ALABASTER HEALTH FAIR POSTPONED UNTIL SPRING 2021 The City of Alabaster cares about the health and safety of our residents and all Alabamians. In the best interest of the community, the Alabaster Health Fair originally scheduled for Saturday, August 15th is being rescheduled in the Spring 2021. Please look for more details in future editions of the Alabaster Connection and on the City of Alabaster’s website
AUGUST RESIDENTIAL BEAUTIFICATION WINNER Maxine & Eddy Kirkland 100 Old Spanish Trail Alabaster, AL This property is on a corner lot located in the Mission Hills subdivision. It is beautifully maintained with special care to edging and detail. Azaleas are in mulched beds across the front of the house. There are two beautiful plantings of white hydrangea and smaller plantings of annuals which provide color. This is truly a work of love and is an outstanding inspiration for this neighborhood.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES (ABRIDGED) Unabridged version of minutes and resolutions/ordinances can be found on the city webpage at June 1, 2020 at 7 PM Absent: Greg Farrell (4), Kerri Pate (7) A quorum was present. AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Resolution 060120 Authorizing Vehicle Purchase for Environmental Services Motion Passed 2. Resolution 060120-A Authorizing Purchase of Water Reclamation System for Waste Water Treatment Plan Motion Passed 3. Resolution 060120-B Granting an Easement Request from Alabama Power for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Motion Passed 4. *Ordinance 20-97 An ordinance to rezone property of Dewey and Louise Glass, Alabaster Water Board (now owned by Commercial Development Authority), Salvation Army (Georgia Corp) from B-3, Community Business District to B-3/Co, Community Business District/conditional
Motion Passed 5. *Ordinance 20-99 An ordinance to alter and rearrange the corporate limits of the City of Alabaster, Alabama Motion Passed 6. *Ordinance 20-100 An ordinance to repeal and replace previous Article IV. - Weeds Motion Passed 7. *Ordinance 20-101 An ordinance to repeal and replace previous Article II. – Health Nuisances Generally Motion Passed 8. *Ordinance 20-102 An ordinance of the City of Alabaster to modify Chapter 10, Civil Emergencies and to repeal all ordinances and parts of the ordinances of the City of Alabaster in conflict therewith Motion Passed The meeting adjourned at 7:19 PM.
June 15, 2020 at 7 PM Absent: Stacy Rakestraw (3) AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Resolution 061520 Authorizing Enterprise Fund Budget Adjustments Motion Approved 2. Resolution 061520-A Awarding Unit Bid for Wastewater Pumps and Control Panels for Environmental Services Department Motion Approved 3. Resolution 061520-B Authorizing Purchase of Handrails for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Motion Approved 4. Resolution 061520-C Grant Easement to AWB for Police Dept Building Project SR119 Motion Approved 5. Resolution 061520-D Awarding Bid for Renovation of Abby Wooley Park Motion Approved 6. Abby Wooley Park Easement Request Granting an easement for power
related to the Abby Wooley Park new restroom facility. Motion Approved 7. Resolution 061520-F Lighting Agreement with Alabama Power for Abby Wooley Park Motion Approved 8. Resolution 061520-G Authorizing a Lighting Agreement with Alabama Power for Lighting at Enclave at Cedar Grove Subdivision. Motion Approved 9. Resolution 061520-H Authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding for the 2020 Health Fair Motion Approved Council Meeting Adjourned at 7:47 PM * Public Hearing on these Items ** Set Public Hearing on these Items