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Vol. 27, No. 51 | Richmond Suburban Newspapers | April 20, 2011


Supervisors set hearing on redistricting By Melody Kinser mkinser@mechlocal.com Members of the community will have an opportunity to express their opinions on the redistricting plan for 2011 in a public hearing scheduled for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 4. The Hanover County Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to seek public input during last Wednesday’s regular meeting. Kevin Nelson, the county’s geographic information system (GIS) manager, appeared before the supervisors to request the hearing. He noted

that less than 7 percent of the county’s voting residents would actually change election districts. Three public information session had been held, with 42 people attending. Nelson said 14 written comments also had been received. The plan recommended to the supervisors, Nelson said, changes the election district for 6,861 people, or 6.9 percent of the county’s population. As recommended, the plan would maintain the existing 34 precincts, but does affect 22 of

voted 6-0 on Wednesday night — Henry District Supervisor Charles D. McGhee was absent — to repeal the county code that requires vehicle decals and their associated see DECALS, pg. 8 `

Services held Monday for development leader

Easter joy

Photo submitted by Dr. Jeff Scott

The smile says it all for this girl who took part in Saturday’s Easter egg hunt at the Northside Baptist Church. She was enjoying some arts and crafts.

Colonial Mobile Glass Shop

Owner: Paul Dorn

the windshield stickers to By Jeremy Slayton Media General News Service gain entry to the county’s Hanover County residents solid-waste convenience cenare no longer required to pur- ters or display a Department chase county stickers for their of Public Works solid-waste decal. vehicles. The Board of Supervisors But residents may keep

see REDISTRICTING, pg. 8 `

Wade announces bid for re-election Elton Wade, the honor.” Wade supervisor from the said. “Together with Cold Harbor District, the other members has announced his of the Board, I have candidacy for a sixth worked to keep term. taxes low, improve “It has been a our K-12 education, privilege for me to strengthen our pubserve the people of lic safety, and purthe Cold Harbor sue smart growth District and Hanover WADE for the county. We County for the last have worked tire20 years and I look lessly to ensure that the enviforward to serving my constitusee WADE, pg. 4 ` ents for four more years if given

Decals on vehicles no longer required

Commercial Store Fronts Home Window Placements Auto Glass Repair/Replacement

Celebrating 33 Years of Service in the Mechanicsville Area



Massey Cancer Funeral services Center, P.O. Box were conducted at 980037, Richmond 2 p.m. Monday at VA 23298-0037. Congregation Beth Weiss, 60, of Ahabah in Richmond Mechanicsville, for the director of died Thursday Hanover County econight after a brief nomic development. battle with pancreBurial for Marc atic cancer. S. Weiss followed in WEISS On Friday, Signal Hill Cemetery County Adminisin Hanover. In lieu of flowers, contribu- trator Cecil R. “Rhu” Harris Jr., tions can be made to Thomas speaking on behalf of county see LEADER, pg. 4 ` Palliative Care Fund at VCU

Colonial Body & Paint Shop If you care about your car come to us

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04/20/2011 by Mechanicsville-Ashland Local - Issuu