9 minute read
Council Comments
Sophie Martin | Ward 1 martin@cityofalabaster.com I look forward to the next term with enthusiasm as we begin the next four years with our new mayor, Scott Brakefield, new councilmen, Jamie Cole and Seth Gandy, and the returning council. It is a privilege to serve with an outstanding team that has a strong vision for our residents and city - I know great progress is going to be made! If you or someone you know is living on a fixed income, customers of Alabaster Water or the City of Alabaster can apply for a reduced water and sewer bill, as well as exemption from paying garbage service. Customers can complete the application online at Alabasterwater.com or print off a copy and bring it to the main office. Applications are being accepted through December 31st. For questions or additional information, please call (205) 663-6155. 2020 has been a very challenging year, but when we look around, there are so many wonderful blessings for which to be thankful. I am truly grateful to have the honor to serve as your councilperson. I hope you and your family have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving. Sophie
Rick Ellis | Ward 2 ellis@cityofalabaster.com It’s hard to believe that it has been four years since I was sworn in as the councilman for Ward 2. I would like to thank everyone for trusting me with another four years to represent you. I am looking forward to working with our new Mayor, Scott Brakefield, the new members of the city council, Jamie Cole and Seth Gandy, as well as the returning members of the council. I am optimistic that this will be a good team to work hard for the city.
This time of year I like to remind everyone who may be living on a fixed income, open enrollment to apply for reduced rates with Alabaster Water Board begins November 1st and runs through December 31st. If you are currently participating, you should be receiving a reminder notice in the mail. If you are on a fixed income, are interested in this program, and need further information, there should be reminder notices on your bill, or you can visit Alabaster Water’s website at www.alabasterwater.com or call 205-663-6155.
This month is the beginning of the holiday shopping season. By staying close to home and doing your holiday shopping here in Alabaster, you are helping to support city services as well as supporting Alabaster City Schools. Shop Alabaster First!
As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at ellis@cityofalabaster.com.
I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving with friends and family! Stay Safe! Rick cityofalabaster.com Stacy Rakestraw | Ward 3 rakestraw@cityofalabaster.com First, I would like to thank all the U.S. Military Veterans and wish them a Happy Veterans Day. You and your service are invaluable. Five Carter Kits™ Sensory Bags have been donated to the Alabaster Police Department. The kits contain items known to comfort and appropriately focus children who are on the autism spectrum, as well as many other children who occasionally find themselves overwhelmed or otherwise impacted by traumatic events. Thank you, Angel Warrior Foundation. Lacey’s Grove community, please drive the speed limit or lower in your neighborhood. Until the second entrance is complete – and the developer is currently working on this project now – the residents, police, and I ask for you to take your time as you drive in and out of the subdivision for the safety of all. And it is the LAW that you STOP for all school buses loading and unloading children. The City submitted our grant application to ALDOT for the safe railroad crossing improvements. The following crossings were applied for: 6th Ave (near buck Creek Park), 11th Ave (by City Hall), 2nd Place/ CR 44 (by the current Police Station), Fulton Springs (near the limestone plant), and CR 17, 1 st Ave -CR 44 (near Siluria Brewing). All the improvements will add crossing bars and the one by City Hall will include additional pedestrian improvements. There have been many questions as to why the City is building Thompson High School a new sign. We are not. These funds are from the school's budget where an excess of money was saved by ACS refinancing bonds at a lower interest rate. The funds can only be used on capital projects. After their list of capital projects were put in order of priority there was enough money to build a sign. One that is much needed. Congratulations to the Thompson High School Football team for their Region 3 Championship win against Hoover. We look forward to seeing you win State. Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels to all. Stacy
Greg Farrell | Ward 4 farrell@cityofalabaster.com Last month the Council awarded bids for the long-awaited new Police Headquarters. The bid was awarded to the Argo Building Group. The bid came in under budget of what the Council had budgeted for. This bid will also cover a new street scape for 11th Ave, which will enhance the entrance for the Police Headquarters, along with the Senior Center and City Hall. It will also include paving the gravel area behind City Hall. I would like to thank everyone for their hard work on seeing this project through.
