The Happenings

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The Happenings November 2013 Get Ready for the Historical Fashion Show of 2014 pg. 20

A Changing of the Guard... Introducing TH’s New Editor in Chief pg. 3

Pssst... Did you hear? MECDA Released another teacher announcement for Cairo Caravan 2014! Wait ‘til you see who it is! pg. 5

CONTENTS Whats Happening This Issue... Pg. 2 - Calendar of Events Pg. 3 - Letter from the Editor Pg. 4 - MECDA Bulletin Chapter Happenings Pg. 7 - Arizona Chapter Pg. 8 - Heartland Chapter Pg. 9 - Inland Empire Chapter Pg. 10 - Las Vegas Chapter Pg. 11 - Los Angeles Chapter Pg. 12 - San Francisco Chapter

Health and Wellness Pg. 23 Chapter and Central Board Pg. 25 TH Staff and Special Thanks Pg. 27

From Our Readers Pg. 13

How to Submit and Article Pg. 28

Get to Know the Editor: Zabel’s Story “How I Became a Dancer” Pg. 15

MECDA Mission Statement Pg. 29

The Fashion Event of the Year “Historic Fashion Show 2014” Pg. 20


Beauty and Lifetyle Pg. 22

Calendar of Events

November 2013


December 2013

Want to see your event here on TH calendar and on the master calendar located on the MECDA website? Make sure you connect your Google Account Calendar to the MECDA Master Calendar. Link your Google based calendar to or e-mail the editor for instructions.


Letter From the Editor A Changing of the Guard...

Dear MECDA Members, I am so pleased to be your new editor in chief at The Happenings. I am honored and so grateful for the opportunity to continue to connect and grow the MECDA chapters, and by extension the whole MECDA family. There will be some exciting new changes in the upcoming months of The Happenings, and I look forward to hearing from all of you. A bit of background on me: I am a classically trained dancer. I have been studying different dance forms since the age of three. I graduated from the University of New Hampshire as a Dance Major. At the university, I focused my studies on how dance effects the self confidence and empowerment of “the mover” or dancer. I also studied dance critique writing and critical design of moving work. All of this I have translated into my work as a Middle Eastern Dance Artist. I have been professionally teaching, and performing Middle Eastern Dance since 2008. My pursuit of education and my continual reach to share this great gift of dance is what drives me each and every day. Today I live in the coastal town of Kittery, ME with my adoring fiancé and our two guinea pigs who are the lights of our lives. I look forward to sharing more about myself in the many issues to come. Until next issue, keep shimming! Your Sister in Dance, Zabel


Special Announcements Change to Central Board Meetings: The Central Board Meetings are now being held on the second Sunday of the month. These meeting are open to any MECDA member, and the central board highly encourages attendance, since important decisions and updates are made at these meetings and they would love for you to be a part of your organizations decisions. These meetings take place over Skype (audio only-no video) at 9am Pacific Time/12:00pm Eastern Time. If you wish to attend the next meeting please RSVP by December 4th with your Skype name to MECDA Secretary, Rosa Noreen at The Next Meeting Will Take Place on Sunday December 9th 9AM PT/12PM ET We hope to see you there!


Special Announcements Are You Ready????

Cairo Caravan 2014 Register for Your Spot Now 5

OUR SECOND TEACHER ANNOUNCEMENT FOR CAIRO CARAVAN! Lee Ali will be teaching Zar and 1950 Golden Age Greek Style Belly Dance. Stay tuned for an exclusive TH interview with this amazing teacher!

MECDA Chapter Happenings

Want to know what other chapters have been up to? Read reviews of past events, see sneak peaks of future events, and celebrate with all of the chapters on their accomplishments. MECDA is a nation wide organization of dancers dedicated to sharing their love of this dance. It is important that we all stay connected with each other. If you want to submit a review of one of your chapter events to be seen here in this section of TH, please email them to our editor at Please make sure when you submit an event to a review you include the chapter


Arizona Chapter


Heartland Chapter Heartland’s Fall Workshop and Show Hallie Marie, founder and principal dancer of Basharaat Dance Company, Lincoln, Nebraska teaches “Creating Combinations” and “Tribal Veil” workshops during the day. Workshop participants entertain with a show that evening.

