Course Overview
The UESCA Endurance Sports Nutrition Certification is the first and only nutrition certification solely focused on endurance sports. Proper nutrition and nutritional strategies are important for all sports, however, due to the duration of most endurance sports, proper nutrition and nutritional strategies are critical. For this reason and as an example, nutrition is often referred to as the ‘4th’ triathlon discipline.
The nutrition certification is developed by renowned endurance sports dietitian, Bob Seebohar MS, RD.
Bob Seebohar, MS, RD
Bob holds a BS in Exercise and Sports Science from Colorado State University, and dual masters degrees (MS) in Health/Exercise Science and Food Science/ Human Nutrition. Bob is a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics. He is a former Director of Sports Nutrition for the University of Florida and served as a sport dietitian for the 2008 US Olympic Team and the personal sport dietitian/ exercise physiologist for the Olympic Triathlon Team. He is a registered dietitian, exercise physiologist, Certified Strength, and Conditioning Specialist and a High-Performance Triathlon Coach.
As a nutrition coach, Bob specializes in enhancing health and improving performance by improving metabolic efficiency, a nutrition strategy centered around controlling blood sugar and teaching the body to burn fat. He has worked with all ages and abilities of athletes including high schoolers/juniors, recreationally active adults, professional athletes and Olympians.
About UESCA ∞
United Endurance Sports Coaching Academy (UESCA) is the leader in endurance sports coaching education. Established in 2014, the goal of UESCA is to raise the standard of endurance sports education by producing the highest-quality, science-based content via researching the latest and most pertinent research and by selecting top experts across various disciplines to provide content.
Just as important, we strive to provide exceptional customer service and support to those thinking of purchasing a certification, and to our existing coaches.
∞ Nutrition Certification Development Process
The field of nutrition is quite robust and has many areas of specialization. Therefore, the starting place in the development process was finding the right contributor. The number of dietitians board-certified in sports dietetics is fairly small, and those that also specialize in working with endurance athletes is even smaller. As such, when we got recommendation after recommendation to seek out Bob Seebohar,, it was a no-brainer that we wanted to partner
As the first-ever nutrition certification to focus solely on endurance sports, it was critically important to ensure that the content we created was second to none.
Unlike our other certifications with multiple contributors, due to the nature of nutrition with respect to the legal scope of practice, Bob Seebohar is the singular contributor. Along the lines of scope of practice, it is important to note that all of the certification content is designed for coaches to inform and advise their athletes, not prescribe or diagnose.
Lastly, the nutrition certification is the first of our certifications that is 100% video-based content
∞ What You’ll Learn
The UESCA Endurance Sports Nutrition Certification will educate you to advise and educate endurance athletes across all disciplines with respect to nutrition. You’ll learn how the body functions with respect to multiple systems in the body. Using this foundational knowledge, you will learn how it relates to working with endurance athletes in areas such as metabolism, periodization, macro/micro nutrients, sportspecific considerations and more!pacing, descending skills, crew selection, and more!
What’s Included
20 comprehensive online modules
Downloadable PDF course (transcript) Module quizzes
The Certification Modules
∞ Module 1: Introduction / Scope of Practice and Research
∞ Module 2: Energy Systems
∞ Module 3: Nervous System
∞ Module 4: Lymphatic System
∞ Module 5: Immune Systems
∞ Module 6: Endocrine System
∞ Module 7: Digestive System
∞ Module 8: Macronutrients
∞ Module 9: Micronutrients
∞ Module 10: Metabolism
∞ Module 11: Nutrition Periodization
∞ Module 12: Metabolic Efficiency Training and Daily Nutrition Strategies
∞ Module 13: Metabolic Efficiency Testing
∞ Module 14: Nutrient Timing
∞ Module 15: Supplements
∞ Module 16: Cognitive Assessment and Coaching
∞ Module 17: Female Athlete Considerations
∞ Module 18 : Sport-Specific Nutrition Considerations
∞ Module 19: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)
∞ Module 20: Environmental Physiology
I have always appreciated that UESCA follows the science when it comes to the certification programs it offers; the UESCA Endurance Sports Nutrition Certification is no exception. Bob Seebohar does an excellent job in presenting the information by taking the science and applying it in such a way so that coaches, such as myself, can better help our athletes. The entire course is a wealth of information and I refer to the modules regularly in order to glean more from them. I would highly recommend the UESCA Endurance Sports Nutrition Certification to anyone looking to expand their breadth and depth of coaching knowledge!
— Sam DavisAs a already Certified Running Coach, I wanted to take a science-backed knowledgeable course in nutrition to help my athletes the best I can. UESCA provided just that with the Endurance Sports Nutrition Course. The modules were well thought out based on the scientific facts and I loved the video and pdf format. I'm happy with my decision to get certified as a UESCA Endurance Sports Nutrition Coach.
