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NEWS Issue No. 4

April 2011

The need for reliable market intelligence for the decommissioning sector With the decommissioning sector set to grow significantly in coming years, it was recognised that a wide range of topics, including policy, regulations, supply chain engagement, contracts, commercial, technology needs and environmental matters needed to be carefully considered and appropriately managed. Hence during 2009 a Decommissioning Steering Group (DSG) was established with public and private representation from the UK Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), Decom North Sea, Oil & Gas UK, ITF, operators and contractors. The DSG meets every two months or so and has a series of well established Work Contents Groups addressing specific opportunities and challenges, including :WG1 – Commercial page 2 WG2 – Market Engagement (led by Decom North Sea) WG3 – Environment Director’s foreword WG4 – Infrastructure DNS hosts successful Trade Mission WG5 – Wells to Norway An important area for attention for the team in Work Group 2 “Market Engagement” has been to try and improve the quality of available market intelligence, if possible to provide the supply chain with greater detail and confidence, and in turn stimulate innovation and investment. This specific initiative is considered important enough to warrant a dedicated sub-group. With the imaginative name of “WG2b”, this group is being led by Will Rowley, Group Analyst, Acteon Group.

An Introduction to Workgroup 2b Who are its members? Chaired by Mr Rowley, WG2b membership includes operators (BP & CNR), major contractors/suppliers (Acteon Group & Wood Group) plus Government (DECC ) and the industry bodies (Decom North Sea and Oil & Gas UK). The main constituents of WG2b are not engineers but industry, economic and market analysts with considerable knowledge and experience in forecasting, modelling and market development within the offshore industry. Additional analysts from within operators are being sought in order to be both representative and inclusive. What are the objectives of WG2b? WG2b was formed after informal discussions between a number of industry analysts on the challenges and uncertainties surrounding some of the forecasted views of the market for decommissioning. WG2b’s principle objective is to work on improving the availability and accuracy of market forecasts of future decommissioning activity. With regards to data availability, the initial focus is on the consolidation and cross checking of data sources between various bodies to determine a consistent input into projections and push for increased public access of key data points by reducing or eliminating commercial conflicts or constraints. With regard to the accuracy of forecasts, work is ongoing on improving and calibrating the various timescales involved with pre-CoP activities and post CoP activities across various types of development, as well as qualifying and quantifying a range of drivers and inputs into modelling and assumptions. Will there be any feedback from WG2b? WG2b will feedback its progress and activities on a regular basis to the other DSG workgroups and related parties, through Decom North Sea.

page 3 Forthcoming events and exhibitions page 4 Employment Opportunities Thriving in Decommissioning Market Skill strategies for the future pages 5 to 13 Members News • Perenco • Proserv Offshore • Veolia Environmental Services • Nuvia SITA NORM • Cutting Underwater Technologies (CUT) • Scopus Engineering • Infield Systems • J Bryan (Victoria) • KDC • Babcock • DSL • Falck Nutec • Douglas Westwood Spotlight on new members • John Lawrie • EC Harris • Valuta Partner news • Danish Marine & Offshore Group • NOF Energy • EEEGR page 14 Member Listing

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Director’s foreword After a busy first year for Decom North Sea we are now celebrating the success of our continual membership drive, which has resulted in over 130 companies joining us – impressively overtaking our initial one year target of 100! This level of membership puts us well on the way to being representative of the decommissioning industry and is testament to the market’s requirement for the industry body. The variety of companies, such as operators, major contractors, service specialists and technology developers, and partner organisations that have joined DNS has proven that this has been the right time for the formation of the body. In the past 12 months DNS has increased awareness and provided evidence of the opportunities on offer due to decommissioning work rapidly coming upon us and also beginning to be carried out. Recently we undertook in-depth consultation with our board, members, partner organisations and the general industry and this has allowed us to identify priorities for action and set a course of strategic direction for the years ahead. We are also looking forward this spring to meeting with many of our members at OTC Houston and All-Energy in Aberdeen. Our attendance at these conferences will be ideal for learning first hand about the opportunities for cross sector and international learning and knowledge exchange, and for developing relationships for future co-operation. Brian Nixon Chief Executive Decom North Sea

DNS hosts successful Trade Mission to Norway A number of representatives from our member companies joined Decom North Sea’s first international trade mission recently, with positive feedback supporting our plans to host further such missions in future. The Norway mission achieved its joint aims of helping members find out more about upcoming decommissioning projects in the Norwegian Continental Shelf while also promoting Decom North Sea members’ capabilities to the operators and major contractors operating in Norway. Companies participating in the mission included: Cape Industrial Services, Wood Group Engineering, Interact Activity Management and BMT Cordah. The visit coincided with the 11th Annual NPF North Sea Decommissioning Conference in Bergen, a major and well attended event organised by the Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF).

As well as attendance at the conference, the mission included a visit to offshore decommissioning specialists Scanmet and a tour of its decommissioning site at Stord. The group also visited AF Decom’s decommissioning facilities at Vats. The mission concluded in Stavanger with a networking event and presentations from some of the key operators in the Norwegian Continental Shelf followed by one to one sessions. Neil Henderson, Business Development Director, BMT Cordah Ltd, said: “Decom North Sea did an excellent job of organising this, their first trade mission. Not only were we able to benefit from presentations by a number of major Norwegian operating companies, detailing their future plans, we were also given the opportunity to speak directly with key decommissioning decision makers from each of these organisations. The group of companies attending from the UK and other parts of Europe was well balanced and complementary, which was very advantageous for all involved. Following the event, BMT Cordah is now in discussions with one of the other participants with a view to future collaboration.” Jason Smith, Business Development Director at Cape, felt the trip provided an excellent networking opportunity with the supply chain. “The event allowed us to meet with a good variety of contacts from operators and contractors to heavy lift specialist, which was highly beneficial. It is interesting to see how the decommissioning market is slowly maturing and now, as more assets are entering this part of their lifecycle, it is re-enforcing the belief that there is a huge amount of work, not only in the UK, but also other sectors in the industry for years to come,” he said. Stuart Wordsworth, General Manager at InterAct said: “Taking part in this trade mission gave us all a great opportunity to both see first hand some of the decommissioning facilities on offer in Norway, and also to talk in detail with some of the key operators face to face. The mission was planned and executed very well indeed by Decom North Sea to allow us to optimise our time in Norway.” Decom North Sea recognises there are huge opportunities for its members in decommissioning projects not only in the UKCS but right across the North Sea, in the Norwegian Continental Shelf, the Dutch Continental Shelf and the Danish Continental Shelf. The forum has been working alongside European partners with the aim of quantifying what the total expected cost and programme of decommissioning will be across the North Sea. Decom North Sea Chief Executive Brian Nixon said: “We are really pleased with the outcome of this first mission. It provided the perfect opportunity to get the message out to key players about our members’ capabilities in these areas. The companies who joined us benefited greatly from meeting face to face with prominent businesses in the decommissioning market.’’