We Heard it was a huge success! Congratulations Heartland! Can’t wait to hear what you are doing next! Congratulations to the New Board Members of the Heartand Chapter President - Darcy Predmore Vice President - Judie Dansby Secretary - Suzanne Shields Treasurer - Paige Parker


Inland Empire Chapter

An Evening of Punk Raqs


Las Vegas Chapter

Join us for an evening of dance and fun at The Big Fat Deal Hafla! Doors open at 6:45pm. The show will begin shortly after 7:00pm. Special Guest Performers by Wendy and Sandi of FatChanceBellyDance速! Performances by TABU, Bohemia, Manhattan Tribal and Friends, Azuluna, Twisted Gypsy, Tribal Treasures, and more! We will also end the evening with an ATS速 Jam so you can rock out the improv! Vendors include Beth Miller for Scentsy; Leilani Burns will vend necklaces and braclets; and Diva Dreads. We will also be selling raffle tickets for $1 to win some lovely gift baskets to help support our local MECDA chapter. MCing the show will be our very own, David Sinclair.

Congratulations to the New Board Members of Las Vegas Chapter President - Virginie Inara Guillemette Vice-President - Cindy Cindy Coons Secretary - Beth Miller

Treasurer - Kirsten Staton


Los Angeles Chapter So many great holiday gatherings going on in Los Angeles this upcoming month! Can’t wait for the reviews to come in.


San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Congratulations on the Spice of Life

Fundraiser event! It

looks like it was a lot of fun!

Events like The Spice

of Life are wonderful opportunities for

chapters to make a difference in the

dance community

and the community at large.

Many dancers enjoy giving back to the

community that has helped them grow.


From Our Readers n! o i t c Se Hear w e N t to ! n a We W m YOU Fro

Do you have a question, comment, photo, or love note for TH? We would love to hear form you, and so would the rest of our readers! Send in your letters and see them posted here in the next issue of “The Happenings�.

Dear TH, I am always so excited to read about what other chapters are doing. I think it

So sad to see Etoile leave, you will be missed! But very happy that Zabel is joining TH. Can’t wait for the new changes :-) L

is wonderful that MECDA is working on all of these great dance projects all around the country! Shimmies from the East Coast!


Dear  Happenings, I  can’t  wait  to  see  what  the  new  magazine  will  look  like!  I  am  really  looking  forward  to  the  new  columns  and  the  on-going  announcements  about  Cairo  Caravan. Sincerely, Jan

Special Feature

How I Really Became a Dancer A True Story of Self Discovery by Zabel I had walked up these steps before. Not many times, but I knew by now where they took me. I knew the familiar smell of dust that clung to each and every cob web spun by the myriad of spider generations that lived in this hall way. The sounds of machinery punching holes in some kind of sheet metal were lost in my ears when I rounded the corner to ascend up the second flight of stairs. The old brick warehouse was sweltering hot this late summer afternoon. The heat seamed to trap and muffle all noises, holding them down someplace in the cold cement basement where none dare walk alone. I didn’t mind the silence. I savored these moments of solace. It was my time to meditate and gather my thought before she arrived. I always tried to get to the studio with time to spare so I could get comfortable and make a part of the space mine. I loved it here, high above the corner of Washington Street and Stone Place, in my tree house studio, with the sweeping weeping willow tree outside the window. And I always wanted her to enter the studio where I had danced peace and serenity into the space already. She had two jobs; one was more stressful than the other. She had already given so much to me, the least I could do was make her time her as stress free as possible. She was a second mother to me instantly. Everything about her, even her faults, I had come to love. I knew the universe wanted us to meet, wanted me to be here; to learn from her. Half way through my dance warm up I could hear the key turn in the lock, and her head popped through the door. The smile she flashed me hinted towards the kind of day we were going to have together. That little “boy, do I have something for you!” smile that curls her dainty lips. The softening of her age brushed cheeks told me we were doing some serious dance work today. The name of this wonderful woman is Lorraine Lafata. Her occupation is a social worker and belly dance teacher. I made the decision to take a year off after high school and train with her for a year as a student of the ancient art of belly dance. I found my way into her incredible studio through a shamble of e-mails I sent out, desperately hoping someone was looking for a dance intern. I found the wonders of belly dance three years earlier when one of my friends brought me to a beginner class. From that moment on, I knew that this art form was my calling. I absolutely fell in love with the movements, and the mystery that encompassed it. I took classes for two years afterwards. I was always searching for a way to improve my skills. I had seen dancers perform before and I knew I was missing something. I couldn’t put my finger on it; this elusive force that seemed to emanate from some dancers. I decided that I must


