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Vol. 30, No. 48 | Richmond Suburban News | April 2, 2014
Citizens voice support for proposed 2015 budget By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local More than a dozen speakers voiced support for this year’s budget proposal, and specific opposition to an idea of cutting the real estate tax by 2 cents at a recent Hanover County Board of Supervisors’ budget public hearing.
If there is extra money in the upcoming budget, a number of citizens had ideas on how best it could be spent, pointing to schools, the Sheriff ’s Office and other pressing needs. “I respect that Hanover is conservatively run and that we have a AAA bond rating,” Dr. Michelle Schmitt said. “Now, there’s more to be had and
School boundary lines off the table?
needs are not being met.” Another resident echoed those sentiments and said requests by the Sheriff ’s Office, Fire/EMS, the Commonwealth’s Attorney as well as county employees should be considered. “I urge you to support all of the unfilled needs across. These people
“As our county, we are fortunate to have strong leadership in our schools. It’s made a huge difference in our community,” Giana Clark said. Ashland resident Toni Radler spoke against the tax reduction. “I’m concerned you are going to do to the see BUDGET, pg. 8
Showers can’t dampen ShukNPul fun
By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local If the issue of redistricting isn’t dead in the eyes of most Hanover County School Board members, it certainly is on life support after a workshop session last week. Several members expressed opposition to any plan to study new boundary lines at this time. “The data simply doesn’t support it,” John Axselle, Beaverdam District, said. DAVID MYERS
have been patient during the economic downturn and now it’s time to meet those needs,” Mary Anne Pugh said. Many speakers spoke in favor of the increased funding for schools contained in this year’s budget, including funding for salary increases for teachers and expanded instructional opportunities.
Tom Haynie/The Local
Saturday’s showers could not keep away the crowds that support the Mechanicsville Ruritan Club and Hanover Habitat for Humanity every year at the ShukNPul. This year marked the 34th for the Ruritans. The club has partnered with Habitat for the second year in a fundraiser that supports Hanover County fire and rescue squads and home-building efforts. At left, Harvey Kendrick, Donna Hoy, Hailey Hoy and Randy Kendrick get ready to eat. At right, Hailey takes a bite into an oyster, the star of the day’s menu. More photos can be found on Community, page 9.
see BOUNDARY, pg. 24
Come see our five decorated models in Hanover
We build on your lot or ours!