Cultivators, Levellerssupports... & Rollers - Call us to discuss your requirements Mech Agriculture Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter
Sale! From just $2770
Mech Agricuture donates to this good cause every year
Many of our customers, families & friends have benefited from this service So purchase a machine from Mech Agricuture in Feb 2016... At your request a % of the sale will be dontated to the Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter!
Mule Post Driver RRP $16,435 Summer Special price $14,990 - 4.0m HD beam - 90mm rockspike kit Other options avaliable
Edition 1, 2016 or 06 356 8781
Mech Agriculture, 23 Noel Rodgers Pl, Palmerston North | *Be in to win a x5000 for a season. Conditions apply - contact us for more details.