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Calendar of State Papers 1592–96
ht tps://archive.org/details/1890calendarofstatep05greauof t Carrickfergus Book (1911): Carrickfergus Urban District Council Records of Ti tle of the Corporate Proper t y 1911. ht tps:// issuu.com/meabc/docs/carrickfergus_book_complete Carrickfergus and District Historical Journal: Published by the Carrickfergus and District Historical Societ y. M‘Skimin (1909): The Histor y and Antiquities of the County of the Town of Carrickfergus, Samuel M‘Skimin. New edi tion, wi th notes and appendix by K J M‘Crum, F.R.S. A. Belfast: Mullan & Son, James Cleeland, Davidson & M‘Cormack. 1909 edi tion: ht tps://archive.org/details/histor yantiqui ti00mcskiala/page/n7/mode/2up Memoirs of Ireland: Ordnance Sur vey, Memoirs of Ireland, Parishes of Count y Antrim,1832, 1839–40, Carrickfergus, ed. Angélique Day and Patrick McWilliams. Repor t of the Deputy Keeper: Eig hteenth Repor t of the Deput y Keeper of the Public Records in Ireland, 1886. ht tps://archive.org/download/op1251954-1001/op1251954-1001.pdf Repor ts From Commissioners (1835): Repor ts From Commissioners 1835; Sixteen Volumes: — Contents of the Eig hth Volume. Corporations (Ireland): Appendix to Municipal Corporations, Ireland. Par t II. ht tps:// books.goog le.co.uk/ books?id=lksSA A A AYA A J Young (1896): Historical Notices of Old Belfast and its Vicinity, Rober t M Young, Marcus Ward & Co., Limi ted, Belfast, 1896. ht tps://archive.org/download/historicalnotice00youn/historicalnotice00youn.pdf