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Vol. 31, No. 9 | Richmond Suburban News | July 2, 2014
Bell Creek mixed use project OK’d
Festival pageant shines a light on the county’s cutest By Jodi Deal
anover Tomatoes are the best in the world, Lynn Watson told a crowd gathered on Saturday, June 28, at the East Hanover Rescue Squad. “We also grow the cutest little girls,” she said, gesturing toward a group of little girls decked out in their Sunday best in the room’s “princess
section” awaiting their chance to compete for the titles of 2014 Tiny and Little Miss Hanover Tomato Festival. The pageant doesn’t allow makeup or pageant dresses. Instead, contestants participate in a question-and-answer session with Watson, who serves as director/emcee. As the participants range in age from 3 to 7 years old, the results are reliably cute and humorous, drawing giggles from the audience of
By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local
Jodi Deal/The Local
Sarah Stokes, 3, left, showed Lynn Watson, Tiny and Little Miss Hanover Tomato Festival Pageant director, the contents of her doggie purse during the Tiny Miss portion of the pageant, which was held on Saturday, June 28. The essentials Sarah brought in her bag included a pink lizard and a Minnie Mouse figurine. More photos at
friends and family. The winner wasn’t announced during the pag-
eant. Instead, Tiny and Little Miss Hanover Tomato Festival see PAGEANT, pg. 12
Residents reminded about fireworks laws
Metro Creative Graphics
As Hanover County residents prepare to celebrate the Independence Day holiday, Hanover County Fire-EMS wants to be sure that citizens are aware of the laws regulating fireworks and their proper use. In Virginia it is illegal to sell,
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buy, use, ignite or explode firecrackers, skyrockets or similar things that contain any explosives or inflammable compound or substances that explode, rise into the air or travel laterally, or fire projectiles into the air. The only fireworks legally
allowed to be sold or used in Virginia are sparklers, fountains, Pharaoh’s serpents, caps for pistols and pinwheels (commonly known as whirligigs or spinning jennies). Residents are advised to observe see FIREWORKS, pg. 4
After numerous community meetings, environmental adjustments and engineering meetings, developers received the green light from the Hanover County Board of Supervisors for a 25-acre mixed use project located at the intersection of Bell Creek and Pole Green roads. Supe r v i s ors approved a rezoning that clears the way for development of the BEASLEY property by rezoning the property from agricultural to multi-family business and residential. Representing Hanover Land Investors, attorney Andy Cond-
lin said the proposed project meets all county regulations and Winding Brook restructure plan approved — page 24
is, in fact, under-developed under RM zoning requirements. But there were questions regarding storm water runoff, traffic and the effect the development would have on neighboring subdivisions. CONDLIN Hanover Grove resident Mark Beasley said he’s concerned about possible runoff from an existing earthen dam that abuts the see PROJECT, pg. 24
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