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From 6 any different—thinking that you have to have all the answers or devaluing yourself because you are not where you expected to be—is an exercise in futility. The idea that your
carefully coiffed French twist falling in tendrils down her elegant neck. I whipped out my iPhone and took a photo to preserve the moment. We were having an adventure!
Visiting the VMFA has been one of our fun places to explore from the time my grandsons were about four years old. First, one sees the outdoor sculpture of Chloe, the enigmatic deceptively one-dimensional looking lady, then the Roman God of the Sea near the reflecting pool with Chihuly blown glass “flowers,” sculptures that catch the eye with hues of bright red. Gigantic lime green flower pots bear brightly colored blooms, and colorful bistro tables and chairs are sprinkled across the lawn for visitors to sit beneath big umbrellas. Dog walkers prance by with various hounds of all breeds and sizes. There are a pair of purple dogs who visit from time to time; I don’t recall whether their “person” has matching hair color.
On this particular trip, my grandson and I stepped into the lobby and had a snack in the Best Cafe of cookies and drinks, then took them to sit on the deck of the re - journey is uniquely yours is not poetry—it’s fact. So give yourself a break already and lean into the idea that it’s going to take a little time to fully become the next version of yourself. There will be regrettable mistakes and things you wish you could take back. Progress will not always look like you thought it would. My dear graduates and soon-to-be graduates, as you take these next steps I hope you remember that it is not always going to be easy but it will be worth it. Take your time. Enjoy the ride. Trust the process. flecting pool, which has recently been restored. We noticed the native Virginia water plants and grasses bordering the pool, which looks out on the expansive lawn described earlier. The Confederate Memorial chapel, pristine white with green shutters, occupies the corner of the lawn by Grove Avenue. Once we took sketchbooks and drew the chapel.
My grandson had recently checked out a copy of the Dorling Kindersley book on ancient Greek culture, so we decided to visit the section with Greek pottery and jewelry. We saw a ram’s head jug that looked just like the one in the text. The Greek vases with their scenes from mythology did not disappoint. From there we visited the Egyptian artifacts, including the sarcophagus. It was interesting to see what clues the museum researchers gained from technology to research the mummy. They were able to create an image of the face and colorful painting that would have been on the inside of the mummy mask.
We like to focus on just a few things each time we visit VMFA rather than try to see everything. Having noticed the native plants outside the reflecting pool, we decided to learn more about Virginia flora. The gift shop offered a guide to wildflowers of the Southeast. We expressed an interest learning more and were directed to the Museum library. There we met a very helpful person at the desk, Ms. Wetton, who, along with the librarian, helped us find books to read about Virginia plants. Ms. Wetton explained her own interest in plants, and even offered where to find some good seeds to sow.
The fact that admission to VMFA is free makes us grateful to the donors who make this possible. One can read their names on various parts of the Museum. We enjoyed a respite in the Louise and J Harlan Cochrane lounge, where we admired stained glass windows and also the view of Boulevard on a beautiful day.
Having satisfied our quest for antiquities from ancient cultures, enjoyed yummy cookies, and had a “National Geographic” view of wildlife right in urban Richmond, we chalked up another successful visit to VMFA. My grandson and I are looking forward to our next time exploring one of our favorite attractions. For a calendar of VMFA events, visit https://vmfa.museum/.
The museum is located at 200 N. Arthur Ashe Boulevard in Richmond.

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