excitement was just as palpable as any other year. President of the Austin D. Lucas Fund Kristine Conroy hosted the drawing live, via Zoom, from her home. With virtual attendees watching she methodically drew the winners; Al Duenas of Sanson Machinery Group was the lucky big $10,000 winner. Other winners included John Morgan Greene of FL Sales, Inc. who won $2000, Terrance Jacobs of TCL Asset Group, Inc. who won $1,500 and $1000 was won by Elliot Foster of CMMXYZ. In addressing the audience, Mrs. Conroy said “I would like to thank everyone for their support of the Ray Roberts Raffle for the Austin D. Lucas Scholarship Fund. When you purchase a raffle ticket you help a student further their education. In these difficult and unusual times, the students need our support more than ever. I would especially like to thank the MDNA members who sold raffle tickets. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated. Thank you: Norm Jacobs, Joe Lundvick, John Greene, Randy Stevens, Brad Wilson, Michael Lachant, Chuck Wood, Kim Khoury, Andy Kamashian, John Butz, Jeannine Harris, and Dan Wheeler. The Trustees, the students and their parents thank all of you for your support of the Austin D. Lucas Scholarship Fund. Thank you for believing in the Heart of the Association.
MDNA NEWS | PAGE 4 HOT Deals for MDNA members only!!! Have you heard that Locator Online is the place to list ALL of your Machinery!
$149 Unlimited Listings You enter them per month
$249 Unlimited Listings We scrape your website 3 Month minimum per month
• Individual Listings are only $.99 Enjoy the fall savings and thank you for choosing LOCATOR ONLINE
Remember you are also supporting your Association...
Using Locator Services directly bene ts the MDNA. Visit for information on listing your inventory on Locator. For Machine Hub, schedule a demo to learn more about the Machine Hub’s business management software and MDNA bene ts at, or reach out directly to The Machine Hub team is very responsive and will be able to answer any questions, you have regarding their services and offers.
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS MDNA is proud to welcome eleven new members in 2020. In this section of the news we introduce these new additions to the ranks of the MDNA. Traditionally these new members would be attending Chapter Meetings and national events introducing themselves to everyone and hopefully we will return to this networking model sooner rather than later. In the interim, please take this opportunity to familiarize yourselves with these great additions. And better yet call and welcome them to the MDNA Family.
Winternitz Industrial Auctioneers & Appraisers
Piselli Enterprise Inc.
Address: Phone: Email: Principal(s): Specialty:
Phone: Email: Website: Principal(s): Specialty:
2516 Waukegan Road, Suite 385, Glenview, Illinois 60035 (847) 272-0440 Charlie Winternitz, President, John Hagist, CFO, Andrew King, COO
Generalist, All Industries
Winternitz Industrial Auctioneers & Appraisers is a National asset disposition services rm. A reputation that spans over 125-years and four generations of experience. Thousands of transactions completed with a repeat client base. Winternitz specializing in complex projects from entire plants to multiple locations, from surplus equipment to complete closures. We have a global reach, loyal customer service and a trusted partner. Winternitz serves privately and publicly held companies, United States bankruptcy court, nancial institutions, advisors, and turnaround management professionals. Our appraisal division provides certi ed equipment appraisals widely accepted throughout the manufacturing and nancial sectors. Our appraisers maintain designations of Certi ed Equipment Appraiser (CEA) from the Association of Machinery & Equipment Appraisers (AMEA), among other distinctions. Winternitz industrial is a licensed auctioneer in 20 states. Charlie Winternitz and Kevin Miller are AMEA Certi ed Equipment Appraiser’s (CEA); Charlie Winternitz is a past president and current board member of the AMEA; board member and past executive officer of the MDNA. In addition to the MDNA and AMEA, Winternitz Industrial is a member of numerous National professional trade & state associations.
