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Vol. 31, No. 1 | Richmond Suburban Newspapers | May 7, 2014
STOPS AT EVERY HOME IN TOWN Jim Ridolphi for The Local
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Supervisors approve priority list
County administrator Cecil R. “Rhu” Harris Jr. outlined a list of initiatives for the Hanover County Board of Supervisors to consider in the upcoming year. They included the completion of a new citizens’ survey and the ongoing construction project of a new courthouse building. The board approved Harris’s list of 2015 initiatives by a unanimous vote.
By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local It’s not bragging if you can back it up. County administrator Rhu Harris outlined a long list or recent achievements enjoyed by the Hanover County during the last year and laid out a prioritized
plan for the upcoming 12 months during a recent meeting of the Hanover County Board of Supervisors. Harris makes the presentation annually, but this year’s outlook is noticeably more upbeat than recent forecasts and projections. For the first time in years, the county
appears to be emerging from a stubborn economic downturn that affected almost all areas of the local economy, and Harris said many of the county’s stated annual initiatives were accomplished in 2013. He identified a group of initiatives see PRIORITY, pg. 28
Weiss awards to be presented at May 29 event
Tomato Festival Pageant applications being taken Staff Report Here she comes . . . Tiny and Little Miss Hanover Tomato Festival Pageant. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, June 28, at the East Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad located at 8105 Walnut Grove Road in Mechanicsville. The winners’ names will be announced on Saturday, July 12, during the opening ceremonies of the 36th annual Hanover Tomato Festival
at Pole Green Park at 8996 Pole Green Park Lane in Mechanicsville. Contestants will gather in the area of the entertainment stage. Lovely young ladies in two divisions compete for the titles Tiny Miss, age 3 or 4 as of July 12, 2014, and Little Miss, age 5, 6 or 7 as of July 12, 2014. Organizers ask: What little girl doesn’t love tiaras, dresses and tomatoes? Even if she doesn’t, she may still be eligible to participate in the pageant. In addition to the age spec-
Staff Report
File photo
Tiny Miss and Little Miss Tomato Festival contestants from the 2013 pageant gave a regal wave to the crowd before the announcements of the winners were made after the opening ceremonies. This year’s pageant will be held on Saturday, June 28.
ifications, contestants must fee will be accepted on a first a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call come, first served basis. reside in Hanover County. The Hanover Tomato 804-365-7150 or hanovertomaCompleted pageant applications with a $50 registration Festival will be held from 9
The impact the late Marc Weiss made on Hanover County and its economic development success continues thanks to the Hanover Business Council of the Greater Richmond Chamber. On May 29, during the Marc Weiss Hanover Workforce Education Forum and Awards at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, the 2014 Marc Weiss Hanover Workforce Awards will be presented to recognize see WEISS, pg. 26
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