Mealy's Abbeyleix House 1995

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One of the bedrooms at Abbey Leix

ABBEY LEIX Abbey Leix came to the Veseyfamily by the marriage of Sir Thomas Vesey 1st Baronet, who, like several generations of his family, was a cleric, and indeed a Bishop, to Mary Muscbamp in 1698. The estate was given to the young couple by her father, Denny Muschamp, but the gift was less generous than it appeared as the property turned out to be a contested Crown Lease which took seventy years of litigation to resolve and secure the Freehold. It was only with the final resolution of tbe oumersbip in 1770 that the 2nd Baronet, created Lord Knapton in 1750, felt secure enough of bis tenure to build a new bouse on tbe estate uibicb be much improved, planting trees, draining the land and erecting neuifarms and cottages.

He cbose lames Wyatt as his architect, and Wyatt 's designs dated 1 772 still survive, divided between tbe three Wyatt albums in the National Library, Dublin, The Metropolitan Museum, New York, and The Victoria & Albert Museum, London. As executed, tbe house has a simpler plan than proposed by Wyatt, with straightforward rectangular rooms rather than elaborate geometrical forms, and this no doubt reflects the fact that Vvyatt never visited Abbey Leix but delegated tbe construction to local Irisb builders. The foundation stone (at the n011h east corner of the house) is dated 1773 and tbe sbell was finished by 1778. Marle Tidderman supervised the work on site, and tbe stone was supplied by lVilliam Colles of Co. Kilkenny.

The study at Abbey Leix, showing the walnut panelling which was constructed from timber on the estate.


A collection o f curiosities from the basement and attic.

It seems that the interiors with their fine Wyatt decora­ tion including ornamental stucco ceilings and marble chimneypieces in the drawingroom and diningroom date from the 1780’s. The diningroom is the best room in the house and has grisaille paintings in the manner of de Gree. (This room was carefully redecorated after a fire in 1959 and the contractors at that date signed their names on top of one o f the doorcases which can be read by looking through a mirror on a long handle.) Lord Knapton was created Viscount de Vesci and died in 1804. His son, the 2nd Viscount, refurnished the main rooms in the Regency style, and his son, in turn, the 3rd Viscount, was responsible for the present external appear­ ance of the house. He called in fames Wyatt’s cousin,

Thomas Henry Wyatt, who had been born in Ireland at Lough-Glinn House, Co. Roscommon; T.H. Wyatt was employed at Abbey Leix through the influence of Lady de Vesci, who was a Herbert from Wilton. She was the youngest daughter of the 11th Earl o f Pembroke and Catherine Woronzow. T.H. Wyatt had built the magnificent Church at Wilton for the Pembrokes and at Abbey Leix he designed a new Church of Ireland church with a tall spire in the town and embellished the house itself, adding the balustrade to the roof the architraves to the window and the formal gardens, said to be inspired by the Villa Aloupka, the Woronzow house at Yalta. The 3rd Viscount died in 1875 and his son the 4th Viscount and wife Evelyn (daughter of the 10th Earl of

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Ladies working in the Carpet Factory at A bbey Leix.

Wemyss) then moved into Abbey Leix. In their times the house enjoyed a golden age as an Insh outpost o f the Souls - that group o f cultivated artistocrats that revolved aroiind the Charteris, Wyndham, Manners and Paget families. Evelyn, Lady de Vesci, like all the Souls, was a great admir­ er o f William Monis and redecorated Abbey Leix with his papers and textiles. The magfiificant bine India pattern Morns paper in the draiving room survives from her time, its colon ring hardly dimmed by a centuty o f Irish light; it makes an unexpected foil to Wyatt's ceiling. lJ)ider the direction o f Ivo, 5th Viscount de Vesci, influe)iced by his Aunt lively)], a successful catpet factory was established in Abbey Leix in 1903. Before amalgamating with the Kildare Caipet Factory in 1911, it supplied carpets to leading decor'ating firm s like Waring & Gillow, Watts & Cowtan, to private houses like Longleat, Jladdo, Balcarres and Starnvay, and to great ocean liners including the Titanic. Most of the carpets still at Abbey Leix were made in the factory’ which won medals at the Irish International ILxhibition in Dublin in 1907, Frxinco-British exhibition in Paris in 1908 and the Imperial International Exhibition in London in 1909. See furl her notes befor-e Lot 400. Abbey Leix has long been fam ed fo r its demesne and gar'-

Lxidie.s working in the C arpet Factory ai A bbey Leix, c. 1903.

Ledger p a g e from the A bbey Leix Carpet Factory,

dens, and these were very' much enhanced by the pr-esent Lord de Vesci’s mother-, Susan, who ivas herself the daugh­ ter o f Arrrw, Lady Rosse (nee Messell, a legendary gardener] at Birr' in Irvland and Nymans in Sussex) and the sister o f Lord Snowdon. Lady de Vesci inherited the artistic tastes o f her family, arranging the r'ooms at Abbey Leix with gr'eat flair-, and r'e-planting the garrlens which werv regulariy open to the public. The Gar'dens ar'e r'enowned fo r their beauty, especially in the bluebell season when swathes of azure beneath the ancient oaks vie with the William Morris drxuving room wctllpaper in brilliance o f tone. Though the house, demesne, and town ( f Abbey Leix are runv a synthesis o f 18th, 19th and 20th Century develop­ ments, the place itself is o f gr'eat antiquity. The medieval monks who gave their name ar-e still r-ecor'ded in the M onk’s Bridge over the Kiver Nore and the ruins o f the old churxh, ivhile in the garxlen is the tomb o f Malachias O'Morv, Prince of Leix, who died in I486. In many ways Abbey Leix is the embodiment o f Irish history with its shades o f medieval monks and princes, ancient woodlaruls, and the elegant achievements o f Irish Geor-gian civilization. Jo h n M a rtin R obinson

One o f the m edals won by the A bbey Leix Carpet Factory - The Imperial International Exhibition M edal f o r 1909.


Lot. 590 (A Pair)


Lot. 462 (A Pair)


Lot. 594

Lot. 609


Lot. 401

Lot. 412



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Lot.. 402 Carpet

Lot. 626 (A Pair)


Lot. 587 (A Pair)


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Detail Lot. 574

Sale Reference C1168

IMPORTANT FINE ART SALE The Residual Contents of Abbey Leix, Co. Leix. Sold by Order of The Viscount & Viscountess de Vesci In Association with Sotheby’s

ON TUESDAY, 25th APRIL, 1995

at 10.30 a.m. sharp This Sale will include Important English and Irish Furniture, Rare Abbey Leix Carpets and Rugs, Oriental Rugs, including a larger Ziegler Carpet, 30' x 20', English, European & Oriental Ceramics, Fine Paintings and Prints, Antique Glass, Books, some Light Fittings, Works o f Art, Garden Furniture & Statuary, Baby Grand Piano, full size Billiard Table, Good Clocks, also to include Attic and Basem ent Clearance and numerous O utdoor Items. Approx. 600 Lots in all.


Saturday, 22nd April 11.00 - 5.30 p.m. Sunday, 23rd April 2.00 - 5.30 p.m. Monday, 24th April 11.00 - 5.30 p.m. Illustrated Catalogue: £10 (+ £2 P. & P.)

Please Note: There are no outside Lots included in this sale. Viewing will be regulated throughout House No children please. There will be no break during Sale. INDEX: B a s e m e n t ............................... ................................... 1-208 Top L a n d i n g ................................................ ....................... 381-399 Billiard Room .............................................................. Bedroom I ................................................................... Bedroom II ............................. ........................... Bedroom III ................................ ................................ Bedroom IV ................................ ................................ Bedroom V ................................................................... Bedroom VI ........................... ................................ Bedroom VII .............................................................. Bedroom VIII ..............................................................

209-249 250-266 267-281 282-290 291-306 307-310 311-335 336-354 355-380

Carpets & R u g s ........................................... Rem ainder o f Oil Paintings Watercolours, Prints etc.............................. Ceramics & Glass ..................................... Front Hall ..................................................... Library .......................................................... Dining Room ...................................... Garden Furniture .....................................

.................... 400-436 .................... 437-479 .................... 480-553 .................... 554-583 ................. 584-617 .................... 618-630 .................... 631-642

MEALYS Fine Art and Rare Book Auctioneers, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. Telephone: 056-41229/41413. Fax. 056-41627

Telephone Nos. for View and Sale Days Only - 0502 - 31000/31046/31200/31335/31611 W hen Phoning from London, use the Prefix. 00-353-502 & N um ber K ilkenny People Printing Ltd. •



INFO RM ATIO N FOR BUYERS: Buyers are reminded that there is a 10% p rem ium payable on the final bid price for each lot. V .A .T . at the standard rate is payable in all cases on the prem ium. T h e A uctioneers are always pleased to advise clients and to execute bids on their behalf, but if successful, the purchase price payable will be the final bid price and the p rem iu m o f 10% together with any V .A .T . chargeable thereon. Bids m ust always be made or confirm ed in writing or by Fax, reference being m ade to each sale through the code names on the title page o f each catalogue. T o ensure that bids will be accepted and that delivery o f Lots is not delayed, intending Buyers should supply bank or other suitable references to the Auctioneers. T h e references should be supplied in good time to be taken up before the sale.

T erm s used in this C ata logue h a ve ascrib ed to them beloiv:

the meanings

P A IN T IN G S , PR IN T S, WORKS OF ART, F U R N IT U R E , ETC. The f i r s t nam e or names a n d surnam e o f the A r t i s t or C raftsm an -

In our op in ion a work by the A rtist or Craftsman.


o.o.c. G.G.P.

G.G.B. W /C GGU. MAH. VICT. EDW . -W.A.F. A s Is

G ils on C anvas G ils on Panel G ils on Board W atercolour G ou ach e M ah ogan y Victorian Edwardian With all Faults With all d am ages, faults, restorations, etc.

A t t r i b u t e d to -

In our opinion probably a work by the Artist or Craftsman but less certainty as to author­ sh ip is ex p re sse d than in th e p re c e d in g • category. The initials o f the f i r s t n a m e ( s) a n d the su rn am e o f the A r t i s t or C r a ft s m a n -

In our opinion a work o f the priod o f the artist or craftsman and which may be in w hole or in part the work o f the artist or craftsman. The surnam e only o f the A r t i s t or C r a f t s m a n -

In our opinion a work o f the school or by one o f the followers o f the artist or craftsman or in his style. The surnam e o f the A r t i s t or C r a ft s m a n , p r e c e d e d by “ A fte r” -


TE LE PH O N E : 056-41229/41413. FAX: 056-41627 Telephone on View & Sale Days only: 0502- 31000/31046/31200/31335/31611 DELIVERY: All Lots must be paid for and cleared by Thursday, April 27th, 1995, at 4.00 p.m. All clearing is at pur­ chaser’s risk and expense. Any lots uncleared by 4.00 p.m. on Thursday, April 27th, 1995, will be subject to Clause 3 o f the Buyers Conditions and will be held in storage at the purchaser’s risk and expense.

In our opinion,a copy o f the work o f the artist or craftsman.

CATERING: Teas and Light Snacks available on Sale Day.

T h is indicates that the conventional term in this glossary is not appropriate but that in our opinion the work is a work by the artist or craftsman named.

A C C O M M O D A T IO N : Hibernian Hotel - 0502-31252 Killeshin Hotel - 0502-21663 Montague Hotel - 0502-26154.

S ig n e d - S t a m p e d :


Has a sign iture, which in our op inion is the signature o f the artist or craftsman.

DIR EC TIO NS: The House is situated just outside the Town of Abbeyleix, on the Rathdowney Road, off the main Cork/Dublin Road. Please follow sign posts.

B e a r s S ig n a t u r e or S t a m p : -

H as a signature or stamp which in our opinion m ig h t be the signature o f th e artist or craftsman. D ated -

Is so dated and in our opinion was executed at about that date. Bears D a te -

If so dated and in our opinion may have been executed at abo'at that date. All m easurem ents are given height before w idth.



BASEMENT 1. A pine Table, with two drawers, on square tapered legs, 30 Vi" x 53". (1) £40/60 2. Three modem Cabinets, one with two sliding doors, one with an open front and one with a pair of doors, 37"w. (3) £30/50 3. An oak Smokers Cabinet, with leaf and flower carved doors, decorated with thistles, shamrocks and roses, 16" x 13 Vi"; and a pine Stool with brown plastic covered seat. (2) £30/50 4. A wire mesh Nursery Fire Guard, 41" x 65"; and another with brass finials, 34" x 50". (2) £80/120 5. An ebonised Table, 19th Century, with shaped moulded top on cabriole legs, 25" x 32". (1) £80/120 6. A quantity of Tennis Rackets, old Golf Clubs, Hand Sticks, and Camping Equipment, (a lot) £60/80 7. A quantity of assorted Hand Sticks, old Tennis Rackets, Umbrellas, Brolleys, etc. (a box lot) £60/80 8. Two electric Heaters; an answering Machine, two electric Desk Lights; an electrolux Hoover Tube; and some other electric Appliances, (a lot) £30/50 9. Approx. 180 cream ground Cottage Mugs, of barrel shape and others similar, (a lot) £80/120 10. A large quantity of white and other coloured Plates, in five stacks, some white kidney shaped Dishes, and some other Plates and Dishes, (a lot) £60/80 11. A 30 piece part English porcelain Breakfast Set, comprising o f Teapot, Sugar, MufTm Dish and Cover, Plates, Saucers, etc. (a lot) £80/120 12. An oak Box, the hinged Hd carved with roses and scrolls and inscribed "O ak from the Old Belfry o f St. Augustine, Hackney," 24"w; an oak Letter Box with carved sloped top; a Chinese carved oak Pipe Rack; and some Brackets, (a lot) £80/120 13. An oak House Letter Box, the hinged Hd with letter slot and the front with the times o f the post in gilt, 16"w; and a small two com partment leather bound Book Rest. (2) £40/60 14. A Victorian white painted Wardrobe, with central mirrored door flanked by moulded panel doors on a plinth, 84Vi" x 87"w. (1) £100/200 15. A Victorian white painted Cupboard, with a pair of arched panelled cupboards above a smaller pair of cupboards, 85" x 52". (1) £150/250 16. A Victorian Chest, three long and two short drawers, on turned legs; and a late 19th Century G un Case, with glass panel door. (2) £120/150


17. A 19th Century copper lidded Saucepan, with tap, 80"; and another oval two handled copper Pot and Cover with iron handles. (2) £80/100 18. A late 19th Century marble top Wash Stand, with bamboo tiled back on turned legs, 42"w; and a painted pine two door Cupboard. (2) £50/60 21. A late 19th Century two tier walnut Table, with moulded top and turned legs with platform stretcher, 24" x 24". (1) £150/250 22. A Victorian pink and white painted three fold Screen, with moulded frame, each panel 68 Vi" x 20 Vi"., formally gilded; a pine Table with stained turned tapered legs fitted with two drawers, 29" x 60". (2) £40/60 23. A Victorian white painted Chest, with solid three-quarter gallery above two short and two long drawers, 38" x 35"; a white painted Washing Table, Victorian, circa 1850, with shaped three-quarter gallery frieze drawer and turned legs, joined by a platform, 37" x 35"; a pair o f beechwood childs correction Chairs, circa 1820, with ladder backs, turned legs and stretcher, one with caned seat replaced. (4) £80/120 24. A large and varied collection of Fabrics, including a quantity of original William Morris designed material. Cushions, etc. (a lot) £80/120 25. A horseshoe shaped large ceramic Foot Bath, with leaf cast handle; two oval barrel shaped ditto; and another Foot Bath. (4) £120/180 26. A large old English Adams Sports Breakfast Cup and Saucer, decorated in transfer with a Cock Fighting Scene after Henry Aiken; a large Minton blue and white ditto; and two other large Breakfast Cups and Saucers, (a lot) £80/120 27. A turquoise ground ceramic Garden Seat, with cushion shaped top supported by four winged Hons, on quatrefoil base, (as is). (1) £80/90 28. Approx. 38 pine Stands, for rope Barrier, with blue nylon rope. (38) £100/150 29. A large 19th Century copper Plate Warmer, with some spirit lamps; a Victorian cast iron Fender; two 19th Century Fire Irons; a brass Stand; and an early copper two handled Pressure Cooker, (a lot) £50/70 30. A pair of St. Louis glass Lamp Bases, 1960/70’s, each of swirling tapered form. (2) £60/80 31. A Mammas Papas Carrvil Child’s Buggy, with stand, (as new); and another Mac Clarens Child’s Buggy. (2) £20/30 31A.A Marmoth Child’s Pram, a twin aluminium Buggy; and another Child’s Buggy. (3) £60/90 32. A modern mahogany Open Bookcase, with four shelves, on plinth base, a two tier walnut Occasional Table, and a small metal Bathroom Cabinet. (3) £30/40 NOT