325 N Miller Ave., Statesville, NC 28677 704-609-0766 Richard Piselli Gear Manufacturing Machinery
Thank you for allowing me into this organization again. Being part of this group under RP Machine Ent Inc in Statesville NC we had the privilege of selling our Gear machinery through some of your companies and relationships. Now under a New Name PISELLI ENTERPRISE INC will continue the same service of supplying some of the nest Late model gear machinery and assistance in helping you sell gear machinery you come across. With over 30 years of experience selling and rebuilding Gear machinery and a vast list of customers and knowledge in this eld PISELLI ENTERPRISE INC will once again rival any competition in moving Gear Machinery. Our 100,000 sq feet of gear machine storage and well-equipped rebuilding facilities allow us to purchase large packages of machines and partner with the right groups bringing us in on deals on these sometimes hard to sell machines! We also help dealers and auctioneers with values of Gear equipment when they come across it Contact us today for all your gear machinery needs and visit WWW.PISELLIENT.COM to see what we can offer
We value all our partnerships & friendships at MDNA. As an Association, we have weathered many different economic challenges, political hurdles, and legal issues that directly affected our businesses. The MDNA has fostered many close business relationships that have bloomed into prosperous business dealings and lifelong friendships. We look forward to working with you on many future projects. Buying, selling, auction, appraising, and partnering all types of machinery & equipment. Leverage our experience, let’s sign that next deal & make sone money together!!! Give us a call to discuss a deal, meet for dinner or for a round of golf…
NEW MEMBERS Superior Machine & Tool Inc.
Star Industries, A Division of Star Paci c Rim
Address: Phone: Email: Website: Principal(s): Specialty:
1301 Sunset Ave., Lansing, MI 48917 517-420-5401 Jason M. Puuri CNC Cutting Tools and Machine Accessories
Superior Machine & Tool Inc., based in Lansing, Michigan, directly supplies manufacturers with discounted cutting tools and consumables and offers a solution for excess and obsolete material through its Tool Buyback Program. Superior is unrivaled as the largest purchaser of E&O cutting tools ranging from consumables such as indexable carbide inserts, to tool holders, endmills, boring heads, boring bars, and machine spare parts. Additionally, Superior Machine & Tool provides a competitive edge through offering exclusive pricing on tooling packages tailored to machine dealers in the used machinery markets. Visit us online at or learn more about our tool buyback program at:
Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Principal(s): Specialty:
2426 E Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90021 323-588-4141 323-588-1937 Kermit Hillseth and Damian Hillseth Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Machinery
Star Industries, a division of Star-Paci c Rim Industries, Inc., is the largest stocking used process and packaging equipment for the pharmaceutical industry dealer on the West Coast. We have been in business for over 65 years at the same location in downtown Los Angeles. We assist clients with their investment recovery to recover the market value of assets no longer needed by a company. Clients who purchase our quality pre-owned pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, chemical and biotech equipment versus ordering new save valuable lead time and money. Our new and improved website is a testament to our continuing effort to bring the best product to the marketplace. Our clients include companies in the pharmaceutical, chemical, biotechnical and food processing industries. We handle liquidations and auctions, cash buy-outs, appraisals and other asset management services. Our clients bene t by reduced or eliminated storage and/or disposal costs by selling it through our services. Our website boasts of up to date inventory with photos and complete descriptions to assist with our clients’ research. Star Industries is one of the most respected and recognized names in the used equipment industry today.
Tayside Machinery LTD
Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Principal(s):
236 E. Sidney Ct. Villa Park, IL 60181 630-268-0150 630-758-2424 Peter Artisuk, Owner Tony Granata, EVP Band Saws, Rolling Stock, Cold Saws, Drills
176 Perth Road, Dundee, Scotland DD1-4JS UK (Warehouse – Unit 15 Flemington Industrial Park Craigneuk Street Motherwell ML1 2NT) Phone: 44 (0)1382-202853 Email: Website: Principal(s): Roy Taylor, Barry Taylor Specialty: Manual/CNC Machine Tools and Fabricating Machinery
Precision Millwright & Machine (PMM) has been in business for over 25 years. PMM is a diverse company that can handle numerous jobs at any Steel Distributor/ Manufacturer or Mill. PMM sells/ makes or maintains basically any equipment under your overhead cranes.
