Aventura Activities Brochure

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little LEAGUE

special EVENTS

splash PAD

Aventura Activities summer CAMP

Spring-Summer 2010

What’s in our eBrochure? Registration and program information for:

Athletics Community Recreation Center Classes Cultural Arts Theater & Leisure Fitness Programs Special Events Youth Programs – Camps

Index Adult/Senior Classes Cultural Arts Theater & Leisure

Early Childhood Special Events

Our new eBrochure is part of Aventura’s Go Green Initiative. Digital publishing significantly reduces waste moving towards a more sustainable environment for future generations.

Community Services Department

305-466-8930 ● 305-466-3883

Express Yourself!

City Contacts Parks & Facility Guide

CRC Membership & Registration Info

Activity registration opens February 22nd for residents and March 1st for non-residents. Access Online Registration To register online, you must have a household account.

Online Registration Help

Recreation Registration Form

Youth Classes/Programs

What’s in our eBrochure? Registration and program information for:

Athletics Community Recreation Center Classes Cultural Arts Theater & Leisure Fitness Programs Special Events Youth Programs – Camps

Index Adult/Senior Classes Cultural Arts Theater & Leisure

Early Childhood Special Events

Our new eBrochure is part of Aventura’s Go Green Initiative. Digital publishing significantly reduces waste moving towards a more sustainable environment for future generations.

Community Services Department

305-466-8930 ● 305-466-3883 City Contacts Parks & Facility Guide Activity registration opens February 22nd for residents and March 1st for non-residents. Access Online Registration To register online, you must have a household account.

Online Registration Help

Youth Classes/Programs

Special Events Community Recreation Center Open House

Inaugural Little League

Sunday, February 21, 2010 1 - 3 PM

See what the Aventura Com munity Recreation Center has to offer for you! F itness, Computer classes, Da nce, Health & W ellness Seminars, Cultural classes, and more! The Open Ho use is your ch ance to experience the facil ity cl ose-up. Jo in t he fun and tr y free classes. Purchase a six month membership during the Open House and receive six months free!

Sunday, March 21, 2010 The first pitch goes out at our Inaugural Little League game. This special event will celebrate the start of Aventura’s first official Little League for baseball and softball at Waterways Park. For more information call the Community Services Department at 305-466-8008.

Special Events

Aventura Community Recreation Center 3375 NE 188 Street

Special Events Arbor Day

Senior Prom

Friday, April 30, 2010 10 AM Aventura Community Recreation Center 3375 NE 188 Street

beauty of o

recognize th e

ur cit y’s lan dscaping a nd

celebrate our 13th year as a TREE CITY USA”.

The Go Green Initiative


tion Progr am i nvites al l inter ested residents and businesses who are taking the initiative to preserve our environment to be reco gnized for their efforts. Those who submit an application for this program will be

Saturday, May 22, 2010

recognized at the Arbor Day Cele-

7 – 9:30 PM

bration on Friday, April 30, 2010.

Seniors dance the night a way with live ent ertainment at the Aventura Co mmunity R ecreation Center.

The Go Gree n Initiative benefits the Cit y by rai sing environmental awareness, a nd reco gnizing the residents and businesses tha t are acting




environment, save e


nergy, an d

prepare the Cit y of Aventura to be a sustainable community.

Admission is

complimentary with li ght refreshme nts and coffee. F or more information ca ll the Communit y S ervices Department at 305-466-8930.

Special Events

This annual cele bration to


unique DINING


Aventura Activities Cultural Arts, Theater and Leisure

May - July 2010 art EXHIBITS

“Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Presents Artist Yayoi Kusama” & Box Lunch Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Bus Leaves: 9:30 AM

Tram Tour: 11 AM

Lunch: 12 Noon

Fairchild is proud to present sculptures from this acclaimed Japanese artis t. Kusama’s Flowers that Bloom at Midnight will be on display in the Amphitheater and consist of vividly painted, giant cast flowers measuring between five and sixteen feet in height. Several of Kusama’s playful Pumpkins will a lso be on display. The multi-part floating work Guidepost to the New Space, a series of rounded “humps” in fire-engine red with whit e polka dots, will be displayed in a pond Kusama’s artificial gard en will unfold in all its psychedel ic glory, against the garden’s backdrop of stately palms and fabulous flowers. Price inclu des round-trip transportation from the Aventura Mall parking lot to Coral Gables, box lunch, tram tour and all gratuities. Enjoy a la ke view lu nch wh ich inclu des a choice of an oriental mango chicken salad, black forest wrap (ham with dilled havarti), or gorgonzola beef wrap, chips, soda or water and dessert. Resident $45

Non-resident $54

Registration Deadline: Sunday, April 11, 2010 TRIP RATING: Moderate Walking – Some walking to destinations and some standing

“Alvin Ailey Dance Theater “ at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts Saturday, May 22, 2010 Bus Leaves: 12:30 PM

Showtime: 2 PM

Back by popular demand after playing to packed houses last year, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater returns to the Arsht Center with its beloved Reve lations and more modern dance masterpieces. Enjoy special performances as Ailey America's Cultural Ambassador of the World celebrates Judith Jamison's 20th anniversary as "the most stellar and a dmired artistic di rector of any repertory company in America." Price includes round-trip transportation from the Aventura Mall parking lot to Miami , Tier 2 seat and gratuities. Resident $61

Non-resident $73

Registration Deadline: Sunday, April 11, 2010 TRIP RATING: Minimal Walking – Little or no walking

In order to expedite in-person registration for our Cultural Arts, Theater and Leisure Program, you will only be able to register yourself and one other person.

