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Vol. 30, No. 43 | Richmond Suburban News | February 26, 2014
Investigators: someone knows Boundary lines something about ’04 homicide confront schools By Melody Kinser
(Editor’s note: On March 17, 2010, we launched a series of articles focusing on cold cases being investigated by the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office. The first recalled the Aug. 14, 2004, shooting death of Russell D. Franklin, 27, of Mechanicsville. Last week, investigators again brought the homicide to the public’s attention as they work to bring Franklin’s killer(s) to justice.) With a “we simply do not quit� attitude, Col. David R. Hines, sheriff, and investigators in the Hanover County Sheriff ’s Office
believe someone has knowledge about who took Russell D. Franklin’s life early on a summer morning almost 10 years ago. The 27-year-old Mechanicsville man died as a result of a single gunshot wound to the chest. His body was found FRANKLIN shortly after 3 a.m. on Aug. 14, 2004, in his 1995 light blue
Cadillac on Old Hickory Drive. His vehicle had run off the road and hit a privacy fence in a parking lot. Last Wednesday, Lt. Chris R. Whitley said the Sheriff ’s Office is seeking the public’s assistance in helping to solve the case. Hines and investigators are turning to the public as they pursue new leads that,
Creative ‘maker’ program receives more funding
It’s like there’s an elephant in the room when it comes to any discussion of adjusting boundary lines of Hanover County students to more equally distribute students and resources. Nothing draws more comment from parents than the mention of their kids being moved from one school to another. One Milestone resident
said rumblings of just such a move caught his attention, and he expressed his opposition to that proposal. Craig Colombo, president of the Milestone Homeowners Association, recently told Hanover County School Board members that he’s heard rumors of proposed plans to redraw boundary lines, a move that would affect his children who attend Atlee High School. “Throughout the school see BOUNDARY, pg. 15
Foundation gearing up for Miss Mechanicsville Pageant
By Jodi Deal
When entering The Georgetown School’s 4H Maker Space when volunteer instructor Paul Lambert is around, creative is the best word to Photo submitted by Mikael Giese describe the students’ “studies.� Joey Mazza, left, Alex Monnin, T.J. Handy Students who attend Lambert’s sessions at that and Cole Silverthorne explore the concept school or two Hanover County 4-H after-school of clean and renewable energy by creating a see CREATIVE, pg.19
see HOMICIDE, pg. 7
By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local
way at 6:30 p.m. on May 17 at Atlee High School. Sponsored by the Miss Preparations are underway File photo by Jodi Deal/The Local Mechanicsville Pageant for the 2014 Miss, Junior, Little Brittany Brooker, 2013 Miss Foundation, girls in grades Mechanicsville, is congratuand Tiny Miss Mechanicsville see PAGEANT, pg. 19 lated by fellow contestants. Pageants, which will get under-
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hydrogen-powered vehicle.
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