Tayside Machinery Limited have been suppliers of quality new and used CNC and Manual machinery throughout the UK and overseas for 30 years. With substantial investment in stock and capital equipment, we are able to supply you with the machinery most suited to your needs.
PMM works directly with the local management for any type of upgrades. From order ow to output enhancements to safety suggestions. We can assist when it comes to steel cutting equipment, rigging, plant utilization, and even consumables for their warehouse. PMM knows that with space at a minimum, efficiency is key. We can help move equipment for the most efficiency and production in your plant. We are also able to remove a piece of equipment, even if walls or stairs are an issue.
If we cannot supply you from our stock, we are in a position to locate the exact same machine you require as a result of our established international contacts and our membership with the E.A.M.T.M. (European Association of Machine Tool Merchants).
Our team makes sure your equipment and structures STAY safe. PMM is able to repair racks, adjust tables, level machines, repair guards and railings, and even make ergonomic conveyor systems and non-powered conveyors to help the employees do their jobs more efficient, faster, and SAFER! From the very beginning of your project to the very end, PMM will be there to help with their unforgettable turnkey services that will keep you up and running until the end!
We are geographically located to provide excellent service to all of Scotland and beyond, our 20.000sq ft warehouse facility in Motherwell, near Glasgow, is serviced by a 20 ton overhead crane, which allows us to handle large machinery with ease. We are also in a position to load open top containers and at racks to service our overseas customers. Tayside Machinery Ltd have the ability to turnkey projects consisting of supplying, delivering, offloading, positioning, commissioning, and operator training, wherever required.
Total Machinery, Inc.
Address: Phone: Email: Website: Principal(s):
175 Wall St. Glendale Heights IL 630- 671-2142 Kyosuke Murayama, President Tsukasa Sato, Executive Vice President Mark Kasch, Manager National Sales Metalworking & Production Equipment
Phone: Email: Website: Principal(s):
Strategic Engineering & Advanced Logistics Services SEALS Incorporated was established in Japan in 2006 with a Spirit and vision of being a valuable resource to the manufacturing community looking to do complex business internationally. Our original Value added services came from understanding the needs of our customers in the areas of marine transportation. Mobility, trading including logistics and asset relocation. Since then SEALS has developed “Trade Infrastructure Services” that consists of foreign route marine transportation business and “LIFT business” that consists of trade, purchase and sales of products, logistics, engineering and consulting. LIFT represents Logistics, Insurance/Information, Finance & Trading . Our customers rely on SEALS to procure, sell and transfer assets on their behalf and provide a single source for all the supply chain services in between. In 2008, SEALS introduced their business in Europe and our growth continues today with over 100 employees multiple offices in Japan, and 11 International locations including China and Australia as well SEALS USA. Seals is a company built on strong partnerships not only with our customers but a network of service providers that help us ful ll their needs from the very beginning of the transaction to delivery. The MDNA and AMEA are an important component to that network and the association will create opportunity for SEALS and our fellow members. Thank you on behalf of the entire SEALS organization for your support. We look forward to working with you.
315 Walt Whitman Rd., Ste. 309, Hunting ton Station, NY 11746 631-257-0250 Randy Koster, President, Frank Sangiorgi, Executive Vice President, Mathew Koster, Vice President All Industrial, Metalworking, CNC, etc.
I am excited and happy to announce the start of my new company, Total Machinery Inc. After Many years with Koster Industries I have decided to move on. Koster Industries will remain in business and I wish them nothing but the best. Frank Sangiorgi and Matt Koster will be joining me in this new venture. As most of you know I have been personally involved in the MDNA/AMEA for many years and am the immediate past president of the AMEA. Our focus will still be industrial auctions and appraisals and in addition buying and selling machinery. We will continue to be involved in all industrial facets including CNC of all types, aerospace, metalworking, oil eld related, etc. I value my membership in the MDNA/AMEA and look forward to continuing my relationship with all the friends I have made through the Association as well as making new friends.