Cultural Arts Theater & Leisure Program

Cultural Arts, Theater and Leisure

“The Drowsy Chaperone” & Lunch at PayZins Restaurant Wednesday, June 30, 2010 Bus Leaves: 10:30 AM

Lunch: 11:30 AM

Thursday, July 15, 2010 Bus Leaves: 10:30 AM

Showtime: 2 PM

Presented by the Broward Stage D oor Theatre, this popular show is the winner of 5 Tony Awards and 7 Drama Desk Awards. The Drowsy Chaperone follows the story of a moder n day theatre addict who, to chase his blues away, drops the needle on his favorite LP—the 1928 musical comedy The Drowsy Chaperone. From the crackle of his hi-fi, the musical magically bursts to life on stage, telling the tale o f a pam pered Broadway starlet who wa nts to give up show business to get marked, her producer who sets out to sabotage the nuptials, her chaperone, the debonair groom, the dizzy chorine, the Latin love r and a p air of gan gsters who double as pastry chefs. Price in cludes round-trip transportation from the Aventura Mall par king lot to Coral Springs, lunch, orchestra seat and all gratuities. Lunch will consist of soup or sal ad, a choice of salmon, chicken parmigiana or bruchetta chicken (grilled chicken, tomatoes, garlic, oil, bas il and fresh mozzarella over penne pasta with balsamic glaze), dessert, coffee, tea or soda. Resident $69

Festival Flea Market

Non-resident $82

Registration Deadline: Thursday, June 3, 2010 TRIP RATING: TRIP RATING: Minimal Walking – Little or no walking

In order to expedite in-person registration for our Cultural Arts, Theater and Leisure Program, you will only be able to register yourself and one other person.

Bus departs Flea Market: 3 PM

Get ready to shop till you dro p. Grab your shopping bags, put on your comfortable shoes and get ready for another round of shopping at one of South Florida’s popular flea markets. For all you antique lov ers, the Festival Fle a Market now has an antique mall for your shopping pleasure. Price includes round-trip transportation from the Aventura Mall parking lot to Pompano Beach, and bus gratuities. Resident $14

Non-resident $17

Registration Deadline: Sunday, July 11, 2010 TRIP RATING: Moderate Walking – Some walking to destinations and some standing

Cultural Arts Theater & Leisure Program

Cultural Arts, Theater and Leisure

Adult Classes JOY OF YIDDISH


Latin-inspired dance moves mix with pu lsating rhythm in a sizzling workout that feels like a party! M

9:30 – 10:30 AM 212101-04 112103-04

Jan 13 – March 3 Adults $65 Seniors $59


9:30 – 10:30 AM 212101-05 112103-05

Jan 15 – March 5 Adults $65 Seniors $59


9:30 – 10:30 AM 212101-10 112103-10


This class is designed for adu lts with littl e or no dancing e xperience. T he class will combin e highenergy mus ic w ith non-sto p moveme nt. Here you will l earn a var iety of Lati n da nce st yles. Ever ything from Rumba t o Sals a, thes e da nce workouts will keep you moving! Jan 13 – March 3 Adults $65


Jan 12 Feb 9 Mar 9 Apr 13 May 11


2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00

– 3:30 PM – 3:30 PM – 3:30 PM – 3:30 PM – 3:30 PM


You are invit ed to join an interactive valu e-based support for par ents, grandparents and caregivers. You will g ain po werful insi ght on parenti ng ski lls, improve communication and create peace at home. Jan 13 and 27 Feb 3, 10 and 24 Mar 10, 17 and 24 Apr 7, 14 and 28


8:45 - 10:45 AM 8:45 - 10:45 AM 8:45 - 10:45 AM 8:45 - 10:45 AM

5:30 – 6:30 PM 112212-01

Special Interest SMART PROGRAM

Science, Math, and Re ading Tutoring pr ovided b y Miami-Dade Cou nty pub lic school ed ucators in conjunction with the Miami-Dad e pub lic librar y system. Saturday 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM No Class January 2, March 27, and April 3, 2010


Venture with us as we explore some of the most interesting health facts. Exp ert ph ysicians will be g iving l ectures on current topics and complementary screens will be provided. For more information please call 1-888-256-7692. Jan Feb Mar Apr

21 18 18 15


12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00

– 2:00 PM – 2:00 PM – 2:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Adult/Senior Classes

Jan 11 – March 1 Adults $65 Seniors $59

The Joy Of Yiddis h Clu b is ded icated to keep ing Yi ddish alive. All lov ers of "mammeloshe n" and Yi ddish enthus iasts w ill come together and enj oy s inging the trad itional Yiddish folk s ongs that you l ove so m uch. Participate in the telli ng of o ur humor a nd discuss o ur cul ture, heritag e and "chochma" of our grandparents. We also speak a little English. So, come an d enjoy and brin g the "gantzq mishpoocha".

Adult Classes Fitness



Improve your strength, flexibility, and overall body in this introductory yoga class. Bring a mat, a bottle of water and wear comfortable clothes. M

11:00 AM – Noon 212207-16 112207-16

March 16 – May 11 No Fee


9:30 – 10:30 AM 552512-01

March 16 - May 11 Adults $65 Seniors $59


6:00 - 7:00 PM 212207-19 112207-19

March 18 – May 13 Adults $65 Seniors $59


March 15 - May 10 Adults $65 Seniors $59


5:30 - 6:30 PM 212216-01 112123-01

BODY SCULPTING A cross between Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates and Martial Arts, body sculpting requires specific/intense muscle contraction and control. Similar to power Yoga in its use of p ose, c oncentration, and b alance, “s culpting” focuses on d eep breathing, low heart r ate, low impact, hydration and basic movement.

