June 2012 Mini Gryphon

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Ju n e 20 12

Vo lum e 3 Is s u e 10



As June has come to an end I want to thank ever yone for a great year. This is the year that we qualif ied as an International Baccalaureate Continuum World School, as we add the Diploma Programme beginning September 2012. Our Grade twelve s tudents are all graduating and going on to pos t-secondar y education. We wish them well, and hope to see them return each year as Alumni. All of the other children are moving up a grade, a measure of time passing, and of them growing into f ine young people. The summer holidays are coming, a time of renewal and res t and ref lection. Thank you to all of the teachers and s taf f who wor k so hard to make this a great school! Thank you, as well, to our parents who contribute daily as our par tners in making this an exceptionally warm and engaging community. Finally, thank you to our s tudents, whose curiosity and imagination and diligence and balance and humour makes this such a wonder ful place to learn and to wor k. Have a great summer‌ see you nex t year! - Mr. Hugh Bur ke, Headmas ter

Annual Giving Donors


Summer Athletics


Librar y Update


Golf Tournament Recap


Zero-Was te Bir thday


Gr yphon Council Update


Convocation 2012


Around Meadowridge


Parent Guild Update


Get Connected


Grad Ar t Exhibit


Alumni Event Recap


M E A D OW R I D G E S CH O O L 1 2 2 24 - 24 0 t h St r e e t M a p l e R i d g e , B C V4 R 1 N 1 w w w.meadow r idge.bc.ca t : 6 0 4 . 4 67 . 4 4 4 4 | f : 6 0 4 . 4 67 . 49 8 9

T h e M e a d o w r id g e Mini Gr y p h o n i s p r in t e d in - h o u s e to re d u ce co s t s . Meadow r idge School is an a cc re d i t e d In t e r n a t i o n al B a c c a l a u r e a t e Co n t i n u u m Wo r l d S c h o o l . For more pictures from Convocation 2012, see page 10.

Meadowr idge Schoo l

Page 2 | JUNE 2012

A NNUA L GI V ING D ONOR S Thank You For Contr ibut ing! Anonymous (6)

Mr. Bradley Senner & Ms. Tanya Cloete

Dr. & Mrs. Amin & Fawzia Hasham

Mr. & Mrs. Rafael & Lisa Acos ta

Mr. & Mrs. Jef f & Katherine Craw ford

Mr. & Mrs. Carl & Shirly He

Adventure Bay Fish Co. (The Larsen Family)

Mr. & Mrs. Stuar t & Moyra Craw ford

Mr. & Mrs. William & Leona Healy

Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Elizabeth Davies

Mr. and Mrs. Peter & Kelly Fr y

Dr. & Mrs. Anton & Elna de Klerk

Mr. & Mrs. Don & Linda Hincks

Mr. & Mrs. Clinton & Michelle Denesiuk

Ms. Cindy Hops

Dr. Kalal Derhami & Ms. Shiva Sadighi

Ms. Delores Zibulak

Mr. & Mrs. Ninderjit & Lakhvir Dhaliwal

Mrs. Carrie Hughes-Grant

Ms. Zahra Dhanani

Mr. Richard Hui & Ms. Stephanie Lee

Mrs. Amrita Dhanji

Mr. John Hwang & Mrs. Catherine Kim

Mr. Avio Diniz & Ms. Patricia Lapointe

Mr. & Mrs. Ty & Jadina Ir ving

Mr. & Mrs. Mat thew & Wendy Docker ty

Ms. Lynelle Johns

Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Paula Barbosa

Mr. Terr y Donaldson

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Judy Johns ton

Mr. & Mrs. Ar thur & Elle Bargen

Ms. Allison Esau

JP E-Design Ltd. (Peng Family)

Mr. & Mrs. Randy & Leslie Bargen

Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Agnes Dubas

Mr. Terr y Jung & Ms. Audrey Lum

Miss Cori Bar ker & Jake Bar ker

Dr. & Mrs. Bill & Barbara Durno

Mr. & Mrs. Amrit & Kam Kahlon

Mr. & Mrs. John & Terr y Becker

Exper t Electric (The Brunet ta Family)

Dr. & Mrs. Al Karim & Eileen Karmali

Mr. Jonathan Peters & Mrs. Corisa Bell

Dr. & Mrs. John & Theresa Farley

Mr. Kevin Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. Steven & Jacqueline Bentley

Mr. Phil Brown & Ms. Ramona Franzen

Dr. Seoungjoon Kim & Mrs. Inhwa Sung

Mrs. Kris tal Bereza

Mrs. Hallie Fraser

Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Nina Ko

Mr. Chris Ber toia

Mr. Jay Fraser

Drs. Mur thy & Anu Korada

Dr. Michael Orser & Ms. Chris tine Bickle

Drs. Deepu & Reena George

Dr. Wayne Kuan & Ms. Tracy Lu

Mr. Michael Biswas & Ms. P. Dawn ShawBiswas

Drs. Joe & Diana Germain

Mr. Oh Hyon Kwon & Mrs. JiSoo Jeon

Mr. Bob Gill & Mrs. Diana Car withen

Mr. Hyeok-Sang Kwon & Mrs. Ji-Yeon Ahn

Mr. David Blair & Mrs. Tyese Pat ton-Blair

Mr. Kenneth Go & Mrs. Connie Chow-Go

Mr. & Mrs. Al-Karim & Zain Lalji

Prof. Nicholas Blomley & Ms. Jessie Hill

Mr. Mansour Gorji & Mrs. Nas taran Kasravi

Drs. Ockie Lampen & Kathy Robson

Mr. Rhys Clar ke & Mrs. Julie Bournival Mr. Hugh Bur ke & Ms. Eva Boyd

Mr. & Mrs. Ralf & As trid Got t fried

Drs. Dan & Anca Catona

Dr. & Mrs. Kandasamy & Diviam Gounden

Mr. & Mrs. Dipayan & Samita Chak rabar ti

Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Gouws & Kimberley Buchanan-Gouws

Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Oltita Agaf itei Mr. & Mrs. Ron & Cathy Antalek Mr. Raf f i Antepyan & Mrs. Karen Ruckens tein Ms. Rebecca Awram Mr. & Mrs. Osama & Shannon A ziz Mr. Frank Qin & Mrs. Jenny Bai Mr. Patrick Barber & Mrs. Sonia Nieto Bus tos

Mr. & Mrs. Cherokee & Joyce Chamorro Mr. Chen Wei Sun & Ms. Hong Chang Mr. Gang Chen & Ms. Ping Li Mr. Xiang Jing Chen & Mrs. Xiao Ming Yang

Ms. Maxine Gracey Mr. & Mrs. Andy & Cathy Graetz Mr. & Mrs. Alan & Marlene Graveson Mr. & Mrs. War wick & Carolyn Green

Mr. Jun Chen & Mrs. Zhe Zhou

Mr. Ying Pei Guan & Mrs. Wei Li Zhang

Mr. Roy Choi & Mrs. Jeong-Mi Ryu

Mr. & Mrs. Craig & Natalie Gunning

Mr. Richard Choi & Mrs. Angie Lee

Mr. Yanchuan Guo & Ms. Yun Wei

Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Laura Clar ke

Hagberg Technical (The Hagberg Family)

Mr. & Mrs. Ar thur & Adele Cloete

Mr. Brian Harrison & Mrs. Joanne Lee

Mr. & Mrs. Manuel & Virna Lau Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Rhonda Laurie Mr. Ron Le Boutillier Mr. Daniel Le Page Mr. Gye Ju Lee & Mrs. Whal Ran Park Mr. Lance Leger & Ms. Sarah Ward Mr. & Mrs. Darrell & Kim Les ter Mr. Jian Liu & Dr. Xiao Jin Wang Ms. Shirley MacDonald Dr. Mitra Maharaj & Mrs. Jacqueline Ainswor th Drs. Samir & Sangita Malhotra Mr. & Mrs. Riaz & Fairous Mapara Mr. & Mrs. Ivo & Jus tine Marchand

Page 3 | JUNE 2012

Las t year you helped us IMAGINE. This year, please help us DESIGN t he nex t 25 year s.

ANNUAL GIVING DONORS continued... Mr. & Mrs. Edwin & Sandra Margawang

Mr. & Mrs. Scot t & Lisa Park

Mr. Mangal & Dr. Tanbir Sindhar

Mr. Luis Marin & Ms. Patricia Res trepo

Mr. Parmjit & Mrs. Malkit Parmar

Mr. & Mrs. Rajindar & Sheila Singh

Mr. James Marriot t

Mr. & Mrs. Terrance & Moira Passley

Mr. & Mrs. Greg & Carrie Skeeles

Mr. Gareth Mason & Ms. Carolyn Treger

Dr. & Mrs. Parin & Bhavna Patel

Mr. Troy Sobotka & Ms. Andrea Frisby

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Melissa Mat tiazzo

Mr. Jun Peng & Mrs. Amy Guo

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Norma-Jean Spika

Mr. & Mrs. Shaun & Leah McPhail

Ms. Toni Perret ta

Mr. Scot t Spurgeon

Meadowridge Student Initiatives

Mr. Bob Peters & Mrs. Mar ylyn Ser vicePeters

Mr. Rober t Stewar t

Ms. Glenda Mensah

Mr. & Mrs. Philip & Nicola Pitzey

Mrs. Patricia Merr y

Mr. & Mrs. Igor & Katerina Pogrebinsk y

Ms. Sherrie Metz Mr. Yiping Mi & Mrs. Jing Jing Li

Mr. & Mrs. Shahir & Reeshma Premji Mr. George Read & Ms. Fay Kingwill

Mrs. Chris ty Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Vassen & Lovana Moothoo Mr. Michael Nice & Ms. Danielle Noel Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Alda Nicmans Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Barbara Niwa Mr. David Noble Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Margot Olah Ms. Angela Pallis ter Mr. Alan Sharda, Ms. Zebeen Panju & A zynah Mr. Steven Parew yck & Ms. Anita Bonnarens

Mr. Quan Ren & Mrs. Lin Wu Mr. David Riddell & Mrs. Karen WilbyRiddell Ron Hof far t Architects Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James & Sue Rumble Mr. Michael Schutz Mrs. Chantal Schutz Ms. Jennifer Maynes Dr. & Mrs. Allen & Rosie Shen Mr. & Mrs. Gurjit & Parneet Sidhu Mr. & Mrs. Jus tin & Jennifer Simpson

Mr. Kevin Sun & Ms. Feng Li Mr. & Mrs. Mahmud & Rishma Sunderji Mr. Pres ton Tan Mr. & Mrs. Rick & Susan Waugh Mr. Dan tenBrink & Ms. Leah Zeballos Mr. & Ms. Peter & Alison Thompson Truc Truck Finder Inc. (The Vine Family) Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Sue Tsoi Dr. & Mrs. Kur t & Melanie Tsuyuki Ms. Simmi Khanna Mr. & Mrs. Julian & Marilyn Turner Mr. & Mrs. David & Lyn Tyler Dr. & Mrs. Hanif & Sophie Ukani Ms. Michelle Vally Drs. Ravi Vanukuru & Rajasree Nadella Ms. Tamara Warner Drs. Qasim and Tehmina Was ti Mr. & Mrs. Mat thew & Jennifer Wat t Mr. & Mrs. Rick & Susan Waugh Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence & Tracey Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Kalie Whitaker Ms. Samantha Coates Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Annet te Woloshyn Mr. William Wong & Ms. Tina Lee Mr. Han Min Wu & Mrs. Xiao Feng Mr. Fu Qing Xu & Mrs. Hui Wang Mr. Zitao Ye & Mrs. Jenny Lu Mr. Lixiang Yuan & Mrs. Yuhong Yang Mr. Xiaoping Yuan & Ms. Hongli Gong Mr. Eric J. H. Yue & Ms. Maggie Ma Mr. Kyle Jeans & Ms. Kris ta Zambolin Mr. Dong Zhang & Mrs. Xiao Hua Qi

Japanese Thea tre Mask s Purchased with Annual Giving funds.

