15 minute read
General Index
1600 powers etc. —can imprison disorderly persons 17 —ensure men have access to weapons 17 —responsi ble for street cleaning 17 ¿confirmed (1657) 46 1624 new appointees to bring in their plate or be fined 37 1681 listed according to seniori t y 74 1791 refused to be sworn into of fice 105
duration must be 7 or more years 46 indentures —to be entered in town records (1657) 46 — various recorded 24–27,64,65 bourgasse/ burgadge [‘burgage’, a long town plot wi th narrow front] 11,12
1668 t wo request retirement due to age 64 1681 listed according to seniori t y 74 1690 one elected against mayor’s wishes 76 butlers [weapons? soldiers?] 5
church (St Nicholas)
1575 donations for, (see finances/audi ts) 7 1590 deput y appointed to collect ti thes 12 1678 —clock and dial set up 63 —mor t. clothes delivered to 63 —sword and standard inside refurbished 66 coram [‘before’] see records of assembly 1–17
agreements etc. recorded —1574 proper t y from Thomas Lugge by estreat returned to grandson John 106 —1592 lease of land ( incomplete record) 12 —1598 sale of an interest in mills lying outside the West Gate 106 —1613 exchange of land & money for half share in house etc 35 —1635 ¿lease houses in West Street 109 ¿lease plot west side Cheston’s L ane 109 ¿set tlement of proper t y on son on occasion of his marriage 106 —1638 proper t y in trust for daug hter on her marriage, & his other children 106 —1643 sale many tracts of land for £400 106 —1650 lease of 300 acres, rent to be abated if war prevents profi ts 106 —1652 above lease re-assigned wi th consent of landlord
—1656 discharge of a mor tgage —1657 sale of various tracts of land for £185
—1661 lease of tenements
—1662 ¿deed of feof fment in trust for wife and daug hters ¿qui t for ever any claim against the corporation —1664 let ter of at torney regarding lands in co. Westmeath 106
—1666 ¿deposi tion regarding money paid in 1650 for a widow & her children 55 ¿unsuccessful at tempt by town to seize proper t y to cover unpaid rent 55 ¿bond for £100 56 —1667 bond for £120 59 —1669 lease of house 110 — . . . . sale of t wo parcels of land 110 —1671 ¿bonds for money lef t to the poor ·£20 by John Mat thews 67 ·£6 by Richard Johnston 67 —1677 set tlement of various proper ties on son 110 —1678 bond for £115 10s 78 —1683 deed of conveyance 110 —1720 release of bond for £70 87 —1740 bond for £100 111 cases before —1569 cullerably defrauded HM Customs and town 1 —1575 disobedience, contempt and misdemenour 6 —1576 seller y, and false conspiracy of death 9 —1580 uncer tain, perhaps debt 11 —1581 false claim over quar ter bourgasse 11 —1599 controversy over inheri ted house 15 —1614 of fences in exercise of of fice of Sherif f 35 —1650 failure of lessor to sign lease despi te being paid 43 —1665 incursion of buildings unto land 53 —1666 incursion of wall unto land 54 —1667 fences: occupier maintains head and rig ht-hand ones 59 —1668 common bat ter y 67
—1682–83 only one case of trial by jur y 76 costs, whole charged for actions valued over 30s, half for those below (1574) 5 guardians, appointed for heirs and repor t on estate (1651) 44 noise in, fines for (1574) 4 warrants (some only examples) —1671 to sherif fs for seizing goods in lieu of outstanding debt 68 —1739 ¿to J.D., (water-bailif f ?), for seizing and securing all recent wrecks 78 ¿to J.H., constable, for collecting and levying public money 84 —1740 to constables ¿for summoning a jur y to check weig hts and measures 84 ¿for summoning populace to have their weig hts and measures checked 84
St Nicholas church used before 1593 12 Castle Worroug h used 1593 onwards 12 curia tenta [‘cour t held’] see records of assembly 1–17
