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Vol. 31, No. 47 | Richmond Suburban News | March 25, 2015
Community service tops Miss Mechanicsville’s list
Hargrove will seek re-election
By Melody Kinser Managing Editor
Contributed Report HANOVER — Republican Frank Hargrove Jr., Hanover County’s Circuit Court Clerk since 2000, announced he intends to seek reelection. “My re-election campaign will be based on my record over the past 15 years. I am pleased to report to the citizens of Hanover County that its Clerk’s Office remains a leader in terms of providing excellent customer serHARGROVE vice. Excellent service would not be possible without talented well trained deputy clerks, many of whom have years of experience serving the public. From the regular compliments I receive, I think the public recognizes their commitment,” he said. Hargrove said his office introduced new see HARGROVE, pg. 4
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Jim Ridolphi for The Local
Miss Mechanicsville 2014 Haley Grau, right, crowns Emmy England, the 2015 queen.
ECHANICSVILLE — The incentive to compete was the scholarship money, but — once Emmy England starts listing all her school and community commitments — it’s no wonder she impressed the judges so much that she was crowned the 2015 Miss Mechanicsville. On Saturday, March 21, the Atlee High School junior wowed the crowd with her talent – she sang Van Morrison’s
“Have I Told You Lately” – and evening gown presentation. She also sold the most tickets in her division. Emmy said she was first drawn to the pageant, sponsored by the Miss Mechanicsville Scholarship Foundation and held in the auditorium of Atlee High, because of the opportunity to obtain scholarship money. She may have another year ahead of her in high school, but she’s planning for her future. As the new Miss Mechanicsville, she received a
$2,500 scholarship, as well as a crown and sash. Winning the pageant also enables her to serve as a role model in the community. She said she considers “an emphasis on community service” as her platform during the course of the next year. Music is a significant part of her life in school and church. At Atlee, she is a member of the show choir Elegance and Atlee Marching Raiders. “I’m in the drum line; I play see SERVICE, pg. 30
Superintendent receives regional honor ASHLAND — Dr. Jamelle S. Wilson, superintendent of Hanover County Public Schools, has been named the 2015 Region I Superintendent of the Year by the Virginia Association of School Superintendents (VASS). “I am honored to have been selected
among so many other deserving candidates, and I am truly humbled by it. On a much larger scale, this award represents the outstanding efforts of our students and staff who continue to work hard to ensure learning and achievement remains exceptionally high — this is at
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the very core of our mission,” Wilson said. “I am grateful for their efforts, as well as the tremendous support we receive from our parents, volunteers, community, business partners and county leadsee REGIONAL, pg. 32