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Forthcoming DNS events and exhibitions All-Energy 2011, Aberdeen, 18th – 19th May Decom North Sea is exhibiting at All-Energy this year as we have had interest from offshore renewable technology developers in the use of their devices to provide power during the decommissioning of oil & gas platforms and also offshore renewable developers have to include a decommissioning plan when they submit their project plan. We are therefore promoting the cross-over of learning, technology development and skills between oil & gas and renewables. Come and see us on stand N45.

Re-use & Decommissioning Conference, Amsterdam, 19th May This conference provides the opportunity in The Netherlands to meet parties that are active in the decommissioning industry. Speakers include International experts from ENI, NAM, Heerema, EBN and Sviltzer Salvage. Brian Nixon, Chief Executive, Decom North Sea is chairing this event and Decom North Sea members can benefit from a 10% discount on the delegate cost. For more information and to book your place visit

Decom North Sea Members Meeting, Aberdeen, 8th June Perenco UK will give a presentation about how they safely executed the heavy lift removal of the Welland gas production platform in the southern North Sea. This event is being sponsored by one of the contractors who were involved with this project – Proserv Offshore. This event is also an excellent opportunity to network with other key players within the decommissioning industry. For more information and to register for this event, contact

Decom North Sea and NOF Energy networking event, N.E England, 14th June Decom North Sea and NOF Energy are holding a decommissioning themed networking lunch. This will include an update on Decom North Sea as well as a presentation from Jim Rae, Decommissioning Compliance and CoP Lead, CNR International (UK) Ltd, on their decommissioning plans for the Murchison Field and Ninian Northern Platform. For more information and to register for this event, contact

SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, 6th – 8th September Decom North Sea is exhibiting at SPE Offshore Europe on stand 5C100 and welcomes visits from potential new members to discuss possible opportunities in the decommissioning market. We would also be delighted to catch up with our current members. The topical lunch on Wednesday 7th September, focussing on decommissioning, is being organised by Decom North Sea. For more information on this and other events around Offshore Europe, which Decom North Sea are involved in, see

Offshore Decommissioning Conference 2011, Dunblane Hydro, 4th – 6th October Decom North Sea, in partnership with Oil and Gas UK, are holding a two day Offshore Decommissioning Conference at the Dunblane Hydro again this year. More information will follow shortly but please put these dates in your diary and look out for updates on

Decom North Sea Members Meeting, Aberdeen, TBC – Quarter 2, 2011 Marathon Oil will share their decommissioning plans for the Brae fields. They will discuss the timescales for these projects, how they plan to engage with the supply chain and any issues they are facing. This is also an excellent opportunity to network with other key players within the decommissioning industry. For more information and to register your interest for this event, contact Coming Soon – Decom North Sea are considering starting a series of lunch and learns where supply chain companies will have the opportunity to give 10 – 15 minute presentations on their capabilities in offshore decommissioning. Each event will include presentations from four to five companies with a range of complementary skills sets. The purpose of these events is to promote the supply chain capabilities to the operators and major contractors as well as to allow the rest of the supply chain to seek opportunities for collaboration. If you would be interested in participating at one of these events, please contact Sarah Hillyear on 01224 224131 or Decom North Sea is also keen to hear from other operators and major contractors who are willing to share their decommissioning plans, strategies and issues and would be interested in hosting an event for Decom North Sea members. To discuss this opportunity in more detail please contact Sarah Hillyear on 01224 224131 or Please visit for details of future events

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Employment Opportunities Thriving in Decommissioning Market With almost £30billion expected to be spent on decommissioning activities between now and 2040, the sector is set to offer an array of employment prospects for both new management and engineering graduates and current oil and gas employees. As older oil and gas facilities in the North Sea reach the end of their productive lives, the specialist companies who have been involved with offshore platforms, subsea facilities and wells will be ideally placed to redeploy or re-train staff in the many and varied aspects of offshore and onshore decommissioning. In the next three years, expenditure is expected to increase significantly as older platforms and subsea production systems are due to be decommissioned. This is, in turn, providing prime opportunities for Brian Nixon engineering and Chief Executive business graduates, and Decom North Sea over recent months Decom North Sea has been pleased to assist many under and post graduate students with their dissertation projects and initial career advice.

“The UK oil and gas supply chain is active in some 100 countries and decommissioning will become a significant new business opportunity in international markets.”

Decom North Sea expects the decommissioning programme to last until 2040, which would offer long term career prospects for young industry entrants. Indeed in the next decade alone, it is forecast that perhaps 120 installations in the southern North Sea, 80 in the central and northern North Sea, and 65 subsea and pipeline installations could be decommissioned. Over 900 wells will require to be plugged and abandoned in the same period. With such a major programme of activity in the North Sea, the prospects for those working in conceptual engineering, front-end engineering design, environmental impact assessment,

safety management, waste treatment, long term monitoring, project planning and management will also be prevalent. Those looking to move outwith the UK will also find that decommissioning skills will be in demand. Decom North Sea Chief Executive Brian Nixon explained: “The UK oil and gas supply chain is active in some 100 countries and decommissioning will become a significant new business opportunity in international markets. In a few years, the extent of the industry in the UK will provide the supply chain with the best credentials for international operators.” The growing recognition of the part decommissioning will play in the UK economy was highlighted recently by a feature in the Daily Telegraph. Mr Nixon was interviewed in the piece on how decommissioning will offer a platform for a longterm rewarding profession. The newspaper article concluded, ‘In today’s uncertain economic environment, the prospects for those involved with decommissioning in the North Sea look rosy’.