33. A three fold Airing Horse, a wrough iron Occasional Table, a Victorian Occasional Table with three turned legs, an old Philips Radio, a Speaker, an electric Curling Set, and three Vanity Cases, (a lot) £30/40

52. Ditto, (a lot) £80/120

34. A box lot of assorted Curtain Lobes, Rings, some assorted Cushions, and assorted Curtain Rails with brass urn pulls, (a lot) £30/50

54. A cased Encore Accordeon, and a cased Zither H arp with label of A nton Kiendi. (2) £80/120

35. A carved white marble Group, classical Lady with two Children, (as is); and a pair of Adams style brass Fire Dogs. (3) £50/70 36. A quantity of assorted green ground Toilet Ware, comprising of Basins, Ewers, Chamber Pots, etc. (a lot) £20/30 37. A quantity of assorted white and cream ground Toilet Ware, comprising of Ewers, Basins, Bed Pans, etc. (a lot) £30/40 38. Five pieces of colourful Italian Faience type ceramic Toilet Ware, comprising of two Basins, Ewer, Jug, and another item; and a pair o f English ceramic type Candlesticks, (as is). (6) £40/60 39. A quantity of assorted colourful English ceramic Toilet Ware. (a lot) £40/60 40. A 19th Century Bourdalou, a larger ditto; two slipper Bed Pans, one with cover; a Gentleman’s Bed Pan; and a kidney shaped Bidet Liner, (a lot) £40/60 41. A quantity of assorted colourful Heal & Sons ceramic Toilet Ware, and some other assorted Toilet Ware, (a lot) £60/80 42. A large quantity of assorted Corinthian style pressed Glass and ceramic Candlesticks, of various shapes and sizes, (some as is), (a lot) £80/100 43. A large quantity of assorted antique Wine and other Glass Bottles, (a lot) £30/40 44. An antique pewter Bed Pan; assorted Cow Bells; a wooden Brush Pot; a brass Bell, and a lot of lead Ball Shot, (a lot) £30/50

53. A quantity of oak Index and other Filing Chests and Cabinets. (a lot) £40/50

55. A Kilkenny black marble Slab, with moulded front, 19” x 43” (38cms X llOcms). (1) £80/120 56. A quantity of Camera and Telescope Tripods, two pierced brass telescopic Lecterns, etc. (a lot) £50/60 57. Two pairs of leather Hunting Boots, with trees, one with canvas outer covers, and alot o f Riding Caps, (a lot) £80/120 57A.A lot of assorted pine and painted Furniture, Shelves, Tables, etc. (a lot) £20/30 58. A pair of Ladies Riding Boots, with fitted trees, and two other pairs of Boots. (3) £50/70 59. A quantity of white ceramic photographic Dark Room Trays, a pair of Victorian English ceramic Basins with simulated bam boo sides, a matching Jug, and a quantity o f A rt Pottery Bowls and Vases, (a lot) £80/120 60. A 19th Century ash Side Table, with two frieze drawers, raised on square tapering legs, 52” (132cms). (1) £60/90 61. An unusual 19th Century mahogany Stirrup Horse, with a large collection of stirrups, mostly nickle plated, (a lot) £40/60 62. An Oriental green ground baluster shaped ceramic Vase, applied with pierced handles, 21” (53cms). (1) £70/120 63. Three pairs of assorted leather Hunting Boots, with trees, other leather pull ups and Boots, and a quantity of Children’s Ballet Shoes, etc. (a lot) £50/75 64. A quantity of old Apothecary Bottles, Chemical Bottles for dark room, etc. (a lot) £40/60

45. Four assorted single Beds. (4) £30/40 46. Large quantity of assorted Bolsters, Pillows, Cushions, etc, mostly down filled, (a lot) £40/50

66. Some other photographic Equipment, etc 6 pieces of assorted late 19th Century copper Coffee Ware, (a lot) £60/80

47. A modern Music Centre, with speakers etc. (a lot) £30/40

67. An attractive Art Nouveau silver plated Hot Water Pot, with scallop moulding, stamped Youghal A.M.W., and a heavy whale tooth engraved Tray, with lion masks. (2) £70/90

48. Two Victorian cast iron pierced Fenders, a brass mounted Spark Fender, and a stone Curb. (4) £60/80

68. A Victorian brass Kettle on Stand, a brass Measure, a brass H ot W ater Jug, and another brass Kettle. (4) £40/50

49. A painted Child’s Cot, a Child’s painted High Chair, a Child’s Bed, and a Stairs Gate, etc. (a lot) £25/40

69. Seventeen glass kidney shaped Plates, eight glass Vases, and a tall Coronation Jug, 1937. (a lot) £40/60

50. A heavy steel and canvas stetcher type Fire Escape, with chain suspenders; and another Davy Rope Fire Escape. (2) £30/40

70. A lot of modern Aynsley Pate Dishes, four modem avocado dishes, two kidney shaped plates, a modern fish plate, two small Wedgwood dishes, a porcelain ink stand, a small Victorian tea kettle, a pair of Fenton vases, and some other assorted plates and ceramics, (a lot) £80/120

51. A quantity of assorted leather and other Suitcases, and Bags. (a lot) £80/120 4

71. A large two handled Wedgwood Soup Tureen, a Low selw are gilt edged d itto with cover, a small sauce tureen, W edgew ood, an d a large quantity o f assorted plates, (a lot) £60/80

87. A modern oak Kitchen Unit, with cleated top , end draw ers and turned supports, 36" x 71". (1) £200/250

88. A Victorian stripped pine Bookcase, with 72. A Victorian blue and white Toilet Basin, a q u an tity o f m o d e m drinking glasses, p a rt tea service, two teap ots, an d som e early h an d -p ain ted ceram ics, m ostly dam aged, (a lot) £80/90 73. An early African Club, an d a q uantity o f assorted h unting crops an d canes, (a lot) £40/60 75. Collection o f Engravings, etc, "T he H o n. G eorge S eym our C onw ay," by E. Fisher after R eynolds; "C harles Spencer, D uke o f M arlb o ro u g h ," by R. H o u sto n after J. Reynolds; "H enry V III and C ourtiers," by B. B aron after H . H olbein; "M iss M etcalf," by J. Finlayson after N . H o ne; "L a Vierge dite de Seville," by H . Eichens after M urillo, engraved uncoloured M ap o f Ireland; Sir Isaac N e w to n ’s T able o f The Assys; P ho to grav ure after G eorge Scott, signed; P h o to g ra ­ vure after G eorge Scott, signed; P h o to g rav u re after Joseph F a ru h a rso n , signed, (a lot) £250/350

a p air o f glazed doors enclosing shelves above m oulded panelled cup board s on a pHnth, 84" X 61". (1) £300/400

89. A late 19th Century Chesterfleld Settee, by Howard & Sons, covered in a blue co tto n loose cover on tu rn ed m ah ogany legs w ith brass castors stam ped H ow ard & Sons. 81"w. (1) £300/500 90. A mahogany cased Wall Clock, by Chancellor & Son o f Dublin, w ith p ainted dial, 21"h x 15"w. (1) £60/80 91. A cylinderical grey marble Plinth, on m oulded base, 39 Vi" (lOO.Scms). (1) £30/50 92. A pair o f white glazed pottery Foot Baths, late 19th Century, each o f oval form . (2) £100/200

76. "T he Village Festival," by G . M osese after D . W ilkie. (1) £60/80

93. Two white glazed pottery Foot Baths, late 19th Century, each o f oval form . (2) £100/200

77. After Neil Cawthorne "T he Devils D yke"; "W arren Hill"; and "T he Lim e K ilns," three co lo u r reproductions, each signed in pencil, published by the N ew m arket G allery, 1981, fram ed, each 14" x 21". (3) £75/125

95. A pair of Wedgwood ovid terracotta Jars, early 19th Century, the sides m oulded in relief with classical figures, beneath a fruiting vine border, the shoulders applied w ith loop handles, W edgw ood im pressed m arks, 10" (25.5cms), (two handles dam aged, one badly cracked). (2) £300/500

78. Seven signed Colour reproductions after Andrew Stock, o f gam ebirds and duck, fram ed. (7) £100/150

96. A 19th Century set of six ash Chairs, with b ro ad to p rail, solid seats and squared legs. (6) £200/300

79. After Snaffles "Tell me a m ans a fox ’u nter and I loves ’im a t once," reprodu ctio n with h and colouring, facsimile signature, 9 'A" x 7 'A". ( 1) £120/160

97. A circular oak Table, w ith m oulded central su p p o rt an d turned columns, 30" x 55"d. (1) £150/200

80. A group of watercolours to include: a landscape in grisaille in the style o f T hom as H earne; a View o f Fu rn ess A bbey, by an artist w orking in the style o f W illiam Payne; a C aricatu re o f a G eorgian G entlem an, in the style o f N athaniel D ance; and a w atercolour o f an officer in the style o f D enis D ig h to n , two fram ed. (4) £140/200

99. A Victorian mahogany Pembroke Table, c. 1850, the tw o flap to p over a frieze draw er on turned tapered legs, 29" x 44". (1) £150/250 100. A Victorian mahogany Toilet Mirror, c. 1850 w ith arched p la te a n d s e rp e n tin e b ase, 2 0 Vi", a n d a n o th e r w ith rectangular fram e and oblong base, 21"w. (2) £20/30

81. A q u an tity o f Picture F ram es an d P ho to F ram es, (a lot) £50/100

101. A white painted Cupboard, 19th Century, a pair o f m oulded panel doors beneath a m oulded com ice, 6 9 I/2" x 41 Vi". (1) £60/80

82. Read and Co. (Publishers) "T he Battle o f the A lm a," tinted lith o g rap h w ith hand colouring, S'/z" x 14 V2"; w ith two aq uatints o f W aterlo o after M anskirch and W .H . B rooke, engraved by M . D u b o u rg and Freem an. (3) £120/180

102. A white painted Chest, o f tw o short and tw o long draw ers on shaped feet, 35" x 36"; a white painted tra y to p T able on square tapered legs, 29" x 17", a green stained single Bedstead, 39"w; and a m ahogany Towel A irier, E dw ardian, circa 1900, 30"w. (4) £80/120

83. After R. Bowyer (Publisher) "Berlin"; "Sm olensko"; "H am burg,"; "D antzig"; "F ra n k ­ fort"; five coloured a q u atin ts, published 1814, each 8 Vi" x 12‘/ i" , approx., (two badly wormed). (5) £80/120

103. A Victorian upholstered Easy Chair, c. 1890, w ith arched p added back, padded arm s and seat, on tu rn ed w alnut legs, w ith brass and ceram ic castors. (1) £150/200

86. George Denholm Armour "The H u n t Secretary: T he E nd o f a Perfect day," signed with initials and inscribed in pencil, pencil, 9" x 7 Vi". (1) £80/120 IMPERFECTIONS

104. A Victorian white painted Wardrobe, c. 1860, with a pair o f m irrored doors, a m oulded com ice and a plinth, 80" x 59", (one m irro r panel cracked), an d a 3’ Bed. (2) £80/90




105. A white painted pedestal Desk, Victorian, 1850, with inset m oulded to p , nine draw ers and a plinth, 33" x 50 Vi". (1) £200/300 106. A Chesterfield Settee with adjustable ends, covered in blue and white gingham cotto n , 60"w, an d a Chesterfield Settee, with b u tto n back an d seat on turned legs, in blue and white floral cotton cover, (distressed). (2) £80/120 107. A Victorian beechwood Toilet serpentine base, 18"w; a white back, m arb le top, draw er and white p ainted W indsor C hair, legs. (3) £20/30

Mirror, with arched plate and p ainted W ash Stand with tiled a cup b o ard , 39" x 24"; an d a w ith pierced splat and turned

108. A mahogany Table, 19th Century, w ith oblong top, plain frieze an d square legs, 29" x 37". (1) £60/80 109. An oak Coal Scuttle, with hinged fron t an d brass handle. (1) £40/60 111. An English porcelain Tea Service, late 19th Century, each piece p a in te d w ith co lo u rfu l flow er sprigs; to g e th e r w ith a Staffordshire p a rt T ea Service, circa 1835, w ith blue and gilt foHate b order, (a lot) £250/300 112. A quantity o f miscellaneous Glassware, 19th and 20th Century, to include various p a rt suites, sundae dishes and liquor glasses, (a lot) £150/250 113. A large quantity of Decanter Stoppers, various dates, (a lot) £50/100 116. A pair o f cutglass Boxes and Covers, 19th Century, each o f dru m shape, shallow cut with stylised flower heads. (4) £200/300 117. A group o f Glassware, 19th and 20th Century, comprising: twelve cutglass Plates with d iam ond borders, (chips). (4) £200/300

128A.A part Victorian Ironstone Dinner Service. (1) £50/80 129. A quantity o f Toilet Jugs and Bowls, mostly late 19th Century, an d various other ceramics, (a lot) £150/200 130. A part Dinner Service, bearing the crest o f Lloyd o f Gloster, near Birr, (a lot) £25/50 131. A large white ground semi-porcelain M eat Platter, a larger B istoware d itto with gravy well; an d fo u r large striped ditto. (5) £150/200 132. A lot o f Minton kidney shaped porcelain Plates, a n d a q u an tity o f oth er porcelain Stonew are, etc. (a lot) £50/80 133. A quantity o f glass Bowls, glass Vases, a large blue glass B randy Balloon; and oth er assorted G lass, (a lot) £60/70 134. A quantity o f milk glass Lamp Shades, tw o boxes o f glass G lobes, an d oth er L am p Shades, (a lot) £80/120 135. A large quantity o f assorted Kitchen Utencils, C ookw are, etc., contained in approx. 5 large boxes, (a lot) £30/40 136. A large pair o f striped green lined and interlined Curtains, 96"w. X 93"d. approx. (1) £60/80 137. A Cappucinno Coffee Grinder, a Soda S tream w ith q uantity of Soda Stream Bottles, and a R em ington T ypew riter. (3) £20/30 138. Four various long pine Benches, a n d tw o large trestle Tables. (6) £250/350 139. A brass Lectern, Victorian, circa 1890, w ith folio nest and turned base, 12". (1) £50/80 141. A Victorian mahogany Sideboard, circa 1860, w ith m oulded front, frieze draw ers an d panelled cu pboards, on a m oulded plinth, 83"w. (1) £300/500

118. Large collection o f 78 Records, (a lot) £20/40 119. Collection o f modern L.P. Records, Tapes, etc. (a lot) £25/40 121. A quantity o f miscellaneous Ceramics, various dates, (a lot) £50/75

142. Two mahogany Butler’s Tray’s, w ith folding stands. (2) £250/350 143. A mahogany Butler’s Tray and Stand (1) £100/200 144. A quantity o f old Deed and other Boxes, (a lot) £200/300

122. A late 19th Century Pasteur stoneware Water Filter and Cover, o f cylindrical form sprigged in white w ith a m akers label, ban ds o f ivy an d fruiting vine, and the Royal C o at o f A rm s, 22'/2" (57cms). (1) £100/200 127. Approx. 1000 pieces of mixed blue and white Catering China, com prising o f tw enty eight Coffee C ans, sixty eight mixed m ilk an d cream Jugs, ten large Plates, seventy assorted T ea & C offee C ups, forty seven T eapots an d Covers, one hundred a n d th irty eight Ash Trays, one hund red and twelve various Soup an d C ereal Bowls, tw o hund red an d seventy eight blue rim ed Plates, eighty three m atching Saucers, fifty three m in iatu re cream Jugs, an d other odd pieces. (1000) £400/800 128. A set o f 3 large Wedgwood M eat Plates, late 19th Century, w ith laurel leaf border, and a sm aller ditto. (4) £150/250 6

145. A pine Kitchen Table, Victorian, w ith tw o draw ers an d square legs, 29"h X 64*/2"w . (1) £200/400 146. An ash and pine hand Cart, w ith single spiked wheel, 79"1; and a grey p ainted Sack Trolley, 53"h. (2) £150/250 147. A quantity o f miscellaneous Baskets. (2) £80/150 148. Two large old white painted Dough Bins, w ith hinged hds, and on block feet, approx. 68"1. (2) £100/200 149. A pine Centre Table, on square legs w ith five stretcher rails, 3 3 1/2"h x 60"w; and an o th er pine T able w ith end draw er and tapered legs, 30"h x 48"w. (2) £200/300