Nutrition Course Syllabus
Module 1: Introduction / Scope of Practice and Research
∞ Introduction to Bob Seebohar
∞ What you can expect to learn
∞ How to study this content effectively
Module 2: Energy Systems
∞ Two main energy systems: Anaerobic and Aerobic
o Three real life energy systems
» Phosphagen/ATP-CP (anaerobic)
» Glycolysis (anaerobic)
» Oxidative (aerobic)
o Duration and intensity influence
∞ Fuel the majority of the energy system being utilized
∞ Phosphagen
o Short term, explosive
o Requires a long recovery
» 3-8 minutes
∞ Glycolysis
o What causes muscle burn
o Fast and slow glycolysis
o Lactate as an energy source
∞ Oxidative
o Oxygen availability
o Two parts of the oxidative cycle
» Krebs Cycle
» Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
o Energy sources of oxidative system
Module 3: Nervous System
∞ Control system of the body
∞ Neurons
o Information messengers
o Motor neurons
o Sensory neurons
o Interneuron
∞ Central Nervous System (CNS)
o Brain and Spinal Cord
∞ Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
o Nerve network of branches
o Somatic nervous system
o Autonomic nervous system
∞ Autonomic
o Sympathetic
» Fight or flight response
∞ Responses
o Parasympathetic
» Rest and digest response
∞ Responses
∞ Nutrition
o Foods role in stimulating molecular systems that influence neuronal function
o Brain Delivered Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)
» Lower BDNF
» Higher BDNF
Module 4: Lymphatic System
∞ Part of immune system
∞ Three functions
o Return of interstitial fluid
o Absorbs fat and fat-soluble vitamins
o Defense against microogranisms and disease
∞ Lymphatic vessels
o Roles
∞ Lymphatic organs
o Roles
∞ Lymph nodes
o Roles
∞ Inflammation can stress lymphatic system
o Anti-inflammatory foods
∞ Role of hydration
∞ Importance of high-density foods
Module 5: Immune System
∞ Network of white blood cells, proteins and chemicals that protect the body
∞ Parts of the Immune system – Roles and functions
o White blood cells
» Type of white blood cells
o Cytokines
o Lymph nodes
o Spleen
o Thymus
Nutrition Course Syllabus
o Bone Marrow
o Liver
o Skin
o Stomach
∞ Sub-systems
o Innate – General immune response
o Adaptive – Learned immune response
∞ Digestive tract – Role in immune system
o Influence of environment, nutrition and lifestyle habits
o Microbiome – Role and function
» Gatekeeper
» Nutritional factors that disrupt the microbiome
o Imbalance of bacteria (Dysbiosis)
o Prebiotics/Probiotics/Postbiotics
o Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA)
∞ Conditions that trigger an immune response
o Antigens
o Inflammation
o Autoimmune disorders
∞ Factors that depress the immune system
∞ Nutrients that are important for immune function
Module 6: Endocrine System
∞ Glands – produce/secrete hormones the control many functions
∞ Appetite regulation, nutrient absorption, nutrient storage and usage
∞ Hormones
o Proteins
o Steroids
∞ Glands and associated hormones
o Pituitary
o Pineal
o Thyroid
o Parathyroid
o Adrenal
o Adrenal Medulla
o Pancreas
o Gonads
o Thymus
o Stomach
o Small Intestine
o Heart
o Placenta
∞ Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
∞ Melatonin
∞ Aldosterone
∞ Cortisol
∞ Glucagon
o Glycogenolysis
o Glyconeogenesis
∞ Insulin
∞ Leptin
∞ Ghrelin
Module 7: Digestive System
∞ Overview
∞ Digestive tract
o Length
o Composition
∞ Role
∞ Associated organs and their role
∞ Processes of food
o Digestion
o Absorption
o Elimination
∞ Activities of the Digestion System
o Ingestion
o Mechanical digestion
o Chemical digestion
o Movements
o Absorption
o Elimination
∞ Organs and Associated Processes
o Mouth
o Pharynx and Esophagus
o Small Intestine
o Large Intestine
o Rectum/Anus
Module 8: Macronutrients
∞ Energy stores
o Carbohydrate
o Fat
o Protein
∞ Carbohydrates
o Four categories
» Monosaccharides
» Disaccharides
» Polysaccharides
» Oligosaccharides
Nutrition Course Syllabus
o Storage locations and percentages
o Glycemic response, load and index
o Fructose, sucrose and maltodextrin
