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Vol. 31, No. 51 | Richmond Suburban News | April 22, 2015
$397.6 million budget approved
Vaughn seeks former office
By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local
Contributed Report HANOVER — Hanover Commonwealth’s Attorney candidate Ed Vaughn is pleased to announce his campaign to become the certified Republican nominee in the upcoming June 9, 2015, election. This month, Vaughn said that the people of Hanover County deserved better representation and that justice is being denied to many victims of crime in Hanover due to the lack of leadership by the current administration. “Having been C o m m o n w e a l t h’s Attorney in Hanover for 20 years (from 1980-2000), I could no longer sit idly by and VAUGHN watch criminals guilty of DUI and vehicular manslaughter not even get tried for DUI, and only receive four years for vehicular manslaughter while other jurissee VAUGHN, pg. 4
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Jim Ridolphi for The Local
Budget director Shelley Wright presented the county’s $397.6 million budget for approval to the Hanover County Board of Supervisors
HANOVER — It’s a done deal. There was little discussion and few changes as budget director Shelly Wright presented the final proposed 2016 budget for final approval to the Hanover County Board of Supervisors. The supervisors approved a $397.5 million budget at a special meeting last Wednesday at the county complex. Hanover’s current tax rate of 81 cents per $100 of assessed value is maintained in the budget. Benefits from an increasing trend of higher sales tax return.
Atlee Station Y sets $40,000 goal
Although Fire Chief Jethro Piland’s request for four additional positions was not included in the final document, he expressed thanks for the eight positions he is getting for Companies 1 and 2. “I am grateful and appreciative of their support,” Piland said after the supervisors unanimously approved the General Fund budget. County administrator Cecil R. “Rhu” Harris Jr. said the requests were not ignored, and, once the eight positions are filled and in place, he will examine possible ways to fund the additional positions. “We have other needs too, but we’ll take a look at see BUDGET, pg. 28
Students fill HCSB meeting
By Meredith Rigsby News Editor MECHANICSVILLE — Every year, each branch of the YMCA of Greater Richmond launches an annual campaign to raise money to support the organization. The funds raised from the respective campaigns are then reinvested into the community. This year, Atlee Station’s Family YMCA will kick off its 2015 Annual Campaign on Tuesday, April 28, with a goal of $40,000. Also planned see Y, pg. 25
Jim Ridolphi for The Local
Members of Hanover Students for Freedom and Information packed the meeting room when the Hanover County School Board met Tuesday, April 14, in Ashland. Story on page 4.