2012 Talon

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2012 | Meadowridge School Alumni Magazine


From the headmaster A letter from Hugh Burke, Meadowridge Headmaster.



Alumni Q&A


A Look Back At Meadowridge Theatre


Faculty Profile

An interview with alumnus Samuel Wasswa-Kintu (‘03). Interview by Daniel Le Page

Exploring the history of Meadowridge theatre through a visual display of posters and photographs.

Talking with Meadowridge faculty member Kevin Wells. Interview by Carolyn Sapach and Christy Mooney




Alumni IB Profiles


Welcome to our newest alumni


Alumni Photo Album


Alumni NOtes


Upcoming Events

We have often heard the grade 12 class talk

Words by Lyn Tyler

about the “big tree” in the PYP playground. Since this magazine is about Meadowridge memories, we decided to do our cover shoot at the tree. When we set up the camera, the lifers

Looking at six alumni that epitomize the IB Learner Profiles. Interviews by Carolyn Sapach

in the group began to talk about how they used to play around this one tree because it felt so large when they were so small.

Graduating Class of 2012. Words by Alan Graveson

They remarked that another memory from their younger years still existed: Mud City. Although it is in a smaller form, you can still see it in the background of the cover photo. Thank you to our grade 12 students featured on the cover, Allan Read and Navpreet

THE TALON is published for alumni, parents, and friends of Meadowridge School by the Meadowridge School Advancement Department. The compilation of this magazine was a team effort and we thank all contributors. EDITORS: Christine Bickle, Daniel Le Page, Christy Mooney, Lyn Tyler GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Christy Mooney PHOTOGRAPHER: Anita Bonnarens

Chhina, and to

Your questions and comments are welcome. Please direct all correspondence to:

Diba Taghvai-

Daniel Le Page, Director of Alumni Relations Meadowrige School | 12224-240th Street | Maple Ridge, BC | V4R 1N1 Canada Phone: 604.467.4444 | Fax: 604.467.4989 | Email: daniel.lepage@meadowridge.bc.ca

Arabi and Abby Aguilar who also came out and

THE TALON © 2012 Meadowridge School, Maple Ridge, BC.

helped us by reminiscing.

Meadowridge School is proud to be associated with:


FROM THE HEADMASTER Hello, Alumni! I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our annual alumni gathering, and through the many informal visits that you make to the school. I really enjoy hearing the news that each of you bring, and we all take great pride in each of your accomplishments. Our school continues to grow, to change, and yet we continue to work at retaining the sense of community and the spirit of collaboration that has been a hallmark of Meadowridge School. We continue, of course, to achieve at a high level in all aspects. The arts are flourishing, academics are very strong, and athletics is continually improving. Next year, we will join about 190 schools in the world who are International Baccalaureate (IB) Continuum World Schools, in which the IB is the only programme offered from junior kindergarten through grade twelve. I am also pleased to tell you that we have strengthened our service programmes – in fact, our grade two class just raised over $2100 for the local food bank, which came out of their studies on money. Right now Spirit Day is happening in the hallways and on the grounds, and the students decided to do a Sport-a-Thon to raise money for ALS; the kids were sponsored for every hour after school that they participate. But the real test of our school lies not only in what we do every day, but in the accomplishments of our alumni. Some will become doctors and lawyers and engineers; some will be artists and actors and animators; some will run businesses, some will teach, some will research, and others will lead charities. Regardless, we hope that each of you will come to define your own lives, to seek happiness through accomplishing your own goals, and to find meaning in the everyday matters which occupy your time. We hope that all of you will come — in the words of our mission statement — to live well, with others and for others, in a just community. Sincerely, Hugh Burke Meadowridge School Headmaster hugh.burke@meadowridge.bc.ca

Meadowridge School Vision

People are drawn to our school from around the world. In the spirit of active collaboration with teachers, peers, and our community, we learn how to care for ourselves and for others. Knowing that change is the only certainty, we engage with challenging and complex questions effectively and creatively. Through outstanding teaching, programmes and facilities, Meadowridge develops in us the confidence not only to meet the future, but also to create it.

Meadowridge School Mission Statement

Learning to live well, with others and for others, in a just community. www.meadowridge.bc.ca 3

Samuel WasswaKintu ‘03 Samuel Wasswa-Kintu graduated from Meadowridge in 2003 and went on to study sciences, specifically Pharmacy, at the University of British Columbia (UBC). After completing his undergraduate degree, Sam was accepted into medical school, again at UBC, where he is now finishing his 3rd year.


