9 minute read
Council Comments
Scott Brakefield Ward 6 | City Council President brakefield@cityofalabaster.com Greetings! I hope that Summer is off to a great start for each of you. The Month of July brings many celebrations for the July 4th holiday. The big news for us is that our annual fireworks display is changing locations. This year the fireworks will be shot from Thompson High School. The fireworks show will begin at 9 p.m. on Thursday, July 2nd. The new location will provide additional parking and increase the opportunity for those wishing to watch the show. The Summer months also brings our Friday night movies at Veterans Park. These are great family movies that everyone can enjoy. We also have the Alabaster Teen Council putting on events throughout the Summer of our teens to participate in. We have a lot of construction going on at two of our Parks. Abby Wooley and Veterans Park are getting some additions. If you haven't been out to either lately. There are now signs installed showing our progress. Hopefully construction will go smoothly, and we will be enjoying these new amenities soon. I want to close with a big thank you to our citizens. These are unprecedented times we are living in. So, thank you for supporting our local businesses. Thank you for supporting each other. Thank you for loving your neighbor. Thank you for loving your City. Scott
Sophie Martin | Ward 1 martin@cityofalabaster.com Progress continues in Ward 1. Two additional abandoned structures along Hwy. 11 are being demolished after a recommendation from the Abatement Board followed by approval from City Council. These dilapidated structures were deemed unsafe and eyesores in the community. Their removal will definitely be an enhancement in our community.
Speeding continues to be an issue in several areas of Ward 1. The safety of our residents remains one of my top priorities. I am working with the Alabaster Police Department and the safety committee on a solution for this problem. If you see someone speeding, please get a description of the car and if possible, the license plate number then call Alabaster police at 205.663.7401.
Work continues at Abby Wooley Park. New restroom facilities are being put in and at our recent council meeting new LED lighting was also approved. Additional work is still being scheduled and completed including new basketball courts, landscaping and other upgrades. For safety reasons, the park is closed until construction is complete.
Thank you to the organizers and to everyone who participated in the recent “Alabaster Strong!” unity march and rally. Alabaster sets the example of what a city should be – a community that cityofalabaster.com loves and cares for one another and lifts each other up. We must continue to work together to be part of the solution for equal justice as we move forward. We are Alabaster Strong!
Have a safe and happy July 4th! It is an honor to serve the City of Alabaster and the residents of Ward 1. If you have any questions or ideas regarding our city, please contact me at martin@ cityofalabaster.com.
Rick Ellis | Ward 2 ellis@cityofalabaster.com This is definitely a different kind of summer than we have had in past years. I have really missed events like City Fest, seeing kids play ball in our parks, going to baseball games and even being able to just watch games on TV.
We are coming up on one of my favorite holidays of the year, July 4th. I think that it is one of my favorite holidays because we get to take a break from our usually busy lives and remember how lucky we all are to live in a country where we have the rights and freedoms that we have. One of my favorite things to do for the Fourth is to take in a good fireworks show. This year our Alabaster fireworks show will be moved from the old location by Publix to the high school property. This event will be held on July 2nd this year. I hope that everyone gets to spend time with their family and friends, swim, eat bar-b-que and just celebrate that we are blessed to live in such a great country!
Happy Independence Day! Rick
Stacy Rakestraw | Ward 3 rakestraw@cityofalabaster.com I want to commend our community on the recent Unity Worship Service held at Larry Simmons Stadium, hosted by four local churches composed of diverse members who worshipped and prayed together for our city and nation. Residents praised the leadership of this event. Also, I am proud of the Chief of Police and our Alabaster Police Officers' willingness to have a constructive dialogue with our community and address concerns, along with the care they have put into our city. God has placed many precious friends in my life of different ethnicities and I am thankful for them and their children and how they have positively affected my family and the understanding of how God created us all in His image - that we are created uniquely and with a purpose in this world. We are all commanded to uphold justice and do what is right and I believe the majority of us do. When those who fall short of this and make grave, selfish mistakes, it hinders our society to reason and treat each other
as we are supposed to, which is deeply disheartening.
