4 minute read
Hanover Evangelical Friends
6420 Mech Trnpk. 804-730-9512, friendlychurch.org
Worship: Sun. 10:30AM
Sunday School @ 9:15AM
Fairmount Christian Church, 559-8070
6502 Creighton Rd.
Sunday AM Worship Traditional
8:00 & 10:15, Contemporary 9:00, Modern 11:15, Bible School at 9:00, 10:15, & 11:15.
Rick Raines, Senior Minister; Chris Santasiere, Associate Minister; Seth Wortman, Associate Minister; Tracy Thomas, Worship &Music Minister; Bill Nicol, Associate Worship Minister; Davis Ellenberger, Youth Minister; Ashley Sears, Children’s Director fairmountcc.org
Gethsemane Church of Christ
5146 Mechanicsville Turnpike
Sunday AM Worship Services (Check website for times) 804-779-2044
Bill Wines, Senior Minister www.gethsemanechristians.org
Truth Baptist Church, 627-2170
All info at: www.truthbaptistchurch.com
St Paul Lutheran Church (LCMS)
427-7500 ∂ 8100 Shady Grove Rd, saintpaul-lcms.com
Rev. Rodney Bitely, Pastor; Sun. Sch. 9:15am, Worship 10:30am
Home of Atlee Christian Academy & HopeNow Counseling. info & more: www.hopenow.cc
Fairfield Presbyterian Church
6930 Cold Harbor Rd., 23111 8:45 & 11:00am services www.fairfieldpcusa.org
Meadowbridge Seventh-Day Adventist Church
7400 Antique Lane Mech.,
Saturday Services:
Sabbath School, 9:45 am.
Worship Service, 11 am.
Wednesday evening Prayer Meeting, 6:30pm. Church phone: 746-2788 meadowbridgesda.org meadowbridgesdachurch@gmai l.com
Black Creek Baptist Church, 6289 McClellan Road
Sunday School - 9:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 10:15 a.m.
Adult Bible Study & Youth Group
Wed. nights at 6:00 p.m.
Pastor, Stephen Kendrick blackcreekbaptistchurch.org or call (804)781-0330
Cool Spring Baptist Church 9283 Atlee Station Rd.
For info, activities & worship times visit www.coolspring.org or call 746-0800
Fellowship Community Church of Mechanicsville
After 10 years at Hanover High School we have purchased our own building. We continue to teach the Word of God and watch for the miraculous.
Join us Sunday mornings 9:45am at 8505 Bell Creek Road, Suite K. www.fellowshipcc.com
Mechanicsville Baptist Church 8016 Atlee Rd. Office: 804.746.7253
Worship in person and Live Streamed on YouTube & Facebook on Sundays at 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Find us on the web at mechanicsvillebaptist.org
New Bethesda Baptist Church 9019 New Bethesda Rd. 779-2101
Caleb Bittler, Minister
Sunday School 9:30 AM, Worship 10:45 AM
Bible Study/Prayer Youth & Children activities 6:30pm, Wednesday www.newbethesda.org
New Highland Baptist Church 550-9601, 9200 New Ashcake Rd newhighland.org, 9:15 AM Bible Study, 10:30 AM Worship In Person & online. Rev. Derek Nicksich
Shalom Baptist Church
8116 Walnut Grove Rd. Office: 746.7737
Worship in person and Live Streamed on YouTube & Facebook on Sundays at 8:30 & 11:00 a.m Wednesday Night Suppers at 5:30 p.m. and Bible Study at 6:15 p.m. Find us on the web at shalombaptist.net
Walnut Grove Baptist is a Church committed to following Jesus & loving people. You can find us at wgva.church 7046 Cold Harbor rd
Lebanon United Methodist Church
8492 Peaks Road, 746-0980
Sarah Sealand, Pastor Worship In Person and on Facebook Live:
10:00 am each Sunday www.facebook.com/LebUMC
9:00 am Sunday School
For more info, check us out at www.lebanonumc.org
Mechanicsville United Methodist Church
7356 Atlee Road 746-5118
Reverend Amy Dunn, pastor
10 am in person worship or Facebook live @MechUMC Childrens and Youth Programs Cub Scouts Pack 517 www.mechumc.org
Shady Grove United Methodist 8209 Shady Grove Rd. at the corner of Meadowbridge Rd., Mechanicsville, 804-746-9073 shadygroveumc.org
