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Vol. 27, No. 40 | Richmond Suburban Newspapers | February 2, 2011
Giles Farm project a go, finally By Jim Ridolphi For The Mechanicsville Local After a decade of hearings, community meetings and revisions, a plan to develop the Giles Farm tract on Atlee Station Road gained approval from the Hanover Board of Supervisors at last Wednesday’s meeting. Ten years in the making, the final version finally receiving
the panel’s nod did not include a provision that allowed connectivity between adjacent neighborhoods, including Atlee Manor. Many residents of that subdivision, established in the 1960s, objected to a plan that would have connected their quiet streets to the entrance of the new development. Deputy county planner
David Maloney said his department was in favor of the plan that provided that connectivity, but the developer’s representatives said they could live with an option that did not connect the developments. The Virginia Department of Transportation approved both plans. Hanover planners have included connectivity in many
projects in recent years. The concept provides easy access between developments that eases traffic on main thoroughfares. In this case, residents said the cost of that connectivity was too high, and feared a signifiJim Ridolphi for The Local cant impact on their peaceful Many residents in Atlee Manor, established in the 1960s, said they felt their peaceful existence would be threatened if cars lifestyles. see GILES, pg. 13 `
were allowed to cut through their neighborhood in order to access the new Giles Farm Subdivision.
Lap Band giveaway taps two Hanover winners Secours Lap Band Weight Loss procedure giveaway and will have the operations performed at no cost. Two Hanover residents will undergo lifeThe two were chosen from more than 500 changing surgeries in the upcom- area residents who submitted applications for ing weeks at St. Mary’s Hospital the free surgery, designed to raise awareness in Richmond. of the obesity epidemic. Sarah Steele and John Steele will take the leap first entering the Greene are the recipients of hospital in the next few days for the Bon overnight surgery. The Jim Ridolphi for the Local local hairstylist said she John Greene, left, entered the contest after and Sarah Steele hearing about it on the address the press conference. radio. In addition to the obvious health benefits of the surgery,
By Jim Ridolphi For The Mechanicsville Local
her motivation for seeking the operation is an unselfish desire to care for her infant son Evan. He was born with a serious kidney condition that could eventually require a transplant. At four feet, 11 inches, Steele was not a viable candidate to supply the needed organ due to her weight. “We’re happy to provide this for Sarah so she can go on and help her child,” said Dr. Matthew Brengman of Dominion Surgical Associates, the bariatric surgeon who will perform Steele’s operation. Steele, 26, said the surgery will allow her to donate a kidney to her son should that become necessary. “My main motivation for doing this is to see LAP BAND, pg. 13 `
Health care reforms guidelines a moving target for employers By Jim Ridolphi For The Mechanicsville Local To describe the recently passed Health Reform legislation as complicated might be an understatement. With different aspects of the program phased in over numerous years, it’s hard for the seasoned professional to understand the complicated guidelines. Members of the RASH
with any labor repair service Offer not vaild w/products on sale. Must have coupon present to receive offer.
see HEALTH, pg. 17 `
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