The Mechanicsville Local – 12/02/2020

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Vol. 36, No. 36 | Richmond Suburban News | December 2, 2020


Several county offices move to Martha Ann Fields building

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HCPS needs help to keep schools open

HANOVER -- The Hanover County Departments of Assessor, General Services, Human Resources and Parks & Recreation have moved. They are now located within the Martha Ann Fields Building in the Courthouse complex at 7515 Library Drive to the immediate east of the Hanover Branch Library. Parks & Recreation and Human Resources are located on the first floor of the Martha Ann Fields Building. The Assessor’s Office and General Services are located on the second floor. Additional staff from the Department of Public Works (including the traffic engineer, airport manager and chief of solid waste operations among others) and Building Inspection fields operations personnel are located on the ground floor. Phone numbers and email addresses are unchanged.

(Editor’s note: The following was submitted by Michael Gill, Ed.D., superintendent of Hanover County Public Schools, and Thomas G. Franck, M.D., M.P.H., director, Chickahominy Health District.) Dear families, faculty, and staff, We are writing to share an important health-related update with you. While this message is applicable to all, this message is specifically intended for

our face-to-face families. Choices matter -- and we need your help with keeping our schools open. Over the past few weeks, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of positive COVID-19 cases reported in Hanover County. The data indicates that the vast majority of these cases are a direct result of community spread at social events where youth and/or adults gather and do not take

the necessary health precautions, such as wearing a mask and maintaining proper social distancing. This includes indoor and outdoor gatherings and sporting events, children playing in neighborhoods, sleepovers, and other recreational activities. These choices are having a direct impact on the number of cases reported in our schools, which also is rising, particularly within our high schools.

This also has a direct impact on our ability to continue providing in-person instruction. We are doing our part, and we ask that you do yours. Our faculty and staff are working tirelessly each day to help ensure our buildings are as healthy and safe as possible. Our health mitigation strategies are working. The spread of see SCHOOLS, pg. 12

Seniors get dinners due to county partnership Staff Report HANOVER – Seniors received an early Thanksgiving dinner thanks to the Hanover County Sheriff ’s Office and the Rutland Kroger last Wednesday after deputies loaded 13 meals into their patrols cars to distribute throughout the county. Lt. James R. Cooper, Hanover County Sheriff ’s

Office public information officer, said, “The seniors that will receive these dinners are part of the TRIAD-sponsored program called Adopt-A-Senior. The intent of this program is to provide additional support and reassurance for older adults with special needs.” He also said that individuPhoto submitted by Lt. James R. Cooper als or couples aged 60 and over who live alone and have Members of the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office joined with Rutland Kroger managers and see SENIORS, pg. 12

employees in gathering Thanksgiving dinners for seniors in the county. They were delivered last Wednesday.

see FIELDS, pg. 19

Grab those holiday gifts now with handmade jewelry or a book by a local author. Come see our new selection today! We support and sell crafts and artwork from our local artists. Not sure what to choose? A gift certificate is always perfect. Still open & providing a safe place to shop • Social distancing & curbside pickup

8106 Mechanicsville Turnpike across from the windmill in the old Degoff’s building | | 804.730.2665

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