4 THE TALON • 2012

When people find success in certain

have. Meadowridge was an extension

understanding science in so many ways.

areas we often ask them when they

of my family and always taught us to

It’s important to have something that

fell in love with that profession. At

be respectful, confident and competent

you can lean on, something that makes

what point did you decide to become

students. In high school, Mr. [Jim] Davies

you feel good, gets you going and keeps

a doctor and what influenced this

gave me the best education on evolution

things fresh when you feel stressed


and overall the best foundation in

out. For me that is music. It’s nice when

Initially, I decided to do a degree in

Biology that I ever received.

you are dealing with such a rigid set of

Pharmacy. In my third year, I was accepted into medical school, but at the same time was dealing with decisions about my own health and decided to defer the offer for a year. This was a trying time for me personally; I learned to take life as it comes and got through the year. There are a lot of factors outside of where your passions lie that influence your career path. Family, education, lifestyle and circumstance all play a part in this choice. I think I was happy to find something that challenged me, and that I was interested in, but also that will allow

subjects, like sciences, to branch out and After my first year in Pharmacy, I came

experiment without process.

back and saw Mr. Davies and told him what I was doing. To be honest, he

In less than a month we will be

seemed a little let down, and didn’t hold

welcoming the Class of 2012 into our

back in telling me that settling there

Alumni Association. What advice can

would not be reaching my potential. It

you give to these graduates?

was awesome to have someone show a

Throughout my education I have seen

true belief in me and that really inspired me to keep studying and eventually to go into medicine. You’re also a DJ. I know that music is a big part of your life. How do you find

so many people who have set such high goals, but they haven’t taken the time to explore. Throughout life we are constantly changing, and who you are today is not who you will be. If I could give any advice it would be, considering

me to help others along the way.

time to balance everything that you do,

How important were the mentors in

moving forward?

your life in helping you find a passion,

I believe that keeping a balance between

try new things. Also, always remember

and supporting you in the pursuit of

the things you enjoy, the ways you

to check yourself. Never forget to reflect

your goals?

express yourself, and the work you

on the things you’ve done and make sure

I think that so much of where someone

are trying to accomplish is key. I have

you’re headed in the right direction, but

always been passionate about all of

don’t be afraid to make mistakes along

the arts, music, film, design, and still

the way.

ends up, or what he or she might choose to do as an adult, starts with the basics: the family values that you

and how do you plan to continue this

things as you know them will change, and that there is so much out there you have yet to experience, never be afraid to

am. I also have found that art helps in

Interview by Daniel Le Page

www.meadowridge.bc.ca 5


(L to R) Philipe Traverse, Emi Tomioka, Claudia Kempe ‘07


OUR TOWN 2001 Pictured left: (L to R) Jesse Davidge ‘01, Camille Traverse ‘02.


(L to R) Melissa Upjohn, Molly Sprague ‘06,

Soraya Campbell ‘00.


(L to R) Krystina Bojanowski ‘09, Alanna Coady ‘07.

RUN LOLA RUN 2004 (L to R) Nicholas Bojanowski ‘05, Jessica Price ‘04

HALO 2004

THE ASHGIRL 2005 (L to R)

Emily Magowan, Saba Taghvai ‘07



Meadowridge on Stage THE BREAKFAST CLUB 2003

...and the Crowd Rose To Its Feet 2002 THE PACT 2007 (L to R)

Carla Jahraus ‘10, Christopher Danforth ‘08, Hasan Mawani ‘08, Brent Perry ‘09, Krystina Bojanowski ‘09, Alanna Coady ‘07, Tessa Palmer ‘07.




(L to R) Mollie Burke ‘08, Max Weselowski ‘10, Krystina Bojanowski ‘09, Christopher Danforth ‘08, Mollie Burke ‘08, Olivia Andrup ‘09, Georgina Price ‘10, Kaitlyn MacDonald ‘12, Emma Germain ‘12, Sooah Lee, Stephanie Cramer ‘12, Aleya Jesson ‘10, Olivia Andrup ‘09, Krystina Bojanowski ‘09, Stephanie Cramer ‘12, Krystina Bojanowski ‘09.

www.meadowridge.bc.ca 7

I’m sure you can relate to alumni who

“We have created an extraordinary place

say that Meadowridge School has

here and what I would like to do is to

come a long way. Many of you who

open the doors of membership to people


have recently visited the school may

who could not otherwise afford a school

Call us at 604.476.3043

have been filled with a mixture of pride,

like this, because this kind of greatness,

nostalgia and perhaps a bit of envy,

this kind of idealism should be afforded

or visit us online at

upon seeing the changes that have

to anyone who can dream big enough to

occurred to our school in the last 26

participate in it.”

years. From its start in portables with just 52 students in 1985, Meadowridge has grown into an amazing institution with modern facilities on 16 acres. We are now an International Baccalaureate (IB) World Continuum School, one of just eight in Canada. You may remember a time when we didn’t have large facilities and when we were still building our reputation, however, what has not changed is the quality of teaching and the wonderful people.

Financial assistance, bursaries and scholarships ensure that deserving students can benefit from the same calibre of education that you enjoyed. We would like your support of our new

You may also wonder how it is that we are asking you to contribute to the school now; after all, our students have more today than the school has ever had. This appeal is not, however, about new buildings, better resources or new equipment — it’s about sharing this with others. I recently spoke with one of our longserving faculty members, Ms. Cindy Hops, about the future of our school and was moved by her hopes for our shared future:


AJ Speckman (’11) added his thoughts to the discussion: “I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity, to come to this school in Grade 9. I know there are so many students out there that would have been so well advantaged by receiving financial aid in order to attend Meadowridge. It is such a great environment and it is important that we provide this opportunity to as many students as possible, no matter what their background.”