150. A large collection of assorted old Garden Tools, (a lot) £100/150

172. Twelve modem Tables, with veneered tops an d black painted iron stands, 48”w. (12) £60/90

151. D itto, (a lot) £100/150

173. A painted Carriage Wheel, with rub ber tyre, decorated in red, black, and yellow, 43'/2”d. (1) £60/80

152. A sycamore Butchers Block, on cham fered legs, 37*'w. (1)


174. A set o f ten modern beechwood stick back Chairs, w ith red vinyl seats an d splayed legs. (10) £100/200

153. An ash rectangular drop-leaf Table, circa 1800, on squ are legs, 2 8 ‘A " h X 53”w. (1) £100/200 154. A Victorian patent Knife Polisher, by W e a th e rb u m , L ondon, 16"h. (1) £100/150 155. An oak Box, late 19th Century, w ith green velvet lined interior, 10%”; a leather Pouch, 3 ‘/ 2 ”w; a set o f L etter Scales on a w aln ut base, 6 ‘/ 2 ”w, (two feet a n d w eights missing); and a n o th e r Box. (4) £30/50

175. A Victorian white painted China Cabinet, c. 1850 the m oulded com ice above a p a ir o f glazed d o ors enclosing shelves, above a pair o f panelled c u p b o ard doors on a plinth, 9 4 ‘/ j " x 69”, (T o be R em oved a t P u rch aser’s R isk and Expense). (1) £200/300 176. A Victorian white painted Housekeepers Chest, c. 1860, draw ers with ceram ic handles, 43”h x llO '/j" . (1) £200/300 177. A quantity o f assorted Bed or Table Linen. (1) £25/40

156. A boxwood and mahogany Thermometer, by Troughton & Sims, on tu rned circular base, 13"h. (1) £40/60 157. A quantity of assorted Plate Stands and Trophy Stands, (a lot) £40/60

178. ditto. (1) £30/50 179. ditto. (1) £25/40 180. ditto. (1) £20/40

158. A Victorian white painted Cupboard, c. 1850, the u p p er p a rt w ith three pairs o f d o ub le panelled d o ors, a m oulded shelf an d three cu p b o ard s below, on plinth, 109”h x 74"w. (To be R em oved at P u rch aser’s Risk and Expense). (1) £100/150 159. An upholstered Corner Settee, covered in w hite an d beige striped co tto n w ith a loose cushion, 39*'w. (1) £100/150 161. Eleven Bottles o f Coburns Vintage Port, 1955, bottled 1957. (11) £150/200 161A.Seven Bottles o f Fonsecas finest 1970 V intage P o rt and an o th er Fonsecas P o rt. ( 8 ) £150/200 165. A pine pedestal Desk, w ith m oulded to p, an d nine draw ers on a plinth base, 31” x 56” (distressed). (1) £80/120 166. A Victorian mahogany Side Table, c. 1840, w ith frieze draw er on turned tapered legs, 28" x 29". (1) £400/600 167. A quantity of leather Suitcases, tw o gun cases, tw o cartridge satchels, etc. (a lot) £400/600 168. A quantity of Shooting Sticks, canvas and le ath er covered gun cases, etc. (a lot) £200/400 169. A formica topped Table on pine base, 36"w; an d a stained G un C abinet with glazed d oo rs, 60"h x 24"w. (2) £80/120 170. Approximately thirty beechwood Chairs, w ith dou ble cross­ bars, black plastic covered seats on square ta p e red legs. (30) £50/70 171. An Edwardian upholstered Easy Chair, c. 1910, w ith velvet cover and square tap ered legs. ( 1 ) £80/120


181. A Cauldon China part Tea and Coffee Service, circa 1880, the cups with b a m b o o m oulded handles an d leaf term inals, printed m arks, (a lot) £100/150 182. A quantity o f miscellaneous Ceramics, various dates, including a pair o f cream w are C andlesticks, tw o Chinese green glazed Jars, various p a rt Services and o th er items, (a lot) £150/250 183. A Wedgwood Majolica Teapot, late 19th Century, m oulded w ith bam bo o o n a grey ground, im pressed m arks, an o th er sim ilar te ap o t, blue ground; a redw are teap o t, pinapple m oulded; an d fo u r o th e r teapo ts and covers, (a lot) £150/200 184. A collection o f Cups and Saucers, various dates, including: six 18th C entury M eissen C ups with floral d eco ration an d a q u an tity o f English decorative C ups, (a lot) £100/200 185. A quantity o f Ceramics, various dates, including an English porcelain p a rt T ea Service, m oulded w ith rose leaves, and o th e r items, (a lot) £100/200 186. A group o f seven French soft paste porcelain Cream Pots and five Covers, 1760’s/7 0 ’s, incised w ith flutes, the covers w ith fru it knops, incised letters "L ” o r ”X .S ”, (m in or chips). (13) £200/400 189. A miscellaneous quantity of Curtains, loose covers etc, approx. 89 pieces. (13) £150/250 190. A large Victorian walnut Chest of drawers, (in tw o parts), with tw o sh o rt an d three long deep draw ers, 69 Vi” x 68”. (1) £400/600 191. A George IV mahogany rectangular drop-leaf Table, c. 1825, on tu rned legs a n d castors, 28”h x 4 2 ‘/2"w. (1) £200/300 NOT


192. A Victorian mahogany Side Table, c. 1850, with plain frieze on turned and tapered legs, 2 8 '/i" x 32". (1) £250/350


194. A Victorian stained pine Cupboard, with two pairs of moulded panel doors on a plinth, 84"h x 33"w. (1) £200/300

209. An engraved "Map of Ireland," hand coloured in outline, and published by T. L. M urray, 1830, and its com panion "Scotland," in matching maplewood frames. (2) £150/200

195. An oak Chest, with flower and leaf carved front sides, 25"w; and a long Table with pine top and white painted tapered legs, 100"1. (2) £40/60

211. Collection of various attractive hand tooled leather and other Desk Pads, including one Tunbridge Wells example, (a lot) £60/100

196. A white painted oak Cupboard, late 17th/early 18th Century, with two pairs of six moulded panelled doors on a plinth, 87*'h X 72"w. (1) £300/500

212. A silver mounted straight grained green leather Desk Pad, with matching silver mounted Stationery Box, also two other silver m ounted Desk Pads, and two plain Stationery Holders. (6) £80/120

197. A Victorian white painted oak Cupboard, c. 1850, with two pairs of double moulded panelled doors on a plinth. 85 x 55‘/2"w. (1) £150/250 199. Large collection of Country Life Magazines, c. 1966 - 1988, collection of Appollo Magazines, Auction Catalogues, etc., contents of two large presses, w.a.f. (1) £50/80 200. A Victorian 19th Century pine Table, on turned legs. 33"h x 103"w. (1) £60/90

214. Sir Richard Stone Reeves Pair of coloured Prints, "Seattle Slew," Limited Edition, 590 (750), signed by Artist, and its companion "Pharlap," also signed, 21 'A" x 27". (2) £80/140 215. Two sections of cloth bound Books, Literature, History, Travel and Religion. (2) £125/200 215A.Shelf of varied leather bound Bindings. (1) £40/60

201. A Victorian cream painted Wardrobe, c. 1860, with ten drawers flanked by a pair of full length cupboard doors on a plinth, 82"h x 92"w; a white painted marble top Washstand with tiled back, 34"w; and a two door Folio Cabinet, 33'/2"h x 25"w. (3) £300/500

216. Frazer’s Handbook for Ireland," D. 1859; Morgan, "The New Irish Constitution," and several others o f Irish Interest, the remainder of the shelf, (a lot) £150/200

202. A tall white painted Open Bookcase, in George III style, with fluted moulded cornice and uprights, 97*'h x 64"w. (1) £200/ 300

218. Kipling, (Rudyard) "The Irish Guards in the G reat War," 2 vols. L. 1923, illustrated; and several other books of Military History Interest, remainder of the shelf, (a lot) £80/150

203. A Victorian iron Fire Guard, with pierced decoration; a brass Spark Guard, 25"w; a wedge shaped Coal Scuttle, 12"w; and three steel Fire Irons, 44"w. (a lot) £200/300

219. Bentham (G.) "H andbook o f the British Flora," 2 vols. L. 1865; and several other books of G ardening Interest, remainder of the shelf, (a lot) £50/80

204. A pine Side Table, Victorian, with three drawers and turned legs, 30"h X 74"w. (1) £100/200

220. Gabbett’s "Criminal Law," 2 vols. D. 1835, leather bound, and other books of Legal Interest, (a lot) £40/60

205. A mahogany pedestal Desk, late Victorian, with inset top and nine drawers on a plinth, 31"h x 54"w. (1) £400/500

221. Collection of Books on Antique Furniture, Porcelain, Coins, Stamps, etc. (a lot) £30/60

206. A pair of ash stick back Windsor Chairs, and two Side Chairs. (2) £40/50

222. Five volumes of leather bound Music, "The Holy Bible,"; "The Book o f Common Prayer," and another book all leather bound, (a lot) £40/60

217. Shelf of varied Travel Books, (a lot) £60/100

207. A quantity of metal Filing Cabinets, (a lot) £200/400 208. A large pine Bookcase, with moulded pediment, above three pairs of double panel glazed doors, on a long base, with an arrangement of eighteen drawers, 135" (340.4cms). (To be removed at Purchasers Risk and Expense. (1) £500/700

223. A large collection of mostly cloth bound Books, various subjects "The Country Gentleman’s Estate Book,"; "Invasion o f the Crimea,"; Books on Literature, History, etc. large section, and many books on English Biography, (a lot) £150/250 224. A large section of Books of General Interest, (a lot) £120/180 225. A similar section of Books, General Interest, (a lot) £120/180 226. "Journal of Forestry," several volumes and loose numbers. (a lot) £40/80





227. Large quantity of mostly modern Paperbacks, (a lot) £40/60

228. A full size mahogany Billiards Table by Thursten & Co., on eight legs, 34”h x 78"w, 12’6"; a m a h o g a n y Scoreboard, 36"w, and a circular m ah o g an y C ue Rest, 45". See Illustration. (3) £1500/2500


fc life !


V Lot 252 Lot 228

BEDROOM I 250. A brass Fender with turned pilasters, late 19th Century, 59"1.; an upholstered Chesterfield, tw o easy C hairs with tapering legs. (4) £100/200 251. A George III mahogany Chest, c. 1760, o f two sho rt and two long draw ers, with m oulded to p and brack et feet, 36"h x 4 1 1/2 "w. See Illustration. (1) £250/350

Lot 253

Lot 251 252. An early Victorian mahogany Wash-stand, with shallow frieze drawer and tw o sh o rt draw ers, on tu rn e d legs, with a shaped gallery, 36"w. See Illustration. (1) £300/500 253. A George III mahogany bow-front Chest, c. 1790 o f four long graduated draw ers with an inlaid a p ro n an d splayed feet, 40"h X 40"w. See Illustration. (1) £300/400

Lot 254 254.

A set o f seven Morris style spindle back rush Seat Chairs, on turned legs. See Illustration. (7) £100/200 9

254A.A set of four miniature ditto, almost matching. See Illustration. (4) £100/120 255. A Victorian mahogany pedestal Table, c. 1840 the circular tilt top above a chamfered pillar and quartreform base on castors, 29"h x 31 '/i”, (faults). (1) £300/400

265. A 19th Century brass bound two part mahogany Military Chest, with arrangement of three long and two short drawers, 39" (99cms). (1) £400/600 266. A coloured Engraving, Classical Subject, by Sherwin after Kauffmann, in gilt frame. (1) £90/120

BEDROOM II 267. A mahogany Chest, of two short and three long drawers, with moulded top and bracket feet, 47"h x 3 7 ‘/2"w. See Illustration. (1) £250/300

Lot 255

256. A mahogany Side Table, with a drawer and square legs; a stick back low seat Armchair with seagrass seat; and a Occasional Chair with caned back. (3) £100/150 257. A small modern upholstered Settee, with floral loose covers and cushions, 137”w. (1) £100/200 258. A Victorian upholstered Armchair, c. 1890, on tapered square legs and castors. (1) £200/300 259. A Wedgewood Majolica Toilet Jug and Basin, late 19th Century, moulded with bands of flower heads picked out in brown; a toothbrush box and cover en suite and a drainer and base. (6) £80/120 Lot 267

260. A Group of Ceramics, various dates, including a blue and white Toilet Jug, two other Toilet Jugs, a Chamber Pot and various other Cermaics. (a lot) £100/200 260A .Three glass Bowls and Covers, lot of assorted striped Toilet Bottles, with blue stoppers, a glass Ewer, a damaged glass Basin, and some other assorted Glass, (a lot) £60/80 261. A Victorian painted Wardrobe, with centre m irror door flanked with two double panel doors, and a moulded pediment on plinth base. (1) £60/80

268. A mahogany Bedside Cabinet, George III, circa 1790, with galleried top above an oval banded cupboard and a converted drawer, 19"w. See Illustration. (1) £400/500 269. A late 18th Century mahogany Chest, circa 1790, of two short and three long drawers, with bracket feet, 41"h x 42"w. (1) £150/200

262. A Victorian serpentine shaped basket work Occasional or Conservatory Table, raised on four bam boo legs, united by a stretcher, 29” x 40". (1) £60/80

270. A white-painted Firescreen, with tapestry panel, 24" w. (1) £150/200

263. An Edwardian mahogany revolving Bookcase, with slatted supports and tripod base, 32*/2"h x 19"w. (1) £150/250

271. A white-painted Wardrobe, Victorian, with mirrored centre door, 82"h x 72"w. (1) £100/200

264. A pair of Greek style Art metal glass top Bedside Tables, p ain ted in m arbled green, w ith cluster colum n legs, 24"square. (2) £150/250

272. A square lacquer Jardiniere Stand, Chinese, late 19th Century, the chamfered corners, shaped apron and pierced supports, 18'A" x 1 5 ‘/ 2"w . (1) £ 100/200


280. A triple Toilet Mirror, in arched moulded walnut frame, 33"h. (1) £80/120 281. A Victorian Easy Armchair, with deep buttoned seat and back, raised on turned walnut legs, covered in green trellis type fabric, possibly by Howard & Co. (1) £180/250

BEDROOM III 282. An ash Bedroom Suite, stamped Heal & Sons, Victorian, circa 1880, painted with line decoration, comprising a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, a dressing table, two bedroom chairs, a wash-stand, and a bedside cupboard. (7) £1000/1500

Lot 268

273. Four black and white Engravings, "W illiam Viscount Courtenay," by J. Murphy, after Richard Causeway; "A Nobleman," after Reynolds "Proof before Letters,"; Thomas Barnardiston by G. Bickem; "John Wilks," by and after William Hogarth. (4) £120/170 274. A coloured Engraving- "British Plenty," by C. Knight after H. Singleton, dated 1794, in gilt frame. (1) £200/300 Lot 282

275. A 19th Century brass Fender, and a set of three Fire Irons. (4) £100/150 276. A group of Ceramics, various dates, including pair of French faience Inkwell, cover, and liner, a pair of Continental biscuit porcelain Figures and various other ceramic items, (some damage and repair), (a lot) £100/200 277. After William Redmore Bigg "Girl picking Nuts," Engraving by P.W. Tomkins, oval, 13" X 11"; After Francis Wheatley, R.A. "A Devonshire Nymph," coloured stipple engraving, a late impression, 16" x 13". (2) £80/160

283. A Victorian mahogany Bed Table, c. 1860, with adjustable baluster pillar and triform base on turned feet and castors, 33"w. See Illustration. (1) £250/350 284. A Hungarian ash rectangular pedestal Table, on a knobbed pillar and quatreform base, 30"h x 37"w, (faults). See Illustration. (1) £200/300

278. Three Engravings comprising: "Juvenile Navigators," by W. Ward, after George Morland; "A Nobleman," by W. Ward after H.W. Pickersgill, full length, 1824; and "A Nobelman," possibly after George Sanders. (3) £180/250 279. A set of three Edwardian mahogany Chairs, c. 1910, with pierced splats, caned seats and ring turned legs. (3) £100/150




Lots 284 & 283 11


An antique upholstered Armchair, with yellow loose cover on turned feet and castors. (1) £100/150

286. A pair of Victorian ebonised pine and parcel gilt Open breakfront Bookcases, on plinth bases, 32%"h x 91"w. (2) £500/700

292. An Irish Georgian mahogany Wardrobe, circa 1820, with moulded comice, panelled cupboards and three drawers, 81"h X 100"w. (1) £400/500 293. A George III mahogany Cheval Mirror, c. 1790, with reeded uphrights and splayed legs, 75"h x 31 "w. (1) £1000/1200 See Illustration.