Meadowr idge Schoo l

Page 4 | JUNE 2012

S U M M E R AT H L E T I C S at M E A D O W R I D G E This summer there will be a number of athletic oppor tunities that we would like s tudents to take advantage of in order to improve and grow their skills over the summer. Throughout the summer these athletics will be available at Meadowridge at no charge to our s tudents. More details on all camps and practices will be sent to those that regis ter by email. - Mr. Scot t Spurgeon, Athletic Director

Bask e t bal l

So ccer Camp

Open Gym for all Basketball players (boys & girls, all grades)

Mr. Scot t Spurgeon (scot t.spurgeon@meadowridge.bc.ca) is the lead contact.

Mr. Chris Ber toia (chris.ber toia@meadowridge.bc.ca) is the lead contact. Please email Mr. Ber toia at leas t 24 hours in advance to conf irm your at tendance for each session.

Tuesday, July 3

3:30pm to 5:30pm

Thursday, July 12

3:30pm to 5:30pm

Tuesday, July 17

3:30pm to 5:30pm

Tuesday, July 24

3:30pm to 5:30pm

Tuesday, July 31

3:30pm to 5:30pm

Tuesday, Augus t 7

3:30pm to 5:30pm

Tuesday, Augus t 14

3:30pm to 5:30pm

Voll e ybal l Cam p Grade 6 to 12 Girls Mrs. Michelle Brookshaw (michelle.brookshaw@meadowridge. bc.ca) is the lead contact. Please email Mrs. Brookshaw by Friday, Augus t 10 th to conf irm your par ticipation and to allow the coaches to plan for accurate numbers. If you are able to email earlier and conf irm your par ticipation it would be appreciated. Location: Meadowridge Gym A & B

Monday, Augus t 20

9:30am to 12:30pm

Tuesday, Augus t 21

9:30am to 12:30pm

Wednesday, Augus t 22

9:30am to 12:30pm

Please email Mr. Spurgeon by Friday, Augus t 10 th to conf irm your par ticipation and to allow the coaches to plan for accurate numbers. If you are able to email earlier and conf irm your par ticipation it would be appreciated. Location: Meadowridge Backf ield

Monday, Augus t 20

9:30am to Grade 8 to 12 Boys 12:30pm team members

Tuesday, Augus t 21

9:30am to Grade 8 to 12 Boys 12:30pm team members

Wednesday, August 22

9:30am to Grade 4 to 12 Boys (Grade 4 to 7 boys trained 12:30pm by our Grade 8 to 12s)

Page 5 | JUNE 2012

Las t year you helped us IMAGINE. This year, please help us DESIGN t he nex t 25 year s.


Meadow r idge Summer Reading Programme We are ver y excited here at the librar y to launch our f irs t annual summer reading programme, open to s tudents from Junior Kindergar ten to Grade 12! Students may choose any book(s) from the provided summer reading lis t and read them on their own or with a family member. Students then record their name, grade, the book title(s) and ensure a family member has signed it. In September, s tudents hand in the completed sheet to the librar y.

All s tudents who take par t in the programme will be invited to the book celebration ice cream par ty in September (date tba). PYP s tudents should have received their lis t in their planners already. MYP s tudents will receive their copy with this edition of the Mini Gr yphon. Additional paper copies are available at the librar y or the front of f ice from now until the end of summer. You may also access them online at: w w w.meadowridge.bc.ca/librar y (click “Access the Meadowridge Librar y� link and then Summer Reading Lis t but ton on the righthand side of the page). Thank you and have a relaxing summer curled up with a good book! - Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. Storgaard, Teacher - Librarians

Meadowr idge Schoo l

Page 6 | JUNE 2012

The 2012 Drive Fore the Future Golf Tournament was a great success! Thank you for coming out, playing some golf, socializing over delicious food and suppor ting the children of Meadowridge School.

We raised over $65,000, achieving our goal of purchasing a new school bus for our children! Congratulations to ever yone involved and thank you to all of the volunteers that made this event possible.

2012 Meadowridge School Drive fore the Future Golf Tournament

Thank you to our sponsors Lordco Auto Parts Ltd. (The Coates Family)

Advance Wire Products Ltd. (Mr. Ron Le Boutillier)

DMC Dubas Management & Construction Inc.

Expert Electric

BMO Bank of Montreal

(The Brunetta Family) Payworks Canada

Big Feast Bistro

Infinity Alliance Corp (The Bal Family)

Mr. Brad Senner & South African Families

Black Sheep Pub & Grill (Mr. Andrew Wong)

Investors Group

PuroClean (Mr. Kevin Demas & Ms. Shelley Lewis)

Blueghost Trucking (The Simpson Family)

Johnston Meier Insurance Agency Group

Rob Jeeves, RE/MAX Lifestyles Realty

Brandee McWhinney Mortgage Expert

Julian & Marilyn Turner (Just Enterprises Inc.)