Skill strategies for the future At this early stage of the North Sea decommissioning programme, the industry still has a lot to learn – in some cases “we don’t know what we don’t know”. The experience that has been gained lies with quite a small number of companies who have actually participated in one of the few projects completed to date. One of the topics under review in the Decom North Sea strategy is skills, and there is a need to establish whether the industry will need additional or different skills and competencies as the major programme of work unfolds. In order to establish an industry view on this matter, Decom North Sea has facilitated the formation of a Skills Steering Group under the chairmanship of Graham Gall, MD of Falck Nutec. With assistance from Jamie McGregor of PSN, Colin Turnbull of Mintra, Gordon Caird of Petrofac Training and David Gordon of Tyco, the Skills Steering Group will provide strategic industry advice to Decom North Sea on how best it should research, analyse and present the industry requirements in this regard. When the research has been completed, hopefully during the course of this year, the information will be shared with both the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) and OPITO, the Oil & Gas Academy, to assist them in considering what may be needed in the design of decommissioning technician training modules and accreditation standards etc. The Group meets for the first time in early April.

Future newsletters We welcome contributions from our members for future newsletters so please send your news and photos to We hope by sharing your experiences and successes in the decommissioning sector with fellow members and the wider decommissioning industry, further useful connections will be made.

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Proserv Offshore successfully completes cutting contract for Perenco Proserv Offshore was contracted by Perenco to carry out all cutting operations to assist with the removal of the Welland Platform, a 2000t installation located in 37msw in the Southern UK Sector. The work scope included subsea and topside cutting utilising a range of tools and Proserv Offshore’s 15,000psi Jetcut system. Trials were carried out at Proserv Offshore’s Kintore facility and a full site survey was conducted to determine platform access and equipment requirements. The cutting operations were carried out in two separate stages. The first consisted of the topside cuts followed by the subsea cutting operations which completed the work scope. Angled cuts at 20 degrees were performed as an extra safety precaution in case of adverse weather conditions following topside severance. This also ensured no damage occurred internally to the stabbing cones as the topside module was to be reused again.

Setting a Standard for SNS Platforms Heavy Lift Removal During January 2011 Perenco UK safely executed the heavy lift removal of the Welland gas production platform in the southern North Sea. The project was remarkable in that it was completed without incident, in the middle of the North Sea winter, using an appropriately scaled lift barge. Furthermore it was within budget, complied with UKOG/DECC guidelines and met highest environmental standards in terms of disposal by securing the re-use of the topsides and re-processing of the jacket structure. Overdick GmbH undertook structural and lift engineering in close partnership with Perenco UK, Scaldis-SMC and Proserv Offshore. Scaldis’s Rambiz Crane Barge was selected on the basis of appropriate size, capacity and flexibility. On completion of pre-engineering, Dismantling Safety Case acceptance and DECC approval, opportunistic mobilisation took place in January 2011. In order to achieve an opportunistic execution during the winter months, several innovative contingency solutions were developed, tested, and in some cases, applied. Both lifts are now safely ashore with the topsides undergoing refurbishment before re-use and the jacket steelwork being re-processed. The company commented ‘Perenco are delighted with the success of the project. A key factor has been the co-operation between us as operator and the regulators and with our main contractors. This enabled the regulatory requirements to be managed effectively within the engineering scope and design, and, during opportunistic execution enabled all parties to take responsibility and carry out their activities safely and efficiently. The completion of the heavy lift removal of Welland platform provides a level of confidence in our cost projections for future decommissioning activities. Most importantly we have re-cycled almost all of the material removed with over half of it destined for re-use which means energy use and subsequent emissions have been substantially lower than previous industry projects.’

Proserv Offshore’s 15000psi Jetcut water abrasive cutting technology was utilised to sever three 54” external topside legs to assist with the removal of the topside module. Another three 54” internal cuts 2m below the mud line were also performed for the removal of the jacket.

Customer Benefits

■ A wide range of topside and subsea solutions for platform decommissioning. ■ Experienced personnel with an impressive track record in decommissioning cutting projects worldwide. ■ Robust tooling for use in hazardous environments. ■ One of the safest cutting systems available and harmless to the marine environment. ■ Internal and external cutting solutions provided For further information, visit Proserv Offshore are sponsoring the next Decom North Sea members meeting on 8th June where Perenco will give an overview of the Welland decommissioning project.

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Construction Work Begins on New NORM Processing and Disposal Facility Construction has started on a new £3million processing plant at the Stoneyhill site near Peterhead to recover and treat Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) from equipment used in North Sea oil and gas operations. The new facility is being developed by Nuvia SITA NORM a joint venture company drawing on the expertise of leading waste management company, SITA UK and radiation protection specialists, Nuvia Limited. Initial construction works includes the refurbishment of a building that will house the treatment process along with the installation of a containment system and ultra high pressure water jetting (UHPWJ) pumps and systems. NORM affected equipment delivered to site will be treated in a fully contained area with UHPWJ to safely remove mineral scale. Once de-scaled, metals and pipework may be reused or recycled and any scale removed will be de-watered and encapsulated in cement. The drummed waste will then be consigned to landfill under authorisation at SITA’s adjoining Stoneyhill site.

North Tyneside Decommissioning Project Gets Underway With Arrival Of North Sea Gas Platform Joint project between Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc and Peterson SBS brings story of North Sea gas full circle. A project to decommission offshore North Sea gas steel platforms has begun at the former Swan Hunter shipyard on the River Tyne, owned by North Tyneside Council. The structure, which is 17 storeys high, arrived on a barge from the Shell UK Indefatigable gas field, 75 kilometres offshore in the southern North Sea. It is the first of eight barges scheduled to arrive at the shipyard over four months.

Major works are scheduled for completion by the end of July with commissioning of the plant following soon after. The recycling facility will bring extra employment to the region, with around 30 jobs during the construction and installation phase and an anticipated 13 positions when the facility becomes operational in the autumn. Nuvia SITA NORM Director, Phil Holland said, “This new treatment facility will provide the Oil & Gas industry with a simple and safe solution to NORM disposal. The plant at Stoneyhill will be the first new plant in the Aberdeen area providing North Sea operators with a service compliant with the guidelines governing the treatment and disposal of NORM waste, allowing cleaned metals to be re-used or recycled and waste mineral scales to be disposed of safely and securely.” For further information contact: Nick Grove-White (07528 971637) or Ron Smith (07968707345)

Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc will dismantle these structures with its offshore decommissioning partner, Peterson SBS, who will provide logistics support, marine management and load-in services. The project brings the Swan Hunter shipyard, which was established in 1860 and ceased shipbuilding last decade, back into service. However, Swan Hunter still continues to operate in the marine, design and engineering field. It is planned to safely decommission 10,500 tonnes of redundant gas platform parts from April to October this year with a target recycling rate of 98%. The work is set to directly create 35 jobs and contribute at least a million pounds to the local economy. Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc will operate the facility under an Environment Agency permit with a bespoke health and safety and environmental management system and comprehensive environmental reporting.