287. A mahogany framed three fold Screen, c. 1900, inlcuding glass panels, each fold 72"h x 21 %*'w; a beechwood Towel Rail on square splayed feet, 3 4 'A"h x 73"; and a velvet framed Overmantle Mirror, c. 1890, 60’'h x 53"w. (3) £200/300 288. A Victorian upholstered Armchair, by Howard & Sons, c. 1890, with buttoned back and arms covered in striped fabric on turned legs with brass castors, stamped on back leg stamped Howard & Sons, Berners Street. See Illustration. (1) £250/350

Lots 288 & 290

290. An other Victorian large upholstered Easy Chair, by Howard & Sons, covered in red striped printed cotton, with turned legs and brass castors, stamped Howard &. Sons, Ltd., Berners Street. See Illustration. (1) £250/300


A giltwood Mirror, George II, circa 1730, with bevelled plate and leaf-carved moulded frame, 41"h x 51"w. See Illustration. (1) £800/1000

Lots 293

294. A Victorian Dressing Mirror, c. 1850, on scrolled supports and phnth. (!) £80/120 295. A George III mahogany rectangular Pembroke Table, c. 1790, with a drawer on tapered square legs and castors, 28"h x 2 9 ‘/ 2 " w .

See Illustration. (1) £300/400 296. A carved oak Layette, 19th Century, centred by a profile portrait, acanted side with leaf scroll, 16‘/2"w. (1) £30/50

Lot 291 12




Lot 299 297. A rosewood Library Table, Victorian, circa 1850, with rou nded ends, colum nar suppo rts and scrolled feet, 29"h x 60*'w. See Illustration. (1) £500/800

302. A late George III mahogany Pembroke Table, with frieze draw er, and D shaped flaps, raised on square tapering legs, som e alterations, 25" (64cms). See Illustration. (1) £600/700

Lot 297

298. A group of English porcelains, in the white, late 19th Century, com prising: a pierced basket on stand, a centre-piece in the form o f a shaped bow l su pported by tw o crouching cherubs an d two C opeland sw eetm eat figures, tallest 28cms; 11"., (some dam age and repair). (4) £100/200 Lot 302 299. A George i n style mahogany Bureau, w ith fitted interior above two short an d three long draw ers, with carved edges th ro ugho ut, 40"h x 43"w. See Illustration. (1) £400/500 300. A Victorian Chaise Longue, on turned bulbous legs. (1) £150/250 301. A Georgian mahogany drop-leaf Table, raised on four square cham fered legs, 42" (lOTcms). (1) £200/300 IM PERFECTIONS

303. By and After Henry Aiken H u n tin g Scenes: "G oing to C over," "Flying a Difficulty," "C harging a P ark Fence," an d "H oping a D ifficulty," a set of fo u r coloured etchings, each 15’A " x 18". (4) £250/350 304. Baptiste Boazio C o loured engraved Map o f Ireland, tw o sheets, engraved by R enolde Estrack, 21" x 32 ^/4"; and two coloured reporductions after Lionel Edw ards. (3) £300/500 NOT


305. A Victorian steel mesh Spark Guard or Nursery Guard, with brass top rail, 32*' (18.5cms). (1) £80/150 306. A George III mahogany Bedside Cupboard with tambour front, c. 1790, frieze drawer and panelled tapering legs, 27”h x 21"w. (1) £300/500

319. A Victorian papier mache Table, c. 1860, the circular top decorated with an Oriental pavilion in a landscape surroun­ ded by a border of flowers and leaves on a turned tapered and baluster-turned stem with moulded base on scrolled feet, decorated throughout with inlaid mother o f pearl and painted decoration, 2 7 ‘/ 2"h x 26"w. See Illustration. (1) £700/1000

BEDROOM V 307. A George III mahogany Chest, with two short and three long drawers, and crossbanded top, 42*/2"w. (1) £120/150 308. A Victorian rosewood and brass inlaid Centre Table, 1860, the oblong m oulded top on octagonal tapered legs, with ebonised mouldings, 27"h x 37*'w, (brass lifting). (1) £150/200 309. A 19th Century Japanese lacquer, ivory and mother of pearl decorated Cabinet, with random shelves and cupboards, on turned legs, 65"h x 42”w. (1) £400/600 310. A pair of Victorian walnut Bedside Cupboards, c. 1900, each with panelled door above shaped and bracket feet, 30'/2"h x 16"w. (2) £250/400

Lot 319

BEDROOM VI 311. A Victorian mahogany Wardrobe, c. 1870, with panelled cupboard ends and centre, above three drawers, inlaid with stringing and paterae, 101"w. (1) £400/600

320. A good quality Georgian period serpentine shaped Chest, with shaped and figured crossbanded top, over three long drawers, with later handles, on bracket feet, 44" (122cms). See Illustration. (1) £700/1200

312. A four-fold stained oak and parcel-gilt Victorian Screen, c. 1900, with glass panels, each fold 68"h x 24”w. (1) £400/600 313. An Edwardian mahogany Dressing Table, with shaped m irror above two short and one long drawer, 42"w. (1) £250/300 314. A pierced brass Fender, 48*' (122cms); and a brass Spark Guard. (2) £100/150 315. A burr-walnut Bedstead, Victorian, circa 1850, with arched moulded and buttoned headboard, with pierced carved cresting and curved moulded footboard, 58"w. See Illustration. (1) £800/1200 316. A pair of Victorian oak framed Firescreens, c. 1860 now with a glass panel, 14'A**. (2) £150/250 Lot 320 317. An Edwardian mahogany Towel Rail, c. 1910 with pierced splats and square splayed legs, 29'/2'*w. (1) £100/200 318. An upholstered Armchair, Victorian, circa 1890, with white and claret printed cotton loose cover on turned feet and castors. (1) £100/150 14

321. A mahogany Armchair, George III, circa 1780, with moulded back and tapered pierced splat. (1) £150/200 IMPERFECTIONS



322. A group of Oriental Ceramics, various dates, including: a jar and cover and a pair of sleeve vases en suite; and a Cantonese barrel shaped Box and cover. (7) £120/180

330. Engravings - "Mrs. Duff," by Agar, after Cosway; "Filial Piety," by Watson, after J. Russell; and "Young Girl with Dog". (3) £175/225

323. A group of porcelains in the white, mostly late 19th Century, comprising an English porcelain Tazza supported by two cherubs; a group of Cherubs with a shell and two sweetmeat figures. (4) £150/200

331. Bartolozzi After Joshua Reynolds Engravings - "The Girl and Kitten," and its comrade "Simplicity," (pair); "The H onourable Miss Bingham," and "The Right Honourable Countess of Spencer," and one other similar in black and gilt frame. (3) £200/300

324. A Japanese Kutani model of a Boy and a giant Carp, late Meiji period, and an Oriental G roup of a figure seated on a Dog-ofFo decorated in iron red and gilding, tallest 28cms, 11"., (chips). (2) £200/300 325. A pair of Minton two handled Vases, 1860/70’s each of ovoid form covered in a turquoise glaze, impressed marks, 7" (17.5cms). (2) £50/100 326. An Edwardian upholstered wing Armchair, c. 1910, with blue floral loose cover, on tapered square legs and castors. (1) £80/140 327. After William Hamilton, R.A. A set of four coloured stipple engravings from "The Months," by Francesco Bartolozzi, later impressions, each 14" X 11'A". See Illustration. (4) £250/350

332. A mahogany Dressing Table, Edwardian, circa 1900, with bowed front fitted with five drawers, on tapering legs, 39"w. (1) £150/200 333. A pair of late 19th Century gilt Bedroom Chairs, with cane seats. (2) £130/180 334. A 19th Century Armchair of low proportions, covered in pink material. (1) £200/300 335. An attractive 19th Century satin beech Bedroom Chair, with cane seat; and a mahogany swing framed Dressing Table Mirror. (2) £80/120

BEDROOM VII 336. A breakfront mahogany Wardrobe, Victorian, 1850, with two mirrored and two panelled doors, 105"w. (1) £700/1000 337. An Irish Georgian mahogany Wash-stand, early 19th Century, with satinwood crossbanded drawers and twist turned legs, 55"w. See Illustration. (1) £400/600

Lot 327

328. After Richard Westall, R.A. "Boy Angling," coloured engraving by William N utter and Thomas Gaugain, 12" x 14". (I) £150/200 329. Engravings: "Sir C hristopher W ren," by G odby After Cipriani, in ornate gilt frame; "Frederick II K ing of Prussia," by Bartolozzi after Ramberg; "Mrs. Russell". (3) £150/200

Lot 337




338. A George I II mahogany Chest, c. 1750, o f two sh o rt and three long draw ers with canted c o m e rs and fret-m oulded top, 44”w, form erly with a base. See Illustration. (1) £300/400

Lot 338

339. A mahogany Writing Table, George III style, w ith cross­ b an d ed top, and later fitted draw er an d turned legs, 36"w. See Illustration. (1) £400/600 340. A 19th Century mahogany George III style Cabinet, with dentil-m oulded cornice, panelled doors and tw o short and three long draw ers, 78"h x 39"w. (1) £500/800 341. An Edwardian mahogany three tier Etagere, c. 1900, band ed in satinw ood w ith turned fluted uprights, 28"w. (1) £400/600 342. An Edwardian mahogany Double Bed, c. 1910, the serpentine h ead and tail b oard with ba ro q u e twist m oulding, and fluted pillars, 54"w. (1) £200/300 343. A mahogany tripod Table, George III style, the circular tilt top above a pillar, 28"h x 18"w. (1) £200/300 344. An oak bobbin framed Regency Chair, the rectangular back w ith arched splats; a birch spindle back Victorian A rm chair, c. 1890, w ith scroll cresting rail and cane seat. (2) £120/180 345. A Victorian maple framed rectangular Wall Mirror, c. 1870, w ith gilt m oulding, 28" x 40", and an oval fram ed T oilet M irro r, V ictorian, with rope twist m oulding and scroll supports, 20'/2" w . (2) £100/150 346. A brass and pierced Fire Curb, and a set o f antique steel an d brass Fire Irons, (a lot) £250/350 347. A Group o f Ceramics, various dates, including a M in to n M ajolica Ju g m oulded w ith holly; a C ham berlain’s W orcester Plate; a W edgew ood T o o th b ru sh M ug; an English porcelain yellow ground Vase and various other items, (a lot) £150/200 16

Lot 339

348. A set o f four cream coloured pressed glass Candlesticks, late 19th Century, each in the form o f a fluted column, 26cms, 101/4" (one dam aged); an d a p air o f similar pottery C an d le­ sticks. (6) £150/200 349. A large upholstered 19th Century Armchair, the low turned legs, w ith brass castors, castor stam ped H a m p to n & Sons, L ondon. (1) £150/250 350. An unusual mahogany triple framed Dressing Table Mirror. (1) £120/180 351. After Francis Catfcrift Turner "H aw king," a set o f four coloured aq u a tin ts, by R .G . Reeve, later im pressions, in oak frames, each 29" x 21". (4) £200/300 352. After Henry Bunbury "T he C ourtship," coloured stipple E ngraving by C. K night, oval, 13" x 15%"; and "E m m a H am ilto n " after Reynolds, a coloured mezzotint, (late). (2) £150/250 IMPERFECTIONS



353. Coloured Military Prints, Officers of the British Army, "The Grenadier Guards," & "The Coldstream Guards," in gilt frames. (4) £200/300 354. A George III mahogany Chair, c.1790, rectangular back with stick splats and stuffed hide seat on tapered square legs joined by structures. (1) £200/300

BEDROOM VIII 355. A Victorian walnut tripod Table, c. 1870, the circular top covered in bead work, on spiral reeded and turned pillar, 30"h X 18"d. (1) £100/150

360. An Irish Georgian mahogany Tall Chest, circa 1760, o f two short and six long drawers, with moulded top and bracket feet, 67*/2"h x 40"w. See Illustration. (1) £700/900 361. A Victorian mahogany Chest, of two short and three long drawers, with moulded top and plinth base, 4 4 ‘/2"h x 43"w. (1) £200/300 362. An Edwardian mahogany marble-topped Wash-stand, c. 1900, with double cupboards and tapering legs, 48"w; and a Victorian upholstered Chair on turned legs. (2) £200/300 363. A Victorian mahogany framed Cheval Dressing Mirror, c. 1860, the moulded scrolled supports on scrolled feet and castors, 62"h x 32"w. See Illustration. (1) £400/600

356. A pair of modern white painted Bedside or Nursery Chests, each painted with scenes after Beatrix Potter. (2) £120/180 357. A good quality early 19th Century heavy pierced brass Fender, on front paw feet, 43". (1) £180/250 358. Quantity of Bedside Table Lamps, (a lot) £40/60 359. A modern painted rectangular wooden Table, of narrow proportions. (1) £60/100

Lot 363

364. A Victorian upholstered spoon back Armchair, c. 1870, with distressed white loose cover on turned feet and castors. (1)


Lot 360

365. After Philip James de Loutherbourg, R.A. "Lord Howe’s Victory of the Glorious First o f June," engraving by James Fittler, 2 2 'A" x 31 %". (1) £150/250 17

366. After Philip James de Loutherbourg, R.A. "The G ra n d A tta ck on V alenciennes," engraving by W illiam Bromley, 2 2 '/ / ' x 31 'A". (1) £150/250

383. An early 19th Century mahogany Longcase Clock by Chancellor & Son, w ith p ain ted d ial an d cro ssb an d ed m ahogany case, 82"h. See Illustration. (1) £350/450

367. After Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. "The D u k e o f B edford with his two b rothers an d Miss V ernon," m ezzotint by V alentine G reen, 2 4 Vi" x 18 Vi". (1) £150/250 368. Engravings- "Francis, D uke o f Leeds," by R .N . M eadow s after T ho m as Lawrence, and "G eorge, E arl Spencer," by R. D u n k a rto n after J.S. Copley, m ezzotint engraving, in similar black and gilt fram e, (a lot) £150/200 369. T. Haney W atercolou r - "R ocky C oastal Scene," signed, 10%" x 12'A" (27.5cms X 37.5cms). (1) £80/120 370. 19th Century Indian School W atercolours - "Set o f 8 ornithological paintings o f Indian Birds," 7 ‘/2" x 4Vi" (19.5cms x ll.S cm s). (8) £120/200 371. After Morland Pencil Sketch, "P easants and pony outside an Inn ," signed and dated, 12y2"x 18‘A ". (1) £125/200 372. Lithograph - " F o u r Stages o f a Chess G am e," 19th C entury lithograph by B rooks, D ay & Son, 14" x I 9 V2 ". (1) £70/120 373. Set o f four coloured Prints, "Poultry". (4) £60/90 374. Two framed coloured Sporting Prints, an d a n o th e r coloured Print. (3) £50/80 375. Mezzotint Portraits etc., "M ary Lady B rou ghton," by J. Finlayson after F. C otes; "M aria C ountess o f C oventry," by Finlayson after R ead; "Princess C h arlo tte," by R ichard G olding after Lawrence, in orig. gilt an d black frames. (3) £200/300 376. Fine Equestrian Portrait Engraving, "C o u n t Plataff, D uke o f N o rth u m b erlan d ," by W . W ard, after T. Phillips and Jam es W ard, in orig. black and gilt frame. (1) £200/300 377. Landscape Engraving, "R ichm ond from Tw ickenham ," by C harles H e a th , after T.C . H ofland ; a n d large p o rtra it engraving, "C harles B randon, D u ke o f Suffolk, & M ary Q ueen o f F rance," by G eorge Virtue, black and gilt frames. (2) £200/300 378. Portrait Engravings, "C hristopher W ren," by Smith after Kneller; "G eorge I," by C hereau after K neller; "D . D iderot," by B.L. H enriques after M . V anvoo; "Sir T h o m as De Veil," by T. Ryley after D e la C our; and one other. (5) £200/300


Lot 383

384. A George III style single mahogany Chair, covered in distressed hide. (1) £80/120 385. A good Victorian mahogany Wardrobe, c. 1850, w ith m oulded com ice above a p air o f panelled doors enclosing tray shelves, with tw o sho rt an d tw o long draw ers below, flanked to each side by double-panelled hanging cupboards, 83*/2"h x 97"w. See Illustration. (1) £1000/1500 386. A 19th Century four-fold Chinese Export lacquer Screen, decorated with gilt chinoiseries on a black gro und, each fold 79"h X 23"w (distressed). (1) £400/600

379. Portrait Engravings: "T he Rt. H on. W m . B u rton Conyngham ," by C .H . H odges after G . S tuart; "T hom as Holies, D uke o f N ew castle," by Me A rdell after H oare; an d 3 other p ortraits. (5) £250/300