Imagine Making It Possible campaign. I would ask that, when considering your

Maybe you are still at a point in your

potential contribution, you think of the

career that makes it difficult to contribute

effect Meadowridge has had in your

financially, but please remember that

life. Consider how your contribution

every gift counts. With close to 500

could impact a student, who needs this

alumni now, making the dream a reality

amazing place in their life just as you

is closer than you think.

did. I would also ask that you share this information with your parents, because

There may be other creative ways to

I know there are many alumni parents

contribute. Perhaps your company would

whose lives were profoundly influenced

be willing to give in-kind assistance,

by their children’s attendance at this

make a pledge, or share your personal

school and their participation with the

talents as an in-kind gift to the school –


we’d love your involvement!

Imagine making it possible for someone else to experience meadowridge.

8 THE TALON • 2012

www.meadowridge.bc.ca 9


DRAWING FROM THE WELL Good things happen when you enjoy what you do, and Meadowridge is reaping the benefit of teacher MR. KEVIN WELLS enjoying what he does. When he graduated high school in the United Kingdom, Mr. Wells did a career test and teaching came up as a suggestion. He thought he would try it out; he hasn’t stopped since. For the past eleven years he has been at Meadowridge, where good things happen every day in his Math, Physics and Calculus classes. Interview by Carolyn Sapach and Christy Mooney

www.meadowridge.bc.ca 11

Kevin Wells finds happiness when he

entirety. “This can seem overwhelming,

can bring understanding to his favourite

causing students to give up before they

subjects for his students. He tries to take away the fear of math that people seem to have. Why does this fear exist for so many when it comes to subjects such as math? “People tend to get caught up in the details of mathematics; equations, formulae and numbers,” says Mr. Wells. “What I try to stress is the bigger picture for which the details are just examples. If students can focus on the concept and develop an understanding of that, then they are better equipped to deal with problems.” Mr. Wells has spent a lot of time figuring

“He [is] a great teacher who made coming to the difficult classes actually enjoyable.” Olivia Andrup | Class of 2009

even start”, he says. “I try to stress the idea of breaking problems into smaller, more easily solved problems.” Not only can this way of learning be applied to mathematical calculations and problems, but Mr. Wells sees it as a way of thinking with greater application. “I think these are ideas that can be applied to any aspect of life. Don’t get caught up in the details and don’t let the size of a problem overwhelm you.” It is this way of thinking that has made Mr. Wells a favourite among current students and alumni. This is an

out how to help others get past that fear.

accomplishment, as the subjects he

For him, he sees students as having

teaches are traditionally not favourites

a tendency to look at a problem in its

among students.

FACULT Y PROFILE Olivia Andrup (‘09), admits that Math and

“There are always opportunities to grow

One thing he always finds time for is

Calculus were the toughest subjects for

in new directions,” he says. He has also

painting, which helps give balance to his

her. But some of her best memories were

taught Yearbook and Computer Science

academic focused life. “It is a good way

in those very classes taught by Mr. Wells.

classes and he knows that, should he

to relax the mind,” he says.

wish to try something else, he would “He [is] a great teacher who made

be supported just as he supports his

Mr. Wells’ natural landscapes can be

coming to the difficult classes actually


found through the Port Moody Art

enjoyable,” she says.

Association, but one also graces the Outside of Meadowridge, Mr. Wells

hallways of Meadowridge; the 2011

As though it is no big deal to inspire

somehow finds time to teach Math

Graduating Class commissioned a

students to step outside of their comfort

Education at Simon Fraser University,

painting as their Legacy Gift to the school.

zone, Mr. Wells says simply, “Kids can

where he completed his Master’s

surprise themselves when given a push.”

of Education Degree in 2009. “It is a

Clearly an example of one who practices

different approach to the subject,” he

what he preaches, Mr. Wells has found


a happy balance in his life of learning,

Perhaps he is so successful at this because he is continually finding

teaching and continuous growth. We are

opportunities to try new things

“You always find time to do things

grateful that he followed the suggestion

himself. The atmosphere of growth at

you enjoy”, says Mr. Wells. “But it is

of that career test, and thankful for

Meadowridge is one of the reasons Mr.

important to keep mentally active, to try

his continued passion to share his

Wells enjoys coming to work so much.

new things. It helps you grow.”

experience and knowledge with those around him.

If you have walked through the hallways at Meadowridge in the past year, you may have noticed the new addition to our collection of artwork. Displayed next to works by Robert Bateman, Lawren Harris and Gordon Smith is a piece by one of Meadowridge’s own. Faculty member Kevin Wells combines his passion for the subjects he teaches and painting by using his knowledge of mathematical structure and patterns in his art. Part of his process for creating his artwork is “Being aware of such patterns in terms of composition and perspective. [This] allows the artist to bring a painting to life, or to appeal to the subconscious artist in us all,“ says Mr. Wells. “Sometimes we don’t know why we like a painting but what we are doing is tapping into the tension the artist has created through thoughtful composition. Mathematics is the science of patterns and perhaps we can call art the embodiment of patterns at many different levels.” The 2011 Graduation Class recognized the beauty on more than a subconscious level when they decided to purchase the painting, titled Solitude, as their Legacy Gift to the School. To see more artwork by Mr. Wells, visit: www.members.shaw.ca/artwells. Pictured left: Solitude by Kevin Wells, 2009, acrylic on canvas

www.meadowridge.bc.ca 13

Alumni ib profiles Before Meadowridge was accredited as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, we lived the IB principles through our mission and vision. This becomes clear when we talk to our Alumni and take a closer look at how they exemplify the IB Learner Profiles in their lives after Meadowridge. Interviews by Carolyn Sapach