figure out how to find this force and capture it, because just learning how to imitate the steps was not enough. Lorraine was the one who took me under her wing. Our agreement was, she would give me classes and take me on as her intern, if I helped around the studio, and handled advertisement. I was also to give the studio a push on the internet by creating and maintaining a website for her. Today, I was receiving one of my private dance lessons from Lorraine. I had asked to run shimmy drills. A shimmy is one of the basic building blocks for a belly dancer. It is a slight, almost vibration, originating from the hips while the rest of the body stays completely still. It is a subtle yet powerful up and down motion like a piston moving at dangerously high speeds. When done properly it looks effortless and smooth as if the dancer could do the motion in a resting position. I knew I didn’t have the proper momentum in my hips and I needed to get my shimmy right before I could move on to more advance movements. Lorraine took my hand and led me to the middle of the floor. Gentile music played in the background, easily forgettable it was so soft. She told me to center myself in my feet. I had to find my natural placement in my own body, evenly weighted over each foot, arches kissing the ground. Then she told me to close my eyes. A bit hesitant, I obeyed. I had never heard of a shimmy drill starting out this way. Normally the music was blasting and you literally shimmy until it hurt, trying to layer it with other moves, walking around while shimmying, and all sorts of other acrobatic like stunts. This was obviously not the case today. I wondered for a brief moment if Lorraine even remembered we were working on my shimmy. But my restless thoughts were smoothed over when she began to speak. She told of how I could, with my own life energy, reach into the ground; the very earth, and feel the vibration that rests within its core. This vibration, the heartbeat of the earth was the thing that powered my shimmy. And in order to do a shimmy correctly, I had to connect with the earth in the most intimate levels. With Lorraine by my side, I took my conscious energy and imagined it flowing through my body out the soles of my feet. It had to travel through the ground, through the stars, through the room below us and the room below that. My energy traveled right through the concrete of the basement foundation. Like a flower stretching it roots it groped for rick dark soil, spreading out in long silvery tentacles, my energy intertwined itself with the very crust of the earth. When I was inside the Earth, I could pause and feel the smallest pitter patter, a very light beating; like the heart of a mouse. It was a warm vibration that found its way to my energy strands. Once I found this power, Lorraine’s voice drifted to my ears. She instructed me to grab onto the energy and pull it up; up from the soil, up from the basement, up from the rooms below all the way up into the soles of my feet. I let the Earth’s energy into my body and I could feel actually feel the 16

power hum and collect in my feet. It was a small tingling inside the sole of my feet that bounced around; the life energy grew to such an amount that I had to let go of the control and drag it up into my ankles where it could expand. And expand it did! My legs trembled in a fascinating way. My knees gave way to the demanding pulse I had pulled from the earth. This power almost with a mind of its own finally found its way to my hips. They loosened and swayed gathering up all the energy from my thighs all the way down to my feet. I was wrapped in a kind of warmth that did not belong to the summer air, but to the earth in all her majesty. I came to the realization that I held in my body a force that was not my own but something that was so much bigger than I am. It was a force that belonged to no one and everyone. This force that was playing in my hips was something that everyone could use, if they choose, it was a gift from our planet; our living, beating planet. As I meditated on this thought I noticed the shimmy had grown to an even larger amount. I was so filled with it, that if I did not move it up it would burst right out! So the shimmy continued to travel up my body. The energy passed into my shoulders moving them back and forth at high speeds, then into the center of my chest making the movement smaller and sharper. Raising my arms above my head I raised the energy that was building and offered it to the sky. I could feel the earth’s pulse leave from my fingertips, allowing for a calm to take over my insides. A velvet black silence slipped into every corner of my body, and left it at rest. Lorraine was cooing praises along with direction in the background. “Good, now bring the energy back down, Nichole.” I distinctly remember her saying. “The energy must travel back through your body, let it sink into you. Think of it passing into your fingers, playing in the palms of your hands. Guide it back into your chest, passing through your heart. Let it become part of you, offer part of your energy to it. Feel how it has slowed to a heartbeat, how it translates to your hips; a more gentile rhythm…” I closed my eyes and focused on the pulse. I felt how the energy pushed through the velvet quiet of my body, leaving ripples, tiny echoes of the force it once was. I felt so fulfilled and connected at a complete peace that I felt small tears roll down my flushed cheeks. They caressed my face, cooling on the way down to my chin. So taken was I with the idea that I had just been given an amazing gift and I was now giving back to the earth, moved me to tears. Never had I cried so openly. Never. Once the earth received her energy entangled with mine, I was able to breath, and collect myself. Lorraine swept over to me and wrapped me up in her motherly arms, whispered in my ear “And now you know how powerful a real shimmy can be.” She let me stay there just breathing and reflecting on my experience. 17

