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Treasurer seeks Peterson wants to retain office 2nd BOS term Contributed Report news@mechlocal.com

Contributed Report news@mechlocal.com

HANOVER — Hanover County Treasurer Scott Miller has announced that he will seek re-election in 2015. Miller has served as the county’s treasurer since 1996. He has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in accounting from Virginia Tech and 35 years of financial and government experience. “The best thing I have been able to do is partner with County Administration to build a quality Treasurer’s Office,” Miller said. “The county has recognized both the imporMILLER tance, and the needs, of this office. I’m sure County Administration would agree that their investments in this office have been worthwhile.” The rewards of being able to build a qual-

MECHANICSVILLE — W. Canova Peterson has announced his candidacy for re-election to represent the Mechanicsville District on the Hanover County Board of Supervisors. “Four years ago I made the decision to give back to this community, which has treated me so well over the years,” Peterson said. “I did so by offering to serve on the Board of Supervisors as the representative from the Mechanicsville District. “That decision PETERSON resulted in maybe the greatest honor I have ever received, that of being selected by my fellow citizens to fill that special role.” “In January of 2012, when I took the oath of office in the Courthouse where Patrick Henry

see MILLER, pg. 8

see PETERSON, pg. 8

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Vol. 31, No. 41 | Richmond Suburban News | February 11, 2015

More pay for teachers, bus drivers tops budget hearing By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local After a one week delay due to inclement weather, the Hanover County School Board heard public comment on its pending 2016 budget. A limited list of speakers voiced concerns regarding the proposed $180.6 million proposal, specifically pointing to the lack of significant pay increases for county school employees, including bus drivers and teachers. Anglea Downer of the Virginia Professional Educators said her members are displeased with the proposed 1 percent pay increase contained in the 2016 proposal. “They have families to feed and cannot make ends meet. These teachers want to stay in Hanover but must put their families first,” Downer said. “We are receiving reports that high school teachers have

Jim Ridolphi for The Local

total loads of over 150 students,” she added. see BUDGET, pg. 17

Angela Downer, above, president of Hanover Professional Educators and a teacher, told Hanover County School Board members some teachers are being forced to take second jobs in order to make ends meet and called for an increase in the proposed 1 percent pay raise contained in the new budget. Veteran school bus driver Linda Adams, left, voiced her concerns over several important compensation issues facing county drivers.

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