Rock the Arts Music Festival vendor

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VENDOR REGISTRATION FORM– 2012 2 Day Vending – Rock The Arts Festival 2012 July 4 - Las Vegas, Nevada - Luxor Fairgrounds July 7 - Los Angeles, California - Los Angeles sports arena VENDOR INFORMATION:

COMPANY NAME___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ CONTACT NAME___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS:________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE: (____)___________________ CELL: (____)_________________ FAX (____)___________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ LIST ALL PRODUCTS: All items must be listed and pre-approved. Only preapproved items can be sold NO EXCEPTIONS. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________

SPACE INFORMATION AND PRICES: Vendor spaces are Limited ROCK THE ARTS FESTIVAL 2012 – 2 day Vending Check one: Commercial / Retail__ Tattoo__ Food__

QTY_____ Vendor Space $250 each 10x10 (3 max for each vendor) $250 X_____ = _____

*SPEACIAL OFFER*: 1. $250 booth space per show OR $200 booth space per show if confirmed for entire tour *RTA 2012 Gives YOU*: 2. Local Business’s receive $50 discount on the select date of their local market. (Mark next to the dates in which you would like booth space)

x___ July 4 - Las Vegas, Nevada - Luxor Fairgrounds x___ July 7 - Los Angeles, California - Los Angeles sports arena

Grand Total: $_______

MANDATORY LIABILITY RELEASE AND ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS _ In consideration of acceptance of vendors to any The RTA Group, by execution of this form, I/we hereby release The RTA Group, their members, employees, officers or anyone else connected with this event of any and all known and unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgments, and/or claims from any causes whatsoever that may be suffered by anyone participating in this event. _ All photos submitted become the property of The RTA Group will not be returned and maybe used in promotion with no compensation to the submitter or any other party. _ Vendor locations are based on a first come, first served basis. As a reminder, this is a rain or shine event and, once registered, there are no refunds, cancellations, or transfers allowed. If no specific location is requested, we will assign a space based on products to be sold or displayed and the date we receive your registration. Requesting a space does not guarantee that you will be placed there. _ NO GUARANTEE ON SUCCESS. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY GUARANTEE ON HOW WELL YOU WILL DO AT THE SHOW, ONLY GUARANTEE WE MAKE IS WE WILL HAVE YOUR SPACE AVAILABLE TO YOU AT THE EVENT. _ Commercial Distributors: If your company policy is to have only one representative in the show The RTA Group will not be responsible to limit this, this is the responsibility of the Distributor and their representatives to limit their representatives at an event. _ ALL FOOD/Tattoo Vendors must purchase a Health Permit or submit valid license or exempt status. FOOD/Tattoo VENDORS will not be allowed to check-in, set up, operate, vend and will forfeit all monies paid The RTA Group if they have not paid for or did not bring a valid copy with them upon check-in at the event. In addition any vendors found with a fraudulent, expired or invalid Health permit will be asked to leave and will forfeit all monies paid to The RTA Group , Rock The Arts 2012. All soft drink and water products must be purchased through the venue and sold for the amount set by the venue. All products MUST be ordered 2 weeks prior to the event date of July 4, 2012. There will be No Buy Backs on product. _ All vendors must bring their own equipment, with the exception of power, pipes, drapery, tables and chairs. The RTA Group, Rock The Arts 2012 does not provide canopies, carpet, barriers, benches or any other supplies or equipment that was not mentioned above.

VENDOR REGISTRATION FORM– 2012 2 Day Vending – Rock The Arts Festival 2012 July 4 - Las Vegas, Nevada - Luxor Fairgrounds July 7 - Los Angeles, California - Los Angeles sports arena -- All vendors Similar product from competitive vendors will be permitted. No one, specific vendor has exclusive rights over another vendor unless granted by The RTA Group. _ All balances are due upon completion of this agreement and are non-refundable. Failure to submit balance will forfeit all vendor space. All Applications submitted after February 1, 2012, a $50 will be added to the initial booth space fee and must be submitted with payment in full. Payment is non-refundable, no refunds will be made all amounts paid are forfeited for any and all cancellations, empty spaces, no shows, with no exceptions. Payments of cash only will be accepted up until 60 days prior to the event, after 60 days prior to event no submissions/payments will be accepted. The RTA Group has a NO REFUND POLICY, no refunds will be made, all amounts paid are forfeited for any and all cancellations, empty spaces, no shows and nonpayment of balance due, there are no exceptions. Vendor further understands that no guarantee of space location is hereby made there is no guarantee of success or failure at this event or of this event. _ Confirmations, instructions and show information will be emailed out with in 5 business days upon receiving payment (possibly sooner) By signing this form I agree I have read the above and agree to all terms and conditions listed above.

Signature:_______________________________________ PRINT NAME:_______________________________________ Date___/___/___

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