387. A set of three George III mahogany Side Chairs, c. 1780, w ith shaped padded backs an d seats on square legs joined by Hstretchers. (3) £400/600

382. A pair of cutglass hanging Lights, each w ith three tw ist turned scroUing arm s, cutglass bowl and fmial, 18"h (distressed). (2) £80/120

388. A Victorian mahogany Wardrobe, c. 1850, w ith m oulded com ice above an arched m irrored d o o r flanked by arched m oulded cu pboards, 81"h x 74"w. (1) £300/500


Lot 393 397. A Victorian upholstered Armchair, by Howard & Sons, c. 1890, with green and ivory striped loose cover, on turned feet and castors, castors stam ped H ow ard & Sons, L ondon, rear leg stam ped and num bered. (1) £300/500 398. A pair o f Victorian papier mache balloon back Chairs, c. 1860, d ecorated in gilt with m oth er-o-pearl inlaid floral motifs, the cane seats above turned splayed legs. (2) £150/200 Lot 385 389. A maple adjustable folding Bookstand, Victorian, circa 1870, the arched ends w ith applied cut brass tracery and with pierced carrying handles, 15"w, (closed). (1) £80/120 390. A brass moulded Fire Curb, and a co pper C oal Scuttle. (2) £200/300 391. A Victorian pierced brass Fender, 48"; and a set o f three antique steel Fire Irons. (4) £250/350 392. A late Victorian folding circular Table, c. 1900, on turned tapering legs with tu rn ed platform sterchers, 29"h x 19"w. (1) £200/300 393. An early Victorian mahogany architectural Wardrobe, c. 1850 with a pair o f arched m oulded cu pb o ard s divided by two short and five long draw ers, on a m oulded plinth, 84"h x 84"w. See Illustration. (1) £500/800 394. A walnut marble top Wash Stand, Victorian, circa 1870, the serpentine front o f tu rn e d and gadro o ned supports, with platform structure a n d castors, 38"h x 48"w. (1) £250/350 395. A mahogany framed Cheval Dressing Mirror, circa 1800, with reeded surround, on squ are supports, displayed feet ending in brass cappings and castors, 6 9 ’A " x 34"w. (1) £400/600 396. A late 18th Century inlaid mahogany square Piano converted, circa 1790, with draw ers to the front, the stand with square tapering legs, 33"h x 64"w. (1) £200/400

CARPETS & RUGS Included in the following Section are several examples o f Carpets made in Abbey Leix. (See Introduction). NOTE ON THE ABBEY LEIX CARPET FACTORY Originally founded by Lord Ashbrook in a neighbouring property in 1902 but did not flourish. The factory was acquired by the de Vesci’s in 1903 and moved to Abbey Leix and given up-to-date plant. The output of the factory was for the most part Turkey patterns, deep pile and of good quality. It supplied Carpets to Abbey Leix itself, to Earl of Aberdeen, Lady Wemyss, Lady Balcarres, Marquis of Bath, Lady Duncannon, Lady Jellico, L.H. Buckmaster, Lady Clanwilliam, the Astors, Spencers and Ogilvies (i.e., English, Irish and Scottish houses), to the White Star Line, for ships including the Olympic and Titanic. For the C oronation o f George V in 1910. To Department Stores including Harrods, Army & Navy, and Marshall Field in Chicago. To Decorating Firms like Waring & Gillow, Watts and Cowtan. A good proportion of the output was exported to America and the Empire. Medals were won for quality work in 1907, 1908, & 1909, at various Trade Exhibitions. The site of the factory was later moved to where Bramley’s Store is now located in the town, but subsequently amalgamated with Kildare Carpet factory. 400. An Abbey Leix hand knotted Hall Carpet, early 20th Century, o f T urkish design, the soft m a d d e r field with an overall design o f large palmettes and rosettes in shades o f indigo and green, n arro w green border o f ru n n in g vines and palmettes, 517cms X 700cms, (as is). See Colour Illustration (1) Plate IV. £2500/5000 19

401. An Abbey Leix hand-knotted Corridor Carpet, en suite with the Hall Carpet, the green lighter in tone, 822cms x 222cms and a complementary mat with madder ground, and a narrow madder border, 93cms x lOlcms.

408. A machine made Turkish design Stairs Carpet, with dark red border, worn, 44" (112cms), and thirty three solid brass stair rods, 53" (135cms) in brackets and with fittings, (as is). (1) £300/500

See Colour Illustration (2) Plate IV. £1500/1800 402. An Abbey Leix hand-knotted Corridor Carpet, early 20th Century, and five en suite Rugs, the main carpet with a madder ground and eleven large palmettes, mainly in yellow and with blue, linked by angular barbed vines and rosettes, within a narrow pale indigo border with stylised plants, the remaining with similar design, 1320cms x 168cms; 287cms x 129cms; 284cms x 125cms; 152cms x 98cms; 124cms x 99cms; 97cms X 60cms. See Colour Illustration (6) Plate (VI). £2500/400

403. An Abbey Leix hand knotted Turkey design Rug, early 20th Century, with a dense overall design and multiple narrow borders, 77" x 37" (196cms x 94cms), (with hole), and a similar smaller Rug, (ISOcms x 96cms). (2) £200/300

409. An Abbey Leix Carpet, with plain red field, approx. 68’ x 5’3", slightly faded. (1) £400/600 410. A large Abbeyleix hand-knotted Carpet, similar to preceding in Dining Room, 550cms x 485cms, (as is). (1) £500/800 411. A Kuba Prayer Rug, North East Caucasus, circa 1870, the ivory mihrab with a zig-zag trellis enclosing stylised plants, madder mihrab arch enclosing a c-gul octagon and weavers comb, ivory double-E gul spandrels, all within an indigo border of polychrome double E-guls, 176cms x 80cms. See Illustration. (1) £2000/4000

404. A large Abbey Leix hand-knotted Carpet, early 20th Century, of Ushak design, the madder field with three columns of large pale indigo palmettes linked by rosettes and interspersed with hooked medallions and star guls, all in shades of pale indigo, madder and pale green, within multiple narrow borders, 635cms x 315cms, (as is). See Colour Illustration (1) Plate VIII. £2500/4000

Lot 404

405. An Abbey Leix hand-knotted Carpet, in Savonnerie style, the red field with an overall trelliswork, all within a broad acanthus scroll border, woven in four strips, 18’2" x 18’6", (as is). (1) £250/400 406. A Serebend Mat, West Persia, circa 1900, the m adder field with overall stems of boteh within an ivory stylised flowering vine border, 118cms x 85cms. (1) £80/120 407. An Abbey Leix hand knotted Staircase Runner, to match Carpet in upstairs Corridor, including an irregular shaped piece for landing, one run 565cms x 64cms,; and a cross shaped piece, 2nd floor landing. (1) £500/800 20

Lot 411

412. A Kazak Bordjalou Rug, West Caucasus, circa 1870, the bluegreen field with a large madder panel enclosing an ivory octagonal medallion, ivory hooked panels enclosing stars to the comers, overall panelled guls and hooks, within a saffron border of polychrome hooked medallions, 201cms x 145cms. See Colour Illustration (1) Plate IV. £3000/5000 413. An Armenian Kazak Prayer Rug, circa 1900, the pale maddei field with three linked medallions and a mihrab arch, ivory star gul border, 135cms x 95cms. (1) £100/150

414. An Abbeyleix hand-knotted pile Carpet, early 20th Century, woven in sections, with plain blue green field, 583cms x 383cms, (now faded and marked). (1) £200/300

430. A Turkish style Abbey Leix hand knotted Runner, centre field with rows of guls inside a beige and red border, 123cms x 300cms. (1) £150/250

415. An Indian Dhurry, with banded field. (1) £30/50

431. Two old Oriental Rugs, and two machine made ditto. (4) £40/ 50

416. An Ushak Carpet, circa 1900, the ivory field with overall cypress and weeping willows in shades of rose and pale indigo within a broad rose madder border of flowers and plants, 553cms X 283cms. (1) £500/800

432. A quantity of plain ground and Turkish style Carpet Fragments. (4) £40/50

417. A green/grey Wilton machine made Carpet, with double fringed border, 410cms x SOOcms. (1) £150/200 418. A Mahal Carpet, North West Persia, circa 1910, the madder herati field within an indigo turtle palmette border, 334cms x 267cms (as is). (1) £100/200 419. A North West Persian Runner, circa 1900, the indigo field with four ivory and pale madder floral medallions, three floral borders, 292cms x 97cms (damaged). (1) £80/120 420. A machine made Carpet, early 20th Century, of Aubusson design, the beige field with a floral spray medallion and floral spray and acanthus surround, SOOcms x 388cms. (1) £80/120

421. An Abbey Leix beige ground hand knotted Carpet, 340cms x 317cms. (1) £200/300 422. A Ziegler Carpet, North West Persia, circa 1880, the madder field with an overall design of large polychrome flowerheads, hnked by leafy vines, and rosettes, all within a very broad d a rk brow n b o rd er o f palm ettes, angular vines and arabesques, 950cms x 615cms, (as is). See Colour Illustration (1) Plate IV. £8000/12000 423. A Soumakh Carpet, East Caucasus, circa 1875, the madder field with three indigo lesghi medallions, saffron octagonal guls, overall polychrome guls and rosettes, all within an ivory border of polychrome hooked guls., approx. 9’2” x 6’10", (as is). (1) £500/800

433. Three large Turkish style Abbey Leix hand knotted Carpet Runners, (as is). (3) £200/300 434. A good late 19th Century Oriental Rug, the centre blue field with four stepped medallions inside two borders of octagons, and another blue border, 227cms x 122cms. (1) £400/500 435. An Eastern striped Sarari, and a modern Kilm type Rug. (2) £50/80 436. A large quantity of modern foam-back Carpet, 8 rolls in various sizes, some underfelt, etc. (2) £50/80

REMAINDER OF OIL PAINTINGS, WATERCOLOURS & PRINTS, ETC. 437. Attributed to Edward Francis Burney "A frieze with classical Figures," pen and ink and grey wash, 4 'A" X 9 'A". (1) £200/300 438. After Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. "Portrait of Anne, the Duchess of Cumberland," half length, wearing a pink dress with a white gauze shawl, 0 . 0 . C., 36" x 28" (91.5cms x 71cms). See Colour Illustration ( I ) Plate X. £2000/3000 439. Peter de Molijn, London 1595 - 1661 Haarlem, "A Soldier smoking a pipe," 0 . 0 . P., 9%" x H '/z" (24.8cms x 31/8cms). (1) £3000/5000 See Illustration.

424. A Victorian machine made Hearth Rug, the light brown field with stylised vinery and amarylis, the ivory border with flowerhead roundels and rose sprays, 186cms x 85cms. (1) £30/50 425. An Abbey Leix hand knotted Carpet, early 20th Century, of Turkish design, the madder field with an overall design of serrated polychrome medallions linked by rosettes, serrated leaves and stylised flower sprays, within a narrrow pale indigo border with green or yellow shamrocks, 730cms x 333cms, (as is). (1) £1800/2800 426. A large Turkish design irregular shaped Abbey Leix Carpet, in six sections, with faded red field and borders. (1) £600/800 427. A very large Abbey Leix hand knotted Turkish style Carpet, the red field speckled meaallions inside various borders, approx. 15’ x 17’, with large burn hole, (as is). (1) £500/700 429. Three Abbey Leix Turkish style red ground Rugs, (as is). (3) £70/100

Lot 441




440. Circle of Carlo Maratta "M adonna and Child," O.O.C., 39" x 33%" (99cms x 85.5cms). (1) £1200/1800

444. After Cristofano Allori (1577-1621) "Judith with the head of Holofernes," O.O.C., in a fine 19th Century carved wood frame, 27" x 20", a copy of the painting in the UfTizi Gallery, Florence. (1) £2000/3000 See Illustration.

Lot 440 441. Manner of Sebastian Bourdon "Peasants playing cards," O.O.C., 12%" x 16%" (32.5cms x 42.8cms). (1) £1500/2000 See Illustration.

Lot 444 445. After Sir Peter Paul Rubens "P ortrait of the Artist," O.O.C., in a fine 19th Century Florentine carved wooden frame, 14 Vi" x 11 Vi". See Illustration. (1) £500/700

Lot 439

442. Attributed to Jean Ranc "Portrait of Nicolas de Lounay," three quarter length, standing, wearing a brown coat and dark robes, O.O.C., 58" x 43" (147.5cms x 109.2cms). See Colour Illustration (1) Plate V. £3000/5000 443. R.R. Latimer "The Saloon of Palazzo Barbaro, Venice," signed 1.1: R R Lattimer 14, O.O.C., 35" x 40". Probably exhibited, Royal Academy, 1914, No: 90 (’Salone, Palazzo Barbaro, Venice’). See Colour Illustration (1) Plate II. £2000/3000 22

Lot 445


After Carlo Dolci "M ary M agdalene," O .O .C ., in a fine 19th C entury Florentine carved wooden frame, 14’/ i" x 11 'A". See Illustration. (1) £500/700

447. W. Ruler "Portrait o f a Gentleman, called the Duke o f York," half length, wearing a brown doublet and a white ruff. Signed u.r.: W (in monogram) Ruler pinxit/1673 O.O.C., in a painted oval, 29" X 2 4 'A". The artist is unrecorded, but as James Duke of York would have been aged forty in 1673, the identification of the sitter must be inaccurate. See Colour Illustration (1) Plate V. £1500/2000 448. H.E. Brunner-Lacoste Still Life - "Colourful Vase of flowers and fruit on a ledge", O.O.C., 2 9 ‘A " X 2 4 ‘A " (75cms x 62cms). See Illustration. (1) £1300/1800 449. 19th Century English School Half-length "Portrait of a Young M an", O.O.C., 30" x 25" (76.2cms X 63.5cms). See Illustration. (1) £300/400

Lot 446

Lot 449 450. F. jud B. 1844 "Dutch Coastal Scene with sailing craft, boat with figures in foreground", 0 . 0 . P., 6" x 7 Vi", (15cms x 19cms), indistinctly signed and dated 1844. See Illustration. (1) £400/600

Lot 448




Lot 450 23

451. Circle of George Chambers "Sailing Vessels, fishing boats and a hay barge o ff the coast a t evening", O.O.C., indistinctly signed and d ated 1868, 12" X 21 'A " .