NEW MEMBERS Antenen Robotics, LLC
Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Principal(s): Specialty:
9910 Charter Park Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45069 513-860-8800 513-860-8807 Andrew A. Bachman Industrial Robots
Antenen Robotics has been providing economical, reliable robotic solutions since 1984. Our goal is to supply the highest quality refurbished industrial robots on the market. Our NextLife Certi ed Robots come completely refurbished with a one year warranty and lifetime phone support. Antenen specializes in Fanuc Robots, but we also work with ABB and Motoman. Additionally, we offer full integration services, training, repair and maintenance, and a large selection of used robot parts. Our integration capabilities include everything from designing and fabricating end of arm tooling, to integrating robots with customer’s existing manufacturing equipment, to building full turnkey robotic systems. These extensive offerings give us the ability to provide our customers with everything they need to get their automated processes up and running. We are excited to join the MDNA Community. If you have Fanuc, ABB or Yaskawa-Motoman robots to sell, or are considering an equipment purchase and are looking for a partner, we would love to talk with you.
Phone: Email: Website: Principal(s): Specialty:
1412 Whitelake Dr., Inverness, Florida 34453 (Mailing: 21125 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville, Florida 34601) 352-888-6200 Joe Selway CNC Chip Cutting
MachineMaxx was founded by a family with three generations of experience in the machine tool industry. With a combined knowledge and working know-how from distributorship, sales, service, and manufacturing, MachineMAXX team was built with one goal in mind, to be the #1 source for buying and selling rebuilt / pre-owned CNC equipment by making it clear and simple and embracing our Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We will bring new opportunities to the used CNC market by: • Selling Certi ed equipment with honesty and integrity, performing up-front inspections on all equipment • Buying equipment direct, refurbishing and servicing as needed • Offering brokerage options to the customer to help sell their equipment direct • Extending Finance Options through our trusted partners We will also pledge to bring our family culture and values to our daily business and strive to help our customers with all aspects of their machining needs.
NEW MEMBERS GD Machinery Limited Address: Phone: Email: Website: Principal(s): Specialty:
Vector House Centurion Business Park, Bessemer Way, Rotherham S60 1FB 44 (0)114-263-4615 Christopher T. Gribben David Gribben Manual and CNC metal cutting and forming
Our machine tool inventory includes Deep Hole Borers, Grinders, Lathes, Boring, and Milling Machines. The showroom in Rotherham is open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 17.00pm. You are welcome to call in at any time to view the machinery we have for sale and also to discuss your requirement. Most of all, the Directors of the company are dedicated to providing a professional and dependable service to all of our clients. Finally, as a result we continue to grow our business.
Innovative Machine Solutions, LLC GD Machinery was founded in 1995, dedicating its service to supply new and used machine tools. Originally operating from Cross Turner Street near the Sheffield Train Station quickly becoming known for supplying good quality machinery. Speci cally dedicating ourselves to medium and large machine tools for all industries all over the world. Consequently, the company has grown over the years and now operates from Vector House, Rotherham in a modern state of the art building. The heated facility is accompanied by a 20ton overhead crane, distinguishing ourselves from our competitors to handle almost any machine. Our services include purchasing & sales of machine tools, complete asset purchases, and machinery valuations. Day to day operations are managed by Christopher Gribben (Managing Director) and son David Gribben (Operations Director). Most noteworthy they have 50 years’ experience in the machine tool industry. Both Christopher & David have been long standing members of the EAMTM, representing dealers you can trust. David is also now Vice Chairman of the EAMTM British Branch which places him on the board of the European council. Throughout our history, we generally stock over 150 various types of machinery. We invite you to browse our stock list of used machinery, which consists of manual and CNC machines. Understandably we don’t always have your exact requirement. Therefore, our growing database of contacts from the engineering industry, we are probably able to source any machine.