Stoneyhill Construction Project Manager, Tony Robertson (left) and M, E&I Works Manager, Ronnie Mackay oversee the initial site ground works.

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Cutting Underwater Technologies Completes Major Decommissioning Project Cutting Underwater Technologies (CUT), a specialist provider of diamond wire cutting services to the decommissioning and abandonment industry, has announced the completion of a major project for Heerema BV. The contract award to assist with removal of the Norpipe 37/4A Booster Platform’s eight-legged steel jacket was made to CUT Norway AS and was managed through CUT’s Norwegian Office whilst technical, operational, equipment and manpower support was provided by CUT Headquarters staff based in Aberdeen. CUT developed new equipment and methodologies in order to successfully complete the work which is part of the large-scale Ekofisk cessation project situated 180 miles southwest of Norway.

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The reduction cuts were all carried out at a height of 62metres from the barge deck and CUT had to develop a number of project specific modifications to complete the cuts as required by the client. Chief amongst these was the requirement to perform horizontal cuts such that the removed upper section would ‘sit’ square on the ground. As the CUT DWCM’s are self clamping the natural tendency is for the machine, once the clamp is activated, to bring itself into a 90º angle in relation to the target. However, as the jacket legs stood at some 7 – 8 degrees from the vertical any cuts using a standard configuration would create pressure point problems when the upper section was removed to land.

The 5,500 tonne platform, along with its sister Norpipe 36/22A, was installed in 1974, becoming operational the following year. The platforms acted as booster stations between the main Ekofisk platform and the onshore reception facilities at Teesside in the North of England. Both platforms remained active until their final abandonment in 1983.

Thus, to overcome this effect, special saddles were designed and built that corrected the angle of approach such that when the clamps were activated the DWCM sat at the correct orientation. Additional modifications were also made to allow the cutting of the two Launch Runner assemblies located on legs A2 and A3.

Two phases, one offshore and one carried out in the harbour at Merjarvik in Norway were completed during CUT’s mobilisation. All the offshore and inshore work was carried out from the Heerema owned and operated Heavy Lift Vessel, “SSCV Thialf”.

Furthermore, as the cuts were to take place “in air” a special twelve nozzle cooling system was designed and fitted to the DWCM to ensure adequate cooling was being supplied to the diamond wire.

The topside modules had already been removed during an earlier phase of the workscope, prior to CUT completing eight severance cuts using its patented Diamond Wire Cutting Technology on the jacket legs and piles. These cuts allowed the jacket to be removed from the seabed in one lift before being transported inshore.

Finally, a one-off, umbilical lifting saddle was designed and manufactured which offered support to the umbilical as it was being lifted into position.

Offshore, the first two cuts were carried out at 26metres below the sea surface on the main risers’ attached to legs A1 and B1 prior to both sections being recovered to deck. Thereafter a further single cut was made to both risers to reduce their size and weight. The 37/4A’s eight legged jacket, which stood in some 85metres sea water depth was then prepared for removal. Trenching operations were carried out in the vicinity of the jacket to expose the piles to a distance of some 2.7metres below the surrounding seabed. CUT’s specialist 64inch DWCM (Diamond Wire Cutting Machine) was then attached to the exposed jacket piles and the cuts performed. The DWCM’s were to be powered from the surface (utilising a CUT supplied HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit) Control Panel, Multi-Core Umbilical and associated Hose Reel), lowered into position using the vessels crane, and located at the target cut site with the aid of an WROV (Workclass Remote Operated Vehicle). The eight cuts were carried out successfully on the Primary (48” OD x 1.75” w/t) and Insert (36” OD x 1.5” w/t) Piles, many being grout filled, at an average time of around five and a half hours with the last two cuts being carried out simultaneously. Once severance was completed, the jacket was lifted by “SSCV Thialf” and secured to the vessel with a specially-developed clamping system. It was then transported to shore where it was placed on the Heerema H627 barge being supported, on the barge, by its four inner legs. The project plan now called for the jacket to be reduced in size by removing the top third of the structure prior to removing the bottom section ashore for final reduction and recycling.

All the cuts performed during this section involved severing three layers of steel: For 4 x Corner Legs and 2 x Inner Legs Main Jacket Leg – 54” x 0.5” (OD x w/t) Primary Pile – 48” x 1” (OD x w/t) Inner Pile – 36” x 0.5” (OD x w/t) For 2 x Launch Runner Legs Main Jacket Leg – 54” x 1.0” (OD x w/t) Primary Pile – 48” x 1” (OD x w/t) Inner Pile – 36” x 0.5” (OD x w/t) and, in the case of the Launch Runners the steel associated with these structures (the wood having been removed by HMC). The average cutting times for the two Launch Runners was eight and a half hours, whilst the remaining jacket legs averaged some six hours forty minutes to complete. Mark Chalmers, CUT Senior Project Engineer said: “We are delighted to have completed this, the first of the eight-legged platform removals on time, within budget and, most importantly, without incident. This was accomplished in part because of the excellent working relationships developed with Heerema, especially in the pre-planning phase prior to mobilisation. “I am convinced that our experiences on this workscope will allow us to develop savings over the remainder of this year’s operations.’’ The CUT Group is the sole global operator of the unique, patented, Diamond Wire Cutting System developed by parent company TS Tecnospamec of Genoa, Italy. The CUT Group has 30 staff at its Aberdeen base and a total of 150 around the world with additional operational bases in Norway, Brazil, Singapore and the United States offering local support to clients globally.

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Scopus Engineering Limited Utilising Laser Scanning in the Decommissioning Process

Infield Systems announce the launch of their online data and mapping data room for North Sea Decommissioning

Laser scanning is a system for the mass capture of existing as-built information on offshore or onshore installations.

Infield Systems have developed a unique online GIS and mapping tool for the offshore oil, gas, renewable energy and associated marine industries - The Offshore EnergyGateway GIS Mapping and Data Interface. As part of this system Infield Systems have launched their North Sea Decommissioning Data Room.