9:30 – 10:30 AM 212207-17 112207-17

March 18 – May 13 No Fee

No Classes Monday, March 29-Friday, April 2


5:30 – 6:30 PM 552513-01


Start your day with a stretch and a smile. This class will enhance flexibility as well as strengthen the core. March 15-May 10 No Fee 112


9:00 - 9:30 AM 102-03


Start your day right b y impr oving your circu lation as we intro duce you to the world of yoga. T his class does not require any special equipment or clothing … just a mat, towel, and a bottle of water. Location: Waterways Park March 17 – May 12 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71


9:30 – 10:30 AM 213201-04


This high intense aerobic workout is a great way to burn fat, shape, tone, and build muscles. Every class will finish with a 15 minute ab workout to tone the core. March 18 - May 13 Adults $65 Seniors $59


10:30 – 11:30 AM 212214-02 112210-02

Adult/Senior Classes

March 15 – May 10 Adults $65 Seniors $59

Dance yourself into sh ape. This class co mbines various danc e moves with he art pumpin g music to get you moving ! Comfort able clothes an d your dancing feet is all you need.

Adult Classes Dance

Special Interest


Latin-inspired dance moves mix with pulsating rhythm in a sizzling workout that feels like a party! M

March 17 – May 12 Adults $65 Seniors $59


March 19 – May 14 Adults $65 Seniors $59


9:30 – 10:30 AM 212101-11 112103-11 9:30 – 10:30 AM 212101-12 112103-12 9:30 – 10:30 AM 212101-13 112103-13


This class is designed for adu lts with littl e or no dancing experience. T he cl ass will com bine hi gh energy mus ic w ith non-sto p moveme nt. Here you will learn a variety of Latin dance styles. Everything from Rumba to Salsa, these dance workouts will keep you moving! March 17 – May 12 Adults $65 212 Seniors $59 112


7:30 – 8:30 PM 408-03 212-02

March 20 - May 15 No Fee No class on 3/27 & 4/03


10:00 AM - 1:00 PM


You are i nvited to joi n an interactive v aluebased support for parents, grandp arents and caregivers. You will ga in p owerful insi ght on parenting sk ills, improve co mmunication and create peace at home. Mar 23 and Apr 20 Mar 10, 17 & 24 Apr 7, 14 and 28


7:00 - 8:30 PM 8:45 - 10:45 AM 8:45 - 10:45 AM


The Joy Of Yiddis h Clu b is ded icated to keep ing Yi ddish alive. All lov ers of "mammeloshe n" and Yi ddish enthus iasts w ill come together and enj oy s inging the trad itional Yiddish folk s ongs that you l ove so m uch. Participate in the telli ng of o ur humor a nd discuss o ur cul ture, heritag e and "chochma" of our grandparents. We also speak a little English. So, come an d enjoy and brin g the "gantzq mishpoocha". Mar 9 Apr 13 May 11


No Classes Monday, March 29-Friday, April 2

2:00 – 3:30 PM 2:00 – 3:30 PM 2:00 – 3:30 PM


Venture with us as we explore some of the most interesting health facts. Exp ert ph ysicians will be g iving l ectures on current topics and complementary screens will be provided. For more information please call 1-888-256-7692. Mar 18 Apr 15


12:00 – 2:00 PM 12:00 – 2:00 PM

More Classes

Back to Index

Adult/Senior Classes

March 15 – May 10 Adults $65 Seniors $59


Science, Math, and Reading Tutoring provided by MiamiDade Count y public schoo l educ ators in conjuncti on with the Miami-Dade public library system.

Adult Classes Art

Adult Athletics


Jan 12 – March 2 Adults $65 Seniors $59


10:00 – 11:00 AM 212400-03 112400-03

This class is for pla yers who have ha d b asic tenni s training and would like to improve his or h er game. Class time will be s pent fo cusing on t eaching th e fundamentals such as gr ound strokes, serv es, volle y, foot work, and improving rallying capabilities. Location: Founders Park Jan 15 – March 5 F Residents $96 Non-Residents $115

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM 214303-01


Explore the diverse medium of art in a class designed for beginners and experienced artists. In this class, you will experiment with a wide range of drawing materials and papers, covering still life, music and landscape. Jan 15 – March 5 $Adults $65 Seniors $59


10:00 – 11:00 AM 212399-03 112399-03

FREE TENNIS WORKSHOP Tennis workshops are a great way to meet ne w people! P articipants will be pair ed with others for doubles play. Experience can range from beginner to intermediate and workshops must meet a minimum of 4 pla yers. All participates are requir ed to brin g their own racquets. Location: Founders Park Jan 9 Free


10:00 – 11:00 AM 214302-03

March 20 Free 214


10:00 - 11:00 AM 302-04

Adult/Senior Classes

Let us hel p you celebrate your holiday memories with beautifully d esigned qu ality scrapbooks. T his class will teach you everything you need to kno w on how to get started scrapbooking and also to inspire seasoned scrap bookers to keep scrapbooking.