14 THE TALON • 2012


Christopher danforth

Entrepreneur, Writer & Trend Spotter [class of 2008] In the four short years since graduation, Christopher Danforth

Mr. Graveson, let him know that he was a talented writer and

has turned his eye for detail and emerging trends into a

encouraged him to pursue his passion for it. His strength in

sought-after clothing line and a burgeoning writing career.

writing has led him to be a communicator in other ways as

Loose Cannons Clothing (www.loosecannonsclothing.

well: Loose Cannons was born and continues to grow through

com) was founded in the Fall of 2010, and the West Coast


style clothing has already become an exclusive brand. In less than two years and mostly through word of mouth,

Meadowridge helped to develop Christopher’s natural curiosity

celebrity stylists have been snatching up the designs. Always

about the world around him, and he is always looking not only

interested in the latest fashions, Christopher not only has his

for the “next big thing” in fashion, but also for his own next big

own clothing company to look after, but he also keeps tabs

thing. When asked where he would like to be at his ten-year

on street style as a writer and contributor to two fashion,

reunion, he said he hopes to be working for one of the clothing

arts, design and culture blogs, The Goodie Bag (www.

companies that inspired him, and writing for bigger names,

thegoodiebagblog.ca) and Hypebeast (www.hypebeast.com).

like GQ. He is also considering going back to school – as if he isn’t busy enough!

Looking back on his time at Meadowridge, Christopher credits the community and unconditional support with helping

The one lesson Christopher still carries with him from

him achieve so much. Academics aside, knowing that the

Meadowridge is, “The more things you apply yourself to, the

teachers wanted him to excel in what he did best and what

further you can go.” With so many projects on the go and

he loved to do was an amazing environment in which to be

more on the horizon, his natural curiosity about the world


around him will only bring more opportunity his way.

Meadowridge “taught me to be assertive, have confidence

[Pictured below: Clothing and promotional materials by Loose Cannons Clothing, photos © Loose Cannons Clothing.]

and believe in myself,” he says. One teacher in particular,

Christopher embodies both an INQUIRER and a COMMUNICATOR. His curiosity for fashion and culture has helped him to grow his writing skills. Not only does he communicate through the written word, Christopher also uses design and clothing to communicate his ideas and messages to a mass audience.

www.meadowridge.bc.ca 15

Lindsay ferguson

Restaurateur & Sommelier [class of 2000] Following her graduation from Meadowridge in 2000, Lindsay

The teachers pushed her to reach beyond her comfort level,

Ferguson did the predictable thing and went on to university.

which gave her the confidence and discipline to keep going

Entrenched in international economic development courses,

when faced with challenges (like opening a functional and

then more in forestry, she certainly could not have predicted

successful mobile restaurant in twenty-one days). Learning

where she currently finds herself: running a popular food cart,

to “problem solve in a timely manner” is also something

opening a restaurant, and consulting as a sommelier. Oh, and

Lindsay is thankful for. In the service industry you have to be

there is a baby due shortly. Lindsay has been busy.


On a whim in 2010, when the City of Vancouver held a lottery

Clearly adept at maintaining balance in her life, Lindsay

to win a license to run a food cart, her husband purchased

admits her house is covered in poster boards of lists.

a ticket. “Wouldn’t it be fun to make competitive barbecuing

Planning is essential in order to keep so many projects

pay off?” he asked. They won one of seventeen tickets, and

organized, but she offers this advice to fellow multi-taskers:

had three weeks to open their cart, Re-Up BBQ. Clearly, their

“Take it as it comes, and make the best of it. Don’t make too

shotgun start in the restaurant business is paying off: they

many plans in advance. Make a one year plan, re-evaluate,

recently won Gold for Best Food Cart at the 2012 Vancouver

re-adjust, and plan again.”

Restaurant Awards and they will be opening a bricks and mortar restaurant this Spring in the new River Market in

That being said, of course she looks ahead to a future with

New Westminster. As if that isn’t enough, Lindsay is also

Re-Up BBQs everywhere, with the best food. “We will keep

a consulting sommelier for Wildebeest, the soon-to-open

pushing ourselves forward,” she promises. Check out www.

restaurant in Gastown.

reupbbq.com to see where that perseverance takes her next.

She is quick to acknowledge Meadowridge for its help in

[Pictured below (L to R): Re-Up BBQ’s famous bacon, photo © Re-Up BBQ; Lindsay and her husband, Michael, in 2010, at the opening of the Re-Up BBQ food cart, photo © Julie H. Ferguson 2010.]

preparing her for the “hard work and this journey” that she has been on. “I think I’d be in a very different place had I not gone to Meadowridge,” she says. “And I’m very happy with where I am now.”

Lindsay embodies a RISK-TAKER. A risk-taker approaches unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and is able to try new things. Lindsay took a risk to open up a food cart, and it was her confidence and willingness to try something new that helped her to succeed.

