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After the storm . . .
Vol. 30, No. 15 | Richmond Suburban Newspapers | August 14, 2013
Class size, teacher pay addressed By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local The Hanover County School Board is wasting no time setting goals and plans for the upcoming budget year. On Thursday, the group met with top Hanover County Public Schools administrators at the Hampton Inn in Ashland to discuss a variety of issues facing the
Photo submitted by Lynda and Len Ellington
The storm that rolled through Mechanicsville Saturday afternoon caused a tree with a 40-inch diameter to fall on a truck and trailer that Len Ellington uses in his landscaping business. They were parked in his driveway in the 8300 block of Carneal Lane when the tree fell. The National Weather Service in Wakefield determined the system was not a tornado but strong winds and thunderstorms. Dave Lawrence/The Local
Nick Fisher points to damage to an adjacent tree when another tree in his yard toppled in the thunderstorm that hit Saturday. He has lived at Brooking Way and Daffodil in Mechanicsville since 1986.
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system. Superintendent Jamelle Wilson outlined the county’s long-range plan for 2012 to 2019, adopted by the board last year. “This meeting is to talk through your priorities,” Wilson said. “It’s important for us to all be on the same page.” Board members outlined a mission that includes a commitment to instruction and
high quality education staffed by quality educators in a safe secure learning environment. The system strives to include community participation while managing resources efficiently and effectively. Chairman Bob Hundley said the goal see WORKSHOP, pg. 22
National Night Out: all about neighbors able to serve you.” His department had a strong presence on Tuesday, Aug. 6, with ood, fun and fellowship officers presenting programs can sum up National such as Project Lifesaver by Night Out — and that’s Sgt. Tim Sutton. McGruff the just the way Hanover Crime Dog was seen out in County neighborhoods Mechanicsville that evening. embrace the observance. “You’re just good citiCol. David R. Hines, zens,” Hines told residents sheriff, said, “It’s all about the of Rose Hill. He noted the people. It’s about the comsuccess of programs such munities we serve. We have to see NEIGHBORS, pg. 27 make sure that we are always
By Melody Kinser
Melody Kinser/The Local
Col. David R. Hines, sheriff of Hanover County, presents Cameron Smith, 3, with a coupon for an ice cream from Lulu’s Creamery as part of a promotion to encourage bicycle safety by wearing a helmet. Her 1-year-old brother Kai is also shown. Deputies who see a child wearing a helmet will present a coupon to the Mechanicsville ice cream shop.
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