audi ts —1578–1579 spending on church 9,10,11 —1577–1589 spending on defences 10,11 —1595 accounts of of ficials and others 14 —1644 commissioners appointed to audi t & oversee town’s finances 42 bargains, town —1576 debtors to pay double if do not set tle on time 8 —1600 merchants may not sell share of town bargain to a freeman’s wife, ser vant, or factor 17 —1603 Greg. Nor ton joins MÑ Hooper in making of until Michalmas 1604 24 charges, contingent, for gaoler and sacramental elements (1739) 84 customs (HM), town’s one-third share of —1606 mayor to receive 34 —1624 town to receive, not mayor 36 —1624 collectors appointed ¿Richard Mather in October, to have £4 per annum, died in November 39 ¿Rober t Pulhame in his stead wi th same stipend 39 —1640 g iven up to Crown in exchange for £3,000 to trustees to buy land for town 40 —1659 demand that trustees account for this £3,000 and interest (failed) 48 debtors —1577 forg iveness 10 —1595 long-term, Charles Eger ton, Moyses Hill, Andrewe Russell 15 —1659 town members should lend money so debtors can be sued 49 income —collectors for town appointed ·1572 John Flood & CornelÒ O Cahan 2 ·1624 Cornell O’ Kane 38 —1601 revenue determined quar terly & collected by mayor’s warrant 18 —1601 collection has been neg lected, mayor will issue warrant on failure 18 —1601 duties on wine for stipends, on grain and malt for upkeep of quay 18 —1601 all to be recorded by mayor of Trenetie Yeild and used for town 18 —1624 sherif fs no longer to collect the rents and revenue of the town, 37 —1624 town’s one-third share of HM Customs taken from mayor 36 —1640 town’s one-third share of HM Customs g iven up to Crown 40 —1660 trustees appointed to receive money from collectors 50 —1677 sherif fs to collect all fines and apply them to the town’s use 71 —1739 example warrant to constable for collecting public money 84 outgoings —1659 excessive due to mayors’ large stipends, great interest on debts, etc 48 —1659 money for town’s use to be kept by honest men to only pay on order 48 —1660 trustees only to pay on warrant from aldermen and Commons 50 —1677 payment bonds only to be issued in a quar terly assembly 72 —1677 warrants for issuing of revenue to be signed monthly in open cour t 72 problems —1659 town in debt, many reasons 49–50 —1659 valuable bonds held by trustee now deceased, must be retrieved 49 stipends and fees —1624 Richard Brooks, for banishing strange beggars etc, 30s per annum 37
—1740 (ca.) dockets of fees for several of ficers of the town 82
—mayor ¿1601 stipend set to £20 and share of customs if the fines and taxes on wine exceed a cer tain value but he must not sell wine, ale or spiri ts 18 ¿1608 stipend of £20 to continue until Michaelmas next 19 ¿1659 stipend previously excessive, now £30 as town in poor condi tion 48 ¿1663 aldermen and Commons agree the limi t of £30 should continue 51 ¿1664 to be allowed some fines as £30 not suf ficient for expenses 52 ¿1677 allowed no more than 20s per annum out of fines 71 —sergeants 40s per annum (1606) 35 —sherif fs ¿1606 allowed 20s per annum and usual perquisi tes 34 ¿1624 ·must pay cost of filing own accounts 37 ·stipend and expenses removed 37 —sword-bearer ¿1666 £5 fixed per annum until town can af ford more 55 —town clerk ¿1624 to receive a stipend again, also the fees to which he is enti tled 38 ¿1666 £4 stipend removed 55 treasurer —1579 mayor could account for his year if treasurer the year following 8 —1601 mayor is town treasurer in third year af ter his mayorali t y 80 —1624 William Cloug h appointed 38 —1636 Roger Lyndon appointed 39 —1681 of ficers of exchequer repaid costs of passing their accounts 73
1569 fee payable on taking oath 2 1576 dinner to town on being elected 7 1576 t wo to be made privy to finances 8 1600 forbidden to trade —if made Provost Marshall 16 —if not a member of the “Trenetie Yeild” 17 1657 elig i ble if finished apprenticeship, by rig ht of bir th, or pay at least £10 46 1658 must pay any fines owing if elected 47 1683 eig ht elected 75 1757 “ouster men” elected 102
arable land, division of —1595 none, M‘Skimin wrong —1601 „ „ „ 128