16 THE TALON • 2012



Academic & Magician [class of 2003] During his days at Meadowridge, magic was merely a hobby

students, but for the teachers as well. The motivation to learn

that Robert Teszka practiced and performed in school shows.

was not to simply memorize facts, but out of a “sheer joy

He still spends his days exploring tricks and sleight of hand,

in knowing things,” he says. “Academic inquisitiveness was

though in a much different way: he has managed to turn his

fostered,” and one couldn’t hide behind cliques or in the back

fascination for mystery into an academic pursuit. Having

row to avoid participating. The small school forced him to

completed a degree at the University of British Columbia,

interact with people and in ways he normally would not have

Robert can now be found at Brunel University in England,

in more anonymous surroundings.

where he is pursuing a PhD in Cognitive Psychology, linking magician’s misdirection techniques with eye-tracking

A common theme comes up often in conversation with

technology to research attention and visual perception. Not

Robert: he really does want to know everything there is to

just a “nerdy hobby” (his words!) for him anymore, he also

know — even the things he doesn’t know that he doesn’t know.

travels internationally, giving talks on his findings.

“Everything is interesting,” he says, and it is the exploration on the way to discovery that matters most. Sounding an awful lot

A deep thinker, Robert says that “playing with complex,

like an Aerosmith song lyric, (“life’s a journey, not a destination,

abstract ideas and finding connections between concepts

and I just can’t tell what tomorrow brings”), Robert is living his

is not just my profession - it’s been a constant pastime for


most of my life.” Whether it is applied to magic or academics (or both, as he has managed to do,) this fundamental part of

Characteristically, he is not sure where his journey will take

Robert’s personality likely would have grown into something

him next, but he is keeping an open mind and looking forward

completely different had he not attended Meadowridge.

to whatever it may be. Perhaps a University Professor? A

He doesn’t point to one single thing that now drives him to

consultant in transmedia design? Living on the moon? If

understand the inner workings of the mind, but he doubts that

he isn’t on the moon anytime soon, you can see what he

“it would have happened the same way at another school.”

is up to on his blog, www.robteszka.wordpress.com, or read his contributions to The Science of Magic at www.

Like so many before and after him, Robert is grateful for


being able to learn in such a thoughtful and progressive

[Pictured below: Stills from Rob’s video, The Lying Brain.]

environment where learning was a priority not only for the

Robert is an INQUIRER and is REFLECTIVE. His passion for research and learning has led him to London and his PhD studies. His ability to find “everything interesting” is the result of a love of learning that will sustain him throughout his life. To get to PhD studies in any subject requires one to be reflective of their own work and know one’s strengths and seek areas for improvement.

www.meadowridge.bc.ca 17


Entrepreneur & Artist [class of 2001] Jesse Davidge has spent the last ten years since graduation

that he likely wouldn’t have found elsewhere. For instance,

doing what he loves: being creative. After graduation, he

despite not being much into school politics, Mr. Graveson and

attended the Vancouver Film School, and found a career

a peer encouraged him to become the Arts Gryphon one year.

doing animation for television, movies and music videos. This

Surprising himself, Jesse loved being a part of the school

led naturally to his current home as Director and Producer at

in a new way, and it was a great feeling to contribute to the

Blatant Studios, a creative production studio he co-founded.

community as well. He took this new skill to the Vancouver

The company is only three years old and their work was

Film School, where he founded a film club to bring people

nominated for a 2012 Juno for Dan Mangan’s video, “Rows of

together. One might even say he really followed through by


creating a whole company dedicated to his love for creativity.

Having always known he wanted to pursue art in some way,

If he could leave a lasting message for those making their way

Meadowridge helped solidify his passion and nurture his fine

through Meadowridge, Jesse would say that he “didn’t really

arts talents. The art teachers, specifically Mr. Rhys Clarke,

follow the crowd” and it turned out alright. “You don’t have to

encouraged him to achieve what they knew was possible.

do what others want for you, as long as you follow your heart.”

The greatest gift for Jesse was that they let him “know that it was okay to try the arts” as a career. With all of the external

Intending to do just that, Jesse plans on continuing to grow

emphasis on academics, it was a boost of confidence

his company, Blatant Studios, and would like to start working

knowing he had support for his goals.

on short films. He also manages to find time for his hobby – illustrating comics and graphic novels, like the one written by

Jesse recalls, he was given the chance to create a mural for

his cousin James Davidge, “Mathemagick and Metaphysics”.

the art room, and even though it was one of his very first large

Find out what he is up to at www.jessedavidge.com or www.

projects, they kept it there for as long as he can remember.


“It was inspiring,” he said, that they believed in his talents on such a large scale.

[Pictured below (L to R): Still from the Juno nominated Dan Mangan video, Rows of Houses, © Blatant Studios; Still from the Hey Rosetta! music video, New Sum, directed by Jesse, © Blatant Studios.]

Despite art being his main focus, Jesse credits Meadowridge with showing him different aspects of the world, and himself,

Jesse is a COMMUNICATOR. He is able to express his ideas both confidently and creatively in a number of different mediums. He is also able to understand the ideas of others, like a musician’s song, and express them visually.

