Talon Newsletter 2005

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Meadowridge School’s Alumni Newsletter



issue 6

june 2005 Celebrating 19 years of quality education for children.

Meadowridge Gets Fit for Life


magine an entire P.E. class of Meadowridge students working out in a state-of-theart fitness centre on campus. Imagine students rotating through a circuit of exercises safely improving their strength and conditioning. Imagine students using chest and shoulder presses, leg machines, rowing machines, spinning bikes, and dumbbells in an athletic atmosphere that supports self-growth and builds the confidence and fitness levels of students. One no longer needs to imagine these possibilities, as they are now a reality for Meadowridge students. Meadowridge opened its new fitness centre on Tuesday, March 29 - the first day of class after Spring Break - with a special assembly. There was a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open the new facility that features a line of Cybex strength equipment, Concept Two rowing machines, spinning bikes, and two racks of dumbbells. In total, there are 16 stations arranged in a circuit-training format to provide students from Grades 8-12 with a total body workout. In addition to the strength and cardio equipment, the fitness centre has a powerful 28,000 BTU air conditioning unit and an assortment of supplementary equipment including ladders, plyometric boxes, core strength balls, and neoprene dumbbells. A striking five-foot square mural of the sports gryphon completes the room and makes an indelible impression on all who enter. The fitness centre is the product of much thoughtful planning, research, and careful implementation over the past year. In the spring of 2004, I submitted a detailed proposal to Administration for a proposed fitness centre. The need for a fitness centre arose for two main reasons: (1) the need to improve the basic physical fitness of Meadowridge students, which has many beneficial spin-offs for both students’ health and academics; and (2) the loss of gym time throughout the school year due to special events. A study on the loss of instructional time showed that the gym was out of bounds to P.E. classes between 30-35 instructional days a year, which presented a major obstacle to providing a quality P.E. program. The new fitness centre will become a staple of the P.E. program from Grades 8-12. Contrary to popular misconception, students as young as 12-13 years of age can safely use weights in training given age appropriate limits on the amount of weight they can push and the number of sets they can complete. There is overwhelming research that supports the health benefits to be gained by students from appropriate, safely conducted weight-

training programs. To augment the use of the facility, Rosalin Hanna from West Coast Kinesiology was contracted to write a progressive, age-appropriate fitness program for the Secondary students based around our new facility. Secondary staff are also currently undergoing professional development in fitness knowledge and weight training to ensure supervision of students is of the highest quality. Finally, a number of training resources have been purchased to support the teaching and learning of the students in our new fitness centre. As Director of Athletics I would like to acknowledge the staff members who assisted me with the implementation of the fitness centre –Julie Bournival, Jim Davies, Jada MacGregor, Christine Bickle, Don Hincks, Stephen Olah, Tamara Warner, Tricia Grzybowski, and Brent Barkhouse. Their willingness to meet after school on their own time and contribute expertise and insight was greatly appreciated. I would like to thank our Headmaster, Hugh Burke, whose support was critical, and Rhys Clarke, who voluntarily agreed to move the drama program and DFT classes to the stage for the remainder of this year so that the fitness centre could become a reality now. I would also like to thank the Gala committee and all the parents who attended the Gala. Approximately 80% of the funding for the fitness centre came from monies raised at the Gala. Finally, I would like to thank the Kempe family whose $2,500 donation to athletics has also been used for this project. The fitness centre is concrete evidence that the money parents give to the school goes directly into facilities and resources that benefit their children. It has been gratifying to see the fitness centre come to fruition. Thank you. Gordon MacIntyre, Director of Athletics

Bound for Baja


ow, what an amazing experience! Mexico was by far the best ‘educational’ fieldtrip I have ever experienced. We had a huge, 90 foot, ship appropriately named ‘La Fiesta’ and an awesome crew. Every day we relaxed in the hot Mexican sun as we carried out different adventures. Each day consisted of traveling to a different beautiful beach. We’d then take the pangas (small boats) to the beaches were we would explore the vast cactus forests, went beach combing, sun tanned, snorkeled or playing frisbee with a cap. Upon returning from the beaches, we would be blessed with an amazing lunch prepared by the fabulous cooks on board the ship. After lunch, the students could tan on the top deck of the ship, sleep in the hammocks, play cards (primarily Kent) or, most importantly, do homework...not. See related story on page page 5.