o Sources of carbohydrates
» Endogenous
» Exogenious
∞ Protein
o Definition
o No stored proteins
o Roles
» Role of amino acids
o Essential amino acids
o Non-essential amino acids
o Complete and incomplete proteins
o Protein as an energy source
∞ Fat
o Definition
o Role
o Types
» Triglycerides
» Phospholipids
» Sterols
o Essential fatty acids
» Omega-3
» Omega-6
o Saturated fats
» Monosaturated
» Polyunsaturated
o Trans fats
o Cholesterol
o Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT’s)
∞ Water
» Role, definition
o Intercellular
o Extracellular
o Movement of water
» Hydrostatic
» Osmotic
o Blood volume
o Skeletal muscle
» Muscle fiber osmotic force
o Roles
o Sweat glands
o Urine
o Water balance
» Processes
» Hypothalamus
» Daily water losses
» Result of water losses
» Shifts of water during exercise
Module 9: Micronutrients
∞ Vitamins
o Water-soluble
» Types
o Fat-soluble
» Types
o Physiological roles
o Factors that influence vitamin needs
o Vitamin C
o Thiamin
o Riboflavin
o Naicin
o Biotin
o Panthothenic
o Vitamin B6
o Folate
o Vitamin B12
o Choline
o Vitamins A, D, E, K
∞ Minerals
o Physiological roles
o Major minerals
o Minor (trace) minerals
o Calcium
o Phosphorus
o Sodium, Potassium, Chloride
o Magnesium
o Iron
o Zinc
o Copper
o Iodine
o Selenium
o Manganese
o Chromium
o Boron
o Vanadium
Module 10: Metabolism
∞ Overview
o Proteins
o Carbohydrates
Nutrition Course Syllabus
o Fat and Lipids
∞ Anabolic and Catabolic Procesesses
∞ Role of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
o ATP Synthesis
o Energy transfer to fuel other processes
∞ Glycolysis
∞ Glyconeogenesis
∞ Glycogenolysis
∞ Glycogen breakdown/glucose uptake
o Influence of hormones
∞ Role of insulin
∞ Exercise and Bioenergetics
o Effect of exercise on metabolism
∞ Carbohydrates
o Process of carbohydrate metabolism
o ATP replenishment
o Cellular respiration
» ATP generation
» Steps
o Glycolysis
o Oxidative Phosphorylation
o Enzymes and their role
∞ Protein
o Flow chart of metabolism
o Composition of protein
o Protein metabolism process
» Steps
o Goal of protein digestion
o Absorption of amino acids
o Protein transporters
∞ Fat
o Travel via lipoproteins
o Types of lipoproteins
» Chylomicrons
o Fat digestion
» Role of pancreatic lipase in fat digestion
o Absorption
» Processes
o Free Fatty Acid Oxidation
o Ketones
o Hormonal control of Lipolysis
Module 11: Nutrition Periodization
∞ The big picture
∞ Definition
∞ Five main goals
∞ Integration of training cycles
o Mesocycles
∞ Preparatory nutrition goals
o Focus areas
∞ Competition nutrition goals
o Focus areas
∞ Transition (off-season) nutrition goals
o Focus areas
Module 12: Metabolic Efficiency
Training and Daily Nutrition Strategies
∞ The eNRG FuelTarget™
o Foodlist
∞ Daily nutrition
o Protein and fat
o Fruits and vegetables
o Whole grains and starches
∞ Periodization Plates ™ - Strategy #1
o Preparatory
o Build/Competition
o Transition
∞ The Hand Model – Strategy #2
Module 13: Metabolic Efficiency Testing
∞ Metabolic efficiency
∞ Purpose
∞ Results
∞ Resting measurements
∞ Metabolic efficiency point
o Development zone
∞ Hourly calorie oxidation
∞ Hourly calorie intake
∞ Sample athlete case study
o Female (40’s)
o Male (40’s)
o Male (60’s)
Nutrition Course Syllabus
Module 14: Nutrient Timing
∞ Overview
∞ Strategies
o Nutrient timing
o Metabolic efficiency
o Glycogen Maximization/Muscular adaptations
o Combined strategies
∞ Intensity of Exercise and the Gut
o Blood shunting response
∞ Nutrition periodization athlete
o Pre, during, post-workout
∞ Non-nutrition periodization workout
o Pre, during, post-workout
∞ Timing and Nutrient Importance
o Before, during and after exercise
∞ Planning questions
o Nutrient areas
» Fluid
» Carbohydrate
» Protein
» Fat
» Electrolytes
o When: Before, during, after
∞ Metabolic efficiency
o Preparatory/Base Cycle
o Intensity/Competition Cycle
o Glucose Maximization – Late Preparatory/Early Competition
o Glucose Maximization – Competition
o Transition Season
o Individually-based digestive responses