Adult Classes Special Interest BEGINNER BRIDGE

March 18 – May 13 No Fee


March 17 – May 12 No Fee


1:00 – 4:00 PM 552601-04

INTRO TO COMPUTERS Learn about the basic computer concepts and terminology. This class introduces the fundamentals of Windows XP and software such as: Microsoft Word and Excel. This is a great class for first time users. March 15 – May 10 Adults $65 Seniors $59


11:30 AM– 12:30 PM 212604-05 112604-05

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM 552401-05


Join other members as they spend the morning playing this popular card game. Canasta is a game of skill, strategy, intelligence, and luck. Please note: You must be a City of Aventura Community Recreation Center member to participate. Registration is required. March 15 - May 10 No Fee

Looking to learn more about the world’s most popular card game? Build on the basics. Tune up your skills and learn new tricks. TH

10:00 – 12:30 PM 552508-03



March 18 – May 13 $118


1:00 – 3:00 PM 212405-03

No Classes Monday, March 29-Friday, April 2

This class is designed for participants with minimal internet experience. Learn how to find information on the internet ,as well as an overview on setting up and using e-mail. March 15 - May 10 Adults $65 Seniors $59


10:00 – 11:00 AM 212603-05 112603-05

Adult/Senior Classes

Jump o n the bandwagon a nd l earn h ow to pl ay this popular card game. Student s will b e intro duced to the rules of the game and learn the tricks to assist in winning. Students will also have the o pportunity to practic e what the y have le arned d uring the class. Please n ote: You must b e a City of Aventura Commu nity Recreation Center member to participate. Registration is required.

MAHJONGG MANIA Join other members as they spend the afternoon playing this popular tile game. Mahjongg is a game of skill, strategy, intelligence, calculation, and luck. Players will need a game card to participate. Please note: You must be a City of Aventura Community Recreation Center member to participate. Registration is required.

Adult Classes Art



March 19 – May 14 Adults $65 Seniors $59


10:00 – 11:00 AM 212399-04 112399-04

Location: Founders Park March 19 – May 14 Residents $96 Non-Residents $115


11:00 AM – 12:30 PM 214303-02


Adult Athletics FREE TENNIS WORKSHOP Tennis workshops are a gre at way to m eet ne w people! Partici pants will be pair ed with ot hers for doubles play. Experience c an ran ge from beginner to intermedi ate and workshops must meet a minimum of 4 players. All parti cipates are re quired to bring their own racquets. Location: Founders Park March 20 AM Free 214


10:00 - 11:00 302-04

No Classes Monday, March 29-Friday, April 2

Batter up ! T he Cit y of Avent ura is i ntroducing S enior Softball for m en ag es 50 and ol der! Partici pants ca n register with a team consisting of at least 9 players and no more th en 16 pl ayers. N o team? No worries. W e will plac e you on a team with availability. All players will follow ASA rules and regulations. Location: Waterways Park March 14 – May 16 Su Residents $425/Team Non-Residents $510/Team

9:00 - 11:00 AM 124301-01

Adult/Senior Classes

Explore the diverse medium of art in a class designed for beginners and experienced artists. In this class, you will experiment with a wide range of drawing materials and papers, covering still life, music and landscape.

This class is for pla yers who have ha d b asic tenni s training and would like to improve his or h er game. Class time will be s pent fo cusing on t eaching th e fundamentals such as gr ound strokes, serv es, volle y, foot work, and improving rallying capabilities.

Youth Classes Fitness FITNESS FUNATICS


3:15 – 4:15 PM 312201-04


This martial arts program presents life skills such as memory, disc ipline, coordi nation an d co ncentration. The program is an excellent way to gain confidence and self-defense s kills. Un iform is optional, but highly recommended to ensure full participation. 5 - 10 yrs. March 16 – May 11 $59


3:15 – 4:15 PM

Ready, Set, Score ! Partic ipants will l earn basic soccer skills including passing, kicking, and defending. This class will prepare children for the City of Aventura youth soccer league!

March 17 - May 12 $59

Location: Waterways Park 5 - 8 yrs. March 15 - May 10 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71 5 - 8 yrs. March 16 - May 11 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71 9 - 12 yrs. March 15 - May 10 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71

Not sure which sport is your favorite? Then this class is for you. E ach class will f eature a d ifferent sport teaching the b asics of the g ame throu gh s kills, dril ls and games. 5 - 7 yrs.


4:30 - 5:30 PM 313202-04


3:15 - 4:15 PM 313202-05


5:45 - 6:45 PM 313202-06


3:15 – 4:15 PM 312302-05


This structured class includes basic gymnastic tumbling skills designed to stimulate hand & eye coordination and increase strength. Class will be grouped into beginners and intermediate based on instructor approval. 5 - 10 yrs.


Come brush up on your basketballs skills. Learn new drills and game strategies, while scrimmaging against your classmates! 5-7 yrs. March 15 - May 10 $64


5 - 7 yrs. March 15 - May 10 $59


8 - 12 yrs. March 16 - May 11 $64


3:15 - 4:30 PM 312301- 03 4:45 - 5:45 PM 312301- 04 3:15 - 4:30 PM 312301- 05


Ready, Set, Hike ! Partic ipants will lear n the prope r stance, pos ition resp onsibilities, thro wing, catching, and run ning. T his class will promote posi tive self esteem and teamwork. Location: Founders Park 5 - 8 yrs. March 16 - May 11 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71


4:15 - 5:15 PM 314207-02

March 15 – May 10 $64 312


3:15 - 4:30 PM 303-07

March 15 - May 10 $59 312


4:30 - 5:30 PM 303-09

March 19 – May 14 $64 312


3:15 - 4:30 PM 303-08

No Classes Monday, March 29-Friday, April 2

Youth Classes/Programs

Looking for a different kind of workout? Students will learn fun an d exc iting ways to get into shape. W hether it’s partici pating in a game of dodg e ba ll or capture th e flag, this class will be a great w ay to reli eve energy after a long day of school! 6 - 9 yrs. March 16 – May 11 $59



Youth Classes Dance


An introd uction to jazz an d hip ho p, this class focuses on the ne west mov es put to today ’s hot music. Stretching and conditioning are also emphasized for enhanced health and fitness. 5 - 10 yrs.