La Fiesta estuve una fiesta muy fantastica!

the visitorsgallery Constence Hsu & Daniel Tong Marie Payne

Jocelyn Shih & Billy Yu Thea Nolitt & Jessica Price

under arrest The Burgess Family Riyaz Abdulla ShafďŹ n Mawani Bill Davies

t u o y a w m o r f s e t o N e r e h t

y way Dear Ever yone! eler as I have made m av tr a of e lif le ib ed cr ing the in My lans have taken an r. do Basically I have been liv ua Ec to lly na fi d atamala an taking a l traveled d an from Mexico, through Gu h, is an Sp ng yi ud ing towards st interting course- slant route. l the famous “El Nariz De ht ug ca e er th om fr d to Riobamba an ous rail construction er ng da Two weeks we traveled t os m e th ly ed vil) train. Report t loss of life to the t ea gr e Diablo” (nose of the de th ed m ai cl at a tragic histor y th ists and in the world, and with ack is now open to tour tr e th of n io rt po a , rs c n worke e most touristy experien indigenous constructio th of e on as w It ! of ro sit on the ng we were bundled in ni or you have the option to m e th in 6 at g in e trip- arriv ed it- gringos! We gu u yo I have had in my entir of ll fu y ett pr as 7 the train top w t to wave, or beg for ou n ra n our warmt wear. By re ild ch ay w e hills and along th tops. Saw headed into the rolling king along the carriage al w ly us io ar  pr ile if the sold  ed pie of bread out as candi ich a vendor ew ch lf ha a w re th an d as a m e side, littering the fields th er the worst of gringo attitu ov e ag rb ga r ei th w ile others thre ed over a ricky bridge p children were dogs,  st ju d ha e W s. tt and cigarette bu and the train jerked se oi n ng with their water bottl di in gr le ib rr en there was a ho e crew had some th as e in ut and rounded a corner  ro ly ir fa as later ! Aarently this w ck on track. 20 minut to a stop- off the tracks ba n ai tr e th r ve le to ce of ols at hand aiting the upcoming fa rudimentary looking to aw n io at id ep tr in t sa h tum and I cliff, and from our perc r ee we swayed into momen sh e th up h rt fo d itched back an . We made it down to w lo be El nariz. The tracks sw  fe of s nd sa ou d see the river th ain. Lonely Plan ag ks ac tr e we could lean over an th off e er w uldn’t believe it, we the river and then I co hing about this... hadn’t mentioned anyt d maybe the Amazon an s go pa la Ga sit vi to Cuenca, we hope Future lans following to Peru. jungle before heading in


Excerpted from the travel reportage of Autumn Phipps, Art Teacher 2001-2004

Hello e



I wish I could Gather attend ing ne the Al xt wee um schedu kend, le won‛t b ut allow m travel n e the t orth. I ime wi pints in absenti ll hoist a coup a. le o The Sin field fa m girls ar e growi ily is doing we ng up f ll. My Grace i ar too s in gra quic de next w eekend 4. She is perfo kly. rming in the show. S annual he is p talent lay singing Neil Yo ing the guita r ung‛s s (we‛re k ong, He and eeping l t p h less. Grace i s also s e Canadian con t h e basketb owing a n inter nt). al est in Brenda l, which is su and I, s ince Gr rprising to shown ace has mu ne athletic ch desire to particip ver s. In th at e she ha s sprou past year, ho e in w ted up learned , and s ever, to shoo he has t. As w grade 8 ell, one girls wh of the convinc o Grace ed her i d o l i ze that sh this sum e has ta s has mer she l ent ‛l week b asketba l be attending . So ll camp a two at UCon n . There‛s chaos today, around as we the sc h storm hool a approac ve a major s h n will be ing and owdis While I missing the st the school ud w staff is rite this ema ents early. il, the f of parents rantically tryi ng to c fice to arra o ntact I‛m sta nge tr ying ou t of the ansportation. way! I‛ll sig n off by reis invitati sui on to come t ng my open Connec o New tic Yo enjoy h ut for a vis it. Als rk/ earing f o, rom you all via e I‛d mail. Until th en, take care. Bill bs W arm infield@ melrose ly, .c


magine o field tr ne amazing ip n Me s xico, o chool with a ming w ll of your fri n a boat en it Now im h all the m ds, swimarine a life. that sa gine returni ng bac me trip k after h for fre igh sch to e. This oolis what Fonda, Kelseya previ Paige ous Me Studen adowr t, got i the gr nity to eat opp dge do. Six ort te studen ts rece en Meadowr uidge ntly w Sea of ent to Cortez the al and w ere giv ong with Ke lse en the spend s ome tim chance y, e with to active this hi and in g v hly olved A has bee n invo l u m n i . She lved wi a youn th Pan g natu terr ra pany. T heir ge list biology c a, ne omhave st arted t rous natural o help ists ing thr her in ough h wal e wards marine r career path kbiogeo tostudy o graphy f biolo (the gy and in the geogra marine phy they co world exist. and h ow