In-person Worship Sundays at 8:15, 9:45, & 11:15 a.m., Online at 9:45 a.m. Programs for all ages. Rev. Wayne Snead, Pastor info@shadygroveumc.org
Church of the Redeemer 8275 Meadowbridge Road 746-4911 www.churchredeemer.org
Mass celebrated on Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 AM
Public Notice
Notice is hereby given thatthe Hanover County Planning Commission has set Thursday,June 15, 2023, at 6:00 P.M., in the Board Room of the Hanover County Government Building at Hanover Courthouse, Hanover,Virginia, as the day,date, time, and place for apublic hearing to consider the following cases, at which public comments will be accepted:
Request to rezone from A-1, Agricultural District, to AR-6(c), Agricultural Residential District with conditions, on GPIN 7789-77-6552, consisting of approximately 14.32 acres, and located on the north line of Mount Hermon Road (State Route 656) approximately 1,200 feet west of its intersection with CheroyRoad (State Route 659). The subject property is designated on the General Land Use Plan MapasAgricultural. The proposed zoning amendment would permit the creation of three (3) building lots for agross density of one (1) dwelling unit per 4.77 acres. (PUBLIC HEARING) Magisterial District: Beaverdam
Request to rezone from M-1(c), Limited Industrial District with conditions, and R-1, Single Family Residential District, to B-1(c), Neighborhood Business District with conditions, on GPIN 7796-94-7576 and 7796-94-6872(part), consisting of approximately 12.75 acres, and located on the south line of Atlee Road (State Route 638) approximately 375 feet east of its intersection with Cool Spring Road (State Route 652). The subject property is designated on the General Land Use Plan MapasLimited Industrial and Suburban General (1.5 –3.0 dwelling units per acre). The proposed zoning amendment would allowfor expansion of the Rutland YMCA, including the addition of outdoor soccer fields. (PUBLIC HEARING) Magisterial District: Chickahominy
Request aConditional Use Permit in accordance with Sections 26-110.25 of the Hanover County Zoning Ordinance to allowa recreation facility on GPINs 7796-94-7576 and 7796-94-6872(part), zoned M-1(c), Limited Industrial District with conditions, and R-1, Single Family Residential District (concurrent request to rezone to B-1(c), Neighborhood Business District with conditions), consisting of approximately 12.75 acres, and located on the south line of Atlee Road (State Route 638) approximately 375 feet east of its intersection with Cool Spring Road (State Route 652). The subject property is designated on the General Land Use Plan MapasLimited Industrial and Suburban General (1.5 –3.0 dwelling units per acre). (PUBLIC HEARING) Magisterial District: Chickahominy
II, L.L.C.
Requests to rezone from A-1, Agricultural District, to RS(c), Single-Family Residential District with conditions, on GPINs 7880-92-1335(part) and 7880-81-6802, consisting of approximately 52.25 acres, and located on the north line of East Patrick Henr yRoad (State Route 54) at its intersection with Providence Church Road (State Route 662). The subject property is designated on the General Land Use Plan MapasPlanned Business and Commercial. The proposed zoning amendment would allowthe development of 150 single-family homes for agross density of 2.87 dwelling units per acre. (PUBLIC HEARING) Magisterial District: Beaverdam
Copies of the above cases may be reviewed in the Planning Office, Monday through Friday,between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. please contact the Planning Office or you may also go to https://w ww .ha novercou nty .go v/696 /Plan ning-C ommission-Up coming -and-A rchive for more information