To date it has been utilised mostly on Brown Field construction projects involving major upgrades to existing facilities. The laser scan data is produced as a 3D image of the scanned area and is designed to interface directly with all the main design platforms such as Autocad, Microstation, PDMS etc so that new process can be designed and clash checked against the as-built 3D data. Scopus Engineering have realised that because all the offshore installations in the North Sea earmarked for removal are around 30 years old, there are no accurate records of what the structure or processes look like today, making the “reverse engineering” very difficult. These platforms were designed and built long before 3D design models were introduced and there have been countless modifications to the structure and processes throughout the years without any updates being carried out to the original Arrangement and Detail drawings. Laser Scanning can be developed to be an integral part of the Decommissioning process of offshore assets by providing an accurate (+/- 3mm) 3D representation of the complete topsides facilities. This allows realistic planning by providing the decommissioning teams with accurate definitive information necessary to plan the removal of every component of the Topsides. Scopus Engineering have just been awarded the Laser Scanning contract for the Brent Charlie decommissioning project after the success of the recently completed Brent Alpha and Brent Bravo laser scans for Shell. The company has also recently been awarded the laser scan contract for the CNR Murchison platform which should be completed by end April 2011. Scopus Engineering deliver: Full accurate 3D as-built of asset. True Defenition of Scope of Work Accurate Planning data Accurate Budget data HAZOP study information.

The North Sea Decommissioning Data Room identifies all North Sea assets, fields, platforms, pipelines and subsea wells and provides detailed data for projects that are being planned or considered for decommissioning in the current year and four years forward. The data is presented through the InfieldLive data portal and the Offshore EnergyGateway online mapping and GIS system. It enables Infield Systems to offer its clients a geographic tool to view critical data covering infrastructure and assets. The EnergyGateway also presents geographic layers for all of the licence blocks, licence block operators, coastlines, country boundaries, median lines and bathymetry. It is the first decommissioning package to be offered by Infield Systems. The release of a US Gulf of Mexico Decommissioning Data Room is also planned. Infield Systems has joined the Decom North Sea membership and are pleased to announce that Decom North Sea have purchased the first system.

Additional Information: The North Sea EnergyGateway Decommissioning Package, comprises the following data sets and GIS layers for the North West European Continental Shelf: ■ Oil and Gas Fields – name of all operational oil and gas fields on stream prior to the current year, name of field only ■ Oil and Gas Fields – Locations, name and full background related data to all projects being planned or considered for decommissioning in the current year and four years forward. ■ Oil and Gas Fields – name of all possible fields for abandonment beyond 2015 - with name of Field only ■ Oil and Gas Platforms –name of all operational oil and gas platform installed prior to the current year, in relation to platforms for up-coming decommissioning – name of Platform only ■ Oil and Gas Platforms – Locations, name and full back ground related data to all Platforms planned for abandonment in the current year and four years forward - full data details are listed in the attached database descriptions ■ Oil and Gas Platforms – name of all possible Platforms for abandonment beyond 2015 with name of Platform only Additional data supply for all the other related in-field architecture for the North Sea projects can also be supplied. The Offshore EnergyGateway can be accessed by users through any Internet browser to search, download and export maps and data as well upload their own GIS company specific data to integrate and overlay with the mapping system. Please visit for demo system.

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KDC continues success on decommissioning contract KDC have achieved success over more than two decades in the decommissioning and demolition of assets in hazardous areas, operational sites and in close proximity to sensitive neighbours. For several years one of their main contracts has been a decommissioning and demolition framework contract at BP's Sullom Voe facilities, Shetland Isles. KDC and BP work together in a fully integrated team on this high value contract and KDC has an established site based resource to fulfil the contract. During this contract, KDC have supplied a range of specialist equipment to cover the various activities they are tasked with such as mobile telescopic cranes, 360 degree long reach demolition excavators, bulker wagons, transport, shears, pulverisers and loading shovels.

Challenging Contract Completed Successfully by J Bryan (Victoria) In Mid July 2010 J Bryan (Victoria) responded to a request from BP Remediation Management Division UK, through (Arcadis), about a proposal for the supply of decommissioning and remediation services at the Miller Facilities – PGRF Site at Scottish and Southern Electricity’s Peterhead Power Station, Boddam, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The scope of work was to dismantle and demolish the site to grade, with two areas to be protected - the area where a 26” gas pipeline enters the site, and the area where a 30” gas pipeline exits the site. The original proposal for the project was to be an eight to ten week period working normal weekday hours during October through to December 2010. After further discussions this was then amended, as BP wanted to accommodate the requirements of Scottish and Southern Electricity for a five week schedule based upon a seven day working week, 12 hours a day. This method was eventually decided upon to be the way forward. There were a number of challenges within the project, which included allowing the Scottish and Southern Power Station to run as normal without delays or hindrance by J Bryan (Victoria) presence. J Bryan (Victoria) were also obliged to comply not only with BP’s safety requirements but also Scottish and Southern Electricity’s own site safety requirements, which were all satisfied. Despite one of the worst winters in 100 years, J Bryan (Victoria) completed the project within the five week period and returned for one week after Christmas (when the roads had cleared of snow in the North East of Scotland) to complete the remediation work required and to the satisfaction of BP. This was the first Remediation Contract to be awarded by BP through its own UK based Remediation Management Division. The contract was completed on time, on budget and without any Health and Safety issues. The J Bryan (Victoria) team was commended for its work by Arcadis, BP and Scottish and Southern Electricity and it was deemed a huge success.

The work covers a complete range of tasks including production of the management documentation, isolations (air gapping) within live process areas, de-planting of modules and equipment, demolition of redundant buildings and process facilities and the processing and disposal of waste demolition, including metals that are transported off the island for recycling. This work takes place within an operational refinery. It is planned and managed to minimise the potential hazard and suit the operational needs of the site and to date the safety record has been exemplary. More generally KDC’s principal areas of business activity are decommissioning, dismantling, demolition and decontamination; asset appraisal and sales of plant and equipment; hazardous substance management (e.g. asbestos stripping and removal other chemotoxic, biological and radiological materials); waste management and land remediation. Much of KDC’s work involves the segregation of different waste streams to minimise disposal and to reuse or recycle where possible. KDC regularly recycle in excess of 97% of materials from demolition projects. Key markets for the company are oil, gas & process, chemical, pharmaceutical and nuclear industries and the general industrial sector. KDC’s OG&P team is led by Director Will Simpson, who has 20 years experience in demanding decommissioning projects for a wide range of operators. Mr Simpson and KDC Sales and Marketing Director, Nigel Jenkins, would be delighted to meet and discuss the exciting challenges evolving in North Sea decommissioning. Please email: Case Study: BP Exploration, Sullom Voe, Shetland Isles: Decommissioning and Demolition Framework contract.