—1603 first, list of recipients 28,29 —1606 second, list of recipients 29,30 boundaries —1594 peti tion to Crown regarding land and defences ¿William Lymsey and Humfer y Johnston to bring to Eng land 13 ¿text, and reply to Lord Burg hley 125–127 ¿first description of town limi ts 120,127 ¿let ter from Crown obtained, then of ficial commission from Dublin 13 ¿landowners’ charges to cover cost ·1595 what existing freemen owe 14 ·1601 what new freemen will owe if they wish a share in the land 22,23 —1601 sur vey ordered by Elizabeth I 19 ¿Gef fer y Fenton, Sur veyor, appointed John Jephson as his deput y 20 ¿ jur y consti tuted and verdict g iven 21 ¿irrespective of verdict, existing legal deeds to land will be accepted 21 —south-westerly ¿discussion of 119–124 ·Clog hlog hor tie 123–124 ·M‘Skimin’s Silverstream error 121–122 burgesses’ share, in town and out 80 common land —1659 remaining 1,500 acres, to continue free for use of town 50 —1677 turf from ¿none to be cut wi thout licence 72 ¿t wo loads out of t went y reser ved for corporation 72 —1747 ¿to let all except 200 acres to be enclosed for turf, and super vised 86 ¿above cancelled, 1659 ruling to stand 87 leases —1576 William Piers excused rent until Michaelmas 9 —1593 granted in West Street on condi tion build wi th lime and stone 12 —1659 all rent and arrears should be paid and failure not be tolerated 48 —1659 review of rent roll and leases should be under taken 50
named —Bot toms, the 108
—Clog hlog hor tie —Cregnisheimag h 119–124
—Crooked Garden 110 —Earl’s Meadow 22,120–121,123–124,127 —Garden Komman 45 —Gillin’s Acres 110 —Lyndon’s Garden 78 —Ping le, the 111 —Woodborne 28–32,119,120,122,124, 125,127
1601 to be successively mayor; mayor of Staple; Master of “Treni t tie Yeelde” & Guild of Merchants; town treasurer 17 1677 William Hill presents scarlet gown 63 1740 (ca.) dubious asser tions1 —may appoint up to 16 aldermen, 24 burgesses, 1 sherif f 79 —is Custos Rotulorum—first Justice of the Peace and keeper of records 80 —has privilege of receiving tongues of all cat tle killed for sale on Fridays 80 —successively mayor; mayor of Staple; Master of Guild of Merchants; and town treasurer 80
militar y
1573 Captain Smi the & men lef t the town which was then at tacked and burnt 3 1573 Earl of Essex and others arrived 3 1575 Rathlin islanders killed 6 1575 some townsmen and soldiers killed 6 1672 war declared vs the States General of Uni ted Provinces of Low Countries 69 1688 some newly-raised unarmed troops arrived and were supplied 76 1690 King William landed from the Mar y yacht and lef t for Belfast 76 1739 —foundation of of ficers’ foot barracks laid78 —war declared against the King of Spain 87
militia/company of foot
1666 mayor to raise, train, and captain i t 58 1667 ever y private soldier to be paid 6p per day when on exercise 58 1670 castle-keeping entrusted to during army rendezvous at the Currag h 62 1671 only 62 men turned out when command transferred to new mayor 66
1 Richard Dobbs wrote that these asser tions in Richard
Gill’s wri ting were wi thout authori t y,
altercations —physical 3,5,7,13,33,63
— verbal 1,4,6,13,32,34,35,45,54,63 cullering of non-freeman’s goods 1 disobedience to civil directive 2,4,6,24,34 incorrect measures of ale found 5 mutiny —in the assembly ¿1607, July 33 ¿1607, August 34 —of troops ¿1576 of at least some 7 ¿1666 of the garrison 62 resisting arrest 63 scolding 4
1682 death of Lord Marquess of Antrim 75 1739 Beer Looms & Fairfurlongs, limi ts of mayor’s authori t y over wrecks defined 78
monetar y system
Irish/current money Ireland 2,32,33,34,35 new standard of Ireland 24 of Eng land 1,2,9,11,15,26,35,38 sterling 1–111
apolog ise 1,4,6,36,54,63 banished from town (1576) 7 deprived of —freedom of the town for ¿1569 defrauding customs 1 ¿1569 non-residence 1 ¿1600 arrest of mayor and suing him 16 ¿1665 verbal altercation wi th mayor 54 —of fice for ¿1607 misdemeanours and outrages, alderman 34 ¿1607 mutiny, forespeaker of the Commons 34 ¿1614 for of fences in of fice, sherif f 35 ¿1656 for execrable speech, alderman 45 executions, Sir Brian MÂPhellime and
Rowr y Ogg MÂQuillin 6 house arrest 24,35,45 imprisonments 2,3,4,16,24,33,36,54,63,65 —mayor commi t ted to common gaol wi th town chest by enemy (1689) 77 pay —bloodshed1 5 —fines 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,16,32,33,34,36,53,63,65