Skin Health Laser & Medi-Spa Crossroads

Canuel Catering

Key Tracer Systems Inc. (The French Family)

Starbucks Coffee

Canvas Hair Salon

KNV Chartered Accountants (The Batty Family)

The Burke Family

Dan tenBrink, RE/MAX Lifestyles Realty

Link Developments (The Gandesha Family)

The Girling Family

DCT Consultants (The Tyler Family)

Little Black Box Photobooth (Ms. Jadina Irving)

The Larsen Family

Freeform Communications (Ms. Colleen Hayes)

Meadowridge Advancement Department

The McLaren Family

Heritage Dental (The Germain Family)

Meadows Golf Centre

The Meadowridge Korean Community

Hub International

Michael & Young Fly Shop (The Tsuyuki Family)

The Perry Family


Michael J. Nice, CGA, CFP

Tomax Construction

HY Louie Co. Limited

Mike Orser (Alouette Animal Hospital)

West Coast Auto Group

3D Golf Performance Bill's Skate Shop Alexander Barber Nieto The Bal Family Bergthorson Academy of Musical Arts Inc. Bombay Bricks 4 Kidz Caring Touch Healthcare Services Healthcare Sevices Mr. Marc Conaghan

Coopers Foods Mr. Mike Coultier Dan Ten Brink, RE/MAX Lifestyles Reality Ms. Patty Durrance EECOL Electric Euphoria Hair Design Expert Electric (The Brunetta Family) Favourite Finds Four Seasons Lawn & Garden Care (Mr. Brad Senner)

The Germain Family Glentel GM Restaurant Halpern's Uniforms Hammond Jewellers Harley Cross Photography The Hayes Family Heather Hills Golf Course Mr. Mike Huber Mr. Damon Jones Jungle Jacs (The Walker Family) Kildare Riding Stables

Mr. Mike Kinnell Oprey Village The Ladva Family Mr. Ron Le Boutillier Lotus & Lemongrass The Lui Family Maple Leaf Foods Meadowridge Alumni Meadowridge School Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 Classes Meadows Landscape Supply & Specimen Trees

Mr. Shu Naito (Coast Hotels) Oxygen Yoga Mr. Phil Pitzey Precision Soccer The Premji Family Red Robin Restaurant RHB Group The Riddell family RPM Ryan Jewellers Save-on-Foods Shoppers Drug Mart Staples Business Depot

Steve The Wine Guy Stylistix Sunderji Family The Keg The Thompson Family Ti Car Triple Tree Nursery The Turner Family Van De Poll Garden Design Vancity Mr. & Mrs. Wong Ms. Cathy Yamamoto

Page 7 | JUNE 2012

Las t year you helped us IMAGINE. This year, please help us DESIGN t he nex t 25 year s.


Thank you!

You have helped the Golf Tournament purchase a new bus for our children!


h T eB l l

Alumni - Class of 2003, 2004 & 2005

Lily Huber

Sam Pitzey & Jacob Pitzey

Tar yn Antalek & Devon Antalek

Inves tors Group

Ella Podulsk y

Claire Bat ty & Emily Bat ty

Katy and Lucy Ir ving

Kayla Podulsk y

Jake Barker

Andrew (Ju Young) Jang

Dasha Pogrebinksy

Kaylyn Bell

Cooper Jeeves

Alexandra Pogrebinksy

Jessica Bournival, Zoe Clarke & Amelie Bournival

Brandon Jung, Nicholas Jung & Jus tin Jung

Alinah & Alyssa Premji

Mark Brunet ta

Zain Karmali

Gracie Prevedello

Thomas Burke & Mollie Burke'08

Inara Karmali

Carina Rawal

Kevin Chen

Imran Karmali

Kathleen, Allan & Rober t Read

Alina Choi and Hannah Choi

Daniel Kim

Ellie Ruiz McWhinney

Keanna Cloete-Senner

Vienna, Tatiana, & Bianka Kliman

Vylet Victoria Schultz-Williams

Natalie Coates-Wiens

Elisa Kuan

Gurshaan Sidhu

Brooklyn Coates-Wiens

Elvis Kuan

Suhaana Sidhu

Shelley Lewis & Kevin Demas

Ena Kuan

Jade Simpson

Aly Dhanani & Zaman Dhanani

Sahil Ladva & Shreya Ladva

Logan Simpson

Josh Durant

Shaun Lampen, Josh Lampen, & Tim Lampen

Subaig Sindhar

Dylan Durant

Thomas Laurie Richard Laurie

Samrath Sindhar

Sydney Durant

Charlot te Lau

Bill Sinf ield

Dillon Eichhors t, Ethan Eichhors t & Ava Eichhors t

Alis tair Lau

Ella Smith

Shelby, Steele and Rockford Flintermann

Veronica Le Boutillier Wyat t

Alexander Smith

Anika Franzen-Brown

Juno Lee

Zachar y Smith

Shivani Gandesha & Tejas Gandesha

Kung Jun Lee (Tom)