Module 15: Supplements
∞ Classes of supplements
o Micronutrient
o Sport
o Ergogenic
∞ Micronutrients
o Vitamins and minerals
o Lack of standardization
o Clinical deficiencies vs. ‘insurance policies’
o Safety
∞ Sport Supplements
o Simple sugar vs. non-simple sugar
o Most supply carbohydrates, electrolytes, fluid
o Types
∞ Ergogenic aids (best supporting evidence)
o Caffeine
» CNS stimulant
» Benefits
» Types
» Fast or slow metabolizer
» Dosing
» Strategies
o Creatine
o Beta Alanine
o Nitrates
o Sodium Bicarbonate
∞ Creatine
o Endogenous supplement
o Produced by liver, kidneys and pancreas
o Highly researched
o Food sources of creatine
o Possible benefits
o Assist in production of ATP
o Dosing timeframe dependent
∞ Beta Alanine
o Purpose
» Increase levels of carnosine
o Production
» Liver and consumed food
o Buffer exercise-induced acidosis
o Application
o Side effect
∞ Nitrates
o Foods
o Purpose/benefits
o Dosing – not established
∞ Sodium Bicarbonate
o Most applicable to exercises reliant on glycolysis
o Benefits
o Dosing/timing
o Side effects
Module 16: Cognitive Assessment and Coaching
∞ Overview
o Intuitive eating
o Goal setting
Nutrition Course Syllabus
o Stage of change
∞ Progression and steps
o Step 1: Dietary assessment
o Step 2: Psychological readiness
o Step 3: Nutrition alterations
o Step 4: Exercise adaptations
∞ Guiding principles
∞ Types of hunger
∞ Stages of change model
o Pre-Contemplation
o Contemplation
o Preparation
o Action
o Maintenance
o Relapse
Module 17: Female Athlete Considerations
∞ Menstrual cycle hormones
o Luteinizing hormone
o Follicle stimulating hormone
o Estrogen
o Progesterone
∞ Phases of menstrual cycle – physiology and response to exercise
o Menses
o Follicular
o Ovulation
o Luteal
∞ Estrogen
∞ Progesterone
∞ Nutrient timing – Fueling during training
∞ Hydration
o Physiology
o Hyponatermia risk
o Sweat rate vs. males
∞ Summary
Module 18: Sport-Specific Nutrition Considerations
∞ Road cycling
∞ Road running
∞ Triathlon
o Swim
o Bike
o Run
∞ Taper nutrition
o Carbohydrate loading
o Considerations
o Individually-based
Module 19: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)
∞ Terminology
o Female Athlete Triad (1997)
o RED-S (2014)
∞ At-risk athletes – Variables
∞ Diagnosis
∞ Energy intake and demand
∞ Biological system challenges
∞ Physical signs and symptoms
∞ Low energy availability (LEA)
∞ Endocrine and metabolic markers
o Cortisol
o IFG-1
o Leptin
o T3
∞ Females
o Menstrual cycle and history
∞ Males
o Not clearly defined
∞ Hormonal changes
∞ Symptoms
o Physical
o Psychological/behavioral
∞ Screening and diagnosis
∞ RED-S – Clinical Assessment Tool
∞ Red light factors
∞ Yellow light factors
∞ Green light factors
∞ Performance team
o Team approach
» Physician
» Sport psychologist
» Sport dietitian
Nutrition Course Syllabus
Module 20: Environmental Physiology
∞ Heat and humidity facts
∞ Hypothermia and dehydration
o Signs of hypohydration and hyperhydration
∞ Core temperature
∞ Metabolic rate
∞ Heat and humidity
∞ Altitude
o Training facts
o Benefits
o Altitude pathophysical responses
» Cardiovascular
» Pulmonary
» Hematologic
» Neuropsychologic
» Exercise
∞ Nutritional concerns
o Association between chronic high-altitude exposure and weight loss
∞ Energy availability, body mass and adaptation
∞ Iron
o Hypoxia
o Hepcidin
o Recommendations
∞ Oxidative stress
∞ Nutrition concerns and recommendations
Ready to Register?
Great, let’s do this! As a bonus, please click on the purchase button below to get a $50 discount on the Endurance Sports Nutrition Certification. https://uesca.com/coupon/?esn50
Thank you in advance for choosing UESCA and we can’t wait to have you on our team of talented coaches!
Still Have Questions?
No problem. We understand that you might have questions before going ahead with starting your journey to being a certified UESCA Endurance Sports Nutrition Coach. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us… we’re a friendly bunch and we’ll respond right away!