March 17 – May 12 $59


March 18 – May 13 $59


3:15 – 4:15 PM 312103-05

4:15 – 5:15 PM 312102-07


STOP, DROP, & RUMBLE ! Students will l earn h ow to cheer, danc e, and enco urage crowd participation. This class is a great way to gain confidence. 5 - 7 yrs. March 17 – May 12 $59


Explore the I sraeli c ulture through music and movement. This class will focus on th e j oy of music and d ance. Stretchi ng an d cond itioning are also emp hasized for enha nced healt h an d fitness. 7 - 10 yrs. March 17 – May 12 $59


3:15 – 4:15 PM 312102-08

3:15 - 4:15 PM 312304-04


Take your cheerleading to the next level! Students will learn a variety of cheers and dances as well as basic stunting. 8-11 yrs. March 17 – May 12 $59


3:15 - 4:15 PM 312304-05



Move and gr oove to toda y’s hottest hits while getting an amazi ng work out. Participa nts in this class will have s o muc h fun that the y won’t even rea lize th ey are exercising! Location: Waterways Park 5 - 10 yrs. March 15 - May 10 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71



4:30 - 5:30 PM 313101-01

An introduction to basic ballet technique. It consists of floor warm-ups, barre ex ercises, and bal let combinations. Stu dents will hav e the opp ortunity to develop strength, bala nce, and fl exibility. Leotard, tights, and ballet slippers are required for each class. 5 - 7 yrs. March 19 – May 14 $59


No Classes Monday, March 29-Friday, April 2

3:15 - 4:15 PM 312101-04


CALLING ALL ARTISTS! Come bring your artistic talents to the drawing board! Learn from a professional how to combine your talent with easy-to-follow techniques, as well as the process of working with a script. You will learn how to create a comic book page and cover. 7 - 14 yrs. March 16 - May 11 $118


4:30 - 6:30 PM 342302-01

Youth Classes/Programs

In this high energy class children will learn the fundamentals of Israeli Dance as well as some of the beginner dances. Children will gain confidence, learn about the culture, and the beauty of its dances. 5 - 6 yrs.

Youth Classes Music

Special Interest This year-round club is desig ned to teach childr en about the He brew c ulture. Ch ildren will e xperience He brew reading and writing, mitzvoth, holiday and bible stories. With a fun approach, children will enjoy exploring the Jewish year. Please note a $25.00 sup ply fee is du e to the instructo r the first day of class. Two books will be required to be purchased. 5 yrs. March 17 - May 12 $59


3:15 – 4:15 PM 312414-13

6 - 8 yrs. Beginner March 16 - May 13 $118


3:15 – 4:15 PM 312414-14

6 - 8 yrs. Intermediate March 15 - May 14 $118


9 - 10 yrs. Intermediate March 15 - May 14 $118


3:15 – 4:15 PM 312414-15 3:15 – 4:15 PM 312414-16


Become Aventura’s next mad scientist! Children will explore the world of science through silly games and experiments. A $20 supply fee is due to the instructor at the first class. 6 - 10 yrs. March 18 - May 13 $59


3:15 – 4:15 PM 312409-04



This class will enabl e your child to work as a scientist, mathematician, engi neer, and creative writer. Childre n will build and program a working model that they can use for different purposes. 6 - 12 yrs. March 17 – May 12 $118



4:30 – 6:30 PM 312108-04

Kids will work with bakeable clay to design their own masterpieces, including picture frames, pins, magnets, and more. Students will learn how to plan out their projects on paper then create them using colored clay. A $25 supply fee is due to the Instructor at the first class. 5 - 7 yrs. March 19 - May 14 $59

No Classes Monday, March 29-Friday, April 2


3:15 – 4:15 PM 312403-04

Lessons focus on th e famil iarization of notes, scales, arpeggios an d chord pro gressions which will l ead to playing so ngs and rec ording music. Sma ll structured classes for the begi nner to the advance d student. Students will b e requir ed to b ring an ac oustic guitar to each lesson. Music book can be purchased through the instructor on the first day of class. 5 - 10 yrs. Beginner Class March 18 – May 13 $59


3:15 – 4:15 PM 312404-12

Youth Classes/Programs


Youth Programs Teacher Planning Days When school is out we are in! Spend the day playing games, activities, special events, arts and crafts, and more! Activities are programmed from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Early drop-off and late pick-up are available starting at 7:30 AM and ending at 6:00 PM. Lunch is included. Teacher Planning Days are open to children ages 5 – 12 years. Location: Aventura Community Recreation Center 3375 NE 188 Street Monday, March 1 Theme: Invention Convention


Monday, April 5 Theme: Kids of the Round Table


Thursday, June 10 Theme: Fear Factor


Friday, June 11 Theme: Beach Bash


Residents Non-Residents

$43 $52

Spring Camp Spring into Camp and experience the ultimate outdoor adventure. Campers will participate in a new adventure each day, including but not limited to lady bug hunts, worm races, giant inflatable obstacle course, an American camp out with smores and a field trip to Jungle Island. Join us for some sun and fun during the “Ultimate Outdoor Adventure”! Camp hours 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Early drop-off and late pick-up are available starting at 7:30 AM and ending at 6:00 PM. Spring Camp is open to children ages 5 – 12 years. Location: Aventura Community Recreation Center 3375 NE 188 Street March 29 - April 2


Residents Non -Residents

$168 $202

Youth Programs Summer Camp

Summer Camp Registration

Residents: March 22 ☼ Non residents: April 5

M – F 9:00 am – 4:00 pm June 14 – August 20

Term 1 Week

Resident $177

Non-Resident $212

2 Week



4 week



8 Week



10 Week



Youth Programs

AVENTURA SUMMER CAMP Aventura Summer Camp is an all day program designed to entertain and enrich Aventura youth. The summer camp program is divided into two camps. Camp Discovery is for 5 – 8 year olds and Camp Explorer is for 9 – 14 year olds. This allows each camper to fully benefit the camp experience by participating in events that pertain to their own age group. This program offers a variety of supervised interactive activities such as arts & crafts, games, sports, special events, field trips and swimming. Early drop off and late pick up is available.