Brontë Sobotka

Matheson & Nathan Go

Megan & Jamie Leger

Ar yana Sunderji & Kiyana Sunderji

Carolyn & War wick Green

Jenny Lu

Noah Thompson

Morgan Gunning & As ton Gunning

Jerr y Lu

Miranda Tsuyuki

David Guo

Saw yer Mackenzie

Kyla Tsuyuki

Joe Guo

Jageur Mackenzie

Brianna Tsuyuki

Yilu Guo

Emily Mason

Sean Tsen & Ryan Tsen

Br yson Hay wood Holly Hay wood

Madisyn McPhail

Devon Turner '07 & Alexa Turner

Jennifer Higginson

Indigo Mielke

Tamsyn Tyler '09 & Tara Tyler

George Hohorelos

Omid Motameni

Alyssa Ukani & Adam Ukani

Nikolas Hohorelos

Hunter Mullis

Mark Van Pelt

Chris tos Hohorelos

Maverick Neibergall '12 & Lachlan Neibergall

Aidan Waugh, Morgan Waugh & Annie Liao'11

Graham & Donna Hookey, Cameron Hookey, Mitchell Hookey, & Garret t Hookey

Evan Nice & Wyat t Nice

Liam Wat t, Chloë Wat t, Erin Wat t & Murray Wat t

Cindy Hops

Chisom Obioha

Noah Wong & Cassidy Wong

Pres ton Park

Kieran Wood & Daniel Wood

Helena Parew yck & Ralph Parew yck

Madeline Zambolin-Jeans & Zachar y Zambolin-Jeans

Taylor Passley

Brianna Zeballos & Isabella Zeballos

Isaac Huber Anna Huber

Please Note: Names shown are as they will appear in the bus. If any corrections are needed, please email chris ty.mooney@meadowridge.bc.ca before July 13, 2012.

Meadowr idge Schoo l


Celebrat ing Evan’s bir thday wi th “weird” cupcakes! It was a beautiful, sunny Monday morning, when Evan entered my classroom and asked if it was alright for him to share some cupcakes with the other Grade 3 s tudents, to celebrate his bir thday. We agreed upon the bes t time to hand out the cupcakes and Evan concluded the conversation with, “they (the cupcakes) are really weird.” This left a lot to my imagination, especially coming from Evan, who has an ex traordinarily, imaginative Grade 3 mind. The time f inally arrived for Evan to hand out the cupcakes, so he brought them into the class and set them down on the table. At f irs t glance, they looked like regular cupcakes, other than the fact they were in ice-cream cones. Upon fur ther inspection, I noticed there was no wrapper around the cupcakes; I looked at Evan and exclaimed, “These are zero-was te, that’s awesome.” It was fantas tic to celebrate Evan’s bir thday and the cupcakes were delicious; however, I continue to mar vel at the impact one Grade 3 s tudent and his family have had on the Ear th that we share. Meadowridge is s triving for the day when “weird” cupcakes become the norm. The footprint of cupcake wrappers is huge: it involves the har ves ting and production of resources (trees for paper, chemical waxes, etc.) to make the wrapper, the factor y that made the wrappers, the transpor tation of the wrappers to the s tore and eventually completing the footprint in a landf ill. Although the wrappers themselves do not amount to much at the end of a bir thday celebration, their las ting footprint on our ear th is larger than mos t of us ever realize. What other areas in our lives should we be ref lecting upon and making a positive change for the world that we share? Canada seems to have an “out of sight, out of mind” sentiment toward was te, pollution and environmental abuse. These unsus tainable practices are well documented in our countr y and it is time that we recognize them and s tar t living with future generations in mind. Please share your ideas on how to make positive, sus tainable changes at home, at school and the wor k place; and share them on the Meadowridge Sus tainability Forum (w w w.meadowridge.bc.ca/greenforum). - Mr. James Willms, PYP Teacher and Green Team Member

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Las t year you helped us IMAGINE. This year, please help us DESIGN t he nex t 25 year s.

GRY PHON CO UNCIL UPDAT E As the house cup was being awarded, as the f inal song was playing at our las t dance, and as the f irs t of the pancakes were being f lipped at our annual pancake breakfas t, it was hard to believe this year was soon coming to an end. Now, our exams are over, the elections have been held, and there is a new Senior Gr yphon Council already wor king towards making nex t year as spectacular as the one we jus t had. While our thoughts may already be focused on the summer ahead, (and the sunshine that hopefully awaits!), I would like to take a moment to thank the people that made the many successes of this year possible. Our Student Leadership advisors, Mr. Jung and Mrs. Whitaker, have wor ked tirelessly throughout the year to help guide us in reaching all of the goals we set out. We could not have done it without them. The teachers and s taf f of Meadowridge School have been unconditionally suppor tive of all our endeavors, thank you. And our fellow s tudents, whether we were volunteering for the Autumn Har ves t Dinner, bat tling for house pride on Spirit Day, playing Dance Dance Revolution with Mr. Wells, or any thing else in between, there was no doubt we were all having fun while we did it. However it would be a shame not to mention the ex traordinar y group of people I was privileged to wor k alongside this year. Fun, outgoing, and energetic, the 20112012 Senior Gr yphon Council and Senior House Captains put in a one hundred and ten percent ef for t to make this year the bes t it could be. Moving for ward, I wish the incoming s tudent council the bes t of luck and hope nex t year is jus t as exciting as the las t. - Kyle Sholes, Outgoing Senior Gr yphon Council President

HO USE POIN TS 2011-2012 School Year

Congratulations KANAKA!

16 , 171 15 , 9 16 1 4 , 572 13 , 76 8

Meadowr idge Schoo l

Page 10 | JUNE 2012

We recently celebrated the graduating Class of 2012 during convocation on Friday, June 15th, with the gym and cafeteria transformed through beautiful decorations by the Grade 12 parents and s taf f members. Class valedictorian, Emma Germain, delivered a touching speech at the ceremony and each s tudent proudly accepted their diploma from Mr. Burke. As a school we are ex tremely proud of our graduating class and are looking for ward to seeing where their determination, sense of humour and love of learning will take them. To date, the class of 2012 have been of fered close to a quar ter of a million dollars in scholarships and bursaries and have been granted admission to the following pos t-secondar y schools: Brock University

Mount Allison University

Carleton University

University of New Yor k

Dalhousie University

Queen’s University

Douglas College

Simon Fraser University

Duke University

Thompson Rivers University

Huron College

University of Chicago

Kwantlen Poly technic University

University of British Columbia

Langara College

University of British Columbia Okanagan

McGill University

University of Calgar y

McMas ter University

University of California Ir vine

University of California Santa Barbara University of Manitoba University of Saskatchewan University of the Fraser Valley University of Toronto University of Victoria University of Waterloo University of Wisconsin Vancouver Island University Wes tern University

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Las t year you helped us IMAGINE. This year, please help us DESIGN t he nex t 25 year s.