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Talisman Award DSL Derrick Services (UK) Ltd (DSL) were nominated an award by Talisman Energy (UK) in recognition of the work carried out on the Talisman Auk Redevelopment project. Talisman praised the DSL offshore team for its excellent overall safety performance and adaptability in undertaking operational demands. Mike Smith, Managing Director at DSL, said: “Having Talisman recognise our efforts in this way is great testament to the hard work and dedication our talented team contribute to this project.” Bob Franklin, Brownfield Construction Manager at Talisman Energy, praised the all-round performance of the DSL team: “This award is not given lightly but is awarded by recognition of those who have shown they are prepared to give that extra mile in performance and attitude.

Babcock geared up for IHM marketplace With new environmental legislation soon to be implemented by International Marine Organisation (IMO) member states, Babcock is already emerging as a major player in the new international marketplace for 'green passport' compliance services. The idea of these documents - now known as Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHMs) - grew out of worldwide concerns over ship scrapping, and the need for stricter monitoring of hazardous materials used in the construction and outfitting of vessels. Once legislation is enacted by IMO member countries probably within five years- any ship greater than 500 gross tonnage will need an approved and verified IHM. This will list all hazardous materials in the ship's structure, systems and equipment and will be maintained throughout the life of the vessel, with renewal surveys at regular intervals. The new system is overseen by classification societies including Lloyd's Register (LR), which has approved Babcock’s Marine & Technology division and the laboratory at their facility in Devonport to carry out IHM surveying, sampling and reporting, and issue statements of compliance. After successfully undertaking IHMs for Royal Navy vessels, Babcock is now actively seeking contracts from the commercial sector. Whilst IHMs are still voluntary, there are many reasons to acquire them sooner rather than later. As well as providing certified green credentials, better hazard management, and improved long-term liability planning, an IHM means a more accountable ship and a higher resale value. Babcock is one of the few companies in the UK to be able to offer truly comprehensive IHM services, using its unrivalled experience and expertise in survey and sampling. As the industry gears up to operate the new IMO regime, the company is already receiving a substantial volume of enquiries from the commercial shipping sector and was recently awarded the IHM contract for a major new build vessel.

“DSL’s safety performance was excellent, especially when carrying out work at height and ensuring safe working zones. Its full participation and feedback in safety and risk assessments was also impressive. Having discussed with our offshore Talisman representatives who deal daily with the DSL technicians, we feel DSL are fully deserving of this award.” DSL was awarded the contract by Talisman Energy (UK) in August last year to decommission its drilling facilities on the Auk platform in the North Sea, having successfully decommissioned the derrick in 2009. Using approximately a dozen multi-disciplined and OPITO qualified staff, DSL are on course to complete the project in the coming months. The company is a worldwide recognised upstream service company providing a diverse range of products and specialist offshore construction services to the industry worldwide. It is also the UK’s only API 4F licensed company for the design and manufacturing of drilling structures. DSL predominately supports drilling contractors and operators, and is committed to providing turnkey solutions and a wide range of specialist services for drilling structures and drilling rigs supported through strategically based international operations. These include drilling package decommissioning, upgrade and refurbishment of drilling packages, derrick inspection, derrick assembly and outfitting, lifting equipment surveys, rope access trades personnel, in-house engineering, design, and fabrication. DSL employs over 120 staff and has offices/operations in the UK, United Arab Emirates, Singapore and Brazil.

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Altor Risk Group And Falck Nutec Join Forces To Deliver Innovative Training Courses To Oil And Gas Industry Aberdeen-headquartered risk control and management company Altor Risk Group (Altor) has announced a partnership with global training services specialist, Falck Nutec, to provide innovative emergency and crisis management training courses to the oil and gas industry. Altor – which specialises in risk control, emergency response, crisis management and business continuity – has joined forces with Falck Nutec to create and deliver a comprehensive range of new courses, including oil spill response, security for international operations, major emergency management for ship captains and OIMs (Offshore Installation Managers), family liaison from a company perspective and psychosocial care after traumatic incidents. Established in September 2010 by the founders of Rubicon Response Limited – the emergency response specialist – Altor has already strategically developed its presence within both the UK and overseas markets.

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“Combining Altor’s technical expertise with Falck Nutec’s training experience and sophisticated worldwide facilities will enable us to provide clients with first rate courses and the guidance necessary to ensure the utmost safety and efficiency is implemented within their businesses. “Since the launch of the company in 2010, Altor’s UK client base has grown quickly and the acquisition of iON Risk Management in Dubai, towards the end of last year, was a major catalyst in driving forward the international side of the business. Joining forces with Falck Nutec is the next stage of our growth plans for the company and we are confident both companies – and our clients – will benefit from the partnership approach we have adopted.” The agreement will also see Falck Nutec supporting Altor in its bid to gain OPITO accreditation on its emergency response and crisis management courses. Falck Nutec’s Managing Director, Graham Gall, added: “We are delighted to be working with Altor. By pooling our knowledge and resources, we can provide clients with our collective experience, delivering a premium level of training that will best equip businesses with the ability to manage emergencies and crises in the safest and most efficient way.” The range of services Altor provides includes emergency response, crisis and incident management, media and relative response, family liaison, oil spill response, scenario planning, security assessments and risk identification and reduction.

Douglas-Westwood Opens in Singapore Leading international energy business advisors Douglas-Westwood today opened a new office in Singapore. Located at 1 Fullerton in Singapore’s central business district, the new facility will manage the DouglasWestwood group’s Advisory and Research business across the Asia Pacific region. Group CEO Andrew Reid said: “Establishing in Singapore is core to our continued internationalisation strategy and provides our organisation with a global presence, building on the investment in expanding our European and North American offices in previous years. Our clients already span the region from China to Australia and we anticipate a growing appetite for our leading Advisory and Research offerings in Asia.” “We are delighted to announce appointment of Jason Waldie who has joined the firm as Associate Director and will be based in Singapore. Jason has considerable experience of the energy sector and an outstanding academic background.”

Since its launch, the company has grown its team to 20 – with plans to further increase this figure in 2011 – and has won a number of significant security and risk, emergency response and crisis management contracts across the globe. As well as the UK, the agreement between Altor and Falck Nutec covers Abu Dhabi, while talks are also underway to facilitate it in Singapore. Managing Director of Altor Risk Group, Jim Walker, said: “This agreement between Altor and Falck Nutec marks a very positive start to 2011 for both companies. Together we plan significant investment in course innovation and development, technology and facilities over the coming months to bring a fresh offering to the industry.

