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Vol. 30, No. 18 | Richmond Suburban Newspapers | September 4, 2013


Sheriff: comp plan changes impact service

Public on plan update: most don’t see need By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local

Jim Ridolphi for The Local

Todd Young of the South Anna District spoke in opposition to the Comprehensive Plan revisions and wanted explanations from his supervisor, Wayne Hazzard.

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Hanover County’s proposed Comprehensive Plan Update contains some significant changes to current land use guidelines, and, last week, the members of the public got their first formal opportunity to speak on the record regarding the new plan and the changes proposed. After numerous community meetings and

workshops conducted by the Hanover County Planning Commission and Hanover County Board of Supervisors, a line of speakers echoed a familiar anti-revision message to concerned supervisors at Wednesday’s public hearing. Many commented on the new plan’s intent to target high-density housing and growth in certain portions of the county. Most said expanded see UPDATE, pg. 26

By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local

Jim Ridolphi for The Local

Col. David R. Hines addressed the Hanover County Board of Supervisors last Wednesday.

If Hanover County is talking about future development and high-density housing, Col. David R. Hines wants a seat at that table. The sheriff voiced his see SHERIFF, pg. 25

Local family hopes to adopt three siblings from Uganda By Jodi Deal jdeal@mechlocal.com When Desiree and Matt Williams tuck their four children into bed at night, three beds in the kids’ rooms remain empty. The kids the Williams’ feel belong in those beds are a world away in Africa, waiting in an

orphanage in Uganda. It will likely take $35,000 to $40,000 to complete the adoption process, along with plenty of red tape, ranging from home visits to official government dossiers and $10,000 court dates. Desiree and Matt of Mechanicsville own and operate a Snap Fitness gym in King William County, where he is a

part-time deputy with the King William Sheriff ’s Office. The Mechanicsville community is helping the Williams family and their friends in their attempt to raise funds to retrieve 9-year-old Margaret, 6year-old Joel and little Kenneth, Photo provided by the Williams family who is 4. Desiree and Matt Williams are shown with their four biological children, from left, Titus, Azriel, see UGANDAN, pg. 4

Emma and Trinity. The family is in the process of adopting three siblings who range in age from 4 to 9 from Uganda.

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