What are Some Major Uses of AI-Enabled Camera Systems?

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What are Some Major Uses of AI-Enabled Camera Systems?

The rapid advancement in technology has made our life much easier and today Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the talk of the town because of its multiple uses across the spectrum. There are huge efforts from leading companies across the world to integrate AI across a range of activities that human beings carry out.

A glaring example of the faster evolving AI systems is the use of Artificial Intelligence in the camera systems. AIenabled cameras are fast replacing traditional cameras in many industries and places across the world. Due to its versatility and adeptness AI-enabled cameras are proving to be indispensable for many people & businesses.

There are many industries that are adopting AI-enabled cameras for their day-to-day operations and here in this article, we will discuss the major uses of AI-enabled camera systems.

Traffic Control

One of the best examples of the integration of AI-enabled camera systems in our day to day life is the usage of these cameras in traffic management. There is an increase in smart traffic management systems and the backbone of the whole infrastructure is AI-enabled camera systems.

These AI-enabled cameras help in the collection and deciphering of live visual feeds that are then used for efficient traffic management and even in preventing fatal accidents. As artificial intelligence-enabled devices use deep learning technology they can easily decipher a situation and the information collected is then used by the authorities to manage the flow of traffic.

There are various functions carried out by AI cameras like individual vehicle monitoring, traffic density estimation, and keeping an eye on the speed limits of the vehicle.

Automated Broadcasting

One of the niche areas where artificial intelligence-enabled cameras have proven their worth and in fact taken over the whole business is in the field of sports broadcasting. Gone are the days when people with cameras in their hands were used to cover sporting events & multiple cameras would have to be set up to take shots & record videos from different directions.

Nowadays, sports event broadcasting has undergone a complete transformation with the use of artificial intelligence-enabled cameras in recording & live streaming events. The AI-enabled cameras are being integrated with network connectivity which helps them in streaming live videos from the sporting arena.

Besides that, smart cameras are also extensively used by players and coaches to learn the strategies and game plan of their rivals because AI-enabled smart cameras have the ability to automatically analyze video streams & their deep learning algorithms helps in understanding various nuances of the game.

Security & Surveillance

The use of artificial intelligence-enabled cameras has been most prevalent in the security and surveillance sector. The rapid urbanization coupled with the rising population has made it an absolute necessity to completely modernize our whole security and surveillance apparatus.

The use of artificial intelligence-enabled security cameras has made it somewhat easier for law enforcement authorities to keep an eye on vital infrastructures and areas. The safety of the citizens has been enhanced with the use of AI cameras that are capable of providing 24-hour surveillance without fail.

Moreover, the use of artificial intelligence-enabled cameras is not only limited to just monitoring and keeping an eye on the whole scenario. But of late, with the use of deep learning these cameras have the ability to analyze captured visuals and videos with face recognition technology to identify any potential threat & raise alarm.

Tracking Made Easy

Another area where smart cameras have made things easy for the authorities is in tracking anything they want that is, with the use of artificial intelligence in these cameras tracking moving vehicles and items have become easier. For example, now it has become a lot easier to track vehicles in hit and run cases

Besides that, tracking people involved in suspicious activities has also become easier with the use of artificial intelligence cameras. There are also instances where the feed from the AI-enabled cameras is also used for behavioral pattern recognition in people.


The above-discussed factors are some of the sectors where the use of artificial intelligence-enabled cameras is rising by leaps and bounds and people & organizations are also getting benefited from using these cameras. If you are thinking about one of these cameras, then get in touch with the professionals for integrating it into your business environment

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