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Vol. 31, No. 10 | Richmond Suburban News | July 9, 2014
Un-Cookoff opens festival a day early By Melody Kinser
Sheriff: prepare for festival traffic On Saturday, July 12, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Lt. Chris R. Whitley, speaking on behalf of Col. David R. Hines, said the Hanover County Sheriff ’s Office anticipates traffic congestion along Pole Green Road between Interstate 295 and Walnut Grove Road due File photos by Ken Odor
see TRAFFIC, pg. 8
Hanover Fire-EMS volunteer Mary Frayser, left, uses a rented Segway to get around on the grounds at the 2013 Hanover Tomato Festival. At right, Dean and Jo Henty enjoy some ice cream at last year’s event at Pole Green Park.
The Hanover Tomato Festival Committee has an enviable dilemma: continued growth. Since 1978, when the Black Creek Volunteer Fire Department launched what has become “the” summer event in Mechanicsville, the attendance and participation overwhelm the grounds of Pole Green Park. Administrators and staff of Hanover County Parks and Recreation work with Tomato Festival Board members who represent the BCVFD, The
Mechanicsville Local and The Herald Progress to present the annual festival, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on see FESTIVAL, pg. 4
Myers: ‘It feels like we’ve had a good year’ By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local Hanover County’s Joint Education Committee is tasked with seeking mutual solutions on issues that affect Hanover County government services and Hanover County Public Schools’ operations. Over the past months, the group has seen its share of successes, including the consolidation of numerous services, saving both entities money and increasing efficiency. Consolidated functions between the school and county have resulted in the reduction of seven full-time positions.
Last year, many Hanover pattern will continue this sumOn Monday, June 30, the group met to receive an update schools got a facelift over the mer, with about $5 million in on school construction proj- summer break, and David improvements scheduled. He also noted the subtle effects of last summer’s exten“When I first came in, these numbers sive upgrades. “The schools were coming out of the sky, and look better, and morale is betwe could never pin down what they ter,” Myers said at the recent were spending it on. I want JEC meeting. Myers provided committo compliment you on this. This is much more comprehensive, and I know tee members with a detailed list of projects at each school, where the money is going.” cost projections and expected WAYNE HAZZARD completion dates. Vice chair and South Anna District representative Committee member Wayne Hanover County Board of Supervisors Hazzard, vice chair and South Anna District representative on ects scheduled for the summer Myers, assistant superintendent the Hanover County Board of in charge of finance, said that Supervisors, said the list gives break.
Jim Ridolphi for The Local
Members of Hanover County’s Joint Education Committee gathered for an end of fiscal year meeting last week at the county complex in Hanover.
him the real numbers he needs to determine where money is spent. “When I first came in, these numbers were coming out of the sky, and we could never pin down what they were spending
it on,” Hazzard said. “I want to compliment you on this. This is much more comprehensive, and I know where this money is going,” see MYERS, pg. 26