TRAVEL CAMP If you are looking for a way to make some new friends and create amazing memories, the Aventura Travel Camp is for you. Campers will meet at the Community Recreation Center and journey to new and exciting adventures each week. This program offers a variety of supervised interactive activities such as arts and crafts, games, sports, special events, daily field trips, and swimming. This camp is available for campers ages 9 – 14 years. Early drop off at 7:30– 9 AM and late pick up from 4– 6 PM is available. M - F 9 am – 4:00 pm Session 1 Session 2

June 21- July 9 July 12- July 30




1 Week



3 Week



SPORTS CAMP Get ready for sports mania! Are you ready to learn what it takes to become an all around athlete? Sports Camp is all about “Campers Choice”. You get to choose what sport you want to participate in, whether it be: Soccer, basketball. flag football, softball/baseball or cheerleading and dance. Campers will learn teambuilding and sportsmanship, skills, drills, and more. Register for one week or experience the entire session! Sports Camp is available for children ages 7 -14 years old. This program offers a variety of supervised interactive activities such as games, tournaments, special events, field trips, and swimming. Early drop off at 7:30– 9 AM and late pick up from 4– 6 PM is available. M – F 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Session 1 Session 2

June 21- July 9 July 12- July 30




1 Week



3 Week



Summer Camp Registration

Residents: March 22 ☼ Non residents: April 5


Giggle your way through stories and play! Wiggle your way through music and movement. Squiggle your way through arts and crafts. In this class your child will thrive in this fun filled program. Parents are required to participate. 2- 3 yrs. TH

10:00 - 10:45 AM 412405-02

Your youngster will get a jum p start into the wonderful word of so ccer! C hildren will develop t he b asic skills needed to play soccer through age appropriate games and activities. 3 - 4 yrs.

Location: Founders Park

Level 1

Location : Waterways Park March 15 - May 10 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71


This class was created with the younger child i n mind. Children will get a jum p start into the world of flag footb all. Al l childr en will r eceive an intr oduction to catching throwing, and passing. 3 - 5 yrs.

3:15 - 4:00 PM 413202-08

March 16 - May 11 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71


3:15 - 4:00 PM 414204-03


Location : Founders Park March 15 - May 10 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71


March 19 - May 14 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71


4:15 - 5:00 PM 413202-08

Batter Up ! T his ne w cl ass will offer childre n an introduction to th e world of T ee Ball. Partic ipants will learn necess ary skil ls incl uding battin g off the tee, throwing, and catching. Ages 3 - 4 yrs. Location: Waterways Park

3:15 - 4:00 PM 414203-08

March 16 - May 11 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71


3:15 - 4:00 PM 413203-01

Level 2

Prerequisite: Must complete Level 1 class. 4 - 5 yrs. Location : Waterways Park


Especially designed for the preschooler, this martial arts program helps promote healthy life skills , discipline, coordination and concentration. Karate is an excellent way to gain new self confidence and self esteem. Uniform is optional. 4 - 5 yrs.

March 16 - May 11 Residents $59 -Residents $71

March 15 – May 10 $59

March 17 - May 12 Residents $59 -Residents $71


March 17 - May 12 Residents $59 Non-Residents $71



3:15 – 4:00 PM 412204-04


Jump, Run and Roll! Learn basic gymnastic and tumbling skills designed to stimulate hand and eye coordination, flexibility, and increase strength. 3 – 5 yrs. March 19 – May 14 $59 412


3:15 – 4:00 PM 205-03


3:15 - 4:00 PM 413202-09 Non

Location : Founders Park 3:15 - 4:00 PM 414203-09 Non 4:15 - 5:00 PM 414203-10

No Classes Monday, March 29-Friday, April 2


Tiny Tot Tennis is a fun way to learn the fundamentals of tennis. Ch ildren ag es 3 – 5 will learn foreha nd, backhand, a nd rall y c apabilities, footwork, g ames, an d match pla y. P articipants will be grouped by age and skill level. Location: Founders Park March 16 - May 11 T Resident $63.60 Non-Resident $76.3 2

4:00 - 4:30 PM 314301-11

March 18 - May 13 TH Resident $63.60 Non-Resident $76.3 2

4:00 - 4:30 PM 314301-12

Early Childhood

March 18 – May 13 $59



Early Childhood Dance

Special Interest


This class is an introduction to ballet, which consists of floor warm-ups, bar exercises, and basic ballet technique. Creative movement and a simple dance routines will be taught. Leotard, tights, and ballet shoes are required. 3 - 5 yrs.