1 This seems to have been a fine collected by an of ficial, e.g., the water-bailif f, if blood was shed in a fig ht.
pillor ying 7 scolds, to be drawn behind boat or caged 4 whipping 7
recorders appointed
1593 William Lymsey at stipend of £20 12 1602 Thomas Hi bbotes, Exchange,
Master, also freeman 23 1636 William Sambach, also freeman 88 ¿1639 made Roger Lyndon his deput y 41 1656 Roger Lyndon deput y recorder 45 1663 Audley Mer vin chosen but did not take up the posi tion 51 1665 James Dobbin deput y recorder in
July, Roger Lyndon the same in Sept. 53 1671 John Lyndon 66 1739 Edward Lyndon ex-recorder 78 1739 G. S. 84 1740 Henr y Gill deput y recorder 85 1757 Edward Smy th 102 1759 John Ludford 103 1765 George Hamilton 103 1778 Barr y Yelver ton 104 scott and lott [a propor tionate contri bution or tax] 1
refusal to take oath of of fice —1665 Andrew Willoug by 53 ¿1668 he sued town over goods which i t seized in lieu of unpaid fine 63 —1671 John Jolan, fine £7, used to clean town clock and clock house 65 tipler [licenced ale-seller] must provide t wo beds for strangers and stabling for four horses (1569) 1
assembly —Common’s suggestions for dealing wi th: ¿1576 advancing the common weal 8 ¿1659 town’s poor finances 49–50 —days of meeting ¿1576 quar terly 8 ¿1657 monthly 46 —places of meetings ¿1569 St Nicholas church June and July 1 ¿1569 town house December onwards (location later of ten omi t ted) 1
bell —1624 town’s first, bellfounder made freeman, town supplies necessi ties 37 —1671 re-cast 66 char ters —extracts from 113,119,121–123 —taken to Dublin & returned (1667) 62 chest, for town’s records —1603 obtained, has three locks 24 —1747 three new locks and keys 85 —1835 ¿histor y and contents recorded 115 ¿key holders 113–114 ¿recorded openings 114 child, For tunatas Carrickfergus, to be put to apprenticeship (1677) 72 defences, improving —1572 on sea side of houses 2 —1574 vamour of sods around the town 4 —1575 wall along sea side (agreed) 7 —1575? built by Mr L ackforde 128 —1658 wall collapsed near the pond, town to rebuild wi thout prejudice 47 destruction, by fire, (1573) 3 elections —1640 no one in debt to town may stand unless covered by bond 41 ¿1659 demand that this be enforced 49 —1658 for mayor, irregulari ties noted, such elections will be held void 47 —1677 mayor and deput y mayor not to stand in year af ter their of fice 72 —1718 cer tificate of, sent to Dublin 77 —1740 copy of 1711 deposi tion, freemen who voted for Edward Clements1 79 —results: see in record & pages 88–105 fairs, no taxes to pay to encourage at tendance (1678) 72 fish shambles erected (1576) 7 garrison, cost of to town (1594) 126 humble address to Charles II (1682) 75 incorporation of 113 pavements repaired —1574 5 —1677 63,71 pier, damage to and occupation of 6 pensions —1658 Mathew Johnston, alderman, £10 47 —1658 Ralph Hillman, Burgess, £4 47 peti tion —1666 Francis Fowell and wife ask pay no taxes due age (rebated by half ) 57
1 See David Hay ton, Ruling Ireland, 1685-1742: Politics,
Politicians and Parties, page 202, for information about a dispute bet ween Edward Clements and Samuel Davys.
records —books of proceedings in chest ¿t wo from September 1765 ¿one May to September 1787 —list directed to be made (1747) —lost before 1569 116
returns of men aged sixteen to sixt y —1681 four hundred and ninet y six 73 —1692 four hundred and sixt y four 77 roads and streets —1575 householders to clean their par t of street 7 —1671 way from Nor th Street to the church yard was paved 66 —1683 roads repaired despi te poor summer 76 —1740 stone bridges replacing wooden 111 rules, for towns etc, made in 1672, and copied by mayor into records in 16831 76 sea wrack or tang le, cut ting of prohi bi ted except by licence (1740) 85 securi t y —1574 ¿curfew, anyone on street af ter bell rung may be apprehended 3 ¿house owners in town answerable to the watch 3 ¿watch, strengthened, five to the stand and t wo to the search 3 staple, the 9,13,17,18,24,49,60,80, town clerk appointed —1602 Dudley Yer wor the 23 —1666 Hug h Smi th 56 —1667 Hug h Smi th (new election well documented per char ter 10 James I) 60 water supply —1665 mayor ordered door of stable nailed up to stop pollution of river 54 —1671 ¿town built a wall to bring water throug h the church yard 66 ¿donor paid for a pump for the town 66 —1677 water carried to Thoulsall ‘and back again’ 63
1576 expor t, of hides, temporarily prohi bi ted unless town bargain 9 1601 taxes imposed on various i tems 18 1659 reduced due to neg lect of the
Staple 49
1 Omi t ted by Richard Dobbs as they were available in the 3Ã vol. of the Irish Statutes page 229.
1600 freemen forbidden to allow foreigners and soldiers to sell wine etc 17 1600 merchants may not sell their share of a town bargain to a freeman’s wife, ser vant, or factor 17 1593 restrictions on unless a merchant of the Staple 13
1574 assaulted and threatened —March by Thomas MÂCarroull 5 —July by Lewis Jones 3 1739 warrant to J.D., (water-bailif f ?), for seizing and securing all recent wrecks 78 1740 (ca.) duties and privileges set out (as established in 1550 by the Lord Hig h
Admiral) 81 John Lugg 3,141