Meadowr idge Schoo l

Page 1 2 | JUNE 2012

A RO UND ME A D OW R ID GE PYP Spr ing Showcase The PYP Spring Showcase took place the evening of Wednesday, June 13th and featured the musical talents of the Junior Kindergar ten through Grade 5 classes. Highlights of the evening included per formances by Ms. Sugden’s French s tudents, Mrs. Liversidge’s Junior Kindergar ten s tudents, a PE dance video compiled by Ms. Brookshaw and a sus tainability presentation by Mr. Willms. The event was hos ted by Mr. Donaldson who ensured the evening ran smoothly. Thanks to all PYP per formers! - Ms. Barb Durno, PYP Teacher

Meadow r idge Mas ter s Tour nament Fore! This year our Junior Golf Programme was ver y successful with 21 members from Grades 3 to 7. They received a lesson and a round of golf at Heather Hills and enjoyed playing each week at Hacker’s Haven. The Meadowridge Mas ters Tournament took place on Saturday, June 16th. The s tudents played a “Bes t Ball Scramble” where the team with the lowes t score was awarded a trophy that will be displayed in our school. The winner of this year’s Meadowridge Mas ters was the team consis ting of Jef f (Grade 7), Edward (Grade 4), and Nicolas (Grade 7) shooting a low score of 30 for 9 holes. Congratulations! Congratulations to the following s tudents for winning the individual challenges: •

Longes t Drive for Boys: Jef f (Grade 7)

Longes t Drive for Girls: Phoebe (Grade 6)

Closes t to the Pin for Boys: Connor (Grade 4)

Closes t to the Pin for Girls: Phoebe (Grade 6)

Long Put t Competition: Tejas (Grade 4)

Closes t Chip to the Pin: Edward (Grade 4)

I’d like to thank all of the parent volunteers and golfers for a ver y enjoyable golf season this year! - Mrs. Michelle Brookshaw, PYP Teacher

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Las t year you helped us IMAGINE. This year, please help us DESIGN t he nex t 25 year s.

Longi tude & La ti tude Earlier in the year the Grade 8s embar ked on a unit exploring longitude and latitude and I had the pleasure to teach these s tudents for two weeks. During this unit, the s tudents created the Equator, Prime Meridian, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, the Arctic, Antarctic Circles and the continents on the f loor of the atrium with masking tape. They were then ins tructed to plot the capital cities of 38 countries and it was not until after this was completed that it was revealed that they are the nationalities of our Meadowridge community. Finally, the s tudents learned about how the early explorers solved the puzzle of f iguring out longitude. As an ex tension of this activity, many s tudents and teachers saw the potential and value of having a map of the world permanently ins talled on the f loor in the MYP Atrium. If anyone is aware of a company that may do such work, please contact Mr. Olah at s teve. olah@meadowridge.bc.ca. Happy sailing! - Mr. Steve Olah, Principal

Ma th & Car toons Grade 11 Pre-Calculus s tudents were given the challenge to take their favourite car toon characters and change it into 50+ mathematical equations. Initially the s tudents wor ked all the equations out on paper and then input ted them into a graphing software program to see how accurate their math is. The s tudents loved this par t, as they watched their car toon ‘come alive’ before their eyes as they f inetuned and corrected their equations. Many s tudents opted to include inequalities to introduce shading to enhance the aes thetic appeal of their character. In the end the s tudents ended up with an ex traordinar y product, which they are ex tremely proud of and which we loved to mar k! - Ms. Carolyn Green and Mr. Kevin Wells, MYP Teachers

Grad Blood Dr ive On June 8th, 2012, ten s tudents from this year’s graduating class donated blood and it was amazing to see how many people came out to donate. This year’s graduating class has had the larges t group of s tudents donating more than any other year before. Each s tudent that donated provided enough blood to save three lives, which can be used for cancer patients and accident victims, among other people. Thank you to ever yone who came out and donated blood as well as the s tudents who came out to suppor t them! Students that came out included: Preet, Allan, Kyle, Maria, Somayan, Aver y, Abby, Kelly, Dashen, Alice, Madeline and Shyla. - Lyndsey Merr y, Grade 12

Meadowr idge Schoo l

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M E A D O W R I D G E PA R E N T G U I L D The PYP Showcase has jus t ended and I am left with a sense of pride and sadness. My daughter is no longer a PYP s tudent, she is about to round the corner to MYP. She s tar ted at Meadowridge in Junior Kindergar ten and now she is heading towards the second half of her Meadowridge years. Luckily, I s till have one more in PYP! For me the PYP Spring Showcase and the Grade 5 Exhibition (held in May) highlight the connectivity of all the IB learning. Bravo to all our teachers! At Meadowridge we are all connected to one another through the shared experiences of our children. These experiences contribute to the sense of community that is felt by our Meadowridge families. The Parent Guild suppor ts and fos ters that sense of community in many ways. Volunteerism is key to sus taining a vibrant school community. If you are a parent at Meadowridge; you are a member of the Parent Guild. It is the parents that provide the s trength of the Parent Guild. At Meadowridge we are so for tunate to have many wonder ful parents that give of themselves so freely. This is apparent ever y spring as the Parent Guild hos ts the Grandparent & Grand-friend Luncheon. It is a special event that provides an oppor tunity for the parents to celebrate our school, our children and their grandparents. This year the event was completely organized and executed by parents. It could not have been a success without the commitment of the Parent Guild Council members, and the many volunteers who donated their time. I k now the grandparents really look for ward to this event and they appreciate the ex tra ef for ts we do to make the afternoon memorable