Jason Waldie was previously Group Head of Business Development with an energy advisory firm in Singapore and before that Samsung Corporation in Seoul, Korea. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Science from the University of Regina, Canada; an MBA from the University of Melbourne and a Master of Energy Management from the Institut Français du Pétrole /ESCP Europe and Norway’s Handelshøyskolen BI joint programme. In its 21st year of trading and described as a “top energy research group” by the Financial Times, Douglas-Westwood is an independent employee-owned company and the leading provider of business strategy, research & analysis and commercial due-diligence on the global energy sectors. The firm also has offices in Aberdeen Scotland, Canterbury England and on Wall Street, New York and to date has provided services to over 400 clients in 70 countries across the energy sector.

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Spotlight on New Members John Lawrie Develops Redundant Riser Recycling Service As plans for oil and gas decommissioning projects in the North Sea continue to build momentum, Scottish metal reprocessing, steel trading and environmental services company the John Lawrie Group has been steadily developing its capability to recycle redundant subsea materials including flexible risers, flowlines and umbilicals. The Aberdeen-based firm is the leading reprocessor and exporter of scrap metal in the north and north-east of Scotland, and its Aberdeen, Montrose and Evanton recycling facilities are now all capable of receiving the redundant materials for processing. Its expansion into this market comes as oil and gas operators face pressure to increase the amount of redundant material that they recycle. Environmental director Ray Grant said: “Every business is being encouraged to be more environmentally conscious and recycle more of its waste. Oil and gas operators are also facing these pressures, particularly when they approach decommissioning and look at all the available options for disposal of assets and equipment. “The development of this service underlines John Lawrie Group’s commitment to maximising the recovery of waste products in an environmentally acceptable and sustainable manner. Many companies are striving to improve their environmental credentials and recycling redundant assets and equipment is a sustainable process which can achieve this objective.” The recycling process involves mechanically separating the riser’s various plastic and metallic components, which typically consists of between six and eight layers. Once separated, the recovered metallic and non-metallic material is sorted into its various component parts to maximise recycling. The separated metal content is processed on-site to European steel mill feedstock standard. This material is then shipped and exported as a ‘green waste’ directly to approved steel mills in Europe for recycling into new steel products. All the recovered plastic material is transferred to authorised recycling contractors for further processing before being made into new products.

Decom North Sea News

EC Harris expands and delivers de-commissioning expertise to the North Sea With expected growth in decommissioning activity on the North Sea’s oil and gas facilities over the next 30 years, international Built Asset Consultancy EC Harris is responding by transferring experience and knowledge of decommissioning from large nuclear projects to the North Sea. Stephen McNeil, Partner said: ‘We see decommissioning as a major opportunity for development within the North Sea and we are working on new innovations and re-visiting existing processes so we can continue to reduce both CAPEX and OPEX project costs; resulting in positive outcomes for our clients’. “Our team of consultants have expertise on Project Controls, Quantity Surveying, Contracting and Strategic Asset Management and our vast experience includes implementation of project controls to provide and support unique contract models and delivering successful alternatives to the “normal” reimbursable contracting strategy.” The consultancy has expanded its operations with a recently opened office in Aberdeen to provide support to an international client base across the UK, Norway and Europe. Mark MacArthur, Project Controls Consultant who leads their decommissioning operations said: “We understand the principle that time and cost are key components to successfully delivering any major project and as decommissioning is a pure cost burden to the operator, it has never been so important to implement strategic project controls in order to minimise and control risk and expenditure.” For further information please contact:

Cost of North Sea Decommissioning could exceed £29 Billion The cumulative expenditure of North Sea decommissioning is expected to be £29 billion by 2040, however Valuta’s MD William Harrod, warns that unless steps are taken now, the true cost may be significantly higher and not just in monetary terms. “Of course there are terrific technological and engineering challenges in withdrawing from the North Sea, but it is the leadership, planning and coordination of these activities that will drive not just cost, but safety and an operator’s reputation too.”

Mr Grant added: “Every effort is made to recycle as much material from the risers as possible. The success varies depending on the materials used to construct the riser, but the process has seen up to 100% of all material being recycled.”

Valuta’s Iain Maclean added: “It is important to be in at the beginning of a process and that is why we have arrived at North Sea Decommissioning now – it is much easier and vastly more economical if plans and organisational structure are properly developed ahead of time.”

Established in Aberdeen in the 1930’s as a scrap metal merchant, the John Lawrie Group now offers a diverse range of industrial services and has developed an enviable reputation for quality customer service. It is one of the country’s leading privately owned companies and has operations throughout the UK and in USA, Europe, the Middle East, and China, employing a 100 strong workforce.

While decommissioning is not a new science, the oil and gas industry know that the North Sea presents an extra dimension to any project, making North Sea decommissioning a pioneering activity. Add to this the limited specialist resources available both at sea and on land, and the European and International legislation the industry must comply with, and it is apparent why Valuta are an invaluable tool for their clients.

For more information about John Lawrie Group, visit or telephone 01224 871844.

Valuta ensures major projects and programmes deliver sustainable and significant benefits.

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Partners News Danish Marine & Offshore Group – an International Partner In the beginning of 2011 Decom North Sea officially became International Partners with Danish Marine & Offshore Group. DMOG is a non-profit, member-based association – independent of any governmental support – created in 2001. The association has nearly 100 members supplying to the offshore oil, gas, wind and marine industry. The main objective of DMOG is to create a platform for cooperation and knowledge exchange which matches the latest customer demands as well as to promote Danish export of offshore and marine products by strengthening the international network. DMOG’s Managing Director, Mogens Tofte Koch, said: “We are very much looking forward to an extended cooperation with Decom North Sea in the future. It is my belief that networking across borders will provide our members with even more business opportunities”. Not only can the Danish companies learn something from the UK colleagues, but the Danes also have attractive areas of expertise to bring to the table. The Danish offshore industry is characterized by a high level of know-how and innovation, which should be of interest to Decom North Sea’s members as well. The partnership will focus on networking and knowledge exchange, and in practice this means invitations to events in Denmark and the UK, respectively, but also tailor-made meetings for the members of Decom North Sea and Danish Marine & Offshore Group. You can find out more at, where our members are listed in the Supplier Index. We look forward to being International Partners!