Ever since that day, I have never danced the same. I know I can call upon the earth’s energy whenever I need it. I frequently, tap into this energy allowing it to float me over the dance floor or raging behind me pushing me through whirlwind of turns and leaps. I understand now what I had been missing. I was missing that intimate connection to my surroundings and to myself. I found out that I could not send a universal message in my performance if I did not have a way to connect to others through myself connection. On that fateful shimmy day, I was given the chance to go inside myself and learn what it felt to be completely in tune with my body and the force that feeds all life. I have been able to connect more to my audiences and more importantly, I have connected to myself. I was given the greatest gift of my life, the gift of dance. The story above was written by Zabel back in 2008 at the beginning of her dance studies at the University of New Hampshire. It was written as an essay describing a very personal moment. Zabel chose to write about the moment when she truly became a dancer. This moment has helped define and guide her performance and teaching practice, and developed her personal theory of self empowerment through Middle Eastern dance.


History & Culture


Discover a New Portion of Our Dane History or Learn a New Cultural Tid-Bit. This Month its all about that Vintage Look. We hope you enjoy these vintage snap shots.

Are you a dance history or culture buff? We want to hear from you! Send your related articles to

Historical Belly Dance Costume Fashion Show 2014 By Jenza (Suzanne McNeil) The Historical Belly Dance Costume Fashion Show was originally at the Queen Mary for Cairo Caravan in 2012. About 19 costumes of various styles and era’s graced the stage among which the 70’s were well represented as well as impressive folkloric examples. The well-attended original show included a PowerPoint presentation, historical background, and descriptions for each costume. Many of the models and contributors of these incredible costumes were extremely well known dancers like Helena Vlahos, Princess Farhana, Marguerite, and Anaheed! The attention to detail was greatly appreciated and the show caused quite a positive buzz in our dance community. It is my pleasure to bring this show back to you as a fund-raiser for MECDA on February 1st, 2014 at Studio-A Dance, 2615 Hyperion Blvd., Los Angeles (Silverlake). The show will start at 7:00pm, however, doors will open at 6:15pm. It is my goal to show an eclectic range of styles from folkloric to cabaret in the time periods encompassing Little Egypt through the mid-1980’s. Most are actual v i n t a g e creations, and a few dedicated reproductions as well as creations inspired by iconic costumes or characters from film, books, and stage. Most of the outstanding costumes from the original show are returning again because of their amazing appeal. Helena Vlahos will return to display her amazing beaded costumes. Helena’s work alone is worth the trip out to experience the show. I have yet to see anything to compare to the level of her expertise. 20

The ever-entertaining Princess Farhana has been collecting vintage costumes since we last saw her modeling the “Barbara” costume in the 2012 show. I can hardly wait to see what she will bring to us this time! Marguerite will return showing a s h e r “ go l d e n t re a s u re ” Matilda Somerfeld. Other Bushman, as well as myself.

her museum quality folkloric sets as well costume by the talented designer, designers represented will be Amal, Kat

If you attended the original will be enough new material to participants added in the next show!

show in 2011, you can be sure that there excite your senses. There will be more couple of months to create an opulent

Come support MECDA and snacks and refreshments following the show to meet the you there!

have a wonderful evening. There will be served. There will be a reception designers and take pictures. I will see

Interested in joining the 2014 Fashion Show? You Can! You can purchase tickets at Just go to their web page and type in “Historical Belly Dance Costume Fashion Show”. $20.00 early bird tickets on sale until January 31, 2014, $25.00 at the door. Contact with questions or if you wish to submit a costume for the show.


