PCC Portfolio

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PCC Architecture Portfolio Fall 10’-Spring 11’ MInh DUong



Site Plan

Art Gallery Surfaces/Form Design Pasadena City College Arch 12B Visual Communication Instructor: Neiel Norheim Class of Spring 2011


First I had to do some research on the Villa NM, by UN Studio. The UN Studio was commissioned by a family to build a summer home on their land they had bought in Upper New York, but sadly after a year of it being built it had burnt down to unknown reasons. The Villa NM was built with five twist and four ramps which makes this house really unique in its on way. The object of my project was to make architecture on where the Villa NM had once stood before. I had began by making a surface of a tile that I wanted to use to construct my whole design. With only a few simple commands of copy, rotate, scale, and mirror I had came up with a design that can both be seen as function and also as architecture.

Site Analysis

For my site Analysis I had research the existing site of which were the Villa NM was. I had done most of site Analysis through drawings, site and renderings. With this information from the site analysis I will use for my development of my project in order to transform it into an Art Gallery in which people can show their life’s work. The Villa NM was built on an anchor of land, but was chosen to be built on the only hill that was on the anchor. The hill is what helps the Villa NM shape itself, because the hill was used to make a middle floor between the first floor and the second floor. While the twist and bends helps lead people to different

Exterior Rendering of Villa NM You can see the twist and bends that the Villa NM uses to shift to the mid floor


Site Plan

In the site plan it shows how the Villa NM is placed on the hill of the site

Villa NM by UN Studio Long Section


Exterior Rendering of The Art Gallery

Art Gallery Long Section

Art Gallery Side Enternece

Villa NM by UN Studio Short Section

Art Gallery Inter.

Art Gallery Short Section

First Floor


Art Gallery North Elvation

Second Floor

Art Gallery East Elvation

1. Draw a 6” straight, rebuild to have 7 cv’s, then move cv’s on the line: 1st CV leave on start, 2nd CV move up one, 3rd CV move up two, 4th leave on the Axis, 5th CV move down one, 6th CV move down two, 7th leave an Axis

2. Rotate the curve upwards in 3D

3. Copy the curve 4. Mirror on of the curves.

5. Loft both of the curves

Intergrated Street Scapes Pasadena City College Arch 10B Design Fundamentals Instructor: Coleman Griffith Class of Spring 2011


In the begging of this project I explored the difference between rally’s and protest. I also did some research on new type of social media in facebook. During my research of protest I had chosen two different kinds of protest. As most people would know there is two ways that a protest can go, the first of the two is the peaceful route and the other is the violent route. The first protest I ha research was the Civil Rights movement of 1863 and the second protest is about a peaceful protest that occurred in 2008 in los angles which was about immigration. After my research I had came up with a diagram showing the difference in how the two protest is different from each other and how things happen in a certain amount of time. I also had did research on new way of communication and how people in the 20th century would communicate information from one another.

Legend Lynbrooke


Westwood Emergence of both streets

Emergence Decompression

Compression Juxtaposition

Legend Lynbrooke Westwood Legend

Emergence of both streets

Ground Floor Mail Box Height First Floor Window and Doors Second Floor Building Datum Tallest Datum


The location of the site is in Los Angles, CA. The site is located on the block of Westwood, Lynbrook, and Gayley, but I was more focused on the intersection of Westwood and Lynbrook. After some site analyze and research I realized that the two streets are really different from each other. On Westwood there is more of a busy flow of circulation and more busy, also the street is really narrow and has a bus station which states it’s not a place where people will stay for long period of time. While on the other hand we have Lynbrook in which is calmer and less busy as Westwood. There are also little restaurant with little chair and tables on the outside, which is a change from the busy street of Westwood.


Legend Legend

Street Constraints Lynbrooke

Ground Floor

Building Constraints

First Floor Window and Doors

Emergence of both streets

Second Floor Building Datum Tallest Datum


The objective of this project is to make an experience for a person that is exiting a subway that is going to be installed and to make it travel around the corner and lead to another location on Gayley. The point of the structure is to lead people that would be in a street protest down a certain location to another site. I also had to re-design lights, mailboxes, streetlights, chairs and tables.


My concept is Emergence with the characteristics of mergence and jux position. I had came up with the concept of Emergence though the diagrams that I had did of pervious research of protest. I saw that the lines where compressing and decompressing and they show a clear description of Emergence. When looking at the corner of Lynbrook and Westwood it is very distinct that they are both really different from each other. The corner of the Westwood and Lynbrook shows that they are both has a jux position and a mergence.

1. Draw a 6” straight, rebuild to have 7 cv’s, then move cv’s on the line: 1st CV leave on start, 2nd CV move up one, 3rd CV move up two, 4th leave on the Axis, 5th CV move down one, 6th CV move down two, 7th leave an Axis

Mail Box Height


2. Rotate the curve upwards in 3D

3. Copy the curve

Plan Scale 3/32”-1”

4. Mirror on of the curves.

5. Loft both of the curves

Westwood Elevation Scale

Section WestWood Scale

Lindbrook Elevation Scale

Section Lindbrook Scale

Wilshire Elevation

Bus Stop

Newspaper Stand

Traffic Lights

Bench and Tables

Subway Entrance Section

Bodies & Skin Surfaces/Form Design Pasadena City College Arch 12B Visual Communication Instructor: Neiel Norheim Class of Spring 2011

Description This whole project was to teach us to visual communicate our work without having to present the work. We are to come up with a surface and then create a form from the surface. We first started with a single line and with simple commands in rhino such as copy, rotate, cv’s, loft, and mirror we came up with our original surface. With that original surface we used to make our form. The purpose of this project was to show us how emergence can help you get things when you don’t expect it. With the creation of one single line we have created into a form though only simple commands.

Objective Creating objects though emergence was not our only goal, but this is a Visual communication class and we had to show our work in presentation form. We not only had to have good line work but we also needed to show our work in a good presentational way on paper. We also have the opportunity to take our form and divided it in to segments and to form a lamp. As you can see even though they are the same form they look different because of the segments.





2. Move the third CV up the Y axis two units.



4. Move the fifth CV down one unit on the Y axis.





x 3. Move the fourth CV down two unit on the Y axis.


z A




1. Draw six inch line, then rebuild with 7 CV’S. After align the CV’s with the Grid, then move second CV up the Y axis 1 unit.

9. Rotate the surface upwards on the Z axis.







.x 10. Copy the surface three times



x 11. Take surface B and rotate 90 degrees, and then join right side of surface B with the left side of Surface A.

x 12. Take the second surface C and join it to piece B



6. Copy the curve 7 units down the Y axis.

x 13. Take surface D and rotate it 90 degrees and then join its right side to the left side of surface C, and surface D’s left side is with surface A’s Right Side


x 14. Take the curve of surface of B and C and loft them together.

8. Select both Curves and loft them together

7. Mirror the copied curve.








5. Rotate the curve up the Z axis.











x 15. Take the curve of Surface of A and C and loft them together.

x 16. Repeat steps 14 and 15 but to the bottom curves.

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