Address: Phone: Email: Website: Principal(s): Specialty:
3541 Dayton Xenia Rd #341548 Dayton, OH, 45432 (937) 609-0189 Chris Simons Industrial, Heavy Equipment
Innovative Machine Solutions is a customer-focused organization that strives to be on the cutting edge of technology. With over 35 years of industrial, construction, and agricultural experience, we understand the marketplace. By utilizing both the latest marketing techniques and up-to-date data we provide our clients customized, results-oriented solutions, tailored to achieve maximum satisfaction. Veteran owned and operated, we are pleased to offer appraisals and auctions, as well as liquidations and acquisitions of used machinery and equipment. It has been our privilege to work with the MDNA over the past several years. We are honored to join with our new company while Chris continues to serve as the Chairman of the Ohio Valley Chapter. The knowledge, education, and networking opportunities that the MDNA and AMEA provide have equipped us to serve our customers with professionalism and attention to detail. We are excited to see what the future holds as we hope to meet new colleagues soon and reacquaint ourselves with friends from past MDNA events in the future.
AMEA Revises its AMEA Membership Designations and Requirements The Officers and Board of Directors are pleased to announce exciting changes to member designations that better align your association with the appraisal industry. These new designations will become effective with your upcoming membership renewal. All Continuing Education credits that you have obtained will be rolled over into the next membership year and will continue to apply toward your AMEA designation. The updated requirements appear below for your review. If you currently have the AEA designation, this will be changed to an AM designation. The revised member designations are: • AMEA Senior Member - Certi ed Equipment Appraiser - CEA • AMEA Associate Member - AM (includes current AEA members) • AMEA International Member • AMEA Professional Member (Professional Membership is open to individuals and rms whose work interrelates with that of professional appraisers) Requirements and conditions for designation and retention as an AMEA Senior Member - Certi ed Equipment Appraiser - CEA:
• Every ve(5) years have obtained seventy(70) hours of approved Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers continuing education. • Every two (2) years take and pass an accredited seven (7) hour Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices Course. • Every four (4) years submit an unidenti able appraisal for review that meets all of the Association and Machinery Equipment Appraisers Standards and Procedures of Professional Appraisal Practice and complies with current Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). • Comply with all Standards of Ethics set by the Ethics, Standards, and Review Committee of the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers. • Remain a member in good standing of the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers. • Have a continuing involvement in appraising personal property (machinery and equipment). • Failure to comply with ALL conditions for CEA Designation shall cause the member to become designated as an Associate Member (AM) upon membership renewal and shall remain in effect until such time that all requirements, conditions, and continuing education have been ful lled. Requirements and conditions for designation and retention as an AMEA Associate Member - AM: • Every ve(5) years have obtained thirty- ve(35) hours of approved Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers continuing education. • Comply with all Standards of Ethics set by the Ethics, Standards, and Review Committee of the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers. • Remain a member in good standing of the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers. • Have a continuing involvement in appraising personal property (machinery and equipment).
Online 7-Hour Personal Property USPAP Course Friday, October 16th, 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM ET AMEA will be hosting a 7-hour USPAP Register now for the online 7-hour personal property USPAP course hosted by the AMEA. This course will be taught by R. Lee Robinette, an AQB Certi ed USPAP instructor with a background in machinery and equipment appraising. Member Price: $295, includes a copy of the 2020 - 2021 USPAP Book. 6
(AMEA Membership Designations changes continued) Note: AMEA Associate Members who fail to maintain continuing education requirements under this membership designation will not have use of the AMEA Associate Member - AM seal. As an AMEA Appraiser you will continue to receive the same bene ts including a certi cate and seal. It is important for you to review your current continuing education requirements and prepare to have them up-to-date in order to maintain your designation. Failure to meet the necessary requirements of your designation will result in a review by the your AMEA Board of Directors for action and recommendation. Your membership with the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers is appreciated. As an organization, we thrive as a result of your support and experience working as an appraiser in the industry. Should you have any questions, please contact the AMEA offices.