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Vol. 30, No. 49 | Richmond Suburban News | April 9, 2014
Budget vote is today Staff Report The Hanover County Board of Supervisors are scheduled to adopt a $390.6 million budget during today’s regular meeting. According to the agenda
on the county’s website, http:// w w BCC/Board_of_Supervisors/ Agendas/04_09_14.pdf, supervisors will take action on the proposal, which includes additional funding for increases in public safety and an increased
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investment in Hanover’s workforce without raising taxes on the citizens. Adoption and appropriation of the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget and Associated Ordinances and see BUDGET, pg. 4
RSN wins VPA awards
Melody Kinser/The Local
Richmond Suburban News editorial and advertising staff members received awards Saturday evening at the 2013 News/Editorial and Advertising Contest of the Virginia Press Association. Shown are, from left, Drew Jackson, Roslyn Ryan, Jodi Deal, Sarah Suttles and Tom Haynie. For complete details on the honors, turn to page 4.
Art is a family tradition York City in June. It will be his first visit to the Big Apple, which he said will be “a good sculpture known as “Big Red” first.” He will receive has won Lee-Davis High School a gold medal for his senior Perry Ensign a award-winning work. Gold Medal from the Sheila BeVille, Scholastic National Art Awards. Perry’s art teacher at He describes his winning Lee-Davis, said her sculpture as “a big red ballstudent “is an outstandpoint pin.” ing young man with a His inspiration for Big magical mind. He has Red? Perry said it was a 10BeVILLE never failed to surprise foot mailing tube. me with his creativity According to the and inventiveness. I think he could build anyVirginia Museum of thing that he put his mind to.” Fine Arts, the nonPerry said BeVille has been guiding profit Alliance for him in his pursuit of art since he arrived Young Artists & Writers at L-DHS four years ago. partners with regional Art, he said, is “a big part of my affiliates to administer the family.” Scholastic Art & Writing PERRY “My grandma (the late Ruth Awards. It is the nation’s ENSIGN Ensign) was painter. My dad longest running and considWITH (Steve) has a done little it of ered the most prestigious ‘BIG RED’ art. That side of the family award and recognition has been pretty big into art program. because of my grandma.” Perry will take part in see ART, pg. 4 a three-day event in New
By Melody Kinser
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