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Just Buy Her a Dress
Local author documents journey with postpartum OCD, and depression
After her journey with postpartum OCD, anxiety and depression, Amanda Gremillion wanted to use her story to help others.
“My journey almost destroyed my marriage, had me questioning my religious beliefs for the first time in my life, and had me praying not to wake up again,” Gremillion said. “That was 10 years ago now, and my marriage is stronger than ever and so am I.”
Gremillion wrote a book, “Just Buy Her A Dress and She’ll Be Fine: My Postpartum OCD, Anxiety and Depression Story,” which is now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle form and will be released as an audiobook in July.
The Thompson High School graduate said she did not get help for her depression until her daughter was two years old.
“People do not think postpartum mood disorders can last that long, but if untreated they sometimes can,” Gremillion said. “When my daughter was two, my husband left, and I finally lost it enough that I was no longer able to hide the symptoms from everyone. We eventually worked things out after being on and off again for about a year and half. During this time, I could not sleep so I would stay up writing down my thoughts until I could sleep, just to get them out of my head. This helped me to figure out what was wrong.”
Contributing factors such as pregnancy, the death of a relative, and daily life struggles also added to Gremillion’s struggles.
“I started Googling and began to think I might have postpartum depression,” Gremillion said. “I also had some of the conditions that can make postpartum depression more likely, including a family history of mental illness, a personal history with it, stressful life events, so I finally went to the doctor and to therapy for a short time.”
Gremillion said therapy was difficult for her to afford, even being considered middle class.
“I honestly could not afford therapy for as long as I probably needed it,” Gremillion said. “It is so expensive even with good healthcare. I did get on medication which was eventually life-changing for me.”
Other helpful things for Gremillion during her journey included joining a Facebook support group, joining a supportive Sunday School class at First Baptist Alabaster, exercising and resting more, and trying to have more work-life balance.
“The writing that I did also helped me to not only figure out what was wrong, but it helped me to heal,” Gremillion said. “It eventually turned into blogs. Many people I knew and even many strangers privately messaged me telling me how much it helped them to hear someone had gone through the same thing. Those blogs eventually turned into my book. I had wanted to write a book since I was a child, and now I finally had something to write about.”
The book was initially published in 2012 under the name, “This Isn’t the Kid I Ordered.”
Gremillion said she gave a lot of free copies away, and while some of the feedback was positive, she also received negative feedback from people that were closest to her.
“This is to be expected when you write a book, but I was not in a place yet to handle that, so I took a break from it
for a while to focus on my healing and my family,” Gremillion said. “I decided to re-publish it again in 2019 partially thanks to my daughter.”
Under a new name, Gremillion said feedback so far has been positive, and she hopes to help others possibly going through the same struggles.
Gremillion said many people do not talk about their struggles and can often feel alone in their journey.
“I just want anyone going through this to know, you are not alone, and you can get better,” Gremillion said. “A lot of people do not want to talk about it because it is depressing, which is why my book has some humor in it, and so do some of my blogs and posts on my pages. Learning to laugh about everything again was another step towards healing for me.”
For those interested, Gremillion’s book can be purchased on Amazon in Kindle or paperback format.
More information can be found at www.justbuyheradress. com, or themighty.com/u/ amandadodsongremillion.
At least 10 percent of the proceeds from her book will be donated to various charities and organizations in order to provide support and raise awareness for postpartum OCD, anxiety, depression and other postpartum mood disorders.
THE CHRISTIAN LIFE What does it mean to “Believe in Jesus?” “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16
Belief in the simplest form says that Jesus was the son of God and that his death on the cross was accepted for our sins. True faith in this represents the door to salvation. Those that come in are given eternal life and promised great joy eternally with God. This is all possible because the penalty for sin that we all owe was paid by Jesus for those who truly believe in Him. However, a closer look at the scriptures reveal belief as much deeper and identified with the Holy Spirit giving us a new heart that desires to please God. John 3:3-8. In Luke 14:25 Jesus confirms belief is more than just saying words when He warns to consider the cost before following him. He sums it up by saying those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples. Luke 14:33 Jesus’ last command is to go and make Disciples to do my commands. Matthew 28:19 Many see the Christian life as more about ignoring sin and resting on a foggy concept of grace, but belief in scripture describes discipleship. This is giving up our sins and anything that hinders us to obey God’s commands for a transformed life through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is becoming more and more common today to avoid this truth and make it as easy as possible to join the Church. It is being taught that belief and discipleship are two different things, however biblical belief is confirmed by discipleship.
John 2:23-24 Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people.
This passage shows Jesus rejecting belief without discipleship. We can understand why when they profess belief but make excuses for not doing

the work Jesus calls them to do. They will have time and money for their desires but not much for Jesus or his Church. When the Holy Spirit is given to a person their heart and mind are changed and you see the effects. Jesus explained this in John 3:8 and the first four beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-6. They become unsettled spiritually, remorseful over sin, increasingly meek or humbled and marked by a new hunger for righteousness. They begin to understand the depth of their sin and unworthiness and the great love Jesus showed in dying for them. They begin the journey of turning from sin to Godliness in faith. When our love for Jesus exceeds our love for our sins, we will obey Him. If you love me you will obey me. John 14:21 This is the belief the Holy Spirit gives to those that sincerely ask. Ask and it will be given to you; seek
and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew
7:7. Have you truly Believed? Evangel Church PCA –Alabaster - All are welcome! 205-664-0889 evangelchurchpca.org - Live webcast (See website)
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