21 22

Health & Wellness


A Monthly Reflection by Tonya Chianis LSP

NOVEMBER - LETTING GO Hi everyone! Hard to believe it's the end of the year. Hope this one was a blessed one for you. If you've experienced a stressful year, it's time to really understand and know what it means, to "Let Go and Let God" (or Good) if you prefer.

Whenever things worry, or trouble us. or we have a situation that creates stress, we usually let it take over all our

thoughts. By letting go, it doesn't mean you just forget it, it means to focus momentarily on the situation. Relax, close your eyes and ask your higher power to guide you to your highest and best for all concerned. During this time,

recall that you are worthwhile and that you do deserve the highest and best. Then, put your focus of attention on something that you really need to get done but have been putting off, and do it.

Like fixing a costume for a

performance. Fix it so it will be ready. Try different things to keep your mind off the problem. Start a mantra like "I am

divinely guided at all times" and just keep it going for a while. This is an affirmation, and affirming your good (always in present tense), keeps your mind off the negative.

It's really quite amazing, but you will get past all the negative

happenings and good will prevail as it is supposed to in your life. But, about those costumes. You know you

really do have to fix some hooks and eyes, rips or tears, adding beads, etc. Do it before your next performance or you may find when you grab it to wear on the spur of the moment (it just won't work), and you'll have to go for another costume which of course may also need some repairs. There are many ways to take yourself out of the negative,

but they all begin in your mind. Let it happen. LET GO OF THE NEGATIVE AND REPLACE IT WITH THE POSITIVE!. Thanks Giving Blessings to All.





Central Board Members


CHAPTER DIRECTORY Arizona Chapter President: Shannon Conklin Vice President: Amanda Rose Secretary: Gail Wolfenden-Steib Treasurer: Melissa Pilacelli Scimio Southern Rep: Dawn Formoe Northern Rep: Holly Luky Bay Area Chapter President: Bonnie Stensler Vice President: Leyla Lanty (Lois White) Secretary: Hazar (Heather Meeker) Treasurer: Peggy Hennessee

Las Vegas Chapter President: Samira Tu'Ala (Alisa A. McAffee) Vice President: Karla Warren Treasurer: Kirsten Staton Secretary: Cindy Coons Event Coordinator: Raven Sumner Assistant Coordinator: Estela Heartland Chapter President: Judie Dansby Vice President: Marisa Lewis Treasurer: Paige Gledhil Secretary: Suzanne Shields

Inland Empire Chapter President: Seylena Troi (Michelle Palladine) Vice President: TBA Secretary: Tina Theophilos Treasurer: Helen Pembrook Los Angeles Chapter- Interim Officers: President: Glammiest Hamchilla Vice President: Michelle Hilario Secretary: Aurelle Garner Treasurer: Marianne Jeanette Poff Event Coordinator: Maryann Van De Car

We excitedly await the outcomes of all the Chapter Elections for 2014 Chapter Board Members. For those chapters that have already completed your elections, congratulations to the new board. We look forward to working with you and seeing what wonderful things come from your year in office.


The Happenings Staff & Special Thanks Editor in Chief - Zabel Contributing Writer - Etoile Contributing Writer - Jenza (Suzanne McNeil) Staff Writer - Tonya Chianis LSP

I would like to send a special thank you to the Central Board and all of the MECDA members as they bear with me through the process of the change over of the guards here at TH. I do promise to bring you a quality magazine with useful information each month. TH will be starting off the new year with a new look, new columns and new energy. I am really looking forward to doing my part to bring the MECDA family closer together.


Want to Submit an Article? Its very easy to submit and article to The Happenings. We are always looking for new articles and hearing what the chapters are up to. If you have an idea for an article or would like to pitch the editor a proposal for a column then contact Zabel at Articles are always due on the 15th day of the month prior to the upcoming issue. You can submit an article at any time by e-mailing a word document or pages document to if your article is chosen to be published we will contact you ahead of time to let you know when to look for your work. We ask for photos with photographer credit along with an “author box� which is a one paragraph bio that may include your web site. Featured articles are anywhere from 600-1000 words in length. For more information or clarification, do not hesitate to contact us at TH.


MECDA Mission Statement


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