March 16 – May 11 $59


3:15 – 4:00 PM 412101-09

LEVEL 2 Prerequisite: must have completed two sessions of Level 1 class March 16 – May 11 $59


4:00 – 4:45 PM 412101-08

Go beyond the paint jar and brush. This class encourages children to explore the world of art. Children will learn how to use various materials to produce imaginative paintings and works of art. Parents are required to participate. 2-3 yrs. March 17 – May 12 $59


10:00 – 10:45 AM 412409-02


Children will enjoy group interaction while learning their ABC’s and 123’s through games and singing. Parents and guardians will learn fun ways to entertain and interact with their child. A $ supply fee is due to the instructor at the first class. Parents are required to participate. Newborn – 24 months. March 15 – May 10 $59


10:00 – 10:45 AM 412408-05


This class is an introduction to Jazz-Hip-Hop. You child will be inspired to learn and perform basic choreography in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. No previous dance experience is required and tennis shoes and relaxed clothes are recommended. 3 -5 yrs. March 15 – May 10 $59


3:15 – 4:00 PM 412206-01

March 15 – May 10 $59


4:00 – 4:45 PM 412206-03


This class was created with the active to ddler in min d. We will i ncorporate a variet y of music, games, a nd movem ent to help dev elop large motor skills. Class will be hel d outdoors. 3 – 5 yrs. March 19 – May 14 $59

No Classes Monday, March 29-Friday, April 2


3:15 - 4:00 PM 413201-02

Early Childhood



Youth Athletics Mandatory Skills Rating

Aventura Little League

Waterways Park

Little League is a national organization committed to the safety and well being of all player. By chartering with the Little League organization, Aventura will have access to a standard set of rules and regulations. The Little League program assists youth in developing qualities such as citizenship, discipline, teamwork, and physical well being.

REGISTRATION January 25 - February 10, 2010

PARENT MEETING Aventura Community Recreation Center Wednesday, March 3, 2010 6:30 pm

*This fee will only be applicable to those non-residents who were enrolled in the 2008-2009 softball/t-ball program

League Divisions Tee Ball Minor League Major League Softball Softball (Fast Pitch) (Slow Pitch)

Minor League Baseball

Major League Baseball




10 - 12


10 - 12








Thursday Saturday

Tuesday Saturday

Tuesday Saturday

Wednesday Saturday

Tuesday Saturday

TBD by Coach

TBD by Coach

TBD by Coach

TBD by Coach

TBD by Coach

Founders Park

Founders Park

Waterways Park

Waterways Park


Founders Location Park

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 Minor & Major League Softball

5:00 - 6:00 pm

*Participants must attend the skills rating to be placed on a team.

No practice or games March 27 - April 4, 2010

Aventura Residents - $130 Non-Residents - $156*

5:00 - 6:00 pm 6:30 - 7:30 pm

Registration Requirements 

Proof of age is required at time of registration. Participants must be 4 years old by February 9, 2010. A copy of the birth certificate is required.


Proof of residency is required at time of registration. This includes a Valid Drivers License, Utility Bill, Deed or Lease, School Records, and Voters Registration.


Children 6 - 12 will l earn the basics of tenn is. Class time w ill b e spent le arning different s wings, fancy foot work, an d rall y capabilities, pl us much m ore! Partici pants will be grouped b y age and sk ill l evel. All participants nee d to bring a racq uet to class. Location: Founders Park March 16 - May 11 Residents $106 Non-Residents $127


4:45 - 5:45 PM 314302-11

March 18 - May 13 Residents $106 Non-Residents $127


4:45 - 5:45 PM 314302-12

Youth Athletics

March 21 - May 22, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010 Minor League Baseball Major League Baseball

Registration Form

For Recreation Programs One participant per form - Please print and fill out completely Participant: First


Street Address


Date of Birth


City, State


Home Phone

Work Phone

Cell Phone

Parent/Guardian: First


Street Address

Apt #

Home Phone



Work Phone

Cell Phone

□ Female □ Male

EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Please list an emergency contact not living in the household. This is in case of an emergency only. We will contact the parent or guardian first. First Name Last Name Contact Number □ Yes □ No

Does this person require assistance or special accommodation to participate in the chosen activity? Specify special needs: Activity #

Program Name


Resident fee

Non-resident fee

SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION Please check appropriate camp and the accompanied weeks your child will be attending. Sports Camp (7-14 yrs)

Summer Camp □ Discovery (5 – 8 yrs) □ Explorers (9 – 12 yrs)

Child must be the appropriate age on their first day of camp

Session 1 □ June 21 – June 25 □ June 28 – July 2 □ June 6 – July 9

Session 2

□ July 12 – July 16 □ July 19 – July 23 □ July 26 – July 30

Travel Camp (9-14 yrs)

Child must be the appropriate age on their first day of camp

Session 1 □ June 21 – June 25 □ June 28 – July 2 □ June 6 – July 9

Total Fees $

Session 2 □ July 12 – July 16 □ July 19 – July 23 □ July 26 – July 30

□ Cash (walk in only)

□ □ □ □

June 14 – June 18 June 21 – June 25 June 28 – July 2 June 6 – July 9

□ □ □ □

July 12 – July 16 July 19 – July 23

□ August 9 – August 13 □ August 16 – August 20

July 26 – July 30

August 2 – August 6

* NO CAMP JULY 5 Child must be the appropriate age on their first day of camp*

□ Check #

□ Credit Card

(online and walk in only)

Waiver For Adult As a participa nt in a Cit y of Aventura (the “City”) cultural, sporting, entertainment or other activity or ev ent, or as a user of any City facility, premises or equipment, I h ereby voluntarily assume the risk of an y loss, injury or damage to m yself or my property which in any way arises out of the us e of such facilities, premises or equipment or participation in such activities or events, wh ich said loss, in jury or dam age is sustained while upon said fa cilities or pr emises, using suc h equipment, participating in said ev ents or activities or be ing transported therefrom or thereto. F urther, I do hereby waive any claim against the City and its ag ents, servants and emp loyees, arisin g from said loss, injury or d amage and do covenant not to sue City or its ag ents, servants and employees, thereon, re gardless of whether suc h l oss, i njury or dam age is caused in whole or in part by the negligence of City or b y the negligence of the agents, servants, or employees of the City. I hereby give permission for the City to call my physician and/or arrange for emergency medical service technician response or for trans portation t o a hospital, i n the ev ent of a ny i njury or il lness to m yself, alth ough I u nderstand that the Cit y assum es n o responsibility to do so. READ, UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED TO this _____ day of _________, 20_____. Participant Signature: ____________________________________Name (print):____________________________________ Witnessed By: ___________________________________________

