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MI ST MI ST,f rom ourgl ori ousPI XL mosai c col l ecti on f eatureswaterdesi gnsi n the most exqui si te way.Beari ng a uni que array ofti des,ocean wavesetc,al lpaternsboast beauti f ulnaturalcol orpal attessel ected by ourprof essi onaldesi gners.Ourexcl usi ve *AddTek sof tware can convertany i mage ordesi gn no matterhow abstractor compl ex i n mosai c-ready drawi ng usi ng the gl assmosai c ti l e col orsf rom our extensi ve tesserae l i brary.

* AddTek m osai c renderi s vi sual l y si mi l arbutm ay have sl i ghtvari ati ons due to f actors l i ke;texturaldi versi ty i n m osai c tesserae and l i ghtcondi ti ons.

FastProduct i on

AtMEC,wehaveal ways envi s i onedt heper f ect bal ancebet weenmoder n andt het i mel es sanci ent t echnol ogi es . MEC’ shandcr af t edmagi c wi l laddt heper f ectbl endt o yours ur r oundi ngs !

EďŹƒci entDesi gn

Ourexcl usi ve *AddTek sof tware can convertany i mage ordesi gn no matterhow abstractor compl ex i n mosai c-ready drawi ng usi ng the gl ass mosai c ti l e col orsf rom ourextensi ve tesserae l i brary.

Heaven Sparkl e Lapi s 0241311

Heaven Spar kl e Moss 0241312

Heaven Spar kl e Dar k 0241315

TealW ater Fantasy 0241413

Gray W ater Fant asy 0241415

Mi dni ghtW ater Fant asy 0241411

AbstractGray Spl ash 0241515

AbstractOcean Spl ash 0241511

AbstractGreen Spl ash 0241512

Bl ue Si l ent W aters 0241611

Em eral d Si l ent W at er s 0241612

CharcoalSi l ent W at er s 0241615

Dark Depths Em eral d Sea 0241712

Dark Depths Ocean 0241711

Dark Depths Monochr ome 0241715

Mi ghty Bl ue Ocean 0241811

Mi ghty Br own Ocean 0241814

Mi ghty Emer al d Ocean 0241812

Moonl i ghtGl ow Mi dni ght 0241911

Moonl i ghtGl ow Gr een 0241912

Moonl i ghtGl ow Gr ayscal e 0241915

Em eral d W aterSparkl e 0242012

Aqua W at erSpar kl e 0242013

Bl ue W at erSpar kl e 0242011

Gray Ocean Terrai n 0242115

Bl ue Ocean Ter r ai n 0242111

Jade Ocean Ter r ai n 0242112

Carol i na Bl ue Oi l y W aters 0242213

Prussi an Bl ue Oi l y W at er s 0242212

Rusty Brown Oi l y W at er s 0242214

Spl endi d Bl ends Vi ntage 0242315

Spl endi d Bl ends Lake 0242311

Spl endi d Bl ends Tur quoi se 0242312

Crashi ng W aves Bl ue 0242411

Crashi ng W aves Aqua Gr een 0242412

Crashi ng W aves Gr ay 0242415

Crashi ng W aves Sepi a 0242414

Ocean Aquam ari ne 0242511

Ocean Monochrom e 0242515

Storm y W aters Azure 0242611

Storm y W aters Gr ay 0242615

Storm y W aters Gr een 0242612

Mi dni ght Sm ooth Seas 0242711

Em eral d Smoot h Seas 0242712

Dark Smoot h Seas 0242715

Drowned Deep Bl ue 0242811

Drowned Deep Tur quoi se 0242812

Mysti c W aters Jade 0242911

Mysti c W aters Sunset 0242914

Mysti c W aters Gr een 0242912

Deep Bl ue Rogue W aves 0243011

Monochrom e Rogue W aves 0243015

Sepi a Rogue W aves 0243014

Em eral d Rogue W aves 0243012

Gi antTi des Teal 0243111

Gi antTi des Gr ayscal e 0243115

Gi antTi des Emer al d 0243112

SurfRush Bl ue 0243211

SurfRush Gr ay 0243215

SurfRush Gr een 0243212

Cycl one Pi t Tropi cal 0243311

Cycl one Pi t Gr assl and 0243312

Cycl one Pi t Gr ayscal e 0243315

AQUA Hurri cane 0243413

MONOCHROME Hur r i cane 0243415

EMERALD Hur r i cane 0243412

Pi ne Green Stri ngs 0243512

Mi dni ghtBl ue St r i ngs 0243511

Cl earOceans Prussi an Bl ue 0243611

Cl earOceans Emer al d 0243612

Cl earOceans Char coal 0243615

Le galNot i c e

You may notr epr oduce any partofthi scatal og wi thoutthe wri tt en authori zati on ofMEC. Ther e ar e no l i censes,ei theri mpl i ed orexpr essed,t or epr oduce any partofthi scatal og or any ofthe mosai c desi gnsunl essthe l i cense i si n wri tti ng and si gned by MEC. Copyri ghtLawspr ot ectthe cont entofthi scatal og,i ncl udi ng the phot gr aphsand the MEC mosai c desi gns.

“ MEC�and t he desi gn oft he LEMNI SCATE:

ar et he t r ademar ksofMEC

MEC expl i ci t l yr eser vesal lr i ght st ot hi scat al og and t he mosai c desi gnst her ei n, i ncl udi ng t he r i ghtt o br i ng l egalact i on f orCopyr i ghti nf r agment .




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