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Vol. 30, No. 40 | Richmond Suburban News | February 5, 2014
Public reviews school budget plan By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local
Citizens had their first chance to comment on Hanover County Public Schools’ 2015 budget last week, and more than a dozen took the opportunity to express their views on the proposed document.
Afreen Gootee, president of the Hanover Education Association, said the proposed 2 percent increase for all teachers is not enough. “While we support these efforts, we would like to encourage you to consider increasing the salary percentage to 6 percent which was my
original recommendation in December,” Gootee said. She based that request on the fact that Hanover teachers have not had a raise in five years, and the Virginia General Assembly is proposing a 6 percent increase for state-funded teachers. Angela Downer, presi-
dent of Hanover Professional Educators (HPE), expressed her support of the county’s effort to maintain current benefits level, but also endorsed an increased percentage in the compensation package. She spoke in favor of supplying computer devices to all see BUDGET, pg.14
Medicaid expansion debate Chillin’ put in the spotlight with sign with Local
By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local
Photo submitted by Stewart Roberson
Taken by surprise might be an understatement when describing Del. Chris Peace’s reaction to a Mechanicsville Tea Party sponsored sign on Ashcake Road. The sign read: “Why does Del. Peace support Medicaid Expansion with borrowed money and higher taxes? He voted yes.” According to the 97th District delegate, not only does
Jeff Roberson of Mechanicsville, a member of the University of Virginia Class of 2014 and Atlee High School Class of 2010, catches up on the news back home with a copy of The Mechanicsville Local before he calls it a night on Thursday, Jan. 2 while camping at Base Brown in Antarctica.
the sign misrepresent his posi- action. “Unfortunately, some people believe that there is a political advantage to misleading the public, resorting to anonymous attacks and false statements. Honor should mean something. This current trend in our community is wrong and it violates the public trust,” he said last week. The sign, erected by memDEL. CHRIS PEACE bers of the Mechanicsville Tea tion, but it also misstates the Party, alleged that Peace supfacts of a 2013 state budget see SIGN, pg. 25
OKMS 8th grader wins Spelling Bee
fter 13 challenging rounds, Jenny Droujinsky, an eighth grade student at Oak Knoll Middle School, was declared the 2013-2014 division spelling champion for Hanover County Public Schools. The winning word was “lucrative.” Evelyn Pritchard, a see BEE, pg. 5
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