18 THE TALON • 2012


Olivia Andrup

Actress & Student [class of 2009] Fresh off the set of her first movie, Olivia Andrup is very clear

also about the French language. Thanks largely to Mrs.

on where she came from and where she is going: wherever

Pogrebinsky and the group trip to France, Olivia fell for the

her drive for learning and acting take her, of course!

language and decided to go to UBC to pursue a degree in it because she “really, really loves French.” She sees university

Clearly enamoured with discovering the world around her,

as a hobby: “I go for fun, though I take it seriously because it

Olivia is always ready for the next surprise that comes her way.

means so much to me. When I graduate, knowing French will

After completing the Vancouver Academy of Dramatic Arts

make me happy,” she says.

program in 2010, she quickly found an agent and landed her first role, as partier Hazel in a film adaptation of Irvine Welsh’s

In fact, that is the lesson she learned best while attending

Ecstasy. She got off the plane to film the movie, green as

Meadowridge. She muses that, “There is a lot of pressure to do

they come, and just started. Working with professionals in a

things to please your family,” while at school, but you have to

big-name movie with no experience may sound intimidating to

remember that “anything you do after graduation takes a lot of

some, but Olivia knew that she would have help. She also knew

time, effort and commitment. This is commitment that you, not

that her willingness to try new things would serve her well.

your parents, have to put in. So do something that you love.”

“If I want to do something,” she says, “I want to do it well,”

She knew the moment she played Mimi in Meadowridge’s

and her time at Meadowridge is what developed this

production of Rent that “that was it.” Acting was what she

characteristic in her. “I carry the school with me all the time,”

loved and needed to do, and so she has. She also found an

she admits, in her acting and in her education. The school’s

academic muse, and is following it wherever it may lead as

morals and values are a part of her now. She believes that

well. And where does she see herself in ten years? Continuing

the enthusiasm that her Meadowridge teachers had for their

her education, since “there’s never a shortage of things to

own fields was infectious. They worked to instill that same

learn,” and making a living as an actor in feature films. With

eagerness into their own students — not only for the subjects

such a passion for life, we know she will succeed at whatever

they taught, but to encourage their students to follow their

she chooses to do.

own passions as well. “They wanted us to be excited about everything,” Olivia

[Pictured below (L to R): The filming of Ecstasy; Olivia signing an autograph; Olivia with co-star Adam Sinclair and director Rob Heydon. Photos from Ecstasy by Irvine Welsh Facebook page.]

recalls. And she is excited, not only about acting, but

Olivia embodies both an INQUIRER and a RISK-TAKER. She has a passion for learning, attending school both for acting and the French language. As a risk-taker, Olivia approached the unfamiliar situation of being cast in her first feature film with courage and confidence in her abilities.

www.meadowridge.bc.ca 19

Multi-media, multi-tasking, multiple intelligences, multiple offers, multi-player… such is the proliferation of choices, of influences, of information through which our students must navigate their life’s course. ipads, ipods, itunes, iphones, ithings that go buzz in the night.. and sometimes in class. It amazes me that through the digital din, our students continue to identify, distill and refine those values which are timeless: friendship, service to others, respect, education, hard work, humility, and self-worth. Each member of the Meadowridge Graduating Class of 2012 is an exemplar of the ‘examined life’, the life worth living.

“They have learned that it is through their own initiative and hard work that they can make a positive change in the world.”

Welcome to our newest alumni

They have asked how they might serve their community; they have asked how they may be effective leaders; they have interrogated authority; and, through their pursuit of education, they have learned to ask better questions and to think for themselves. They have learned that it is through their own initiative and hard work that they can make a positive change in the world. Equally important, they have learned that success does not always look like finishing first in the race. In their individual ways, they have made Meadowridge School a better place to live, to learn, and to grow. Their legacy will continue to inspire successive generations of artists, scholars, musicians, athletes, leaders, mentors, and graduates. They have earned a place of distinction among the Alumni of Meadowridge School.

Words by Alan Graveson

No matter where they go, who they become, or what they accomplish, they will always carry a little piece of Meadowridge in their hearts, just as Meadowridge will treasure their time here.

20 THE TALON • 2012

1: Shyla Badiani*

17: Maria van Noordenne

2: Dereck Paul

18: Avery Milne

3: Diba Taghvai-Arabi*

19: Emma Germain*

4: Oliver Liu

20: Kaitlyn MacDonald*

5: Faran Mahboubi*

21: Saba Mirfatahi

6: Samuel Weselowski

22: Kerrin Hagberg*

7: Kyle Sholes

23: Alice Yuan

8: Allan Read*

24: Preet Chhina

9: Somayan Chakrabarti

25: Lyndsey Merry

10: Dashen Gounden

26: Audrey Zhang

11: Daniel Lewis

26: Kelly Han

through the halls with a lifer, you will hear many interesting and often hilarious stories

12: Jordan Jeknavorian*

27: Stephanie Cramer*

about their time at Meadowridge.

