2 minute read

Improving customer engagement and service delivery by enhancing Council’s use of information technology



• Our services will be more effective and efficient, providing greater satisfaction and value for money for ratepayers.

• Digital transformation will lead to improved management reporting and will support better and more informed decision-making.

• The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the need for greater flexibility in delivering online services. ICT can be used as a driving tool to minimise face-to-face scenarios and help ensure our services are more accessible.

• Our Household Survey (2018) found that 39% of residents said they would like to be able to report a problem online, 37% would like to book activities, 27% would like to buy tickets and 22% would like to pay bills*14

Who is responsible?

• Interim Director of Corporate Services


What you will see

Our aim How are we doing so far this year?

Our aim How are we doing so far this year?

The continued implementation of Council’s Agile Framework, through delivery of a number of citizen-focused projects to include:

The annual review of Council budgets, as part of the rates setting process, has caused this project to be paused.

A redesign of Council’s website, developed from user experience feedback (Phase 3).

Further information regarding the viability, scope, potential efficiencies and implementation of the project is due to be presented to Council’s Senior Management Team following the completion of the rate setting process.

As of the end of December 2022, the tender specification for the Council’s corporate website and ‘The Braid’ was finalised and is ready to be published online pending the outcome of the review.

An expansion of the Automated Customer Call System into an additional service area.

This project has been paused and further information regarding the viability, scope, potential efficiencies and implementation of the project is due to be presented to Council’s Senior Management Team following the completion of the rate setting process.


How we will measure progress

A minimum of 4 digital projects completed by March 2023. 2 projects are complete; however, 2 have been paused for review.

*¹⁴ Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Household Survey 2018.

The implementation of the new Northern Ireland Planning Portal for Mid and East Antrim.

The new ‘Planning Portal’ went ‘live’ on 5 December 2022, with 100% of applications now being processed via the portal.

The Full Fibre NI project has now been completed, with Council availing of £1.5m investment from Government, as part of a successful local government consortium bid.

The digital transformation of at least one customerfacing service.

As of the end of December 2022, fibre cabling has been installed in various locations across the borough and local residents and businesses now have the option of upgrading their homes or businesses to high-speed broadband.

Cabling has also been installed in all Council community centres and procurement of internet routers has taken place to allow the centres to avail of the high-speed broadband. Council’s ICT team are working with suppliers to finalise installation.

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