Census, Census, Census!! Have you seen the signs? Filling the Census out every ten years matters a great deal in the money we receive in our state for different projects, programs, and infrastructure from the federal government. It also can cost us a voice at the federal level in the US Senate and House of Representatives, based on our population. So please fill out your Census and encourage and help neighbors to do so.
The Alabaster Clean Sweep Shred-It and E-cycle event have been rescheduled, for the convenience of our residents, for October 10, 2020 at 10111 Hwy 119 from 8 a.m.-Noon. More details to come in the newsletter and on the city website of items that can be taken, and any cost required to destroy or take certain electronic equipment. Mark your calendars!
Please email or call me with concerns, problems or compliments for the city. My information is located on the back of this magazine. I look forward to helping and hearing from you. Happy Birthday, USA! Stacy
Greg Farrell | Ward 4 farrell@cityofalabaster.com The Council recently approved funds for the revitalization of Abbey Wooley Park. The project will replace existing structures and play areas that have been in need of major upgrades. The project will also allow for better lighting throughout the park. The City received grant money along with assistants from Shelby County.
I would like to congratulate Battalion Chief David Lash on reaching a milestone with the Alabaster Fire Department. Chief Lash has served with AFD for 35 years. Thank you, Chief Lash, for your dedication and service to the community.
Remember to visit the Farmers Market located behind City Hall every Saturday morning through August 1st. This is a great way to purchase products from local farmers and small businesses.
A little housekeeping here, as responsible dog owners, I want to remind everyone that the City does have a Leash Law. Roaming dogs pose a health and safety issue to not only the dogs but anyone how may come in contact with them. Thank you for your cooperation.
Russell Bedsole | Ward 5 bedsole@cityofalabaster.com Happy Independence Day Alabaster! As I have written so many times in the past, this holiday is one that has given me the most memories. From outdoor backyard celebrations to shooting fireworks with my little league teammates after a hot July baseball practice, this was always a holiday in my community as a kid that brought everyone together to celebrate as ONE. As I reflect on those memories there is so much irony considering what is happening in our country today. As you watch the news it seems like we are anything but ONE.
Let me share some really encouraging news! We are still ONE. Over the past few weeks I have had the pleasure of meeting so many of you as I make my way around Alabaster to earn your support for my candidacy for House District 49. Simple, quick conversations that I have had with so many of you show your love for your community and your fellow man. You have firmly rejected bias and racism and have expressed to me your support for our law enforcement community. It has made me proud to hear so many of you talk about an Alabaster that is ONE.
Are we all perfect? Do we all need to do less talking and more listening? We as human beings of all races are far from perfect, and we certainly could do a lot more listening to our fellow man. I can’t help but think back to our founding fathers as they dared to defy the King of England in an act that could have cost them their lives. In an act of solidarity to create a country made up of many states but unified as ONE, they each signed their names just below where these words were written, “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…” Happy Independence Day Alabaster! Russell
Kerri Pate | Ward 7 pate@cityofalabaster.com I want to start by saying thank you to our local leaders of faith that organized a unity event this month. It was so refreshing to see and feel our community all in one accord, united to listen and love our neighbors. My eyes are more open than ever to the fact that I am so blessed to have raised my family in such an inclusive community.
Today we learned from our state superintendent that school would resume in person this fall. It will most certainly look different and I know our school system will work hard to compile a plan that will continue to benefit each student, teacher and employee. I hope we can all remain positive and supportive of each other during these continued uncertain times.
This past month I’ve had the opportunity to work with the residents of Park Forest on some safety concerns. I am hopeful we are on the right path. As always, social media is such a great tool for information, but nothing replaces directly contacting someone and speaking with someone in person or on the phone. I appreciate you all for reaching out and giving me the opportunity to take these concerns back to the proper departments so we can hopefully get things resolved and controlled.
Grateful to serve you all. Please call or email me if you need anything. Kerri cityofalabaster.com