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Dear Mr. Graveson


This is g oing to e nd characte rise what up in the newslett er, isn’t I’ve been “career” it? I wou , but I’ doing so ldn’t ll give far as an my best ything li e f f o ke a r t My first y to summa ear was f rize! a irly typi but bein g a stu cal in te dent in rms of wh fantasti New York at I stud c change. ied, a n I d at NY t would t that hap U Law w pened, b a k e t o o a u l s a t o n and advo between g to list cating f talks by everythi o r S u ng a very f battered preme Co urt just ull year women on i . c S e first-yea taten Is I lived s r law st land, it in resid udents a ence wit was taken fu n h d intern ll advan most of ational tage of the that’s pr LLMs; I everythi obably to haven’t ng NYC h be expect wandered as to of ed. I was about Ma fer, but nhattan here to s at being quite a ee The Ga a “real” bit, and tes, New York my degre tried my er. Ther e, so I e are tw h think I and left. o years have ple left to nty of t The first ime to s of the t ee what’ wo image class gr s s is my oup) fro m NYU; I lawyerin but they g group think we became so ’re miss (small me of the year. Th i n g a few pe e second people I ople, was close is me an who arri d Luxme st to in ved the (an inte m y 1L same day Assembly rn from I did) a here in Michigan t the op Switzerl for being and. I t ening of jet-lagg hink we the ed and ha in the r l o o k v ain tryi ing spent pretty g ng to fin o a od n hour walk d WHO he ing aroun adquarte I hope al d rs! l goes we ll at Mea for me; dowridge he doesn . Keep an ’t look it, but eye on Ki he’s tro ngsley All the uble. best,



special events Ashley & Jesse

Shazeed & Fairuza

Sofia & Jordan

Alumni East Second Annual Meadowridge Alumni East Gathering On Saturday, March 5, the second annual Meadowridge East Alumni Gathering was held at the home of Troy Hammond and Natalie Coulter. Troy was a faculty member at Meadowridge from 1998-2002. In attendance were Tim Yin - Class of 1997, Vivian Yin - Class of 1999, Lindsay English - Class of 2002, Michael Just - Class of 2002, Constence Hsu - Class of 2004, and Joy Axmith - Faculty 1999-2001 along with her husband Gabe Meranda and their baby, David. Although it was a smaller turnout than last year, a great evening of conversation, catching-up and even some gossip (!) was enjoyed by all. Some updates on the Ontario alumni: * Tim Yin received his Masters degree from a university in Japan and is now working as a technical engineer in Toronto. * Vivian Yin completed her undergraduate degree at Johns Hopkins University in 2003 and has since been working on her medical degree at the University of Toronto. * Lindsay English is finishing her third year of studies at Queen’s University in Kingston. * Michael Just is finishing his third year of studies at York University in Toronto. * Constence Hsu is finishing her first year of studies at the University of Toronto * Joy Axmith is currently on maternity leave from the York Region Board of Education. * Troy Hammond is the University Counselor at Bayview Glen School in Toronto.

Laila, Sofia, Megan, Billy, Curtis, Jordan, & Jasdil


Invitation …

If you are a Meadowridge alum living in the Ontarioarea, please feel free to contact Troy Hammond at troyhammond@excite.com.





Cat & Fiddle Pub Night


You’re invited to the Secondary Awards Night and Graduation at 7pm June 22nd at Meadowridge School Gym. We will be honouring students for their success in the 2004/2005 school year. We will also be paying special tribute to the graduating class of 2005. There will be a reception immediately following the ceremony.

staff stuff

Bill Casher

Cathy Graetz

Wendy Swain

Departing Staff On Leaving Meadowridge

Gordon MacIntyre

In 1995 I came to Meadowridge after teaching for a year in the Richmond School District. I was 26 years old then, 15 pounds lighter, and, I believe, two inches taller. Time has a humbling effect. After a decade of teaching at Meadowridge, I will be leaving at the end of this year for Stratford Hall School in Vancouver where I will assume the position of Junior School Headmaster. I am also pleased to write that Mrs. MacIntyre will be staying at Meadowridge. It has been my privilege to teach at Meadowridge for the past decade. I have had the opportunity to teach both elementary and secondary grades, I have taken on leadership roles, and I have completed my Master of Education degree at U.B.C. with much of my academic research rooted in the practices and setting of Meadowridge. I have worked with some outstanding educators, intelligent and enthusiastic students, and some incredibly supportive parents. As I have grown as an educator, I have watched Meadowridge grow as well. I have seen it mature as an educational institution that delivers a first class educational program. I believe it has become not only one of the finest schools in the province, but in the country. This is evident in any number of indicators of quality – Foundational Skills Assessment results, post-secondary acceptance rates for graduating students, provincial exam results, and, perhaps most importantly, the general positive tone that accompanies the orderly chaos of each day of teaching and learning. Spend an hour or so in the place and you will understand what I mean. I hope to bring many of the positive aspects of Meadowridge to Stratford Hall, and I am sure the sum of my experiences at Meadowridge will serve me well in my new role. The decision to leave Meadowridge was not an easy one. I shall leave behind the last 10 years of my life, and what has been thus far the formative educational experience of my career. Stratford Hall, however, represents the fulfillment of a long-standing goal to move into administration. It is an opportunity to go to a young, growing school with much promise and enormous potential. I will miss Meadowridge, but a new door beckons. Thank you.