13: Aidan Shanahan Sweeney

29: Maverick Neibergall

14: Alex Kwon

Not Pictured: Madeline Hanson

15: Abby Aguilar

and Shayna Harmatny

The asterisk (*) indicates that the student is a “lifer�. A lifer is a student that has called Meadowridge home since they were having friendship parties and making crafts in Kindergarten. That is 13 years of consecutive Meadowridge education. Most Grad Classes end up having a lifer or two in their midst. If you walk over the grounds and

16: Asaan Maherali* www.meadowridge.bc.ca 21



2011 Alumni Event








11 10


1: Melissa Orser ‘08, Sameena Khan ‘08, Gryph, Lukas Montani ‘06, Devon Turner ‘07, Jade Harmatny ‘08 • 2: Risha Patidar ‘08, Kesha Patel ‘09, Trisha Patidar ‘08 3: Georgina Price ‘10, Christy Harmatny ‘10 • 4: Gita Patel, Jayten Patel ‘10, Kesha Patel ‘09 • 5: Georgina Price ‘10, guest, Zahra Mawani ‘10, Christy Harmatny ‘10, Martine Schlagintweit ‘10, Brandon Shanahan Sweeney ‘10 • 6: Nnenna Obioha ‘08, Royann Lan ‘08, Seiji Tomioka ‘08 • 7: Brad Perry ‘09, Tessa Palmer ‘07, Daniel McLaughlin ‘09 • 8: guest, Jesse Davidge ‘01, Marie Payne ‘00, Steve Olah • 9: Taryn Smith ‘06, Robert Pervis ‘07 • 10: guest, Margaret Mahood, Anisa Khan ‘07, Steve Olah, Margot Olah, Tessa Palmer ‘07 • 11: Soleina Maherali ‘10, Martine Schlagintweit ‘10 • 12: Chi Lung Poon ‘10, Georgina Price ‘10, Gryph, Jayten Patel ‘10, Brett Orser ‘10.

22 THE TALON • 2012





2009 - 2011 GOLF TOURNAMENT 1: Georgina Price ‘10, Brad Perry ‘09, Matthias Kempe ‘09 • 2: Max Weselowski ‘10, Mollie Burke ‘08, Karim Jinnah ‘10, Claus Andrup 3: Bryant Mah ‘07, Samir Virani ‘07

1 & 2: Georgina Price ‘10, Harrison Collett ‘11, Aya Tomioka ‘06, Shaun Lampen ‘11, Seiji Tomioka ‘08, Mollie Burke ‘08 3: Ryan Ouwehand, Robert Prince ‘05, Josh Haywood ‘05, Akhil Patel ‘05


4: Josh Haywood ‘05, Akhil Patel ‘05, Sabine Kempe ‘05

Montreal & Vancouver

MEET-UPS & Get togethers 5: Lillian Yin ‘10, Gurjit Rai ‘10, Georgina Price ‘10, Karim Jinnah ‘10, Max Weselowski ‘10, Zahra Mawani ‘10, Christy Harmatny ‘10, Neda Sarmady ‘10, Chi Lung Poon ‘10. 6: Danielle McCarthey (nee Cheyne) ‘06, Joanne Shum,



Katherine Kwon, Azzaria Janmohamed ‘06.

1 5

6 www.meadowridge.bc.ca 23


ASHLEY HARRISON is working as a lawyer after completing her law degree from the University of Alberta in 2009.

The food cart (Re-Up BBQ) that LINDSAY FERGUSON owns and runs with her husband recently won Gold for Best Food Cart at the annual restaurant awards in Vancouver. Lindsay is busy opening up a brick and mortar restaurant and will soon be giving birth to her first child. Read more about what Lindsay has been up to on page 16 in the Alumni IB Profiles.

2003 DANIEL AND ERICA MILLER (NEE BIDDLECOMBE) were married last Spring on the top of Grouse Mountain. Daniel is currently working as a Business Analyst for a software company. ROBERT TESZKA is currently completing his PhD in the Cognitive Psychology of Magic at Brunel University in London after being awarded a three-year scholarship. Read more on page 17 in the Alumni IB Profiles.

MARIE PAYNE is currently working as a teacher on call and has enjoyed coming back to Meadowridge to fill in for her past teachers.


SAMUEL WASSWA-KINTU is finishing his third year of medical school at the University of British Columbia. For more see the Alumni Q&A on page 4.

HARIN DESAI has just moved to Australia to Study Medicine.

2004 MEGAN DURRANCE recently gave birth to a set of healthy twins, Nathan and Alexander. Megan and her partner are very excited about the addition to their family.

1 2 24 THE TALON • 2012

JESSICA PRICE is studying Broadcasting Journalism at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and recently completed the BMO Vancouver half marathon in May 2012.

SARAH ORSER will be entering her final year of dentistry at Dalhousie University in September. She hopes to return to Maple Ridge and open up her own practice.

2005 LAUREN ENGLISH finished her first year of a Masters Degree in Urban Planning at the University of Toronto after completing her undergraduate degree at the University of British Columbia. JOSHUA HAYWOOD is working as a sales and business development professional after graduating last spring from the Marketing Management Program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology with a focus on entrepreneurship. While working as a consultant he is also a General Manager of a Vancouver painting company. [Photo 3] SABINE KEMPE has completed her Chartered Accountant designation and is working for a major accounting firm in Vancouver. DANIEL LE PAGE is currently wreaking havoc in the Advancement offices of Meadowridge School.

2006 DANIELLE MCCARTHY (nee CHEYNE) was married to her husband Shayne last summer in Penticton and the two newlyweds have bought a house in Pitt Meadows.