Our volunteerism is growing! This year we were able to expand our Council Members to included Parent Guild representation in many areas of the school. We have tripled our ancillar y Council members and now have representatives to suppor t the school in many of the school initiatives. Star ting in September, there will be a Parent Guild rep for the Green Commit tee, the Uniform commit tee, the Gala, and the Golf tournament. These reps help the Parent Guild s tay connected to the school and provide a vital link from the school adminis tration back to the Council Members, and in turn to parents; thus, ensuring that we can all suppor t these impor tant initiatives.

New Parent Guild Initiatives The Parent Guild is wor king with the Academic Directors to develop suppor t for IB learning and to promote greater unders tanding of the IB programme. There will be two PYP IB reps, one MYP, and one DP rep. In addition, we will have one rep responsible for the Duke of Edinburgh and Gr yphon Pin programmes. The function of these reps is to augment the information provided by the Academic Directors and provide assis tance to parents with ques tions specif ic to the IB programme. The Parent Guild is pleased to provide a way for new families to feel connected to our school, even before they have begun. The New Family Welcoming Commit tee is a new team that has par tnered with Advancement. This subcommit tee of the Parent Guild hos ted their f irs t event on Tuesday, June 12th. It was a wonder ful evening both social and informative and by all accounts it was welcomed by the new families. The nex t events planned by the New Family Welcoming Commit tee will be held on September 4th and 5th. “Drop in’ for cof fee and pas tries, right after drop of f. All families are welcome a great way for the new families to meet parents and a way for the returning parents to reconnect after the summer.

Parent Guild Grade Representatives Promoting communications is an impor tant aspect of the Parent Guild and this includes the “Get Connected” ar ticles in the Mini Gryphon and the Grade Rep programme. This year the reps are in place so these communications can star t as soon as we return in September.

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Las t year you helped us IMAGINE. This year, please help us DESIGN t he nex t 25 year s.

Parent Guild Fundraising The other major function of the Guild is fundraising. This year’s fundraising events included “Unwrapped”, Note Pads, Spring Hanging Flower Baskets, Gr yphon’s Emporium, gaming licenses and government grants. We have added a new Fundraiser that is ongoing and hopefully can be f inancially rewarding for the Guild, decrease parent frus tration and eliminate the need for the los t and found! Mabel’s labels – they are a fun, personalized, colour ful, reliable way to mark ALL your children’s belongs. Anyone can purchase through our link. Visit w w w.meadowridge. mabelslabels.com to place your order.

The Parent Guild AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be held in September 2012. Please come to help decide how we utilize our funds.

Gr yphon’s Emporium, also k nown as the used uniform shop, is an impor tant Guild fundraiser. You can suppor t the Emporium by donating your gently used uniform pieces and by at tending the Annual Back to School Sale on Augus t 23rd, 24th, 25th. - look for the details in the summer package. The Emporium will also be available on September 4th and 5th during the "drop in" cof fee. The funds raised by the Guild are used to enhance the educational experiences of all our children, hos t family events such as the Grandparent Luncheon and provide teacher appreciation events. This year the Parent Guild has already hos ted two such teacher events and is working on the third, to be held during the Pro-D week.

Don’t forget that there are many ways to “Get Connected” within the Parent Guild, with oppor tunities spanning from specif ic tasks to larger executive roles. See the lis t below for your chance to get connected. Don’t forget we are also looking for people to help with Welcome Back Fair - Scheduled for September 8th. If you are interes ted please contact me via the parent guild email - parentguild@meadowridge.bc.ca. Enjoy your summer! Warmes t Regards, Eileen Karmali, Chair, Meadowridge Parent Guild


Volunteer Oppor tuni t ies at Meadow r idge


Volunt e e r Connec t Belong

The Parent Guild is pleased to provide a way for new families to feel connected to our school, even before they have begun. The New Family Welcoming Commit tee is a new team that has par tnered with Advancement. If you would like to help with this commit tee and welcome new parents to the school, please contact parentguild@meadowridge.bc.ca.

FUNDR A ISING COMMI T T EE The Parent Guild is creating a new subcommit tee to review other fundraising oppor tunities to benef it the school, are you interes ted? Contact the parentguild@meadowridge. bc.ca if you would like to get involved.


GRYPHON’S EMPOR IUM Firs t Wednesday of ever y month 3:00pm to 4:30pm Jessie Hill is looking for one or two volunteers to help her process used uniform orders the f irs t Wednesday of ever y month from 3:00pm to 4:30pm. Please contact gr yphonsemporium@ meadowridge.bc.ca if you are interes ted in helping or for more information. 201 2 WELCOME BACK FAIR

The Parent Guild is always looking for

Keep this volunteer oppor tunity on the

other parents to help out with future

radar! The 2012 Welcome Back Fair will

projects. Come out to the nex t meeting

be held on September 8, 2012. If you are

or contact parentguild@meadowridge.

interes ted in helping out, please contact

bc.ca to see how you can get involved.

chris tine.bickle@meadowridge.bc.ca.