Waiver For Minors (By Adult) As the parent or guardian of a minor child participating in the City of Aventura (the "City") cultural, sporting, entertainment or other activit y or event, or a s the pare nt or guardian of a minor child partici pating a s a user of a ny Cit y f acility, premises, or equipment, I hereby waive any claim against the City and its agents, servants and employees, hereafter arising from injuries to said child, which s aid i njury is s ustained while u pon sai d faci lities or premises, usin g suc h e quipment, p articipating in s aid activ ities or being transported therefrom or thereto, regardless of whether such injury is caused in whole or in part by the negligence of said City or by the negligence of the agents, servants or employees of City. Further, I do covenant to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the said City, its agents, servants and employees from any claim, liability or damages hereafter arising out of any injury to said child, regardless of whether such injury to said child is caused in whole or in part by the negligence of said City or by the negligence of the agents, servants and employees of City. I here by g ive permission f or the C ity to c all m y child's physician an d/or to arr ange for emerg ency service tech nician response or fo r transp ortation to a hospital, in th e event of an y injury or i llness to my ch ild, al though I un derstand th at the Ci ty assumes no responsibility to do so. READ, UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED TO this _____ day of __________, 20_____. Child’s Name:_______________________________ Parent or Guardian's Signature:________________________________ Witnessed By:____________________________________

Print/Electronic Media Release I hereby give my permission to the City of Aventura to take, use and display photographic or digital images of me or my child, which may be posted on the City’s Internet website or forwarded to newspapers and other publications in which the photograph or digital image would be associated with the City of Aventura. READ, UNDERSTOOND, AND AGREED TO this _____ day of _______, 200_____ Participant/Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________ Witnessed By: ___________________________

Official Use Only □ Form is complete, signed and witnessed. □ Confirm birth certificate and age of participant. □ Confirm residency with acceptable form of identification. Confirm that address and phone numbers are correct. □ Update household in RecTrac. Employee Name: _______________________________________________

Date: _________________

Community Recreation Center General Information Due to the increased fixed costs of operating the Community Recreation Center, membership fees have increased slightly for the first time since October 2007.

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS: Effective October 1, 2009 FAMILY: Up to six people living at the same address


Additional family member living at same address


SENIOR COUPLE: Two adults living at the same address where one partner has attained the age of 65


ADULT COUPLE: Two adults between the ages of 18 and 64 living at the same address with no children


SENIOR INDIVIDUAL: Individual who has attained the age of 65


ADULT INDIVIDUAL: Individual between the ages of 18 and 64


STUDENT: Individual between the ages of 12 and 17


CHILD: Individual under the age of 12


REGISTRATION Walk-in Registration and Online Registration begins Monday, February 22, 2010 at 8:30 AM for Aventura residents. Non-resident Registration: (Pending availability) Beginning Monday, 1, 2010 at 8:30 AM Register online at www.cityofaventura.com You will need your household identification number to register online. Your household identification number is located in the barcode of your city ID card. Eliminate the leading zeros and the last two digits for example:

City of Aventura Membership & ID Cards All new or renewed memberships must b e a Miami-Dade County resident and sh ow proof of residency. All members need an active membership and an ID card to register for the Aventura Community Recreation Center classes. Six and three month memberships are also available. Personal Data Update Please update your mailing address, household and emer gency contact information with the Aventura Community Recreation Center or F ounders Park to confirm tha t we have acc urate information. Gymnasium Usage When the Av entura City of E xcellence School is in session, the g ymnasium is not ava ilable. Please refer to the monthly gymnasium calendar for open gym times. You can obtain a calendar at the Community Recreation Center or online at www.cityofaventura.com. Class Information Registration for classes is on a first-come first- serve basis. Members can r egister online or in person. Once a class has met maxim um e nrollment, a waitlist will be created. Cl asses with no fee tend to fill up quickly, so please register early. Classes must meet the minimum enrollment. Participa nts will b e notified pr ior to the first day of class ONLY if the class has been cancelled. The Community Recreation Center staff will not notify participants if minimum enrollment has been met. Participants 3 years and older must be potty trained to enroll in classes. Supervision Children under the age of 13 must be registered i n a progr am or under adult supervision to use the facility. The Community Recreation Center does check to make sure your child is the appropriate ag e prior to ente ring the fac ility. Parents or guardians will be contacte d if yo ur child is n ot of age to use the facilit y. In ad dition, your chi ld will wait for yo ur arriva l in the lobby. Please do not drop off your child and leave them unsupervised. Persons with Disabilities Persons with disabilities re quiring acc ommodations i n or der to p articipate must cont act the Community Services Department at least 48 hours in advance.

Would be Household ID #759901 On cards issued after January 8, 2008, drop all the beginning zeros and the last four numbers. For example: Â

Would be Household ID #759901 Your household identification number can be three, four, or five numbers. Use your household identification number as your user name and password.

Credit/Refund Policy Refunds will only be considered when an activity or program is cancelled by the City. Credits will only be considered in the case of a me dical emergency when supporting documentation has been submitted in writing. No refund or credit requests will be considered after an activity or program has concluded. Sales Tax All memberships are subject to a 7% sales tax.

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