453. Style of David Teniers "P easan ts m errym aking in an interior", a p a ir o f fine p ain tin g s on porcelain, 4" x 5", in gilt frames. S ee Illustration. (2) £500/700

See Illustration. (1) £300/500

% Lot 451

452. Style o f David Teniers "Peasants m errym aking", a p a ir o f porcelain, 4 Vi" X 6 ‘A ", gilt frames. See Illustration. (2) £600/800

Lot 453 (pair) paintings

Lot 453 (pair) 454. Style o f David Teniers "P easan ts m errym aking", fine painting on porcelain, 4^/4" X 6 V2", in gilt frame. See Colour Illustration (1) Plate V. £400/£500

Lot 452 (pair)

455. xxTony "A C o u n try View"; "D airy M aid with cattle n ear a farm ", a n d a "W o o d lan d View", three paintings, one signed and d a te d 1906, tw o on canvas, one on panel, 6% " x 9% "; 6 'A" x 9 % " ; a n d 6 'A" x 8 'A". S ee Illustration. (3) £600/900

Lot 452 (pair)




Lot 455

456. Manner o f Guido Reni ’’Study o f a bearded figure looking u p ,” red chalk, 10” x 8".

( 1) £ 100/200 457. Manner o f Tintoretto ’’Study o f kneeling figure,” red chalk, IOV2 ” x 7 % ”. (1)

£100/200 458. After The Rev. Matthew William Peters, R.A. ”O f such is the K ingdom o f G o d ,” Stipple engraving printed in co lo u r by William Dickinson, pubhshed 1784 19’A ” x 14 'A”, (stained). (1) £200/300 459. After C. Ansell ’’The Soldier’s D ep artu re”; ’’The S oldier’s R e tu rn ,” a pair of co lo u r stipple engravings by Peltro W illiam T om kins, each 1 l % ”d. (2) £300/400 460. Engravings, of Lord Revelstoke, D irector o f Barings M erchan t Bank; a n d Lady M ary Bruce, (n a n o th e r m em ber o f the Vesey Fam ily. (2) £150/200 461. G. Tralli xx 19th Century Continental School W atercolour, ’’C ontinental C oastal Scene w ith figures on a te rra c e in fo re g ro u n d , city b e y o n d ,” a n d its sm aller com p an ion, 9 Vi” x 18”, (24 x 46cms), one indistinctly signed, 10” x 14” (25 .5 x 36cms) £300/400 462. Gabrielle Crelli W atercolours, ’’C oastal Scenes near M o n a c o ,” and its com p an ion, a pair, both signed, on one G a b . Crelli, 1873, an d one inscribed M onaco, 13 Vi” x 21” . See Colour Illustration (2) Plate II. £3000/4000

Lot 463

467. After Thomas Stothard, R.A. (1755-1834) ’’Fam ily in an In te rio r,” an d ’’Feeding C hicks,” a p air o f coloured stipple engravings by Charles K night, pubhshed W. D ickinson, 1792 o r later, each 21 ’A ” x 16%” (2) £300/500 468. After Francis Wheatley, R.A. (1747 - 1801) ’’T he Soldier’s R e tu rn ,” a n d ’’T he Sailor’s R etu rn ,” a p air o f coloured m ezzotints by W illiam W ard, approx. 20” x 14”. (2) £300/500 469. After Francis W heatley, R.A. (1747-1801) ’’Rustic H o u rs - M o rn in g , N o o n , Evening, N ig h t” a fine set o f 4 coloured m ezzotints by H enry G illbank, each 20” x 2 4 'A”. (4) £700/1000 470. After T. Milbourne ”C o u rts h ip ”; ” M a r ria g e ,” a p a ir o f c o lo u re d stipple engravings by T h o m a s G augain, each 18‘/ i ” x 14Vi” . (2) £300/500 471. Pencil Sketch, ’’T he M instrel an d Lester P iggott”, 16” x 22”, (40.5 X 56cms), signed. (1) £200/300

Lot 462 463. After William Redmore Bigg (1755-1828) ’’S aturday M orning, (G oing to M a rk e t)”; ’’Saturday Evening (The H u sb a n d m a n ’s R e tu rn from L a b o u r)”, a pair o f coloured stipple engravings by W illiam N u tte r, each 18” x 23”, (stained). See Illustration. (2) £300/500

472. Abraham Pether (1756-1812) ”A m o o n h t river L an d scap e,” O .O .P., 9 Vi” x 11 'A”. (1) S ee Illustration (1). £500/700

464. After James Ward, R.A. (1769-1859) ’’Selling R abbits,” coloured m ezzotint by W illiam W ard, 19‘A " x 24”. (1) £250/350 465. After George Morland (1762 - 1859) "Rustic C onversation,” and ”Evening o r the Post Boy’s R etu rn ,” a pair o f coloured M ezzotints by W illiam W ard, each 19 'A” x 24” . (2) £600/800 466. After George Morland (1762 - 1804) ’’Shepherds R eposing,” an d ’’The W eary S p o rtsm a n ,” a pair o f coloured stipple engravings by W illiam Bond, each 20” x 14” . (2) £300/500

Lot 472 25


Follower of Sir Peter Lely "L ad y W indgate o f Y orkshire," three q u a rter length p ortrait, 0 . 0 . P., 8 ’A " X 7", (21.5cms x 18cms). See Illustration. (1) £500/800

478. Broadside - "R ules - A bbey Leix H ouse School," O pened Jan u a ry 1844. Broadside printed in red & black, with illus., w ithin lined border, 16" x 20", Scarce. (1) £150/200 478A.Attractive set of three early 19th Century French Bird Prints, after D. D iderot. (3) £175/250 479. Robert Reid Macguire W aterco lo ur - "M arsh lan d landscape with m allard in flight," signed, 13" x 16‘/2" (33cms x 41.5cms). (1) £150/250

CERAMICS AND GLASS 480. A Serves ormolu mounted Desk Stand, early 19th Century, painted with panels o f flowers reserved on a blue grou n d with gilt and puce oeil-de-perix ground, fitted with two gilt metal pots, 105/8" across, (as is). See Illustration. (5) £250/350

iM t 476


Early 19th Century English School "C olourful Vase o f Flow ers on Table," 0 . 0 . P., 12" x 10", (30.5cms X 25.5cms). See Illustration. (1) £500/700

Lot 480

481. A Staffordshire pottern Garden Seat, circa 1870-80, o f barrel form , m oulded with periwinkles and clematis on a blue g round, 18" (45.75cms). (1) £200/300 482. A large Clement Masser Jardiniere, late 19th Century, o f " U" form covered in a rich red glaze, impressed m ark, 17" (43cms), (as is). (1) £40/60 483. A Staffordshire porcelain Cabaret Set, circa 1900, each piece printed in blue with the willow p attern, com prising te ap o t an d cover, tray, jug, sugar bowl and cover, two cups and two saucers, (as is). (10) £120/180 484. A Copeland Spode earthenware Garden Seat, late 19th Century, o f barrel form and octagonal section, printed with chinoiserie plants in underglaze blue, printed m ark , C op e­ land, late Spode, 18 'Z^" (47cms), (as is). (1) £100/200 485. A pair of large blue glaze relief moulded Ewers, modelled with classical scene and grotesque mask, applied with serpent handles, (as is), 18" (46cms). (2) £40/60 486. A Group of five Paris porcelain Dessert Dishes, circa 1800, each painted with a circular landscape panel, within a gilt b o rd er an d red line rim, crossed arrow s m ark in underglaze blue, (some chips and wear). (5) £200/300

Lot 477





1 27

487. A group of four Chinese soapstone seated Figures, Qing Dynasty, 18th/19th Century, comprising three seated male figures with objects and a figure of Guanyin, tallest 3%" (9.5cms), (as is). (4) £200/400

493. A group of Cermaics, mostly 19th Century, including: a Dresden inkstand, two pots and matched covers, painted with lovers and flowers; a Jasperware two handled vase and cover and a two handled bowl, (a lot) £150/200

488. A group of Continental porcelain Cabinet Cups and Saucers, 18th and 19th Century, comprising a "Serves" example painted with landscape panels within blue and yellow borders; another "Serves" example with pink and blue enamel borders; a small blue and white teabowl, and a Chinese exportware teabowl, underglaze blue and blue painted marks, (as is), (a lot) £120/180

494. Two Cantonese Brush Pots, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, each of cyhndrical form, painted in the Famille Rose enamels with alternating panels of figures and text, tallest 6" (15cms), (as is). (2) £150/250

489. A pair of Cantonese two handled Vases, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, each painted with panels of figures on a celadon ground, 2 5 'A" (64cms), (as is). (2) £200/400 490. A pair of Cantonese Famille Rose Vases, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, each of shouldered form painted with figures in landscape, 2 5 'A" (65cms), (as is). (2) £200/400

495. A group of Ceramics, various dates, including a set of seven Cantagalli Majolica Plates, printed with flowers, and a Staffordshire opaque china part Dessert Service, (a lot) £100/150 496. An English porcelain Elcuelle, cover and stand, early 19th Century, painted with the "Bishop Summer pattern," (one handle missing); and a cup and saucer painted with the same pattern. See Illustration. (5) £150/200

491. A pair of Paris oval Sauce Tureens and Covers, early 19th Century, each o f lobed oval form painted with a blue and red sprig pattern, the cover with cauliflower knop, 115/8" (29.5cms), (as is). See Illustration. (4) £400/600

Lots 497, 496, 510

497. A group of Ceramics, various dates, comprising a stoneware Salt; a Japanese inkwell and cover; a white shaped square tray and a Copelands China ecuelle, cover and stand. See Illustration. (5) £80/150

Lots 491 (pair) & 517

492. A pair of Meissen Vases and Covers, 19th Century, each of double ogee form painted in underglaze blue with a version of the onion pattern, the ogee domed covers with flower knops, cross swords in underglaze blue, 14" (35.5cms), (as is). See Illustration. (4) £800/1200

498. A very attractive pair of Meissen oval Sauce Tureens, late 18th Century, each painted with colourful panels of flowers, within moulded gilt borders, applied and encrusted with colourful flowers on rustic handle, (as is), cross sword mark, dot in underglaze blue. See Illustration. (4) £800/1200

L ot 498 (pair)

Lots 492 28




499. A pair o f Meissen triple shell Bowls, late 19th Century, each painted inside with floral sprays an d gilt rim, the scroll handle supp orted by a scroll leg, cancelled cross swords m a rk in underglaze blue, incised L. 70, 7" (18cms), probably lacking covers. See Illustration. (2) £250/350 Lot 501

505. A Chelsea Derby Tea Bowl and Saucer, circa 1765, each piece o f fluted form, painted with an urn. (2) £200/300 506. A group of monochrome glazed bottle Vases, late 19th and 20th Century, com prising an ochre glazed example m oulded with bands o f beading; five green an d ochre glazed vases each o f similar shape; a M aw & Co. turquoise glazed vase applied with dragons; a Chinese turquoise glazed vase; a slipware vase ban ded in cream , green and brow n, a n d an ochre glazed two handled urn, one with impressed m arks M A W & Co., (as is). See Illustration. (10) £300/500

Lots 499, 512, 499

507. A Spode pearl ware part Dessert Service, circa 1820 - 30, each piece printed and painted with an exotic bird, am ongst poeny, on an olive green cracked iced g round, comprising a footed Bowl, two Sauce Toureens, Covers an d Stands, two oval Dishes, five lozenge shaped Dishes, four shell shaped Dishes, and eighteen Dessert Plates, in pressed and blue printed Spode, red painted pattern, N o. 3716, 36 pieces, some chips. See Illustration, (a lot) £600/900

500. A pair o f 19th Century Meissen two compartment Salts, one su rm ou nted with a young girl and the other with boy, two floral decorated baskets and rococo style flower encrusted base, cross swords with dot, incised 2003, damg. (2) £80/150 501. A Meissen bulbous Teapot, decorated with colourful floral arrangm ents, flower encrusted finial, applied with a shaped handle a n d spout, blue underglaze cross sword m ark, spout chiped an d repaired, 4 Vi" (12cms). See Illustration. (1) £100/150 502. A Dresden Ink Stand, late 19th Century, o f shaped rectangular form fitted with covers, pots and liners, each piece painted with flower sprays within a blue line and gilt dentil rim, 10" (25.5cms). (7) £150/250 503. A Group o f Ceramics and Glassware, vario us d ates, comprising: a D o u lto n L am beth stoneware Jug with applied flower decoration; ano th er D o ulto n Lam beth Jug; a case decanter and stopper, 18th C entury, cut with stars and stylised foliage; a C ontinental porcelain pen rest painted with roses; an opaque white glass jardiniere; two silver m oun ted glass m atch holders; and a glass box and cover engraved with flowers, the D ou lton jugs with impressed marks. (10) £250/350 504. A group o f monochrome glazed art pottery Jardinieres, late 19th/20th Century, com prising: two D u n m o re exam ples glazed in red; a M y a tt example glazed in olive green; ano ther similar ochre glazed; two green glazed jardinieres; a pink glazed exam ple an d two turquoise examples, some with impressed m arks, tallest approximately, 9" (23cms), (as is). See Illustration. (9) £120/180

Lot 507 508. A Cantonese Famille Rose part Service, Quing Dynasty, early 20th Century, each piece enamelled with birds, butterflies and flowers, on a celadon ground, com prising two Tazzi, two square Dishes, two kidney shaped Dishes, two large Plates an d eighteen Dessert Plates, twenty - six, (as is). (26) £500/700 509. A group of various Ceramics, com prising five C opeland Spode Coffee Cans; a pink and brow n English porcelain plate; four English plates printed and painted roses; a Paris porcelain plate with sprig decoration, and two English plates with green borders, some printed m arks (as is). (13) £150/200 510. A Derby Ecuelle, Cover and Stand, circa 1800, each piece painted with a frieze o f pink roses, reserved on a salmon pink ground, puce painted crowned crossed bato ns and D, pattern no. 529. (as is). See Illustration. (3) £150/200 511. A group of Continental Ceramics, 19th Century, comprising a D resden ink stand '^tted with two pots and covers, painted with flowers; and a .^aris porcelain cabinet cup and saucer painted with birds in gilt branches, (as is). (7) £180/250 512. A group o f Meissen Porcelains, 19th Century, comprising a M arcolini period peach shaped box an d cover painted with flowers, berries an d nuts; an ou tsid e-d e co rate d flower encrusted bowl; and a small flower encrusted triple salt, crossed swords m arks in underglaze blue, (as is). See Illustration. (4) £300/500

Lots 506, 504





1 29

513. Two English porcelain two handled Vases, possibly Chelsea Derby, circa 1765, one painted with flower sprays reserved on a turquoise ground, the other with a portrait and laurel swags, one with gold anchor mark, 6” (15cms), each with one handle lacking; and a small oval two-handled Basket, possibly Chelsea, painted inside with a landscape. (3) £500/700

523. A Paris porcelain drum shaped Inkwell, 19th Century, painted with a band of gothic arches above three paw feet, 3" (7.5cms), and an English porcelain drum-shaped ink well and cover, with a blue marble ground within gilt rims. (2) £220/280

514. A Wedgwood creamware boat shaped Inkstand, circa 1900, fitted with three pots, covers and liners, enamelled with acorn and oak leaf swags within brown line rims, brown printed James Powell and Sons mark, 105/8" (27cms) across, (one pot damaged). (10) £100/200

524. A Booth’s "Silicon China" part Tea Service, early 20th Century, each piece printed after Worcester with the pine cone pattern in underglaze blue, comprising two globular teapots and covers, four tea cups, five teabowls, printed marks, some chips; and a Ridgways miniature part dinner service, comprising tureen and cover, and eleven plates of various sizes, (a lot) £60/90

515. A group of Meissen and Paris Porcelains, early 19th Century, each piece painted with polychrome flower sprays, compris­ ing two Meissen leaf shaped dishes, three Paris fluted circular dishes and two oval dishes, crossed swords in underglaze blue and printed crowned A mark, (as is). (7) £300/500

525. A Bloor Derby part Tea Service, circa 1830-40, each piece painted in pale blue within gilt rims, comprising two cream jugs, sugar box and cover, slop bowl, two saucer dishes, six cups and twenty two saucers, red printed circle mark, (some damage and discolouration). (35) £150/250

516. Two Meissen quatrelobed Dessert Dishes, late 18th/ early 19th Century, each painted with polychrome flower sprays, also a Meissen quatrelobed bowl, and a similar bowl, unmarked. (4) £300/400

526. A Copeland China part breakfast service, circa 1900, each piece spirally fluted beneath a blue and gilt border, comprising two muffin dishes, thirteen various plates, two cups and two saucers, printed marks (some damage); and a matched Cauldon tureen stand and an English porcelain teabowl; a group of pierced wares, 18th and 19th Century, comprising a creamware oval basket and stand and two Continental creamware slatted baskets, and other matching plates. (35) £150/200

517. A composite Paris porcelain part Dessert Service, early 19th Century, each piece painted with angouleme sprig pattern within a gilt rim, comprising large tureen and cover, three sauce tureens and one cover and fixed stands, two pairs of ice pails and covers, six square dishes, a shaped square dish, five circular dishes, (as is). See Illustration. (26) £1000/2000 518. A Minton porcelain part Dessert Service, circa 1865, in the white, each piece with pierced basket weave border, comprising two Tazzi and twelve plates, impressed factory marks, some damage and discolouration; a set o f three Paris porcelain floral plates, and five stoneware dinner plates. (24) £150/200 519. A quantity of China, various dates, including an Irish green ground part breakfast set, 1930’s; a Tuscan China pink ground teaset for two; a Booths dinner plate; a Coalport blue and white plate and two saucers; two floral plates; a white plate with scalloped rim; a damaged tureen and cover; a blue ground casserole dish and cover; a blue glazed stand and a pottery bowl and pierced cover, (a lot) £80/120 520. A Group of Chinese exportware Tea Bowls, beakers and cups, mostly 18th Century, including a double walled beaker, an Imari beaker, two Imari cups, and various other tea bowls; also three enamelled Yixing stoneware small cups and a Japanese tea bowl and two saucers, (as is). (22) £250/350 521. An English porcelain part Tea Service, circa 1810, each piece densely gilt with foliage within blue enamelled borders, comprising a sugar bowl, a plate (possibly later), teapot stand, two slop bowls, nine cups and ten saucers, gilt pattern No. 342 (as is). (24) £150/200 522. A part Staffordshire Tea Service, circa 1820 -30 each piece printed and painted with chinoiserie figures, comprising cream jug, ten cups, and eleven saucers, (some damage and discolouration); a set o f three Derby Dessert Plates, circa 1820-30, each painted with a Japan pattern in Imari colours, red painted crowned crossed batons and D (as is). (5) £160/240 30

