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John M. Gandy Elementary School hosted its first-ever Amazing Shake last week, a friendly competition that allowed students to learn and develop professional qualities — from the mechanics of a proper handshake to how to introduce themselves so that they are able to present themselves exceptionally well for opportunities today and in the future. The top three participants for each grade level each received a trophy at a school-wide assembly Friday afternoon. The assembly followed a memorable shake-off in the library after eight fifth grade students all got perfect scores from every judge.

update its Comprehensive Plan. Called “envision Hanover,” the plan is the county’s long-range vision of Hanover over the next 25 years, addressing land use, housing, economic development and natural resources. It also provides guidance on where growth may be appropriate throughout the county and what that growth should look like. Hanover residents’ feedback will shape the Comprehensive Plan and decisions regarding growth, preservation and public investment for years to come. Based upon the feedback received, the project team has been working to identify key concepts related to land use, economic development and historic resources. Residents will be able to share their ideas by participating with an in-person meeting or webinar, depending upon their schedules. The Hanover Board of supervisors will hold public work sessions on the Comprehensive Plan on July 26. The current schedule calls for the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on the proposed update in august, with the board’s public hearing to take place a month later. For information on the planning process, and how you can participate, visit www.envisionhanover.com. you can also follow the process on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Trinity Lutheran Church, ashland Campus, located at 11515 ashcake Road in ashland 2 miles west of U.s. 1, holds its church service at 5 p.m. with Pastor Rev. dr. Roy Minnix. Visit www.trinityrichmond.net or call 804-270-9626.
SUNDAYS all souls episcopal Church celebrates Holy
The new appointees are being injected into a School Board that has been an epicenter for dispute in recent years.
The board debated a number of topics that have mirrored political controversies at the national level, including transgender student policies, the renaming of schools named for Confederate leaders and, more recently, school book policies.
School Board Chairman John Axselle III — who represents the Beaverdam District and is being replaced by Coleman — has been students in Mrs. Tyler’s preschool class at Henry Clay elementary school took a field trip earlier this month to Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden and used a “bee’s eye view!” They explored pollination and discovered the important role bees play in the development of fruits and seeds. eucharist Rite II at 9:15 a.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church at 8154 atlee Rd. in Mechanicsville. a nursery will be available for infants and toddlers. Katherine G. dougherty is the deacon in charge of all souls. Visit www.allsoulsva.org. a Healing and Recovery ss Class meets at 9 a.m. at the Walnut Grove Baptist Church at 7046 Cold Harbor Rd. in Mechanicsville. one of the more heavily criticized county residents.
The class is for adults 18 and over and is an extension of the northstar community that also meets at 6 p.m. Fridays at the church.
The Christian 12 steps and Biblical wisdom are the basis of study and discussion to learn about God’s place in our lives. all are welcome. Contact 804-746-5081 or contact Craig simpson at craigwgbc@gmail.com.
Outside the Walls, a narcotics anonymous group, meets from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Pamunkey Regional Jail at 7240 Courtland Farm Rd. in Hanover. Contact John shinholser, Mcshin president, at 804-249-1845. The website is http://www.mcshin.org.
In April, he supported an effort to give a consolidated elementary school the name Ashland Elementary after it appeared that the school was settled to be named after John M. Gandy, a historical Black educator. Critics said it was political retribution for the board’s earlier decision to rename schools that were named after Confederates.
Last year, Axselle was accused of violating federal student privacy law by using his personal email to send private student information to Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative legal advocacy organization.
a Grief support Group through Griefshare will be starting on Monday, May 1, from 6:308:30 p.m. at Meadowbridge sda Church, 7400 antique Lane, Mechanicsville, Va 23116. This is a 13-week session cycle and you are welcome to begin attending at any point in the cycle. The group will provide help and encouragement to those mourning the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Let us help you on your journey from mourning to Joy! There is a registration fee of $25 to help cover the cost of the workbook, which is paid at the church (you can pay in increments if need be so don’t let that stop you from coming). Register at www.griefshare. org searching for us by entering the zip code 23116. Refreshments will be provided. For more information, reach out to the Program director, Beth dyakon at 804-304-1165.
The Hanover Concert Band rehearses from 7 to 9 p.m. every Tuesday, Our rehearsals are now from 7-9 PM, mid February through our annual Christmas concert at the Hanover arts and activities Center at 500 south Center street in ashland, just south of U.s. 54. Membership is open to anyone who can read music and play a non-string instrument. High school students are welcome with parents’ permission. Visit www.hanoverconcertband. org or call 804-789-0536.
