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Vol. 31, No. 29 | Richmond Suburban News | November 19, 2014

Veterans Day tradition continues in county By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local

The Hanover Veterans Memorial is a small piece of hallowed ground off U.S. 301 reserved for the memory of those who served and sacrificed. It’s a serious place dedicated to the men and women from Hanover County who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, and also serves as a gathering place for the county’s veterans, friends and family to honor them each Veterans Day. Nov. 11 was no different, with about 200 people paying respect to those who served and returned, as well

Jim Ridolphi for The Local

Retired Army National Guard Brig. Gen. Janice Igou was the keynote speaker.

as remembering the ones who never came home. Memorial co-founder Jack

Ward emceed the annual event that always attracts its share of county officials and wellwishers. This year’s guest speaker was retired Brig. Gen. Janice Igou. She recounted an unlikely journey to her current rank. Igou attended Longwood University and attracted the attention of a persistent sergeant who urged her to consider a career in the United States Army. While the choice may have seemed unlikely at the time, Igou said she doesn’t regret a minute of her decision to make the military a career choice. Jim Ridolphi for The Local She said she is often asked American Legion Post 175 members Garnett Fowlke, Jim Legg and Colin Williamson laid the see VETERANS, pg. 4 

memorial wreath at the base of the Hanover Veterans Memorial in honor of those who served.

Second development vote may bring a different result By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local


A Mechanicsville development that was not agreed upon by the Hanover County Board of Supervisor on its first hearing is

getting a second chance at approval. After approving a request to rescind last month’s decision to not approve a 68-lot development located near the Cool Spring, Atlee school corridor on Atlee Station Road, the supervisors agreed to rehear the

matter at their Dec. 10 meeting. An additional public hearing is also scheduled for that date. After the project failed to pass by a 4-3 vote last month, veteran supervisor Elton Wade expressed a desire to change his vote

from no to yes. “I do not think the board’s vote on this zoning case turned out the way it should have,” Elton Wade, Cold Harbor District, see SECOND, pg. 7 

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