Meadowr idge Schoo l

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In today's global community one would like to believe in equality between ever y individual. However, I feel the issue of inequality s till exis ts. This year I have aimed to por tray this issue through my body of ar t. Each of my pieces focus on a dif ferent inequality our society is subjected to, beginning with cultural dif ferences. In the "Wes tern World", our major 'wants' include money, power, and material objects. In fact these 'wants' are often so s trong we classif y them as 'needs'. However there is a large por tion of the globe s truggling ever y day to at tain the basic needs of sur vival: food, shelter, and water; things we have in abundance and so clearly take for granted. To show this contras t I split the world in two, with each piece surrounded by the corresponding needs/wants of its people. My second piece outlines gender s tereotypes in society, with a woman placed in a kitchen and a man placed in the middle of a busy city; separated by the wall society has dis tinctly formed between these two gender roles. My f inal piece represents oppression, with the white chains holding the black box closed. This division of white vs. black is not representative of only one group of people, but rather all people who face racism, discrimination, or any other forms of inequality in the world today.

- Kyle Sholes The f irs t series of the Eif fel Tower was an inves tigation of the dif ferent mediums with which I could do ar t. I explored how to por tray the same object in dif ferent ways and how to link dif ferent pictures together with unif ying elements. The Eif fel Tower was chosen because of its iconic s tructure, which gave me the freedom to choose ver y unusual perspectives and s till have the audience unders tand what I was tr ying to por tray. The second series explored colour themes, and how dif ferent colours could por tray dif ferent moods in the same picture. The picture, which was taken in my hometown in China, has ver y personal meanings to me, but as I translated the picture into completely dif ferent colours (lime green sk y, purple trees...) the picture in dif ferent colour themes represented something dif ferent in dif ferent viewers. This series really opened me up so I was not so focused on get ting to the details and making my pictures realis tic. The f inal series I did was based on memories of when I was in China, and are mos tly done out of cut paper. The unique perspective showing only my arms puts the viewer in my position so the pictures are not only personal to me, but become personal to the audience as well. The f ishes in the koi pond are done out of pencil crayons, which I also enjoyed wor king with due to the amazing amount of control that pencil crayons have, compared to the relatively f lat paper cuts that I used in the other areas. However, the paper cuts helped me push myself even fur ther from the person conf ined to realis tic ar t at the beginning of the school year to someone who can use whatever medium available to express herself through ar t.

- Audrey Zhang

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Las t year you helped us IMAGINE. This year, please help us DESIGN t he nex t 25 year s.

The theme of my series was Communication through Human Emotion. The goal of my inves tigation was to see how people communicate nonverbally with each other through facial expression and the perceptions people receive from those expressions. My s tudy focused on the human face and the emotions of sadness, happiness, anger and surprise. I s tar ted f irs t with s tudies of the human face, then modeled specif ic emotions using clay. Thereafter I transferred those emotions onto canvas with specif icmediums for the emotions. For example, I used watercolour, a dripping, translucent medium, to por tray the emotion of sadness. I did so because the feelings associated with sadness make you feel like you're all over the place, you're melting and you don't really feel like yourself. I used this technique for a few others which created another perspective of interpretation to my ar t. My favourite piece would be 'Trickling Sorrow' because it was able to amplif y the feeling of sadness mos t ef fectively. The brush s trokes as well as the water running down the page exemplif ied the emotion which I think makes it the mos t power ful in the series.

- Dashen Gounden

Kaitlyn MacDonald

Meadowr idge Schoo l

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This year in ar t, we had to pick a theme that would encompass all the pieces that we did. I chose those who inspire me as my theme. I chose f ive people; Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Lance Arms trong, and Alber t Eins tein. The Innovator, The Liberator, The Principled, The Determined, and The Creative Genius. The Innovator was done using a printout of a speech by Steve at Stanford for the dark tones and then a magazine ar ticle writ ten about him after his death, as the mid tones. The Liberator, this was done using the s tyle of the Obama pos ter, by Shepard Fairey. This was made on the computer and then printed. The Principled, this was done using oil pas tels. I left the details of Gandhi's face out to show that he was not about promoting himself but rather about promoting what he s tood for. The Determined, this one was done using acr ylic paint to paint mos t of the picture and then blur the one side of the picture with oil paint, in order to create motion. The Creative Genius, when looking at mediums I came across the scratch ar t paper, and thought that it would be great, it could make Eins tein hair, his key feature, look ex tremely realis tic. My favorite piece from this year is the por trait of Steve Jobs, as it turned exactly how I wanted it to and I thought the ef fect that it creates is amazing, as it really embodies what he was all about. - Allen Read

Alice Yuan

Diba Taghvai-Arabi

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Las t year you helped us IMAGINE. This year, please help us DESIGN t he nex t 25 year s.

M E A D O W R I D G E A LU M N I E V E N T On the evening of Friday, June 8th Meadowridge hos ted the 2nd Annual Alumni Event. Like las t year, the event had many alumni coming back to Meadowridge to visit with friends and former teachers and have a look at how much Meadowridge has grown. Some alumni we see more often at Meadowridge as more and more of our pas t s tudents and graduates are par ticipating in the many activities taking place at the school. We now have Alumni teaching, coaching and par taking in commit tee wor k at the school, and we are ver y proud to also have them as parents in the school, and to see their children, the nex t generation of Alum, wearing their uniforms with pride. - Daniel Le Page ‘05, Director of Alumni Relations

2011-2012 School Year

E. Boyd & H. Burke Gallery Exhibitions This past school year the Meadowridge Art Gallery was transformed into a place to showcase and admire the amazing artwork from all of our students. Thank you to Hugh Burke, and Eva Boyd for sponsoring this space of appreciation, Meadowridge teachers for sharing their students’ artwork, art teachers Katie Neibergall and Rhonda Laurie for planning exhibitions, Anita Bonnarens for creating the art gallery announcements and our students for continuing to impress with their range of imaginative, inspired and original artwork.

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