The american Legion Post 175, located at 8700 Bell Creek Road in Mechanicsville, holds a “Meet and Greet, Coffee and donut” event from 9-11 a.m. every Tuesday for the community and perspective members to meet members and learn about what they do for the community. Visit http://www.post175.org/.
Hanover Rotary meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Roma’s Restaurant at 7240
At the time, the board was considering a policy that would require transgender students to submit written requests asking for access to school facilities that align with their gender identity. That policy passed 4-3 and was largely written by the ADF.
Axselle has served as School Board chair nine times and as vice chair four times during his 28-year tenure.
Hanover NAACP President Pat Hunter-Jordan, who has opposed Axselle’s views during most of these controversies, announced in August that the Hanover NAACP was calling for his removal.
Hunter-Jordan said she is
Bell Creek Rd. in Mechanicsville. due to the pandemic, contact President Penny at pennyguiles43@gmail.com for current meeting at Roma’s or Zoom connection information.
Walnut Grove Baptist Church will be conducting Free adult english Classes (esL) and Citizenship Classes (Passing the Test) Wednesday mornings. Classes will meet from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at 7046 Cold Harbor Road, Mechanicsville, Va 23111. For more information, contact the church office at (804) 746-5081 or contact Frank at wgbcinfo@comcast.net or (804) 402-7701. The classes are free but students are asked to purchase the books required for the class.
The ashland Rotary Club meets weekly at noon at the Iron Horse Restaurant at 100 s. Railroad ave. in ashland. For more information, contact steve dunham at 804-496-6093 or sandrdunham@yahoo.com.
Overcomers Outreach & Women’s Codependency is a Christ-centered anonymous support program offering hope and healing for recovering alcoholics, addicts and their families. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at shalom Baptist Church at 8116 Walnut Grove Road Mechanicsville. For more information, call 804-366-6524 or email mjfaith1@gmail.com.
new Highland Baptist Church hosts open basketball gym time for adults in the Christian Life Center (CLC) starting at 7:30 PM. The church is located at 9200 new ashcake Road in Mechanicsville. Use the side back entrance to enter. Contact Jeff Fitzgerald at jkfitzgerald@comcast.net.
Civil air Patrol, Hanover squadron, meets Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian Church, 6930 Cold Harbor Road, in Mechanicsville. CaP is an awesome program for youth, ages 12- 21, as well as for adults who care about young people and hoping the new board members will be more receptive when she and other residents raise concerns about school policies, though she said she is upset that diversity on the board is changing very little.

“To me, it looks like they are appointing the same (ideas). There is no difference,” HunterJordan said. “We just don’t know what’s going to happen.” want to help train america’s next generation of Leaders. you’ll find cadet life exciting if you enjoy Flying, Leadership Training, Model Rocketry, earning Rank & awards, and much more. Visit hanover.vawg.cap.gov or contact Capt James Wright at 804-551-3354 or james.wright@vawg.cap.gov.
Supervisors, she said, had a chance to appoint people of color, but passed up those options for the current appointees.
Officially, Axselle will retire from his position on July 1 when Coleman and Welsh assume their posts.
The Building Bridges group of narcotics anonymous is a fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. The group’s mission is to bring a message of hope and recovery to those suffering from addiction issues. They meet on Fridays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Mechanicsville United Methodist Church, 7356 atlee Road in Mechanicsville. Visit rvana.org.
ashland saturday soundtracks—saturdays from 4 to 7 p.m. through October, guests are invited to shop, dine, and play in downtown ashland while they enjoy the musical styles of local performers. every ashland saturday soundtracks concert is free, accessible, and open to the public at 102 south Railroad avenue. Learn more at ashlandVirginia.com/ soundtracks
First Thursdays
The ashland Beekeepers association (aBa) meets at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month at First Baptist Church 800 Thompson st in ashland. It is one of several beekeeping groups in the Richmond area offering educational programs and Q&a sessions about honey bees and beekeeping. all are welcome to attend. The aBa is now taking registrations for its annual Beginning Beekeeping classes which start February 4. For more information on meetings or classes, visit http://ashlandvabeekeepers.org or call Ron at 804-651-3504.
The Board of Supervisors previously heard a presentation from County Attorney Dennis Walter concerning the legal process for removing a School Board member. The presentation made no reference to any specific board member, though it was given after allegations that Axselle violated a student’s privacy.
Monolo and Davis signaled their intent to issue proclamations thanking the outgoing School Board members for their time on the panel.
“The citizens may not have always agreed with (Axselle’s) approach to things, but he served the county well over those years,” Monolo said.