Mech Agriculture - Edition 8, 2016

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Utilize your FREE FERTILISER (manure) with... Heavy Duty Harrows Evenly spreads and finishes Levels and Smashes

Transform this ...

Middle bar with powerful levelling action

16mm rear ring section with no spikes, lays flat and spreads material superbly

into lush pasture!

Wear resistant High grade steel

Won’t pull back under strain

20mm triangles with aggressive,

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are you ready to do your own cultivaton work this spring..? See inside for huge range of used machinery Celli 120/225 Spike Rotor Very good condition $13,200

Howard 3m Power Harrow Very good condition $9,900

Celli 130/ 2.5m Hoe Ready for work $10,000

Edition 8, 2016

Visit - Ph - 06 356 8781 Mech Agriculture, 23 Noel Rodgers Pl, Palmerston North |

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