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Minister Advocates Importance Of Balanced Energy Mix At Nof Energy Conference NOF Energy, the business support organisation for oil, gas, nuclear and offshore renewables sectors, hosted its first annual conference, which addressed the challenges of achieving a balanced energy future for the UK. Minister of State for the Department of Energy and Climate Change, Charles Hendry MP opened the conference declaring that the UK is going to see a transformation of its energy sector in the next 10 to 15 years and the supply chain has a vital role to play. The Minister discussed the Government’s energy policy at the conference in North East England and the important role supply chain companies will play in supplying to the broader energy sectors of oil, gas, nuclear and offshore renewables to help secure the UK’s future energy requirements. The event, Energy: A Balanced Future, focussed on the opportunities and Energy Minister challenges facing supply chain companies Charles Hendry as the diversification of energy sources MP addresses gains pace. It included an exhibition of the NOF Energy NOF Energy members. conference George Rafferty, Chief Executive of NOF Energy, said: “The conference achieved its objective of impressing on the supply chain the important role it has to play in the long-term energy production for the UK. The strong heritage for exceptional skills, products and services in the oil & gas sector is starting its migration into new nuclear and offshore renewables, but the pace has to be increased to meet future challenges. “The Minister’s support for our highly-skilled, technologicallyadvanced supply chain was a real positive aspect of the conference, which clearly set out that the Coalition will rely heavily on UK companies across the energy sector to achieve its balanced energy vision.”

Decommissioning offers multi-billion pound market for supply chain More than 60 delegates at an EEEGR (East of England Energy Group) seminar, held in Great Yarmouth in March, heard that with only 7% of decommissioning so far completed, the industry was on the cusp of a massive programme. Supply chain companies in the East of England could hold the key to the success of the multi-billion pound business of dismantling and removing North Sea oil and gas platforms as they cease production. It was discussed at the event that if the UK supply chain could get in quickly and master the business, their skills could also be exported for decommissioning work across the world. Alistair Corbett, BP decom project manager, admitted that the cost to major companies like his would be enormous – and they were looking to supply chain companies to find innovative and cost-effective ways of achieving it. EEEGR chief executive John Best said they would play their part in encouraging the supply chain to take up the challenges and they would help supply that 'reliable’ market intelligence which was so keenly sought. More information from John Best at EEEGR, 01493 446535 or

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Full membership of Decom North Sea is open to any commercial organisation involved with decommissioning. Associate membership is open to non-commercial organisations and individuals who wish to be kept informed of Decom North Sea activity and attend networking events and conferences. For further information, visit

Member Listing Members of Decom North Sea – as at 31st March 2011 60 North Recycling Ltd Aberdeenshire Council AF Decom Offshore AS AGR Subsea Ltd AKD Engineering Ltd Aker Solutions AMEC APEX Speciality Solutions Ltd Applied Drilling Technology International Arnlea Systems Limited ASCO UK Ltd Asset Development & Improvement Ltd (ADIL) Atlas Interactive Limited Aubin Ltd Avanteq Ltd Babcock Marine Rosyth Balance Point Control B.V BIS Salamis (M&I) Ltd BJ Process & Pipeline Services BMT Cordah Ltd BOND - Bluegrass Offshore & Nuclear Decommissioning Services Ltd BP Brimmond Group Cape Industrial Services Ltd Champion Technologies Claxton CNR International (UK) Ltd Codaoctopus Products Ltd Cortez Subsea Ltd CSL Cutting Underwater Technologies Ltd Derrick Services (UK) Ltd DNV Douglas Westwood Dutton International Limited E.M.W Consultancy Ltd EC Harris Engineering Resource Solutions Group Ethan Consultancy Ltd Euro Dismantling Services Evolve Training Expro North Sea Ltd Falck Nutec Geoprober Drilling

GP Decom Limited Halliburton Hawk Enviro Ltd Heavy Decom International Hertel (UK) Ltd Hess Ltd Hilti Infield Systems Limited Interact Activity Management J. Bryan (Victoria) Ltd JEE Ltd John Lawrie (Aberdeen) Ltd KDC Keltbray Group Holdings Ltd Kishorn Port Limited Ledingham Chalmers Lerwick Port Authority Lloyd's Register EMEA M&E Global Resources Maclay Murray & Spens Maersk Oil UK Ltd Mammoet Salvage BV Marathon Oil UK Ltd McDermott Marine Construction Ltd Mwaves Ltd Norse Cutting & Abandonment Ltd North West Trading Co Ltd Nuvia Sita NORM Ltd Oceaneering International Offshore Installation Services Ltd (OIS) Oil States MCS Ltd Pangeo Subsea Scotland Ltd PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd Pegasus International (UK) Ltd people = positive Perenco UK Ltd Peterhead Decommissioning Limited Peterson SBS Petrofac Port Services Group Production Services Network (PSN) Project Development International (Pdi) Ltd Proserv Offshore RAM Tubulars Scotland Ltd RBG Ltd

Red Stone Drilling Ltd Romar International Ltd Rotech Subsea Royal Bank of Scotland Sabre Safety Ltd Scanmet A.S Scopus Engineering Ltd Scotsafe Testing Ltd Seajacks UK Ltd Seal-Tite UK LLC Shell UK Limited Shepherd & Wedderburn Silverdot Ltd Simmons & Company International SMD Robotics Ltd SMRU Ltd Spartan Solutions Ltd SPEX Services Ltd Squibb Group Ltd Subsea Asset Location Technologies Ltd (SALT) Subspection Ltd Superior - Wild Well Energy Services Ltd Sureclean Ltd Talisman Energy UK Ltd Technical Lifting Solutions Tepa Oil & Gas BV TETRA Technologies Ltd Thinktank Maths Ltd Titan Salvage c/o Titan Maritime (UK) Ltd Tracerco Ltd URS Corporation Valuta Limited Veolia Environmental Services Wikborg Rein LLP Wood Group Partners Caithness Chamber of Commerce Carbon Energy Club Danish Marine and Offshore Group East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) IRO NOF Energy NSIG Scottish Renewables

Decom North Sea is jointly funded by Scottish Enterprise, Highlands & Islands Enterprise and the Department for Energy & Climate Change (DECC) for the first two years of operation.

Contact Decom North Sea, Riverside House, Riverside Drive, Aberdeen AB11 7LH Tel: +44 1224 224129 Fax +44 1224 224301 email:

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