Danielle is currently working for a bank. AZZARIA JANMOHAMED (’06) served as one of her bridesmaids. [Photos 1 + 2] 5

LUKAS MONTANI is currently working at a bank, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Victoria and recently completed the Canadian Securities Course. MOLLY SPRAGUE graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from St. Francis Xavier University. She is now working as a tutor for children with learning disabilities in the local school district.

2007 JOE ANTIFAEV is attending Law School at the University of Calgary, where he has completed his first year of studies and is also working throughout the summer. Joe did his undergraduate studies at the University of British Columbia. [Photo 6] Following in his father’s footsteps BRYANT MAH has just completed his first year in the Optometry program at the University of Waterloo. Bryant had attended there

CAITLIN PASTOREK was recently accepted to the University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine.


after graduating from Meadowridge, transferred to the University of Victoria, and has now returned. Aside from studying Music and Computer Science while on Vancouver Island, Bryant also enlisted in the Canadian Forces as an Ordinary Seaman in the Naval Reserves. In 2010 Bryant travelled to Port-au-Prince, Haiti as a member of a small team that provided basic eye care and dispensed many pairs of donated glasses to the local people. [Photos 4 + 5] STEPHANIE KACZMAREK has been accepted into the University of British Columbia Physiotherapy program for the Fall. [Photo 6]

VAGELI VOUKELATOS is working in the family business at their local restaurant. [Photo 6]

2008 MOLLIE BURKE is studying Art History and Cultural Studies at McGill University. For the summer Mollie is working at an art gallery in downtown Vancouver.

2009 TAMSYN TYLER is studying Marine Biology at the University of British Columbia. She will be working at the Ucluelet Aquarium as an Aquarist this summer. As well, Tamsyn will be taking next term off to intern at Bimini Island off of Miami and has been offered an internship at Oceans Research in Mossel Bay, South Africa. Continued on page 26.

6 www.meadowridge.bc.ca 25

2010 KARIM JINNAH is completing a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Victoria (UVIC). After the summer, Karim will be helping other students at UVIC working as a Student Advisor for the university.

2011 MICHAEL ABEBE recently visited Meadowridge and let us know that he has completed his first year in the Bioinformatics program at the University of Waterloo. He will be spending his summer as a professors’ assistant at the University of Calgary researching DNA. [Photo 7] OMAR HASHAM visited with Mrs. Chow-Go on a break from studying Computing Science at Queen’s University. [Photo 8] JOHN JACOB will be attending the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario where he received a full scholarship and plans to study either Aeronautical Engineering or Military and

Strategic Studies. In addition to his education, John will also be furthering his career in the Canadian Forces by taking relevant survival and tactical training, which will be pertinent to the Air Force Pilot Program he plans to enter after completing his degree. [Photo 8] SHAUN LAMPEN will be working at Meadowridge for the summer, a nice break after completing his first year at McGill studying Anatomy and Cell Biology.

Bachelor of Arts in History and French. She will be spending her summer at Meadowridge working in the Advancement office. [Photo 10]

KATHLEEN READ is back for the summer after completing her first year at the University of Saskatchewan, working on her 10

BRYANNE NEWBERY is volunteering in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) centre at Meadowridge as she gains experience prior to starting a diploma in this career. KEVIN OH stopped by Meadowridge for a visit and let us know that his first year in pre-med at Duke University went well, and he is planning on majoring in Biochemistry and minoring in Computational Biology

7 26 THE TALON • 2012

and Linguistics. Kevin is also learning about the sport rivalries, and even tented outside an arena to watch the much anticipated match between Duke and the University of Northern Carolina. [Photo 9]



We would love to hear from you! Send your photos and updates to our Director of Alumni Relations Daniel Le Page (daniel.lepage@meadowridge.bc.ca).

UPCOMING EVENTS Alumni are a l way s i n v i t e d WELCOME BACK FAIR Saturday, September 8th, 2012

MEADOWRIDGE GALA Saturday, November 17th, 2012

This has been an amazing year in the development of our Alumni Association. More and more we are seeing our past students and graduates participating in the many

2012/2013 THEATRE PRODUCTION LES MISÉRABLES March 6th to March 9th, 2013

activities taking place at Meadowridge.


We now have Alumni teaching, coaching and partaking

More information will be available closer to the date.

in committee work at the school. We are very proud

June 2013

to also have them as parents in the school, and to see


their children, the next generation of Alum, wearing their

June 2013

uniforms with pride. We are looking forward to building on

More information will be available closer to the date.

this commitment and continuing to build our community. As each of you work towards achieving successes in your own lives, be sure to keep in touch, come back for a visit, and share your stories with us. If anyone is looking for opportunities to get involved in paving a future for our school, your input is always welcome. Please keep an eye our for invitations to next year’s events.

For more great events throughout the year, visit:

www.meadowridge.bc.ca Find Meadowridge Alumni on Facebook

Sincerely, Daniel Le Page ‘05 Director of Alumni Relations

Have you visited the Meadowridge Alumni Portal? Go to www.meadowridge.bc.ca/alumni and click on Alumni Portal or scan the QR code with your smartphone.

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