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Vol. 31, No. 34 | Richmond Suburban News | December 24, 2014
Fire chief: ‘spectacular experience’ By Melody Kinser “A spectacular experience” is how Jethro Piland describes his leadership role as chief of Hanover Fire-EMS. He rose to the department’s top position two years ago. Although he brought the knowledge and strengths to serve, he readily admits that he has “learned a ton of life lessons.”
There have been great successes, as well as difficult and stressful challenges. Guiding a multi-site operation that focuses on life safety and rescue, Piland said they have three noteworthy areas of success during his tenure as chief. He said there has been an “overall reorganization and set-up to sort of better define our system, our people and the services that we deliver to the citizens.” Community partnerships are valuable
YMCA eyes growth and a future at Atlee Station
Progress A special supplement devoted to progress in Hanover County is included in today’s edition. The Mechanicsville Local has spotlighted community leaders to talk about the successes of 2014 and the goals being established in looking to 2015. For more information about Progress Edition 2014, turn to page 4.
By Jodi Deal Lynn Chaffin had a long history with the YMCA – he attended Camp Thunderbird as a child and learned to swim at a YMCA pool. He was even baptized in a swimming pool at the Shady Grove YMCA because his church at the time didn’t have its own baptistry. By 2014, Chaffin didn’t see his home YMCA branch at Atlee Station as much more than a place to work out – that is, until it was announced that
the Atlee Station YMCA was set to close. Before he knew it, Chaffin had agreed to serve as the chairman of the Atlee Station YMCA’s first board of directors. He made the decision after seeing how warmly new Atlee Station executive director Andrew Dyson greeted the branch’s members at a community meeting and hearing what YMCA leaders had to say. “He showed up at the meeting with a warm smile, shaking
to their work, the chief added. “There’s no way we could do what we do without the partnerships.” In addition to accomplishing the goals they set for themselves, they are able to achieve successful day-to-day operations because of the interactions with citizens, business owners, hospital systems and regional partnerships with other FireEMS departments. “The business that we
see FIRE, pg. 4
What a surprise!
Jodi Deal/The Local
Erin E. Adams, shown at left in the foreground, a third grade teacher at Laurel Meadow Elementary School, got a surprise visit from, Michael Patrick, general manager of Patrick Auto Group, and, at right, Jamelle Wilson, superintendent of Hanover County Public Schools, last Wednesday. The ruse of looking at playground equipment lured Adams outside. Patrick and school officials dropped off a new car for her to drive during her reign as 2015 Teacher of the Year. This is the seventh year that Patrick Auto Group has honored the top teacher with a new vehicle for a year with all expenses paid.
see YMCA, pg. 4
Visit Our Shop This will allow us to remodel the facility to accommodate the expansion of Colonial Body and Paint Shop. We thank and appreciate the loyal customers of Colonial Mobile Glass Shop over the years. We look forward to continued growth in our Body Shop Division, Colonial Body and Paint to serve our customers. Happy holidays to all!
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804.746.2590 •