Think about... how can i manage my pasture better this spring? Effective pasture management is critical to getting maximum value out of your pastures. One thing is certain – the right gear makes it easier. Owning just one machine rather than a separate mower, topper and tedder to control your pasture makes perfect sense to anyone that manages their time & money carefully. The MAXAM + Wilter can leave a tidy row or a full spread using the same machine! Ring us today on 06 356 8781 to talk about upgrading
Designed to make your pasture healthy Make time to harrow! ATV sets available from $920
3 ranges of Hustler Soft Hands Now avaliable with optional slotted equaliser Bar This enables fast and tighter stacking of bales Invest in this time saving machine today and save yourself $$$ Available from $2699
Edition 10, 2016 All prices are plus GST
Visit - Ph - 06 356 8781 Mech Agriculture, 23 Noel Rodgers Pl, Palmerston North |