I would like to congratulate Jamie Cole for winning the Ward 5 council seat during last month’s run-off. I am confident that he will represent the citizens of Ward 5.
As Veteran’s Day approaches, let us all give thanks and show our gratitude to our service men and women of the military. Let us not forget the sacrifices that they have made for our freedoms. With the shopping season beginning for the holidays, remember to shop local and don’t forget the small businesses as well.
I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
Jamie Cole | Ward 5 cole@cityofalabaster.com When I first announced my run for council back in the summer, I promised I would stick to the mantra I chose to represent the campaign: "For Ward 5, For Alabaster." The idea is that we would approach issues from the perspective of what we are FOR, not what we're AGAINST.
As I go through the various orientation sessions, meet new people at City Hall, and join friends I have known and worked with on various community projects over the years, I have some time to reflect. Even with the competitive nature of a campaign and the fact that we had three candidates in our ward who were all very different, there was never a negative word between us, even when we had to endure a runoff. Our neighbors, the voters, kept things positive as well. It was as clean a campaign as one could dream up, really, and that has allowed us to become friends and partners moving forward, and to collaborate on what we are FOR. I am appreciative of Mike Mehlhoff and Ransom Crowe for their willingness to serve.
Next, I am thankful for a family that believes in public service. My wife, Charissa, has served our city's kids for decades as a teacher and administrator; I often describe her role as principal at Creek View Elementary as "the mayor of a small town comprised completely of children," and she is a source of endless inspiration. My son, Sully, is right there every step of the way, too.
Finally, I have so many neighbors who supported me in so many ways, from coming out to vote to providing personal endorsements to full-on campaigning. I'm beyond grateful. I can't wait to serve you guys. #ForWard5 #ForAlabaster
Seth Gandy Ward 6 | City Council President gandy@cityofalabaster.com Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I appreciate everyone who came out and voted in this past election. I am eagerly looking forward to serving this City and the citizens of Ward 6, as well as working with Mayor Brakefield and the other council members. It is truly is an honor and a blessing to be able to serve. I believe a great team has been put together to continue moving Alabaster in a positive direction. On the campaign I was blessed to see many new faces as well as old ones. Most important was the opportunity to listen to your concerns and ideas. These thoughts and ideas are valued, and I hope you continue to share them. Over the next four years, it is my goal to be able to accomplish and promote as many of these as possible: Promote responsible residential and commercial growth; See phase 1 of Hwy 119 complete and begin planning for the remainder of Hwy 119 to be completed all the way to Veterans Park; Support the Alabaster City School System; Improve the quality of life through the support of the Parks and Recreation Department in order to connect trails, build a recreational center and look at the possibility of an entertainment district Information and updates will be shared through this monthly newsletter, the city website and my Facebook page: Seth Gandy, Alabaster City Council- Ward 6. Please go like this page. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at gandy@ cityofalabaster.com.
Kerri Pate | Ward 7 pate@cityofalabaster.com Nothing has slowed down as we have been preparing for the transition of leadership in our city. We have had some of the hardest agendas that I have seen in my 4 years. One reason for that has been proposals for new developments and preparation for that whether it be commercial or residential. As many of you may know that I also serve on our Planning & Zoning Commission and have for about 7 years. Recently, we received from a developer a rezoning request for property located at the southwest corner of Butler and Mission Hills Rds. Current zoning is B-3 community business (ex. Gas station, dry cleaners, etc) mixed with R-7 townhomes. This developer requested it be rezoned to R-4 which is garden home district, their proposal is to build a little over 100 homes, 2,000 sq. ft. and larger. Most times when we are able to “up-zone” land to a lesser density and a more desirable use, we try to do so. We did approve this request and it will be sent to council for approval and would be a year or more before it would begin. We knew the land would be developed one day,, the day has come, and our job is to make sure it is done so responsibly. I feel single family homes are better than businesses and townhomes for our area. Being in this season of Thanksgiving I want you all to know that it is my honor to serve you for 4 more years with a grateful, open heart and a willingness to listen. Be well my friends and Happy Thanksgiving