527. A pair of Japanese hexagonal section Pots and Covers, with pierced sides, a Dresden Tray and three inkwells, early 20th Century, each piece printed with flower sprays reserved on a green scale ground, printed crown mark, (the inkwells lacking covers). (35) £100/150 528. A Wedgwood and Co. earthenware part Dessert Service, early 20th Century, each piece printed and painted with a chinoiserie peony pattern, comprising two sauce tureens, stands and covers, two footed circular bowls, five shaped oval serving bowls and six smaller bowls, printed marks, (minor damage). (17) £80/150 529. A circular lobed early 19th Century Meissen Bowl, decorated with colourful flowers, inside and out and a gilt rim, cross swords and underglaze m ark with dot, and incised 10, 9 ’A " (24.5cms). (1) £180/250 530. A large turquoise glazed Jardiniere, late 19th Century, of ovoid form, with four divided loop handles, lacking foot. 20 3/8" (52.5cms) (chips). (1) £80/90 531. A pair of two handled blue glazed Vases, late 19th Century, each of a bottle form; and a similar two-handled amphora Vase. (3) £60/80




532. A pair of cutgiass Vases, 19th Century, of am phora form raised on a square foot cut with hobnails and diamonds, 11 ‘/z" (29cms), (very m inor chips). See Illustration. (2) £150/250

534A.A set of six ambrosia Dishes, circa 1760, each moulded shell shaped bowl raised on a faceted baluster stem and circular foot, (very minor chips). (6) £1200/1800 535. A pair of 19th Century Anglo-Irish cutgiass Vases, each of waisted form, cut with bands of diamonds and facets raised on a circular foot and square cut base, 15" (38cms). See Illustration. (2) £150/250 536. A pair of 19th Century Anglo-Irish cutgiass Vases, each of ovoid form below waisted neck, cut with bands of hobnails and diamonds raised on a circular faceted foot and square base with fine fluted sides, 14" (36cms), (as is). See Illustration. (2) £400/600

Lots 532 (pair), 536 (pair), 532 (pair)

533. A pair of large cutgiass Vases, late 19th/early 20th Century, each of elongated thistle form raised on a stepped circular foot and sqaure base, 16'A" (42cms), (minor chips). See Illustration. (2) £250/350

■’ V

537. A large Irish cutgiass Vase, early 19th Century, of "U" form with bell shaped cover, cut with diamonds with a stepped circular foot and square star cut base, 21" (53.5cms), (as is). See Illustration. (2) £400/600 h



Lots 533 (pair), 545, 535 (pair)

534. A late 19th Century cutgiass Bowl, possibly Irish of circular form, with bands of flutes and diamonds, 9 'A" (24cms), pair of moulded glass salad bowls, a glass comport, and another bowl, (a lot) £80/120

Lots 538 (pair), 537, 538 (pair)

538. A pair of cutgiass Jars and Covers, probably Irish, 19th Century, each of "U" form raised on circular foot and square hobnail cut base, ogee domed covers with oval faceted knops, 15%" (40cms), (very minor chips). See Illustration. (4) £400/600 539. A pair of gilt-metal Candlesticks, 19th Century, with lion mask feet, 7"h. (2) £150/200 540. A pair of gilt-metal Candlesticks, in the form of three dolphins supporting a candle-holder, on circular base, 6"h. See Illustration. (2) £300/500

Lot 534A - Set o f 6

Lot 540 (pair) 31

541. A fine French ormolu and marble Desk Stand, the ink pot in a vase shaped urn with pierced sides and hinged cover, raised on two leaf cast supports, with rams mask fmials, on a circular base, with marble bowl, raised on three scroll legs, 7 'A" (19cms). (2) £180/250 543. A set of four giltwood Wall Appliques, modelled as ring in ribbons, 38" (97cms). (4) £80/120 544. A Mintons Majolica game Pie Toureen, Cover and Liner, 1870’s, with basket weave moulded sides, the cover moulded with dead game, impressed marks, 14‘A " (37cms). See Illustration. (1) £400/600

FRONT HALL 554. A modern aneroid Barometer, with silverized dials. (1) £60/90 556. A painted polychrome and carved wooden Figure, o f a monk leaning on a book. (1) £80/120 557. A pair of late Georgian period mahogany Platter or Plate Stands, with turned rests and slot, fitted with lead weighted bases, 14'A" (36.5cms). (2) £150/180 558. A Natural History Specimen Chest, with five trays, each section containing numerous natural history speciments, insects, grain, wood, stone, etc. (1) £80/150 560. A late 19th Century painted Russian Samovar, vase shape, with two handles and lobed body, raised on a stem with square foot, and bell feet, lacking cover. (1) £100/150 561. An important walnut cased Clock by Vulliamy, London, the silvered dial engraved with scrolling acanthus foliage, the backplate engraved "Vulli!%amy London 971," the case with arched front and sides, with a stepped top and canted corners, on bracket feet, 7'/2"h x 4%"w. See Colour Illustration (1) Plate III. £3000/5000

Lot 544

545. A massive Irish cutglass Goblet, 19th Century, the bowl engraved with "U" shaped panels of fine diamonds and hobnails raised on a plain stem with a circular foot and star cut base. See Illustration. (1) £600/800

562. A 19th Century oak Stick Barometer, by Yeats & Sons, Dublin, with ivory dial, glass tube, with ball finial, 35 Vi" (90cms). (1) £250/350 563. A Regency mahogany brass inlaid Clock by John Moore & Sons, Clerkenwell, London, with painted dial in a mahogany case with canted corners and arched top, the backplate engraved 11013 and with the makers name, 10'/^"h. See Illustration. (1) £400/500

546. An Art Pottery two handled turquoise Vase, and two art pottery Jugs. (3) £80/90 547. A rare three winged Pheasant stuffed and cased. (3) £80/120 548. A cased albino Duck. (1) £80/150 549. A cased stuffed Honey Buzzard (1) £100/150 550. A large early piece of cased Bog Butter, and another piece uncased. (2) £60/80 551. An Elephant Foot modelled as a Jar and Cover, and an Elephant Tail. (2) £80/120 552. A composite Vienna Service, circa 1770, and later, each piece painted with polychrome flower sprays, comprising two Ice Pails, a quatrelobed dish, a circular fluted bowl, ice pail stand or bowl, two large plates, 13" (33cms), a smaller ditto, 11" (28cms), 9 matching plates, 9 ‘A " (24cms), 17 pieces, shield mark in underglaze blue, red and puce painted A/63 and A/32 (as is), (a lot) £1500/2500 553. A set of sixteen royal Worcester Plates, all similar, decorated with floral green sprigs, inside a gilt border, two similar small Teapots, some other assorted tea ware, a tureen cover, a Czechoslovakian Meissen style bowl, and a pair of 19th Century blue and white Spode plates, (a lot) £80/120 32

Lot 563

564. A mahogany and glass cased Barograph, the brass instrum ent with cylindrical dial and ap ron draw er, 8 ” x 14". (1) £150/200 565. An Edwardian stained beechwood Barograph, c. 1910, with ch ro m ium carrying handle, 6 '/2 "h x ll " w . (1) £50/80 566. A Louis XVI style heavy brass Desk Clock, the circular cylinder with a crow n fmial, an d raised enamel numerals, above a pen tray, an d two ink pots, each with pinapple fmial, raised on four scroll legs, and a centre grotesque m ask, 14" (36cms). (1) £400/600


567. A late 19th Century boulle and gilt metal mounted Mantle Clock, vase surm ou n te d , above a circular gilt m etal dial with raised enam el num erals, above a glass panel, displaying a gilt metal pendelum , on rococo scrolled legs, 14 '/z" (30cms). See Illustration. (1) £500/800



Lot 572

Lots 567, 569

568. A 19th Century inlaid mahogany Balloon Clock, with gilt metal cylinder an d painted enamel dial, raised on brass ogee bracket feet, signed S. K laftenberger, 157 Regent St. (1) £150/200 569. A 19th Century gilt-brass Mantle Clock, with circular porcelain dial within a brass m oulding and glazed and brass moulded case, 1 1 ‘/ 2 "h x 6 '/2 "w. See Illustration. (1) £500/700

573. A pair of Regency cut card chinoiserie hand Firescreens, c. 1810, decorated with exotic gardens an d foliate motifs, with ebonised turned handles, 15’A "!; a papier mache chinoiserie h an d fire screen, decorated with figures and p agoda, the ebonised tu rned handle with partial ivory turnings; 16"1. (3) £200/350 574. A rare George II Japanned eight-fold Draught Screen, c. 1740, each o f the rectangular m oulded panels d ecorated with chinoiserie figures, beasts, animals, flowers an d foliage, the fram e d ecorated with flowers on a painted trellis gro u n d, each panel lOT'h x 17'/2"w. See Colour Illustration (1) Plate IX. £7000/10000

570. Antique brass Corn Balance, by V andom e, T itfords & Pawson, L on d o n, in original m ahogany case; a n d "C o u n t M attel’s Vegetable Electricity K it," with instructions, in orig. case. (2) £200/250 571. A good antique iron Waywise, with brass m ounts, later handle. (1) £200/300 572. A good early 19th Century Equinoctial Dial, w ith decorated silverized dial a n d chapter ring, signed W atk in s & Hill, L ondon, in original m ahogany case with label. See Illustration. (1) £300/500





576. A George III painted Armchair, c. 17SK), the square moulded back with dow nswept p added arm s with curved supports, the padded seat on turned tapered and fluted legs, decorated in black and grey with floral sprays (distressed). See Illustration. (1) £400/600

Lot 580

Lot 576

577. A Charles II oak Coffer, c. 1680, the panelled frieze above square and turned supports joined by peripheral stretchers, faults, 21" X 18" (53cms x 46cms). (1) £300/400 578. A Louis XV white-painted Settee, circa 1770, the m oulded frame with upholstered back and seat, on a m o u lded seatrail and m oulded cabriole legs, 68" long, (1) £1500/1800 See Colour Illustration (1) Plate VII Lot 581 580. A Chippendale style mahogany Silver Table, circa 1900, the rectan g u lar to p w ith cluster colum n legs, w ith pierced brackets and turned cross-over stretcher, 28"h x 30"w. See Illustration. (1) £600/900 581. A nest of three 19th Century rosewood Tables, Regency, circa 1810, with rectangular tops, tu rn ed end stan d ard s an d splayed feet, 28"h x 19"w. See Illustration. (3) £1000/1500 582. A George III distressed harewood and inlaid oval Jewellery Box, c. 1790 the w arped hinged cover above a lined and divided interior, 11 '/2 "w. (1) £180/250 583. A nest of four mahogany Tables in George III style, with oval panelled tops and turned supports, 20"w. (4) £400/600 34





585. A late 19th Century oak Tantalus, containing two square cutglass Decanters with prism stoppers. (1) £80/120

A circular Victorian walnut Library Table, c. 1850, with moulded top, turned stem and moulded tripod base with scrolled toes, 25"h x 47"d. See Illustration. (1) £500/800

586. A fine George III mahogany Desk, with tambour top enclosing a fitted interior with pigeon holes and drawers, above a red tooled leather surface, and two frieze drawers, raised on square tapering legs, with square cup castors, united by a H. stretcher, 42"w (107cms) £3500/5000 See Colour Illustration Plate VII 587. A good pair of mahogany and brass mounted Open Bookcases, each with a red and white mottled marble top, with moulded edge over brass mounted gallery type moulded frieze, above three open shelves, brass mounted pilasters, headed with leaf castings, turned brass mounted feet, 39'A" x 48"w x 48"h. See Colour Illustration (I) Plate VII. £3500/4500 589. An attractive 18th Century style walnut Settee, with humped back and scroll arm, covered in striped loose fabric, raised on front cabriole legs, united by turned stretchers. See Illustration. (1) £600/800




Lot 584

Lot 591 35

590. An unusual pair of Victorian mahogany Library Tables, c. 1850, with rectangular moulded tops above a shaped frieze fitted with two drawers on cluster-column end supports joined by a turned pole stretcher and with shaped ends and turned feet, 28”h x 51"w. See Colour Illustration (2) Plate I. £3000/4000 591. A Regency pollard ash Writing Table, c. 1825, of rectangular form, with rounded ends and brass gallery, over a frieze drawer, on end standard supports with downswept legs and brass castors, 29"h x 42"w. See Illustration. (1) £2500/3500 592. An export Japanned and lacquer Bureau, mid-18th Century, the fall-front enclosing a fitted interior of drawers and pigeonholes and a moulded cupboard flanked by pilasters, the shaped front fitted with three long drawers with canted moulded corners and a moulded shaped plinth decorated throughout with gilt chinoiserie scenes of pavilions and mountains in a lakeland scene in gilt on a black ground, the sides with carrying handles, 39"h x 43"w. (1) £3000/5000 See Colour Illustration Plate IX 593. An Irish mid-18th Century mahogany Commode, circa 1755, with serpentine moulded top above three long serpentine drawers with canted reeded and scrolled corners and reeded shaped bracket feet, pine lined drawers, 35"h x 49”w. possibly American. See Colour Illustration (1) Plate I. £5000/6000 594. An early 19th Century Irish Georgian rosewood and brass inlaid Bureau, circa 1820, the superstructure with brass edged shelves and turned brass supports over a tambour bureau enclosing an interior fitted and with a frieze drawer below and a pair of cupboards silk lined and grille doors, on turned feet, 6G”h X 38"w. See Colour Illustration (1) Plate III. £3000/4000 595. A pierced serpentine brass Fender, a set of three fire irons, a brass spark guard and an embossed brass coal bin. (6) £700/900 596. A suite of six pine Library Bookcases, each with an inverted moulded cornice set with roundels and above open moulded shelves flanked by panelled pilasters with scrolled supports above moulded shelves, two now with canefilled doors, formerly painted, 123"h. See Illustration. (6) £5000/7000 597. A George III mahogany Centre Table, c. 1770, with rectangular moulded top above an end drawer, on square chamfered legs, 28'/2"h x 38"w. See Illustration. (1) £1000/1500


A Victorian mahogany drop-leaf Sutherland Table, c. 1850, w ith turned end pillars, sledge feet and turned gate-legs, 29"h X 33"w.

See Illustration. (1) £300/400

600. A George III walnut and parcel-gilt Mirror, c. 1760,w w ith rectangular bevelled plate in a m oulded fram e w ith fretcarved cresting and apron, and cresting centred by an eagle, 35"h X 20"w. See Illustration. (1) £400/600

Lot 601

Lot 600

601. Another, similar, in George II style, in la id w ith a shell, 19‘/ 2"w , (distressed). See Illustration. (1) £200/300

Lot 598


A William IV rosewood Pembroke Table, c. 1835, the tw o -fla p top over bead-m oulded drawers, on bead-m oulded end standards jo in e d by a turned stretcher, 29"h x 19"w. See Illustration. (1) £500/700

602. A fine pair of mahogany Torcheres, early Victorian, circa 1840, the circu la r m oulded tops on double leaf-carved baluster stems w ith leaf-carved tripo ds and paw feet, 34'/2"h x 13'/2"d. See Illustration. (2) £600/800

Lot 602 (pair)

iMt 599




603. An Edwardian Chesterfield Settee, with deep b u tto n ed back and sides, an d scroll arm rests, raised on front cabriole legs, covered in pink floral printed fabric. See Illustration. (1) £300/500

606. A suite o f three satinbirch Side Cabinets, with m ou ld ed carrara m arble tops over open shelves, som e with grille do o rs, each divided by turned an d split pilasters, on a m o u ld ed plinth base, 150" x 121" x 39"w. (3) £8000/10000 S ee Colour Illustration Plate III & Plate VI 607. "The Abbey Leix Elk," a very large set o f early Irish Elk A ntlers an d Skull, approx. 8’7"w (262cms). See Illustration. (1) £1800/2500

Lot 603

604. Two similar Edwardian mahogany upholstered wing Armchairs, c. 1910, on cabriole legs with claw an d ball feet (covered in green fabric). See Illustration. (2) £500/800

Lot 607 608. A distressed 19th Century four fold polychrome painted hide Screen, decorated with ducks, exotic birds an d floral motifs, each fold 84"h x 22"w. See Illustration. (1) £400/600

Lot 604 (pair)

Lot 608 605. A good 19th Century painted Armchair, the m o u ld ed cartouche shaped back with p a d ded panel, over shaped m oulded arm s an d padd ed elbow rests, raised on fluted tapering legs, covered in striped beige fabric. (1) £500/700 38


A double-sided Irish Georgian mahogany Bookcase, on tu rned supports an d splayed legs, 55"h x 32"w. See Colour Illustration (1) Plate III. £1500/2000

610. A James II style beechwood Armchair, with tall cane-filled panel back an d m oulded carved toprail, the cushioned seat on scrolled legs with scrolled front stretcher and tu rned Hstretcher. See Illustration. (1) £200/300

612. A Victorian balloon back Armchair, with m oulded back and arm ed fronts, raised on turned legs, covered in attractive paisley fabric. See Illustration. (1) £200/300 613. A Victorian Tub Chair, with leaf carved arm supports, raised on m ou ld ed cabriole legs, covered in attractive paisley fabric. See Illustration. (1) £300/500 614. A set of six upholstered mahogany shield back Chairs, four Irish Georgian, circa 1790, an d two m odern copies, with shield shaped pad d ed backs, serpentine padded seats, on square tapered m oulded legs, with stretchers (with resto ra­ tions). See Illustration. (6) £800/1200

Lot 610

611. An early 19th Century mahogany and leather-covered Gout Stool, with sabre legs and scrolled feet, 31 "long. (1) £100/200

Lot 6 1 4 - S e t o f 6

Lot 613





615. A Victorian flip-top rosewood Centre Table, circular m oulded top, raised on a heavy tu rn ed stem, with quadruple pod and scroll feet, 48” (122cms). See Illustration. (1) £1200/1500


A Irish mahogany Supper or Wakes Table, part Georgian, circa 1770, the oval two flap to p on square cut legs with gateleg action, 2 9 ‘/ 2"h x 68 Vz" x 51" extended. See Illustration. (1) £1500/1800

Lot 622 623.