better by degrees


Did you receive a degree this year? Have you been accepted into a Masters or other graduate degree program? Have you received some specialized training? Are you involved in research? We would like to hear about your post-secondary success in this section of the Talon. Drop us an e-mail and let us know how your education is progressing. Marie Payne Ashley Harrison Leah Gamache Daphne Shih Emily Floeck Bianca Sprague Sean Lind Brian Fortier Lily Mussallem Teeara Rawjee

BA English BA English RN (critical care) BA English Law (in progress) BA History BSc. BComm MBA Engineering BA Psychology Law (in progress) BSc.

UVic UBC Camosun UBC NYU UBC UVic UVic York UBC UBC UBC St. Andrews

i heard it through the


I heard through the grapevine that Alex Pajtas and Meryl Herberts are still going out. I heard that Jessica Price was having a great time in Europe. I heard Emily Floeck is returning to Germany to fan a flame. I heard that Vinny is a Ladies Maan. I heard that Bianca Sprague moved to Toronto to make her debut on the fashion scene. I heard that Meadowridge is going ahead with a playground expansion. I heard that Ben Milne is doing a Masters degree in women’s studies. I heard that Lily Mussallem circumnavigated the globe. I heard that Will Robson got accepted to Second City School of Comedic Arts.

Did you hear anything interesting lately?

It has been 10 years since the first graduands left Meadowridge School. Let’s do the Math. The class of 1995 is now in their late 20s. We are fully expecting the children of our alumni to start arriving on the doorstep (for school, not in a basket) in the next five years. Any bets on who will be the first alumni parent of a Meadowridge student? If you have an engagement or marriage announcement that you would like to share with your fellow alumni, drop us a line. Or better yet, send us a picture of you and your fiance. The death of a member of a community such as Meadowridge touches all of its members profoundly. We have not been spared the grief of the untimely death of some of our members, but our sense of community has given some measure of comfort to the family and friends in their time of need. Let us hope that this space reserved for death announcements remains empty for many years to come.

The Talon The Talon is a semi-annual electronic newsletter. It is distributed by e-mail to all former students and staff of Meadowridge School. If you would like to receive news about Meadowridge School and its alumni, send your e-mail address to alan.graveson@meadowridge.bc.ca

Alternatively, you can read The Talon on the Meadowridge website: www.meadowridge.bc.ca Design Work by Saba Taghvai-Arabi

Meadowridge School’s Alumni Newsletter



issue 7

fall 2005 Celebrating 20 years of quality education for children.

On Your Mark, Get Set, PLAY!

These students capture a rare moment to sit in the most popular new parent attraction, the kindergarten gazebo.

Power Rangers find new range in Range Tower. It’s definitely a recess time favourite.

Never too old for a standing see-saw, Toni and Ushna enjoy the new playground with their kindergarten buddies.

Alumni return to present awards

Leah Gamache and Aiyanna Volney, both from Meadowridge School’s first graduating class in 1995, present the Donna Hookey Community Service and Compassion award to Rayyann Maherali. TCID:BW

Robert Teszka takes a break from his studies in Science One at UBC to present the Alumni scholarship to Lauren English.



grad dinner




ongratulations to Anushka Premji and her husband Imran. They were married at theVancouver Public Library on May 22nd, 2005. They had many family and friends join them from around the world and are happy to share their news with the Meadowridge community. Anushka is a Senior business analyst and her husband is a Financial Advisor.



Kim Lauridsen and Ken Fox were married this summer in Maple Ridge. They were joined by their families and close friends in a garden party. They are seen here with daughter Kyra. Kim is now living in Ontario and working at her daughter’s school.

better by degrees

Garrett Hookey and family celebrate his grade 12 graduation from Palm Desert School in California. Garrett is now attending San Diego State University in the School of Kinesiology.

The Talon

The Talon is a semi-annual electronic newsletter. It is distributed by e-mail to all former students and staff of Meadowridge School. If you would like to receive news about Meadowridge School and its alumni, send your e-mail address to alan.graveson@meadowridge. bc.ca Alternatively, you can read The Talon on the Meadowridge website: www.meadowridge.bc.ca Design Work by Saba Taghvai-Arabi

Terena Curtis enjoys the company of fellow residents at U of A.


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