A set of thirteen Victorian mahogany Dining Chairs, stamped Williams, c. 1855, with shaped toprails padded backs and stuffed seats, on m oulded cabriole legs, (distressed). See Illustration. (13) £1500/2000

Lot 615 616. A Victorian cherrywood Occasional Chair, raised on turned legs with brass patent cup castors, possibly by H ow ard & Co., one leg stam ped with num bers, deep buttoned and covered in pink self print floral fabric. (1) £150/250 617. Two similar small Regency style kidney shaped Occasional Tables, with segmented top and brass gallery, on tripod base. (2) £70/120

Lot 621 621. A Victorian gilt-metal Chandelier, circa 1850, with three sets o f three leaf-cast scrolling candle- holders supported by three leafy scrolls from a scrolled corona, 35"h, (part missing). See Illustration. (1) £400/800 40

Lot 623 - 13 chairs

624. A Victorian iron Fire Curb, c. 1860, with ball finials and m oulded stepped plinth, and a p air o f steel andirons with vase shaped sup po rts a n d arched feet, two pairs o f steel tongs, two pokers a n d a log roller. (3) £250/450 625. A pair of unusual heavy cast iron Fire Grates, each with a beaded m oulded h o o d , applied with chains o f husks, ribbon ties a n d w rea th , ov er a b ask et w ith u rn finials, an d conform ing legs, 31" (79cms). See Illustration. (2) £500/700

627. A pair of Irish Georgian mahogany Side Tables, circa 1795, the D -shaped tops crossbanded in satinw ood and centred with fan patera, the plain frieze on square tapering legs inlaid with rib bon-tied husks, 29"h x 48"w, (with re sto ratio n an d alteration). See Illustration. (2) £800/1200 628. A Boudoir Grand Piano by Knabe & Co. Baltimore, W ashington an d N ew Y ork N o. 57500, in a rosewood and ebonised case. See Illustration. (1) £300/500

Lot 628 629.

A George III period mahogany Pembroke Table, the top crossbanded in satinw ood and having two D shaped flaps, above a frieze draw er, raised on square tapering spade legs, 31 V i" (80cms). See Illustration. (1) £800/1500

Lot 625 626. A near pair of George III mahogany Side/Serving Tables, C.1765, each rectan gu lar to p over a blind- fret-carved frieze centred by a plain panel, on m oulded G othic style legs with block feet, 33'/2''h x 91 'A" and 86"w. S ee Colour Illustration (2) Plate VI. £8000/12000

Lot 629

Lot 627 (pair)




630. A carved giltwood Mirror, 19th Century, with rectangular bevelled plate w ithin a scroll and leaf carved frame, 43"h x 50"w. (1) £500/600

GARDEN FURNITURE 631. An attractive 19th Century Irish Gothic style cast iron two seater Garden Seat, 39"w., and a pair o f similar single C hairs, en suite. See Illustration. (3) £800/1200


Lot 631 632. Ditto, a similar suite. (3) £800/1200 633. Fine pair of Victorian cast iron Garden Chairs, each with leaf and vine m oulded back, over a pierced circular seat, and leaf crested rim, on three leaf scrolled legs. See Illustration. (2) £400/600

Lots 643 - 652


Lot 633 634. A heavy large wooden latted Garden Bench, 72". (1) £100/150

The design o f this Urn corresponds to the design known as the "Leix U m " in the inventory of Mary Watts, wife of the painter George Frederick Watts. George and Mary W atts visited Abbey Leix and there are portraits of Evelyn and John, the 4th Viscount and Viscountess de Vesci, by George W atts in the Family Collections. 643.

635. Suite of four large wooden Garden Armchairs, and a m atching Table. (5) £120/180

A Pair o f "Leix" Composition Garden Urns, 21"h. See Illustration. £400/600

644. A sim ilar pair. £400/600 636. An antique rectangular cast iron Garden Table, with m arble top, 54". (1) £120/180 637. A circular wrought iron Garden Table Frame, on three scrolled legs, and a m etal D o o r Scrap. (2) £30/50 638. A latted wooden Garden Bench, 48", and a low w ooden Table. (2) £40/60 639. A heavy wooden seven part latted Garden Bench, (14 seats), 25’ approx. (1) £200/300

645. A sim ilar pair. £400/600 646. A sim ilar pair. £400/600 647. A similar pair. £400/600 648. A similar pair. £400/600 649. A sim ilar pair. £400/600 640. A set o f four similar latted Garden Seats, w ith iron supports. (4) £80/120

650. A similar pair. £400/600

641. A similar set of four. (4) £80/120

651. A sim ilar pair. £400/600


652. A sim ilar pair. £400/600


A similar set of four. (4) £80/120

Lots 667, 668

653. Set of 4 Composition Ball Ornaments on square base, 17" high. £300/400 654 A similar set £300/400

Lots 669



666. A similar pair. £300/500 ^ smaller Composition Garden Urns, with swags and balls, 15" high. See Illustration. £300/500

655. A similar set. £300/400 668. A similar pair. £300/500 656. A similar set. £300/400 657.

A similar set. £300/400

669. A pair of Composition Garden Figures, 30" high. Illustration. £200/300

658. A similar set. £300/400

670. A similar pair. £200/300

659. A set of three similar Ball Ornaments, on square bases, 17" high. £250/£300

671. A similar pair. £200/300 672. A similar pair. £200/300

660. Attractive pair of large circular vase shaped Composition Garden Urns, with swags and fruit, 21" high. £300/500 661. A similar pair. £300/500 662. A similar pair. £300/500

673. A pair of very large cast iron and Composition decorated Garden Urns and Stands, approx. 60"h. See Illustration. £300/500 674. Pair of leaf crested circular vase shaped Composition Garden Urns, 19"h. £150/200

663. A similar pair. £300/500 664. A similar pair. £300/500

675. Pair of plain circular vase shaped Composition Garden Urns, on square bases, 21"h. £150/200

665. A similar pair. £300/500 43

Lot 678 676. Fine pair of large Victorian cast iron Garden Urns, each with a circular egg and d a rt rims, a fluted body, on original square metal bases, 50" high. See Illustration. £800/1200 677. Two antique Garden Benches, each on terraco tta decorated rectangular uprights, one straight, and the other half-moon. £700/1000 678. A magnificent late 19th Century large Composition Garden Fountain, the upper section with bowl on a decorated support, standing in a large circular shell bowl, on a finely decorated A dam s style base. See Illustration. £2000/3000



I N S P E C T I O N : A m p l e o p p o r t u n i t y is given f or m s p e c t i o n a n d e a c h p u r c h a s e r by m a k i n g a bid fo r a lot a c k n o w l e d g e s t h a t he h a s s a t is f ie d h i m se l f fully be f o r e b i d d i n g by i n s p e c t i o n o r o t h e r w i s e as to all (he Sale C o n d i t i o n s , th e ph ys ic al c o n d i t i o n o f a n d d e s c r i p t i o n o f the lot in c l u d i n g b u t n o t re st r i ct ed to w h e t h e r the lot is d a m a g e d o r h a s b ee n r e p a i re d .


P R O P E R T Y A N D R I S K : T h e p r o p e r t y in a lot shall n o t p a s s to th e b u y e r until he ha s p a i d each lot is at the sole risk o f the purchaser from the fall o f the h am m er. E a c h p u r c h a s e r shall a n d p e r m a n e n t a d d r e s s a n d if called u p o n t o d o so by t he A u c t i o n e e r shall f o r t h w i t h p a y to o f t h e p u r c h a s e p ri ce as the A u c t i o n e e r m a y r eq uir e. I f t he p u r c h a s e r fails to d o so, th e lot

th e p u r c h a s e pr ic e in full b u t f o r t h w i t h give his full n a m e s M e a l y s L td . s u c h p r o p o r t i o n m a y at t h e A u c t i o n e e r ’s sole

d i s c re t i o n be p u t u p ag ai n a n d r e-sold. 3.

R E M O V A L O F G O O D S : (a) N o p u r c h a s e shall be c l a i m e d o r r e m o v e d unitl the sale h as bee n c o n c l u d e d . All lots shall be p a i d f o r a n d r e m o v e d at the bu yer s risk a n d ex p e n s e by t he e n d o f the Sale, failing w h i ch th e A u c t i o n e e r shall n o t be r e s p o n s i b l e if t h e s a m e ar e lost, stolen, d a m a g e d or d e s t r o y e d , a n d all lots n o t so r e m o v e d shall r e m a i n at the risk o f t he b u y e r a n d s u b j e c t t o a m i n i m u m w a r e h o u s i n g c h a r g e o f 50p p e r lot p e r day. If the y a r e n o t pa i d fo r a n d r e m o v e d w i t h i n s e v e n d a y s o f t he Sal e the A u c t i o n e e r m a y resell t h e m by A u c t i o n o r p r i v a t e l y w i t h o u t n o t i ce to th e b u y e r . A n y liability w h i c h t h e r e m a y be o n the p a r t o f the A u c t i o n e e r , in r e spect o f a n y loss shall be r es tr ic te d to a m a x i m u m o f the price pa i d by t he p u r c h a s e r o f t he lot. (b ) If a n y b u y e r fails t o c o m p l y with a n y o f th e a b o v e c o n d i t i o n s , t h e d a m a g e r e c o v e r a b l e f r o m th e d e f a u l t e r shall i n c l u d e all loss a r i s i n g f r o m a n y r e- sale o f the lot, t o g e t h e r with th e c h a r g e s a n d e x p e n s e s in re sp ec t o f b o t h sales, a n d an y m o n e y d e p o s i t e d m p a r i p a y m e n t shall be held by the a u c t i o n e e r a g a i n s t t h e d e f a u l t e r s liability a n d m a y be a p p r o p r i a t e d in s e t t l e m e n t o f t h e l iability.


If w i t h i n 30 d a y s a f t e r the Sale o f an y item, th e A u c t i o n e e r receives a n o t i c e in w r i t in g f r o m the B u y e r by R e g is t e r e d P ost t h a t s u c h a n i t e m is a d eli b er ate f or ge r y t o g e t h e r with th e n e c e s s a r y e v id en ce to satisfy th e A u c t i o n e e r s o f su c h an a l l e g a t i o n , t h e n t he Sale o f th at item will be r e sc in d ed a n d th e net P u r c h a s e m o n i e s r e f u n d e d (less a n y o u t l a y s i n c u r r e d by t h e A u c t i o n e e r s ) to t he P u r c h a s e r

4 A In t h e e v e n t o f a n y d i sp u t e ar ising in r e la ti o n to a n y f o r e g o i n g , t h e m a t t e r shall be re fe rr ed to an I n d e p e n d e n t A r b i t r a t o r t o b e a g r e e d b e t w e e n the par ties, 5.

M e a l y ' s m a y at t he ir o p t i o n sell at a “ h a m m e r p r i c e " b el o w th e re se r v e bu t in a n y su c h ca se th e Sale p r o c e e d s to w h i c h t h e Sel l er is e n t i t l e d shall be the sa m e as they w o u l d h a v e be en h a d th e Sale bee n at th e R e serve.


T h e l i t l e o f a n y A r t i cle or Ar ticles p u r c h a s e d will n o t p a s s until t h e A u c t i o n e e r s receive lull p a y m e n t for sa m e.


A n ) p e r s o n p u r c h a s i n g an item o r items, w h e t h e r o n b e h a l f o f a client o r n o t , is r e s p o n s i b l e fo r p a y m e n t o f t h a t it em or Items


U n d e r n o c i r c u m s t a n c e s ca n the A u c t i o n e e r s ac ce p t T h i r d P a r t y C h e q u e s ei t h e r in full o r P a r t P a y m e n t o f a n y lot.

9. By p a r t i c i p a t i n g in t hi s S ale, all buyer s an d bi dd er s agr ee to be b o u n d by the te rm s o f the c o nd it io ns o f busin es s w h ich a p p e a r in t h e c a t a l o g u e f or Sale.

IM PORTANT NOTES Bids: We will be pl eased to excecute bids on b eh alf of intend ing buyers, an d no char ge is m a d e for this service Lo ts will be p u r c h a s e d as c h e ap l y as p e r mitted by other bids an d reserves Bids m us t he su b m it te d to the C om m i s si on s D e p a r t m e n t at least half a n h o u r bet o r e the sale c o mmences, and should be enter ed on the form s p ro vi ded Bids left by tel ephone will be acc epted only on the c o n d i t i o n t h a t they are at the senders risk an d mu st m any case be co nf irm ed in writing. Bank R eferences are essential

C O N D ITIO N S OF SALE 1, 2, 3,

T h e h i g h e s t b i d d e r t o be the buye r , ai.d if a n y d i s p u t e ar is es b e t w e e n t w o or m o r e b i d d e r s , t h e lot in d i s p u t e shall i m m e d i a t e l y be p u t u p ag ai n a n d r esold, In t h e c a s e o f l ot s u p o n wh ic h ther e is a r e ser ve, the A u c t i o n e e r shall ha v e th e rig ht

to bid o n b e h a l f o f t h e


T h e p u r c h a s e r s t o give their n a m e s a n d pl ac es o f a b o d e ,


T h e l o t s t o be t a k e n a w a y a n d paid f or , w h e t h e r g e n u i n e a n d a u t h e n t i c o r n o t , w ith all fa u l t s a n d e r r o r s o f d e s c r i p t i o n at t h e b u y e r s e x p e n s e a n d risk, wit hi n o n e d a y o f clos e o f Sale; A u c t i o n e e r n o t b ei ng r es p o n s i b l e for t he c o r r e c t d e s c r i p t i o n , g e n u i n e n e s s o r a u t h e n t i c i t y o f or an y d e f a u l t o r def ect in a n y lot, a n d m a k i n g n o w a r r a n t y w h a t e v e r ,


T o p r e v e n t i n a c c u r a c y in the deliver y a n d i n c o n v e n i e n c e in t h e se t t l e m e n t o f the p u r c h a s e , n o lot c a n o n a n y a c c o u n t be r e m o v e d d u r i n g t he t i m e o f sale, a n d th e r e m a i n d e r o f t h e p u r c h a s e d m o n e y , m u s t be p a i d a b s o l u t e l y o n delivery,


L p o n f a i l u r e o f c o m p l y i n g with a b o v e c o n d i t i o n s , t h e m o n e y d e p o s i t e d in p a r t p a y m e n t shall be forf eit ed. All lots u n c l e a r e d w i t h i n t h e t ime af o r e sa i d shall be r e sold by p u b l i c o r p r i v a t e sale, a n d th e defic ien cy (if a n y ) a t t e n d i n g su c h res al e, s h a l l be m a d e g o o d by the d e f a u l t e r at this sale.


P a y m e n t b y c a s h o r g u a r a n t e e d che qu e.


P u r c h a s e r s t o p a y 10“ o A u c t i o n Fees.


21 “ o V . A . T . c h a r g e a b l e o n all c o m m i s s i o n s pa id .



M EA LY’S Bidding Slip ^ T e le p h o n e : F F ax:

056 4 229

C h atsw orth S treet, C a stleco m er,

n % l 4 fi?7 (056) 41627

‘^‘" ' e n n y .

Sale Tide:



Sale No.

Please bid on my behalf at the above sale for the following Lot(s) up to the price(s) mentioned below. I agree to comply with the Notices and Conditions of Sale as printed in the Catalogue. I understand that in the case of a successful bid a premium of 10% will be payable by me on the ham mer price and V AT on the premium. LOT NO.







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